• Galeon Sp.z.o.o. Sp.K.

Ocena pracodawcy 2.9/5 na podstawie 234 ocen.

Galeon Sp.z.o.o. Sp.K.

NIP: 6040105027 KRS: 0000316851

Adres: starogardzka 22, 83-010 straszyn.

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Twój głos ma znaczenie,

podziel się swoją historią!

Opinie o Galeon Sp.z.o.o. Sp.K.

Administratorem danych jest GoWork.pl Serwis Pracy sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu utrzymania konta w serwisie (na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b) RODO - wykonanie umowy). Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych znajduje się w Regulaminie.

Galeon Sp.z.o.o. Sp.K.

Firma jest ok dla mnie i szkoda żeby prezes nie pogada zwykłym pracownikiem i to jego błąd bo nie wie co się dzieje kierownik robią go w balona ale Niema kto rządzić Teraz jest taki burdel ,że szkoda gadać .Ten co sumiennie pracuje dostaje kopa, bo chce podwyżkę a ten co siedzi na telefonie 4godz, master widzi i mówi do niego , co oglądasz film jaki ? Master NATO muszę też obejrzeć o co tu chodzi .Robią swoją mafie do kradzieży a pracownik traci pracę .Dobry pracownik a zniego robione debila ale to wina prezesa, bo go niema i nie rozmawia zwykłymi ludźmi nie z tymi wybranymi do rozmowy bo to oszustwo. Witam prezes obudzi się, ja lubię swoją pracę tyle chęci winą włożyłem ,a teraz kopa do domu, bardzo nie miłe to jest . Chciałbym porozmawiać z prezesem, ale mnie tak olewają, no cusz szkoda tej firmy tylu dobrych ludzi będzie bez pracy. a leniwce zostanie dalej ,to jest nie fer .Prezes rób zebranie ,tych których zwalniasz możesz się dużo dowiedzieć, mamy tylko do marca wypowiedzenie .Uszanowanie.

Dzień dobry, czy na stanowiskach biurowych typu księgowość, marketing itd. można mieć elastyczne godziny pracy? Czy istnieje możliwość pracy zdalnej? Oraz jakie są benefity pozapłacowe? Czy są premie dla pracowników? Jak z atmosferą? Dziękuję za odpowiedzi.

Branża stoczniowa nie jest mi obca a widziałem ogłoszenie dla stolarzy. Odnośnie tego testu z wiedzy praktycznej to dla stolarzy co się w takim teście znajduje? Jest w ogłoszeniu mowa o nadgodzinach, są obowiązkowe dla każdego, czy jak ktoś nie chce to pracuje tylko tyle ile powinien?

Szybki proces rekrutacji to akurat w moim przypadku dobrze. A te zadania? Na stanowisku stolarza jakich zadań można by się było spodziewać? W ogłoszeniu była też wzmianka na temat automatów vendingowych, co to takiego? Pierwszy raz słyszę taką nazwę i jestem ciekaw. Dla tych których nie zabiera bis pracowniczy mają jakiś zwrot kosztów paliwa?

Kumpel mi podpowiedział, że tam stolarzy mogą szukać. No ale patrzę, że ostatnia jakaś oferta z 2019 roku z marca. Od tamtej pory nic? Jakby co to prosiłbym jeszcze o info, ile doświadczenia potrzebują. Widzę, że tu o tym stanowisku nikt nie pisał zbytnio, nie mam skąd się dowiedzieć czegoś.

I wszystkiego na miejscu można się dowiedzieć? Czy lepiej wziąć ze sobą cv? Jest szansa, że od razu ktoś będzie chciał porozmawiać? Czy jak ktoś aplikuje do firmy to długo potem czeka za odpowiedzią?

Szybki proces rekrutacji od razu się odzywają. Na miejscu robisz test z wiedzy praktycznej i jak podołasz to jest ok . Nie mogę się doczekać aż zacznę hah

Proste pytania jakie mam došwiadczenie w pracy na magazynie

  • Rezultat: Nie dostałem pracy

Jako pracownik przyglądający się z boku, uważajcie na dziale nierdzewki jeżeli chcecie tam pracować na technologa. Śliski typ, obgaduje za plecami, z pracownikami śmieje, a w akwarium obrabia (usunięte przez administratora)

Pracowniku, który tworzy plotki nie mające oparcia na faktach, powiedz skąd masz takie informacje prosto w oczy. Dziękuję za nieprawdziwą opinie i zszarganie opinii osoby na forum. Słabe.

Pracownik ma rację to nie kłamstwa wy akwarium to za dużo kierowników co to za kierownik jak tylko jednych słucha lizusów

Jak wygląda ścieżka kariery w Galeon Sp.z.o.o. Sp.K.? Czy trudno jest zdobyć awans?

to po jakim czasie od zatrudnienia można liczyć na awans? kwesta miesięcy, roku, czy dłużej? duże są różnice wynagrodzeniowe?

Witam. Mam zamiar pracowac na stolarce w Wislince. Możecie coś powiedziec jak tam jest? Atmosfera?

Ktoś tu niżej przestrzegał przed klimatem na jednym dziale, a w zespole junior project managera jaka atmosfera? To dla mnie ważna sprawa, a w ogłoszeniu nie napisali nic szerzej o grupie, z jaką się pracuje, poza tym zależy mi na doświadczeniach osób, które faktycznie pracowały tam.

Witam. Jak wygląda praca w Galeonie? Czy jest to ciężka praca dla ludzi, którzy nie posiadają doświadczenia? Warto aplikować?

Nie wiem o innych warsztatach, ale nie ma nic do roboty od firmy pośredniczącej w polerowaniu metalu. Palce nie zginają się z pracy, praca jest bardzo szkodliwa dla palców. Dodatkowo ciągle brudny jak górnik. I to za 20-22zł

To co się robi przez cały dzień pracy? Nie ma żadnych rękawic ochronnych, a co z przepisami BHP? Mówisz o tych pieniądzach netto?

Witam. Czy firma zapewnia pracę na dłuższy okres?

