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Wir sind stolz darauf, dass viele Nutzer und Leser zu schätzen wissen, welchen Fundus an Wissen Yachtinside bereit hält. Immerhin dokumentiert Michael Herrmann seit 1990 seine Fachkenntnis in Büchern und zahlreichen Fachartikeln in den bekannten Zeitschriften und eben auch auf Yachtinside. 

Nun, wirklich beeindruckt war ich von dem Service von Michael Herrmann. Während die Werft, der ich gutes Geld für ihre (fehlerhafte) Arbeit gezahlt hatte, für mich nicht erreichbar war, rief Herr Herrmann an einem Samstag Abend nach 21:00 bei mir zurück, analysierte das Problem anhand eines Fotos korrekt und ermöglichte mir auf diese Art und Weise, am folgenden Montag gegenüber der Werft das Problem des falschen Anschlusses direkt zu benennen. Unabhängig von dem vielen guten Inhalten Fachbüchern und Artikeln, die ich von Herrn Herrmann bis dato lesen durfte, ist mir dieser Service allein schon 5 Sterne wert.

Markus Neuber

Kompetent, hilfsbereit, freundlich, TOP!!!

Harald Huemer

Tolle Nachschlagewerke und schnelle, kompetente Unterstützung, wenns drauf ankommt. Danke!

Die Bilder deiner Artikel und Bücher sind super, die Texte sind für mich sehr verständlich geschrieben. Bei der Suchfunktion auf der Website bin ich manchmal nicht erfolgreich....gehe dann über das „Boot“ mit den Stecknadeln, dann über das „noch recht kleine“ Inhaltsverzeichnis, und dann finde ich doch meistens, was ich suche - wie heute zu den Batterien. Die hatte ich erst im zweiten Anlauf gefunden. Aber Yachtinside hilft mir wirklich super und ich lerne viel dazu, werde immer sicherer.

Yachtinside - ein Abo für ganz kleines Geld und Du hast alle technischen Handbücher auf einmal.

Tolle [...] Website für alle Eigner, die selbst Hand am Boot anlegen.

Hilfe ist unglaublich und ich kann den Service nur empfehlen.

Sehr gutes Projekthandling unseres Refits, schnelle und zuverlässige Kommunikation. Und viel wichtiger: ein angemessenes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Eine echte Seltenheit unter den Bootsdienstleistern. Professionell mit entsprechender fachlicher Expertise!

Helena & Julia Mantzouridis

Yachtinside: I st zu empfehlen. Wie eine Versicherung. Vor allem für Kuffmiche wie mich mit zwei linken Händen!

Der Artikel über Legierungen und Wirksummen zum Thema Edelstahl bewahrte mich vor dem Abenteuer, einen Kombikühler selbst zu bauen. Yachtinside ist nun meine Abendlektüre 🙂

Jens Heischkel

Leute, ein Abo bei Michael lohnt immer.

R. W. Deckena

Kompetenz, schnörkellos. Klasse!

Ruhdie Lowe

Martin drache www.seedrachen.com, sascha burkhardt.

Ich kenne mich technisch ziemlich gut aus. Aber Michael Herrmann ist eine lebende technische Enzyklopädie. Bei im gibt es definitiv keine Frage, die unbeantwortet bleibt. Wenn ich nicht mehr weiter weiß, ist er meine erste Adresse. Er weiß einfach alles, und wenn nicht findet er es.

Dein Technik unter Deck ist ganz toll. Wir haben es schon mehrfach empfohlen. Und auch, dass man es als E-Book bekommen kann. Ich lese es jetzt auf dem Tablet.

I. Hinrichsen


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What's trending in superyacht technology?

Despite the omnipresence of today’s smartphones and gadgets, yachts have struggled to keep up with tech developments onshore. But that’s changing – and fast, as Risa Merl discovers the latest technology trends in the world of superyacht design.

When it comes to technology, we’ve never had it so good. From an ever-increasing range of gadgets and gizmos to the latest advances in connectivity, there’s more choice, and more exciting developments on the horizon than ever before – and that goes for the superyacht world, too. Owners want the same services – if not better – that they can access on land, and a handful of specialist firms are doing their best to meet consumer-driven demand on board. Yet, whether owners appreciate it or not, yachts have their own challenges when it comes to keeping up with tech’s constant progress. The middle of the ocean is one of the hardest – and most expensive – places to ensure fast and reliable broadband. And the three-year build time of a custom yacht is a challenge for suppliers and designers who need to think ahead and include the latest tech by the time the yacht is launched. Nonetheless, tech companies are rising to the challenge with an abundance of products to enhance onboard entertainment and security.

“Yacht guests want the same experience they have at home, so rock-solid and secure Wi-Fi is the first priority,” explains Videoworks CTO Maurizio Minossi, “and bigger internet pipes will be available within the next two years in order to allow 5G and new-generation VSAT [very small aperture terminal – a compact, two-way satellite antenna].” Super-fast connectivity is leading the charge, then, but there are plenty more developments in the pipeline too...

Streaming on superyachts

On-demand services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime have all heightened our expectations of how quickly we should get whatever we desire. We want it now, and that includes being able to watch the latest movies and television shows, wherever we are. Streaming services that work on land, however, haven’t always worked as efficiently on yachts, both in terms of reliable connectivity and price point, as Anil Thadani, owner of the world- roaming 45-metre Latitude reports. “The service I used before was horrible,” he says. “Connectivity was spotty, the speed was awful and it cost a lot more because they only gave us a limited amount – 30GB per month – for about $7,000 [£5,400], and if you exceeded that, the rates would be exorbitant.”

Thadani found a new service for Latitude that is working wonders. Switching over to Marine VSAT required a new satellite dome, which incurred upfront costs, but he says that the service has been so good that the initial pain was worth it. Now for a fixed cost of $5,000 per month he can stream Netflix in remote parts of Indonesia and watch CNN live on his iPad. He says the streaming isn’t always flawless, but overall it’s “good enough” and he hasn’t experienced any outages. For an extra $5,000 per month, Marine VSAT can guarantee flawless streaming and unlimited data. Meanwhile, London-based satellite communications company Inmarsat is set to launch seven new satellites into orbit by 2023, which will include extended 'always-on' coverage across the Arctic for those plotting a polar adventure.

For those who don’t want to rely on a data connection, Kaleidescape is also offering its new Marine Movie Service. Launched at the Monaco Yacht Show, it offers movie and music collections that arrive on a hard drive in a matter of days. One drive can hold up to 100 Blu-ray or 50 4K-quality movies, and customers (either a hands-on owner or a crew member) can have whichever titles they want pre-loaded on to it. The service also offers curated selections of new cinema releases, classic movies and kids’ favourites too.

It’s not the breadth of choice, however, but the quality of what’s on offer that companies are focusing on. “Ten years ago, yacht owners and captains were more concerned with how to get enough content,” says Cheena Srinivasan, founder and CEO of Kaleidescape. “Now there’s an overabundance of content, and we are trying to solve that problem through curation. Think of this as a white-glove concierge service. We’re bringing convenience via an end-to-end system through working with our marine integrators, so the yacht owners don’t have to worry about anything.”

Kaleidescape demonstrated its offerings during the boat show, dimming the lights on board the Tankoa yacht Solo and showing how vividly coloured and rich in sound a movie from its system is. Solo is beta-testing this brand new service, supported by 88 marine integrators worldwide who will install the hard drives to ensure quality control.

IT support at sea

Priva is another superyacht tech company that’s putting a focus on concierge services to reduce owner headaches – what good is expensive kit if it doesn’t work when you want to use it? Priva’s Technical Concierge is a 24/7 service that connects crew directly to expert audiovisual and technical support. Rather than getting passed around at a call centre, users will find that the first person to answer this hotline is a highly skilled technical expert, who will work with the captain or electronic technical officer to get the yacht’s tech back online and working right away.

“We want yacht owners to get the most out of every minute they spend on board,” says Cynthia Gillis, senior vice president at Global Eagle, the company behind Priva. “PRIVA and our 24/7 Technical Concierge service are tailored to our clients who want to be fully connected and access customized content from anywhere in the world. We have 50, high-touch, trained technicians and specialists dedicated to yacht customers who are available to address our clients’ specific technical needs without disrupting their onboard experience.”

Connectivity on demand

Of course, superyacht owners aren’t on board all the time, and charter yachts aren’t booked every week of the year, so onboard tech has to be scalable to suit their needs. “Flexibility is key when it comes to yacht connectivity,” says Peter Broadhurst, senior vice president at Inmarsat. Its latest generation of Global Xpress satellites were launched two years ago and allow for greater bandwidth. Inmarsat then tailored the service to the yachting industry with Fleet Xpress, which has since performed more than 10,000 installations.

The service allows owners and managers to scale bandwidth up and down, depending on usage and the number of people on board at any one time, and even allows clients to suspend their service in the off-season (or in case a worldwide pandemic leaves you on one side of the world and your yacht on the other). "We've introduced a lot more flexibility into our plans," Broadhurst explains, "the ability to upgrade and downgrade as and when you want, suspend the service, change the data rates and plans." Inmarsat data plans start from just three months.

Adaptability is also key when it comes to a yacht’s build. “One of the biggest challenges during any yacht project is that technology keeps evolving, and you don’t want a new yacht with old tech,” says Casper Kleiman of Dutch company VBH, which creates audio, video and IT products for new-build yachts as well as refits. VBH confirms that in the past systems needed to be connected physically, which added to the challenge of designing a yacht that needed to be up to date at launch three years down the line. But this is now changing thanks to software-based connections. “By using a flexible software-based backbone, it’s easier to connect new hardware later in the build,” Kleiman says. “We’ve used this on a recent 87-metre yacht.”

