The Meaning Behind the Song Lyrics: “Pontoon” by Little Big Town

by Alex Hopper August 25, 2022, 9:53 am

Songs of Summer Barbecues, Sponsored by Jack Daniel’s

American Songwriter has partnered up with Jack Daniel’s across Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama to identify some favorite Songs of Summer Barbecues. During the series, American Songwriter will be taking a deeper dive into songs that have become as essential to barbecues as grills, good food, and friends. If you’re 21 and older, be sure to make Jack Daniel’s part of your next summer barbecue, and please remember to always drink responsibly!

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For many people, summertime means heading to the lake just as soon as the weather hits the upper 80s. It turns out, that’s Little Big Town’s version of summertime bliss, too, as evidenced by their 2012 track, “Pontoon.”

The song, originally released as the lead single from their fifth studio album, Tornado , earned the band their first No. 1 single on the Billboard Hot Country charts and remained at the top spot for over a week. “Pontoon” also clinched LBT several awards, including a Grammy for Best Country Group Performance.

Throughout the foot-tapping country track, Little Big Town paints the perfect summer day, complete with soaking in rays, floating, and taking an easy-breezy ride on a pontoon. Let’s dive into the lyrics behind the track.

Songwriters Luke Laird, Natalie Hemby, and Barry Dean reportedly came up with the title after a publisher asked about a track the trio wrote for Miranda Lambert called “Fine Tune.” The publisher seemed to only get the gist of the title correct, calling it “Pontoon” instead. Laird and Hemby liked the sound of the new title and decided to make the flubbed song name a reality soon after. 

“It was started in a writing room at Universal Music, but we didn’t get very far—first verse, a few lines of chorus, but the music was clear,” Dean told American Songwriter in 2020 regarding the origins of “Pontoon.”

“It was months later before the three of us got back together because our calendars were crazy,” he continued. “We met at Luke’s office and it was right around the time Natalie was going to have her baby. We got together for a few hours, finished the chorus first, then wrote the second verse and bridge. They were both fun days.”

Looking Into the Lyrics

Swapping speed for an easy-cruising ride, the song fully leads into the comfort-first mentality of a pontoon boat. Unlike its Ski boat counterpart, pontoons are made for a gentle romp around the lake, perfect for enjoying a drink and relaxing with friends. Little Big Town sets that same scene with the opening lines.

Back this hitch up into the water / Untie all the cables and rope / Step onto the astroturf / Get yourself a koozie / Let’s go / Who said anything about skiing? / Floating is all I want to do / You can climb the ladder / Just don’t rock the boat while I barbeque

By the time the chorus hits, the listeners are headed straight toward carefree elation. Across the instant ear-worm refrain, they move into a “slow-motion” party, making waves and catching rays.

On the pontoon / Making waves and catching rays up on the roof / Jumping out the back, don’t act like you don’t want to / Party in slow motion / Out here in the open

Music Video

The accompanying video is exactly what you’d expect it to be. The four-piece heads out to the harbor, with coolers and instruments in tow, ready to live out the day they sing about in the song. Their pontoon is a double-decker cruiser named “Boondocks”—a reference to another classic LBT song of the same name.

As the video croons on, the party grows bigger without ever losing that gentle breeze. Check it out below. 

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out here in the open motorboating meaning


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Lyrics submitted by mike

Pontoon Lyrics as written by Barry Dean Natalie Hemby

Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, CONCORD MUSIC PUBLISHING LLC, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Reservoir Media Management, Inc.

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out here in the open motorboating meaning

first one...hehe...they are talking about enjoing on a flat boat

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Pontoon by Little Big Town

out here in the open motorboating meaning


  • The first single from country quartet, Little Big Town's, fifth studio album was penned by Barry Dean, Natalie Hemby and Luke Laird. Hemby came up with the idea for the song after her publisher misheard the title of " Fine Tune ," a cut she and Laird wrote for Miranda Lambert. Speaking with Songfacts, Dean explained : "She was really frustrated with this person for not understanding. Their job was to really know our stuff, and they didn't. But Luke heard that, and at that point, we really wanted to write it. I started Googling: Is there a 'Pontoon' already? Because you'd think, with the '90s in country music it had already been done. But it wasn't. There weren't any pontoon songs. I was, like, 'Are you kidding me?' And I looked at Luke and said, 'We're clear.'"
  • A pontoon boat is a flattish boat that relies on pontoons to float, which are used for both pleasure boating and fishing in the US. According to Sweet all four of the group's members had pontoon-boat experiences while growing up. At the 2013 ACM Awards, we asked Little Big Town if they were concerned about the title. Here's what they said: Kimberly Schlapman: We weren't really concerned until we went to London. We realized they really have no idea what a pontoon is. Jimi Westbrook: We thought everybody knew what a pontoon was. Karen Fairchild: Yeah, we grew up on pontoons and on the lake, and it's part of southern living. And I guess we just assumed everybody knew that. Motorboating is also very universal. [Laughing] If you didn't know what a pontoon was, you had another shot.
  • Little Big Town's Phillip Sweet told The Boot the quartet on hearing the song, "fell in love with it instantly." He added. "We could hear ourselves singing it and we could feel the fun energy behind it. It's fun and sexy and summertime; it just feels right for right now."
  • Karen Fairchild admitted to Billboard magazine that the band had some doubts when they first heard the song. "Natalie sang the demo and we thought, 'Man, that's a song that you've never heard.' First of all, who's ever written a song about a pontoon? Never heard that. But having a chick sing it? I don't know," she confessed. "There's something weird about the delivery when we heard Natalie sing it. And so we thought, 'This song is cool. It sounds like something country fans will really love if they could get a chance to hear it.'"
  • This was the very first Country #1 for the Little Big Town quartet, who had been recording for 10 years. It was a huge breakthrough; their previous best placing had been "Bring it On Home," which peaked at #4 in 2006. LBT quickly rose to the top tier of country music, scoring a huge hit in 2014 with " Girl Crush ." For the writers of "Pontoon," who had a hard time finding an artist to take a chance on the song, it was a special feeling. "They'd been through three labels and maybe that many managers," Barry Dean told us. "It had been a ride. So there was a lot of pressure on that first single coming out, and they chose to bet on that. That was my first time feeling that: You're excited you got it cut and you're excited you got a single, but you care very deeply and you want to make sure that it helps them. That was the first time I kind of gulped and realized these artists are taking a risk. They're betting on me and our song. That was a real wake up call for me."
  • In Nashville, getting a song to the right artist involves making a quality demo to show off the song. The songwriters are often talented singers and musicians, which was the case on "Pontoon." "For the demo, Natalie was pregnant and laying over on a couch with a handheld mic," Barry Dean explained in his Songfacts interview. "It had a weird electric guitar and a drum-machine beat, and it had a vocal. That went to Dierks [Bentley], and he hated it. Then it went to Kix Brooks, who sent us an email that said, 'This is hilarious, but there's no way I would cut it.' And at that time, Kix was about to do a solo album, but he was taking a break. If he wanted it, we would still be waiting. So Little Big Town heard it with their manager and they picked it up. They had a vision for it. Jay Joyce, the producer, he and [engineer] Jedd Hughes put on that 'uh-a-u-a-ow' - that signature riff was not on the demo. It was a mandolin Jedd Hughes was playing, and producer Jay Joyce is playing a mellotron mandolin keyboard thing with it. That's why it sounds so odd. So they put that on there and then did their Little Big Town thing. So the next thing you knew, it went from being kinda goofy, to being cool and sexy because of the way they are and the way Jay produced it."
  • The song sparked a fashion craze, as fans sported T-shirts adorned with a phrase from the song, "Mmm....motorboatin'."
  • The first line, "Back this bitch up into the water," is something Natalie Hemby came up with after Luke Laird goaded her into writing the song, which she thought was a stupid idea. "Luke has a way getting people to do things," Barry Dean told Songfacts. "He was like, 'Come on, what would you say?' And the first thing out of her mouth was, 'Back this bitch up into the water,' and we just fell out laughing."
  • This was the first song that Barry Dean, Natalie Hemby and Luke Laird wrote together. "We had each written with the other, but we were excited to get to write together," Dean recalled to American Songwriter magazine. Once they came up with the title, they were off and running. "Luke started playing the groove," said Dean. "I started playing bass on a synth. Pretty soon Natalie sang the first line of the song. When we got back together to finish it – which was really writing it - we used the same track we'd started. It was essentially a drum groove, electric guitars, and a bass line. Natalie who was quite pregnant sat on the couch, held an SM58 and sang it once, and that was the work tape."
  • This song, along with the rest of the Tornado album, was produced by Jay Joyce (Patty Griffin, Eric Church, Cage the Elephant). Speaking with Billboard magazine, Karen Fairchild gave due credit to the producer's contribution to the record. "Jay is a great moderator of what feels good," she said. "He lets his heart guide him. We really don't over think things. If we're in the studio tracking a song like 'Pontoon,' and we've done it a few times and it feels good, that's it. He says 'Let's move on.' There's no reason to keep going if the vibe is right. There's a lot of fun, and a lot of spontaneity, and I think our fans can hear it on the album."
  • After coming up with the hook for the song and the first verse, the three songwriters put it aside. Seven months later, they reconvened. Before Natalie Hemby arrived, Luke Laird and Barry Dean started working on the song. She was prepared to start something new, but when the guys showed her what they were working on, she helped them finish the song.
  • The song opens with a mandolin lick played by Australian Country musician Jedd Hughes doubled by Jay Joyce with a mellotron mandolin sample.
  • Little Big Town had been nominated for at least one CMA Award at six consecutive ceremonies since their first nomination in 2006, but walked away empty-handed each time. They finally broke their duck in 2012, picking up Single of the Year for this song as well as Vocal Group of the Year. "We' re living proof that if you work really really hard and chase your dreams, all the good stuff happens and it follows you," said Karen Fairchild.
  • The video was directed by Declan Whitebloom, who also did LBT's " Day Drinking " and some of Taylor Swift's videos, including " Mean " and " We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together ." The setting is Percy Priest Lake in Nashville, specifically a section known as "party cove," where many a pontoon party takes place.
  • This won the 2013 Grammy Award for Best Country Duo/Group Performance. Karen Fairchild later told reporters backstage how they played around with the song in the studio. "We messed with taking the reverb off the vocal on 'Pontoon' and pulling it down a little bit and it didn't feel the same," she said. "We didn't know if anybody would play it because it was like that but the fans seem to dig it." Phillip Sweet added, "They like motor boating in reverb," which brought the room to laughter.
  • The most surprising place that Barry Dean has heard this song was during his wife's high school reunion. He recalled to Billboard magazine: "They were doing karaoke, and somebody did 'Pontoon.' They didn't know I'd written it."
  • More songs from Little Big Town
  • More songs that won Grammys
  • More songs about boats
  • More songs with a mandolin
  • More songs from 2012
  • Lyrics to Pontoon
  • Little Big Town Artistfacts