Tak, szukają pracowników na stałe

Po jakim czasie można liczyć na umowę na stałe? Jak tu wygląda z umowami na początek, jaką się dostaje najpierw, jaka jest potem?

na drugi dzień

To ta pierwsza jest jednodniowa? Kolejna już jest na czas nieokreślony? Pytam, bo dość zadko się słyszy żeby tak szybko umowę na stałe dostać

To ile trzeba tych godzin zrobić miesięcznie żeby się "wykazać"? W ogóle jak tu rozliczają nadgodziny, płacą kasę czy trzeba jako wolne odbierać?

Ogólnie dużo osób przechodzi z pośrednika na zatrudnienie do firmy? Jeśli nie ma się tyłu godzin co piszecie to co wtedy? Można dłużej z tym pośrednikiem zostać? Czy rozwiązują umowe?

A nie możesz napisać? Lepiej chyba żeby ktoś z pracowników dał znać niż żeby kandydat stracił czas i miałoby się okazać że tej umowy nie przedłużą

Witam. Obecnie rekrutują na stanowisko Kierownika Produkcji - opis stanowiska jest dość ogólny. Na jakie zarobki może liczyć Kierownik Produkcji oraz czy zakres obowiązków jest adekwatny do możliwości zarobkowych? Czy istnieje w tej firmie ścieżka kariery ?

Czy w Galeon Sp.z.o.o. Sp.K. wypłacają dodatkowe nagrody dla pracowników?

W przeciwieństwie do Yeti chętnie bym przytulił, jakąś dodatkową kasę. Pisano tu, że płacą 25-30 zł netto / h stolarzowi. A jak się kształtuje stawka na innych stanowiskach i czym prócz godzinówki jest tu coś jeszcze oferowane pracownikom, czy to pod postacią pieniędzy, czy jakiś dopłat do paliwa lub do wypoczynku?

Jaka jest tutaj pensja dla Stolarza? Gdzieś w internecie wpadłam na ogłoszenie na to stanowisko. Chodzi mi o pensję dla kogoś z doświadczeniem 8 lat w zawodzie. Wiecie coś?

po ośmiu latach i piszesz na start? czyli w firmie nie są zainteresowani stażem pracy poza nią? to ile trzeba tutaj pracować, żeby podwyżki konkretnej się dorobić?

25-30 zł netto na godzinę

Nie licz na podwyżki, chętnie to by ci zabrali. Nie są chętni do dawania podwyżek, chyba że się zwalniasz to w tedy Ci dadzą podwyżkę.

Z powodu inflacji też nic nie dali nawet? W niektórych firmach to standard był, żeby jakoś ludziom ułatwić życie. W okolicy więcej można zarobić w takim razie, jakieś porównanie może?

Nie polecam tej firmy. Chciałem się tam zatrudnić ale mój znajomy bardzo szybko wybił mi to z głowy. (usunięte przez administratora) jeszcze raz (usunięte przez administratora) przez prowadzących majtrow . Niejaki snajper ślepy nic nie robi skluca wszystkich wprowadza zamęt przez niego ludzie odchodzą dobrzy fachowcy . Skluca wszystkich dookoła. Dlaczego firma pozwala na takie rzeczy. On powinien być dawno usunięty. Naprawdę nie polecam . Pozdrawiam

Bambi, czytałeś Pan chociaż raz te wypociny przed wysłaniem? Sądząc po ty w jaki sposób jest to napisane, śmiem sądzić ze wyświadczyłeś przysługę firmie, nie przychodząc do niej.

(usunięte przez administratora) Nie oczerniaj innych nieuczciwie bo trzeba mieć chociaż odrobinę klasy . W tej firmie jest miejsce dla każdego chcącego i na każdym dziale - nawet dla konusa (ortografii w szczególności) , pozdrawiam

Brygadzista działu laminatów (było takie ogłoszenie, może ktoś pamięta) zarabia ile więcej od szeregowego pracownika na tym dziale? Chciałabym wiedzieć, czy opłaca się brać większą odpowiedzialność po prostu. I jaki duży zespół do nadzoru jest?

Spawacz TIG na ile może liczyć netto na h?

Jaka jest stawka na maszynach CNC?

(usunięte przez administratora)

Czy na rozmowie była jakoś weryfikowana wiedza na temat stanowiska na które się startuje? Czy są jakieś konkretne wymagania? Te 22 zl to każdy dostaje? Osoba która potrafi niewiele i ta która ma większe doświadczenia?

Dokladnie dostajesz te 20-22zl. Na podwyżki nie licz, chybaze postarasz się bardzo przez parę miesięcy i powiesz ze odchodzisz w tedy dostaniesz podwyżkę. Tak to działa w Galeonie.

Prócz tej stawki godzinowej są jeszcze jakieś premie lub inne świadczenia pieniężne, jak dodatek za frekwencję chociażby? Próbuję zrozumieć, w jaki sposób firma ma zamiar przyciągnąć nowych pracowników i utrzymać starych?

  • 1 Publikacja opinii
  • 2 Udziel wywiadu o firmie
  • 3 Informacja o zarobkach
  • 4 Powiadomienia i ocena

Zostaw merytoryczną opinię o Galeon Sp.z.o.o. Sp.K. - Straszyn

Moja opinia jest:

Mój status:

Administratorem danych jest GoWork.pl Serwis Pracy sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu umożliwienia ... Czytaj więcej wyrażenia opinii o firmie (na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b) RODO - wykonanie umowy). Przysługujące prawa: dostępu do danych, sprostowania danych, usunięcia danych, ograniczenia przetwarzania danych, przenoszenia danych, a także prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych znajduje się w  Regulaminie . Schowaj

Drogi Użytkowniku,

Pamiętaj, przed dodaniem opinii o Pracodawcy, koniecznie zapoznaj się z poniższą informacją:

NIE dodawaj opinii, która:

Każda merytoryczna opinia jest ważna , każda z nich może być zarówno pozytywna jak i negatywna, dlatego zachęcamy do tego by dzielić się swoimi przemyśleniami, które dotyczą Pracodawcy. Nie pisz jednak pod wpływem negatywnych emocji.

