international cruising yachts d.o.o

International Cruising Yachts is a boutique shipbuilding company specialized in custom-made superyachts and small, luxury cruise ships.

Based in Split, the ICY shipyard benefits from the Adriatic’s 800 years of shipbuilding tradition and knowledge. The skills and craftsmanship we possess have been passed on from generation to generation. By collaborating with some of the greatest minds and leading players in the industry, we build the yacht you’ve always dreamed about —with personalized, one-on-one service throughout the entire process —.

We firmly believe that the ocean connects us with ourselves and each other. We want our clients to expand their yachting horizons and to go further than they’ve ever gone before.

international cruising yachts d.o.o

Our first luxury boutique cruise ship and the first truly hybrid yacht cruise on the market.

With 55 meters and 15 deluxe passenger cabins, it gives guests the true experience of chartering a superyacht by booking only one cabin.

The CX-55 has a cutting edge exterior, with clean lines that modernize the classic yacht look. The interior is contemporary, spacious, and luxurious.

There is a perfect balance between the exterior and interior spaces, maximizing every square foot.


Cx-55 exterior.

international cruising yachts d.o.o


international cruising yachts d.o.o

Fully custom superyacht 55 meters of luxury

The YX-55 can accommodate up to 12 passengers in 6 sumptuous cabins with huge exterior decks that complement her elegant and contemporary interior.

The most important feature about the YX-55 is that it is fully customizable, tailored to the owner’s most specific wishes.

The limit is always beyond the horizon.

Yx-55 exterior.

international cruising yachts d.o.o


international cruising yachts d.o.o

Luxury boutique clinical cruise ship the ultimate combination of pleasure and health.

Modified from the CX55’s design to accommodate clinical facilities, it provides patients with complete privacy onboard each of its 11 deluxe cabins, enabling them to enjoy their unique and personalized wellness journey. The MD-55 is equipped with state of the art testing facilities so that patients can be diagnosed by the medical staff on board and undergo treatment plans.

health & Wellness journey

Md-55 exterior.

international cruising yachts d.o.o


international cruising yachts d.o.o

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INTERNATIONAL CRUISING YACHTS d.o.o. za proizvodnju i usluge

  • OIB 24259696667
  • Adresa Split, Uvala Baluni 8

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Radno vrijeme: 08:00 - 16:00 sati

Osnovni podaci

  • Tijelo Trgovački sud u Splitu
  • Godina osnivanja 2020
  • Registracijski broj 060414796
  • Djelatnost 30.11 Gradnja brodova i plutajućih objekata (NKD 2007)
  • Veličina 1 - mikro (prema novom zakonu)
  • Porijeklo kapitala 100% domaći kapital - izvor FINA

Ključne osobe

  • član uprave Marin Bosotina

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  • * transport nafte, naftnih derivata i biogoriva cestovnim vozilima
  • * transport nafte, naftnih derivata i biogoriva željeznicom
  • * transport nafte, naftnih derivata i biogoriva plovnim putovima
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  • * skladištenje nafte i naftnih derivate
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international cruising yachts d.o.o

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  • +44 (0)1590 673715

international cruising yachts d.o.o

With a team offering over 150 years of combined experience, Grabau International is an international ABYA-qualified professional yacht brokerage, specialising in the sale of high-quality bluewater and performance cruising sailing yachts, racing yachts and motor yachts. From our headquarters in Lymington, UK, and with offices in Palma de Mallorca, Madeira, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Benelux, Scotland and London, with cooperating partners worldwide, our professional yacht sales brokerage services are offered worldwide. For more information please email us or complete the form at the bottom of this page.

We are also proud to represent a select portfolio of new yacht manufacturers including Ocean Explorer Catamarans and Compact Mega Yachts by OQS in Finland, Shogun Yachts of Sweden, and Luca Brenta Yachts , as well as a cooperating with a number of other brands to offer new-build and stock-boat options.