Comments: 2

  • Cb from Ca Little Big Town's song Pontoon is a track mix disaster for the bass guitar track! It fades in and out of existence at the start of the song, blurps in real quick, then fades till a little bit later in the song.
  • Camille from Toronto, Oh June, 2012. I just saw this video on TV today and can tell it's gonna be a BIG hit for a group that well deserves it. They have a fabulous sound and the video is perfection. Way to go!

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A-Z of motor boats: your ultimate guide

  • A-Z of motor boats: your ultimate guide

Motor boats don't often take centre stage in our magazine, but we're about to change that. This in-depth feature explores the different kinds of motorboats, their manufacturers, how they differ from sailboats, and weighs their pros and cons. We'll help you figure out if a motorboat is the right fit for you, when to best venture out on one, and we'll delve into the requirements and conditions for a skipper's licence. In essence, we're bringing you the complete motorboat rundown. All hail the engine!

Differences to a sailboat

The age-old debate of powerboat versus sailboat is a classic theme in many a nautical conversation. We're not here to pick a side between those who favour sails and those who prefer motors. Instead, our aim is to present you with a balanced view, packing all the necessary facts, insights, and knowledge into one comprehensive discussion.

Draft and bridges

A motorboat's draft is significantly shallower, thanks to the absence of a keel. Furthermore, the lack of a mast means there's no need to worry about the boat's height when it comes to passing under bridges. So from a depth and overhead clearance perspective, you're in safe waters with a motorboat.

YACHTING.COM TIP: If you've never sailed under the renowned Pasman-Ugljan bridge, which has spelled disaster for numerous sailing boats, a motorboat provides the perfect chance!

Space and comfort

Broadly speaking, aside from mega yachts or specialist vessels, motorboats provide more space both below and on deck compared to similarly sized sailboats. They also typically feature multiple deck levels. So you can bask in the sunshine on one deck, and find shelter in the shade on another. Furthermore, on a motorboat, you don't have to fret about a precarious jib or the risk of tripping over winches or ropes. The deck tends to be more open and free from sailing gear, allowing for easier movement and relaxation.

If you have crew members who do not tolerate the heeling of a sailboat well, this concern is completely eliminated with motor boats. Unless you're faced with sizeable waves, the boat is likely to maintain stability and you won't need to worry about any significant tilting. This makes a motorboat a more comfortable choice for those sensitive to the motion of the sea.

heel of a sailing ship

You wouldn't find such a load on a motorboat

A leisure sailboat simply can't match the speed of a powerboat. While most sailboats average around 7 knots, motorboats can easily reach 15 to 20 knots. If you enjoy the thrill of speed and the feeling of wind in your hair, a powerboat is the perfect choice for you.

Consumption and costs

On the flip side, with the increased speed comes higher fuel costs. While on a sailboat, you might only need to refuel at the end of your trip or 2-3 times a week at most, resulting in a manageable fuel bill. However, if you're sailing for extended periods each day on a motorboat, you'll find yourself refuelling frequently, at a higher cost, and spending a significant amount of time waiting to fill up the diesel tank.

Level of effort and work

Starting a motorboat is straightforward; turn it on and off you go, cruising wherever you fancy. There's no need to fuss over ropes, the jib, sails, lazy bags, lazy jacks, or the whereabouts of the crank. Unlike on a sailboat where there's always something to keep you occupied, a motorboat offers pure relaxation and peace of mind. If you're seeking a laid-back cruising experience, a powerboat is the way to go.

Sailing direction

As long as there are no big waves and the Bora is not blowing against you, you can sail your motorboat comfortably pretty much anywhere you want. This isn't the case with sailboats, where you might have to cruise or alter your destination if the wind is blowing directly against you. While sailboat enthusiasts often say, "the journey is the destination," powerboat users are more about reaching their destination promptly and without fuss.

A sailing ship and a motor boat at sea off the Swedish coast sailing against each other

What is the difference between a motor boat and a sailboat?

Despite their differences, powerboats and sailboats do share some commonalities, with maintenance being the prime one. Regardless of the type of boat you own, upkeep is crucial. This includes taking care of the sails or engine and ensuring regular servicing. Moreover, marina fees apply uniformly to both. The harbour masters charge based on the length of the boat, irrespective of whether it's a sailboat or a powerboat. The only exception might be a catamaran, which typically incurs a higher fee due to its dual-hulled design, making it wider and potentially occupying the space of two conventional berths.

Disadvantages of motor boats

While motor boats offer numerous advantages, it's important to consider their potential drawbacks as well. Let's take off the rose-tinted glasses and delve into some of the downsides associated with powerboats.

Fuel dependency and non-environmental operation

Unlike a sailboat that can harness the wind as a natural and free power source, a motorboat is completely reliant on diesel fuel. Running out of fuel in the middle of your journey can leave you stranded. Furthermore, this dependence on fossil fuels also means that operating a motorboat has a greater environmental impact compared to sailing.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Speaking of ecology, check out our guide — Green sailing: 11 tips for eco-friendly yachting . 

Less stability in wind

Motorboats lack a significant keel, resulting in reduced stability when faced with waves and strong winds. Consequently, it is advisable to opt for motorboat rentals during the summer season, when occurrences of powerful winds and waves are comparatively infrequent.

Calm and the smell of the sea

The sound of the engine never leaves you during your voyage which can get on people's nerves. Likewise, the typical smell of burning diesel can start to bother you after a while.

Who is a motor boat best suited for?

A motor boat is well-suited for individuals seeking relaxation, tranquillity, and minimal effort. With the simple act of starting the engine, you can swiftly set sail without any additional concerns. Plus, a motor boat is highly recommended for those who desire to explore a wide range of places, including beaches and other scenic locations. It is particularly advantageous for covering long distances between islands and the mainland within the typical timeframe of a one or two-week vacation. Motor yachts are also a favourable choice for yachters who enjoy fishing, as they provide a comfortable and convenient means of transportation for navigating to different areas and indulging in fishing activities.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Find out what else you can do while sailing in our article — Top 12 fun activities to do on a sailing holiday .


Fishing is an great addition to a boating holiday.

For nature lovers seeking harmony and a closer connection to the natural environment, a sailboat is more preferable than a motorboat. Sailboats provide a serene atmosphere and allow for a deeper appreciation of nature. Additionally, if the aim is to foster teamwork and engage in shared experiences, a sailboat offers more opportunities as it involves handling ropes and sails.  But if you want to relax with a bunch of friends, there's nothing better than a powerboat.

Motor boat season

Unlike sailing boats that typically operate in Europe from April to November, motor boats have a more limited season. The majority of motor cruising occurs between June and September, with peak activity in June and July. Other times of the year, motor yachts are less commonly seen at sea. This is because before and after this season, conditions tend to be windier and the sea becomes cooler, which is more appealing to racers on sailing yachts rather than those seeking a tranquillity on a motorboat, particularly in destinations like Croatia.