Once installed, technology also has to work within multipurpose spaces, which are becoming increasingly popular on board. A helideck might host yoga in the morning, a round of TopGolf in the afternoon and a live music performance, nightclub or movie under the stars come nightfall – and it still needs to be able to allow a helicopter to land if required. “Providing multifunctional areas and spaces that evolve throughout the day, including the main saloon and beach club, requires technology that can adapt from one experience or functionality to another,” says Alistair Levine, director of sales and marketing at California Audio Technology.

“This type of flexibility harnesses everything from video walls and audio systems to lighting control and motorised shades, so that you can manipulate the visual and auditory experience to suit your needs – but this level of functionality needs to be discussed at the design stage.”

Smartphone apps

In recent years we’ve become attached – some might argue addicted – to our smartphones, so it’s no surprise that we now want and expect them to control our onboard tech. As yacht automation streamlines into a “smart yacht” experience, clients and crew want to be able to control all the onboard systems from one easy-to-use location. Videoworks currently offers just this, integrating all of the yacht’s domotics and onboard systems into a single device. Instead of the popular Crestron remote control, owners might opt for a dedicated multi-service app that allows them to manage all of their systems from a smartphone. ItwModeX is an iOS app (a web version can be installed on Android) designed by Itworks exclusively for Videoworks, which can be customised with content and graphics to suit each yacht. “Multi-service apps can seamlessly integrate with the usual tools guests are familiar with, such as Kaleidescape,” says Minossi. “We use them in most of our projects.”

Yacht brokerage houses are also thinking more about mobile devices, as proven by the new Burgess app which allows users access to its services whether on or offline. “We want to allow our clients and potential customers access to Burgess yachts and content via whichever channel they prefer,” says Tim Davis, chief marketing officer at Burgess. “Our research shows that our target audience favours mobile devices [over laptops or desktop computers] to access our digital services. We have seen a good proportion of new prospects registering with Burgess via the app, as well as existing customers. Take-up has been encouraging – and we are planning an Android version.”


Superyachts can have all the latest kit, then. Yet while advances in audiovisual technology are impressive, having sufficient cybersecurity to keep onboard internet connections safe hasn’t become standard practice. “Research showed us that 64 per cent of superyachts rely on simple firewalls or crew-based solutions to protect against cyber risks – and 76 per cent don’t have anyone on board to look after cybersecurity,” says Rob Myers, senior director at Inmarsat. The company now offers its Fleet Secure End Point service to address this problem. It is designed to prevent cyberattacks, detect vulnerabilities and respond to threats – and the bandwidth used doesn’t come out of the yacht owner’s monthly allowance. "It's a pragmatic approach to security," says Broadhurst.

At the Marine Equipment Trade Show in Amsterdam, Videoworks introduced Cisco ASA 55066, a new dedicated onboard cybersecurity device. “Cisco ASA is a state-of-the-art cybersecurity product,” claims Minossi. The network security device incorporates threat- defence software, which allows for real-time identification and prevention of viruses and threats from the web. Several levels of security are permitted via a single platform, and it can also look at all network activity to see vulnerabilities in any apps or files, with an automated system assessing potential threats.

Emotional rooms

“The modern consumer is all about the experience that their technology delivers to them, not the underlying technology,” Levine says. “Millennials are starting to drive these conversations. Whether they are the children or grandchildren of the owners, they are far more willing to pay for exceptional experiences than things.” Meeting this demand is the rise of dynamic, interactive and so-called “emotional” tech on board, which is designed to enhance a guest’s experience.

Sacramento-based California Audio Technology creates “dynamic entertainment experiences”, and is looking to do more with less – including less equipment. The company is working on an audio specification that will allow onboard DJs or bands to be accompanied simply by their laptops or instruments without the need to bring on a bulky PA system, and the time and logistics that are required for set-up. Working with production company Blue International Talent, it is developing a marine system spec that will consider a yacht’s individual sound and lighting needs – however high-spec these might be. 

“Most audio systems in the marine space are designed to deliver low-level background audio, yet most stadiums don’t have the aesthetic integration possible that a yacht requires,” says Levine. “This specification will allow for a whole new range of experiences for both charter guests and owners, by giving them the opportunity to have everything from a stand-up comedian to a jazz trio to someone like Coldplay, David Guetta or Elton John playing a private concert on the back of their yacht in a remote part of the world.”

Meanwhile, VBH is focusing on setting the mood, and helping to create ever more extravagant examples of interactive bars, walls and hallways that can transform a superyacht space using content displayed on screens. “Instead of such screens only being used for showing movies or television shows, we can use them as integrative backgrounds,” says Kleiman. “They can add extra depth and meaning to a boat’s space.”

Perhaps as a much-needed salve to all this overload in technology, Videoworks has developed what it calls the Emotional Room, a system that utilises an algorithm on a neural network to assess the mood of the people in a space and adapt the lighting and music accordingly. Cameras in the room will scan guests’ faces to determine their emotions by mapping “points of interest” on their faces, such as the eyes, lips and cheekbones. The neural network will then learn how different settings – from lighting set-up and positions to music selection – in the room affect human emotions. This self-learning system evolves the more it’s used, and is designed to replicate conditions that it logs as the most pleasing.

Emotional Rooms will start appearing on yachts from late spring this year, including in a project with one of the top Italian builders. Not only is superyacht technology getting better at giving us what we want, it will soon be doing it without us even asking.

Safety first

With such enormous pieces of machinery sitting far from land, there's a certain risk factor that comes with the territory of yachting. And while the owner is busy soaking up the sunshine or entertaining guests of an evening, it's the role of the crew and captain to ensure safety at all times. "Don't run on the decks" springs to mind, but in reality, onboard safety goes far beyond the do's and don't of yachting etiquette. Inmarsat is currently trialling an IMO approved safety solution 'Fleet Safety', set for release later this year. "We've effectively brought safety communications into the 21st century," says Broadhurst. "If the vessel is in any danger then the crew have immediate access to secure communications. It's easier to use than what's currently out there, with greater functionality that will allow the crewmembers to feel confident in onboard safety equipment and communications. Inmarsat was set up to provide safety to seafarers and this is effectively the next generation of safety." 

This feature is taken from the March 2019 issue of BOAT International. Get this magazine sent straight to your door, or subscribe and never miss an issue.

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The future of yachting: Smart technology for your next yacht

  • Toby Hodges
  • May 14, 2020

Could hydrogen-powered yachts be built from rocks or plants in the next decade? Toby Hodges investigates yachting’s eco future


It’s becoming abundantly clear that to meet greenhouse gas emissions targets set out in the 2016 Paris Agreement, we’ll need to adopt some radical changes in all lifestyles. Thankfully sailing is, by its very nature, a green activity. In fact, if you wanted to live as carbon neutral a lifestyle as possible, move onto a yacht and go sailing! But for how much longer will we be able to buy glass reinforced plastic boats, powered by diesel engines ?

When you consider the energy, materials and waste in composite boatbuilding, it can paint an ugly picture. Ironically, the best way forward might be to revert back to building wooden yachts with hemp ropes and cotton sails, but that is perhaps not the most practical answer to supplying today’s global boating demands.

However, researching this feature has filled me with optimism. There are brilliant minds working in the marine industry and many fascinating solutions for alternative materials and power sources. So how might eco-tech change boatbuilding in the next ten years and what will your next yacht look like?


This hydrogen electric cat is midway through build at Daedalus in North Carolina

The simple solution

Technology will continue to make yachts ever simpler to operate. The ability to go daysailing easily will be critical for an increasingly time-poor generation, while powerboaters drawn to the eco credentials of sailing will seek an intuitive format, in yachts that are easy to rig, dock and manage.

Boatbuilders are progressively incorporating greener propulsion and sustainable power sources, and are turning to natural and recyclable materials. Whether they are regulated to do so or not, this is a logical step to take, especially if we, the buyers, demand a more ethical product.

In the next decade we’ll certainly see a marked increase in the use of 3D printing in boatbuilding. Already employed for custom parts, this technology could be used to build hulls and decks – printed structures with natural fibre skins surrounding them could eliminate the need for wasteful moulds.

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There are already bodies in place concentrating on the reduction of waste and energy use in boatbuilding, while promoting recycled and low-impact materials. 11th Hour Racing is doing commendable work here. The common boatbuilding technique of using hand laid-up polyester certainly looks increasingly endangered.

Search for speed

The most effective way to minimise your carbon footprint afloat is to sail, so there is a strong argument for choosing performance yachts , which can harness the wind more efficiently. Large yachts and catamarans have an advantage too as they provide the deck space to host numerous solar panels and the speed to incorporate regenerative propulsion.

During its research for the Outremer 4E project, and new 55, Grand Large Yachting found that the usage of a yacht accounts for a much higher carbon footprint than its build. If you are able to sail in five knots of wind, then you can sail 95% of time in the Mediterranean, it says (data from western Med June-September).


Outremer’s 4E prototype will be used by cruising guru Jimmy Cornell for his next circumnavigation

To achieve this performance requires minimising weight, but what are the best alternatives to using the traditional high strength-to-weight ratio synthetic fibres such as glass and carbon?

