Votre location de catamaran dans les Cyclades

  • Océans Evasion
  • Location de catamaran avec skipper/équipage

Un archipel de 56 îles au cœur de la mer Egée , nous parlons des Cyclades  bien sûr. Avec Océans Evasion, naviguer en catamaran entre mythes et légendes devient une réalité. Pour bénéficier des meilleures conditions, il faudra privilégier une croisière dans les Cyclades en dehors des mois d'été  car le Meltem risque d'y souffler très fort .

Les Cyclades sont caractérisées par des îles montagneuses, des maisons pittoresques desquelles émane un blanc éclatant sur les murs et un bleu azur sur les toits et volets. La végétation méditerranéenne sur terre naturellement sèche contraste avec la teinte émeraude des calanques. Des vacances en catamaran  sont l’occasion d’apprécier sous divers angles le patrimoine hellénique.

Le Meltem , le vent cycladique en provenance du nord rend la navigation dans les îles assez sportive. Dans les Cyclades , une location de catamaran avec skipper est donc à envisager pour les aventuriers aguerris.

Parmi les nombreuses îles à découvrir, les rêveurs apprécierons Paros , les amoureux d’histoire Délos , les amoureux tout court Santorin  et les fêtards Mykonos .

Visiter les Cyclades grâce à la location en catamaran

Les Cyclades sont accessibles depuis Athènes en catamaran . La marina Álimos , de Kalamáki, l’ Agios Kosmas Olympic Sailing Centre et le Port de Lavrion regroupent à eux trois une centaine d’offres de catamaran à la location.

Il sera aussi possible de louer un catamaran directement depuis les îles de Paros , Milos  et Mykonos  permettant ainsi de naviguer directement entre les Cyclades pour des croisières de plus courte durée.

On peut diviser les Cyclades  en 3 zones de navigations différentes . La zone ouest comprenant Kea, Milos et Serifos. La zone est où se situent Andros, Naxos, Mykonos et Paros. Puis la  zone sud  comportant des îles comme Amorgos, Ios, ou Santorini.

Les îles les plus proches d’Athènes sont les îles de la zone ouest . Kea  étant la première à apparaître dans la longue vue. Surtout prisée par les locaux grecs, cette île reste assez calme et méconnue du grand public qui ne s’y attarde pas souvent, à tort, mettant le cap sur le cœur des Cyclades.

Milos  est la plus réputée des îles de la zone ouest. Elle comporte de multiples grottes et des falaises droites tranchant d’un blanc immaculé le bleu turquoise des eaux du littoral. Les grottes de Kleftiko sont un labyrinthe à parcourir aisément en catamaran grâce à des eaux assez profondes. Celles-ci permettent de passer la journée au mouillage entre détente et baignade. Un skipper  pourrait s’avérer utile pour dénicher les plages cachées lors d’une croisière en catamaran .

A la recherche de tradition, l’île de Serifos  et ses petits villages calmes sont une étape de plus à découvrir en vacances dans les Cyclades .

Pour rejoindre Paros  et le cœur des îles est des Cyclades en catamaran , il faut compter une journée complète de navigation depuis les marinas d’Athènes . Avec son petit port de charme traditionnel, la baie de Naoussa est un mouillage incontournable. Le littoral de Paros  est aussi bordé de nombreuses plages.

Un peu plus à l’ouest et dans le même esprit, Naxos  est la plus grande île des Cyclades, montagneuse et arborée. Les plages de Agios Georgios et Palaka ou les criques comme Panormos et Tigani n’ont rien à envier à sa voisine Paros.

Delos , plus au nord est une petite île inhabitée regorgeant de merveilles archéologiques, elle dénote avec Mykonos  situé sur son flanc ouest réputée pour ses plages et sa vie nocturne festive.

La zone sud des Cyclades sera davantage appréciable lors d’une croisière en catamaran  de plus d’une semaine. Santorin  est l’île phare de cette zone de navigation. Santorini , ville construite sur la falaise offre un spectacle fascinent depuis la mer avec ses maisons regroupées peinte à la chaux. Le cratère de Nea Kameni , au centre de l’archipel volcanique de Santorin fait partie des attractions à ne pas manquer. A la recherche de mouillage abrités, l’ île d’Anafi  correspondra à vos attentes. Enfin pour les plus fougueux, Ios  est île jeune et animée.

Louer un catamarans proche de Cyclades

À Cyclades, des bateaux sont disponibles à la location. Découvrez-en d'autres aux alentours.

Louer un type de bateau différent à Cyclades

D'autres types de bateaux que les catamarans à Cyclades attisent votre curiosité ? Choisissez parmi les différents bateaux à louer sur notre site

Filovent agence de location de bateaux

  • Destination Martinique Guadeloupe Thaïlande Seychelles Polynésie Française Îles Vierges britanniques Bahamas Philippines Toutes les destinations maritimes Egypte Mékong Canal du Midi Danube Douro Rhin Bourgogne Bretagne Toutes les destinations fluviales Croatie Grèce France Méditerranée Italie Corse Espagne France Atlantique Turquie Toutes les destinations
  • Itinéraires
  • Croisière cabine
  • Croisière avec équipage
  • Catamaran de luxe
  • Catamaran à moteur
  • Bateau à moteur
  • Bateau fluvial
  • Bateau de course
  • Bateau sans permis
  • Péniche-hôtel
  • Semi-rigide
  • Voilier de luxe
  • Accès client
  • Accès loueur


Location Catamaran Cyclades

  • Voiliers et Yachts avec ou sans équipage
  • Croisières à la cabine mers et fleuves
  • Péniches rivières et canaux
  • Bateaux à la journée
  • Aucune destination trouvée

Avec ou sans équipage ?

  • Sans skipper
  • Avec équipage professionnel
  • Avec skipper uniquement
  • Je ne sais pas

Date de départ

  • 2 jours (Minimum)

Où souhaitez-vous naviguer ?

  • Aquitaine - Sud-Ouest - Lot
  • Ardennes - Alsace - Lorraine
  • Canal du Midi
  • Franche-Comté
  • Midi-Pyrénées
  • Hollande - Pays Bas
  • République Tchèque
  • France Atlantique
  • France Méditerranée

1"> Types de bateaux

  • Coque-open / semi-rigide
  • Bateau à moteur < 24 m

une journée

  • Caraïbes et Antilles
  • Martinique et les Grenadines
  • Saint Martin et St Barth
  • Iles Vierges Britanniques
  • Fleuves d'Europe
  • Allemagne - Rhin, Elbe
  • Autriche - Danube
  • Hongrie - Danube
  • Luxembourg - Rhin
  • Pays Bas - Rhin
  • Suisse - Rhin
  • Slovaquie - Danube
  • Roumanie - Danube
  • Serbie - Danube
  • Bulgarie - Danube
  • Portugal - Douro
  • Moyen Orient
  • Méditerranée
  • Océan Indien
  • Océan Pacifique

Quand souhaitez-vous naviguer ?

  • Choisissez une destination !

Veuillez indiquer une destination pour lancer la recherche.

Filtrez les résultats

Rayon de recherche, destinations.

  • Destination Base


Type de service

Type de bateau.

  • Catamaran et trimaran à voile

Marques et Modèles

  • Aucune marque / modèle trouvés
  • Modèle Marque


  • Couchettes Couchages minimum - +
  • Cabine(s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 +
  • Salle(s) de bain 1 2 3 4 5 6 +
  • Longueur ft / m > ft / m
  • Année de construction

Résultats de votre recherche 417 bateaux trouvés dans un rayon de 130 km par rapport à votre recherche. Pour effectuer une recherche sur une ville ou un port précis vous pouvez utiliser le filtre Destinations

Superbe 105 avis clients note sur 10

2019 12.8 mètres

6 Cabines 12 Couchettes

Bimini, Bossoir d'annexe, Douche de pont

à partir de 1 735 €

Extraordinaire 2 avis clients note sur 10

2021 12.58 mètres

5 Cabines 10 Couchettes

Panneaux solaires, Bimini, Bossoir d'annexe

à partir de 1 810 €

2020 12.8 mètres

Lagoon 400 S2

Bien 57 avis clients note sur 10

2016 11.97 mètres

6 Cabines 10 Couchettes

Bimini, Grand voile complètement lattée, Hauts Parleurs

à partir de 1 850 €

Contactez nos conseillers afin de dénicher votre future croisière.

  • Trouvons ensemble la meilleure croisière grâce à nos 25 ans d'expérience
  • Accédez à notre catalogue de bateaux notés par nos clients et de loueurs certifiés

2022 12.58 mètres

Douche de pont, Winch éléctrique, GPS traceur cockpit

à partir de 1 900 €

2022 12.75 mètres

5 Cabines 9 Couchettes

Flybridge, Panneaux solaires, Bimini

Bali Catspace

2024 12.33 mètres

4 Cabines 8 Couchettes

Panneaux solaires, Bimini, Barbecue

à partir de 1 910 €

Extraordinaire 4 avis clients note sur 10

2015 11.5 mètres

Panneaux solaires, Bimini, Douche de pont

à partir de 2 000 €

Bien 9 avis clients note sur 10

Panneaux solaires, Bimini, MP3

Bien 1 avis clients note sur 10

2016 11.5 mètres

Moyen 1 avis clients note sur 10

5 Cabines 11 Couchettes

à partir de 2 010 €

2016 11.74 mètres

Pont en teck, Panneaux solaires, Bimini

à partir de 2 038 €

2017 13.6 mètres

Flybridge, Bain de soleil, Panneaux solaires

à partir de 2 065 €

Lagoon 380 s2.

Extraordinaire 1 avis clients note sur 10

2014 11.55 mètres

4 Cabines 10 Couchettes

Panneaux solaires, Bimini, Grand voile complètement lattée

à partir de 2 070 €

Lagoon 450 s.

2019 13.96 mètres

Bimini, Bossoir d'annexe, Winch éléctrique

à partir de 2 195 €

À partir de 2 200 €, à partir de 2 215 €.

Bien 990 avis clients note sur 10

2017 11.5 mètres

Bimini, Eau chaude, Capote de descente

Départs possibles tous les jours

2022 13.45 mètres

à partir de 2 310 €

Superbe 2 avis clients note sur 10

2011 11.97 mètres

Panneaux solaires, Bimini, GPS traceur cockpit

à partir de 2 350 €

Catamaran : les principales régions.


Grèce, découvrez les principaux ports de départ pour une belle croisière


Location Catamaran Cyclades avec ou sans skipper

Dernière mise à jour le 26 septembre 2023

Pourquoi louer un catamaran aux Cyclades ? Un véritable décor de carte postale vous attend aux Cyclades, avec ses belles plages, ses maisons blanches alignées le long de falaises rocheuses, et surmontées de coupoles d'un bleu azur caractéristique. Une location de catamaran aux Cyclades vous permettra de naviguer tranquillement en mer Égée et de caboter à travers les nombreuses îles que compte cet archipel, dont 24 restent inhabitées. Situées entre le Dodécanèse et le golfe d'Athènes, les Cyclades vous offriront les plus beaux paysages pour naviguer dans les eaux grecques.   Les meilleurs endroits où naviguer dans les Cyclades

Votre croisière aux Cyclades passera forcément par Mykonos , l'île la plus touristique et la plus connue de l'archipel. Principalement célèbre pour ses discothèques et ses soirées animées, vous pourrez aussi y observer les célèbres moulins à vent et les maisons blanchies à la chaux qui ont fait la réputation de l'archipel. Une location de catamaran aux Cyclades vous permettra de caboter pour découvrir l’île de Santorin , avec ses belles plages de sable blanc et son relief montagneux, ou l'île de Paros aux villages pittoresques et aux magnifiques criques. Naxos , la plus grande île des Cyclades, est un mouillage parfait pour s'abriter du vent, et pour visiter des sites archéologiques comme le temple d'Apollon. Ne manquez pas non plus de faire une halte dans la nature sauvage d' Amaros , l'île célèbre pour le tournage du film Le Grand Bleu.

Conseils utiles pour naviguer aux Cyclades

La stabilité du catamaran est idéale pour naviguer dans la zone des Cyclades qui est particulièrement soumise au souffle du Meltem . Ce vent d'été peut souffler en rafale entre 35 et 50 nœuds durant les mois de juillet et août. Les meilleurs mois pour réaliser une location de catamaran aux Cyclades sont compris entre mai et octobre. Les températures y seront chaudes et la navigation agréable. Une bonne solution peut être de louer votre bateau avec skipper afin de disposer de l'expérience et des conseils d'un professionnel dans cette zone où la navigation peut parfois être sportive.

Bon à savoir

Entrez en contact avec nos conseillers afin de dénicher votre future croisière.

  • Un conseiller spécialiste vous contactera dans les meilleurs délais
  • Consultez nos propositions de croisière sur votre espace client

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Catamarans are characterised by their two hulls, which provide not only significantly more stability but also more space, privacy, and comfort than a classic monohull sailing yacht. All catamarans have fantastic sundecks, trampolines, and a spacious living room, which offers excellent views on the beautiful Greek scenery. Catamarans usually have a considerable small draft which allows them to get into shallow waters close to the shore. They are an ideal choice for a cruise with a group of friends or family. 

You may start your sailing trip to Cyclades from different marinas, according to yacht availability, flight schedules, charter duration and desired itineraries: ​ Marina Lavrion (Athens area), Marina Alimos (Athens), Marina Zeas (Athens), Marina Agios Kosmas (Athens), Marina Vouliagmeni (Athens), Marina Flisvos (Athens), Marina Paros (Cyclades), Marina Mykonos (Cyclades) and Marina Santorini (Cyclades).

You may see below our wide range of catamarans that can be offered for bareboat charter, skippered charter, or crewed charter.

Please note that for a bareboat charter you need to hold a valid International Certificate of Competence (ICC). If you are holding an ASA or RYA equivalent license, it can be easily converted into an ICC in your home country. We further advise that at least one additional guest holds an RYA Competent Crew Certificate or equivalent. 


Pick your favourite catamaran for your trip in the Cyclades Islands

early booking offer

10-15% early booking discount.



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Cavo Yachting _ Bavaria Cruiser 34

Year built:

Build/Refit: 2020

Length: 18.90 m / 62.00 ft.

Cabins: 5+2

Marina Lavrio (Attica, Greece)

Charter Type:

Cavo Yachting _ Bavaria Cruiser 34

Build/Refit: 2019

Length:  16.80 m / 55.12 ft.

Marina Alimos (Athens, Greece)

Cavo Yachting _ Bavaria Cruiser 34

Length: 14.75 m / 48.39 ft.

Cabins: 6+2

Marina Zeas (Athens, Greece)

Skippered Charters

Cavo Yachting _ Bavaria Cruiser 34

Length: 13.94 m / 45.73 ft.

Cabins: 5+1

Bareboat Charters

Cavo Yachting _ Bavaria Cruiser 34

Build/Refit: 2016

Length: 18.90 m / 62.00 ft.

Cabins: 4+2

Cavo Yachting _ Bavaria Cruiser 34

Length: 15.84 m / 52.00 ft.

Cavo Yachting _ Bavaria Cruiser 34

Build/Refit: 2017

Length: 14.98 m / 49.15 ft.