We also uniquely offer a bespoke & dedicated conveyancing service; for instance, when a buyer and seller have already agreed on the basis of a sale. Direct access to this information can be found via . For more information please email us or complete the form at the bottom of this page.

As a result of our extensive experience in the industry, we have been able to build up strong working relationships with a number of well-established companies offering additional services such as marine financing, insurance, marina berthing, boatyard services, delivery, shipping & transportation, tuition and charter.

Operating in full accordance with the Association of Brokers & Yacht Agents (ABYA) code of practice and utilising dedicated client accounts (in Sterling, Euros and Dollars) written in trust at Natwest Bank, we are a fully-insured brokerage operating to the very highest of industry standards.

Grabau International Yacht Brokerage & Conveyancing is the principal trading name of Grabau International Limited, a VAT-registered limited company registered in England & Wales

Grabau International (HQ) & Madeira

international cruising yachts d.o.o

Alex Grabau

Email:  [email protected] Tel:  +44(0)1590 673715

Having initially studied Naval Architecture in Southampton before graduating with a degree in Marine Management, Alex went on to work with one of Europe’s leading largest brokerage houses where he remained for 15yrs as their Senior Broker. During this period, Alex also completed his first trans-Atlantic crossing as part of the World Cruising Club’s ARC (Atlantic Rally for Cruisers). With an international reputation for the very highest professional and knowledgeable service in the specialist field of high-quality blue water and cruising yacht brokerage, Alex started Grabau International Yacht Brokerage & Conveyancing at the beginning of 2015 to continue doing what he loves best.

A fellow and full broker member of ABYA, Alex is also a long-standing member of the ABYA committee, with particular interests in the development of sale & purchase contracts and broker training. Alex has also previously sat on the British Marine Federation’s Boat Retailers and Brokerage Association (BRBA) committee and was one of the first brokers in the UK to receive the ABYA/BRBA Boat Sales Qualification which is an industry-led qualification designed to provide recognition for the professionalism of yacht brokers.

Alex now splits his time between Grabau International's Lymington HQ and the island of Madeira which is a popular stopping-off point for yachts sailing across the Atlantic.

international cruising yachts d.o.o

Adriana Fernandes

Email:  [email protected] Tel:  +44(0)1590 673715

Originally from the island of Madeira, Adriana has never lived more than a few hundred metres from the sea. Having moved to the Channel Islands and then Southampton to study a medical career, Adriana is now based in Lymington and enjoys yachting on the Solent as well as walking with the office dogs in the surrounding New Forest.

international cruising yachts d.o.o

Wilma & Gypsy

Email:  [email protected] Tel:  +44(0)1590 673715

In charge of sorting the post and general security at Grabau International’s Lymington HQ, Wilma and Gypsy are invaluable members of the brokerage team.

Grabau International South Coast

international cruising yachts d.o.o

James McNeil

Email:  [email protected] Tel:  +44(0)7979 907210

With yachting in his blood from an early age and a yacht owner himself, James is a Lymington local who has always been either on the sea or next to it. Having studied Business and Finance in Cheltenham. James now brings to Grabau International a wealth of invaluable skills in the sale and marketing of high-value assets developed through a hugely successful career in high-value property sales.

Like all Grabau International brokers, James is also ABYA trained.

Grabau International Scotland

international cruising yachts d.o.o

Mark Cameron

Email:  [email protected] Tel:  +44(0)7988 763254

With over 20 years of experience in the marine industry Mark Cameron, brings a wealth of knowledge to the business. Having sailed since he was a young child Mark pursued a career in the marine industry after leaving school. Completing vocational qualifications in Yacht and Boat Building while working part time in the Scottish marine industry, he moved to Southampton and gained a BSc Honours Degree in Yacht Manufacturing and Surveying, while also acquiring a huge amount of experience in the centre of the UK marine industry.

