Lengers Yachts : On course for success - these are the goals the brand dealer is aiming for

Uske Berndt

 ·  25.12.2023

Construction site: A large winter storage facility and the new DB50 of the Stratos own brand are being built at the new shipyard in Lelystad. The hull measures 15 metres in length

The purchase and construction of the yachts is in the hands of Lengers

Owners have favourite areas, a dream yacht in twelve months with lengers, travelling in other spheres.

The location could hardly be better. There is a large hall to the right and left, with a car park and manoeuvring area in between, at the end of which is a jetty with a crane. Flybridge motor yachts bob in the Muiden canal here. Muiderslot Castle rises picturesquely in the background. Welcome to Lengers Yachts, the exclusive Prestige and Sanlorenzo dealer for the Benelux countries and Germany as well as the Northern European representative for Sacs maxi RIBs. The family business has also had Stratos on its list for a year now, an exciting and striking weekender series made from robust 50-footers.

Business is booming, the main site just outside Amsterdam is undergoing a major expansion, construction workers are hammering and sanding in the new extension to hall two, directly opposite the showroom. "This will be my office," says Bas Lengers, striding through the bare room and grinning, "a complete renovation." As CEO, he has been managing the company's business for 41 years.

The basis of their business sounds simple: Lengers arranges the purchase and construction of the yachts and receives a commission for this - currently for around 100 transactions per year - "the customer can relax and enjoy their yacht," summarises Pien Hommes from Marketing. But the whole process is also a labour of love. "We take care of everything from A to Z," clarifies Bas Lengers, his magic word is "turnkey". The service package for owners also includes financing and insurance, testing, organising berths and crew as well as chartering through the subsidiary Boatsters Black.

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Hans Lengers senior founded his business in 1970, and it has been located in Muiden on the Ijsselmeer since 2004. "We have the open sea on our doorstep here," says Bas, "perfect for seatrials without a speed limit." He himself joined the family business back in 1982, it was obvious: "Ships are my passion." Today, 80 people work at the Muiden and Lelystad sites, plus 15 to 20 on Mallorca, in Cala Nova and Puerto Portals, as well as smaller offices in Belgium and Finland plus representatives in Munich and Düsseldorf. Over the past ten years, he has invested heavily in flying the flag in the German market. "It is the key country for our growth."

The major brands in the current catalogue are relatively new. Prestige and Sacs joined the catalogue around twelve years ago, Sanlorenzo only in 2016, meaning that Lengers covers a broad spectrum, from ribs to superyachts. And they don't just build to order: The company buys around 75 per cent of the Prestige yachts at its own risk and offers the mostly 14 to 18-metre semi-custom yachts to potential customers, while the figure for Sanlorenzo is 40 per cent.

The owners have their own favourite areas. "Around 80 per cent of our prestige yachts stay in the Netherlands," reports Bas, "and 100 per cent of the Sanlorenzos we sell are in the Mediterranean." The same applies to the Sacs, although the Belgians like to move their treasures to the south of France and the Germans prefer to head for Mallorca. Bas Lengers has his eye on them there again, as he himself lives on the island for part of the year, while his brother Hans lives in France and pushes the business from there.

Bas Lengers speaks four languages fluently and loves to mingle with his customers, for example at the annual meeting of the Prestige Owner's Club. "We go out with 20 yachts and head for pre-booked harbours, where there is live music and good food." When the participants return home satisfied, that is the best advertisement for Lengers and the yacht brands.

The boss is actually always on the move. Ten to 15 events a year are organised around the Sanlorenzo brand alone, making it the ideal contact exchange. If a potential customer shows interest in a particular model, an intensive consultation session follows. What exactly should it be, with a flybridge or without? For a family? Once the basis has been established, Lengers travels to Italy with the interested parties, shows them the shipyards and the range of models. "50 to 60 per cent of customers are already owners," he says. Within two hours, he knows which way they are leaning. Once the decision has been made in favour of a yacht type, it's time for the interior. Together they roam the showroom, selecting the furniture and details. During the construction period, Lengers monitors every stage of production and the customers are often present during the flying visits.