Cavo Yachting _ Bavaria Cruiser 34

Guests: 10+1

Cavo Yachting _ Bavaria Cruiser 34

Build/Refit: 2015

Cavo Yachting _ Bavaria Cruiser 34

Build/Refit: 2018

Marina Mykonos (Greece)

Cavo Yachting _ Bavaria Cruiser 34

Length: 14.60 m / 47.90 ft.

Mykonos (Cyclades, Greece)

Cavo Yachting _ Bavaria Cruiser 34

Build/Refit: 2023

Length: 13.99 m / 45.90 ft.

Guests: 8+2


  • +34 637 070 777
  • Destinations
  • Experiences

Catamaran charter in Cyclades Islands

  • Yanpy Yanpy /
  • Greece Rental catamarans Greece Greece /
  • Cyclades Islands Rental catamarans Cyclades Islands Cyclades Islands /

location catamaran cyclades

  • Bareboat Enjoy the freedom of sailing and be the captain of your own yacht, granted you have the necessary certification. Independent, private, and cost-efficient, because you won’t need to pay a skipper and crew.
  • Skippered Sit back, relax, and leave the sailing to a professional. A skipper will be appointed to sail the yacht and manage the route according to your preferences, allowing you and your group to relax and enjoy the holiday. A hostess to assist you with cooking and cleaning is also a popular addition.
  • Fully crewed This option offers you the ultimate luxury experience as you enjoy five-star service from the best crews in the business, ensuring you’re fully taken care of for sailing, catering and entertainment.
  • Price: Lowest
  • Price: Highest


{{boat.default_title}}, catamaran kos 46.cat · bali 4.6 · 2021 /.

Charter catamaran Elba 45 in Mykonos - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Nireas · Elba 45 · 2021 /

Hire catamaran Lagoon 42 in Mykonos - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Petalida · Lagoon 42 · 2017 /

Hire catamaran Lagoon 450F in Mykonos - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Amare I · Lagoon 450F · 2019 /

Charter catamaran Lagoon 50 in Paros - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran For Sail Too · Lagoon 50 · 2018 /

Hire catamaran Lucia 40 in Paros - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran E Varka · Lucia 40 · 2017 /

Hire catamaran Lagoon 450  Flybridge in Santorini - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Madicon · Lagoon 450 Flybridge · 2019 /

Charter catamaran Elba 45 in Mykonos - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Greek Beauty · Elba 45 · 2020 /

Hire catamaran Dufour 48 in Mykonos - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Blue Horizon · Dufour 48 · 2020 /

Rental catamaran Bali 4.8  in Mykonos - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Kos 48.1 · Bali 4.8 · 2020 /

Hire catamaran Lagoon 42 in Paros - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Lagoon 42 · Lagoon 42 · 2021 /

Rental catamaran Lagoon 380 in Paros - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Lion Royal · Lagoon 380 · 2016 /

Hire catamaran Dufour 48 Catamaran in Paros - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Sea Breeze *Skipper's Fee Is Included In The Price · Dufour 48 Catamaran · 2020 /

Hire catamaran Dufour 48 Catamaran in Mykonos - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Caipirinha · Dufour 48 Catamaran · 2019 /

Charter catamaran Lagoon 42 in Mykonos - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Proteas · Lagoon 42 · 2020 /

Rental catamaran Lagoon 400 S2 in Mylos - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Naya · Lagoon 400 S2 · 2015 /

Hire catamaran Lagoon 42 in Syros - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Winny · Lagoon 42 · 2019 /

Hire catamaran Lagoon 500 - Skippered in Paros - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Lag5001 · Lagoon 500 - Skippered · 2007 /

Rental catamaran Lagoon 42 - Skippered in Paros - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Lag4211 · Lagoon 42 - Skippered · 2020 /

Hire catamaran Lagoon 42 in Paros - Cyclades Islands

Catamaran Lag4205 · Lagoon 42 · 2019 /

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location catamaran cyclades

How can we help you?

Just let us know what your dreams look like to you and our charter specialists will make it happen.

Other yacht types in Cyclades Islands

  • Gulet charter in Cyclades Islands
  • Sailing Yacht charter in Cyclades Islands
  • Motor yacht charter in Cyclades Islands
  • All yacht charter in Cyclades Islands

Best sailing destinations close to Cyclades Islands

Best yachting destinations in cyclades islands.

  • Catamarans in Mykonos
  • Catamarans in Paros
  • Catamarans in Santorini

Cyclades Yacht Charter List & Guide

  • Inspiration

Cyclades Yacht Charter List & Guide has 13 Photos

Naxos Island Cyclades

Related Locations

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TURQUOISE | From US$ 300,000/wk

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  • Yacht Charter Locations >
  • Mediterranean Yacht Charter >
  • Greece >

Cyclades Yacht Charter, Greece

Cyclades yacht charters bring freedom to explore one of the most inspirational Islands of Greece. White stone walls are nestled into the arid hillside, backed by startling blue seas make these islands amazingly picturesque from aboard a luxury charter yacht. The Cyclades offer both culture and hedonism: ancient sites, Byzantine castles, museums and lively nightlife, shopping, dining, and beaches. What more could you want from a Greece yacht charter in the Mediterranean?

Some highlights in the Cyclades:

  • Mykonos – Travellers rub shoulders with millionaires in the trendy and exotic nightclubs. Small sailboats moor beside luxury superyachts in the picturesque port.
  • Delos - The Cyclades archaeological jewel; the birthplace of Apollo - the god of light, poetry, music, healing and prophecy.
  • Santorini - Be seduced by the extraordinary landscape, spectacular heights and breathtaking sunsets.
  • Sikinos - Anchor your sailing yacht in the charming port framed by two villages hugging the cliffs high above. Sikinos has so much charm and diversity.
  • Paros and Naxos - Perhaps the most beautiful islands in the archipelago. Paros has some of the finest beaches and is famous for it's stunning white marble.
  • Serifos - A taste of natural beauty. The rocky coastline is cut with deep coves and protected beaches. You can even walk amongst stone formations, resembling human figures.

The Cyclades have plenty to offer. Both onboard your sailing yacht and ashore, you’ll be entertained. There is enough in the Cyclades to please even the most discerning sailing charter guest.

A Cyclades yacht charter holiday on a luxury superyacht is in every aspect a Mediterranean classic. Easily one of Greece’s most important yachting destinations, the Cyclades is one of the favorite holiday areas for crewed luxury yachts. This Greek delight comes with everything that one desires from a dream holiday destination – near-perfect weather, quaint bays, idyllic beaches, breathtaking landscapes and, of course, good winds.

Experience and Enjoy the Coast and the Sea

The Cyclades belongs to the highly acclaimed and often preferred island groups within the Aegean Sea. Considered by seasoned and regular visitors to this region as sailing paradise, Cyclades usually ranks high among the top Greece yacht charter holiday destinations. With more than 220 islands and Delos Island at the heart of this holiday paradise, Cyclades is a definite pick by those who want to experience a Greek yacht charter holiday that is complete and authentic.

Majority of the islands have no local residents, but the larger islands like Santorini, Paros, Naxos and Mykonos are popular places of gathering for those who love the sun and those who want to get a good taste of the old Mediterranean.

The Islands of Cyclades

Cyclades completes the triad that comprises the Aegean Archipelago, together with Dodecanese Island and Sporades Island. The islands that comprise Cyclades are actually the exposed peaks of mountain ranges beneath the Aegean Sea, save for 2 islands. Santorini and Milos were the creations of past volcanic eruptions. This is the main reason why sailors consider Cyclades as one of the more challenging destinations in Greece.

This sort of an obstacle comes as a blessing for charter yachts enthusiasts as this Greek yacht holiday destination has been able to maintain its pristine and idyllic state owing to the fact that it is accessed by only a few and the more persistent yacht charter enthusiasts.

The vast swathe of open sea dividing the islands gives you a climate that is distinctively Mediterranean, making this Greek destination truly a sailor’s paradise, with warm summer months and mild winter months. The islands of Cyclades are covered with lush vegetation and is composed of vines, lemons and olives, and in the island of Naxos, you will see the potato crops, which is a major source of income by the locals, aside from their activities that are related to tourism.

Sailing Experience in Cyclades

The sailing experience in Cyclades is more of an engaging challenge for most seasoned sailors and yacht charter enthusiasts. Compared to the other regions in the Mediterranean, holidaymakers may find Cyclades a hard nut that is difficult to crack. Still, it is a favourite destination by yacht charter enthusiasts and tourists who are spending their yacht vacation on board Greece charter yachts.

If there is one thing that would make you stand on your toes in Cyclades, that would be the legendary Melteni, the seasonal wind which normally begins during the month of June, which reaches a peak speed in the months of July and August and starts to dissipate during the months of September. It is during this period that it takes a north-easterly direction.

Cyclades is definitely an important part of your luxury yacht charter Greek itinerary, and if you are planning a yacht charter holiday, then you should have Cyclades at the top of the list of places to visit.

As one of the most well known yacht charter grounds in the Mediterranean, Greece and the Cyclades Islands offer all the main types of yacht charter such as motor, sailing, skippered, crewed yachts, catamaran, power boat, sailboat, luxury yachts and especially the ever increasing super yacht charter.

Like most of the Mediterranean, the Greece and Cyclades yacht chartering season generally runs from April to the end of October. The summer season in July and August is the hottest and tends to have strong meltemi winds blowing frequently. This is also the high season as far as numbers go. The best time to charter a yacht is probably either of the shoulder seasons (April-May and September-October), each side of the main summer season, as the temperatures are the most comfortable, the wind lighter (yet reliable) and the onshore tourists have yet to arrive in their largest numbers.

Ionian Islands, Greece Yacht Charter Aegean & Sporades, Greece Yacht Charter

Below is a selection of luxury yachts available in this area. You can view additional Greece charter yachts here or contact us for additional information.

  • Browse Cyclade Islands Charter Yachts
  • Luxury Motor Yachts for Charter in Cyclade Islands
  • Luxury Sailing Yachts for Charter in Cyclade Islands
  • Luxury Catamarans for Charter in Cyclade Islands
  • Mediterranean Superyacht News

Cyclade Islands Yacht Charter Enquiry

  Cyclades Yacht Charter, Greece Cyclades yacht charter holiday makers will find themselves in on of the most inspirational Islands of all of Greece.

Yachting Destinations close to the Cyclade Islands

In close proximity to the Cyclade Islands are a number of exciting sailing destination.

Yacht Off Monaco


Corfu Kerkyra Island Greece Ionian Islands

Aegean Islands

Yachts for charter in the cyclade islands, kismet | from eur€ 3,000,000/wk.

Luxury Mega Yacht KISMET 2024  - Credit Lurssen

SUNRAYS | From EUR€ 1,150,000/wk

Profile Of The Superyacht By Oceanco

SOLANDGE | From EUR€ 1,000,000/wk

Yacht Solandge - Underway Profile

O'PARI | From EUR€ 1,000,000/wk

Motor Yacht O'Pari

GOLDEN HORIZON | From EUR€ 910,000/wk


74m CRN 131 | From EUR€ 875,000/wk

74m yacht by CRN

KENSHO | From EUR€ 850,000/wk

Luxury Superyacht KENSHO By Admiral Yachts

B2 | From EUR€ 850,000/wk

Aft View

O'PTASIA | From EUR€ 800,000/wk

Magnificent Mega Yacht O'PTASIA

EMIR | From EUR€ 750,000/wk

Motor Yacht EMIR

LADY VERA | From EUR€ 700,000/wk

LADY VERA Yacht At MEDYS In Greece

LAUREN L | From EUR€ 695,000/wk

The 89m Yacht LAUREN L

LADY E | From US$ 665,000/wk

Finished Exterior

RESILIENCE | From US$ 650,000/wk

Super yacht RESILIENCE

FIREBIRD | From EUR€ 650,000/wk

Feadship Yacht FIREBIRD

SOUNDWAVE | From EUR€ 650,000/wk

11.11 profile photo with tender in the Mediterranean

Greece Superyacht News

Another great special offer on board 36m motor yacht CALYPSO I

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Charter Special on board 36m luxury yacht CALYPSO I from Italy to Greece

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This document is not contractual. The yacht charters and their particulars displayed in the results above are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed. CharterWorld Limited does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. All information is subject to change without notice and is without warrantee. A professional CharterWorld yacht charter consultant will discuss each charter during your charter selection process. Starting prices are shown in a range of currencies for a one-week charter, unless otherwise marked. Exact pricing and other details will be confirmed on the particular charter contract. Just follow the "reserve this yacht charter" link for your chosen yacht charter or contact us and someone from the CharterWorld team will be in touch shortly.

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Experience Cyclades like a local

location catamaran cyclades

one week of pleasure

Visit Mykonos , Serifos , Paros and all the other wonderful Cyclades islands. Dazzling white houses resembling ice cubes from the distance, 400+ azure beaches, white washed little villages, blue-domed chapels, incredible sunsets and a unique array of landscapes with cobalt blue surroundings. Honestly speaking, the Cyclades has it all! Book your sailing yacht charter in Cyclades today and  have the opportunity to experience the vacation of a lifetime. Experience the true Greek Culture, Spirit and History in a week you won’t forget!

location catamaran cyclades


Seductive and peaceful surroundings,  hilltop villages and charming white homes welcome you to a relaxing atmosphere on  your first stop in the cyclades..

Tall cliffs and mountains, covered in olive groves, filled with little pathways for hiking, KEA is a real delight! If you wish to experience the island as the ancients did, we recommend you follow the trails leading to four of the ancient city-states; Ioulis, Karthaia, Korissia and Poiessa.

KEA, your entrance into the Cyclades.

location catamaran cyclades


Gorgeous combination of greek tradition mixed with western civilization. ermoupoli (city of hermes) is the capital of the cyclades and once center of industrial trade during the 19 th century..

Venetian mansions, impressive neoclassical buildings  and white washed homes resemble a colorful puzzle from the distance worth visiting during your sailing trip to the Cyclades.

The elegant lady of the Aegean Sea

location catamaran cyclades


Maybe even more popular than greece herself, mykonos has the full package white washed homes, vibrant atmosphere, unlimited parties, crystal clear waters and astonishing sunsets..

The waterfront known as “Little Venice” is known for its excellent cocktails and the beautiful windmills, which overlook the town from the distance. All these feautures can make one fall in love with the island very easily. When  in Mykonos  it is said the sound of the island's heartbeat pounds so intensely, awakening the soul and releasing all inhibitions! An extraordinary destination for your sailing trip!

Live the dream! Embrace the vibe! You are in the party capital of Greece!

location catamaran cyclades


Among the most popular greek islands,  paros is famous for its parian marble, beautiful cycladic architecture and golden sandy beaches..

Having the largest fishing fleet in the Cyclades it will provide you with all your appetite desires! While the truly romantic character and atmosphere of Naoussa Port will captivate your heart! The Holy Shrine of Ekatodapiliani, a few steps away from the port, will take you on a magical journey into ancient times. As referred in the myth, try to locate the 100 th hidden door mentioned in ancient texts. Byzantine pathways, still present today, create unrivalled wonderful experiences on this breathtaking island.

Experience the myth and try finding the hidden door of the Holly Shrine of Ekatodapiliani.

location catamaran cyclades


Welcome to the tallest city of the cyclades . dressed in white and filled with windmills, the city (hora) looks towards the horizon, above the main harbor of "livadi"..