YACHTING.COM TIP: What winds and weather will you encounter in the Mediterranean over summer? Check out our guide — The 7 most common winds you'll find in the Mediterranean . 

Motor boat licence

The licence needed to operate a motor boat depends on two criteria — the engine power and the area where you will be boating (whether sea or inland waters). If you want to cruise on a motor boat with an engine power of  less than 4kW , then you don't need a licence. This applies to houseboats or small boats, for example. You can sail a boat with a 4kW to 20kW  engine on inland waters with a VMP licence, but for the sea you'll need an international skipper's licence just as for a sailing boat and in some countries (such as Croatia), a radio licence . With engine power  above 20kW , for inland sailing and on the sea, you will need a certificate of engine experience for inland sailing in addition to the VMP.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Still hesitating about getting your skipper's licence? Take a look at our 5 reasons to take a skipper's course . Then check out our sailing courses and you'll soon be sailing the seas!

How to choose a motor boat?

Motor boats have a slightly different interior layout than sailboats. The smaller ones often have only one or two cabins and it is automatically assumed that the other couple sleeps in the saloon, often in the bow. Check before you make your final booking that you will have plenty of privacy. Small motor boats are designed for a couple or small family rather than several people who don't know each other.

Route planning

When choosing a boat, take note of how much the boat consumes. You may find that the fuel will cost you the same amount of money as the charter itself in a week's sailing. Plan your itinerary in advance so you know what to expect.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Want to enjoy your cruise to the fullest and without a care in the world? Try hiring a professional skipper or hostess for your yacht. They'll take care of running the boat, cleaning and cooking, leaving you to relax and spend time with your loved ones. Just ask our sales team.

Highly renowned motor boat brands in the charter industry

Here we have picked out the most popular types of motor boats from our search portal.

Probably the most infamous brand of motorboats is Merry Fisher. The Merry Fisher 795 models are among the best sellers and the Merry Fisher 895 is a common sight cruising the coastline of Croatia. Another sought-after model is the Antares 9 OB , which is generously equipped for a comfortable boating holiday, but if you're after something bigger, the Antares 11 Fly is a great choice. The Greenline 33 or its larger sibling, the Greenline 39 , are also fantastic options.

Antares boat

The popular Antares 9 OB model.

Other types of motor boats

Every motor boat is unique, and there can be a wide range of vessels categorized under the name "motor boat." Let's explore some intriguing and lesser-known motor boats that have distinctive features and stand out from the norm.

Small motorboat

Charter services also offer the option to rent small motor boats, which are perfect for day trips to secluded beaches, nearby islands, or bays that are inaccessible by foot. These boats are typically compact and may not have cabins, making them suitable for short excursions. They are particularly recommended for families who have rented an apartment by the sea and wish to explore the surrounding areas by water. In many cases, these small motor boats are equipped with relatively low-powered engines, and in several countries, you may not even require a skipper's license to operate them. We recommend, for example, the Zodiac Madline 2 or the slightly larger Four Winns H210 .

small boat

You can also rent a smaller boat.

Few people can buy a superyacht. And although many more people can rent one, it is still quite expensive. A superyacht or megayacht is considered to be a boat longer than 80 feet but you'll have to hire a professional skipper as only a handful of skippers have a licence for a boat of this length. For example, we offer the superyacht Azimut Grande 27 or MY Custom Line 52 m . These can cost up to 100,000 euros to hire for a week, but the price often includes a crew to look after the boat (including the professional skipper).

Superyacht Azimut Grande 27

Superyacht Azimut Grande 27

The main difference from the motor boats we rent at sea is that houseboats sail on freshwater streams and are designed for exploring rivers, canals, lakes, ponds, and dams. Although houseboats generally have less powerful engines, this feature often allows them to be rented without a license in most destinations. It's important to note that these houseboats are far from mundane, offering a unique and enjoyable holiday experience on calm waters. Check out these breathtaking destinations you can explore on a houseboat.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Never been on a houseboat?  Take a look at our our guide —   First time on a houseboat: 25 things you need to know!

Houseboat Nicols Estivale Sixto Prestige

This is what one of the most popular houseboats, the Nicols Estivale Sixto Prestige, looks like.

Power catamaran

Recently, motor catamarans or power catamarans have become more and more popular. They combine the advantages of a catamaran (two hulls, stability, space, nets to lie on,...) while offering the speed, carefree and comfort of a motor boat. Never driven a catamaran? Check out our article — First time on a catamaran: what you need to know

motor catamaran

Body of a two-hulled power catamaran.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Wondering what are all the types of boat you can charter? You will be surprised how many there are. Check out the article —  Boats for rent: what types of boats do charter companies offer?

How to operate a motor boat?

If you have sailing experience, driving a powerboat will seem like something very simple. You don't have to worry about ropes, sails, vignettes, masts or a flying jib. You simply start the boat and cruise wherever you want. Then it's the same as mooring with a sailboat.

One important aspect to be aware of when operating a motor boat is the  engine trim . Engine trim refers to the adjustment of the angle between the propeller and the bottom of the boat. Ideally, the propeller should be positioned vertically downward. As a motor boat gains speed, the bow of the boat may lift, causing the propeller to partially submerge. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the captain to intervene and adjust the engine trim to ensure that the propeller is aligned vertically and not at any angle other than 90 degrees to the water surface. This adjustment is crucial to prevent the boat from jumping or unnecessarily impacting the water with the bow. By maintaining the correct trim, the boat can navigate efficiently and provide a comfortable sailing experience for all on board.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Do you know how to operate the outboard motor on a dinghy? Read our article — Dinghy and outboard motor: what you need to know .

Where to sail with a motor boat?

We've selected 3 regions where you can enjoy a fantastic time with a motorboat and take advantage of its superior speed.

Vineyards and islands off Hvar

Start your journey from Split and make your way to the enchanting island of Solta or the sun-soaked Brac. For a glimpse of Croatia's renowned beaches, don't miss out on visiting Zlatni Rat. Proceed to the captivating island of Hvar, where we suggest exploring either the lively town of Hvar itself, the more serene town of Stari Grad, or the authentically charming Vrboska. Indulge in an overnight stay at a tranquil cove on the island of Ščedro, where you can delight in snorkeling alongside majestic clams. Depending on your available time and preferences, continue your voyage to the island of Vis and discover the picturesque village of Komiza, where you can experience the novelty of standing on a buoy or by the pier. During the day, take a trip to the island of Bisevo, home to the famed Blue Spila (blue cave).

Ionian Sea (and turtles!)

Rent a boat on the Greek island of Corfu. Upon taking over the boat on Saturday, take a leisurely stroll to the charming capital, Kerkyra, where you'll be enchanted by its delightful streets and atmosphere. Next, set sail south towards the island of Paxos, renowned for its breathtaking bays. During the day, make sure to indulge in a refreshing swim in Lefkada, a destination in the western part that boasts stunning beaches reminiscent of the Caribbean. Consider spending the night in the lively bay of Vasiliki, known for its vibrant nightlife and one of Greece's most famous kebab joints. The following day, continue your journey to Kefalonia and then proceed onwards to Zakynthos, famously known as the "island of turtles." If possible, sail as far south as you can towards Zakynthos, maximizing your exploration of this captivating destination.

Italian temperament

Experience the enchanting Bay of Naples, beginning in Baiae and venturing to Ischia, where you can navigate its waters at your leisure. Along the way, explore the quaint islet of Procida. Consider Ponza as an alternative to the bustling island of Capri. If time permits, visit the renowned Positano. Carry on to the breathtaking town of Amalfi, with its cliffside houses. Above all, indulge in la dolce vita.

Whether it's a motorboat or a sailboat, I'll find you the perfect choice. Give me a call.

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Denisa Nguyenová

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motor-boating noun

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What does the noun motor-boating mean?

There are two meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun motor-boating . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence.

motor-boating has developed meanings and uses in subjects including

How common is the noun motor-boating ?

How is the noun motor-boating pronounced, british english, u.s. english, where does the noun motor-boating come from.

Earliest known use

The earliest known use of the noun motor-boating is in the 1900s.

OED's earliest evidence for motor-boating is from 1905, in Oakland (California) Tribune .

motor-boating is formed within English, by derivation.

Etymons: motor boat n. , ‑ing suffix 1 .

Nearby entries

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  • motorbike grind, n. 1942–
  • motorbiking, n. 1913–
  • motorboard, n. 1922–
  • motor boat, n. 1871–
  • motor-boat, v. 1903–
  • motor-boating, n. 1905–
  • motor-boatist, n. 1908–
  • motor bus, n. 1896–
  • motor-bus, v. 1915–
  • motorcade, n. 1910–
  • motorcade, v. 1965–
  • motor camp, n. 1925–
  • motor cannon, n. 1889–
  • motor car, n. 1878–
  • motor caravan, n. 1909–
  • motor-carist, n. 1899–

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Meaning & use

Pronunciation, entry history for motor-boating, n..

motor-boating, n. was revised in December 2002.

motor-boating, n. was last modified in July 2023. is a living text, updated every three months. Modifications may include:

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Revisions and additions of this kind were last incorporated into motor-boating, n. in July 2023.