Moving back to Scotland he took up a junior position in the management team of one of Scotland’s busiest and most respected repair yards. During the following 15 years; working alongside some of the finest craftsmen he progressed to General Manager, assuming the role of in house Yacht Broker and in 2010 became a Full Member of ABYA.

Grabau International Benelux

international cruising yachts d.o.o

Jascha Bach

Email:  [email protected] Tel:  +31 641 486879

Jascha has been a competitive regatta sailor since childhood. Moving up from Optimists through 420s and then 470s, he graduated towards yacht racing while studying law at the University of Amsterdam. Following his graduation, Jascha joined prestigious Dutch superyacht broker Van der Vliet before gaining his DOC dor Yachtbroker and becoming a sworn and certified broker in the Netherlands in 2001. In 2000, Jascha founded Bach Yachting and built the company into one of Europe’s best-known performance yacht brokerages before joining Grabau International in 2022.

Away from the office, Jascha is a highly successful yacht racer, winning the ORC Worlds in 2016 aboard his Italia Yachts 9.98, taking 3rd in the 2012 ORC worlds aboard his Salona 37 and taking several Dutch Championships with his Bach Yachting racing team. More recently, Jascha has returned to his roots and races in the Finn class at an international level, while also enjoying more leisurely cruising aboard his S&S Swan 57.

Grabau International Palma & Barcelona

international cruising yachts d.o.o

Lucio Pellegrini

Email:  [email protected] Tel:  +34 675 236174

Lucio was born near the famous sailor’s area of Santa Lucia in Naples, just a few steps from their prestigious yacht clubs. Having started out his sailing career aboard his father’s yachts, he went on to work as a professional yacht captain and engineer aboard a variety of different yachts in the Mediterranean, taking in a diverse range of activities including competitive regattas, deliveries and private charters.

A graduate in industrial engineering, Lucio went on to complete a masters in Yacht Design at the University of Pisa as well as more recently a diploma in Yacht Brokerage from the Maritime Training Academy. A commercially endorsed RYA Yachtmaster, Lucio enjoys year-round sailing around the waters of the Balearics. Lucio now splits his time between Grabau International's Palma office and Barcelona , covering all of the Balearics and Southern Spain.

international cruising yachts d.o.o

Vittorio Papa

Email:   [email protected] Tel:  +34 634 339 009

Vittorio was born in a family of seafarers and yachtsmen. International dinghy sailing wins and experiences in Olympic and highly technical sailboats, fired out Vittorio's interest for the science behind sailing and performance. He then went on to complete a master's degree with top-grade from University of Naples and an MSc from University of Southampton in Naval Architecture.

Before founding Spinta Studio in 2020, Vittorio was Senior Naval Architect for Hoek Design for seven years contributing to ground-breaking superyacht projects like Elfje, the J-Class Topaz and Svea, Meraki, the explorer MY Blue II among many others.

In 2016, he moved to Mallorca to follow more closely the evolution of the racing J-Class fleet and other superyachts programs.

Regular at most regattas and boat shows, alongside his involvement with Grabau International Palma, Vittorio is the founder of the Palma-based design & naval architecture company Spinta Studio.

Grabau International Italy

international cruising yachts d.o.o

Michele Antonini

Email:  [email protected] Tel:  +39 333 74 89 281

A sailor since childhood, Michele trained as a lawyer before moving into the yachting sector where he has worked in marketing and communication for one of Italy’s most highly-regarded boutique yacht builders.

Like all Grabau International brokers, Michele is also ABYA trained.

Grabau International Scandinavia (Finland and Sweden)

international cruising yachts d.o.o

Matias Renlund

Email:  [email protected] Tel: +358 40 686 1501

Matias started sailing at a young age and continued with racing for the National team of Finland. Afterwards, he continued with offshore sailing and regattas with Swan yachts. Studying Naval Science at Aland Island and continuing a career at sea with oil tankers, ice breakers and sailing passenger ships was always something he dreamt of doing. His strong marine knowledge combined with his training in the Finnish Navy Special Forces in Recon division makes him a dedicated leader and focused professional with a passion for the sea.