Local delicacies like “cheese doughnuts”, “xynomyzithra” and local sausage will tantalize your taste buds! While “Souma”, the local alcohol will elevate your spirits and keep you saying “Geia Mas”(cheers in Greek)! Small churches built on the edge of rocky cliffs and hilltops provide epic views of the surrounding landscapes. Lovely little trails and pathways provide the opportunity for true adventures and awesome hikes!

The loft of the Cyclades

location catamaran cyclades


Known for its thermal springs, impressive sandy beaches, cycladic hills and blue domed chapels, kythnos demonstrates an inherent greek character..

A capital with unique charm, lovely pottery stores, white washed shops and excellent eating spots. Not to mention the wonderful vibe and happy people all welcoming you as one of their own! Home to “Kolona”,  a sandy stripe of shore dividing the sea into two exceptional bays waiting for you to drop anchor and spend a night onboard. Friendly people, Cycladic architecture, breathtaking gulfs to visit!

Join the locals and sing to the rhythm of violin and the lute

location catamaran cyclades


If anyone knew where to build a temple, look no further than the ancient greeks cape sounion, located 3 sailing hours away from athens, hosts the temple of poseidon. a site to behold.

Just 20 miles away, Athens provides the option of exploring ancient and modern Greece at your own discretion. Envision the ancient past, explore the modern cafes and bars, as well as enjoying the Athenian summer! Take a walk on the ancient marble paved streets, relax on the hills observing the Acropolis or simply walk the shore and enjoy the Saronic breeze! 

Welcome to the world’s ancient capital

location catamaran cyclades

Eugene says…

Don’t miss the chance to experience Cyclades!

I understand that most of you are familiar with islands of the Cyclades such as Mykonos, Santorini, Paros etc. Truth is that there are plenty more, equally beautiful islands in the Cyclades. It is impossible to see all Cyclades islands in one week therefore we encourage you to share with us some of your preferences (meaning how familiar you are with sailing, the type of vacation you seek, how many hours you would enjoy sailing per day, if you love sightseeing and many others) in order for us to trim your sailing cruise according to your standards. In addition, please take under consideration the weather, since it is important for the trip to be pleasant and relaxing! Email us for anything you may require, I would be happy if we could be of assistance.

location catamaran cyclades

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location catamaran cyclades

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Paros Catamaran

“Paros catamaran” is a small family owned and run catamaran charter company in Greece providing stress-free sailing holidays in the Cycladic islands. “Kallisti”, a catamaran Lagoon 39, built in 2015, sets off from its charter base in the port of Paros. Allow us to show you the ‘best’ of small Cyclades while you are enjoying the finest sailing experience in the Aegean Sea.

“the impressing cycladic daughter in the absolute white and blue”.

In the center of the Aegean, in the heart of Cyclades, is the island Paros which was voted as “Europe’s Best Island For 2018”. A white touch in the big blue. There are several reasons to book a trip to Paros, the island that is most renowned for its natural beaches, cosmopolitan nightlife, and ancient monuments. An ideal destination for your summer holidays. An ideal base to start your sailing vacations thanks to its position in the center of Cyclades and its frequent connection with the port of Piraeus(4hrs connection) and Athens’s airport (half an hour flight).

location catamaran cyclades

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Cyclades Islands guide

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Guide to the Cyclades Islands

A diverse and enchanting travel experience

Famed for their glittering islands and sparkling azure waters, it is no wonder that the Cyclades are the most popular charter destination of the Greek Islands. Brimmed with sugar-hued buildings, blue-domed Byzantine churches and glorious golden beaches, it is difficult to resist the allure of this breathtaking East Mediterranean archipelago.

This naturally beautiful archipelago sits in the centre of the Aegean Sea. The name Cyclades stems from the Greek word kÍiklos meaning “circle”, as the islands are formed in a ring around the ancient Island of Delos . Every year the Cyclades beckon more and more visitors to their sun-drenched islands, each unique in character though steeped in Grecian charm. A luxury yacht charter is the perfect way to explore the secluded anchorages for those looking to wind down in ultimate serenity. With small remote islands offering unparalleled privacy and larger islands ripe with opportunities for activity, the Cyclades have something to please every visitor.

The main islands within this enthralling cluster are Mykonos, Paros, Naxos, Delos and of course the favoured Santorini to name but a few.

Santorini An undoubted favourite of the Cyclades Islands, Santorini is a boutique gem steeped in resplendent treasures and astounding natural beauty. Often popular amongst honeymooners, Santorini is arguably one of the most romantic destinations in the world. From dazzling sunsets, intimate seafront restaurants and intriguing cliff-top towns, Santorini is saturated in elegance. Boasting spectacular landscape views this volcanic island is blessed with opulent sandy beaches and local vineyards for a sumptuous vacation of ultimate relaxation.

Mykonos Often dubbed as the ‘party island’ of the Cyclades, Mykonos is an energetic neighbour of the serene Santorini. Radiating a tangible buzz day and night, Mykonos pulsates with vibrant nightlife and designer fashions. The cosmopolitan lifestyle and rustic traditional villages lace this flamboyant island with stunning sandy beaches and enthralling towns to be explored. Mykonos is the beating heart of the Cyclades and not to be missed for those looking for a vacation brimmed with life.

Paros and Ios Paros is an idyllic location for sun worshippers and avid fishermen in addition to offering excellent water sports opportunities. The seaside village of Naoussa boasts stunning picturesque views and is an unmissable stop. Ios exudes more of the party atmosphere and is reputed to be the go to place for youthful party goers and lively crowds though pretty swimming beaches offer peace and quiet for the more subdued.

Folegandros and Delos The picture perfect island of Folegandros is home to some of the prettiest villages in all of the Aegean Sea with sugar-hued buildings lining the streets and stunning island harbours there is no wonder that this small island has been donned as the ‘Island of Peace’. With a simple and relaxing ambiance, the Folegandros Island has become a fashionable destination. The Island of Delos is the uninhabited centre of this archipelago brimmed with unmissable archaeological artefacts. Take a walk along the ‘Avenue of Lions’ and revel in the soothing lifestyle which couldn’t be further from the lively modernity of some of the other islands, making for the ultimate escape.

Naxos, Siros and Tinos The largest of the Cyclades, Naxos is relatively flat and renowned for its soft beaches and lush greenery with pretty swimming spots and winding valleys. The medieval islands of Siros and Tinos are still entrenched with a distinctly local flavour.

Andros, Milos, Sifnos, and Kithnos Home to copious museums, scenic sea caves and some of the finest beaches, Andros and Milos are steeped in history and culture. Sifnos boasts an eclectic blend of Cycladic architecture and atmospheric towns whereas Kithnos is saturated in natural beauty and a tranquil mood. With so much on offer, it's worth getting in touch with your preferred charter broker to identify which islands best suit your particular needs. Likewise, be sure to take a look at all of the superyachts available for rent in Greece .

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Reasons to Visit

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Discover Areas within the Cyclades Islands

Mykonos Guide

Guide to Mykonos

Santorini Guide

Guide to Santorini

Paros Guide

Guide to Paros

Antiparos Guide

Guide to Antiparos

Naxos Guide

Guide to Naxos

Ios Guide

Guide to Ios

Milos Guide

Guide to Milos

Syros Guide

Guide to Syros

Folegandros Guide

Guide to Folegandros

Delos Guide

Guide to Delos

Explore popular itineraries.

Not sure where to go? Let our itinerary suggestions inspire your own Cyclades Islands bespoke charter.


Our Pick Top Things to See & Do

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Bellonias Villas

Cool crowd, stylish surrounds

Nammos Mykonos

A SuperyachtSet hotspot

Principote Panormos

The ultimate in understated elegance

Nobu Matsuhisa Mykonos

The best sushi in Mykonos

Featured Yachts in the Cyclades Islands

To help you in your search for your perfect luxury charter yacht for your next vacation, we’ve selected some of the finest and most exclusive superyachts and megayachts that are currently available for charter in the Cyclades Islands.

O'Pari yacht charter in Cyclades Islands

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  • Folegandros

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Catamaran Charter Greece


+385 21 55 33 01      +385 91 3000 009

+385 91 3000 009

Our fleet of Catamarans Cyclades islands

Cyclades Islands Catamaran Charter Greece

Alegria 67 Power

Built: 2020 Cabins: 5 Berths: 10 Length: 20.30 m / 67 ft From: € 29,000 / week

Astréa 42 Catamaran Charter Greece

Built: 2019 / 2020 / 2021 Cabins: 4 Berths: 8+2 Length: 12.58 m / 41.27 ft From: € 3,100 / week

Bali 4.0 / 4.1 Catamaran Charter Greece future image

Built: 2017 / 2018 Cabins: 4 Berths: 10 Length: 12.20 m / 40.02 ft From: € 3,300 / week

Bali 4.0 / 4.1 Catamaran Charter Greece future image

Built: 2019 / 2020 Cabins: 4 Berths: 10 Length: 12.20 m / 40.02 ft From: € 3,600 / week

Bali 4.2 Catamaran Charter Greece Main

Built: 2021 / 2024 Cabins: 4 Berths: 10 Length: 12.85 m / 42.16 ft From: € 2,800 / week

Bali 4.3 catamaran Charter Greece

Built: 2019 / 2020 Cabins: 4+2 Berths: 8+2+2 Length: 13.10 m / 42.97 ft From: € 4,000 / week

Bali 4.4 Main

Built: 2023 / 2024 Cabins: 4 Berths: 10 Length: 13.75m / 45.11ft From: € 4,900 / week

Bali 4.5 Catamaran Charter Greece future image

Built: 2016 / 2017 Cabins: 4+2 Berths: 8+2+2 Length: 13.60 m / 44.61 ft From: € 4,420 / week

Bali 4.6 Catamaran Charter Greece Main

Built: 2021 / 2024 Cabins: 5 Berths: 12 Length: 14.28 m / 46.85 ft From: € 4,000 / week

Bali 4.8 Catamaran Charter Croatia Greece Italy Main

Built: 2021 / 2024 Cabins: 6 Berths: 12 Length: 14.82 m / 48.62 ft From: € 6,930 / week

Bali 5.4 Catamaran Charter Greece

Built: 2019 Cabins: 5+1 Berths: 10+2 Length: 16.81 m / 55.15 ft From: € 12,900 / week

Bali Catsmart Main

Bali Catsmart

Built: 2024 Cabins: 4 Berths: 10 Length: 12.08m / 39.63ft From: € 2,800 / week

Bali Catspace Main

Bali Catspace

Built: 2023 / 2024 Cabins: 4 Berths: 10 Length: 12.05m / 39.53ft From: € 2,550 / week

Dufour 48 Catamaran Greece Charter Main

Built: 2019 / 2020 / 2021 Cabins: 5 Berths: 10+2 Length: 14.70 m / 48.22 ft From: € 3,600 / week

Excess 11 Main

Built: 2024 Cabins: 4 Berths: 10 Length: 11.33m / 37.17ft From: € 2,200 / week

Excess 12 Catamaran Charter Greece Main

Built: 2020 Cabins: 4 Berths: 10 Length: 11.36 m / 37.2 ft From: € 4,000 / week

Excess 14 Main

Built: 2024 Cabins: 4 Berths: 12 Length: 15.99m / 52.46ft From: € 5,800 / week

Alegria 67 Catamaran Charter Greece

Fountaine Pajot Alegria 67

Built: 2019 Cabins: 4 Berths: 8+3 Length: 20.46 m / 67.13 ft From: € 28,000 / week

Aura 51 Main

Fountaine Pajot Aura 51

Built: 2024 Cabins: 5 Berths: 10 Length: 15.54 m / 51 ft From: € 8,900 / week

Fountaine Pajot Elba 45 Catamaran Charter Greece Main

Fountaine Pajot Elba 45

Built: 2020 / 2021 Cabins: 4 Berths: 10 Length: 13.45 m / 44.1 ft From: € 5,980 / week

Fountaine Pajot MY 44 Power Catamaran Charter Greece Main

Fountaine Pajot MY 44

Built: 2020 Cabins: 3 Berths: 6 Length: 13.40 m / 43.96 ft From: € 10,900 / week

Saba 50 Catamaran Charter Greece

Fountaine Pajot Saba 50

Built: 2017 / 2018 Cabins: 6 Berths: 12 Length: 14.98 m / 49.14 ft From: € 9,000 / week

Fountaine Pajot Thira 80 Main

Fountaine pajot Thira 80

Built: 2024 Cabins: 5 Berths: 10 Length: 23.98m / 78.67ft From: € 70,000 / week

Helia 44 Catamaran Charter Greece

Built: 2013 Cabins: 4+2 Berths: 8+2+2 Length: 13.30 m / 43.63 ft From: € 3,000 / week

Cyclades Islands

Cyclades is the term given to one of the many beautiful groups of islands that lie in the vicinity of Greece. This group of islands was given its name because it forms a cycle around the holy land of Delos. Due to the close proximity of the islands to one another, the sailing schedule can be loosened up, which results in extra time for vacation activities like sight-seeing and shopping.

The islands are most famous for its history, art, and civilisation that dates back to the Bronze Age. In addition, the islands provide a breathtaking range of gorgeous coasts, pristine beaches, local handicrafts, entertainment, and diving opportunities.

The Cyclades are the archetypal Greek islands; they are composed of rocky outcrops that are adorned with sparkling white houses that are contrasted by bright blue church domes; all of this is bathed in radiant light and is fringed with golden beaches that are kissed by azure seas.

Mythology has it that all of the islands come together to form an invisible circle (kyklos) around the island of Delos, which was revered as holy ground because it was Apollo, the god of lightbirthplace. ,’s The islands are convenient for island hopping due to their modest size and close proximity to one another.

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location catamaran cyclades

Vos croisières dans les Cyclades

Cap croisieres voile, découverte livre d'or ici, location de voilier aux cyclades avec skipper saison 2023 - 2024, venez partager la magie des cyclades, le plus bel archipel de la grèce et de la méditerranée orientale, un contact direct, une expérience de terrain en grèce, aux cyclades, un skipper expérimenté et passionné:.

location catamaran cyclades

Les îles grecques sont uniques et pleines de charme. Pour les découvrir, une croisière avec location de voilier avec skipper ( monocoque ou catamaran ) s'impose!

Une croisière en voilier.

Pour que cette alchimie opère, je mets à votre disposition les voiliers suivants :

location voilier

Perle Noire


Un Salona 44 Croisière au départ de Lavrion

Je vous mets en relation avec des skippers francophones :

Voileux dans l'âme, courtois, pédagogues. Tous ont l'habitude de naviguer avec des familles et des enfants. Ils sont responsables de la navigation et de la vie à bord. Ils connaissent intimement les Cyclades. En fonction de vos envies et des vents, ils adapteront le meilleur itinéraire possible. Vous serez en contact rapidement avant votre croisière.


Pour une croisière dans une zone de navigation exceptionnelle: la Mer Egée 


PLAN 1: Les Cyclades du Nord (vent de sud)


PLAN 2: Les Cyclades du Sud (vent de nord- meltem)


PLAN 3: Lavrion, route vers les Cyclades


PLAN 4: Athènes, route vers le golfe argo-saronique

Ma méthode:.

location catamaran cyclades

  • hébergement: hôtel au Pirée, à Paros ou dans les îles, villas, chambres chez l'habitant, à la semaine ou à la journée
  • transport: ferry, avion pour Athènes, Mykonos (direct), ou encore Paros (vols intérieurs), location de voiture ou de scooters...

location catamaran cyclades

Autres infos pratiques pour préparer votre croisière et la location de votre voilier en Grèce

location catamaran cyclades

Suivez moi sur les réseaux sociaux !