Earlier versions of this entry were published in:

A Supplement to the OED, Volume II (1976)

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OED Second Edition (1989)

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Georgia judge tosses some charges against Trump and others in 2020 election case

By Melissa Quinn

Updated on: March 13, 2024 / 7:38 PM EDT / CBS News

Washington — A Fulton County judge on Wednesday tossed out several counts brought against former President Donald Trump and five others in the case involving an alleged attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

The brief order from Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee states that six of the counts in the 41-count indictment returned by a Fulton County grand jury in August must be quashed. Of those six counts, Trump was charged with three of them.

Joining Trump in the challenge to the six counts were former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and lawyers Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Ray Stallings Smith and Robert Cheeley. All had pleaded not guilty to the charges brought against them. 

Steve Sadow, Trump's lawyer, said the court's decision to quash the counts is the correct one.

"The ruling is a correct application of the law, as the prosecution failed to make specific allegations of any alleged wrongdoing on those counts," he said in a statement. "The entire prosecution of President Trump is political, constitutes election interference, and should be dismissed."

Eastman's attorney, Buddy Parker, said in a statement that "the court stated clearly the state failed to provide what exactly in the U.S. and Georgia constitutions the defendants solicited the public figures to violate, a clear error. We await the state's position on its intention in moving forward on the remaining charges." Allyn Stockton, Giuliani's local lawyer, said the quashing of the six counts was expected, as "there simply was not enough detail to put the defendants on notice of what to defend against."

McAfee's ruling

The six counts relate to various alleged attempts to solicit state officials to violate their oaths of office, both to the Georgia Constitution and the U.S. Constitution. The judge wrote that the state failed to specify what those violations were, saying the allegations were "so generic as to compel this Court" to quash the six charges.

"The court's concern is less that the state has failed to allege sufficient conduct of the defendants — in fact it has alleged an abundance. However, the lack of detail concerning an essential legal element is, in the undersigned's opinion, fatal," McAfee wrote.

He said that though the six counts as written contain "all the essential elements of the crimes," they "fail to allege sufficient detail regarding the nature of their commission, i.e. the underlying felony solicited." Additionally, they don't give the defendants enough information to prepare their defenses "intelligently," McAfee wrote, as they could have violated the Georgia and U.S. Constitutions "and thus the statute in dozens, if not hundreds, of distinct ways."

Judge Scott McAfee at the Fulton County Courthouse in Atlanta on Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024.

McAfee made clear that his finding does not mean the entire indictment against Trump and the 14 other co-defendants is dismissed. Instead, he said that Georgia prosecutors can seek a new indictment supplementing the six counts.

Trump was charged with 13 counts in the sprawling racketeering case brought by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in August. He has pleaded not guilty. Eighteen others were charged alongside the former president for their roles in an alleged scheme to reverse the results of Georgia's election, but four have since accepted plea deals .

McAfee's order comes while he is weighing a separate request from Trump and eight of his co-defendants to disqualify Willis and her office from prosecuting the case because of an alleged improper relationship between Willis and Nathan Wade, one of the special prosecutors working with the district attorney's office.

Wade was hired to work on the case involving Trump in November 2021. Michael Roman, a longtime GOP operative, alleged in a bombshell filing in January that the relationship with Willis began before Wade's appointment. Roman claimed that the district attorney financially benefited from the relationship, saying Wade paid for numerous getaways using income he received for his work with the district attorney's office.

Willis and Wade acknowledged in a court filing last month that they were in a romantic relationship, but said it began in early 2022 — months after Wade's hiring — and ended last summer. 

Still, the bid to disqualify Willis and the Fulton County District Attorney's Office from the case set off a series of fiery proceedings before McAfee last month. Willis and Wade separately took the stand to answer questions about their personal lives and financial dealings.

The two said they split expenses related to their trips and refuted claims of wrongdoing. McAfee is set to rule this week on whether to remove Willis and her office from the case.

Trump facing multiple cases

Trump's prosecution in Fulton County is one of four he is facing in federal and state courts. A trial is set to begin this month in New York City stemming from allegations he falsified business records in connection with a "hush money" payment to suppress damaging information about him before the 2016 presidential election.

He has also been charged in a pair of federal cases brought by special counsel Jack Smith in Wasington, D.C., and South Florida. The D.C. case involves alleged efforts to subvert the transfer of presidential power after the 2020 election, and the Florida case involves his alleged mishandling of sensitive government documents after leaving the White House.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges, and is seeking to delay any trials in the cases until after the November presidential election. He is set to face off against President Biden in a 2020 rematch.

Jared Eggleston contributed to this report.

  • Donald Trump
  • Fani Willis
  • Fulton County

Melissa Quinn is a politics reporter for She has written for outlets including the Washington Examiner, Daily Signal and Alexandria Times. Melissa covers U.S. politics, with a focus on the Supreme Court and federal courts.

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How Does Motorboat Work? (A Guide To Its Mechanism)

out here in the open motorboating meaning

Have you ever seen a motorboat out on the water and wondered how it works? Or perhaps you’re considering taking up motorboating as a hobby? Whatever your reasons, understanding the mechanism of a motorboat is essential to your safety and enjoyment out on the water.

This guide will cover the basics of motorboat operation, including an overview of the different types of motorboats, the components of a motorboat, and how it actually works.

Plus, we’ll dive into the pros and cons of motorboating and provide some safety tips to get you out on the water with confidence.

So, let’s get started and explore the wonderful world of motorboating!

Table of Contents

Short Answer

A motorboat is powered by an internal combustion engine which uses fuel to create energy that powers a propeller.

The engine is connected to the propeller by a shaft, and the engine controls the speed of the propeller.

When the engine is turned on, the propeller spins and creates thrust which pushes the boat forward.

The boat is steered with a rudder, which is connected to the engine.

By using the rudder, the driver can control the direction of the boat.

What is a Motorboat?

A motorboat is a type of boat that is powered by a motor.

This motor can be an internal combustion engine or an electric motor.

This motor is used to turn a propeller located at the back of the boat, which then propels the boat forward.

In addition to providing the power to move the boat, the engine also powers other components on the boat such as lights, pumps, and other electrical systems.

Motorboats are a great way to explore the water and can be used for a variety of activities such as fishing, waterskiing, and simply cruising around.

They are great for taking a leisurely trip with friends and family or for more adventurous pursuits such as exploring the open waters or fishing.

Motorboats come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and power levels.

The size and power level of the motorboat will determine the type of activities that it can be used for.

For example, a larger and more powerful motorboat will be better suited for waterskiing and other high-speed activities, while a smaller and less powerful motorboat may be better suited for fishing or cruising around in calmer waters.

No matter what type of motorboat you choose, it is important to understand how a motorboat works and how to properly maintain and operate one.

With proper maintenance and operation, a motorboat can provide years of enjoyable and safe boating experiences.

Types of Motorboats

out here in the open motorboating meaning

Motorboats come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from large yachts to small dinghies, and each type of motorboat has its own unique features and benefits.

Yachts are typically larger and more luxurious boats that are used for leisure and entertainment activities such as cruising, fishing, and swimming.

Dinghies are smaller and more economical boats that are used for shorter trips and fishing on smaller bodies of water.

There are also other types of motorboats that cater to specific uses such as racing boats, houseboats, and pontoon boats.

The type of engine used in a motorboat will depend on the size and purpose of the boat.

Larger boats will typically use an internal combustion engine, which is more powerful and efficient than an electric motor.

Smaller boats and dinghies will often use an electric motor, which is quieter and more efficient than an internal combustion engine.

Both types of motors have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to consider the size and purpose of the boat before deciding which type of motor to use.

In addition to the type of motor used, it is also important to consider the type of fuel the boat will use.

Diesel and gasoline are the two most common types of fuel used in motorboats.

Diesel is typically more efficient and has a lower emissions output, while gasoline is less expensive and easier to find.

It is important to consider the type of fuel that is available in the area where the boat will be used and to make sure it is compatible with the engine.

Components of a Motorboat

A motorboat is powered by an internal combustion engine, or electric motor, and consists of several key components.

The most important of these components is the engine, which runs on gasoline or diesel fuel to power the boat.

The engine is usually connected to a drive shaft, which is connected to a propeller at the rear of the boat.

This propeller is what moves the boat forward and is the main source of propulsion.

Other components on the boat include the steering wheel, throttle, and fuel and electrical systems.

The engine is the heart of the motorboat and is responsible for powering all the other components.

It is connected to the drive shaft, which is connected to the propeller.

The engine also powers the lights, pumps, and other electrical systems on the boat.

The fuel system is responsible for delivering the fuel to the engine and is usually either a carburetor or fuel injection system.