In addition to running Grabau International Scandinavia and subdivision in Marbella, Matias is also co-founder and managing director of Nordic Boathouse, a business specializing in high variety of blue-water sailing yachts and high quality motor yachts worldwide, also representing as the global agents for Ocean Explorer Catamarans and CMY powerboats.

Matias is based in Gothenburg,  Sweden  and splits his time between there and Grabau International Scandinavian's main office in Helsinki, Finland.

international cruising yachts d.o.o

Jonas Renlund

Email:   [email protected] Tel:  +358 40 809 8688

Jonas has always been close to the water. He entered the first regatta at the age of 6. After this, he continued his ambition with sail racing with the National team of Finland. Later moving on to Yacht racing and offshore racing with an Atlantic crossing as a helmsman. Jonas left his studies at University to focus on his passion for working with boats and boating. He now combines sail racing and yacht management with yacht brokerage. He enrolled in marine officer training where he got his strong work ethic and discipline.

In addition to being a partner in Grabau International Scandinavia, Jonas is also co-founder and partner of Nordic Boathouse, a business specializing in high variety of blue-water sailing yachts and high-quality motor yachts worldwide, also representing as the global agents for Ocean Explorer Catamarans and CMY powerboats.

Grabau International Conveyancing

international cruising yachts d.o.o

Jonathan Hadley-Piggin

Email:  [email protected] Tel:  +44(0)1363 860138

Aside from his work with us, Jonathan is also a practicing solicitor and partner in the renowned City of London law firm Keystone Law. In that capacity, Jonathan routinely advises marine businesses, crew and other leisure marine operators such as yacht management companies and marina owners as well as assisting banks and private individuals in the yacht and superyacht industry.

Prior to becoming a lawyer, Jonathan spent twelve years at sea, firstly as a deck officer with BP Shipping and then as a nuclear submarine officer in the Royal Navy. Following his qualification as a lawyer with Stephenson Harwood, Jonathan went on to set up yachting departments and hold partnerships with established marine specialist law firms including Shoosmith and Lester Aldridge (LA Marine).

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GI Scandanavia (Finland)

+358 408 098688 [email protected] Email Finland

GI Scandanavia (Sweden)

+358 406 861501 [email protected] Email Sweden

international cruising yachts d.o.o

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The biggest yachts to look out for at the 2024 St Barths Bucket

St Barths is the epicentre of superyacht racing during the Caribbean season, often with an impressive array of superyacht spectators in tow . In the final days leading up to the 2024 St Barths Bucket (21-24 March), BOAT rounds up the largest yachts seen pulling into Gustavia for the famed regatta, beginning with Lürssen's 138-metre Rising Sun ...

Builder: Lürssen Length: 138.01m

If not for her sheer size, Rising Sun will be easy to spot from the shores of Gustavia thanks to her distinct glass panels running across the two upper decks. The yacht was the last ever design of Jon Bannenberg and boasts 8,000 square metres of living space that includes a wine cellar, double-height cinema and a basketball court. Rising Sun was originally commissioned by American business magnate Larry Ellison , who later sold the yacht to media mogul David Geffen. 

Builder: Kleven Length: 116.15m

One of the largest explorer yachts in the world , Multiverse (ex Ulysses ) was commissioned by New Zealand's richest man, Graeme Hart. She is equipped with a heli-hangar on the top deck for a Bell 429 helicopter, as well as a large swimming pool, cinema and spa for the ultimate guest experience. Inside, the yacht's massive 18-metre beam provides accommodation for an owner's party of up to 66. 

