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Cattamaran Beach Club

Transportasi wisata bali, sewa bus bali.

  • Hiace Commuter
  • Hiace Premio

Sewa Mobil Bali

  • Grand New Innova.
  • Honda Brio.
  • Honda Jazz.
  • Honda Mobilio.
  • Grand Fortuner.

Paket Wisata Bali

start form: Rp 587.000 Rp 425.000

  • Museum Bali
  • Lapangan Puput Badung
  • Margarana Bajra Sandhi

Paket 1 Hari (1D Tour)

start form: Rp 1.294.000 Rp 1.085.000

  • Tanjung Benoa
  • Pandawa Beach
  • Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Paket 2 Hari (2D1N Tour)

start form: Rp 1.322.000 Rp 1.015.000

  • Pura Tanah Lot
  • Pantai Pandawa

Paket 3 Hari (3D2N Tour)

start form: Rp 2.247.000 Rp 2.060.000

  • Museum 3D Art
  • Pura Ulundanu
  • Danau Bratan

Paket 4 Hari (4D3N Tour)

start form: Rp 2.498.000 Rp 2.300.000

Paket 5 Hari (5D4N Tour)

start form: Rp 3.258.000 Rp 3.100.000

start form: Rp 2.174.000 Rp 1.925.000

  • Secret Garden Village
  • Krisna Fantastic Land
  • Dolphin Tour

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa Bali adalah surga bagi para pencinta pantai. Selain keindahan pasir putih yang memikat hati, pulau ini juga menawarkan berbagai hiburan lainnya yang tak kalah menakjubkan. Salah satunya yaitu Cattamaran Beach Club.

Tempat ini merupakan salah satu beach club terbaik di Bali yang menawarkan berbagai fasilitas mewah dan pemandangan pantai yang memukau.

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali berlokasi di Pantai Melasti, salah satu pantai terindah di Bali Selatan yang memiliki pasir putih dan air laut yang jernih. Di sini, Anda bisa menikmati suasana tropis yang menyegarkan sambil bersantai di sofa, hammock, atau daybed yang nyaman.

Anda juga bisa berenang di kolam renang infinity pool yang menghadap ke pantai, bermain poker atau beer pong di atas air, atau bersantai di jacuzzi yang hangat.

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali juga menyajikan berbagai menu makanan dan minuman yang lezat dan sehat, mulai dari soft drink, juice, milkshake, hingga cocktail dan mocktail.

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali adalah tempat yang cocok untuk Anda yang ingin bersenang-senang dengan teman-teman, keluarga, atau pasangan.

Sekilas Tentang Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

bar di Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali adalah beach club terbaru yang buka pada bulan Juni 2021 hasil gubahan dari TT Beach Club.

Tempat ini merupakan hasil kolaborasi antara Tropical Temptation Beach Club dan Cattamaran Group, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang hiburan dan lifestyle.

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali memiliki konsep desain yang unik dan menarik, yaitu menggunakan bambu sebagai bahan utama bangunannya. Bangunan ini dirancang oleh arsitek lokal yang mengedepankan nilai-nilai kearifan lokal dan kelestarian lingkungan.

Bangunan ini juga memiliki bentuk yang menyerupai kapal layar atau cattamaran, sehingga sesuai dengan nama tempatnya. Luas areanya mencapai 5000 meter persegi dan kapasitas sekitar 500 orang. Tempat ini memiliki dua lantai dengan berbagai area yang berbeda-beda.

Di lantai pertama, Anda bisa menemukan bar lounge, lagoon pool, plantation pool, sand daybed, cabana, dan glass infinity pool. Di lantai dua, Anda bisa menemukan restaurant area, VIP lounge, dan rooftop bar.

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali buka setiap hari mulai dari pukul 10.00 hingga pukul 21.00 WITA. Namun, jam buka ini bisa berubah sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi terkini.

Oleh karena itu, sebaiknya Anda menghubungi pihak pengeloa terlebih dahulu sebelum berkunjung untuk memastikan jam buka terbarunya.

Alamat dan Rute Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali berada di Jalan Melasti Beach No. 88, Ungasan, Kecamatan Kuta Selatan, Kabupaten Badung, Bali. Jika Anda datang dari arah pusat kota Denpasar, Anda harus menempuh jarak sekitar 25 km dengan waktu tempuh sekitar 50 menit.