Mes croisières en voilier et catamaran.

  • Croisières en Grèce : spécialiste des Cyclades
  • Croisières aux antilles : spécialiste des Grenadines
  • Croisière en Corse: au départ d'Ajaccio


location voilier cyclades

Privacy Overview

Cabin Cruise on Lagoon 42 to Santorini and the Southern Cyclades

  • Votre équipage
  • Paros Marina, Cyclades Islands
  • Catamaran 12.80m
  • 8 passengers max
  • Rest cruise
  • Recommended for families
  • Not included
  • Accommodation aboard the yacht
  • Supervision by a professional skipper
  • Hostling service (cook)
  • Bedding & Cleaning service
  • Bath towels
  • Motorised dinghy
  • Mooring taxes
  • Snorkeling equipment
  • Transport to and from the destination
  • Facultatives restaurants or activities

Departure guaranteed from 4 passengers. - Meals included: vegetarian breakfasts and lunches with fresh local produce. Not included: tavern dinners. - For drinks, water and one bottle of wine per couple per day are included. - If you wish to privatize a double cabin, you will have to pay a 100% single supplement. It is customary to leave a tip for the crew at the end of the cruise, at your convenience.

  • Available on :
  • Cabin cruise

Your cruise

Come and discover the Cyclades during 1 week on Paros, Santorini, Milos, Sifnos and many other idyllic islands! Aboard your catamaran, you'll enjoy a dream vacation of idleness, water sports and walks!

Your possible stops during this cruise

The following itinerary is likely to be realized. However, depending on weather conditions and everyone's wishes, it may be modified. DAY 1: Embarkation in Paros and departure for Ios Your crew will welcome you aboard the catamaran. After settling in and getting to know the boat, you'll head for Ios. You'll arrive in Ios in the early evening, giving you the chance to stroll around and enjoy the island's nightlife. You'll spend the night at anchor. DAY 2: Set course for Santorini After breakfast, you'll set sail for a morning of sailing. The boat will drop anchor in the early afternoon for a stopover in Santorini. You'll have the afternoon to explore the island and Amoudi Bay. Return to the boat in the early evening to enjoy the sunset before heading to Thirasia for the night. DAY 3: Direction Folegandros Set course for your next destination, the island of Folegandros, arriving in the early afternoon. Once on land, you'll discover the island's capital, Chora, a little perched paradise where you can enjoy sumptuous panoramic views. You'll be amazed by this picturesque island with its whitewashed houses, colorful windows and bougainvillea that perfume the little streets. DAY 4: Kimolos In the morning, you'll set sail for Kimolos, stopping at Polyaigos for lunch on board. You'll arrive in Kimolos for the afternoon, when you'll have the chance to swim or snorkel in the turquoise waters. You'll spend the night at anchor. DAY 5: Milos After breakfast, you'll head for Milos for a short sailing trip. Just before arriving in Milos, you'll stop off at Adamas to enjoy the island's translucent waters. You'll then have the day to discover the charms of the volcanic island of Milos. Enjoy the many hot springs on the island. DAY 6: Sifnos Head south to Sifnos for another day. Drop anchor in Sifnos for lunch. In the afternoon, you can visit the town, with its many stores, restaurants and bars. Spend the night at anchor in Platis Gialos. DAY 7: Antiparos/ Paros After breakfast, you'll head for Antiparos. Take advantage of your last stop for a swim in the translucent waters surrounding Antiparos. Return to the boat at 4 p.m. to head for the port of Paros. This will be the end of the cruise, with lots of memories and the desire to leave as soon as possible.

The skipper

Embark with Your Crew - Destination Cyclades for a sailing cruise

Make you spend a dream holiday on a magnificent catamaran!

Lagoon 42 - 12.80 meters

Luxurious catamaran with 4 double cabins and bathroom.

  • 4 double cabins
  • 2 single cabins
  • 4 bathrooms
  • Outdoor table
  • Air conditioner

The skipper sleeps in a double cabin, the others are available for passengers

Hostess/cooker on board

I manage the supply on board

  • Places of embarkation: Paros Marina, Cyclades Islands
  • Boarding time: 17h00 / 5PM
  • Time of landing: 19h00 / 7PM

There are several options for reaching Paros: - The most common option is to fly into Athens a day early, then take the ferry to Paros on Saturday morning (the journey takes 3 to 5 hours, depending on the boat). Paros airport: Although it is currently being expanded, Paros' small airport does not yet handle international flights. However, Paros is served daily from Athens, so you may want to consider a connection from Athens International Airport. - Another option is to land in Mykonos or Santorini (both islands have international airports), then take a ferry to Paros. This takes less than an hour from Mykonos and two hours from Santorini.

A great cruise with beautiful islands and spots to see. Costas (Skipper) and Sophie (hostess) are very professional and very nice and kind. We had a great time in every sense of the word. We were able to travel with people from different countries. It was very nice. We could not do Santorini because of the Metelm which blows really strong at the end of July. But Costas knew how to make us discover other places just as beautiful.

A very good organization

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Customer Satisfaction 4.75 / 5

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Island hopping on a boat under sail is probably the smartest way you can choose to explore the raw beauty of the Greek islands! Each day you wake up in a different place; there is no fixed itinerary, it's 100% your trip!

Windfinders sailing cruises

We run both private and individual skippered sailing cruises in the Cyclades archipelago.

The Skipper

  • The Cyclades

Cruises 2024

What's new in 2024.

We are excited to announce you that from May to October  2024 , we will once more be operating both private and shared skippered sailing cruises from our base on the beautiful island of Paros , which is located in the heart of the Cyclades archipelago. 

What is your style? Private cruise... or by the cabin?

When joining a Windfinders cruise you have 2 options: You can hire the entire yacht for yourself or you can decide to join a cabin charter where you will rent only one cabin on a shared cruise with other travellers. Cabin charters are a really nice way for solo travellers, couples or small groups willing to meet new travellers and share a week’s sailing together. A cabin charter is confirmed when a certain number of participants is reached.

How much does it cost and what is included in the price?

A week’s sailing on board Cinderella in high season amounts to about 850 euros per person for a private booking. Booking a cabin only in a shared cruise costs 2200 euros for 2 persons sharing the same cabin or 1600 euros for a single occupancy of the cabin. Further information is available on the Booking page.

What is always included when booking with Windfinders

Accomodation on board windfinder's beautiful sailing yacht "cinderella".

Just a little over 50ft in length, Cinderella can accommodate up to 8 guests in 4 double cabins with attending bathroom.

The service of a professional skipper

Istvan is both the skipper and the owner of the sailing yacht Cinderella; he will be your skipper, interlocutor and also your guide throughout your sailing cruise.

Fuel is included

Fuel consumption of the main engine and the engine of the dinghy are included. This is for a reasonable utilisation of 2 – 3 hours per day.

No security deposit

Most charter companies require the charterers to leave a security deposit even in the event of a skippered charter. At Windfinders’ the skipper takes full responsibility of the yacht and its equipment.

benefits of sailing with us

Starting in the heart of the cyclades archipelago.

The island of Paros is the second largest island of the Cyclades Archipelago. Exactly in the center of the Cyclades archipelago, Paros is the ideal starting point for your holiday! It is easily accessible

Kitesurfing, Windsurfing and Wingfoiling are allowed from the boat

At Windfinders we are Kitesurfer, Windsurfer and Wingfoiler friendly! So you are welcome to bring your equipment on board and we will take you to those hidden secret spots which are only accessible by boat.

Important note: Windfinders does not provide any equipment, you have to bring your own. You have to be an independent to advanced rider able to ride  upwind and familiar with all the safety procedures involved! Riding from the boat is at your own risk.

From June to September, the Cyclades are home to the sailing summer wind Meltemi, which turns the archipelago into Mediterranean's #1 sailing playground!

Check out our shared cruises for 2024...

May to october, paros, ios, amorgos and the small cyclades, 7 days and 6 nights​, march to may, one way athens to santorini via milos and folegandros, 10 days, 10 nights, kitesurfing cruise in the home of the meltemi, the cyclades, private booking upon request, what people say....

location catamaran cyclades

A fantastic week sailing the small Cyclades

Our family of 6 spent a week on board the Cinderella from 1-8 August as part of a longer multi island trip in the Cyclades. The week exploring the small Cyclades, hidden coves and quiet beaches, as well as decent sailing hours, with skipper Istvan turned out to be the highlight of our summer vacation. As we were advised by someone, the skipper and his/her knowledge of the area and the ability to get along with the guests can make or break the trip. With Istvan we hit bingo as he turned out a fantastic host for us and the kids, always willing to embark on an activity, on sea or on land. He knows his ship and the Aegean sea and that gives a very comfortable and safe feeling. Equally important, Istvan is really a nice guy, very relaxed about almost everything. Many thanks Istvan for a great week on board the Cinderella. 5/5 stars for sure.

– Hoes family from Netherlands

Go for Istvan

We went on our first sailing trip ever five years ago and decided to choose Istvan Ferrare as a skipper. It was said that he is one of the most trustful skippers in the agean sea. After one week of sailing with him we got very good friends, got the sense of sailing and we NEVER felt unsafe!! Istvan has a great sense of humour and he is really sensitiv,he is an entertainer and skipper in one person . He would never risk something without thinking or do something unsafe. Istvan is an expert in finding the best places for you in the Agean. We really enjoyed every sailing week with him.

– Spreizer family from Austria

Just had the most amazing sailing…

Just had the most amazing sailing holiday with Istvan and his boat Cinderella. We felt completely safe and secure on the boat, Istvan’s knowledge and experience is incredible and he took us to fabulous beauty spots that are not on the commercial path. We would recommend Windfinders to everyone with confidence…..Istvan is not intrusive and gives you space and privacy so if you are thinking of booking a sailing holiday then book Windfinders. Thanks Istvan

Susan from UK

Perfection on the ocean waves ......

Just back from a week of sailing on Cinderella with Istvan. Cinderella is beautiful with everything you need and plenty of space. Istvan is just perfect! He knows the best places and is extremely competent which makes you feel totally safe. Istvan is very knowledgeable and an excellent host. I will definitely book again and will be recommending without any hesitation whatsoever.

Josephine from UK

See more reviews on Trustpilot

As a warm-up, follow us on instagram.

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Windfinders Sailing Cruises

  • Kitesurfing
  • The skipper

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Catamaran charter in Cyclades Islands

  • Boat rental
  • Discover the best destinations to go on holiday

Charter Catamaran Lagoon-Bénéteau Lagoon 42 - 4 + 2 cab. Alimos

Lagoon-Bénéteau - Lagoon 42 - 4 + 2 cab. | 12 people  (2024)

From €407 per day.

Charter Catamaran  Lagoon 51 Laurium

- Lagoon 51 | 12 people  (2024)

From €1,000 per day.

Charter Catamaran Nautitech 46 Fly Santorini

Nautitech - 46 Fly | 24 people  (2020)

From €428 per day.

Charter Catamaran  Bali 4.2 Laurium

- Bali 4.2 | 12 people  (2023)

From €700 per day.

Charter Catamaran Lagoon-Bénéteau Lagoon 42 - 4 + 2 cab. Alimos

Lagoon-Bénéteau - Lagoon 42 - 4 + 2 cab. | 12 people  (2017)

From €371 per day.

Charter Catamaran Catana Group Bali 4.2 Alimos

Catana Group - Bali 4.2 | 9 people  (2024)

From €566 per day.

Charter Catamaran Lagoon 42 Paros

Lagoon - 42 | 9 people  (2021)

From €729 per day.

Charter Catamaran  Lagoon 42 Laurium

- Lagoon 42 | 10 people  (2020)

From €586 per day.

Charter Catamaran Lagoon-Bénéteau Lagoon 52 - 4 + 2 cab. Alimos

Lagoon-Bénéteau - Lagoon 52 - 4 + 2 cab. | 12 people  (2014)

From €1,157 per day.

Charter Catamaran LAGOON 42 Skippered Syros

LAGOON - 42 Skippered | 8 people  (2019)

From €616 per day.

Charter Catamaran Lagoon Lagoon 46 Paros

Lagoon - Lagoon 46 | 8 people  (2020)

From €786 per day.

Charter Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Elba 45 Laurium

Fountaine Pajot - Elba 45 | 12 people  (2020)

From €714 per day.

Charter Catamaran  Elba 45 Laurium

- Elba 45 | 9 people  (2023)

Charter Catamaran Fountaine Pajot ISLA 40 Paros

Fountaine Pajot - ISLA 40 | 10 people  (2023)

From €500 per day.

Charter Catamaran  Lagoon 46/12  Naousa

- Lagoon 46/12 | 12 people  (2024)

From €826 per day.

Charter Catamaran Lagoon Lagoon 46 Alimos Marina

Lagoon - Lagoon 46 | 12 people  (2022)

From €617 per day.

Charter Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Astréa 42 Laurium

Fountaine Pajot - Astréa 42 | 11 people  (2023)

From €571 per day.

Charter Catamaran Lagoon-Bénéteau Lagoon 450 F - 4 + 2 cab. Alimos

Lagoon-Bénéteau - Lagoon 450 F - 4 + 2 cab. | 12 people  (2016)

From €629 per day, all about catamaran rentals in the cyclades, sailing areas in the cyclades, climate and sailing conditions in the cyclades, itinerary ideas for the cyclades, travel tips for the cyclades, charter a catamarans near cyclades.

In Cyclades, privately owned boats are available for charter. See other boats in the area.

Charter another boat type in Cyclades

Are you interested in other boats besides catamarans in Cyclades? Search for other boats to charter on our website


Naxos sailing tours & cruises.

Naxos Catamaran offers day and sunset cruises aboard our luxury catamarans and sailing boats with the highest quality of exclusive services guaranteed to please!

Our friendly, experienced crews have been sailing the waters around Naxos since they were kids and know all the secluded bays and beaches to show you a magical side of the island that is accessible only by boat.

Our small group tours are perfect for couples or families looking to explore the coast of Naxos with like minded travellers while our private tours offer your party exclusive use of your very own catamaran and captain allowing you to explore Naxos and nearby islands in style.

We look forward to welcoming you to Naxos!

Welcome to Naxos Catamaran


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location catamaran cyclades


location catamaran cyclades


location catamaran cyclades


Experience the true beauty of Naxos and the Cyclades!


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Yacht Charter in Greece

+1 813 314 7947 USA: 8am to 8pm EST Europe: 8am to 8pm CET

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High End Yachts

Yachts under $250k

Yachts under $100k

Yachts under $60k

Yachts under $40k

Yachts under $30k

Yachts over 200ft

Yachts under 200ft

Yachts under 150ft

Yachts under 125ft

Yachts under 100ft

Yachts under 75ft

Yachts under 50ft

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Charter Yachts with a Jacuzzi

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Charter Yachts with a Jetski

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Charter Yachts with Multiple Jetskis Onboard

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Charter Yachts with Scuba Diving Onboard

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Large Groups (12-20 guests) charters

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Luxury Yachts

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Motor Yachts

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Power Catamarans

DMA Yachting

Carer de Saridakis, 3A 07015 Palma de Mallorca, Spain

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DMA Yachting on Trustpilot - verified 3rd party reviews

Get in touch on WhatsApp

Athens, Greece +30 211 198 3501

Miami, FL +1 813 314 7947

Palma de Mallorca, Spain +34 518 808 582

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About/Contact Page

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Daniel Asmus

Owner, charter broker, active cyba member, iyba, ecpy.