The electrical system is responsible for powering the lights, pumps, and other electrical components on the boat.

The steering wheel is used to control the direction of the boat and is connected to the rudder.

The throttle is used to control the speed of the boat and is connected to the engine.

The fuel and electrical systems are also connected to the engine and are responsible for supplying the necessary fuel to the engine and powering the lights, pumps, and other electrical components.

The propeller is the main source of propulsion and is connected to the drive shaft, which is connected to the engine.

All of these components work together to provide the boat with power and propulsion.

The engine is the main source of power on the boat and is responsible for powering the other components and propelling the boat forward.

The fuel and electrical systems are responsible for supplying the necessary fuel to the engine and powering the lights, pumps, and other electrical components.

The steering wheel, throttle, and rudder are used to control the direction and speed of the boat.

Finally, the propeller is the main source of propulsion and is connected to the drive shaft, which is connected to the engine.

How Does a Motorboat Work?

out here in the open motorboating meaning

A motorboat is a type of boat that is powered by an engine.

Most motorboats use an internal combustion engine or an electric motor to propel them through the water.

The engine converts its power into a rotational force which turns a propeller located at the stern of the boat.

This propeller then creates thrust, pushing the boat forward through the water.

The engine also powers other components on the boat such as lights, pumps, and other electrical systems.

With a motorboat, you can enjoy a variety of activities such as fishing, waterskiing, and simply cruising around.

This makes them a great way to explore the water and have fun.

In order to understand how a motorboat works, we must first look at the components that make it up.

The main component of a motorboat is its engine.

This is the power source that drives the boat forward and powers other components.

The engine is typically located in the stern of the boat, and is connected to the propeller via a shaft or drive system.

The propeller is an important part of the motorboat’s propulsion system.

It is the component that provides the forward thrust that pushes the boat through the water.

The propeller is connected to the engine via a shaft or drive system, and is typically located at the stern of the boat.

The motorboat also contains other components such as the steering system, which is used to turn the boat in different directions.

This is typically done using a rudder or a wheel, and is connected to the engine via a cable or linkage.

The motorboat also contains other components such as lights, pumps, and other electrical systems.

In summary, a motorboat works by using its engine to turn a propeller located at the stern of the boat.

This creates thrust, pushing the boat forward through the water.

This makes motorboats a great way to explore the water and have fun.

Pros of Motorboating

Motorboating is a great way to enjoy the water and explore the outdoors.

Motorboats come with a variety of benefits including the ability to travel at faster speeds, the ability to cover larger distances, and the ability to access remote areas that may not be accessible by other means of transportation.

Motorboats are also a great way to have fun and relax with friends and family, as they provide ample space to move around and enjoy activities such as fishing, waterskiing, and simply cruising around.

Motorboating is a relatively easy activity to learn, as most motorboats are equipped with user-friendly features such as power steering and automatic trim tabs which make controlling the boat easier than ever before.

Motorboats also come with a variety of safety features such as navigation lights, flares, and life jackets, to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience on the water.

Finally, motorboats are a cost-effective way to enjoy the water, as most motorboats are relatively affordable, and the cost of fuel and maintenance is relatively low compared to other forms of transportation.

Additionally, motorboats are relatively easy to store and maintain, and depending on the size of the boat, can be stored in a garage or even on a trailer, making it an ideal choice for those looking to explore the water without breaking the bank.

Cons of Motorboating

out here in the open motorboating meaning

The primary downside of motorboating is the cost associated with it.

An internal combustion engine is quite expensive, and if you plan on using your motorboat for a variety of activities, the cost can quickly add up.

Additionally, the cost of fuel and maintenance can be high, especially if you dont take the time to properly care for your motorboat.

Another potential downside of motorboating is the noise pollution.

The sound of an engine can be quite loud, and can be disruptive to nearby wildlife and other boaters.

Additionally, the engine can be quite smelly, as it emits exhaust fumes, and this can be unpleasant for people in the area.

Finally, motorboating requires a certain level of skill and knowledge.

It is important to understand the basics of operating a motorboat, and to know basic safety and navigation rules.

Without this knowledge, it is easy to get into trouble on the water, and potentially put yourself and others in danger.

Safety Tips for Motorboating

With motorboating being a popular way to explore the great outdoors, safety is of the utmost importance.

The following tips can help make motorboating a safer and more enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

First and foremost, it is important to wear a life jacket while motorboating.

This is especially true for children and non-swimmers, as the waters can be unpredictable and a person can be thrown overboard unexpectedly.

Inflatable life jackets are available for extra comfort and convenience.

It is also important to be aware of the local laws and regulations regarding motorboating.

Different areas have different rules and regulations that must be followed, so it is important to research these before heading out on the water.

It is also important to check the weather before heading out.

Strong winds and choppy waters can create hazardous conditions, so it is important to make sure the conditions are favorable before heading out.

Additionally, check the fuel level before heading out and make sure the boat is properly stocked with supplies in case of an emergency.

Finally, it is important to stay alert while motorboating.

Be aware of other boats in the area and pay attention to the direction of the waves.

If the waves are crashing against the side of the boat, it could be a sign that the boat is too close to shore.

It is also important to stay aware of your surroundings and be prepared to act quickly if necessary.

By following these safety tips, motorboating can be a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Be sure to stay alert, follow local laws and regulations, and wear a life jacket to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

Final Thoughts

Motorboating is a great way to explore the waters and take part in activities like fishing and waterskiing.

With the right knowledge and safety precautions, motorboating can be a fun and rewarding experience.

Now that you know how a motorboat works and the benefits and risks associated with it, all that’s left to do is get out there and have some fun!

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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the recreational activity of operating or traveling in a motorboat .

a malfunction in audio equipment resulting in sounds like those produced by an outboard motor.

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March 17 - 2024 campaign updates

By Shania Shelton , Kaanita Iyer , Paul LeBlanc , Isabelle D'Antonio, Michelle Shen and Jack Forrest , CNN

Sen. J.D. Vance defends Trump's "bloodbath" comments, says VP speculation is "way premature"

From CNN’s Avery Lotz

Former President Donald Trump listens as Sen. J.D. Vance speaks at a campaign rally in Vandalia, Ohio, on March 16.

GOP Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio on Sunday slammed what he called a “ridiculous attack” on Donald Trump following the former president’s comments Saturday in which he warned of a “bloodbath ” for the US auto industry and country should he lose the election.

“We were all there; we all heard exactly what he said,” Vance, who attended the Ohio rally where Trump made the comments, said on "Fox & Friends." “He was saying if you allow the Chinese to dominate the EV industry – which is what Biden’s policies are promoting – you’re going to destroy the auto industry in this country.” 

“It shows how low the media is willing to go to cover for Joe Biden,” he continued, pointing to the importance of “real journalists” and “” 

Vance, who has been floated as a possible running mate for the former president, said that “Trump has great instincts on people” but that speculation is “way premature,” adding he has not spoken with Trump about his pick for vice president.

“I like being a senator, and I plan to keep on being a senator, but of course, if the president asked me, I would have to think seriously about it," Vance said.

Trump says he wants to debate Biden "any time, any place"

From CNN’s Alison Main

Former President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a Super Tuesday election night party at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, on March 5.

Former President Donald Trump on Sunday renewed his commitment to debating President Joe Biden , saying he would do it "anytime, anyplace," and would "even debate minutia."

Trump on Fox News pushed back on potential criticism he could receive for agreeing to debate the presumptive nominee of the 2024 Democratic Party but not his GOP primary opponents, asking rhetorically, "Why would I go out, say ‘Oh, let's go, let's have some fun, and be shouted at by 12 people that have absolutely no chance of being elected?’"

"I always want to debate the Republican versus the Democrat, no matter what the score is. I wanted to debate last time. I always want to debate the Republican and the Democrat. Those are the two people left and they should debate," he said.

Biden weighed in Saturday night on the prospect of debating the presumptive Republican nominee, but declined to say definitively if he expects to come face-to-face with Trump. 

"I don't know if he's serious," Biden told CNN after the Gridiron Dinner when asked if he expects to debate the former president ahead of the 2024 election. 

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins contributed to this report.

Trump says Putin "probably" played role in Navalny's death, won't commit to aiding Ukraine

Former President Donald Trump said Russian President Vladimir Putin "probably" played some role in the death of opposition leader Alexey Navalny in a Russian prison, but largely avoided placing blame on the Russian leader.

"I don't know, but perhaps. I mean, possibly, I could say probably. I don't know," Trump said in an interview airing Sunday on Fox News.

He said Navalny was a "young man," so "statistically he'd be alive for a long time, if you go by the insurance numbers, he'd be alive for another 40 years," acknowledging, "something happened that was unusual."

Trump has repeatedly declined to criticize Putin, an authoritarian leader whom he often praises, and came under fire last month for calling his own legal entanglements "a form of Navalny."