Zadbaj o kulturę pozytywnego feedbacku, nie pisz tylko negatywnych informacji o Pracodawcy, zwróć uwagę na stosowne aspekty i realia w swojej opinii. Wszystkie oceny są wartościowe . Wspólnie zadbajmy o sens merytorycznych opinii.

Dodaj pomocną opinię , którą sam chciałbyś przeczytać o swoim potencjalnym Pracodawcy. Podziel się swoimi przemyśleniami, a poniższe przykłady możesz potraktować jako podpowiedzi o czym Użytownicy lubią czytać odwiedzając profile firm.

Dziękujemy za dodanie opinii.

Udziel wywiadu o firmie . Uzupełnij formularz, skontaktujemy się z Tobą tak szybko jak to możliwe.

Mój status (zawsze pozostaniesz anonimow):

Administratorem danych jest GoWork.pl Serwis Pracy sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu umożliwienia ... Czytaj więcej wyrażenia opinii o firmie w formie wywiadu (na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b) RODO - wykonanie umowy). Podane przez Ciebie dane kontaktowe (numer telefonu, adres email) zostaną wykorzystane wyłącznie, po to aby nawiązać kontakt na potrzeby udzielenia wywiadu. Przysługujące prawa: dostępu do danych, sprostowania danych, usunięcia danych, ograniczenia przetwarzania danych, przenoszenia danych, a także prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych znajduje się w Regulaminie . Schowaj

  • Chcemy porozmawiać z Tobą i poznać Twoją historię.
  • Wywiad na stronie jest anonimowy, chyba że będziesz chciał się przedstawić.
  • Twój merytoryczny głos ma znaczenie.
  • Redaktor GoWork bazując na naszym doświadczeniu, zapyta o te aspekty, które w odczuciu naszych użytkowników są najistotniejsze w danej firmie.


Dziękujemy za wypełnienie formularza wywiadów.

Podziel się wiedzą o zarobkach w firmie Galeon Sp.z.o.o. Sp.K..

Dziękujemy za wypełnienie formularza zarobków.

Chcesz być na bieżąco z odpowiedziami? Zapisz się na powiadomienia o nowej opinii już teraz

Administratorem danych jest GoWork.pl Serwis Pracy sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu wysyłki powiadomień ... Czytaj więcej na temat wskazanej firmy (na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a) RODO - zgoda). Zgoda może być w dowolnym momencie wycofana. Wycofanie zgody nie wpływa na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przed jej wycofaniem. Pozostałe przysługujące prawa: dostępu do danych, sprostowania danych, usunięcia danych, ograniczenia przetwarzania danych, przenoszenia danych, a także prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych znajduje się w  Regulaminie . Schowaj

Psst! To jeszcze nie koniec! Potwierdź swoją subskrypcję!

Odbierz maila Na podany adres e-mail wysłaliśmy wiadomość z prośbą o potwierdzenie subskrypcji (RODO)

Potwierdź subskrybcję Kliknij w link potwierdzający subskrypcję w mailu i bądź na bieżąco!

Ustaw powiadomienia o nowych opiniach i ofertach Galeon Sp.z.o.o. Sp.K.

Otrzymuj powiadomienia na temat firmy

Często zadawane pytania

Jak się pracuje w galeon sp.z.o.o. sp.k..

Zobacz opinie na temat firmy Galeon Sp.z.o.o. Sp.K. tutaj . Liczba opinii, które napisali obecni i byli pracownicy oraz kandydaci do pracy to 79 .

Jakie są opinie pracowników o pracy w Galeon Sp.z.o.o. Sp.K.?

Liczba opinii, które napisali obecni i byli pracownicy to 50 , z czego 4 to opinie pozytywne, 25 to opinie negatywne, a 21 to opinie neutralne. Sprawdź tutaj!

Jak wygląda rekrutacja do firmy Galeon Sp.z.o.o. Sp.K.?

Kandydaci do pracy w Galeon Sp.z.o.o. Sp.K. napisali 2 opinii na temat procesu rekrutacyjnego. Zobacz szczegóły tutaj.

  • Starogardzka 22 83-010 Straszyn
  • +48 58 692 69 00
  • http://galeon.pl/

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galeon yachts opinie

SJB New Member

Now that Searay is not making big boats (50plus), I am seeking information on Galeon Yachts as one option (I would much prefer a Riv or Viking or Princess but to pricey for me). Anyone have any input on the 50 or 55 Galeon?

Capt J

Capt J Senior Member

Very price point boat and associated quality, in the same league as prestige.
Capt J said: ↑ Very price point boat and associated quality, in the same league as prestige. Click to expand...
SJB said: ↑ Thanks , I don’t feel Prestige is a quality boat? Am I wrong ? Click to expand...


993RSR Senior Member

The greatest expense in boat ownership is depreciation. Buy quality and it pays dividends on resale and ownership experience.
993RSR said: ↑ The greatest expense in boat ownership is depreciation. Buy quality and it pays dividends on resale and ownership experience. Click to expand...


Gratitude Member

Gratitude said: ↑ Capt. J, I have to disagree on your comment. I viewed both brands in detail at the 2019 FLIBS and they are not in the same league. Galeon is far superior in quality than Prestige. While I didn't sea trial a Prestige, I did sea trial the Galeon 500 Fly. A very solid seaworthy boat which is why I purchased the 500 Fly. Granted it is not a Princess or Viking Yacht, but it is currently and affordable quality boat IMHO. Also let me add that the interior is amazing and functional. Doors are solid and do not rattle. Galeon makes almost everything in house when it comes to their interiors. Click to expand...
SJB said: ↑ Thank you for your feedback! How has it been going since your purchase? I noticed the 500 only has 3.5 draft, does that affect the ride when on open ocean? I would feel it gives a bumper ride? Click to expand...