The dream yacht will be ready in around twelve months. This means that Lenger's customers are marching past the long waiting list for a Sanlorenzo. "Normally, an SD 118 would be launched in spring 2027," says the boss, "so it's good that we have reserved building slots or have a few yachts in stock." Naturally, he also attends the launch and gives a speech. In Italy, a priest always attends the ceremony, but not so much elsewhere. A good opportunity to demonstrate Nordic humour. "At a handover in Mallorca, I dressed up and appeared in full costume," says Bas, showing the video on his smartphone. The Dutch owner of the SP 110 and the guests had a lot of fun.

After delivery, things get serious again, Lengers tests the yacht and is the first point of contact for warranty claims and service. Contact with the customer remains close, "almost like in a marriage", smiles Bas and knows what he is talking about. His wife Evelien also works in the company.

Being successful as a retailer was not enough for him. "We want to grow," is his credo. "We seize the opportunities that arise and try to make everything possible." This also includes the idea of the shipyard and Stratos. "How great would it be to create our own brand, our own boat?" Bas has been asking himself for years. He had always liked dayboats and weekenders, and he knew how customers imagined something like this anyway. "We liked the idea of transferring the quality of a superyacht to 15 metres," he explains, "we wanted the design of a sport utility vessel, an SUV on the water that you can take out in four-metre waves."

Bas invited a few designers and engineers round to his house and they started drawing at the dining table. "We started with the carbon fibre hardtop, that's the most important thing," says Bas. He then mentions the minimalist design and the strict spatial separation of electrics and motors. "The order book is full," confirms Paul Verheij, the new brand manager for Stratos and former sales manager for Bugatti.

For the DB50, everything is to be "Dutch built", designed by top Dutch designers, built locally and independent of suppliers. The new location in Lelystad, also on the Ijsselmeer, is only half an hour's drive from Muiden. Here, too, construction work is underway on a new hall, and the Lengers Marine Centre with its 70-tonne crane will soon also serve as a repair workshop and winter storage facility.

There are already four DB50 hulls in various stages of production in a hall, and the world premiere of the number one will be in January 2024 at the boot in Düsseldorf. The name "Stratos" is not just a made-up word. "The stratosphere is actually impossible for humans to reach," says Bas Lengers, grinning again. What's it like to be a shipyard manager now? "Different," he says, "but luckily I have a talented team." When asked whether everything he has planned will work out, he just nods. He always looks ahead. "I'm 60, I want to go full throttle for at least another ten, maybe another 20 years."

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Lengers Yachts opens a new office in Munich

  • Thursday 7 April 2022
  • Door: Mical Joseph

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Ihr bevorzugter Lieferant für eine wundervolle Zeit

Lengers yachts geschichte.

Sachverstand. Spitzenleistung. Leidenschaft. Diese drei Wörter bilden die Eckpfeiler der Lengers-Philosophie.

Über fünf Jahrzehnte und drei Generationen hat die Familie Lengers außergewöhnliche Yachten mit außergewöhnlichem Service ausgeliefert und auf der Grundlage dieser Prinzipien enge Beziehungen zu jedem Kunden aufgebaut. Unser Unternehmen wurde 1970 von Hans Lengers Sen. gegründet und wird heute von Bas Lengers mit Unterstützung seiner Schwester und seines Zwillingsbruders geführt. Die dritte Generation ist nun ebenso in die Geschäftstätigkeit eingestiegen und verstärkt unser Bestreben, all unseren Kunden jeden Tag bei allem, was wir tun, ein besonderes Erlebnis zu bieten und sie mit unserer ausgezeichneten Erfahrungen zu unterstützen.

Mit Stolz vertreten wir die angesehenen Marken Sanlorenzo, Stratos, Prestige und Sacs als Händler und Partner in Nordeuropa und freuen uns auch über das Privileg, alle renommierten Yachtmarken als vertrauenswürdiger und zertifizierter High-End-Yachtmakler zu vertreten. Bei der Abwicklung der Geschäfte mit unseren Kunden, sei es beim Kauf einer neuen Yacht oder bei der Inzahlungnahme einer gebrauchten Yacht im Eintausch gegen eine Neue, bietet unsere Erfahrung intelligente und effiziente Unterstützung im heutigen wettbewerbsintensiven und dynamischen Yachtmarkt.