Anda bisa menggunakan kendaraan pribadi seperti mobil atau motor, atau menggunakan transportasi online seperti Gojek atau Grab. Jika Anda merupakan turis dari luar Bali maka bisa memanfaatkan layanan  sewa Mobilio Bali harian murah dari Salsa Wisata.

Harga Tiket Masuk Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali tidak memungut biaya tiket masuk untuk para pengunjungnya. Namun, Anda harus membayar biaya sewa tempat duduk yang berbeda-beda tergantung pada jenis dan lokasinya. Berikut ini adalah daftar harga sewa tempat duduknya:

Harga sewa tempat duduk ini sudah termasuk dengan minimum spend, yaitu jumlah minimum yang harus Anda habiskan untuk makan dan minum di tempat tersebut. Jadi, Anda tidak perlu membayar lagi untuk makan dan minum selama jumlahnya tidak melebihi minimum spend yang sudah ditentukan.

Daya Tarik Cattamaran Beach Club

nongkrong di Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

Pemandangan Pantai Melasti

Salah satu daya tarik utama dari beach club baru Bali ini yaitu pemandangan Pantai Melasti yang indah dan mempesona. Anda bisa melihat pasir putih, ombak biru, dan langit cerah dari tempat ini.

Anda juga bisa menyaksikan matahari terbenam yang romantis sambil bersantai di kursi pantai atau berenang di kolam renang.

Selain itu, Anda juga bisa menikmati live cooking yang memperlihatkan proses pembuatan makanan yang Anda pesan. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa menikmati lantunan musik dari DJ kelas satu yang akan membuat suasana semakin hidup dan seru.

Desain Interior dan Eksterior

Desain interior dan eksterior juga sangat menarik dan unik. Tempat ini didominasi oleh warna putih dan biru yang mencerminkan suasana pantai dan kapal layar.

Anda bisa melihat berbagai ornamen dan dekorasi yang berkaitan dengan tema tersebut, seperti jangkar, roda kemudi, layar, tali, dll. Tempat ini juga memiliki beberapa area yang bisa Anda pilih sesuai dengan suasana hati Anda, seperti area lounge, area dining, area bar, area poolside, dll.

Fasilitas di Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

fasilitas di Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

Secara keseluruhan, beach club ini menyediakan menawarkan berbagai fasilitas yang lengkap dan berkualitas untuk para pengunjungnya. Berikut ini adalah beberapa fasilitas yang bisa Anda nikmati di tempat ini:

  • Kolam renang infinity pool yang menghadap ke pantai Melasti
  • Kolam renang lagoon pool yang berbentuk laguna
  • Kolam renang glass infinity pool yang dilengkapi dengan jacuzzi
  • Poker and beer pong floating yang bisa dimainkan di atas air
  • Bar lounge yang menyajikan berbagai minuman segar dan alkohol
  • Restaurant area yang menyajikan berbagai menu makanan khas Bali yang lezat dan hidangan internasional
  • Live cooking yang memperlihatkan proses pembuatan makanan
  • VIP lounge yang menawarkan tempat duduk eksklusif dan pribadi
  • Rooftop bar yang menawarkan pemandangan pantai dari atas
  • DJ booth yang menampilkan musik dari DJ kelas satu
  • Wi-Fi gratis
  • Parkir luas yang bisa menampung banyak kendaraan
  • Toilet bersih dan nyaman
  • Locker dan shower room

Setelah puas liburan pulangnya jangan lupa untuk membawa pulang oleh-oleh khas Bali tahan lama sebagai kenang-kenangan. Bali terkenal dengan kerajinan tangan seperti patung-patung kayu, kain tradisional, perhiasan, dan masih banyak lagi.

Anda juga dapat menjelajahi pulau Bali dengan nyaman dan aman dengan menyewa rental Hiace Commuter Bali atau memilih paket wisata dari Salsa Wisata.

Dengan demikian, Anda dapat melanjutkan petualangan Anda di Bali dan mengeksplorasi keindahan tempat-tempat lain yang menakjubkan.

Jadi, jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mengunjungi tempat hiburan kekinian di Bali dan menciptakan kenangan indah di pulau Dewata ini. Selamat berlibur dan selamat menikmati pesona Bali yang tiada duanya!

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foto cattamaran beach club bali

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali, Daftar Menu, Foto & Fasilitas

Cattamaran Beach Club – Kita semua sama sama tahu, Bali adalah surganya pantai. Tak hanya pasir putihnya saja yang menggoda namun kamu juga bisa menemukan keindahan lainya. Seperti infinity pool yang menghadap ke pantai, scuba diving dan juga sejumlah tempat nongkrong instagramable seperti bar ataupun beach club.