olderboater Senior Member

SJB said: ↑ Now that Searay is not making big boats (50plus), I am seeking information on Galeon Yachts as one option (I would much prefer a Riv or Viking or Princess but to pricey for me). Anyone have any input on the 50 or 55 Galeon? Click to expand...
Gratitude said: ↑ Actually the draft is 4'7" on the 500 Fly. That along with Sea Keeper (standard on this boat) she's quite the solid ride. the best way t make your decision is to get our on one yourself. Click to expand...
olderboater said: ↑ I would just mention one thing. You mentioned Searay and Galeon. I hope you're not confining your shopping to Marine Max. There are plenty of other brands out there to be looked at. It's also very hard for me to get insight into pricing on a Galeon as I see new 2020 500 Fly's priced anywhere from $772k (Poland) to $1.4 million depending on location and dealer. What makes you think Princess is so much more expensive than Galeon? Have you been to a Princess dealer? Or Sunseeker? Or talked to Grand Banks? I'm not saying to not buy a Galeon, just make sure you look at the market well. Click to expand...
I'd look at the 52' Sunseeker manhattan, 55' Princess flybridge.......trying to think of a few more.

Scott Felstad

Scott Felstad New Member

SJB said: ↑ Thanks for you insight! I am a used boat buyer not new, let someone else take the depreciation hit. I prefer 2-3 years old this hopefully allows for this new boat issues to be somewhat fixed. As I look for used I would 100% like a Grand Banks or Princess and looking. A Riv be nice too. Have my eye on a 55 fly searay too, way over priced, but it had shafts! I currently have a 51 Fly searay. Again Thanks Click to expand...
Yes, 100% ! Just avoid PODS.


johnnry Member

a beautiful, well made and fast boat,but..check the deadrise, they typically build 16 degree deadrise to get the low hp performance. check your model, you will also note that piece of info not easy to find.Unless they have re-engineered marine engineering, No free lunches yet..


RER Senior Member

johnnry said: ↑ a beautiful, well made and fast boat,but..check the deadrise, they typically build 16 degree deadrise to get the low hp performance. check your model, you will also note that piece of info not easy to find.Unless they have re-engineered marine engineering, No free lunches yet.. Click to expand...
RER said: ↑ What is so sinister about a modifed V deadrise of 16 degrees? You seem to be suggesting the builder is trying to hide that spec. Why? Click to expand...
Correct ob, also original question was on ride quality on rough water...if anyone knows of a flat keel boat that slices thru the rough water please advise
johnnry said: ↑ Correct ob, also original question was on ride quality on rough water...if anyone knows of a flat keel boat that slices thru the rough water please advise Click to expand...
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YachtForums: We Know Big Boats!

Galeon 500 Fly Review (2019 Edition)

Galeon's 16m flybridge is a real box of tricks with class leading deck spaces and a spacious three-cabin interior.

Galeon 500 Fly Review (2019 Edition) image 1

Galeon's range is a sprawling mix of sportscruisers, flybridges and sportsbridges from 10-22m but the 500 Fly is at the heart of what it does best. At first glance it looks like a typical 16m flybridge with masses of glazing and a comfortable three-cabin interior but this is one of the most inventive boats in the class.

The innovative cockpit features folding balconies with the option to have a rotating dinette with a built in tender garage. Clever stuff but is there substance behind these head-turning gadgets? Keep reading to find out. 

Galeon 500 Fly Key Facts

Galeon 500 Fly illustration

  • LOA 53.15ft
  • Model Year 2019
  • Max Speed 30 knots
  • Status In Production
  • Yacht Type Flybridge
  • Use Type Cruising

Test & Review Video

YachtBuyer Score

In this article:

Our Verdict

Rivals to consider.

  • Specification

Our Scores Explained

Performance & Handling

The 500 Fly is available with three shaft drive engine choices with an upgrade to IPS also on the options sheet. You'll pay six figures for that upgrade, however, so most will no doubt opt for one of the shaft options, which includes Volvo Penta D8 600hp, D8 670hp and D11 725hp twin diesels. Unless the boat has a particularly light spec the smallest 600s will likely struggle to shift the 500 without feeling strained so the more powerful engines would be a wise choice. If the boat if fitted with weighty options like the beach club and flybridge hard top then it would be sensible to opt for the 725s. 

Our Test Speed & Range Data

  • 100nm 100nm 200nm 200nm 300nm 300nm 400nm 400nm 500nm 500nm 600nm 600nm 700nm 700nm
  • 687 nm @ 7.4 knots eco
  • 190 nm @ 22.3 knots cruise
  • 161 nm @ 32.0 knots max

Galeon 500 Fly version 2019. *Data collected by Yacht Buyer during testing. View Full Test Results

Around the Marina

Don't be dismayed that the IPS option with its joystick is such an expensive option because with twin shafts and Sleipner's excellent proportional bow thruster the 500 Fly is a friendly boat to negotiate around the marina. For extra peace of mind, a stern thruster is an option and that will give finer control of the stern when squeezing into tight berths, especially when mooring stern-to in the Mediterranean style.

The twin props provide great bite in and out of gear so twisting the boat into position is easy and with such a great view out from the lower helm and a large electric window it's just as comfortable to berth the boat from the lower helm as it is from the raised position on the flybridge.

It's not quite as easy to crew as the likes of the Sealine F530 and Absolute 47 Fly because it doesn't have a side door at the helm but the decks are safe and easy to navigate.

Galeon 500 Fly side decks

Our test boat had pretty much the highest spec you could choose for a 500 Fly with all of the most desirable options in place. The expectation might be that this would make for a heavy and lethargic driving experience but that isn't the case. The boat on test had the largest twin 725hp shaft drive engines and they made light work of nipping the boat onto the plane and up to its natural cruising speed of 22 knots. Flat out we achieved 32 knots.

The hull is quiet, soft riding and confident through chop, though it must be said that conditions weren't particularly taxing during the test. Considering that the engines are mounted beneath the saloon floor, sound levels are managed well, too, which is maybe no surprise given the amount of insulation in the engine room. 

The handling is as much of a pleasant surprise as the performance, the light, responsive steering making the 500 a sportscruiser baiting prospect in the twists and turns. The IPS version is likely to feel a little more detached from the helm(s) and not be quite as agile as the shaft drive alternative, which has plenty of bite in the water from its twin rudders. 