Unser engagiertes Team steht Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung und bietet Wartung und Service entweder an einem unserer Standorte oder an einem gewünschten Ort Ihrer Wahl. Wo immer wir gefordert werden, bemühen wir uns um kompetenten Service. Wir orientieren uns an den Best-Practice-Richtlinien für alle nautischen Systeme und sorgen für eine einwandfreie Pflege Ihrer Yacht vom Bug bis zum Heck.

Unsere erfahrenen Fachleute sind gründlich geschult und in der Lage, den Kauf, Verkauf, die Wartung oder auch eine Vercharterung Ihrer Yacht mit bemerkenswerter Effizienz zu unterstützen. Unsere Mitarbeiter geben alles, um alle Erwartungen zu übertreffen.

Die Qualität des „Lengers-Erlebnisses“ macht aus einem ersten Kauf oder Verkauf eine langfristige Beziehung und macht Lengers zum besten Partner für eine wunderbare Zeit in jedem Moment Ihres Yachtlebens. Aus diesem Grund sind wir weltweit als Top-Händler für die Yachtmarken Sanlorenzo, Stratos, Prestige und Sacs anerkannt.

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50 Jahre Erfahrung

Seit über 50 Jahren ist unser Know-how und unsere Erfahrung als Experten für alles rund um das Thema Luxus-Yachten einfach unübertroffen - deshalb haben wir das Vertrauen renommierter Marken, Kunden und Partner gewonnen. Ihre Träume sind in sicheren Händen.

Persönliche Kundenberatung

Unser Service ist immer auf Ihre Bedürfnisse und Wünsche zugeschnitten. Als Lengers-Kunde stehen Sie immer an erster Stelle, und wir sind fest entschlossen, Ihre Erwartungen zu übertreffen. Wir unterstützen und kümmern uns proaktiv um jedes Detail, damit Sie die Magie echter Freiheit erfahren und genießen können.


Wir werden Sie mit offenen Armen in unserer Familie begrüßen. Starke und enge Beziehungen zu pflegen, bedeutet für uns alles und der hohe Anteil an Stammkunden spiegelt dies wider.

Hochqualifizierte und engagierte Fachleute

Das Management von Luxus-Yachten hat viele Facetten, mit denen sich unser engagiertes Team von Spezialisten gut auskennt. Unsere Stärke liegt in unserer kollektiven Erfahrung und unserem unschätzbaren Fachwissen - und es wächst jeden Tag weiter.

Erfahrung in der dritten Generation

Die Leidenschaft ging von Generation zu Generation, von einem Familienmitglied zum anderen - ein starker Faden, der in den Stoff unseres Geschäfts eingewebt ist. Deshalb verlieren wir nie den "Lengers-Spirit".

Perfekte Umgebung

Fühlen Sie sich in unseren Räumen rundum wohl und erleben Sie unsere wunderschöne Hafenanlage. Besuchen Sie uns, für eine Probefahrt, genießen Sie einen Drink und beginnen Sie mit uns eine wundervolle Reise. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie kennen zu lernen.

Unsere Leistungen

Leben sie Ihren traum. Wir kümmern uns darum.


Verkaufen sie ihre yacht, chartern sie ihre yacht, service-wartung, finden sie ihren liegeplatz, verkaufen sie ihren liegeplatz, finanzierung ihrer yacht, geeigneter winterschutz.

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Bas Lengers


team member

Hans Lengers

Sales Director

team member

Nick Gelevert

Mallorca, Spanien

team member

Marjolein Lengers

Sales Manager

team member

Ralf Eißing

Sales Manager Germany


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Mike Simons

Sales Representative

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Sales & Central Listings

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Juha Pulkkinen

Sales Director Scandinavia


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Synonymous with yachting excellence, the Lengers Yachts marina and headquarters are perfectly positioned in the charming medieval town of Muiden, next to the majestic Muiderslot castle, and a mere 20 minutes from Amsterdam. Our dedicated staff share a genuine passion for being at sea, and will gladly offer their impeccable knowledge, unrivalled expertise and tailored guidance to assist with any yachting enquiries you may have.