Basalt fibre has long shown promise and is being used by new French catamaran brand Windelo to build its hulls, with PET (recycled plastic bottles) cores. Basalt is transformed from volcanic rock (with minimal CO 2 emissions), so the fibres are particularly resistant to heat and are recyclable.

However, it is the fibres from plants that could offer the most potential for boatbuilding. Flax in particular, the plant from which linen is derived, looks like becoming one of the most effective alternatives for use in high-strength composite applications.


Natural promise: Linen fibres are derived from quick-growing flax plants

Boats from plants?

The flax-based products of Swiss company Bcomp have already been used effectively in motorsport bodywork and snow skis for their combination of stiffness and vibration damping.

Paul Riley, a composites expert now marketing Bcomp products for marine use, says that flax is lighter than glass fibres, with similar stiffness and significantly lower cost than carbon fibres, yet with up to 75% CO 2 savings. “I think we’ll see this coming into mainstream yachting in the next two to three years,” he says. “Manufacturers need to take a stand and switch to less environmentally impactful materials, which will also provide improved health and safety for their workers.”

Flax grows from seed to crop in eight weeks, rarely needs irrigation, and chemicals are not required. Thus far it has been used by German yard Greenboats, including on the 2016-built GreenBente 24, and superyacht builders Baltic Yachts. News that Gurit, global leader in composite material supply, will be the worldwide distributor for Bcomp, could lead to a broad adoption by marine manufacturers.


A Tesla Model S electric race car clothed in Bcomp flax composite bodywork

Visitors to the Düsseldorf Boat Show this year may have seen the potential of this fibre on the Greenboats stand. Its Judel/Vrolijk-designed Flax 27 daysailer became a test-bed for numerous natural and recycled materials. The hull is made from flax and bio resin with a PET core, the deck from cork.

Greenboats’ founder Friedrich Deimann told me how frustrated he became with using composite materials, especially coming from a wooden boatbuilding background. “It takes five times as much energy to produce glassfibre than linen fibre,” Deimann reports, showing me the plants from which he built his beautiful clear-coated daysailer.

Greenboats has been using Flax or Natural Fibre Composites (NFC) since 2010. And it minimises the use of moulds by using a stitch-and-glue technique to build panels. Deimann’s company shows what is possible, but he admits a lack of trained personnel and the costs of small-scale production are the current issues.


The Greenboats Flax 27 daysailer has a hull made of linen fibre and bio resin with a core of recycled plastic bottles

Another is resin control. “You can’t use hand lay-up with flax because it’s a natural material, and without compression the fibres can absorb a lot of resin,” says Deimann. “By vacuum-infusing the resin, you compress and control it.” Vacuum-infusing resin brings its own environmental issues because the plastic used in the bagging process creates a significant amount of landfill. Some boatbuilders have already found a clever solution here in reusable silicone bags.

But the resin itself still remains an issue for chemists to solve. Pure bio resins exist already, but for the high-performance epoxies required in boatbuilding the natural content might only be around 30%. Entropy resins, bio-epoxies used in marine, snow and surfboards for example, are manufactured by replacing petroleum-based carbon with renewable plant-based carbon – by-products from the agricultural industry.

Recyclable boats

Elsewhere, yards have been forging ahead with various technologies that offer a cleaner end of life potential. The hull of the mini 6.50 raceboat Arkema 3 was made from a recyclable thermoplastic composite using Elium acrylic resin, for example, which can be ground down and reused to manufacture new parts. And many RS dinghy hulls are made from rotomoulded and recyclable polyethylene.


Meanwhile, the benefits of using high-tech timber construction are clear for all to see thanks to Spirit Yachts . Its strip-planked technique makes for a very stiff, lightweight structure, with hulls made from largely renewable materials. Indeed, the beautiful new Spirit 111 flagship is being labelled as one of the most environmentally friendly superyachts ever.

Managing director Nigel Stuart has instigated a network of green initiatives at the Ipswich yard and in its yachts. The Spirit 111 includes energy-saving appliances throughout, including ultra-efficient hydraulics and genset, and a regenerative propulsion system for its Torqeedo electric drive.

And it is this latter element – power – that will surely be the primary focus for making cruising yachts greener in the coming decade.

Going electric

Torqeedo and Oceanvolt have led this drive so far, with Volvo Penta now ramping up its electromobility technology. And although Torqeedo has already delivered 100,000 electric drives, this represents only a small fraction of the market, according to CEO Dr Christoph Ballin.

“So far, only about 1.3% of marine propulsion systems are electric… we need to put the foot down and do more,” he states. Over the next decade, Ballin sees serial hybrid power as the optimum solution for yachts, systems that involve a large battery bank with a mix of solar and hydro power generation. This reduces the CO 2 footprint by around 90%, but with the safety net of a ‘diesel range extender’ – a compact generator, says Ballin.


Moonwave is a Gunboat 60 recently refitted with the latest generation of Torqeedo’s Deep Blue electric drive system

Such a system caters for normal sailing and living requirements using only battery power. “The role of the generator is reduced from providing everyday energy for living on board (heating, cooking, washing, aircon) to emergency use, if you will. And the role of the combustion engine for driving the boat is completely eliminated.”

But what about hydrogeneration? Combined with enough solar panels, surely this will enable us to dispense with fossil fuels on board altogether? “I fully agree, hydrogeneration in terms of using the propeller to create power under sail is one thing that is here to stay,” Ballin believes.


ZF steerable saildrives are being integrated with Torqeedo systems for hydrogeneration

But it is dependent on the speed and size of the vessel. He points out that if you have a fast boat you can generate all the electricity you need while sailing: “We have a customer with Gunboat 60 which generates 10-15kW”.

Battery storage

“The limitation here,” points out Ballin, “is how much energy you can store in a battery, because of the energy density that batteries offer.” Torqeedo’s Deep Blue technology and use of BMW’s i3 high voltage lithium-ion batteries gives it an edge on competitors.

But is the reliance on lithium boat batteries as a ‘clean’ source of energy storage simply solving one problem by adding another? The questionable mining ethics surrounding the cobalt used in many lithium batteries has been widely reported and the question of battery recycling still remains unanswered.

Ballin foresees supply chains becoming more ethical from a human rights standpoint. He explains that BMW is now controlling the entire supply chain for its batteries, including sourcing the raw materials, to avoid inhumane working conditions.

This makes for another whole topic, as does the recycling issue, to which Ballin alludes to the potential for a second life for marine batteries in powerwalls and energy storage before they go into any recycling for cobalt extraction.

“We are in front of the largest mobility revolution since the introduction of combustion engines,” Ballin states. “We have to live with the fact that the stages in this transformation programme are all imperfect – and will be for more than ten years.”

Looking ahead, Ballin sees three key scenarios for what is possible for climate neutrality on boats: battery electric vehicles; hydrogen-power; and synthetic fuels. “The rule for sailors I think will be that wherever battery electric vehicles are feasible those are the preferred ways to go forward.

“If battery electric vehicles do not give you enough power, which is almost always the case for oceangoing vessels, then you can go to hydrogen for example… It will become mainstream to have a climate-neutral range extender.”

Hydrogen power

So could hydrogen be the holy grail of energy for yachts? Hydrogen fuel cells work by converting hydrogen (from seawater) to positive and negative electron charges. So far this process has been used as an energy source only by a few pioneering vessels, including Energy Observer , the first energy autonomous hydrogen boat to circumnavigate. And Race for Water , a solar and kite-powered multihull carrying a conservative amount of hydrogen (200kg) in 25 bottles, is currently three quarters of the way round the world.

Solo racing sailor Phil Sharp has been demonstrating a hydrogen fuel cell in place of a diesel engine to generate power aboard his Class 40 OceansLab . He believes larger scale commercial shipping and marine craft can adopt the technology to reduce their carbon emissions to zero.

For leisure yachts, however, hydrogen fuel cells are not yet economically feasible. Torqeedo’s Ballin explains the practical limitations: “The energy density of hydrogen per kg is a lot better than petrol or diesel, but the volumetric energy density is about 1/13th of diesel.” This means much larger fuel tanks are necessary – although these volumes can be reduced under pressure.

That helps to explain why hydrogen has been adopted by only a handful of (large) yachts thus far. A pioneer of the technology is Daedalus Yachts, which is midway through building the first hydrogen-powered superyacht. “Over the past two years we have conceived and developed not only a complete hydrogen electric marine propulsion system but also a clean energy micro grid with the only emissions being oxygen and pure water,” says Daedalus’s founder Michael Reardon.


The overview of the Daedalus renewable energy and power system

The 88ft catamaran is being built to full commercial survey for world cruising for visionary Stephan Muff, who created the technology for Google Maps. The Daedalus electrolyser (which converts water to hydrogen) is the same as has been used in US spaceships and NATO submarines, so the North Carolina company is quietly confident it’s onto a reliable power source.

For the shorter term however, sailors should look to solar and battery technology, where we can assume continued improvements in efficiency and capacity for reduced costs. Building photovoltaic cells into biminis, decks, masts, and sails is already feasible.

Using sail power alone whenever possible is an obvious objective. But it’s the sailcloth itself that is arguably the most disposable component, particularly aboard racing yachts. Laminate sails with a Mylar membrane can’t be recycled, so many used sails go to landfill, or are abandoned in sheds and shipping containers.


OneSails 4T Forte membranes are recyclable sails that use STR stripes, a high modulus fibre produced by compaction of polymer to create a flat ribbon

Polyester/Dacron sails are largely thermoplastic so can be melted and reformed (although typically coatings such as melamine render this highly problematic). However, other than turning them into bags and accessories, what are the options for sails with synthetic fibres, high modulus yarns, which are notoriously difficult to chop up and repurpose?