Galeon 500 Fly performance, Galeon 500 Fly cruising

Design & Build

Galeon 500 Fly flybridge, Galeon 500 Fly balconies

From the pen of British designer Tony Castro, the 500 Fly is a striking boat that has almost more glazing than GRP in both its superstructure and topsides. The profile is quite busy, certainly compared to the likes of the Prestige 520 and Princess F50, but it’s a boat with a host of tricks up its sleeve. At the push of a couple of buttons the aft end of the deck unfolds creating two substantial balconies that almost double the usable space available. Opt for the rotating cockpit seating and you have undoubtedly the most appealing cockpit in the class.

What’s most impressive about these gizmos is that they don’t compromise the 500’s workings as a boat and appear to have no negative effect on performance and handling despite their added weight.

The interior isn't quite as inventive as the exterior but there are lots of different colour, trim and upholstery choices. The physical three-cabin layout of the lower deck is fixed, however.  

Quality Street 

There was a time when buyers would turn their noses up at boats produced in Poland but it doesn’t take long aboard this model to realise that Galeon really knows what it’s doing then it comes to fit and finish. Components are expensive, the interior woodwork is excellent and there is a general feeling of solidity that suprasses many of its mass-produced rivals.

Galeon 500 Fly galley, Galeon 500 Fly quality

Interior Accommodation

Galeon 500 Fly saloon, Galeon 500 Fly interior

With such a functionality-packed cockpit it makes perfect sense for the 500 Fly to have an aft galley layout. The sliding windows on either side of the saloon and pop-up bar section allow the galley to double up as a service area for the cockpit but it’s also an easy passage from the cooking area to the forward dinette if guests are dining inside. 

The two-way seat opposite the galley is another clever piece of the design that can either serve as a cosy perch opposite the galley or, with the window open and backrest flipped into the boat, an equally lovely spot to gaze out over the water with a coffee. 

The boat is a little short of fridge/freezer space in the saloon with just a rather small under-counter unit compared to the domestic-size fridge/freezers that some rivals manage to include in their galleys. That said, dry storage is very good throughout the saloon and there’s space for a dishwasher at the end of the galley return.

Time For Bed

The three-cabin, two-bathroom layout of the lower deck is fixed but the standard arrangement works well. The star of the show is the full-beam master ensuite, which is well appointed, spacious and has over 6ft 1in of headroom throughout. The VIP isn’t far behind and benefits from long strips of glazing on either side and an oversized skylight that will draw plenty of natural light into the cabin during the day.

The VIP shares its ensuite with the third cabin but it’s a good size so this shouldn’t be too much of an issue. The third cabin is bunk beds only and is probably best suited to kids but the berths are large enough for adults to be comfortable during shorter stays.

Galeon 500 Fly bunks, Galeon 500 Fly guest cabin

Helm Station

Galeon 500 Fly lower helm, Galeon 500 fly dashboard

It’s a tale of two helms on the 500 Fly as the lower helm hits all the right notes whereas the one upstairs has room for improvement. The main issue is that the latter has very little adjustment so you can’t tweak the driving position to suit your body shape. The small bench seat is fixed and therefore you find yourself leaning a long way forward to reach the MFDs (multi-function displays), which is where almost all of the major systems are controlled. That said the relationship between wheel and throttles is good and layout is clear and easy to use.

The driving position is much more intimate at the lower helm and controls fall to hand more easily. There is no side door but large electric windows on either side aid both ventilation and communication with those on deck. Later models don’t have the run of analogue dials at the top of the dash, which is a shame as they look good and make it easy to quickly check that levels and temperatures are as expected. There is also quite a large blind spot to starboard due to the size of the windscreen mullion. 

Galeon 500 Fly cockpit, Galeon 500 Fly balconies

This is where the 500 Fly streaks ahead of its rivals. With the ‘beach club’ option, which includes the terraces and hydraulic bathing platform, plus the rotating dinette, there isn’t a boat in the sector that can compete with the socialising space of the 500 Fly.

The cockpit grabs a lot of the attention for obvious reasons but there’s clever thinking on the foredeck as well. The optional sliding seats glide forward and out at the touch of a button to create passageways to the side decks and the simple but brilliant pop-up backrests make the bench seating much more comfortable if you’re sitting for sundowners.

The gadgets may appear complicated but their mechanisms are refreshingly simple in a bid to minimise the likelihood of malfunction or weighty repair bills. There are no gimmicks here, all of the toys genuinely improve life on board the boat. 

Flying High

Let’s not forget the flybridge, either. This is a really good space and large for a boat of this size. The small wet bar splits cooking and cooling facilities and is well placed to serve the large dinette at the aft end with dedicated sunbathing space forward of the helm. Shelter is provided by either a canvas bimini or a hard top, which is likely to prove popular. Headroom under the aft end of the top is a bit tight for those over 6ft but clearance improves forward where there is a built-in canvas sunroof.

Galeon 500 Fly cockpit, Galeon 500 Fly rotating seat

Value For Money

Those who expect the Galeon to be much cheaper than its rivals because of its eastern European roots may be in for a shock. The 500 Fly is unlikely to undercut its French and German rivals and may be a little more expensive than most but, as has been covered already, you can see and feel where the money is being spent all over the Galeon. It’s a quality product and the touch points are top notch. Not many shipyards offer the five year manufacturer warranty that Galeon does, either. Plus, with such clever deck spaces and the spacious interior you certainly feel like you’re getting bang for your buck.

Our Options & Pick

Galeon's UK dealer, Approved Boats, has a sensible approach to pricing. Rather than offer a base boat and then add a load of extras, it offers a UK spec and a Med spec with all the necessary equipment included in the price.

The Med spec includes everything UK spec has and adds air-conditiong, an uprated generator, hydraulic paserelle and - to help with the added weight - the mid-range D11 670hp engines as standard. You can add and remove items from this list as required but it makes for a much more realstic pricing strategy.  In terms of our pick, then, it somewhat depends on where you're going to keep the boat. The Med spec really is the whole package and ticks most major options but it does command a chunky premium over the UK version. 