The former president also declined to commit to continuing aid to Ukraine, saying "I feel very hurt because that's a war that should have never happened," and claiming, without evidence, that he could have avoided the conflict.

Fact check: Trump, telling a completely fictional story, falsely claims he released ‘the tape’ of his Zelensky call

From CNN's Daniel Dale

Former President Donald Trump told an entirely fictional story on Saturday about how he had supposedly outwitted his Democratic opponents by releasing “the tape” of the  2019 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky  that was a key factor in  Trump’s first impeachment .

Speaking at a Saturday campaign rally in Ohio, Trump  claimed  he let Democrats make “wilder and wilder” claims about what he said to Zelensky, “and then we released the tape.” Trump proceeded to claim that when Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, who was then the speaker of the House, “heard” this tape, she was angry that she had been deceived by her allies’ previous “false” descriptions of the call; he claimed that Pelosi said to “her people”: “What the hell did you get me into? You hear this call? He didn’t do any of this stuff!”

Trump claimed that Pelosi was told, “Let’s just pretend he did and keep going forward.” He continued, “After they made up the story and then after that they heard the tape, they died. They didn’t know that phone call was taped. That was one good case of a phone call being taped. And they were taped and they got caught.”

Facts First :  Trump’s story is a complete fabrication. No tape of his call with Zelensky was ever released; Pelosi could not possibly have been angry with her allies after hearing a tape of the call because she has never heard a tape of the call. In fact, as of nearly five years after the July 2019 call, there is  no   known US recording  of the conversation. What Trump’s White House actually released in September 2019 was a  rough written transcript  of the call — which  corroborated , rather than contradicted, a  government whistleblower’s central allegations  about what Trump had said. Pelosi spokesperson Aaron Bennett said Sunday that Trump’s story is “fact-free nonsense.”

Read more here .

Republican senator won't say if he'll endorse Trump

From CNN’s Kathryn Monahan

Sen. Bill Cassidy, one of the only Republicans who voted in favor of impeaching former President Donald Trump for his attempt to overturn the 2020 election, still won’t say whether he will endorse him in 2024. 

“At this point all I can say is that I plan to vote for a Republican for the presidency of the United States,” the Louisiana Republican said on NBC’s "Meet the Press."

When asked why he would not explicitly say, Cassidy responded, “Right now, neither candidate is offering serious solutions. You’ve heard me speak on Social Security before. Neither candidate is offering something which has a snowball's chance of passing in Congress.”

Cassidy previously told CNN  that he didn’t think Trump would be able to win a general election and called for him to drop out of the race over the former president's alleged mishandling of classified documents.

Trump says he'll make decision "pretty soon" on national abortion ban

From CNN's Allison Main

Former President Donald Trump holds a campaign rally in Rome, Georgia, on March 9.

Former President Donald Trump said in an interview airing Sunday he would make a decision "pretty soon" on supporting a national abortion ban .

"Pretty soon I'm going to be making a decision," he said on Fox News when asked if a national ban could be politically acceptable to the American electorate, adding "I would like to see if we could make both sides happy."

Trump told Fox News last month he remained undecided about backing a national abortion ban but said, “More and more I'm hearing about 15 weeks.” The New York Times also reported Trump has privately expressed support for a 16-week abortion ban.

Later in the interview, Trump acknowledged the political potency of the issue for Republicans, saying he thinks it is "very, very hard to get elected" without "the three exceptions," without naming what he was referring to.

"You have to go with the exceptions, and the number of weeks, I'll be coming out with a recommendation, fairly soon. I think the recommendation will be accepted," he said without elaborating further.

On the issue of abortion, Trump said, "you have to go with your heart. But beyond that, you also have to get elected."

GOP Rep. Mike Turner defends Trump after controversial "bloodbath" comments

From CNN's Kathryn Monahan

Republican Rep. Mike Turner defended Donald Trump on Sunday after the former president made a series of controversial remarks about election outcomes, immigration and the US Capitol insurrection during a rally in Turner's home district.

Asked about Trump's comments, specifically that there would be a “bloodbath” in the auto industry and the country if he lost the general election in November, Turner said, “The president's statements were about what would happen in the auto industry” adding that it is “incredibly important that that be accurately portrayed.” 

Trump warned Saturday that if he were to lose the 2024 election, it would be a “bloodbath” for the US auto industry and the country. The remark came as the former president promised a “100% tariff” on cars made outside the US, arguing that domestic auto manufacturing would be protected only if he is elected.

At the same rally, Trump went on to characterize undocumented immigrants who commit crimes as “animals.”

Turner said Sunday there are, “many statements he [former President Trump] makes that many Americans would not agree with and many that they would” and defended the former president’s immigration rhetoric and policy saying, “When you talk about what happening at the border, this is absolutely a crisis that has been created by this administration.”

Pence says Trump referring to January 6 prisoners as "hostages" is "unacceptable"

From CNN's Veronica Stracqualursi

Former Vice President Mike Pence, who is not endorsing his former boss Donald Trump for president, said Sunday that Trump’s reference to people convicted for their role in the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol as “hostages” is “unacceptable.”

“I think it’s very unfortunate at a time that there are American hostages being held in Gaza, that the president, or any other leaders, would refer to people that are moving through our justice system as 'hostages.' And it's just, it’s just unacceptable,” Pence said Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation” of Trump’s comments at a campaign rally Saturday in Ohio.

While Pence said that Capitol rioters who were “caught up in the moment” are entitled to due process of law for “non-violent activities,” he maintained, “The assaults on police officers -- ultimately an environment that claimed lives -- is something that I think was tragic that day and I'll never diminish it.”

Pelosi says Democrats "have to win this election" after Trump's "bloodbath" comments

From CNN's Aileen Graef

Rep. Nancy Pelosi is pictured during an interview with CNN’s “State of the Union” on March 17.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi on Sunday cited Donald Trump's "bloodbath" comments at an Ohio rally as she sought to establish the stakes for Democrats in the 2024 presidential election.

"We just have to win this election because he's even predicting a bloodbath. What does that mean? He's going to exact a bloodbath? There's something wrong here. How respectful I am of the American people and their goodness. But how much more do they have to see from him to understand that this isn't what our country is about,” Pelosi told CNN's Dana Bash on "State of the Union."

Trump warned Saturday that if he were to lose the 2024 election, it would be a “bloodbath” for the US auto industry and the country. The remark came as Trump promised a “100% tariff” on cars made outside the US, arguing that domestic auto manufacturing would be protected only if he is elected.

“We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those guys if I get elected,” Trump said during a rally in Vandalia, Ohio. “Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole – that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it.”

The comment came in the midst of an extended riff on the auto industry, unions, the transition to electric vehicles and auto plants in Mexico. 

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Nature wasn’t healing: What really happened with wildlife during pandemic lockdowns

Despite the memes, new data reveals a more nuanced relationship between humans and animals.

By Lauren Leffer | Published Mar 18, 2024 12:00 PM EDT

  • Environment

A pair of mountain goats camera trapped walking along a hiking trail near Lake Louise, Banff National Park, Canada.

During the lockdowns of the early pandemic, the canals of Venice went from a mucky green to translucent cerulean ; motorboat traffic along the waterways had stopped and sediment settled out of the water. Global carbon emissions dropped a record amount , albeit only briefly . People reported animals re-claiming territory from humans in much-memed ( and often fake ) posts. Nature was–supposedly–healing. 

Except that it wasn’t, really. The effects of Covid-19 restrictions on peoples’ activity and wildlife were nuanced and varied, according to a study published March 18 in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution . The “nature is healing” narrative was far too simplistic to capture the full breadth of what really unfolded between humans and animals in the pandemic’s early stage, says Cole Burton, co-lead study author and a conservation biologist at the University of British Columbia. “I can understand why we wanted to believe that,” he adds, “but there was no one-size-fits all response with animals.” 

Instead, Burton and his many collaborators uncovered finer-scale surprises and counterintuitive trends. The scientists took advantage of the rare, experimental opportunity offered by the pandemic and analyzed mammal activity data from 5,400 camera trap locations in 21 countries collected before and during lockdowns. Unexpected patterns emerged. 

Lockdowns didn’t mean less human activity or more animal sightings

They found, among other things, that lockdowns did not reduce human presence everywhere–especially not in the parks and other greenspaces documented by the camera traps. “We saw a lot of variation in what people were doing. In some areas, people were using them a lot more,” explains Burton. In Vancouver, where he lives, he notes that regional parks were open and many people found themselves with more free time and an eagerness for safer outdoor socialization. People were “trying to find solace in these parks,” he says–activity on trails went up. 

[Related: S adly, these live-streamed bald eagle eggs likely won’t hatch ]

Previous research into pandemic impacts on wildlife has used broadscale measures of human activity , like regional lockdown protocols, to infer how peoples’ behavior changed–but the new research highlights the importance of concrete and specific monitoring data. 