OneSails has been ahead of the game here with its 4T technology. It uses a recyclable base polymer and replaces the glues and resins with heat fusion. The result is a composite single structure sail, which uses a low-stretch technology to avoid Mylar or taffeta, for a completely recyclable sail. “This technology is the only genuine sailmaking system that offers the opportunity for sailors to recycle ‘end of life’ sails,” says OneSails UK’s John Parker.

North Sails’ 3Di products also avoid Mylar film and the company is working to recover raw material from used sails to turn it back into polyester fibres. North’s commercial director Tom Davis, who has overseen its cloth business for the last 20 years, sees two key areas of development with greener sails. Firstly with the raw materials: “I will be very surprised in the next few years if materials going into sails aren’t substantially bio-based.”


With its partner, Steelhead Composites, Daedalus has built the world’s only certified hydrogen containment vessel

And secondly, with what he terms the ‘back end’: “A very high percentage of the total acreage of sailcloth in all areas will be repurposed/recycled.” Again, he sees the quickest changes happening with polyester and reports that North is already using recycled PET films, which are chemically indistinguishable from oil-based film.

Davis has been impressed by the speed of the technology in these areas. “In the sailcloth/making business, we’re not big enough to be producing new yarn or filaments – that’s really a petrochemical level business. But we are the beneficiaries of the technologies those companies develop.”

So in the case of high modulus yarn products, North is working with a company that is producing a bio source for the monomers that become polymers and then become high performance yarn and fibre. “So instead of pumping oil out of the ground and converting it to plastic, they’re starting with trees and ending up with very high performance plastics,” Davis explains.

Positive thinking

It goes without saying that future yachts should be well insulated, durable and with very low energy loss and consumption. Battery banks and renewable regeneration will mean there’s little requirement for fossil fuels. Water filtration in and out of the boat is increasingly important. For those who spend long periods aboard, the growing energy efficiency of watermakers means there is simply no call to ship bottled water. Self-sufficiency rules.

The dissolving print your anchor leaves in the sand should be the only evidence a yacht ever leaves behind! I’m confident the next decade will bring a tidal wave of innovation in the marine sector. And with the right collective mindset, the future is indeed bright – it’s exciting and it’s green.

First published in the April 2020 edition of Yachting World.

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Yachts and Superyachts, understandably, have a bad name when it comes to being environmentally friendly. But there are many options for enjoying these beasts of the ocean in a greener and more responsible way. Among the growing number of initiatives for lower-impact yachting is hybrid propulsion (the use of a combination of energy sources, such as diesel and battery power), more efficient hulls and choosing sail over motor.  Looking to the future, sustainability is becoming more and more important to those building and buying yachts, and this is reflected in the types of superyachts hitting the water. We take a closer look at the trailblazing eco-friendly yachts of the past 20 years, as well as the most exciting projects on the horizon.

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SY Ethereal was the first superyacht with a true hybrid system on board / @Franco Pace

Launched by Dutch yard Royal Huisman in 2008, 190-ft ketch  Ethereal  was a trendsetter that paved the way for future ‘eco’ superyachts. The first superyacht with a true hybrid system on board, she was the dream of owners Bill and Shannon Joy who set out to challenge the norm of yacht building. Together with the shipyard, naval architect Ron Holland and exterior/interior designer Pieter Beeldsnijder, the Joys worked to create a yacht that would have the lowest possible impact on the planet. The result was a technologically advanced design that delivered energy efficiency in a sleek and high-performance package.

Thanks to a twin hybrid electro-mechanical propulsion system, which recharges her battery bank,  Ethereal  can operate for long periods of time under the quiet stored power of her own resources. Every detail of  Ethereal  was examined for ways to reduce energy demands—from lighting to air-conditioning—and she delivers an impressively efficient performance when underway. Her open interior, with a warm and welcoming feel, invites guests in— fittingly, as her entire layout was designed to maximize spaces and allow those on board to spend quality time together. Since her launch  Ethereal  has traveled the world, treading lightly wherever she goes.


Black Pearl

Black pearl - Hybrid superyacht

The Black Pearl is capable of crossing the Atlantic without using any fuel / ©Tom Van Oossanen

At 350 ft,  Black Pearl  is the largest sailing superyacht in the world. She is certainly not inconspicuous but, despite her size, she is extremely eco-friendly. Delivered by Oceanco in 2016,  Black Pearl  is said to have the capability to cross the Atlantic using zero fossil fuel. Plans for undertaking this particular feat were underway when Covid-19 hit and delayed this attempt, but her captain, Chris Gartner, says that the owner and the  Black Pearl  team are committed to going ahead with that as soon as possible.

Black Pearl  incorporates features that ensure a lower environmental impact: propellers that can generate electricity when operating in ‘regeneration mode’ and, one of her most impressive features, her sails also double as a source of power. Measuring an incredible 31,215 sq ft,  Black Pearl’s  sails have built-in solar panels that create electricity that is then stored so it can be put to use elsewhere as needed. The DynaRig sails also allow the yacht to be easily operated under sail power as much as possible, greatly reducing the need for fuel.


Savannah Hybrid Superyacht

Savannah was built by Dutch shipyard Feadship/ ©Feadship

Savannah , built by Dutch shipyard Feadship and hailed as the first hybrid motoryacht at her 2015 launch, is also the world’s largest metallic-painted floating object. This beautiful yacht has collected many awards, including the coveted Motor Yacht of the Year at the 2016World Superyacht Awards. Her ‘Breathe’ propulsion system delivers 30% fuel-saving economies, and she can cruise under diesel electric or simply electric battery power.

Savannah  set a precedent for other eco-friendly projects from Feadship, including the ultra-sustainable 308-ft  Viva  (Hull 817), which has made waves since her February 2021 launch. As attractive as she is innovative, her elegant, four-deck floating superstructure pairs world-class technology with timeless style; features include the ‘Nemo Lounge,’ where you can peek below the waves and marvel at passing sea life from the comfort of the yacht. The main deck has a 30-ft pool and two main salons that are divided by a video wall, and the owner’s stateroom boasts a skylight above the master bed for admiring the starscape above.


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Ice was one of the most technologically advanced yachts when it was launched in 2005 / @Klaus Jordan

Delivered in 2005 by German powerhouse Lürssen, at the time of her launch  ICE  (then named  AIR ) was one of the most technologically advanced yachts. The brief from the owner called for the yacht to be as environmentally friendly as possible, and she delivered that in spades. She was the first yacht in the world to be fitted with Azipods, a diesel-electric propulsion system that offers many benefits including improved fuel efficiency, the option to use multiple energy sources and improved comfort, thanks to lower noise and vibration levels.

Pump jets combined with the Azipods can be controlled by the yacht’s dynamic positioning system, allowing  ICE  to anchor ‘electronically’ in shallow waters, removing the need to drop anchor and potentially damage sensitive underwater environments. Her original owner had a very clear vision of what he wanted from his yacht — it needed to be big on space with sleek lines and well-balanced proportions yet with large volumes. Design legend Tim Heywood took this brief and ran with it, resulting in a graceful yacht characterized by sweeping contours and grand windows that drench the yacht in natural light.


Artefact - hybrid yacht

Artefact sets sail on her maiden voyage in 2020 / ©Francisco Martinez

The impressive 262-ft  Artefact , designed by Gregory C Marshall and delivered by Nobiskrug Yachts in 2020, is a head turner for more than one reason. Her striking exterior, which makes clever use of glass, is the most obvious, but her eco-credentials are her biggest asset. Built for visionary owners who specifically requested a yacht with a reduced environmental impact,  Artefact’s  many solutions for this brief include 248 ft of solar panels and a battery storage system that allows the yacht to operate without its main engines for periods of time.

Added to that is her dynamic positioning system and Azipod propulsion system – these allow  Artefact  to easily hold her position without needing to use her anchors and reduce her emissions while also upping her efficiency. In fact, she was one of the very first superyachts built to meet IMO Tier III emissions regulations. For those wishing to enjoy pristine surroundings without interruption,  Artefact  is also capable of silent operations. This ‘greener’ superyacht certainly doesn’t compromise on comfort and on her launch was the biggest volume yacht of her size in the world. She perfectly pairs form and function… in other words, this award-winning yacht is the full package.


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Juliet in the Norwegian fjords / ©Jonathan Allan

Originally launched in 1993, the 143-ft  Juliet  was reborn this summer after an extensive “go greener” refit at her original build yard, Royal Huisman. Newly transformed into a hybrid yacht,  Juliet  now bears technologies that will future-proof her for years to come. Her new hybrid system offers numerous benefits including silent operations, zero emissions, peak-shaving, shaft-generated power under sail and reduced fuel consumption. A brand-new gearbox, aligned with a sophisticated new electric motor/generator, will allow electric propulsion that is powered by either the main engine or alternatively the battery pack or generator. Meanwhile, a battery bank will allow  Juliet  to operate in ‘silent ship’ mode.

When stretching her legs under sail, the rotation of the propeller will generate electric power. When at anchor she can run on battery power so guests can relax without any noise pollution that might detract from their surroundings. With nearly a quarter a million miles logged since her launch,  Juliet  is now ready for the next quarter million miles to come.