Ada sederet beach club di bali yang bisa kamu kunjungi untuk nongkrong santai baik siang hari maupun malam hari. Bagi wisatawan mancanegara umumnya mereka akan sunbathing alias berjemur saat siang harinya. Sementara kamu bisa nongkrong dan menikmati menu menu tropis food yang menyegarkan. Sorenya bisa menikmati sunset sedangkan malamnya bisa party.

Jika kalian mau cari rekomendasi beach club terbaik di Bali, Cattamaran Beach club adalah salah satunya yang lagi happening akhir akhir ini. Berada di pantai melasti yang terkenal akan pasir putihnya tentunya kamu akan disajikan keindahan pantai yang memukau. Belum lagi sejumlah fasilitas yang bakal memanjakanmu.

Review Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

Pantai melasti merupakan salah satu pantai terindah di Bali Selatan. Hadirnya Cattamaran Beach Club tentunya menjadi perpaduan yang sempurna. Keindahan pantai pasir putihnya bisa kalian nikmati disebuah tempat yang instagramable dan memiliki beragam fasilitas mewah.

beach club terbaik di bali

Beach club terbaru di Bali ini memiliki lebih dari 500 tempat duduk dengan berbagai style. Di lantai pertama misalnya, kamu bisa menjumpai hamock dan juga sejumlah sofa. Dari sini kita juga bisa menikmati pantai melati secara 180 derajat. Lantai pertama merupakan bar lounge yang menjajikan sejumlah varian cocktail dan mocktail.

cattamaran bali

Sementara itu di sisi barat terdapat tiga area yang bernama lagoon, plantation dan sand daybed. Disini kamu bisa menemukan sebuah kolam renang bergaya infinity lagoon  dan juga kolam renang bergaya lagunayang menghadirkan pengalaman luar biasa. Selain itu para tamu juga bisa melihat live cooking yang mempertontonkan proses pembuatan menu makanan yang akan disajikan.

Masih di lantai dasar di sisi timur, menawarkan experience yang lebih spektakuler. Disana terdapat glass infinity pool yang dilengkapi dengan jacuzzi. Aktivitasmu makin seru dengan adanya poker and beer pong floating. Fasilitasnya juga lebih mewah dengan dua pilihan tempat duduk eksklusif. Salah satunya adalah bernama Cabana yang berkapasitas 12 orang.

menu cattamaran beach club bali

Cattamara beach club bali juga dilengkapi dengan lantunan musik dari DJ kelas satu. Bahkan tersedia stan DJ khusus dibawah patung yang ikonik. Kamu bisa memesan berbagai pilihan wine, champagne, spirits, dan liquor premium untuk menemani waktu liburanmu.

Daftar Harga Menu Cattamaran Beach Club Bali

Berikut ini sejumlah menu yang bisa kamu coba saat berada disana

Menu Minuman

  • soft drink 60k
  • milkshake 85k
  • juice & coconut 85k
  • beer bintang 85k
  • beer heineken 85k
  • kura kura lager 95k
  • espresso/machiatto/ long black 70k
  • cappucino/ latte 70k
  • frappe hazelnut cappucino 70k
  • flavored tea 70k
  • cattamaran sunset 99k
  • the sunshine day 99k
  • lychee gringer cooler 99k
  • tropical blue 99k
  • melasti ocean 99k
  • mango aple mint 99k
  • candy blast 150k
  • vegan bourbon 150k
  • classic cocktail 150k
  • sparkling cocktail 150k

Menu Makanan

  • Beef wagyu nachos 150k
  • pork krapow 120k
  • calamari fritter 120k
  • tacoshi beef 110k
  • prawn taco 110k
  • melasti chicken slider 110k
  • quatro cheese croquettes 110k
  • chicken popcorn 110k
  • loaded fries 110k
  • caesar salad 110k
  • chicken wings 110k
  • handcut potato chips 85k
  • margherita pizza 150k
  • fruiti dimare pizza 170k
  • diablo pizza 170k
  • bebek betutu balinese duck confit 170k
  • beef chimchuarri 295k
  • bifuteki wagyu 295k
  • salmon teriyaki 235k
  • wagyu beef burger 155k
  • nasi goreng 135k
  • mie goreng 135k
  • chicken teriyaki 135k
  • fish finger 85k
  • beef corndog 85k
  • the clucky fried rice 85k
  • harry potter chicken nugget 85k
  • fruit platter 85k

Selain menu yang tercantum diatas masih tersedia minuman seperti wine, whiskey, tequila dan lainya dengan harga ratusan ribu hingga jutaan rupiah.