The hard top isn't standard on either spec but we would go for it, both for the flexibility it adds to the top deck and for resale value, given that most buyers will be looking for it. We would avoid the smallest engine option.

It is not a cheap option but the Seakeeper gyro stabiliser is worth considering. That cockpit is fantastic but the shine will be taken off if the boat is bobbing like a cork at anchor. 

In a highly competitive sector the Galeon 500 Fly has a true USP. The transforming cockpit is far more than some boat show gimmick or quayside theatre, it genuinely improves life on board and provides a significant increase in usable living space. Underneath all of this innovation, however, there is a really solid cruising machine; Galeon and Tony Castro’s design team haven’t lost sight of how the 500 needs to function as a boat. It’s well built, safe and bristling with smart and practical touches.  

It’s a shame that the IPS option is so expensive but around the marina and at sea the 500 Fly is well mannered, predictable and easy to control. It’s also quite a lot more fun to drive than you might expect.

It isn’t the prettiest boat in its class, or the biggest, but it’s an accomplished all-rounder with an ace up its sleeve.

Reasons to Buy

  • Outstanding functionality
  • High quality interior
  • Engaging handling
  • A lot of boat for the money

Things to Consider

  • Upper helm ergonomics
  • IPS option is prohibitively expensive
  • Third cabin has bunks

The 16m flybridge sector is one of the most competitive in the market with most of the leading brands offering a decent contender at this size. Few rivals offer the innovation of the Galeon but the Polish boat faces stiff competition from a variety of established shipyards. 

First launched in 2015, the Sealine F530 boasts an impressively voluminous interior. Though it may not possess the Transformer-like tricky of the Galeon’s main deck it has more options when it comes to the layout of the lower deck with choice of a twin or double third cabin and a storage room or single crew cabin at the stern. The two engine options are both IPS (either IPS700 or 800) for a top speed with the latter of 30 knots.

The Prestige 520 is a handsome machine with clean lines and a sleek profile. Like the Sealine it is only available with IPS and, though smooth and refined, can’t quite compete with the performance of the shaft drive Galeon. There are three cabins on the lower deck; two doubles and a twin with separate access to the master ensuite directly from the saloon. As with the Galeon, a tender garage is an option but you sacrifice the crew cabin.

The Princess F50 is smaller than the Galeon but it sets the benchmark for fit and finish on a boat of this size. Its on water dynamics are also very polished with near 35-knot performance from twin 600hp Volvo Penta IPS800s and a smooth-riding Olesinski planing hull. You do feel the boat’s smaller dimensions within the interior where the third cabin has bunks instead of twin berths and there is no crew cabin option but this is a classy operator with strong residuals. 

The Absolute 47 Fly may be shorter than the 500 Fly but its ever so slightly wider beam says a lot about where the focus is for the Italian boat. The interior feels ridiculously spacious for a boat of these dimensions and the offset berth in the forward master makes the most of the available space. There isn’t a crew cabin but the 47 makes up for this with probably the most comfortable cabin spaces of all the boats mentioned here. Absolute builds its boats to cruise in the low 20s, so performance is a little down on the others, but it’s a capable machine out on the water. 

Specifications & Performance

  • Builder Galeon
  • Range Flybridge
  • Model 500 Fly
  • Length Overall 53.15ft
  • Beam 14.633ft
  • Draft(full load) 3.281ft
  • Yacht Type (Primary) Flybridge
  • Use Type (Primary) Cruising
  • Cruising Speed Max Speed
  • Fuel Capacity 476 Gallons
  • Fresh Water Capacity 172 Gallons
  • Engine Model 2x Volvo Penta D11-670
  • Engine economic speed 8.3 knots
  • Engine max range (speed type) 484.8 nm

Performance Data

Galeon 500 Fly version 2019. *Data collected by Yacht Buyer during testing.

Test Engines Twin Volvo Penta D11-670

  • Liters Per Hour
  • Liters Per Mile
  •   CRUISE

Yacht Load: 0 Litres of water 50 Litres of fuel 4 members of crew air temperature of 25 °C

Sea Conditions: F1 and calm. Figures are taken from onboard readings, yours may vary depending on load and sea conditions. The range figures include 20% in reserve.

Galeon 500 Fly Layout


The flybridge is a good size for this sector and the optional carbon fibre hard top with a built in fabric sunroof is likely to be a popular option. 


The main deck is the 500's party piece. The folding balconies grab headlines but in the cockpit there is also the choice between L-shaped seating and a crew cabin or a rotating dinette with a tender garage.


Some rivals have space for twins instead of bunks inside the third cabin but the level of fit and finish is excellent. Not the most flexible accommodation but very nicely executed. 

Jack Haines

Jack Haines

Jack is YachtBuyer's Reviews Director. He is a writer, editor and presenter with 15 years’ experience testing over 350 motorboats of all shapes and sizes, from 20ft RIBs to 120ft yachts (and even the Royal Navy Frigate HMS Sutherland ). 

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The New 80-Foot Galeon Flagship Blends Superyacht Luxury With the Speed of a Go-Fast Cruiser

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The new Galeon 800 FLY was launched at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show.

When Frank Sinatra sang “Come Fly with Me,” he could have been asking you to come aboard Galeon ‘s new 800 FLY. Powered by a pair of 1,925 horsepower MTU V12 turbo diesels, this 83-foot, 75-ton motoryacht can “fly” up to an impressive top speed of 36 mph.

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‘People Don’t Want to Be Inside’: How the Outdoors Became Yachtmakers’ Most Coveted Design Element

Galeon 800 FLY flybridge motoryacht

We’ve come to expect oversized windows on modern cruisers, but the Galeon takes fenestration to a new level. Half the hull seems to be filled with one continuous, dark-tinted window. For the amidships main suite, the glass dips to almost water level to flood the interior with light.