Whether it’s organising the sale, purchase, maintenance, winter storage or charter of your yacht, we’ll be consistently on hand to support you, every step of the way.

Arrange a test trial today on one of the finest yachts in the world (as the premier dealer of Sanlorenzo, Bluegame, Sacs & Prestige brands for Northern Europe) choosing from an extensive selection of our luxury yachts for sale, available at our shipyard. Come and sail, and experience the exceptional for yourself.

Lengers Yachts B.V.

Westzeedijk 2-3 1398 BB Muiden Noord-Holland

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+31 294 256 156

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Monday – Friday 08:30 – 17:30

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    Lengers Yachts is the official dealer of the brands Sanlorenzo, Stratos, Prestige and SACS for Northern Europe. +31 294 256 156; [email protected]; Sanlorenzo; Prestige; ... Lengers Yachts Munich +49 170 87 868 58. Lengers Yachts Bremen +49 178 711 2941. Lengers Yachts Belgium +32 475 259 231. Lengers Yachts Scandinavia +35 840 356 4752.

  2. Experience Lengers Yachts at MYLE 2024 in Munich

    Lengers Yachts is delighted to announce our participation at the MYLE 2024 festival in Munich, Germany. We will be showcasing stunning stands from Sanlorenzo and SACS at the Business & Drivers club, representing the luxury and performance in the yachting industry.

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    Lengers Yachts Munich. Munich, Germany C/o Drivers & Business Club Lilienthalallee 39 80939 Munich +49 170 87 868 58. Preview . Lengers Yachts Belgium. Knokke-Le-Zoute, Belgium Zeedijk 780, 8300 Knokke-Heist +32 475 259 231. Preview . Lengers Yachts Scandinavia. Lönnrotinkatu 43 B 00180 Helsinki Finland +35 840 356 4752.

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    Lengers Yachts ist der offizielle Händler der Marken Sanlorenzo, Stratos, Prestige Yachts und SACS für Nordeuropa. +49 211 300 403 54; [email protected]; ... Lengers Yachts Munich +49 170 87 868 58. Lengers Yachts Bremen +49 178 711 2941. Lengers Yachts Belgium +32 475 259 231. Lengers Yachts Scandinavia

  5. Ready to dominate the sea; Stratos' Dutch Built 50 will launch this

    Lengers Yachts is the first exclusive dealer of Stratos and is pleased to present this new standard of vessel to the market. ... Lengers Yachts Munich +49 170 87 868 58. Lengers Yachts Bremen +49 178 711 2941. Lengers Yachts Belgium +32 475 259 231. Lengers Yachts Scandinavia +35 840 356 4752.

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    Lengers Yachts Munich. Munich, Deutschland C/o Drivers & Business Club Lilienthalallee 39 80939 Munich +49 170 87 868 58. Vorschau . Lengers Yachts Belgien. Zeedijk 780, 8300 Knokke-Heist Knokke-Le-Zoute, Belgien +32 475 259 231. Standort anzeigen . Lengers Yachts Skandinavien. Lönnrotinkatu 43 B 00180 Helsinki

  7. Lengers Yachts: On course for success

    Lengers Yachts has made a name for itself as a brand dealer in Northern Europe. With Stratos, the family business is now also acting as a builder - and has big goals for the future. ... as well as smaller offices in Belgium and Finland plus representatives in Munich and Düsseldorf. Over the past ten years, he has invested heavily in flying the ...

  8. Lengers Yachts opens new office in Munich

    Lengers Yachts opens a new office in Munich. Thursday 7 April 2022 10:51 Door: Mical Joseph The offices of yacht broker Lengers Yachts are springing up like mushrooms in Europe. Last week was the grand opening of the new office in Munich. Germany is really the market for Lengers, because they are the exclusive dealer for Sanlorenzo and Bluegame.