Jam Buka Cattamaran Bali

Kalian bisa kesini dengan menyesuaikan jam bukanya. Berikut jadwalnya

  • senin – kamis 11.00 – 21.00 WITA
  • jumat – minggu 11.00 – 22.00 WITA

Lokasi Cattamaran Beach Club

Alamatnya berada di pantai melasti, Desa Ungasan, Kecamatan Kuta Selatan, Kabupaten Bandung, Bali. Jika dari pusat kota denpasar jaraknya 25 km yang bisa ditempuh dalam waktu 50 menitan. Untuk menuju kesana kamu bisa gunakan panduan google maps dibawah ini.

Sebagai beach club eksklusif, tentunya kamu akan dimanjakan dengan beragam fasilitas mewah. Berikut diantaranya:

  • infinity pool
  • Sun lounger
  • DJ performs
  • changin rooms
  • parking area
  • live bar station
  • pizza station
  • floating tray
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Navia Azzahra

Blogger, Writer dan Travel Enthusiast. Lulusan Sarjana Teknik namun lebih tertarik dengan dunia online. Makan dan jalan jalan adalah kegemaranya

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Cattamaran Beach Club Photos, Location, and Price

  • October 26, 2023

Cattamaran Beach Club photos

Cattamaran Beach Club Photos, Location, and Price – English . Bali is known for its beautiful beaches, lush jungles, and vibrant culture. One of the best ways to experience all that Bali has to offer is to visit a beach club. Cattamaran Beach Club is one of the most popular beach clubs in Bali, and it’s easy to see why through Cattamaran Beach Club photos.

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali is a popular beach club located in Ungasan, on the Bukit Peninsula of Bali, Indonesia. This article will provide an overview of the Cattamaran Beach Club photos, including its facilities, services, and unique features.

Cattamaran Beach Club

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali is located at Jalan Melasti Beach 88, Ungasan, Bali 80361, Indonesia. The club is approximately 25 kilometers from the center of Denpasar. You can see Cattamaran Beach Club photos the beauty of this place.

Catamaran Beach Club Bali has officially changed its name to Tropical Temptation (TT) Beach Club. The entrance fee for Cattamaran Beach Club Bali varies depending on the package and the time of year. Here are some details about the entrance fees:

  • Sofa Lounge / Hammock / Sand Day Bed: US$ 91.05
  • Lagoon Day Bed: US$ 129.55
  • VVIP Cabana / VVIP Deck / VVIP Indoor: US$ 346.55
  • IDR 500,000
  • High season: IDR 1,000,000
  • Low season: IDR 500,000
  • According to a source, there is currently no entrance fee or minimum spend as the beach club has just opened. However, it is advisable to check the latest information directly with the beach club.
  • Karma Beach, Uluwatu: Approx US$ 30, including US$ 15 credit on food and beverage.
  • Ibiza in Bali, Jimbaran: None – Minimum spend on day beds IDR 1,000,000 in high season or IDR 500,000 in low season
  • Cocoon Beach Club, Seminyak: No entrance fee and reasonably priced drinks with happy hours every day

When planning a visit to Cattamaran Beach Club Bali or any other beach club in Bali, it is recommended to check for any special events or private functions that may affect the entrance fee or availability.

What Sets Cattamaran Beach Club Bali Apart?

With so many beach clubs to choose from in Bali, what sets Cattamaran Beach Club Bali apart from the rest? Here are a few reasons why this club is worth a visit:

  • Unique Design : The Cattamaran-inspired design of the club is unlike anything else you’ll find in Bali. This unique feature provides guests with a memorable and Instagram-worthy experience.
  • Luxurious Amenities : Cattamaran Beach Club Bali offers a range of luxurious amenities, including a spa, a restaurant, and a bar. Guests can enjoy a five-star experience while soaking up the sun and enjoying the club’s facilities.
  • Breathtaking Views : The club’s beachfront location provides guests with stunning views of the ocean. Whether you’re relaxing by the pool or enjoying a meal at the restaurant, you’ll be able to take in the beauty of Bali’s coastline.

Cattamaran Beach Club Photos

Here are some of the Cattamaran Beach Club photos:

Tropical Temptation

Cattamaran Beach New Name

Cattamaran Beach Club has been renamed as Tropical Temptation Beach Club. The name change was announced on July 2, 2022. The new name is a reflection of the club’s commitment to providing a tropical temptation for its guests.