[email protected]

+34 678 368 304 1 484 978 8668

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Martina Asmus

[email protected]

1 814 831 7032 1 814 831 7032

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Yanna Pristas

Senior charter broker, associate cyba member.

[email protected]

1 850 876 5440

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Chris de Kock

Charter broker.

[email protected]

1 618 389 4180

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Andrea Pristas

[email protected]

1 863 694 0737

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Sarah Klische

[email protected]

1 989 787 3928

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William Mc Nally

[email protected]

1 814 526 7505

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Marcelle Hailwax

[email protected]

1 814 831 6812

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Alex Hailwax

[email protected]

1 484 699 0621

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Louis Lamprell

[email protected]

1 518 765 1956

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Nadja Asmus

[email protected]

+1 (239) 260-4410

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Gareth Whitehead

[email protected]

1 470 835 5010

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[email protected]

Yacht Charter in Sikinos

  • ALL Locations in Cyclades

Saronic Gulf, Argolic Gulf and Eastern Peloponnese

Yacht Charter in Methana

  • ALL Locations in Saronic Gulf, Argolic Gulf and Eastern Peloponnese

Dodecanese Islands

Yacht Charter in Levitha

  • ALL Locations in Dodecanese Islands

Yacht Charter in Crete

  • ALL Locations in Crete

Classy 8-day Cyclades Yacht Charter Itinerary – Explore Greek Islands in Serenity!

  • Top 10 Greek Sailing Charters for Summer

location catamaran cyclades

Catamarans for Charter in Greece

Sailing Catamaran charters in Greece are a convenient way to have a larger number of guests (up to 12) on a comfortable crewed yacht charter.

Notice that the distances in Greece are quite long . Since most luxury catamarans are based in Athens (inquire for Mykonos-based  catamarans ), the ideal catamaran charter itinerary will include the Saronic Islands of Aegina and Hydra .

For a Catamaran charter in the Cyclades , especially if you are planning to visit Santorini , we recommend chartering out of Mykonos. Our brokers will find you a Mykonos-based yacht or arrange a delivery of your desired yacht to the starting location of your charter vacation. Start a chat to tell us what you’re looking for in your catamaran charter, we’re here for you 24/7!

location catamaran cyclades

Please send me options for my dates

The Papafragkas caves on Milos - a secret catamaran jump from Monemvasia to Milos on the way to Santorini

How to charter crewed catamarans in Greece

Ideally, you will inquire about a catamaran charter 12 months in advance . WHY? The best catamarans are often fully booked long in advance and it is not unusual to see popular dates booked 2 summers ahead for a Greek Island yacht charter .

Inquiring less than 6 months ahead often means that your first choice is unavailable for charter. Additionally you might find that the yacht you want can’t make it to the port where you wish to commence your yacht charter.

This is especially important if you are planning to charter in the popular destination -the  Cyclades  (and we recommend  you fly into  Mykonos   international airport to start there). Many things have to fall into place to make a succesfull charter vaccation happen, so  inquire early!

  • Most luxury catamarans are based in Athens (marinas from Piraeus in the west to Saunio in the east).
  • Of the catamarans permanently based in the Cyclades , most have temporary availability.
  • You will also find catamarans based in the Ionian islands available for charter.

Aegina Island, Greece

Best Areas to Charter Catamarans

The best areas to charter catamarans will have small distances between destinations and calm waters. Although they are more capable of crossing oceans, catamarans are slower than motor yachts, which is why they aren’t good for long distance itineraries.

Taking a group of 2 families with young kids who have not chartered before from Athens to Santorini (because why do the additional flight to Mykonos, right?) in August with the Meltemi winds blazing is not the greatest idea for a relaxed sailing vacation. – We’re happy to provide references for people who insisted, only to regret their Indiana Jones type of vacation.

If you’re afraid there is nothing to see apart from Santorini and Mykonos in the Cyclades Islands? Let Peter show you these assorted charter locations in the Saronic Gulf in the video below…

My Greek Odyssey - Epidavros

My Greek Odyssey - Epidavros

The Saronic Gulf is perfect for first-time charterers – with 2 to 4 hours cruise between islands outside of the Meltemi winds, fantastic locations , and amazing things to do such as the Pistachios of Aegina , walking the old town of Poros or snorkeling the Sunken City of Ancient Epidaurus .

location catamaran cyclades

Second up are the Cyclades Islands – still perfectly doable on a 7-day crewed catamaran charter, especially if you plan on starting in the actual Cyclades instead of “ taxiing ” there from Athens . In the cyclades captaina are in a great position to account for the weather (instead of having to cross large distances) and provide a pleasurable yacht charter either hitting the hot spots – windmills of Mykonos (or it’s vibrant night clubs), the sights of the city of Thira on Santorini , the ancient Delos – or the hidden gems such as the forgotten island of Anafi .

Experts DISCLOSE what is APA on LUXURY Yacht Charter and values of VAT in Mediterranean countries.

Experts DISCLOSE what is APA on LUXURY Yacht Charter and values of VAT in Mediterranean countries.

Yacht Charter: 3 Most Common Mistakes You'll 100% Make

Yacht Charter: 3 Most Common Mistakes You'll 100% Make

Is the cyclades islands a great area for a catamaran charter.

Yes and no – if planned well and with the expectation that things might change last minute dictated by the weather, a catamaran charter in the Cyclades can be a relaxing and pleasurable experience in the Aegean sea. If you’re an exact planner, and not willing to be flexible, it is wise to avoid it .

A yacht charter is subject to the elements – if the weather is bad, the port authority bans all the yachts to depart (usually just the motor yachts, but do you really want to be out there?). That happens in some areas more than in others, and it does happen more frequently in the Cyclades Islands .

We’ve had experiences where a stubborn travel agent (yes, we cooperate with travel agents on the condition we’re taken seriously) has booked activities on a rigid itinerary with total disregard for the weather conditions and its unpredictability. – Horse ride on Siros, dinner reservation in Skorpios on Mykonos, wine tasting on Santorini starting at 9 am sharp on a Saturday morning – you need Poseidon’s blessing to commit to that…

location catamaran cyclades

GREECE: BEST TIPS for Luxury Yacht / Catamaran Charters

A good broker and a good captain will list your preferred activities and pre-arrange them on a confirmation basis . Due to our long time in the industry, we have build relationships with many businesses, attractions, restaurants, and activity providers. We can get you to stuff you did not know existed – Would you for example like to have a private dinner in an iconic ancient ruin ? Would you like to have a famous singer show up at your birthday party at Mykonos? Say the word, and we will make it happen!

The Three Bells of Fira. One of the most recognized places in the world and an absolute bucket list material.

Advantages of chartering a crewed catamaran in Greece

  • Lower fuel consumption compared to motor yachts.
  • Lower cost, especially for catamarans under 50 ft.
  • Shallow draft – you can get quite close to secluded beaches and white sands with a catamaran charter.
  • Access to the dock – especially in high season, bigger yachts might need to stay out of the harbor and access with a dinghy.
  • Captain + stewardess still the most common crew combination (keeps the costs down), bigger – motor yacht like luxury catamarans are on the rise (with more crew).
  • Gratuity – a 10% gratuity paid after the Catamaran charter is considered completely satisfactory in Greece. Compare that to the (up to) 25% mandatory gratuity that is increasingly being demanded in escrow pre-charter in the Caribbean or the Bahamas.
  • Use of water toys and water sports – rules are more relaxed and definitely less enforced compared to France or Italy – it’s not the same if you get on a jetski in a secluded bay on Iraklia or in the overcrowded Gulf of St Tropez.

Mykonos Greece Island

Disadvantages of chartering a catamaran in Greece

  • Low speed mandating a limited itinerary or a lot of sailing hours – It is not unusual for a catamaran charter to move before sunrise to break it up. Can be mitigated by starting in the destination – Mykonos, Santorini, Lefkada (Ionian), Patmos or Ikaria (Dodecanese), Skiathos (Sporades – Mamma Mia Islands)
  • Smaller crew – used to be 2 crew members, now growing (it’s both a positive and a negative) as per your price sensitivity. Compared to the Caribbean – there are more options.
  • Vertical layout – 2 or 3 decks on a horizontally constrained area.

Catamarans vs Motor Yachts

Charter yachts are rapidly growing in size, keeping up with an ever increasing demand for the most luxurious vessel on the market. – In 2020 , the average length of a crewed catamaran was 45 feet . Where, at the end of 2023, the average size of a new catamaran charter was 67 feet .

Given a crazy expansion of the crewed catamaran fleet (demanding a whole new boat show to accommodate this segment starting in 2023 ), the catamarans are getting closer in onboard capacity to motor yachts.  If you’re looking to get a recent Lagoon 52 catamaran sailing charter with crew, inquire early.

Catamaran Elly - A great example of the intersection of motor yachts and catamarans - a recent trend starting in 2022

As mentioned ealier Power catamarans will generally have a lower fuel consumption,  with comparable deck space at the expense of speed. Catamaran charter will be able to get closer to the beach and will get to marinas easier than a huge motor yacht that had a change of itinerary and is looking for a last-minute spot on the dock (and will probably anchor out, hailing the guests from shore with a dinghy).

With the deck space being comparable in Catamaran Charter- the choice is yours – are you looking for a wider deck that’s arguably more casual for a group to sit down, or are you looking to have a bottle of something really nice served to you on the aft deck of a Ferretti motor yacht ?

Some catamarans have moved it's base from Athens to Cape Sounion (Laurio)- the southernmost cape of Attica and the Gateway to the Cyclades - an interesting option to land in Athens and still start

A look inside a Luxury Catamaran

GENNY  | ⛵️Greece Luxury CATAMARAN Charter

GENNY | ⛵️Greece Luxury CATAMARAN Charter

ALTEYA | ⛵️Greece Luxury POWER CATAMARAN Charter

ALTEYA | ⛵️Greece Luxury POWER CATAMARAN Charter

location catamaran cyclades

Stop Dreaming Start Planning

  •   Ab Yachts
  •   Abeking & Rasmussen
  •   Ada Yacht
  •   Admiral - It
  •   Aegean Build
  •   Aicon
  •   Alalunga
  •   Alu Marine
  •   Amels
  •   Aquila
  •   Astillero Na
  •   Austal/oceanfast
  •   Austral Yachts
  •   Aventura
  •   Azimut
  •   Baglietto
  •   Bali Catamarans
  •   Baltic
  •   Basimakopoulos Shipyard, Koila
  •   Bavaria
  •   Beneteau
  •   Benetti
  •   Blue Sea Maritime
  •   Bodrum Shipyard
  •   Bodrum Shipyards
  •   Bozburun
  •   Brodosplit
  •   Brooke Marin
  •   Bugari
  •   Canados
  •   Cantieri Di Pisa, Italy
  •   Cassens Werft
  •   Catana
  •   Catana S.a
  •   Cheoy Lee
  •   Cnb Bordeaux
  •   Codecasa
  •   Concorde Yachts
  •   Couach
  •   Cranchi
  •   Crn Ancona
  •   Custom
  •   Custom Built - Bodrum
  •   Custom Built Aluminum Cutter
  •   Custom Gulet-motor Sailor
  •   Devonport
  •   Dufour
  •   Dynamique Ya
  •   East Yachting
  •   Elegance
  •   Etemoglu Boatyard
  •   Fairline, U.k.
  •   Falcon
  •   Feadship
  •   Ferretti
  •   Fethiye Shipyard
  •   Fitzroy Yachts
  •   Fjord
  •   Fontaine Pajot
  •   Fountaine Pajot
  •   Garcia
  •   Grand Soleil
  •   Greece
  •   Gulet
  •   Gunboat
  •   Guy Couach
  •   Halkitis Shi
  •   Hanse Yachts
  •   Hatteras
  •   Heesen
  •   Horizon
  •   Ice Yachts
  •   Incetrans Shipyard
  •   International Shipyard Ancona
  •   Isa, Rodriguez Group Italy
  •   Italcraft
  •   Jaguar
  •   Jean-jacque Coste
  •   Jeanneau
  •   Jongert
  •   Koyunbaba Shipyard
  •   La Rochelle
  •   Lagoon
  •   Leopard
  •   Leopard (arno)
  •   Lurssen
  •   Maiora
  •   Majora
  •   Mastori Yachts, Bodrum
  •   Mccohangy Boats
  •   Mengi-yay Tuzla
  •   Mondomarine
  •   Moody
  •   Moon Yacht
  •   Mural Shipyards
  •   Nautitech
  •   Nautor Swan
  •   Neta
  •   New Zealand Yachts - Whangarei
  •   Ocean Class
  •   Olympic Marine
  •   Palmer Johnson
  •   Perama, Greece
  •   Perini Navi
  •   Pershing
  •   Picchiotti
  •   Posillipo
  •   Posillipo Technema
  •   Primatist By Bruno Abbate
  •   Princess Viking
  •   Princess, Uk
  •   Psaros Shipyard
  •   Riva
  •   Royal Denship
  •   Royal Huisman
  •   San Lorenzo
  •   Sealine
  •   Sensation Yachts
  •   Southern Wind
  •   Stephens
  •   Su Marine
  •   Sunreef Yachts
  •   Sunseeker
  •   T.b.a
  •   Tansu
  •   Technomar -i
  •   Technomarine
  •   Tecnomar
  •   Torgem
  •   Trehard
  •   Trident
  •   Trinity Yachts
  •   Turkey
  •   Turkish Shipyard
  •   Tuzla Shipyard
  •   Two Oceans
  •   Uniesse
  •   Van Peteghem-lauriot Prevost
  •   Vitters
  •   Vosmarine
  •   Vt Halmatic
  •   Westport
  •   Yachtbau Brune Opus 68

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Guests Minimum

Price ranges for yacht charters in greece.

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  • Deals and Offers

catamaran charters in Greece

Lagoon 42 CAT 2022 in Paros, Cyclades

By: Lagoon Lagoon 42 

Photo Credit / Site: Sailo.com

Bareboat / Captain optional

Catamaran: 42' Lagoon

Location: Paros, Cyclades, Greece

Yacht charters in Greece

By: Nautilia Yachting 

Photo Credit / Site: Nautilia-yachting.com

Private Charter 

Catamaran: Varies 

Location: Greece

Yacht and Catamaran Charter in Greece by Sailways

By: Sailways Yacht Charter 

Photo Credit / Site: Sailways.gr

Bareboat or Crewed 

popular sailing charters in Greece:

Istion Yachting is one of the leading catamaran rental companies in Greece, offering a range of catamarans for rental in Athens, Corfu, and Lefkas. Their catamarans are modern, well-maintained, and fully-equipped with all the amenities you need for a comfortable and enjoyable sailing experience. They offer a variety of catamarans from popular brands such as Lagoon, Nautitech, and Fountaine Pajot. They offer routes that cover the Cyclades, Ionian, and Saronic Gulf islands.

Navigare Yachting is another catamaran rental company in Greece, with bases in Athens, Corfu, Lefkas, and Kos. They offer a range of catamarans from leading brands like Lagoon, Bali, and Fountaine Pajot, and provide 24/7 support and service throughout your rental period.