Swan 88 Hybrid

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Finnish builders Nautor’s Swan has joined the trend for hybrid yachts with its Swan 88 Hybrid model, which has a hybrid-electric propulsion system that marks a new era for the yard’s Maxi range. This new direction for the yard includes making greater use of eco-friendly materials in its designs. The  Swan 88 Hybrid  is the yard’s first attempt at a hybrid yacht, and the design has already borne fruit – in May 2021 it announced it had already sold the first hull.

Described by Nautor’s Swan as a “dual soul of racer and cruiser,” the  Swan 88 Hybrid  pairs comfort and performance and is an excellent ‘starter size’ superyacht that is spacious but manageable. The minimalist exterior design by German Frers is complemented by “a comfortable, harmonious and magical” interior by Misa Poggi. An easy-handle sail plan makes use of the brand’s long experience in ocean racing, delivering “efficient, uncomplicated and easily managed sailing”. The layout and design has been tailored to maximize guest comfort on longer trips – this first model will be able to travel the world with a lighter footprint thanks to her eco credentials.


Sailing purists the world over treasure the sight of a J Class yacht. Original J Class yachts raced in the 1930s under the Universal Rule, in events including the  America’s Cup.  There have been several replica J Class yachts built in modern times as well. Elegant  Rainbow  is one such replica and was built in Holland in 2012 by Holland Jachtbouw. Her design was based on the original  Rainbow , which won the America’s Cup in 1934, and it paired the best of classic yacht design with all the necessary modern technologies and comforts.

Like many other eco-friendly sailing yachts,  Rainbow  is powered by a hybrid propulsion system – in fact, she was the first J Class to boast this capability. This means a welcome 30% reduction in fuel usage, as well as the option of silent operations when underway. As beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside,  Rainbow ’s luxurious interior makes use of elegant mahogany woods, sophisticated styling and plenty of space to enjoy. If owning a J Class is your dream,  Rainbow  is currently for sale for a cool $8,250,000.


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The 142-ft Canova takes the title of being Baltic Yachts’s very first zero emissions yacht over 100 ft / ©Baltic Yachts

Built by Finnish firm Baltic Yachts in 2019, the 142-ft  Canova  takes the title of being the yard’s very first zero emissions yacht over 100 ft. This was a mandate of her owner, who wanted his long-distance cruising yacht to be as green as possible.  Canova  more than met the mark and carries an impressive line-up of modern technologies including a power regeneration system that, in theory, allows a never-ending supply for the yacht to make use of. An added first is that  Canova  is the first superyacht to be fitted with a transverse Dynamic Stability System foil, which delivers unprecedented comfort levels for a sailing yacht by reducing heel and motion.

Guests can relax on board  Canova  and enjoy nine hours of ‘silent’ mode made possible by an electric propulsion system that also charges the on-board battery bank. An easy-to-handle, yet powerful, sail plan ensures hoisting the sails is a breeze, meaning  Canova  can make the most of her sailing prowess (again cutting down on engine use). Large spaces and good indoor/outdoor flow make her a home away from home, with communal spaces including the large, sheltered cockpit with drop down glass sides.  Canova  was built to take her owner and guests around the world and will be venturing to a wide variety of destinations over the coming years.


Sw108 Hybrid

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The SW108 Hybrid will allow for efficient consumption of fossil fuels and reduce harmful emissions

First revealed in 2021, the  SW108 Hybrid  from South African shipyard Southern Wind Shipyard (SWS) is an exciting diesel-electric concept that has been designed with the planet in mind. It is the result of an impressive collaboration between SWS, Nauta Design and Farr Yacht Design. Featuring the ‘SWS Diesel-Electric Hybrid System,’ the  SW108 Hybrid  will allow for efficient consumption of fossil fuels and reduce harmful emissions.

All this is presented in a sleek, elegant and reliable package typical of SWS. Key features include a plus-sized beach club and a garage with room for a 16 ft tender. Sure to appeal to sailors looking for a reliable and comfortable “greener” sailing yacht, the design is what the yard describes as “a more environmentally friendly approach to performance yacht sailing.” The shipyard takes its responsibilities to deliver more eco-friendly yachts very seriously and the  SW108 Hybrid  will likely set the tone for future designs from SWS.


To the Future…

REV Ocean

REV Ocean will be kitted out with the latest sampling, observation, mapping and communication equipment / ©REV Ocean

Due to be completed in 2024, 600-ft  REV   Ocean  will be the world’s largest research vessel. With construction well underway in Norway,  REV   Ocean  is a state-of-the-art yacht that has been designed to ensure ‘one healthy ocean.’ As a luxury floating laboratory, her impressive facilities will allow her to undertake cutting-edge ocean science. She has an abundance of sustainable features, and her assets will include everything from a deep-diving submarine to a lecture theater for discussing discoveries.

“ REV   Ocean’s  hull and propeller were designed for less resistance and more efficiency moving through the water, saving up to 15% on fuel consumption,” explains Lawrence Hislop of  REV   Ocean . “Additionally, lithium-ion battery packs, LED lighting, a heat recovery system, an onboard incinerator and DNV SILENT-R rating all contribute to the philosophy of making  REV Ocean  one of the world’s most sustainable research and expedition vessels.” Want to experience  REV Ocean  for yourself? She will be offering special, once-in-a-lifetime charters that allow guests to play their own part in  REV   Ocean’s  important work.


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Arksen 85 offers luxurious comfort and large onboard spaces / ©Arksen Yachts

Last year work began on the  Arksen 85  — dubbed  Project Ocean  — the first self-proclaimed “ultimate marine exploration vessel” to be built by Arksen Yachts. Created to travel the world, with a stable, hardy design, the  Arksen 85  is intended to explore with low environmental impact. She’s built in an eco-friendly way, with her hull and superstructure made from low-carbon, recycled aluminum. A range of up to 7,000 nm will give her plenty of scope for adventures, and her eco credentials include a solar array option for zero-carbon electrical power and a hybrid propulsion system.

Buying an Arksen yacht offers several bolt-ons such as membership in the Arksen Explorers’ Club, which helps owners make the most of their vessels, and an invitation to join the Arksen Foundation, where owners are invited to pledge 10% of their vessels’ sea time to ocean-exploration projects. The  Arksen 85  offers luxurious comfort and large onboard spaces. This first build will include a full beam master suite, media room and children’s cabin. She is due to launch in 2022, and a large portion of her time at sea has already been committed to the Arksen Foundation.

Project AQUA

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The stunning infinity pool on Project AQUA / ©Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design

Project AQUA  made headlines around the world last year when rumors started that she was being built for Bill Gates. This speculation was later dispelled but, in the process, the world got a good look at the 367-ft vessel and so too a glimpse of what the future of yacht design might look like. The work of Lateral Naval Architects in collaboration with Sinot Yacht Design, hydrogen-powered  Project AQUA  represents how yachting might one day achieve zero carbon usage.

“For  Project AQUA  we set ourselves an objective of using near-future technology,” explains Simon Brealey, principal mechanical engineer at Lateral. “Liquid hydrogen has the potential to be created from renewable sources via electrolysis and as such can be considered a zero carbon fuel with the only local emissions being water.  Project AQUA  demonstrates [that] the onboard technology to enable a zero carbon project is ready, and we hope that it acts to inspire superyacht owners, shipyards, the hydrogen infrastructure industry and the wider maritime industry.”

The Sinot team used “an integrated and highly poetic design approach” when creating her: Cascading exterior decks are paired with a minimalist Japanese beach-style interior that provides living spaces in perfect balance with the water on which the vessel sits.

lateral.engineering ,  sinot.com

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The 312-ft hybrid yacht Bliss is the most recent Feadship vessel to hit the water / ©Feadship

Dutch yard Feadship now has a good number of eco yachts to its name, and 312-ft hybrid yacht  Bliss  is the most recent to have hit the water. Launched in May 2021,  Bliss  benefits from the very latest advances in technology with an all-new hybrid propulsion system. De Voogt Naval Architects were heavily involved in the design and engineering of the hybrid system, which will allow the yacht to sail in diesel-electric mode. In a win-win for comfort and for the world, “this package helps to protect the environment and provides premium comfort for all who step aboard,” says Feadship.  Bliss  also has Polar Code compliance – what better way to connect with the importance of protecting the health of our planet than by coming face to face with the icy majesty of the Polar regions?

Built for a very hands-on owner,  Bliss  features an exterior design by Jan Schaffers of Studio de Voogt and interior design by Remi Tessier. This team has created an elegant style that they describe as “natural and welcoming, inside and out.” Highlights include nine cabins, a gym and wellness space, a pool and a convertible helideck. Designed for family fun and to see the world this magnificent custom yacht is a timeless triumph.

Eco Explorer

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Eco Explorer concept is described as “a genuinely eco-friendly superyacht” / ©Feadship

A collaboration between Dutch yard Feadship and French design studio Merveille Yachting, the  Eco Explorer  concept is described by Feadship as “a genuinely eco-friendly superyacht.” The yacht combines all the best elements of motor and sail yachts in one efficient package. She features a mast system that has fully automated wings twice as powerful as a standard sailing yacht rig, while the use of sail power reduces fuel use as well.