A huge swath of heavy-tint glass is also found across the superstructure, spanning floor-to-ceiling in the salon, while also sweeping in an elegant curve that follows the lines of the flybridge.

Galeon 800 FLY motoryacht interior with large windows

Designer Tony Castro has been the mastermind behind the unusual look of the Galeon line for more than a decade. He doesn’t hold back on the 800. One of its most notable features is the engineering that goes into the flybridge hardtop. Built of strong, lightweight carbon fiber, its only supports are towards the rear, doing away with the typical, and visually-distracting, forward pillars.

Castro also focused on outdoor fun by adding a full-beam, hydraulic swim platform at the stern with 1,550-lb. weight capacity. Looking big enough to park a small Buick, it dips into the water to launch a tender or water toys, or simply serves as a fun diving board.

Add to that an oversized cockpit, with U-shaped seating/dining for eight and, key for sunny climes, plenty of shade from a lengthy flybridge overhang. You also gain an authentic indoor/outdoor feel in the cockpit by folding back the large, three-glass panel door, while also lifting another glass panel above the port-side cockpit bar.

Galeon FLY 800's main suite with side windows.

Less successful, in our opinion, is the interior design, especially on the FLIBS boat we toured. While the main salon has plenty of lounging space, along with an open-plan galley and separate dining area, it was decorated in fifty shades of “greige.” Add to that the vast swaths of back-lit greige marble that made the space look like something out of the ’80s. But as the Galeon rep told us, all that is customizable.

Galeon 800 FLY motoryacht flybridge

Down below is a quartet of cabins—a full-beam master amidships, port and starboard twin-berth guest cabins, and a VIP double in the bow. But reserve that forward VIP only for the agile as it’s tucked so far forward you need to clamber up from the end. And the space at the forepeak is so narrow couples will be sleeping cheek to cheek. Strange for an 80-footer.

More successful is the master, with those hull windows stretching over seven feet long, a queen bed with the option of a king, a walk-in closet, a settee for watching the world go by at water level, and six-foot-six headroom.

For an aspiring cruiser owner who doesn’t want to compromise on speed and wants to move up into a crewed yacht—a crew cabin has private access from the stern—this is certainly one swashbuckling Galeon that could be worth a sea trial. Galeon’s exclusive US dealer is MarineMax.

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The Galeon range

Choose your perfect galeon yacht from our selection of luxurious and dynamic models, sport cruiser.

Great performance with open cockpit and saloon down below

Sleek exterior with bright living area on the main deck

Functional and spacious on all three decks

A perfect combination of substance and style

Galeon company

Established in 1982, Galeon remains a privately owned company specializing in constructing luxury yacht and motorboats. With clear vision and steady growth we have reached employment of over 1 200 people working on 35 000 square meters of production and assembly halls, capable of taking on even the most ambitious projects. Every Galeon yacht is a piece of handcrafted excellence and thanks to the unparalleled attention to detail, cutting edge technology and great designs the company has become one of the premier European boat builders. We strive to become synonymous with high quality, innovative features and perfect execution of our products. Our attention to detail and willingness to improve constantly pushes us forward and with over 30 years of experience and thousands of satisfied customers from all around the world – you can be sure your next Galeon yacht will meet all your expectations.

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Yates Mallorca

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Famalco Group

Pitkali Road, Attard ATD2214 Malta, Europe

Tel: (+356) 2339 2339

[email protected]


Camino Al Mare

Av Tulum 232 – B8 Manzana 12 SM 4 Cancún, Centro 77500

Tel: +52 9988 92 8679

Email:  [email protected]

Homero 342 piso 4 Col, Polanco Miguel Hidalgo 11560 Ciudad de México


Prvomajska 4 85310 Budva, Mne

Tel: +381 63 271 888



14 Rue Salonique

Casablanca, Morocco

Tel: +212 520 621 151

Tel: +212 661 157 758


[email protected]

Camino de Oriente,

Managua, Nicaragua

Mauricio Solorzano P.

t. (505) 8 723 11 00

[email protected]

Nordic Clean AS

Skibåsen 28

4636 Kristiansand

Tlf: 99 33 46 64

Mail: [email protected]

Citadel West

P.O. Box: 234 Postal Code 114, Hay Al Mina

Tel: +968 24657145 Fax: +968 24567481

[email protected] www.citadelwest.com

Calle 50 Edificio Rita Angelica,

San Francisco, Panama, Panama.

Edwin Faberga M.

t. (507) 6 070 20 10

[email protected]

Starogardzka 22 83010 Straszyn

Tel+ 48 58 692 69 00 Fax+ 48 58 690 69 02

[email protected] www.galeon.pl

Centrum motorowodne

Mazurska 98

11-513 Rydzewo

Tel: +48 507187390

[email protected]


Pietrzak Yachts Sp. z o.o.

ul. Bocheńskiego 109

40-816 Katowice

Błażej Pluta

General Manager

Tel:  +48 503 133 300

E-mail:  [email protected]

Tel:+44 1489 885656

[email protected]

QYC Yachting Company

The Pearl – Porto Arabia PA – 06 /

Unit No – 157, Doha, Qatar.


[email protected]

(+974) 50334444


Generala Milutina Vlajica 6 Beograd 11000

Tel: +381 63 271 888 Tel: +381 69 552 0125

AVENTURA Lifestyle s.r.o.

Bajkalská 29/C 82101, Bratislava Tel: +421 949 626 307 Tel: +420 723 718 004

www.aventuraboats.sk [email protected]

Atal Nautika d.o.o.

Bukovžlak 65 d 3000 Celije

Tel: + 386 3 492 40 00 Mob: + 386 51 395 222 Mob: + 386 31 646 420

[email protected] www.atal.si

Gin-A Co. Ltd.