Sail Greece Yachts is a smaller catamaran rental company based in Athens, offering a personalized and friendly service to clients. Their catamarans are well-maintained and equipped with all the necessary safety and navigation equipment, and they offer flexible rental options to suit your needs.

Sail in Ionian is a family-owned yacht charter company based in Lefkas. They offer a variety of catamarans for rent, as well as sailing yachts and motor yachts.

Sunsail is a global catamaran rental company with a base in Athens, offering a range of catamarans for rental in the Aegean Sea. They offer a variety of charter options, including bareboat, skippered, and flotilla charters, and their catamarans are well-maintained and equipped with all the necessary amenities.

Kavas Yachting is a family-owned company that has been in operation for over 35 years. They offer a wide range of catamarans for bareboat and crewed charters, as well as sailing courses and flotilla sailing holidays. They offer routes that cover the Cyclades, Ionian, and Saronic Gulf islands.

Greek Isles Yachting offers luxury catamaran charters for groups of up to 12 people. Their fleet consists of high-end catamarans from brands such as Lagoon, Nautitech, and Sunreef. They offer routes that cover the Cyclades, Ionian, and Saronic Gulf islands, as well as the Dodecanese islands.

Nomicos Yachts is a well-established yacht charter company in Greece with locations in Athens, Lavrion, Mykonos, and Paros. They offer a range of catamarans for rent, as well as sailing yachts and motor yachts.

When selecting a catamaran rental company in Greece, be sure to read reviews and compare prices and services to find the best fit for your needs and budget. It's always a good idea to compare the options and services provided by different companies before making a final decision.

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Amadeus - Crewed Sailing Yacht Charter

Amadeus €35,000.

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Layout of Amadeus

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  • Splash Pool

Splash Pool another view

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Anastasia Yurash (Asst. Stewardess)

Stelios Mandos (Engineer)

Amadeus Image 1/22

  • From €35,000 / week
  • Sailing Monohull + 6 crew
  • Summer Port: Cruising Areas Summer: Greece, Turkey Summer Port: Marina Zea, Piraeus, Greece Winter: Greece Winter Port: Marina Zeas, Pireaus, Greece ">Marina Zea, Piraeus, Greece
  • Winter Port: Cruising Areas Summer: Greece, Turkey Summer Port: Marina Zea, Piraeus, Greece Winter: Greece Winter Port: Marina Zeas, Pireaus, Greece ">Marina Zeas, Pireaus, Greece
  • Length: 110 ft / 33.5 meters 110 feet 33.5 meters
  • Guests: 12 in 5 cabins
  • Builder: Dynamique Ya
  • Built: 1996 / Refit: 2014/2020
  • Offers Rendezvous Scuba Diving only

Plus Expenses

  • Reviews (1)

Amadeus Description

Built by the famous Dynamique Yachts shipyard, and having undergone a total refit in 2018, S/Y Amadeus was designed to please the most demanding of yachtsmen. Built for smooth sailing, this elegant cutter rigged sloop has a sleek hull design, comfortably reaching top speeds of 12 knots and ensuring excellent sailing performance. S/Y Amadeus has just undergone this past winter (2018) a major refit such as total repaint top to bottom, new rigging (BSI Denmark), Novourania with new Evinrude 75hp outboard, Splash pool, new Bimini/Sprayhood/Awnings, new exterior fabrics and many other enhancements. In 2016 new “North Sails” were placed onboard. The yacht is maintained in excellent condition with a five-star crew year round. Her generous uncluttered teak deck offers plenty of space for sunbathing. The spacious and unique outdoor saloon has two tables seating upto 12 guests and is a perfect setting for outdoor dining and entertainment. Thanks to a special canopy and roll-up windows, the deck saloon has the added attraction that it can be fully enclosed, making it ideal for all weather conditions. Her forward area includes a splash pool and sun bathing area which can also be shaded with a removable awning. From the cockpit, a stairway leads to the light-filled spacious saloon offering ample seating, ideal for relaxing or enjoying a drink from the bar, and offers a formal dining area. This area also includes a LCD TV, entertainment center, ipod dock station, playstation, and is ideal for indoor activities. She can accommodate 10-12 guests in one full width master stateroom, two double bedded cabins each having one extra single bed and two twin bedded cabins which can be easily converted to double beds (upon request), thus, making her the only 5 double bedded sailboat in the Greek market. She also has a nice selection of toys which include water ski (adult and children), tubes, inflatable canoes, wakeboard, fishing rod and snorkeling gear.

Cruising Area of Amadeus

Accommodations, specification, water sports, scuba diving, entertainment, amadeus crew profile, chief stewardess.

CAPTAIN - Harry Fotopoulos Captain Harry is a graduate of the Merchant Marine Academy and holds a Captain Class A’ Diploma. He also holds a Canadian Commercial Pilot license class B, sailing and speedboat license. He has over 15 years of experience onboard many types of Charter Yachts. He holds Certificates in GMDSS, Fire Fighting & First Aid, Personal Safety, Life Saving, and Ship Security. He has a great knowledge of the Greek islands and will navigate guests to remarkable destinations. During his one season on board he showed great leadership skills and received positive feedback from all guests. He is calm yet very outgoing and speaks very good English. DECKHAND - Konstantinos Santas CHIEF STEWARDESS - Mirella Davint Mirella has 8+ years of experience as a stewardess onboard charter and private yachts. She has a very pleasant personality and she aims to accommodate her guests to the fullest. Comments received from previous guests are memorable. This will be Mirella’s eighth season onboard. Mirella speaks English and she is 38 years old. ENGINEER - Stelios Mandos Stelios holds an Engineer Class B’ Diploma from the Greek Merchant Marine Academy as well as a Sailor’s License. He has over 15 years of experience onboard Ocean-Going Vessels and Charter Yachts. His hobbies include spearfishing and sailing. He speaks good English. Stelios is 45 years old, married with two children. CHEF - Thanasis Kiritsis Thanasis is 39 years old and has worked as a chef for more than 20 years in numerous hotels restaurants, yachts and resorts including owning his own pastry shop / bakery for 5 years. Thanasis looks forward to welcoming his guests on board and introducing them to his culinary world. He speaks good English and Greek. He is a young chef full of energy, skills and passion towards his job. We are confident that he will serve his guests unforgettable flavors. ASSISTANT STEWARDESS - Anastasia Yurash Anastasia is 31 years old and has been in the yachting industry since 2021. Her working experience includes 7 years as a housekeeper and assistant stewardess. Anastasia speaks very good English. One of Anastasia’s strongest attributes is her appetite for work. She is also very sociable, welcoming and looks forward to having guests on board S/Y Amadeus. Her hobbies include Latin dancing, snowboard and yoga.

Amadeus Calendar

Amadeus reservations & port locations, amadeus rates / week, low price: €35,000, high price: €42,500, additional rate details, amadeus guest reviews, amadeus / charter july 20-27, 2019.

Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 9:02 PM Hi George, client just informed me, that he and his friends were very happy. Good atmosphere on board, excellent crew, good chef and professional service. Yacht in good condition, nice cabins. The proposed itinerary was good. Clients intend to book AMADEUS next summer again. Please send my big thank you to the Captain. Best regards,

Amadeus Sample Menu

Breakfast selections.

Freshly Squeezed Orange And/Or Grapefruit Juice

Selection Of Other Juices Such As Peach, Pineapple, Tomato.

Fresh Milk Cold And/Or Hot.

Freshly Brewed Coffee And/Or Decaf Coffee, Cappuccino, Espresso (Nespresso)

Hot Or Cold Chocolate, Selection Of Teas Served With Lemon, Honey And/Or Milk.

Breads: Plain Croissant, Chocolate Croissant, Brioche, Muffins, Traditional Greek Bread,

Rolls, Pastries, Toast White/Wheat/Rye.

Selection Of Jams And Marmalades Such As Apricot, Strawberry, Rasberry, Orange And Honey.

Selection Of Cheese Such As Emmental, Edam, Gruyere, Kefalotiri, Graviera,

Cream Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Cheese Spread.

Ham, Bacon, Salami, Smoked Turkey, Prosciutto.

Choice Of: Scrambled Eggs, Boiled Eggs, Fried Eggs, Poached Eggs, Omelets.

Eggs And Omelets Are Prepared To Order And Accompanied According To The Guest’s Requests.

Pancakes, Served With Jam, Honey, Maple Syrup, Fruits And/Or Whipped Cream.

Home-Made Carrot Cake.

Selection Of Cereals Such As Corn Flakes, Bran,Rice Crispies , Muesli.

Greek Plain Yoghurt And Fruit Yoghurt.

Fruit Salad, Half Grapefruit, Mixed Berries, Stewed Prunes, Dried Fruits And Nuts.


Greek Salad With Marinated Anchovy And Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Fresh Talliatele With Mushrooms And Parmesan Chips

Seawolf Fiilet With Vegetables Briam, Fried Caper And Fresh Thyme Panacotta With Ginger

Salad With Radish, Dill, Parsley, Arabic Pita Bread And Soumak

Egg-Plant Napoleon With Feta Cheese And Tomato Couli

Chicken Roll, Cous-Cous With Raisins, Pine Nut And Orange Sauce Walnut Cake With Vanilla Ice-Cream

Salad With Grilled Peach And Apricot And Watermelon Vinaigrette Sauce

Risotto With Red Mullet, Pine Nuts And Sun Dried Tomato

Pork Loin Filled With Naxos Graviere

Halvas (Semolina) With Korinthous Raisins Kai Cinnamon

Salad With Fennel Root, Olives And Orange

Tarte With Goat Cheese And Green Apple

Gurnet Fillet With Lemon Sauce Baby Potatoes And Parsley

Yogurt Mousse With Fresh Vanilla

Watermelon Salad,Feta Onion And Lemon Sauce, Balsamic Vinegar And Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Stuffed Squid With Chocolate Sauce

Tuna Fillet With Orange Confite And Red Wine Sauce

Peach Cheesecake

Green Salad With Smoked Salmon And Salmon Eggs

Mussels With Fresh White Cheese (Anthotiro) And Peppers

Sole Fillet Saute With Spring Onion And Fava (Yellow Split Peas) Fron Santorini Island

Galaktompoureko (Pastry Fillo Filled With Cream) And Orange Couli

Salad With Rocket, Parmezan Flakes, Sun Dried Tomato And Caramel Balsamic Sauce

Grilled Octapus With Chick Peas And Lemon

Anglerfish Stew With Green Talliatele

Tiramisu With Aigina Pistachios


Salad With Cretan Hard Bread , Tomato And Fresh White Cheese (Anthotiro) Grilled Vegetables Napoleon With Mastello (Chios Cheese) Bream Fillet With Crust From Cuttlefish Ink, Artichoke Mousse And Marinated Fennel Root Chocolate Souffle With Ice-Cream

Green Salad With Cottage Cheese, Walnuts And Extra Virgin Olive Oil With Herbs Cabbage Leafs Filled With Shrimps, Cracked Wheat And Egg-Lemon Sauce And Ginger T-Bone Steak With Mushrooms Sauce,Dofinouaze Potato Trifle With Coffee

Caesars Salad With Poached Egg, Parmesan Tuille And Mustard Crackers Fousili With Pesto Sauce And King Prawns Cod Fish Cooked With Safron, Green Olives And Potato Kantaifi With Pistachio And Ice Cream

Mozzarella Buffal0 With Black Eyed Beans And Fennel Rizotto Venere With Chicken Breast And Crawfish Rib-Eye With Fresh Potato Chips And Vegetable Sauce Almond Pie With Chocolate

Baby Spinach Salad, Pears With Pepper And Walnut Vinegar From Blackberry Beef Carpaccio With Caper, Parmesan And Rocket Gilthead Fillet, Vegetable Chips And Hot Balsamic Sauce Greek Loukoumades, Thyme Honey And Walnuts

Cracked Wheat Salad, Parsley,Cucumber,Tomato And Pomegrenade Sauce Goat And Feta Cheese Croquete, Orange And Cumin Sauce Pork Souvlaki, Greek Pita Bread, Tzatziki Sauce And French Fries Caltsounia (Pastry) With Manouri Cheese, Mint, Honey-Orange Sauce

Grilled Vegetables Salad And Chaloumi (Cyprus Cheese) Eggplant “Papoutsakia”, Mince Meat With Fresh Tomato Sauce Spagetti Flavored With Cutlefish Ink, Shrimps Hazelnut Cream Profiterolle


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BGYB Yacht Brokerage

AMADEUS is a fast cruising sailing yacht built by the famous Dynamique Yachts shipyard and totally refit in 2004, she was designed to please the most demanding of yachtsmen. Built for smooth sailing, this elegant cutter rigged sloop has a sleek hull design that enables her to comfortably reach top speeds of 12 knots and ensures excellent sailing performance.

This sailing yacht's generous uncluttered teak deck with a foredeck pool, offers plenty of space for sunbathing. The spacious and unique outdoor saloon has two tables, a bar and barbeque, a perfect setting for outdoor dining and entertainment. Thanks to a special canopy and roll-up windows, the deck saloon has the added attraction that it can be fully enclosed, making it ideal for all weather conditions. From the cockpit, a stairway leads to the light-filled spacious saloon offering ample seating, ideal for relaxing or enjoying a drink from the bar, and a formal dining area with seating for up to 12 guests.

Accomodation is offered for up to 12 guests in 5 spacious cabins: the bow master cabin on AMADEUS features a double bed, vanity unit and generous storage facilities, as well as audio/visual entertainment. The en-suite bath includes a shower and separate large bath. Two double cabins with additional single bunks situated forward. Two twin cabins situated aft. All cabins with en suite facilities and audio/visual entertainment. Crew of 5 in separate quarters.

Special Features :

- Fast cruising sailing yacht - Spacious teck deck, sunbathing areas - Outdoor saloon with a bar and barbecue

Tender: Novourania tender 4.20m with YAMAHA X 70hp plus MERCURY x 10hp

Activities : Wakeboard , Kayak , Snorkeling equipment , Waterskis , Fishing equipment , Monoski , Tender , Tubes .

Summer : East Mediterranean Greece - The Cyclades Islands | Turkey | Greece – The Ionian Islands

Winter : East Mediterranean Greece - The Cyclades Islands | Turkey | Greece – The Ionian Islands

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About Amadeus

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  • Length 33.52M (110′)
  • Beam 7.53M (25′-4″)

Builder Dynamique Yachts

  • Year of build 1996

Tenders & Toys

  • Fishing equipment
  • inflatable canoes
  • On deck pool
  • Snorkeling gear

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amadeus sailing yacht

Built by the famous Dynamique Yachts shipyard, and having undergone a total refit in 2014, S/Y Amadeus was designed to please the most demanding of yachtsmen.

Built for smooth sailing, this elegant cutter rigged sloop has a sleek hull design, comfortably reaching top speeds of 12 knots and ensuring excellent sailing performance. Accommodation is offered for up to 12 guests in 5 spacious cabins (one master cabin, two identical double cabins with additional single bunks, two identical twin cabins) all with en suite facilities and audio/visual entertainment.

amadeus sailing yacht

General Description

Carian Coast, Ionian Islands

Dynamique Yachts

1996 / 2018

Rates (MYBA Terms: + ALL)

45,500 € per week

35,000 € per week

2018 Nuvorania tender 4.60m Outboard EVINRUDE 75hp Splash pool Water Skis (adult and kids) Mono Ski Wakeboard

2 Tubes Inflatable Kayak Fishing Gear Snorkeling Equipment 4 Yoga mats

amadeus sailing yacht


amadeus sailing yacht

Carian Coast

Superb historical sites set in magnificent scenery

amadeus sailing yacht

Ionian Islands

Unforgettable Sailing Holidays

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AMADEUS Dynamique Yachts SA

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Amadeus - Dynamique Yachts S.A..