 A pair of male mule deer camera trapped in Cathedral Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada. Credit: Cole Burton, UBC WildCo

Yet even in locations where human activity did decline, mammal activity did not uniformly increase. “What animals were doing in response to people was super variable, that surprised us a bit,” Burton says. Amid the variation, the researchers found trends. Larger carnivores were more sensitive to human presence, so where human activity was higher, the cameras captured fewer big meat-eating animals like wolves and wolverines. In more urbanized areas or places heavily frequented by people, some of these larger carnivores disappeared entirely. But conversely, large herbivores boosted their activity alongside humans. The former effect could potentially be causing the latter, says Burton: It’s possible that humans offer herbivores a protective shield from their predators, scaring off the carnivores that the prey animals would otherwise have to avoid. 

Maybe, where humans and development are more prevalent, other species have to work harder to access resources, traveling farther and appearing more active on camera.

Another finding was that animals’ responses to changes in human activity were location- and time-specific. In wilder places, animals appeared warier of people and were more likely to retreat when human activity ticked up. In more developed landscapes, animals seemed more habituated to people, and often either didn’t shift their activity level with humans or became more active alongside people. Though the scientists can’t say for sure why this was the case, Burton says one potential hypothesis is that, in more developed areas, wildlife may be taking advantage of human resources by, say, scouring trash cans for food. But he also highlights a possible competing theory: Maybe, where humans and development are more prevalent, other species have to work harder to access resources, traveling farther and appearing more active on camera. The new research, he notes, highlights that far more work is needed to uncover the why behind their observations. “There’s probably lots of different underlying stories about each different area and species.” Until further analysis is done, those stories will remain obscured. 

 Covid’s lessons for conservation

Already the study is offering hints. In some instances, the camera trap data showed that higher human activity led animals to become more nocturnal, increasing their nighttime activity–bolstering previous research findings that co-existing among people shifts many mammals’ schedules. “We think this is an adaptation that allows animals to share spaces with humans, while minimizing negative encounters,” Burton says. 

In a way, it’s evidence of how animals and humans can, theoretically, achieve harmony. Other species are “working hard to coexist with us, in ways that aren’t always obvious,” he explains. Perhaps, if humans take that into account, and begin meeting other mammals in the middle, nature could truly begin healing. 

Burton hopes the global, yet specific findings will help inform and improve conservation efforts. “We might need to think about different types of management in different contexts,” he notes. Perhaps in more remote settings, park managers could use the new study to support permitting, strategic closures, or other efforts that minimize peoples’ presence. In more urban areas, conservation efforts could focus more on reducing nighttime light and noise pollution, to offer wildlife some nightly refuge. “There’s a lot of nuance,” Burton says. “We have to be humble about that as we’re trying to manage our own impact.”

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My Tour Operator Is a B Corp. What Does That Mean? Should I Care?

A growing number of travel operators are undergoing the B Corp certification process, which can offer insight into a company’s environmental and social initiatives.

out here in the open motorboating meaning

By Sophie Stuber

Tanya Dohoney has worked on sustainability initiatives for decades. A retired attorney from Texas now living in Paris, she even started the recycling program for her workplace. When it comes to travel, she also values environmentally and socially responsible companies, which led her to choose Intrepid Travel , a certified B Corp company, for a tour in Morocco in 2019.

The sheer number of sustainability certifications for the travel and tourism industry is almost overwhelming and certainly confusing. Certified B Corp enterprises must meet standards set by B Lab , a Pennsylvania-based nonprofit founded in 2006 that awards for-profit companies with certifications for social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. It can take years — and thousands of dollars — to achieve this accreditation. Globally, there are only 62 certified B Corps in the travel industry and 76 in accommodation and hospitality.

“When you see the B Corp logo, I know it’s been at least semi-vetted,” Ms. Dohoney, 64, said. “I do worry about greenwashing, but you have to start somewhere.”

Other travelers, increasingly concerned about the environmental and social impact of their planes, trains, food waste and more, feel the same way, and a growing number of travel operators are undergoing the B Corp certification process, joining multimillion dollar brands like Patagonia and Athleta, to differentiate themselves from competitors.

Aurora Expeditions , a small ship tour operator focused on polar travel, became certified in 2024, joining other travel companies like the lodging company Sawday’s , and tour companies Selective Asia and Byway . But Hayley Peacock-Gower, Aurora’s chief marketing officer, said the company has focused on sustainable travel since its inception.

“Much of this work we were already doing, but we have now committed to much more accountability and made a legal agreement to sustainability,” she said, adding that Aurora also amended the company’s constitution and formalized internal policies as part of the B Corp process.

What’s the certification process?

Companies are scored on five criteria — governance, workers’ rights, community impact, environmental impact and “stewardship of its customers” — and must achieve an assessment score of 80 or above to pass B Lab’s “Impact Assessment.” Once approved, a company must pay an annual fee based on gross annual revenue and location. For U.S.-based enterprises, this ranges from $2,000 for companies with under $500,000 in gross annual revenue to $50,000 for companies with revenue from $750,000 to $1 billion. (Some organizations, like those owned by women or veterans, can also qualify for discounted fees .)

“B Corp certification offers tourists confidence that they’re visiting and using providers that are responsible,” said Jorge Fontanez, chief executive at B Lab for the United States and Canada.

With more than 2,909 employees, Intrepid Travel is the largest B Corp in the travel industry, earning its certification in 2018.

“When there is so much green fatigue and so many certifications, it’s really hard to discern what’s best,” said Mikey Sadowski, Intrepid’s vice president of global communication. “We felt that B Corp really did have this disproportionate edge and level of trust.”

To meet B Corp standards, Intrepid, which offers trips in 120 countries on seven continents, focuses on initiatives like hiring local guides, sourcing local ingredients and materials, and reducing carbon emissions by planning train-based itineraries — instead of using air transit — when possible.

The Australia-based company recently completed its B Corp re-certification, which in 2024 includes an annual fee of 51,750 Australian dollars ($33,625) and another 900 Australian dollars ($585) for a submission fee, Mr. Sadowski said. For their original certification in 2018, the company also paid a one-time verification fee of 14,500 Australian dollars ($9,573).

Who gets left out?

While this certification can offer insights into a company’s environmental and social initiatives — and perhaps maximize profits, by winning the business of like-minded travelers — these tours and accommodations are often geared toward customers with deep pockets.

For budget travelers or those of less economic means, it can be challenging to find affordable travel companies with B Corp certifications.

“The reality is, B Corps generally skew to the luxury side of the market. And the idea of having any B Corp hostels, for example, is very rare,” said Nick Pinto, a 31-year-old Colorado-based marketing manager who spends several months a year working and traveling abroad.

Mr. Pinto calls himself a “budget conscious traveler” and has found he’s priced out of B Corp accommodations.

“It’s tricky because you want programs like B Corp to be inclusive to create a broader movement,” he said. Mr. Pinto recently spent several weeks in Mexico, but had noted that there were only two certified B Corp hotels in the county.

A third company, Hoteles BF , has since been certified.

What other certifications are out there?

Plenty, along with guidelines, verifications and “ecostars.” The last, a certification doled out by the for-profit Ecostars , evaluates hotels’ environmental impact per visitor stay. This certification, free to receive and apply for, is a fully digital process that takes two days on average to receive. Other certifications gauge sustainability efforts for short-term accommodations, tour groups and other subsectors of the travel industry.

To receive certification from the 1% for the Planet nonprofit, which was co-founded by the Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard and Craig Mathews, of Blue Ribbon Flies, a fly-fishing outfitter, member companies must commit to donating 1 percent of their gross proceeds to environmental organizations. Annual dues start at $500.

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council nonprofit, which includes among its members government tourism boards, travel companies, tour operators and N.G.O.s, vets sustainability certificates.

Organizations also rely on guidelines and resolutions issued by the United Nations as part of the entity’s sustainable development agenda . The guidelines call for biodiversity and climate action initiatives, as well as energy efficiency and renewable energy usage in accommodations. Courses and webinars, which are free to enroll in and to view, charge a per-course fee of 49 euros ($53) if a user wants to complete assignments and receive a certificate of completion.

Many tour operators and travel companies have additionally announced efforts to reach net carbon neutrality, but carbon offsets have been shown to rarely capture or reduce real emissions, or reduce future emissions. The tour operator Run the Alps used to offset the flight emissions for travelers coming to its tours, but the company is re-evaluating the practice.

“Offsetting is not the panacea we hoped it was,” said Hillary Gerardi, the sustainability director at Run the Alps. “We’re trying to move from being good to doing good, which means beyond reducing our footprint, we’re trying to leave some positive impact in our community.”

The tour operator is a member of 1% for the Planet and works with the local research center and citizen-science organizer, CREA Mont Blanc .

But even when a travel company is committed to sustainability, B Corp certification can be a big ask for smaller operations.

“We’re entirely aligned with B Corp status, but up until this year, we were a really tiny company. The certification and process would have been too onerous,” said Doug Mayer, the company’s founder.