  9. Lengers Yachts

    Lengers Yachts was founded in 1970 and remains a Dutch family-owned business with Bas Lengers as the CEO. Ever since the team has gained vast experience and knowledge in all areas concerning luxury yacht brokerage. ... Munich in Germany and Helsinki in Finland. Lengers Yachts Gallery. Lengers Yachts Services. Brokers: Charters. Brokers: Sales ...

  10. Stratos

    Lengers Yachts, official dealer and partner of Stratos. Find your luxury yacht at lengersyachts.com +31 294 256 156; [email protected]; Sanlorenzo; Prestige; ... Lengers Yachts Munich +49 170 87 868 58. Lengers Yachts Bremen +49 178 711 2941. Lengers Yachts Belgium +32 475 259 231. Lengers Yachts Scandinavia +35 840 356 4752.

  11. Lengers Yachts

    At MASTERS EXPO - The Magical Edition: Lengers Yachts has been a household name in the nautical world for more than fifty years.

  12. Lengers Yachts

    Our dedicated Lengers staff is ready to assist you, providing maintenance and service either at one of our offices in The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Finland and Spain or at a desired location ...

  13. Lengers Yachts

    Lengers Yachts, Muiden. 9,945 likes · 169 talking about this · 615 were here. Preferred Supplier of a Wonderful Time | Yachting Since 1970

  14. Warum Lengers

    Erfahre alles über die 50-jährige Firmengeschichte und Philosophie von Lengers Yachts: außergewöhnliche Yachten mit außergewöhnlichem Service. +49 211 300 403 54; [email protected]; Sanlorenzo; Prestige; Sacs; ... Lengers Yachts Munich +49 170 87 868 58. Lengers Yachts Bremen +49 178 711 2941. Lengers Yachts Belgium +32 475 259 231 ...

  15. Lengers Yachts in Muiden

    Lengers Yachts is based in Muiden, near Amsterdam. Visit one of Lengers' offices in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Scandinavia or in Spain. Come and sail, enjoy a drink, and let's start the beginning of a beautiful journey. Team Lengers is looking forward to meeting you. Clear Filter Owner: broker-lengers-yachts-5806.

  16. Why Lengers

    Lengers Yachts: Luxury Yacht dealer of the brands Sanlorenzo, Bluegame, Prestige and Sacs. Find your new or pre-owned yacht for sale at lengersyachts.com ... Lengers Yachts Munich +49 170 87 868 58. Lengers Yachts Bremen +49 178 711 2941. Lengers Yachts Belgium +32 475 259 231. Lengers Yachts Scandinavia +35 840 356 4752.

  17. Elite Lengers Yachts: Luxury Yacht Dealer

    Whether it's a motor yacht, superyacht or sailing yacht you are looking to buy that is under construction, new or pre-owned, you can place your trust in us to provide a marine finance solution that perfectly suits your requirements. We are your preferred supplier of a wonderful time. Proudly representing respected brands as both dealer & partner.

  18. Team Archive

    Experience Lengers Yachts at MYLE 2024 in Munich; SANLORENZO LAUNCHES 50STEEL; Stratos Experience Days during the Monaco Grand Prix; Palma International Boat Show 2024 | Sanlorenzo Yacht; Introducing the Stratos DB50 at the Stratos Experience Days in Palma de Mallorca; Recent Comments. Archives. June 2024; May 2024; April 2024; February 2024 ...

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    Let's talk about Lengers Yachts and tell you something about us. ... Yachts for sale; AdmiralsTender Sport 890; Apreamare Maestro 51; Apreamare Maestro 65; Apreamare 9 Semicabinato; Apreamare 900 Aperto; Austin Parker 39; Azimut 58; Azimut 52 fly; Azure 278; Bertram 390; Boesch 750 Portofino 750 DL;

  20. Contact Netherlands

    Synonymous with yachting excellence, the Lengers Yachts marina and headquarters are perfectly positioned in the charming medieval town of Muiden, next to the majestic Muiderslot castle, and a mere 20 minutes from Amsterdam. ... Lengers Yachts Munich +49 170 87 868 58. Lengers Yachts Bremen +49 178 711 2941. Lengers Yachts Belgium +32 475 259 ...