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Reduced charter rate offered by 44m motor yacht AMADEUS in Italy and Croatia

Reduced charter rate offered by 44m ...

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If you have any questions about the AMADEUS information page below please contact us .

A General Description of Sailing Yacht AMADEUS

AMADEUS was previously registered as project/yacht name Amadeus 1er. This 33 metre (109 ft) luxury yacht was built by Dynamique Yachts in 1991. Sailing Yacht AMADEUS is a well proportioned superyacht. The yacht is a modern sloop with a cutter rig. The naval architecture office whom authored the design work on this ship was Philippe Briand. Luxury yacht AMADEUS is a quality yacht that is able to accommodate as many as 12 guests on board and has a total of 5 crew members.

Sailing yacht AMADEUS was built by the famous Dynamique Yachts shipyard .The yacht features superb sailing characteristics which are complimented by her spacious interior and abundant deck space. Sailing sloop AMADEUS can accommodate 10 passengers in five cabins. With one large master stateroom and four additional cabins which are all air conditioned and have en suite bathrooms. She also has two separate salons and a full dining room. The aft deck is fully covered with seating. The fore deck has an unique pool on deck and swimming in the sea is made accessible by a large swim aft platform.

The Construction & Naval Architecture relating to Luxury Yacht AMADEUS

Philippe Briand was the naval architect firm involved in the formal nautical design work for AMADEUS. Also the company Philippe Briand skillfully collaborated on this undertaking. In 1991 she was actually launched to triumph in Marans and following sea trials and final completion was afterwards passed on to the yacht owner. Dynamique Yachts completed their new build sailing yacht in France. A reasonable proportion is brought about with a maximum beam (width) of 7.5 metres / 24.6 feet. With a 3.6m (11.8ft) draught (maximum depth) she is reasonably deep. The material composite was used in the building of the hull of the sailing yacht. Her superstructure above deck is built with the use of composite. Over the deck of AMADEUS she is 32.7 (107.3 ft) in length. In 2004 extra refitting and modernisation was also finished.

Engines & Speed For S/Y AMADEUS:

She is driven by twin screw propellers. The main engine of the ship gives 375 horse power (or 276 kilowatts). She is equiped with 2 engines. The combined thrust for the boat is therefore 750 HP / 552 KW.

On board Superyacht AMADEUS She has The Following Guest Accommodation Format:

Bestowing bedding for a maximum of 12 yacht guests sleeping aboard, the AMADEUS accommodates them in style. Normally the vessel requires approximately 5 professional crewmembers to run.

A List of the Specifications of the AMADEUS:

Further information on the yacht.

Condaria is the company that installed the A/C on the yacht. AMADEUS features a teak deck.

AMADEUS Disclaimer:

The luxury yacht AMADEUS displayed on this page is merely informational and she is not necessarily available for yacht charter or for sale, nor is she represented or marketed in anyway by CharterWorld. This web page and the superyacht information contained herein is not contractual. All yacht specifications and informations are displayed in good faith but CharterWorld does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the current accuracy, completeness, validity, or usefulness of any superyacht information and/or images displayed. All boat information is subject to change without prior notice and may not be current.

Quick Enquiry

"Indeed we believe that the first function of a sailing yacht is the aesthetics and we spent a lot of time in refining the lines during the project." - "I understood very young that to win a race you have to have the best boat, and so I started to be interested about the technology and the design of the boat." - Philippe Briand

The 33m Yacht AMADEUS

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amadeus sailing yacht

AMADEUS 110' Fully Crewed Sailing Yacht

amadeus109 charter yacht

  • Summer Locations: Greece , Turkey Winter Locations: Greece
  • Max Guests : 12    Cabins : 5    Crew : 6
  • Starting at : EUR €39,500 (approx. $45,820 USD )

Charter rates do not include expenses or taxes

Her master cabin features a walk around king bed, desk/vanity, and en-suite bathroom. Additionally, there are two guest cabins each with a queen bed convertible to two twins, and two guest cabins each with a queen bed and twin bed. Each guest cabin has an en-suite.

Her main salon has a spacious, contoured conversational area, along with a large, flatscreen T.V. The aft deck features al fresco dining with Bimini top. Up on deck there are sun pads and a splash pool for you and your guests to enjoy.

Watersports offered include a 15 foot tender with 75hp engine, water skis for adults and children, tube, wakeboard, kayak, fishing gear, snorkeling gear, and rendezvous diving.

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amadeus sailing yacht

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Additional Sailing Yachts with 5 cabins:

amadeus sailing yacht

LONG ISLAND 127' sailing yacht

Can sleep up to 10 guests in 5 staterooms Weekly rate starts at: EUR €45,500 (approx. $52,780 USD)

Summer Locations: Turkey

See additional pictures and info about LONG ISLAND »    Contact us about LONG ISLAND »

amadeus sailing yacht

TIGRA 124' sailing yacht

Can sleep up to 10 guests in 5 staterooms Weekly rate starts at: EUR €32,000 (approx. $37,120 USD)

Winter Locations: Greece , Turkey

Summer Locations: Greece , Turkey

See additional pictures and info about TIGRA »    Contact us about TIGRA »

amadeus sailing yacht

ALTHEA 122' sailing yacht

Can sleep up to 10 guests in 5 staterooms Weekly rate starts at: EUR €39,500 (approx. $45,820 USD)

Winter Locations: Greece

Summer Locations: Greece

See additional pictures and info about ALTHEA »    Contact us about ALTHEA »

amadeus sailing yacht

AMADEUS 110' sailing yacht

Can sleep up to 12 guests in 5 staterooms Weekly rate starts at: EUR €39,500 (approx. $45,820 USD)

See additional pictures and info about AMADEUS »    Contact us about AMADEUS »

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amadeus sailing yacht

Sailing Yacht | Amadeus

amadeus sailing yacht

Fuel Capacity

Water capacity, sailing yacht amadeus | luxury crewed monohull.

Sailing yacht AMADEUS is a stunning 110 ft yacht available for charter in Greece. With a clean, spacious teak deck and a unique outdoor saloon that can seat up to 12 guests across two tables, it’s the perfect place for outdoor dining and entertainment. The deck saloon can also be enclosed with a special canopy and roll-up windows, making it suitable for use in all weather conditions. At the front of the boat, there’s a splash pool and sunbathing area with a removable awning for shade.

Inside the boat, a staircase from the cockpit leads to a well-lit and roomy saloon area with plenty of seating, including a formal dining area, bar, LCD TV, entertainment center, iPod dock station, and Playstation. Sailing Yacht AMADEUS can accommodate 10-12 guests in five large cabins, including a full-width master stateroom and two double cabins, each with an extra single bed. The two twin cabins can also be converted to doubles upon request, making her the only sailboat on the Greek market with five double beds.

To add to the fun, sailing yacht AMADEUS also comes with a range of water toys, including adult and children’s water skis, tubes, inflatable canoes, wakeboard, fishing rod, and snorkeling gear. She was built by Dynamique Yachts in 1996 and underwent a refit in 2014/2018.


  • 1 Master cabin
  • 2 VIP cabins
  • 2 Twin cabins

Accomodation is offered for 10 -12 guests in 5 spacious cabins: Master cabin forward features a double bed, vanity unit and generous storage facilities, as well as audio/visual entertainment. The en-suite includess a large bath tub, shower and separate WC. Two identical double cabins with additional single bunks situated forward. Two identical double cabins situated aft which can be convertible to twins. (Total 5 double beds) All cabins with en suite facilities and audio/visual entertainment.

A professional crew of 5-6 members are accommodated in separate quarters.

Note that these specifications may vary slightly depending on the specific yacht’s configuration and modifications made by the owner.

New rigging BSI Denmark (2018) New North Sails (2016) Nuvorania tender 4.60m with a New Outboard EVINRUDE E tec 75hp Engines: 2 x 320HP Perkins Rolls Royce Generators: 1 Northern Lights x 25KW, 1 ONAN x 60KW Cruising speed: 10 Fuel consumption: 120 Litres/Hr Generators: 250 Liters/Day

Navigation and safety

  • Outside GPS plotter
  • Bow thruster
  • Electric winches
  • Classic mainsail

Saloon and cabins

  • Air conditioning
  • Coffee machine
  • Kitchen utensils
  • Pillows and blankets


  • LCD 27″ TV, VCR, & CD entertainment systems in Saloon
  • X-Box ONE X & Playstation 3 in Saloon
  • Master cabin: TV, CD, & DVD entertainment systems
  • Double cabins: TV, CD, & DVD entertainment systems
  • Twin cabins (convertible to Doubles):TV, CD, & DVD entertainment systems

Water Sports

  • Tender & Toys:
  • 2018 Nuvorania tender 4.60m with a New Outboard EVINRUDE E tec75hp
  • Water Skis (adult and kids)
  • Inflatable Kayak
  • Fishing Gear
  • Snorkelling Equipment
  • 4 Yoga mats
  • Bathing platform
  • Stand Up Paddle

Weekly price: €35,000 – €42,500

Low Season | High Season

Charter Type: Crewed

Berths: 10-12 guests, sailing area: argo-saronic, departure ports: alimos, athens, send us your request, personal information, booking information.

Odyssey Sailing is registered and bonded with the Greek National Tourist Organisation (GNTO – EOT) and is a member of the Hellenic Yacht Brokers Association (HYBA).


Useful links.

Antonopoulou 158D Volos, 38221, Greece


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Best Yacht Charter & Sailing Vacation Specialists in Greece

Length 33,5m / 109′ ft.

Built/Last Refit 2009/2021

Weekly rate Low € 35.000

Weekly rate High € 45.500


Luxury yacht AMADEUS can accommodate up to 12 guests in 5 cabins. One Master cabin with small desk and en suite facilities (wc separate from bath and shower). Two double cabins with additional single bed and two twin cabins. All cabins with en suite facilities.

Charter Amenities and Extras

S/Y AMADEUS has the following extras onboard: Tenders & Toys include Novourania tender 4.20m with YAMAHA X 70hp plus, MERCURY x 10hp, Water Skis, Mono Ski, Wakeboard, 2 Tubes, Fishing Gear, Snorkelling Equipment, Communications include VHF-GMDSS, Cellular phone, Radar, E-Mail/internet access, Audio Visual Equipment and Deck Facilities include Master cabin: TV, CD, & DVD entertainment system, Double cabins: TV, CD, & DVD entertainment system, Twin cabins: TV, CD, & DVD entertainment system, Saloon: LCD 27’ TV, VCR, & CD entertainment system.

amadeus sailing yacht hellas yachting

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amadeus sailing yacht swim platform min -  Valef Yachts Chartering - 3545

Charter the AMADEUS

AMADEUS is a 110-foot sailing yacht that can accommodate ten to twelve passengers in five staterooms as follows: a spacious Owner’s stateroom with a double bed, a vanity and an entertainment unit including TV, DVD and music system; two cabins with a double bed and an additional single bed; two cabins with two twin beds each. All staterooms have en suite bathrooms, a TV, DVD and CD player. There are two separate salons onboard as well as a full dining room. The aft deck is fully covered and has seating for all guests to dine in the open air. Forward of the cockpit is a lovely cushioned area for sunning and an unusual pool is found in the fore of the yacht. Swimming in the sea is made accessible by the large swim aft platform.

Image Gallery

amadeus sailing yacht profile min -  Valef Yachts Chartering - 3551

Yacht Specifications:

Length: (33.26m/109.11ft), yacht type: sailing yachts, beam: 24.7 ft, built: 1996 | 2018, draft: 12.10 ft, builder: dynamic, guests: 10-12, engines: 2 x 320hp perkins rolls royce, generators: 1 northern lights x 25kw, 1 onan x 60kw, fuel: 120 ltrs/hr, configuration: 1 master cabin, 2 doubles cabins with a single bed each, 2 twin cabins, cruising speed: 10 knots/hr.

(*All specifications are given in good faith and offered for informational purposes only. Yacht inventory, specifications and charter rates are subject to change without prior notice.*)

Recreational Equipment

• NEW Novorania tender 4.60m with NEW EVINRUDE 75hp plus MERCURY x 10hp • Wakeboard • Water Skis (adult and kids), Mono Ski • 2 Tubes • Kayak • 4 Yoga mats • Fishing Gear Snorkelling Equipment

Weekly Rates

High season: €42,500/week, med season: €37,500/week, low season: €35,000/week.

(*Rates are given based on a week charter / Rates are subject to change without notice*)

Customer Reviews

I could no joke die tomorrow and be a happy man. ~ Matthew F.

Although we have traveled just about all over the world, this was probably our best vacation ever. We will be back! ~ Louise Z.

Our trip was FABULOUS! More than exceeded expectations. ~ Anne G.

We have just completed a vacation that I have thought about for a lot of years. Thank you all for making a dream come true!!!! ~ Mae & Bill M.

Everyone is still talking about the trip and I cannot imagine it going any better. ~ Jack D.

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Destination Greece Turkey Montenegro and Croatia West Mediterranean

Number of Guests 1 2 - 4 4 - 6 6 - 8 8 - 10 10 - 12 12+

Number of Cabins 3 Cabin 4 Cabins 5 Cabins 6 Cabins 7 Cabins 8+ Cabins

Yacht Length 45ft - 70ft 70ft - 110ft 110ft - 130ft 130ft - 160ft 160ft +

Weekly Rate < €14,000 €14,000 - 35,000€ 35,000€ - 49,000€ 49,000€ - 70,000€ 70,000€ - 105,000€ 105,000€ - 175,000€ 175,000€ +

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Amadeus Charter Yacht

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21.95m  /  72'   sunseeker   2008.

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Cabin Configuration

Special Features:

  • Cruising speed of 22 knots
  • Sleeps 6 guests
  • Williams Jet RIB
Luxury yacht Amadeus is the perfect charter platform for yachting vacations spent entertaining in style

The 21.95m/72' motor yacht 'Amadeus' by the British shipyard Sunseeker offers flexible accommodation for up to 6 guests in 3 cabins.

If you're looking for a family-friendly yacht with plenty of onboard amenities, Amadeus is the perfect choice, promising superb charter vacations whatever the destination.

Guest Accommodation

Built in 2008, Amadeus offers guest accommodation for up to 6 guests in 3 suites comprising a master suite, one VIP cabin and one twin cabin. There are 4 beds in total, including 1 queen, 1 double and 2 singles. She is also capable of carrying up to 2 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht charter experience.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

Whatever your activities on your charter, you'll find some impressive features are seamlessly integrated to help you, notably Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing you to stay connected at all times, should you wish. Guests will experience complete comfort while chartering thanks to air conditioning.

Performance & Range

Powered by twin MAN engines, she comfortably cruises at 22 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 35 knots with a range of up to 250 nautical miles.

Onboard Amadeus has a range of toys and accessories to keep you and your guests entertained on the water throughout your stay. Principle among these are Super wid waterskis that are hugely entertaining whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro. Another excellent feature are O' Brien Ace wakeboards so guests can show off at speed. When it's time to travel from land to see, it couldn't be easier with a Williams Jet RIB.