But with the company’s growth, Mayer is considering taking the step.

“I can see it coming up for us,” he said.

Follow New York Times Travel on Instagram and sign up for our weekly Travel Dispatch newsletter to get expert tips on traveling smarter and inspiration for your next vacation. Dreaming up a future getaway or just armchair traveling? Check out our 52 Places to Go in 2024 .

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

Italy :  Spend 36 hours in Florence , seeking out its lesser-known pockets.

Southern California :  Skip the freeways to explore the back roads between Los Angeles and Los Olivos , a 100-mile route that meanders through mountains, canyons and star-studded enclaves.

Mongolia : Some young people, searching for less curated travel experiences, are flocking to the open spaces of this East Asian nation .

Romania :  Timisoara  may be the most noteworthy city you’ve probably never heard of , offering just enough for visitors to fill two or three days.

India: A writer fulfilled a lifelong dream of visiting Darjeeling, in the Himalayan foothills , taking in the tea gardens and riding a train through the hills.

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .


  1. Motorboat

    out here in the open motorboating meaning

  2. Motorboating meaning and pronunciation

    out here in the open motorboating meaning

  3. motor boating meaning and pronunciation

    out here in the open motorboating meaning

  4. On the Pontoon. Out Here In The Open Motorboatin' 10

    out here in the open motorboating meaning

  5. What does motorboating mean?

    out here in the open motorboating meaning

  6. On the Pontoon. Out Here In The Open Motorboatin' 10

    out here in the open motorboating meaning


  1. this boat goes nowhere 🤣🤣🤣

  2. The Ridiculous 6


  1. The Meaning Behind the Song Lyrics: "Pontoon" by Little Big Town

    Looking Into the Lyrics. Swapping speed for an easy-cruising ride, the song fully leads into the comfort-first mentality of a pontoon boat. Unlike its Ski boat counterpart, pontoons are made for a ...

  2. Little Big Town

    Makin' waves and catchin' rays up on the roof. Jumpin' out the back, don't act like you don't want to. Party in slow motion. Out here in the open. Mm, motorboatin'. (Hoo hoo hoo) Reach your hand down into the cooler. Don't drink it if the mountains aren't blue. Try to keep it steady as you recline on your black inner tube.

  3. Lyrics for Pontoon by Little Big Town

    Out here in the open. Mm, motorboatin'. (Hoo hoo hoo) Reach your hand down into the cooler. Don't drink it if the mountains aren't blue. Try to keep it steady as you recline on your black inner tube. Pontoon. Makin' waves and catchin' rays up on the roof. Jumpin' out the back, don't act like you don't want to.

  4. Pontoon by Little Big Town

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  5. Little Big Town

    [Verse 1] Back this hitch up into the water Untie all the cables and rope Step onto the astro turf Get yourself a coozie Let's go Who said anything about skiing? Floating is all I want to do You ...

  6. What Is an Open Motorboat? (Here's What You Should Know)

    An open motorboat is a type of boat that is powered by an engine and has an open deck, usually without a canopy or any other kind of protection from the elements. This type of boat is typically used for recreational activities such as fishing, skiing, and water sports. They are usually lightweight, easy to maneuver, and relatively inexpensive ...

  7. Full Speed Ahead: The Origins of 'Motorboating'

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  8. PONTOON Lyrics

    Jumpin' out the back, don't act like you don't want to Party in slow motion Out here in the open Mmmmmmm...motorboatin' (Hoo hoo hoo) Reach your hand down into the cooler Don't drink it if the mountains aren't blue Try to keep it steady as you recline on your black innertube Chorus: Pontoon Makin' waves and catchin' rays up on the roof

  9. First time on a motor boat: what you should know

    Draft and bridges. A motorboat's draft is significantly shallower, thanks to the absence of a keel. Furthermore, the lack of a mast means there's no need to worry about the boat's height when it comes to passing under bridges. So from a depth and overhead clearance perspective, you're in safe waters with a motorboat.

  10. What is a Motorboat? (A Comprehensive Guide)

    A motorboat is a boat that is powered by an engine. It is usually used for recreational activities such as fishing, water skiing, and cruising. Motorboats can range in size from small, inflatable craft to large, luxurious yachts. Motorboats offer a fun and convenient way to get out on the water and explore.

  11. What Happens If You Motorboat Someone? (Here's What You Need To Know)

    Motorboating is the act of pressing one's face into someone's chest and moving the head from side to side while making a loud, vibrating sound. It is usually done as a joke or a way to show affection, but it can also be seen as a sexual gesture. The sound that is made is meant to imitate the sound of a motorboat engine.

  12. Out here in the open Mmmmmm...motorboatin' Pole Barns

    Out here in the open Mmmmmm…motorboatin'. Mmmmmm …. Motorboatin. It's hot and you're bored. One of the best things that you can do is head out onto the water. Motorboatin on a pontoon can be a great way to spend a lazy Saturday, just cruising on the waves. With a cocktail in one hand and your feet up on the railing, you can kick back ...

  13. Motorboat

    A motorboat with an outboard motor. A motorboat, speedboat or powerboat is a boat that is exclusively powered by an engine.. Some motorboats are fitted with inboard engines, others have an outboard motor installed on the rear, containing the internal combustion engine, the gearbox and the propeller in one portable unit. An inboard-outboard contains a hybrid of an inboard and an outboard, where ...

  14. (out) in/into the open Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of (OUT) IN/INTO THE OPEN is in or to an area or place that is not covered or enclosed. How to use (out) in/into the open in a sentence.

  15. Out in the open

    What does out in the open expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Out in the open - Idioms by The Free Dictionary. ... We can't stop the convoy here—we're right out in the open. We could be attacked at any minute! Back in my hometown, you could leave your car unlocked and in the open all night long. ...

  16. (out) in the open

    Definition of (out) in the open in the Idioms Dictionary. (out) in the open phrase. What does (out) in the open expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. ... (right) here and now (right) on cue (right) on the money (right) under (one's) (very) nose (right) up there with (someone or something)

  17. Children need to play out in the open. (what's the meaning of 'out' here?)

    You could omit the word 'out', but it is perfectly idiomatic as it is. You'll find as many dictionaries hold definitions for "out in the open" as they do simply "in the open", although the longer of these two also has a figurative meaning of something being public knowledge.Just as "in the open" idiomatically means outdoors, "play out" is used to mean playing outside (particularly in British ...


    MOTORBOAT definition: 1. a small, fast boat that is powered by an engine 2. a small, fast boat that is powered by an…. Learn more.

  19. motor-boating, n. meanings, etymology and more

    See 'Meaning & use' for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence. motor-boating has developed meanings and uses in subjects including . nautical (1900s) electronics (1930s) See meaning & use ... Find out more; View motor-boating, n. in Second Edition; Cite. Chicago.

  20. Definition of 'in the open/out in the open'

    If an attitude or situation is in the open or out in the open, people know about it and it is.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.

  21. (out) in the open

    From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (out) in the open (out) in the open information that is out in the open is not hidden or secret By now the whole affair was in the open. She never let her dislike for him come out into the open. All these concerns need to be brought out into the open. → open Examples from the Corpus brought out into the open • Practising kungfu puts a person ...

  22. Georgia judge tosses some charges against Trump and others in 2020

    Steve Sadow, Trump's lawyer, said the court's decision to quash the counts is the correct one. "The ruling is a correct application of the law, as the prosecution failed to make specific ...

  23. How Does Motorboat Work? (A Guide To Its Mechanism)

    In summary, a motorboat works by using its engine to turn a propeller located at the stern of the boat. This creates thrust, pushing the boat forward through the water. The engine also powers other components on the boat such as lights, pumps, and other electrical systems. This makes motorboats a great way to explore the water and have fun.

  24. MOTORBOATING Definition & Usage Examples

    Motorboating definition: . See examples of MOTORBOATING used in a sentence.

  25. 2024 campaign news: Biden, Trump move toward a rematch

    President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump continue to move toward a rematch in November after clinching their parties' presidential nominations. Follow here for the latest live news ...

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    The Department will continue to assist our external partners through webinars, resources, and updates on the Knowledge Center.We also welcome our partners to continue to submit questions related to the 2024-25 FAFSA launch using the Contact Customer Support form in FSA's Partner Connect Help Center. To submit a question, please enter your name, email address, topic, and question.

  27. Nature wasn't healing: What really happened with wildlife during

    During the lockdowns of the early pandemic, the canals of Venice went from a mucky green to translucent cerulean; motorboat traffic along the waterways had stopped and sediment settled out of the ...

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    As several states consider lifting wages for tipped workers, here's how the shift is already playing out in the nation's capital. Customer checks at Elle, a cafe and bistro in Washington, D.C.

  29. What Does Being a B Corp Mean?

    The last, a certification doled out by the for-profit Ecostars, evaluates hotels' environmental impact per visitor stay. This certification, free to receive and apply for, is a fully digital ...

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