Energy is also harnessed from a trio of onboard solutions including wind turbines, solar panels and underwater turbines. These, together with other reduction elements, add up to the use of an estimated 50-70% less fossil fuel, and more than three times the range of an equivalent boat. The 55-ft beam ensures plenty of space on board, with an inviting interior and vast beach club that includes a 49-ft swimming pool. The perfect yacht for seeing the world guilt-free, “the  Eco Explorer  is on the forefront of cutting-edge, environmentally friendly technology,” says Feadship.

feadship.nl ,  merveille-yachting.com

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Vento was designed by Carlo Nuvolari and Dan Lenard to be a “manifesto for environmental protection” / ©Nuvolari-Lenard

A mighty 328-ft sailing yacht concept,  Vento  is the brainchild of Nuvolari-Lenard. First revealed in June 2021 at the Venice Boat Show, this behemoth was created by design duo Carlo Nuvolari and Dan Lenard to be a “manifesto for environmental protection” and a visual appeal to superyacht designers to create truly green yachts. This radical concept will use the wind as its main source of propulsion and its slipstream hull will ensure it moves efficiently through the water. Its Wing Sail sail plan is more efficient than traditional rigs, allowing for better performance. A diesel-electric system with variable speed generators and variable pitch propellors will allow operations to be adjusted to achieve maximum efficiency.

Nuvolari and Lenard both believe that it is not enough to design a yacht that is “greener,” and instead our entire mentalities and attitudes towards yacht design needs to shift. “ Vento  speaks to a market sensitive to environmental issues, worried about the future of the marine ecosystem, which is ready to do its part,” they say.  Vento  is their testimony and, they believe, proof that a truly green yacht needn’t mean compromising on innovative designs and luxurious living.


Project Crystal

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Project Crystal is named for the distinctive crystalline lattice that forms a striking part of the exterior profile / ©Nick Stark Design

The size of the 308-ft  Project Crystal  is an eco yacht option for buyers who can’t let go of the idea of a very large yacht. She, like the rest on this list, has been designed in a way that will allow efficient operations and energy savings. “As with all our designs, the impact of a vessel on its context is crucial — environmental considerations extend from the controllable pitch propellers which maximize efficiency, through the hydrodynamic optimizations of the hull, hybrid power systems and glazing arrangements that minimize solar gain,” says Nick Stark, naval architect at Nick Stark Design.

Project Crystal  is named for the distinctive crystalline lattice that forms a striking part of the exterior profile. Designed to be a sanctuary,  Project Crystal  is a safe and relaxing space that is both beautiful on board and from afar. “We wanted to create an aesthetic that is celebratory,” says Stark. “The lines flow up and across, both lifting our gaze and also guiding it to what is around us: the people, the community and the environment”. The design is able to achieve swift global navigation and she has been crafted with a relentless focus on hydrodynamic fundamentals – the sleek unadorned underwater lines tick the boxes for both fuel efficiency and superb seakeeping. Not to mention she looks pretty exceptional too.


Sunreef 80 Eco

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The eco-responsible luxury craft contains the latest green technologies in the industry / ©Sunreef

The  Sunreef 80 Eco  catamaran design is described by Sunreef Yachts as “an eco-responsible luxury craft combining electric propulsion, superyacht living spaces, reliable sailing performance and the latest green technologies in the industry.” The  Sunreef 80 Eco  is the largest in the yard’s Eco range, which boasts a large number of appealing ‘green’ features. These include state-of-the-art batteries, sustainable interiors, wind generators and smart water management. In fact, the entire Sunreef brand has undergone a central shift and rebrand towards producing “eco luxury” catamarans.

Sunreef Yachts have worked hard on developing their own proprietary solar panel system, which has been integrated into the  Sunreef 80 Eco  design, allowing for 1,765 sq ft of ultra-light solar panels installed around the vessel. Pairing comfort and green technology, she has been designed for long range offshore cruising in total silence and in harmony with her surroundings. The entire design can be customized to suit her owners, with plenty of light-filled spaces in close proximity to the ocean. The first Sunreef 80 Eco is currently in build and due to make her debut in 2021.


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The sailing yacht with the lowest possible environmental footprint / ©TDoS

This year saw Tillberg Design of Sweden (TDoS) release its interpretation of an eco superyacht, the 265-ft  Aegir 2.0 . The design house describes it as “the sailing yacht with the lowest possible environmental footprint.” A big claim indeed. The design has a wind-electric propulsion system that recharges her batteries as she sails. This means her range is theoretically infinite – the world will be her oyster. A Dynarig sail plan will ensure excellent performance, while the trimaran hull delivers excellent seakeeping.

Her eco credentials do not mean a sacrifice on comfort as  Aegir 2.0  has plenty of luxury features including a swimming pool, beach club space and spacious rooms. A minimalist Scandinavian style interior pairs a subtle color palette with natural materials, complemented by large windows that fill all spaces with light.


Lürssen’s fuel cell yacht

There is little public information available about an exciting new project from German yard Lürssen Yachts, but it certainly warrants a place in this list for the feat of being the yard’s first yacht with fuel cell technology. Now in build, the yacht has been commissioned by a forward thinking and technology driven owner. This project is huge news as it represents a big step towards an emission free Lürssen superyacht. Flanking the traditional generators, the fuel cell will offer many benefits including the ability to anchor for 15 days or cruise 1,000 miles at slow speed with no emissions.

Complementing this new build project, the yard has set up an Innovation Laboratory that will “simulate and test the integration and operation of a Marine Hybrid Fuel Cell System on board a yacht powered by methanol.” Lürssen is certainly looking to the future and has ambitious goals to lead the field in the construction of emission free yachts.

  • innovative yachts
  • superyachts

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Die Segelyacht A: Ein Wunderwerk der Technik und des Luxus

  • Die Segelyacht A: Ein Wunderwerk der Technik und des Luxus

Sind Sie bereit, die Segel zu setzen und eine Reise wie keine andere zu unternehmen? Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie wären an Bord der Sailing Yacht A, der größten und beeindruckendsten Yacht der Welt. Dieses prächtige Schiff vereint modernste Technologie, bemerkenswertes Design und ultimativen Luxus. In diesem Artikel werden wir die Großartigkeit und Opulenz der Segelyacht A erkunden, von ihrer beeindruckenden Größe bis hin zu ihren fesselnden Eigenschaften. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam auf eine außergewöhnliche Reise gehen!

1. Einführung

Die Segelyacht A ist ein Schiff, das die Grenzen der Technik, des Designs und des Luxus sprengt. Sie besticht durch ihre schiere Größe, ihre innovativen Funktionen und ihre luxuriösen Annehmlichkeiten. Lassen Sie uns in die faszinierende Geschichte dieser bemerkenswerten Yacht eintauchen.

2. Die Geburt der Segelyacht A

Die Segelyacht A wurde von dem russischen Milliardär Andrey Melnichenko in Auftrag gegeben und von der renommierten deutschen Werft Nobiskrug gebaut. Der Bau begann im Jahr 2012 und wurde 2017 abgeschlossen. Ziel dieses ehrgeizigen Projekts war es, eine Yacht zu schaffen, die die Standards für Luxus neu definiert und die Meere mit unvergleichlicher Eleganz befährt.

3. Ingenieurswunder: Enthüllung der Spezifikationen

Die Segelyacht A ist ein technisches Wunderwerk mit einer Länge von 143 Metern (468 Fuß). Ihre drei Masten, die eine Höhe von 100 Metern (328 Fuß) erreichen, tragen eine beeindruckende Segelfläche von 3.900 Quadratmetern (42.000 Quadratfuß). Mit einer Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 21 Knoten (39 Stundenkilometern) verbindet diese Yacht Kraft und Eleganz in perfekter Harmonie.

4. Herausragendes Design: Die Vision von Philippe Starck

Der Visionär hinter dem Design der Sailing Yacht A ist Philippe Starck, ein weltbekannter französischer Designer. Sein Konzept zielte darauf ab, ein schnittiges und futuristisches Schiff zu schaffen, das sich über die traditionellen Normen des Yachtdesigns hinwegsetzt. Das Ergebnis ist ein atemberaubendes Meisterwerk, das Ehrfurcht und Staunen hervorruft.

5. Unübertroffener Luxus und Komfort

Wenn Sie an Bord der Segelyacht A gehen, betreten Sie eine Welt der Opulenz und des Komforts. Die Innenausstattung ist ein Zeugnis feinster Handwerkskunst und exquisiter Liebe zum Detail. Von den großzügigen Kabinen bis hin zu den eleganten Lounges strahlt jeder Raum Luxus und Raffinesse aus.

6. Entdecken Sie die Annehmlichkeiten an Bord

Die Segelyacht A bietet eine Vielzahl von Annehmlichkeiten, um ihren Gästen ein unvergessliches Erlebnis zu bieten. Gönnen Sie sich die Ruhe im Spa an Bord, nehmen Sie ein Bad im Swimmingpool oder genießen Sie ein Gourmet-Menü in einem der eleganten Essbereiche. Die Yacht verfügt außerdem über einen Hubschrauberlandeplatz, einen Beach Club und sogar über eine Unterwasser-Beobachtungskapsel für alle, die das Abenteuer suchen.

7. Segelyacht A: Eine nachhaltige Ikone

Die Segelyacht A zeichnet sich nicht nur durch ihre Größe aus, sondern auch durch den Einsatz nachhaltiger Technologien, um die Umweltbelastung zu minimieren. Sie verfügt über ein Hybrid-Antriebssystem und fortschrittliche Abfallmanagementsysteme. Das Design der Yacht maximiert zudem die Energieeffizienz und macht sie zu einem Symbol für nachhaltigen Luxus.

Lesen Sie unsere hochkarätigen Artikel zu Themen wie Segeln, Segeltipps und Reiseziele in unserem Magazin .

