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Psychic City

yacht psychic city lyrics

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YACHT is an American band from Portland, Oregon, Marfa, Texas, and Los Angeles, CA. The core group consists of Jona Bechtolt and Claire L. Evans , but expands to include musicians Rob "Bobby Birdman" Kieswetter, Jeffrey Brodsky and Katy Davidson as touring members. more »

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Psychic City (Voodoo City)


Lyrics submitted by ummhmmmaybe

Psychic City Lyrics as written by Claire Louise Evans Jensen Rich


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yacht psychic city lyrics

this song is simple: Live life,have fun, indulge yourself in your surroundings, etc. All we can do in our time here on earth is have fun and experience the love of others. Go outside and interact with your neighborhood and community. You can choose to fear bad experiences or chose to embrace all the good experiences. You can either read the newspaper's rape and murder and stay inside or go outside and experience the world, and YOUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD for all the beauty and wonder that exists within it's boundaries. There are probably amazing restaurants, dance clubs, people, etc within miles of your home that you never knew about because you never looked.

Go outside, put your ego aside, and experience life in your own voodoo city. Fall in love with everything. You never know what could happen; if you worry about the negative you will never experience the positive.

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i always find YACHT songs to have this undertone of almost sarcasm... here i take it as "wait around and good things will happen spontaneously for you"...which obviously is not going to happen esp. the kitchen baking you a cake. unless they really are just very deranged/pos...

can someone interpret this song?

if there is any interpretation of it?

because to me it sounds mostly like lsd and wishful thinking and i lovvvvvvvvve itttttttttt

I haven't been able to stop listening to this song lately.

well heres my view after watching the video, the main theme i got out of it is that psychics, voodoo, religion things people really believe in are just adult fairy tales, real life super humans, or power hungry people trying to control how the world is. all these egos telling us how to live our lifes when all we want to do is to just be happy, i dont want to know the future i want to spontaneous go to a party, bake a cake, fall in love. i dont really know what voodoo is all about to explain that part, and well the love one is kind of contradicting as the lyrics goes against my explanation, but the last lines kind of says ive been cheated and loves a joke. like being promised all my wildest dreams would come true. like the guy in the shadows with exactly what he says is good for you. ?? iam i getting at something or is this blabber (sorry if i offend)

I can't stop thinking up a video for this song! (i love to do that with songs. lol) But it makes me feel really happy and fun, and almost a little nostalgic for some place that never existed. Funny how songs can do that to you, huh?

Gonna take a limb a say this song is about the moments unheard or seen. Potential in pleasure or pain, release to allowing those moments to happen

My interpretation is kind of post-modern. The final lines, "I told you your dreams would come true" remind me of the first section of the song ("psychic city"), as if the speaker of those final lines were psychic. It makes the song feel like it went somewhere and had a story, when really there was none. And who's to say that isn't just as good? It still has the same emotional impact even though it's not real.

If we interpret it linearly we see that our protagonist used to live in all these cities, psychic, voodoo, and heartbeat. The first two cities are a little creepy. In the psychic city, a friend comes to her window and tells her to come to a party (euphemism for a cult/religion gathering?) in that low, monotone drone. In the voodoo city, the kitchen holds her hostage and bakes a cake for her. But in the final city, the heartbeat city, we are told her dreams come true.

The beginning of the album (Ring the Bell, The Afterlife) seems to espouse an atheist worldview. So maybe this song is all a metaphor for losing faith. The psychic city represents religious conversion/indoctrination. The voodoo city represents how religion holds people hostage with fear. And the heartbeat city represents losing faith and gaining freedom and happiness.

The music video seems to be about breaking free from the constraints of faith-based beliefs as well. We see a priest and a wiccan performing their rituals, then fighting. But in the end, none of it matters because they end up abandoning their allegiances and coming together to make sweet, sweet angry love.

i think it's much simplier than domokato says. the girl may go to a window and get invited to a party, may hang around waiting for a cake, may go for a date with a man she met, but she don't do this cause she's a nun...

i think it means that the person once lived in a world where everything was done for them. their friends seemed to know when she was lonely so they would pop into her window and ask her to hang out. then the kitchen baked a cake for her, and she happened to walk around a corner and fall in love. she is reminiscing about how life used to be for her, before she grew up and so she takes action and calls her friends, and bakes her own cake, and seeks love, and thats what makes her dreams come true.

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YACHT - Psychic City (version) Lyrics

Artist: YACHT

Album: See Mystery Lights

Genre: Electronic

yacht psychic city lyrics

I used to live live in a psychic city, I never knew what would happen in a day. I might be looking out the window and a friend might say, "Come on over over, come on over over, come on over we're having a party for you. Come on over over, come on over over, come on over we're having a party for you." I used to live in a voodoo city, where every little thing had its own secret life. I might be washing up the dishes and the kitchen might say, "Hang around baby baby, hang around baby baby, hang around baby we'll be baking a cake for you. Hang around baby baby, hang around baby baby, hang around baby we'll be baking a cake for you." I used to live in a heartbeat city, I swear I'd fall in love every minute on the street. You might be walking around the corner and our eyes might meet. Where you been darling darling? Where you been darling darling? Where you been darling darling we've been holding this moment for you. Where you been darling darling? Where you been darling darling? Where you been darling darling we've been holding this moment for you. I told you your dreams would come true I told you your dreams would come true I told you your dreams would come true I told you your dreams would come true

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  3. YACHT

    I used to live live in a psychic city,I never knew what would happen in a day.I might be looking out the windowand a friend might say"Come on over over, come...

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    ☻ YACHThttps://teamyacht.com♫ YACHT on iTunes:https://itun.es/i6g25vp☯ YACHT on Twitter:https://twitter.com/YACHT

  5. YACHT

    Psychic City lyrics. I never knew what would happen in a day. Come on over, we're having a party for you. Come on over, we're having a party for you." Where every little thing had its own secret life. Hang around baby, we'll be baking a cake for you. Hang around baby, we'll be baking a cake for you." I swear I'd fall in love every minute on the ...

  6. YACHT

    I used to live live in a psychic city, I never knew what would happen in a day. I might be looking out the window and a friend might say, "Come on over over, come on over over, come on over we're having a party for you. Come on over over, come on over over, come on over we're having a party for you."


    I used to live live in a psychic city, I never knew what would happen in a day. I might be looking out the window and a friend might say, "Come on over over, come on over over, Come on over, we're having a party for you. Come on over over, come on over over, Come on over, we're having a party for you." I used to live in a voodoo city, Where every little thing had its own secret life.

  8. YACHT

    I used to live live in a psychic city, I never knew what would happen in a day. I might be looking out the window And a friend might say, "Come on over over, come on over over, Come on over we're having a party for you. Come on over over, come on over over, Come on over we're having a party for you." I used to live in a voodoo city,

  9. Yacht

    and the kitchen might say, "Hang around baby baby, hang around baby baby, hang around baby we'll be baking a cake for you. Hang around baby baby, hang around baby baby, hang around baby we'll be baking a cake for you." I used to live in a heartbeat city, I swear I'd fall in love every minute on the street. You might be walking around the corner.

  10. YACHT

    I used to live live in a psychic city,<br>I never knew what would happen in a day.<br>I might be looking out the window<br>and a friend might say,<br>"Come on over over, come on over over,<br>come on over we're having a party for you.<br>Come on over over, come on over over,<br>come on over we ...

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