The club’s tagline is also new: “Simpler Life, Better Experience, Stronger identity, With The Same Love.” This tagline reflects the club’s focus on providing a simple and enjoyable experience for its guests. The club’s website and social media accounts have been updated to reflect the new name and tagline.

Besides Cattamaran Beach Club photos, they also offers a variety of facilities, including:

  • A private beach
  • A swimming pool
  • A variety of restaurants and bars
  • A fitness center
  • A yoga studio
  • A kids’ club

Through Cattamaran Beach Club photos, they has a vibrant nightlife scene. The club hosts a variety of events throughout the week, including live music, DJs, and pool parties.

In addition to sunbathing and swimming, the Cattamaran Beach Club offers a variety of activities for guests to enjoy. There is a swimming pool, a sundeck, and a bar. The club also offers water sports, such as jet skiing and parasailing.

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali is a Bali experience like no other. Whether you’re looking for relaxation on the beach, adventurous water sports, or a stunning wedding venue, this club has it all. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore this hidden gem on your next Bali vacation. Your unforgettable adventure awaits at Catamaran Beach Club Bali.

Cattamaran Beach Club Bali is an incredible destination, and to make the most of your Cattamaran Beach Club photos experience, it’s a great idea to combine your journey with Get&Ride Car Rental Bali . With this reliable car rental service, you can explore the beauty of Bali with more freedom and comfort.

  • Cattamaran Beach Club , Tropical Temptation Beach Club

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Club Catamaran


Nicely cooked peka can be what you need. To taste tasty che is a truly good idea. Clients don't highly appreciate juice at this club.

It's easy to find Club Catamaran due to the convenient location. A lot of guests mention that the staff is competent here. According to the visitors, the main drawback of this place is the disappointing service. Prices are found adequate here. The atmosphere is cozy, as people find it. But this spot hasn't achieved a high rating from Google users.

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Cattamaran Beach Club

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Cattamaran Bali

“A Treasure on a Sandy Beach” An immersive bamboo structure was created by local artists who are proud of their Balinese heritage. Uninterrupted views of Melasti’s magnificent coastline provide a stunning backdrop for Cattamaran Beach Club. As the sun sets and the moon rises, settle into the coziness of a daybed or sofa with an aperitif or a Cattamaran trademark cocktail, served with locally inspired food, while a live daily DJ creates the mood for partying.

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Dilo Space, Animation Building, Bali Creative Industry Centre (BCIC), Jln. WR. Supratman No. 302, Denpasar – Bali

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Located in the Port of Denia, Club Catamaran’s office is more than just that; it’s an official showroom for the entire range of Aventura Yachts catamarans, some of which are already available, with others arriving in 2024.

The model 45 will be the first of its kind worldwide, available for sale by Francisco, the owner of Club Catamaran, starting May 2024, along with the model 38, which will also arrive in Denia from May/June next year.

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But if you can’t wait, you can contact Francisco right now to arrange a visit to Estepona or Denia and see models like the 37 and 50 that are currently available for sale.

club catamaran rezensionen

Elegance is evident in the shapes and lines of each of the models in this catamaran lineup, which includes all the necessary comforts for venturing out to sea and creating unforgettable experiences with friends, family, or colleagues.

club catamaran rezensionen

Whether it’s a lavish meal, a birthday celebration, an important event, or a cruise along the Costa Blanca, it takes on a whole new level of distinction when experienced on a catamaran.

The amenities of each model serve as the best introduction, ensuring your guests have an incredible time. Moreover, Francisco is the best person to advise you on the details of each model in this comprehensive range, helping you choose the one that best suits your desires.

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We’re excited to announce that Club Catamaran will be present at the Barcelona Boat Show from October 11th to 15th.

Contact details

Francois: +33 619 39 64 87

Officce: +34 952 93 78 25

[email protected]


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Specially designed and manufactured as a floating club with a capacity of 1500 people, CATAMARAN is unique in the world in terms of size and “concept”. The catamaran boat has a total capacity of 2500 guests with its private pier, beach and beachfront club buildings. In addition to state-of-the-art sound and music systems, it has a total of 5 full bars, 4 (Octopus Bar, Sandal Bar, Oyster Bar and VIP Bar) on the boat and one on the beach. The wide glass dance floor by the sea offers the opportunity to watch the sea and the fish while dancing. Catamaran not only offers its guests the opportunity to dance and make music in a unique environment, but also to experience live shows every night that are unique to them, unlike anywhere else. The number of crew, service, security, technical teams, artists and administrative staff of the catamaran exceeds 100 people per season. Catamaran on display (like a museum) hundreds of thousands of times a day just out of curiosity. is visited by tourists. It is also frequented by celebrities from the world of television, cinema, theatre, magazines, music and high society who come to Bodrum.