Segelyacht A

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Nobiskrug

8. Der rätselhafte Eigner der Segelyacht A

Die Segelyacht A ist im Besitz von Andrey Melnichenko, einem russischen Milliardär mit einer Leidenschaft für den Segelsport. Bekannt für seine Vorliebe für Extravaganz, scheute Melnichenko keine Kosten, um dieses schwimmende Meisterwerk zu schaffen. Der Besitz der Sailing Yacht A hat seinen Status als prominente Persönlichkeit in der Welt der Luxusyachten gefestigt.

9. Segelyacht A: Der Preis der Extravaganz

Der Bau der Segelyacht A war mit einem horrenden Preis verbunden. Schätzungen zufolge beliefen sich die Gesamtkosten auf über 450 Millionen Dollar, was sie zu einer der teuersten Yachten macht, die je gebaut wurden. Diese immense Investition spiegelt das unermüdliche Streben nach Perfektion und den Wunsch wider, etwas wirklich Außergewöhnliches zu schaffen.

10. Die Beschlagnahmungsvorfälle

Überraschend wurde die Segelyacht A Anfang 2020 aufgrund eines Zahlungsstreits zwischen dem Eigner und einer Werft vorübergehend beschlagnahmt. Dieser Vorfall erregte die Aufmerksamkeit der Medien und brachte die Yacht erneut ins Rampenlicht. Die Angelegenheit wurde später beigelegt, und die Yacht setzte ihre Reise in vollem Glanz fort, bis sie ein zweites Mal von den italienischen Behörden beschlagnahmt wurde, weil gegen ihren Eigner Melnichenko wegen seiner Verbindungen zur russischen Regierung EU-Sanktionen verhängt wurden.

11. Das größte Segelboot der Welt

Die Segelyacht A ist stolz darauf, das größte Segelboot der Welt zu sein. Ihre imposante Erscheinung und unübertroffene Größe haben Segelsportbegeisterte auf der ganzen Welt in ihren Bann gezogen. Dieses monumentale Schiff ist ein Beweis für den menschlichen Erfindungsreichtum, der die Grenzen des Möglichen bei der Konstruktion von Yachten sprengt.

12. Segelyacht A im Vergleich zu anderen Mega-Yachten

Wenn man die Segelyacht A mit anderen Megayachten vergleicht, wird ihre Größe noch deutlicher. Ihre Größe übertrifft viele ihrer Gegenstücke und macht sie zu einer wahren Ikone der Meere. Ihr einzigartiges Design und ihre hochmoderne Technologie heben sie von anderen Yachten ab und machen sie zur Spitze des Luxussegelns.

13. Ein Blick in die Zukunft des Segelsports

Die Sailing Yacht A ist ein Blick in die Zukunft des Segelns. Ihr innovatives Design und ihre nachhaltigen Eigenschaften ebnen den Weg für eine neue Ära des Luxussegelns. Mit dem weiteren Fortschreiten der Technologie können wir erwarten, dass noch mehr bahnbrechende Yachten die Weltmeere bevölkern werden.

Abschließend lässt sich sagen, dass die Segelyacht A ein Zeugnis menschlichen Ehrgeizes und menschlicher Kreativität darstellt. Ihre bemerkenswerte Größe, ihr atemberaubendes Design und ihre luxuriöse Ausstattung machen sie zu einem unvergleichlichen Meisterwerk in der Welt des Yachtsports. Egal, ob Sie ein Enthusiast sind oder einfach nur von technischen Wunderwerken fasziniert sind, die Segelyacht A ist ein wahrer Augenschmaus.

Worauf warten Sie also noch? Werfen Sie einen Blick auf unser Angebot an Charterbooten und machen Sie sich auf den Weg zu einigen unserer beliebtesten Segelreviere .

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The Latest Innovations in Yacht Technology: Advancements and Trends

Team TYD

Innovations in Yacht Technology

The world of yachting is constantly evolving, and new technology is leading the way in how we design, build, and operate these magnificent vessels. From advanced propulsion systems to cutting-edge communication and entertainment systems, there have been many exciting advancements in yacht technology in recent years. In this article, we will explore some of the latest innovations in the world of yachting and examine the trends that are shaping the future of this industry.

One of the most significant advancements in yacht technology has been in the field of propulsion systems. In recent years, we have seen a growing trend towards the use of electric and hybrid propulsion systems, which offer many benefits over traditional diesel engines. These systems are more efficient, produce less noise and vibration, and have a significantly lower impact on the environment. For example, electric propulsion systems can reduce a yacht’s carbon footprint by up to 95%, making them an ideal choice for environmentally conscious yacht owners.

Another area where we have seen significant innovation is in the field of communication and entertainment systems. With the advent of high-speed internet and sophisticated audio-visual technology, yachts now offer a truly immersive and connected experience for guests. From high-definition video systems to high-quality sound systems, and from advanced gaming systems to fully-equipped movie theaters, yachts are now equipped with everything that guests could want to enjoy their time onboard.

Another trend that we are seeing in the world of yacht technology is the use of smart systems and automation. From automated lighting and climate control systems to advanced navigation systems and safety features, technology is playing an increasingly important role in how yachts operate. This not only makes life onboard more convenient, but it also helps to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

One of the latest trends in yacht technology is the use of virtual and augmented reality systems. These systems allow yacht owners and designers to create virtual environments, enabling them to explore and visualize the design of their yacht before it is built. With the ability to create detailed, interactive models, yacht owners can make informed decisions about the layout and design of their vessel, ensuring that it meets their exact needs and requirements.

Another exciting development in yacht technology is the use of 3D printing. This technology allows yacht builders to create complex parts and components with greater accuracy and speed, reducing the amount of time and material that is required to produce them. With the ability to create highly intricate and detailed parts, 3D printing has the potential to revolutionize the yacht building industry, making it possible to create vessels with complex shapes and designs that would have been impossible to produce using traditional manufacturing methods.

The trend towards sustainable yacht technology is also gathering pace.

With increasing awareness of environmental issues, yacht owners and builders are looking for ways to reduce their impact on the environment and promote sustainability. From the use of advanced insulation materials to minimize energy consumption, to the use of eco-friendly propulsion systems and waste management systems, the yacht industry is becoming increasingly green.

The world of yacht technology is constantly evolving, and new innovations are leading the way in how we design, build, and operate these magnificent vessels. From electric and hybrid propulsion systems to advanced communication and entertainment systems, the latest trends in yacht technology are shaping the future of this industry and offering new and exciting possibilities for yacht owners and designers. Whether you are an experienced yacht owner or just starting out, it is clear that the future of yachting is bright, and the possibilities are endless.

Yacht Technology

Eco-Friendly Yachts: Yacht manufacturers are incorporating environmentally friendly technologies such as hybrid engines, solar panels, and wind turbines to reduce the carbon footprint of yachts.

Smart Yachts: Smart yacht technology includes features such as automatic docking systems, enhanced navigation systems, and remotely controlled systems for lighting, climate control, and entertainment. Improved Safety Features: Yacht technology is becoming increasingly sophisticated in terms of safety, with new systems for enhanced stability control, collision avoidance, and emergency response.

Enhanced Entertainment Systems: Yachts are now equipped with high-tech entertainment systems, including high-definition displays, surround sound systems, and internet connectivity.

Advanced Propulsion Systems: Yachts are now equipped with advanced propulsion systems that deliver better performance, reduced fuel consumption, and improved maneuverability.

3D Printing: 3D printing technology is being used in yacht construction to create custom parts and components more efficiently, reducing the cost and time required for production.

Advanced Materials: Yacht manufacturers are incorporating new, lighter, and stronger materials into the construction of yachts, resulting in increased speed and efficiency, as well as improved safety and durability.

Advanced Lighting Systems: Yachts now feature advanced lighting systems that provide improved visibility and enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the vessel.

Wireless Technology: Wireless technology is becoming increasingly prevalent on yachts, providing improved connectivity and enabling yacht owners and their guests to stay connected even while out at sea.

These advancements in yacht technology are making yachting experiences safer, more enjoyable, and more eco-friendly. The future of yacht technology is poised for continued growth and innovation, with new advancements likely to emerge in the coming years.

The yacht technology industry is rapidly evolving and offers a wealth of new and exciting opportunities for yacht owners and enthusiasts. From advanced propulsion systems to eco-friendly technologies, these innovations are making yachting experiences more enjoyable and sustainable.

As new technologies emerge and become more accessible, yacht owners can expect to benefit from increased safety, improved performance, and enhanced comfort on their vessels. Additionally, the growth of the yacht technology industry is creating exciting new job opportunities in areas such as engineering, design, and manufacturing, providing a wealth of career opportunities for individuals interested in this field.

Overall, the future of yacht technology is bright and full of promise, with new advancements and innovations emerging on a regular basis. The yacht technology industry is rapidly evolving and offers a wealth of new and exciting opportunities for yacht owners and enthusiasts. From advanced propulsion systems to eco-friendly technologies, these innovations are making yachting experiences more enjoyable and sustainable. As new technologies emerge and become more accessible, yacht owners can expect to benefit from increased safety, improved performance, and enhanced comfort on their vessels.

Additionally, the growth of the yacht technology industry is creating exciting new job opportunities in areas such as engineering, design, and manufacturing, providing a wealth of career opportunities for individuals interested in this field. Overall, the future of yacht technology is bright and full of promise, with new advancements and innovations emerging on a regular basis.

Moreover, the integration of yacht technology with modern luxury amenities and interior design has resulted in yachts becoming more sophisticated and luxurious. Yacht owners can now enjoy an experience that combines the best of modern technology with the comforts of home. Additionally, advances in yacht technology have made it easier to customize yachts to meet specific needs and preferences, resulting in a more personalized experience for yacht owners. In addition to individual yacht owners, the commercial yacht industry is also benefiting from the growth of yacht technology.