Maltese Falcon

Builder: Perini Navi Length: 88m

Fresh out of a full-scale refit, Maltese Falcon is undoubtedly one of the most unique and technologically innovative sailing superyachts in the world – kitted out with radical unstayed masts made of "weapons-grade" carbon fibre, a FalconRig and computerised sail and mast control system. Be sure to look out for the yacht's eponymous emblem on its middle sail, which also appears in the form of a bronze sculpture next to the indoor cinema. 

Builder: Admiral – The Italian Sea Group Length: 74.85m

Instantly recognisable, Kenshō' 's flowing lines and metallic green-blue hull took six years to create with design from Dutch firm Azure Yacht Design and Naval Architecture and Berlin-based . The Admiral flagship was awarded the coveted Motor Yacht of the Year title at the 2023 BOAT International World Superyacht Awards and picked up another Neptune at the 2023 BOAT International Design & Innovation Awards for Best Interior Design. Onboard highlights include a glass-fronted spa pool on the sundeck, a sunbed shaped in the image of a manta ray and a diesel-electric system based on five variable-speed generators that earned the yacht its Eco classification. 

Builder: Heesen Yachts Length: 65m

The multiple award-winning Illusion (ex Galactica Star ) was delivered by Heesen in 2013, featuring the Fast Displacement Hull Form (FDHF) developed by Dutch naval architects Van Oossanen & Associates . Her streamlined appearance and generous guest amenities have made her a favourite on the charter scene, with Beyoncé and Jay Z among her list of returning clients . Illusion was also singled out by Dickie Bannenberg – who designed the yacht's interior – as one of his most memorable projects owing to its considerable onboard art collection. 

Builder: Benetti Length: 60m

Another popular charter vessel, St David will once again appear on the hit reality TV show Below Deck , but this time with a new captain at the helm. The yacht is characterised by a classic Baroque theme with intricate marquetry made from satin woods, and a mosaic floor on the skylounge that draws inspiration from a "Tuscan palazzo". While St David is known to frequent high-profile events such as the Cannes Film Festival, she has also ventured to off-the-beaten-path locations including the Seychelles, Red Sea and Abu Dhabi. 

Builder: Trinity Yachts Length: 58.83m

Launched in 2016, Imagine... is one of the largest yachts to be built in the United States . The tri-deck vessel was penned by long-time collaborator Geoff Van Aller , with both the hull and superstructure built from aluminium to AB classification. The yacht's primary social area is found on the sundeck, where guests can relax in the Jacuzzi, on multiple sun loungers or at the bar. Inside, Imagine... also has a bonus cabin that doubles as a massage room. 

Builder: Feadship Length: 55.5m

This Feadship superyacht has sailed under a litany of names since her 2005 delivery, including Twizzile , Drizzle , Issana , Madsummer , Cynthia and most recently, Mary A . In 2018, her owner joined forces with American interior designer Claudette Bonville Associates to give Mary A an exhaustive makeover that included a top-to-bottom paint job, technical tweaks and a brand-new interior – all while carefully preserving the yacht's pedigree. 

Builder: Benetti Length: 52m

Lady B (ex Latitude ) appears to be making the most of the winter cruising season, with back-and-forth trips between the British Virgin Islands and St Barths since early December 2023 according to BOATPro 's Global Fleet Tracker. Before that, the yacht spent the off-season touring fan-favourite destinations in the South Pacific, such as Fiji, the Cook Islands and French Polynesia. She is consistently ranked among the most popular charter vessels with amenities such as an outdoor cinema, a Jacuzzi and a recently updated dive centre. 

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  21. The biggest yachts to look out for at the 2024 St Barths Bucket

    Builder: Perini Navi Length: 88m Fresh out of a full-scale refit, Maltese Falcon is undoubtedly one of the most unique and technologically innovative sailing superyachts in the world - kitted out with radical unstayed masts made of "weapons-grade" carbon fibre, a FalconRig and computerised sail and mast control system. Be sure to look out for the yacht's eponymous emblem on its middle sail ...

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