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Our Club Lagoon is designed to provide a variety of exclusive services and memorable experiences for those seeking an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We encourage you to take advantage of all that our club has to offer, and we welcome any feedback or suggestions you may have. Are you a Lagoon catamaran enthusiast and do you want to enjoy the Lagoon experience? We are excited to have you as part of our community!

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Pronájem katamaránu Chorvatsko

Chcete si při dovolené užít moře, slunce, místa nedotčená davy turistů a současně si dopřát naprostý luxus ? Nebo jste se zamilovali do jachtaření a jednotrupé lodě vás už nebaví? Pronajměte si katamarán v Chorvatsku!

Přímo v naší flotile máme jedinečný katamaran Aventura 34 „JUMPING FITNESS“ . Tento malý, ale velice prostorný katamaran nabízí pohodlí katamranu a zároveň relativně rozumnou velikost pro stání v přístavech a zátokách.

Společně s naší partnerskou společnosti pro vás připravíme špičkovou dovolenou . Spolehnout se opět můžete na český servis 24/7 , přímo na nás mole při check in i check out. Vše pohodlně pro vaši maximální spokojenost .

S dotazy nebo rezervací nám napište na [email protected] nebo zavolejte na +420 736 242 411 .

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Local Attractions / Travel

The best golf clubs in moscow: luxury, exclusivity, and entertainment.

By Walter Raymond

February 24, 2015


  • The Best Golf Clubs in…

In Russia, the western concept of building architecturally beautiful golf courses filled with modern and luxurious amenities has found fertile ground. What was considered a frivolous pastime during the time of the Soviets has become the latest trend for the stylish set. These days, there are countless options around Moscow to practice golf, polo, ski, yachting, and other sports alongside 5-star hotels, luxurious country houses, and magnificent villas.

The game of golf is a sport that requires passion and expertise. It is also part of a culture that considers this pastime a synonym of social prestige and exclusivity. In recent years, the new Russian elite has turned to golf as a vehicle of integration in the era of globalization. Golf courses are also meeting and socializing spaces where Muscovite tycoons can relax and also seal business deals.

Golf Courses in Russia

The Moscow Country Club, Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club, Tseleevo Golf & Polo Club, and Zavidovo Golf Club, PGA National Russia are some of the most exclusive and elegant golf courses in Russia. Some of them have made it to the list of Top 15 golf clubs in the world, a source of great prestige for the country.

Moscow Country Club Moscow Country Club

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The first 18-hole golf course built in Russia, Moscow Country Club, hosts the exclusive PGA European Tour. Located just eight miles from the city center, this luxurious facility was created by architect Robert Trent Jones Jr . The design takes advantage of a typical Russian birch and spruce forest to provide a natural environment of extraordinary beauty.

Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club

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The Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club is 18 miles from the heart of Moscow, close to historical monuments from the 17th and 18th centuries. Designed by famed architects Paul and Dave Thomas , this 18-hole course is part of a complex that includes a yacht club, an equestrian center, and a health and wellness facility. Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club is Russia’s version of a classic country club with multiple attractions.

Tseleevo Golf & Polo Club Tseleevo Golf & Polo Club

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This park is among the best in Eastern Europe and was awarded the 2014 World Golf Award as the best golf course in Russia. Located 25 miles from Moscow, it is part of a vast complex featuring an 18-hole golf course, designed by Jack Nicklaus , a polo club and a mountain ski club with four tracks. The design combines classic Scottish, Alpine, and English features in a dreamy landscape.

Zavidovo Golf Club, PGA National Russia Zavidovo Golf Club, PGA National Russia

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Less than 60 miles from Moscow, this golf course with a definite Scottish design is the only one in Russia recognized as a PGA (Professional Golfers’ Association) from Britain and Ireland. Located in an ecologically pristine area on the banks of the Volga River, the Zavidovo Golf Club embodies the spirit and appearance of the legendary Scottish golf courses. Its many springs and streams, hills, forests, swamps and lakes justify its reputation as a very demanding circuit. Last year, it entered the exclusive club of the 15 best golf courses in the world.   ■

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