Advanced navigation systems, enhanced safety features, and improved propulsion systems are making it easier for commercial yacht operators to provide high-quality services and experiences to their customers. This is a positive development for the industry, as it is helping to increase demand for yacht-based travel and leisure activities.

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International Trade Fair of Yacht Construction and Equipment and Yacht Accessories

October 10-13, 2024

car white




10:00 - 17:00

Until the start of the fair:


Estimation boat technica.

yacht und technik

Exhibitors 2024

mini galery picture

The industry of building and equipping yachts and yacht accessories is characterized by innovative design, high quality and attention to even the smallest details. This dynamically developing sector is appreciated all over the world, hence its leading position in terms of the number of vessels built. Statistically, it is easiest to establish new sales contracts during trade fairs. The greatest accent on networking and trade in the country is characterized by BOAT TECHNICA, which will take place on October 10-13, 2024 at Ptak Warsaw Expo.

Media patronage

See what our other trade fairs look like.

Ptak Warsaw Expo | 2023

The Capital of Fairs and Events in Poland - Ptak Warsaw Expo

Visitor profile

Visitors of the BOAT TECHNICA fair will include invited by us and the Exhibitors:

  • motor yacht manufacturers
  • manufacturers of sailing yachts
  • representatives of yacht shipyards, looking for new technologies and component suppliers
  • representatives of repair shipyards and companies engaged in repair, maintenance, modernization and servicing of yachts
  • representatives of boatbuilders
  • technical designers of yachts
  • yacht distributors
  • yacht technology engineers
  • designers, architects and interior designers
  • superyacht manufacturers
  • electricians
  • representatives of companies offering fuel and propulsion systems for yachts
  • representatives of companies offering financial services
  • individual yacht owners interested in modernizing their vessel

yacht und technik

Exhibitor profile

Exhibitors at BOAT TECHNICA will include companies from the following sectors:

  • manufacturers of advanced technologies for yacht hull construction
  • manufacturers and distributors of propulsion systems and engines
  • manufacturers of hybrid power systems based on renewable energy sources and environmentally friendly technologies
  • manufacturers and suppliers of control and stabilization technologies and systems
  • suppliers of deck manufacturing components
  • manufacturers of yacht interior equipment: furniture, kitchen equipment, bathroom fittings, audio-video systems
  • manufacturers and distributors of air conditioning, ventilation, heating and water and sewage systems
  • manufacturers and suppliers of advanced lighting control systems (sensors, automation)
  • manufacturers and distributors of on-board electronics: navigation systems, radar, sonar, communication systems
  • manufacturers and distributors of deck accessories: anchors, deck stairs
  • manufacturers and distributors of chrome-plated deck accessories: railings, cleats, etc.
  • manufacturers of sailing accessories: sails, ropes, steering wheels
  • design and engineering offices
  • financial service providers, leasing companies
  • manufacturers and suppliers of boat transportation systems
  • manufacturers of equipment for marinas and shipyards
  • suppliers of services related to yacht service, maintenance and repair

yacht und technik

Industry scope

The following sectors and industries will be represented at BOAT TECHNICA:


  • boat building materials and equipment
  • electrical technologies
  • insulation technologies
  • hydraulic systems and pumps
  • ventilation and air circuits
  • gas installations
  • water system
  • ventilation, air-conditioning, heating of boats
  • decks and deck technology
  • chemicals, coatings, maintenance
  • propulsion and engines
  • engine management and control
  • propulsion cooling systems and exhaust systems
  • lubrication
  • gearboxes and transmissions
  • starting systems
  • yacht fuel handling


Anchoring, docking equipment.

yacht und technik


  • deck rigging equipment
  • electronics and telecommunications
  • deck equipment and accessories
  • seats and seating
  • furniture and furnishings
  • galley equipment, accessories and furnishings
  • safety equipment and accessories
  • lighting systems and lighting controls
  • engine mounting equipment
  • boat care technologies


Boat transport systems, financing and consulting.

yacht und technik


Check out the trade show booth catalog and prepare for your trade show participation in an even more efficient way. With this catalog, you will have access to ready-made booth designs that will make it easier for you to prepare for the trade show and gain valuable savings in time and money. By choosing an already ready-made booth design, you will be able to focus on other important aspects of preparing for the fair, such as preparing your offer, arranging transportation or planning your marketing activities.

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With our coupon, you have complete freedom to choose the options that best suit your needs. We offer custom booth designs, graphics and signage, flooring and lighting, furniture, AV equipment and much more. All you need to do is present our coupon at the time of purchase, the value of the discount will be included in the invoice. This will save you money and give you more flexibility and creative freedom.

About the organizer

Ptak Warsaw Expo is first and foremost a guarantee of experience. For nearly a decade now, we have been organizing more than 70 events a year on 143,000 sqm of exhibition space of 6 modern halls and 500,000 sqm of outdoor space. This positions us as a leader in the trade fair industry with the most innovative organizational facilities. However, that's not all. The experience we have gained and the high quality of the events we arrange have translated into building a strong network of business contacts. This guarantees the participants of individual events access to modern solutions - both those known on the Polish market and those conquering the industry on the international field. This makes Ptak Warsaw Expo events open visitors to new business opportunities. Proof of the trust gained is the record numbers - 1,000,000 visitors and 10,000 exhibitors. However, the greatest strength of Ptak Warsaw Expo is our team. It is an experienced group of passionate people who aim to meet the expectations of visitors and exhibitors. Flexible approach, ability to find answers to changing circumstances and openness to the needs of event participants - these qualities make our events appreciated for their professional service. All these factors contribute to the fact that Ptak Warsaw Expo has become the European capital of trade fairs, organizing unforgettable industry and commercial events. We encourage you to contact us today to find out how specifically we can help you achieve your goals and make your company open to new business opportunities.

Fair partners

Oyster 55 Sailing


The Oyster 54 is the worthy successor to the 53, designed with more emphasis on sailing performance and modern styling. The 54 carries more sail on a longer waterline and is lighter, thanks to the use of a cored hull above the waterline and advanced composite engineering. The cockpit area was also increased in size by 25%, greatly enhancing comfort on deck.

Her spacious three-cabin cabin layout, combined with generous beam and headroom, creates a spacious, light and airy living area. The hull meets the deck via a modern superyacht styled rollover bulwark, which gives a clean, contemporary look. Twenty-one were launched between 2008 and 2013, when she was succeeded by the Oyster 545.


Oyster 54 image gallery


More information

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Explore more charter yachts.


OYSTER 56 - 2008


OYSTER 575 - 2015

Explore more pre-owned yachts


OYSTER 54 - 2010

€ 795,000 VAT Paid

Pearl of Persia

£ 565,000 VAT Excluded

Eastern Mediterranean


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Join Oyster Brokerage at the Palma International Boat Show, 25-28 April 2024. Book your tour today

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Untitled 9

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Winner of European Yacht of the Year 2023. She sets a new 50 foot bluewater benchmark, offering a stunning combination of sailing performance, comfort, safety and luxurious living space.

Oyster 495 sailing yacht with man at helm

Heralding a new generation of Oysters, this 60 foot bluewater cruiser is a sailing yacht for all oceans. Practical and well-provisioned for long distance sailing or cruising in coastal waters.

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The much-anticipated Oyster 595 is well-proportioned and extremely versatile. Offering exciting, customised build options with no compromise, she is capable of great things.

Oyster 595 sailing yacht sailing at sea

A versatile sub-70 foot sailboat offering the perfect balance of size and practicality. She can be sailed shorthanded effortlessly or take a full crew and up to eight friends and family.

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This long range 75 foot cruising yacht is designed for very big adventures. A joy to sail yourself, she also boasts dedicated crew quarters.

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Oyster 885SII

An exhilarating 90 foot sailing yacht, delivering comfort and safety with uncompromising performance. She is capable of taking you anywhere in the world effortlessly, in luxury and style.

Oyster 885 sailing yacht with crew

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  4. Müritz-Yacht-Technik

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  6. Müritz-Yacht-Technik

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  1. Voll elektrisch auf dem Wasser


  1. Yacht und Technik GmbH

    Yacht & Technik GmbH Pullacher Str. 10 83358 Seebruck Unsere Öffnungszeiten: Montag bis Freitag 08:00 bis 12:00 Uhr Montag bis Donnerstag 13:00 bis 16:00 Uhr Tel: +49 8667 8769990 Fax: +49 8667 8769991 Handy: +49 171 7332823 eMail: [email protected]

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  17. Germany

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    International Trade Fair of Yacht Construction and Equipment and Yacht Accessories. International Trade Fair of Yacht Construction and Equipment and Yacht Accessories ... The greatest accent on networking and trade in the country is characterized by BOAT TECHNICA, which will take place on October 10-13, 2024 at Ptak Warsaw Expo. REGISTER GET A ...

  21. Oyster 54

    The Oyster 54 is the worthy successor to the 53, designed with more emphasis on sailing performance and modern styling. The 54 carries more sail on a longer waterline and is lighter, thanks to the use of a cored hull above the waterline and advanced composite engineering. The cockpit area was also increased in size by 25%, greatly enhancing ...

  22. Yacht & Technik GmbH (@yachtundtechnikgmbh)

    103 Followers, 39 Following, 10 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Yacht & Technik GmbH (@yachtundtechnikgmbh)