Motor yacht Amadeus boasts an impressive array of outstanding amenities for truly out-of-this-world charter vacations that you’ll never forget.


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Amadeus Photos

Amadeus Yacht 11

Amenities & Entertainment

For your relaxation and entertainment Amadeus has the following facilities, for more details please speak to your yacht charter broker.

Amadeus is reported to be available to Charter with the following recreation facilities:

  • 1 x Williams 325 Jet RIB 100 HP engine

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

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For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

'Amadeus' Charter Rates & Destinations

Please contact your charter broker for a quote or check availability .

Charter Amadeus

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d'Artagnan charter yacht


20m | Ferretti Yachts

from $25,000 p/week ♦︎

Emmy charter yacht

21m | Azimut

from $27,000 p/week

Flow charter yacht

21m | Ferretti Yachts

from $23,000 p/week ♦︎

George V charter yacht

21m | Aicon

from $17,000 p/week ♦︎

JUPJU charter yacht

22m | Sunseeker

from $28,000 p/week ♦︎

Le Chiffre charter yacht

20m | Galeon

from $13,000 p/week ♦︎

Little One charter yacht

22m | Baia Yachts

from $29,000 p/week ♦︎

Oasis charter yacht

P'tite Bouille

21m | Princess

from $32,000 p/week ♦︎

Saint George charter yacht

Saint George

20m | Sunseeker

POA ♦︎

Sapucai charter yacht

21m | President

from $24,000 p/week ♦︎

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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amadeus sailing yacht

Built by the famous Dynamique Yachts shipyard and having undergone a refit in 2018, sailing Yacht Amadeus was designed to please the most demanding of yachtsmen. Built for smooth sailing, this elegant cutter rigged sloop has a sleek hull design, comfortably reaching top speeds of 12 knots and ensuring excellent sailing performance. ...

The 33.5m/109'11" 'Amadeus' sail yacht built by the French shipyard Dynamiq is available for charter for up to 10 guests in 5 cabins. This yacht features interior styling by French designer Philippe Briand. Whether you are after the thrill of sailing or prefer to kick back, Amadeus is custom-built for adventure, offering a ring-side seat at the heart of the action once her sails have unfurled ...

Sailing yacht AMADEUS is a luxury vessel that measures 33.5m (109.9ft) in length. She was built by the famous Dynamique Yachts shipyard in 1995 and received a total refit in 2004 and smaller refits in 2012/14 and 2018 plus new interior fabrics in 2022. AMADEUS is an elegant cutter rigged sloop with a sleek hull design painted in an eye-catching ...

Amadeus Description. Built by the famous Dynamique Yachts shipyard, and having undergone a total refit in 2018, S/Y Amadeus was designed to please the most demanding of yachtsmen. Built for smooth sailing, this elegant cutter rigged sloop has a sleek hull design, comfortably reaching top speeds of 12 knots and ensuring excellent sailing ...

Length : 30.2 m / Passengers : 8. Special features : - One of the most elegant SW100- Excellent and experienced crew- Very elegant interiors- Available in West and East Med- Large outdoor spaceTender: 4.30... Price Per week from : 46 000€. View this yacht. AMADEUS is a fast cruising sailing yacht built by Dynamique Yachts and totally refit in ...

The 23.85m/78'3" sail yacht 'Amadeus' was built by Custom. Her interior is styled by design house Jean Marc Piaton and she was completed in 2018. Guest Accommodation. Amadeus has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 8 guests in 4 suites. She is also capable of carrying up to 2 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Built by the famous Dynamique Yachts shipyard, and having undergone a total refit in 2018. S/Y Amadeus was designed to please the most demanding of yachtsmen. Built for smooth sailing, this elegant cutter rigged sloop has a sleek hull design. Comfortably reaching top speeds of 12 knots and ensuring excellent sailing performance.

The yacht is maintained in excellent condition with a five-star crew year round. Sailing Yacht Amadeus was designed to please the most demanding of yachtsmen. Built for smooth sailing, this elegant cutter rigged sloop has a sleek hull design, comfortably reaching top speeds of 12 knots and ensuring excellent sailing performance.

AMADEUS I is a 44m/144' motor yacht for charter delivered by the Timmerman shipyard in 2014. Considered as a great luxury charter yacht for friends and family, AMADEUS I was fully upgraded in 2019. Her key features include a huge sundeck with a jacuzzi pool plus a brand-new beach club with a gym and sauna at sea level.

Built by the famous Dynamique Yachts shipyard, and having undergone a total refit in 2014, S/Y Amadeus was designed to please the most demanding of yachtsmen. Built for smooth sailing, this elegant cutter rigged sloop has a sleek hull design, comfortably reaching top speeds of 12 knots and ensuring excellent sailing performance.

AMADEUS was previously registered as project/yacht name Amadeus 1er. This 33 metre (109 ft) luxury yacht was built by Dynamique Yachts in 1991. Sailing Yacht AMADEUS is a well proportioned superyacht. The yacht is a modern sloop with a cutter rig. The naval architecture office whom authored the design work on this ship was Philippe Briand.

Amadeus is a 33.5 m sailing yacht. She was built by Dynamique Yachts in 1991. With a beam of 7.5 m and a draft of 3.9 m. The sailing yacht can accommodate 12 guests in 5 cabins. The yacht was designed by Philippe Briand.

Launched in 1996 by Dynamique Yachts, Amadeus is a 110 foot sailing sloop. To keep her up to date and comfortable for her guests, she has received refits in 2014 and 2018. She has been fitted with twin 320hp Perkins Rolls Royce engines for power, along with her sails.

33.5m / 109'11 Dragos Yachts 1996 / 2007. The 34.75m/114' 'Amadeus' motor yacht built by shipyard Dragos Yachts is available for charter for up to 12 guests in 5 cabins. This yacht features interior styling by Ugar Kose. Built in 1996, Amadeus's bespoke fittings and design ensure guests can explore the ocean's wonders in style and comfort.

Sailing Yacht AMADEUS can accommodate 10-12 guests in five large cabins, including a full-width master stateroom and two double cabins, each with an extra single bed. The two twin cabins can also be converted to doubles upon request, making her the only sailboat on the Greek market with five double beds.

Fully crewed Sailing Yacht AMADEUS available for private yacht charter in Greece, the best sailing holidays & vacation in the Greek Islands. +30 6948 295 207. [email protected] . Aten, Solonos 22-24, Agii Anargiri 135 61, Greece ... Sailing Yachts; Motor Sailer; Yacht Charter Terms; V.I.P. Services; Destinations; About us;

Charter theAMADEUS. AMADEUS is a 110-foot sailing yacht that can accommodate ten to twelve passengers in five staterooms as follows: a spacious Owner's stateroom with a double bed, a vanity and an entertainment unit including TV, DVD and music system; two cabins with a double bed and an additional single bed; two cabins with two twin beds each.

AMADEUS I is a 44m luxury motor super yacht available for charter built in 2014, refitted in 2019. Charter up to 10 guests in 5 cabins (1 Master, 2 VIP, 3 Double & 2 Twin) with a crew of 9. She is also available for events and corporate charter.

No:7 Kuşadası 09400 Aydın. + (90) 256 340 03 40. [email protected] . Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:00. Closed on Weekends. Istanbul Branch - Türkiye. Moscow - Russia. London - United Kingdom. New York - United States of America.

Küçükbakkalköy Mah. Fevzipaşa Cad. Bozkır Sok. No:1 ,K:3 D:15 Ataşehir 34750 Istanbul + (90) 216 900 28 62 +(90) 216 576 47 90. [email protected]

Get directions to Yuzhny prospekt, 6к1 and view details like the building's postal code, description, photos, and reviews on each business in the building

The 21.95m/72' 'Amadeus' motor yacht built by the British shipyard Sunseeker is available for charter for up to 6 guests in 3 cabins.. Primed for exploring secluded beaches and tucked-away lagoons or simply relaxing and soaking up the rays onboard, motor yacht Amadeus is tailor-made for family fun.

Known as the "Motor City of Russia." Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname "Motor City" due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.. Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant. Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.


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  5. Antares Catamaran Mechanical Systems

  6. Hélia 44 par Fountaine Pajot Catamarans


  1. Location catamaran Cyclades

    Votre location de catamaran dans les Cyclades. Un archipel de 56 îles au cœur de la mer Egée, nous parlons des Cyclades bien sûr.Avec Océans Evasion, naviguer en catamaran entre mythes et légendes devient une réalité. Pour bénéficier des meilleures conditions, il faudra privilégier une croisière dans les Cyclades en dehors des mois d'été car le Meltem risque d'y souffler très fort.

  2. Location Catamaran Cyclades avec ou sans skipper

    Une location de catamaran aux Cyclades vous permettra de naviguer tranquillement en mer Égée et de caboter à travers les nombreuses îles que compte cet archipel, dont 24 restent inhabitées. Situées entre le Dodécanèse et le golfe d'Athènes, les Cyclades vous offriront les plus beaux paysages pour naviguer dans les eaux grecques. ...

  3. Catamaran Charter

    Pick your favourite catamaran for your trip in the Cyclades Islands. early booking offer. 10-15% EARLY BOOKING DISCOUNT. FREE SUP. FREE WI-FI. FREE SNORKELING SETS. FREE BEACH TOWELS. gift of selected. award-winning. greek wines. PROMO CODE | EARLBOOK2023. Lagoon 620. Year built: Build/Refit: 2020. Length: Length: 18.90 m / 62.00 ft. Cabins:

  4. Catamaran charter in Cyclades Islands

    Catamaran · Dufour 48 Catamaran · 2020 / Paros, Cyclades Islands · Greece Skipper on board · 11 people · 5 cabins · 5 wc · 14.6m.

  5. The Complete Cyclades Yacht Charter List

    Cyclades yacht charters bring freedom to explore one of the most inspirational Islands of Greece. White stone walls are nestled into the arid hillside, backed by startling blue seas make these islands amazingly picturesque from aboard a luxury charter yacht. The Cyclades offer both culture and hedonism: ancient sites, Byzantine castles, museums ...

  6. Cyclades Catamaran Yacht Charter

    Dazzling white houses resembling ice cubes from the distance, 400+ azure beaches, white washed little villages, blue-domed chapels, incredible sunsets and a unique array of landscapes with cobalt blue surroundings. Honestly speaking, the Cyclades has it all! Book your sailing yacht charter in Cyclades today and have the opportunity to ...

  7. Home

    Sail the Cyclades with us. Charter catamaran 'Kallisti' to explore them. "Paros catamaran" is a small family owned and run catamaran charter company in Greece providing stress-free sailing holidays in the Cycladic islands. "Kallisti", a catamaran Lagoon 39, built in 2015, sets off from its charter base in the port of Paros.

  8. Cyclades Islands Yacht Charter Guide

    To help you in your search for your perfect luxury charter yacht for your next vacation, we've selected some of the finest and most exclusive superyachts and megayachts that are currently available for charter in the Cyclades Islands. O'Pari 95m Golden Yachts from $1,198,000 p/week. IDyllic 59m Benetti from $316,000 p/week.

  9. Cyclades Islands 7 Day Yacht Charter Itinerary Greece: Kythnos, Milos

    The perfect Greek islands itinerary across the Cyclades. Visit Kythnos, Milos, Folegandros, Santorini, Amorgos, Paros and Mykonos. ... Top 10 Greece Catamaran Charters for 2024-2025! Greece Yacht Charter Itineraries - THE ULTIMATE GUIDE! ... Kythnos is preferred by yacht charters both for its convenient location next to Athens but also for ...

  10. Sailing the Greek Cyclades Islands

    Sailing the Greek islands for a week sounds amazing for good reason. Board a catamaran with an experienced crew to hop from island to stunning island in the Cyclades. Along the way, explore the best of Mykonos and watch the sunset from Santorini, see ancient ruins, and swim in the azure Aegean waters before bedding down in your boat each night.

  11. Cyclades Islands

    Cyclades Islands - Catamarans for rent and visit Greek islands. +385 21 55 33 01 +385 91 3000 009. Home. About us. All sailing destinations. Cyclades Islands.

  12. Location avec Skipper Grèce/Cyclades par Capitaine Thom

    Location de voilier aux Cyclades avec skipper saison 2023 - 2024 Venez partager la magie des Cyclades, le plus bel archipel de la Grèce et de la Méditerranée orientale J'ai positionné une flotte de voiliers de toutes tailles (monocoques et catamarans) à Paros, que je gère.

  13. Catamaran yachtcharter in Cyclades : Sifnos, Thirasia, Milos,

    Set sail from Paros Marina, Cyclades Islands. Come and discover the Cyclades during 1 week on Paros, Santorini, Milos, Sifnos and many other idyllic islands! Aboard your catamaran, you'll enjoy a dream vacation of idleness, water sports and walks!

  14. An authentic sailing cruise in the Cyclades

    A week's sailing on board Cinderella in high season amounts to about 850 euros per person for a private booking. Booking a cabin only in a shared cruise costs 2200 euros for 2 persons sharing the same cabin or 1600 euros for a single occupancy of the cabin. Further information is available on the Booking page.

  15. Catamaran rentals in Cyclades Islands

    If you're looking to explore some sensational Greek islands with beautiful scenery and exquisite cuisine, set sail on an adventure with your family or a group of friends with a catamaran rental in the Cyclades Islands.This spectacular set of islands give you the opportunity to explore their most precious beach bays and coves, as well as the chance to sample some local delicacies and ...

  16. Naxos Catamaran Day Cruises & Private Sailing Charters

    Multi Day Charters. Our Fleet. Contact Us. Tel : +30 6983 738 419. Email : [email protected]. WELCOME TO. NAXOS CATAMARAN TOURS. Naxos Sailing Tours & Cruises. Naxos Catamaran offers day and sunset cruises aboard our luxury catamarans and sailing boats with the highest quality of exclusive services guaranteed to please!

  17. Catamarans

    For a Catamaran charter in the Cyclades, especially if you are planning to visit Santorini, we recommend chartering out of Mykonos. Our brokers will find you a Mykonos-based yacht or arrange a delivery of your desired yacht to the starting location of your charter vacation.

  18. Greece CatamaranRentals.com and Charters

    Kavas Yachting is a family-owned company that has been in operation for over 35 years. They offer a wide range of catamarans for bareboat and crewed charters, as well as sailing courses and flotilla sailing holidays. They offer routes that cover the Cyclades, Ionian, and Saronic Gulf islands. Greek Isles Yachting offers luxury catamaran ...

  19. amadeus sailing yacht

    Built by the famous Dynamique Yachts shipyard and having undergone a refit in 2018, sailing Yacht Amadeus was designed to please the most demanding of yachtsmen. Built for smooth sailing, this elegant cutter rigged sloop has a sleek hull design, comfortably reaching top speeds of 12 knots and ensuring excellent sailing performance. ..... The 33.5m/109'11" 'Amadeus' sail yacht built by the ...

  20. Elektrostal to Moscow

    Moscow, Russia. Moscow is the capital and largest city of the Russian Federation. The city stands on the Moskva River in Central Russia, with a population estimated at 13.0 million residents within the city limits, over 18.8 million residents in the urban area, and over 21.5 million residents in the metropolitan area.

  21. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal , lit: Electric and Сталь , lit: Steel) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Population: 155,196 ; 146,294 ...

  22. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.