Suite 708 Dongbu Root Bldg. Bundang-gu Hwangseul-ro 200-gil 36 Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do 13595

Tel: +82 31-711-9681

[email protected]

DON MARINO BOATS General Importer

Puerto Deportivo De Estepona 29680 Estepona-Malaga

Tel: +34 952803800 Fax:+34 952791784

[email protected] www.donmarinoboats.es

Marenostrum Yachts


[email protected]

+34 629 537 172

Club Náutico Port Balis – Local n°13

Sant Andreu de Llavaneres

08392 Barcelona

Port Ginesta – Local n°810


08860 Barcelona

Yates y Cosas


[email protected]

+34 942 369 151

Polígono industrial de Raos 11E

39600 Camargo (Cantabria)

Nautica Paco


[email protected]

+34 986720268

+34 986723384

Náutica Paco

Avda. de León, 25 – 36960 Sanxenxo (Pontevedra)

Náutica Paco Puerto

Puerto deportivo Juan Carlos I – 36960 Sanxenxo (Pontevedra)

Nautica AZA

Avenida de la Pista, 14 E46470 Massanassa 

Tel: +34 963 240 099

[email protected]


PS Marin AB (East and north of Sweden)

General Importer

Långvretsvägen 14 S-163 46 SPÅNGA

Tel: +46-8-369460 Tel +46-703-369460

[email protected] www.psmarin.se

BoatShop.se (South of Sweden)

Humlaviksvägen 16 S-372 97 Ronneby

Tel: +46-708-202698

[email protected] www.boatshop.se


CH-6053 Alpnachstad

Tel+ 41 416729191 Fax+ 41 416729198

[email protected] www.herzog-marinecenter.ch

Asia Marine Ltd.

20/35 Moo 2, Thepkasattri Rd., T. Kohkeaw, Muang District Phuket 83000 Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 76 239 111 Fax: + 66 (0) 76 238 974

[email protected] www.asiamarine.com/thailand



Tel+90 212 352 659596 Fax+90 212 352 6603

[email protected] www.denizyatcilik.com


Khmelnetskogo,32 01030 Kiev

Tel: +380675045706 Tel: +380445682590

[email protected] www.galeonboats.com.ua

Royal Yachting Middle East Boat Trading LLC.

Suite 814, The Onyx Tower 2,

The Greens,  SH’ Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE.

PO Box, 283741 Dubai

+971 (0) 43996399 +971 (0) 504674113 (Mr. Hussain)

[email protected] www.royalyachting.ae

Unit 1 The Saltings Swanwick Marina Bridge Road Swanwick Southampton SO31 1FA

Turnchapel Wharf, Barton Road,

Turnchapel, Plymouth, PL9 9RQ

Unit 1, Alexandra Wharf,

1 Maritime Walk,

Ocean Village,

Southampton SO14 3QR

18025 U.S. 19 North, Clearwater, Florida 33764

Tel: 727-536-2628

[email protected] www.marinemax.com

1601 Ken Thompson Parkway, Sarasota, Florida 34236

Tel: 941-388-4411

14030 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers, Florida 33919

Tel:  239-481-8200

1146 6th Avenue South, Naples, Florida 34102

Tel:  239-262-1000

2370 SW Palm City Road, Stuart, Florida 34994

Tel:   772-287-4495

700 South Federal Highway, Pompano Beach, Florida 33062

Tel:  954-783-9555

700 N.E. 79th Street, Miami, Florida 33138

Tel: 305-758-5786

2 Fishing Village Drive, Key Largo, Florida 33037

Tel:  305-367-3969

3605 Thomas Drive, Panama City, Florida 32408

Tel:  850-708-1317

84 W. Airport Blvd., Pensacola, Florida 32503

Tel:  850-477-1112

3001 NASA Parkway, Seabrook, Texas 77586

Tel:  281-326-4224

1490 N Stemmons FWY, Lewisville, Texas 75067-2505

Tel:  972-436-9979

1860 Bald Ridge Marina Road, Cumming, Georgia 30041

Tel:  770-781-9370

1991 N.E. Catawba Road, Port Clinton, Ohio 43452

Tel:  419-797-4492

3070 Bagnell Dam Blvd., Lake Ozark, Missouri 65049

Tel:  573-365-5382

451107 E. 320 Road, Afton, Oklahoma 74331

Tel:  918-782-3277

200 Fifth Avenue South, Bayport, Minnesota 55003

Tel:  651-351-9621

Galeon Yachts, North America

2600 McCormick Drive Suite 200 Clearwater, FL 33759

[email protected] (888) 705-7835

1500 Riverside, Brick, New Jersey 08724

Tel:  732-840-2100

600 Bay Avenue, Somers Point, New Jersey 08244

Tel:  609-926-0600

1800 S. Clinton Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21224

Tel:  410-732-1260

106 Wells Cove Road, Grasonville, Maryland 21638

Tel:  410-827-7371

130 Short Street, Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28480

Tel:  910-256-8100

1 Masthead Dr, Warwick, Rhode Island 02886

Tel:  401-886-7899

846 S. Wellwood Avenue, Lindenhurst, New York 11757

Tel:  631-957-5900

130 Water Street, Norwalk, CT 06854

Tel:  203-831-6311

MarineMax Russo

10 Hutchinson Drive Danvers, MA 01923

Tel: 781-395-0050

Sales Contact: Larry Russo Jr.

335 Lincoln Street Hingham, MA 02043

Tel: 781-875-3619

MarineMax Palm Beach at PGA Marina

2361 PGA Boulevard Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 TEL: 561 494-7267

10 Bowen’s Wharf Newport, RI 02840

Tel:  401-782-9100

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/newport

300 Alton Rd Suite 206 Miami Beach, FL 33139

Tel:  305-921-0002

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/miamibeach

Highport Marina 120 Texoma Harbor Dr. Pottosboro, TX 75076

Tel:  972-529-0011

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/laketexoma

7090 Placida Rd. Placida, FL 33946

Tel:  941-485-3388

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/capehaze

Pier 66 Marina 1301 SE 17th St. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316

Tel:  954-779-1905

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/pier66

337 Pier One Road Stevensville, Maryland 21666

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/baybridge

130 Short Street Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/wrightsvillebeach

611 Rock Lane Branson, Missouri 65616

Tel: (417) 725-0220

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/branson

5800 Lanier Islands Parkway Buford, Georgia 30518

Tel: (770) 614-6968

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/buford

33 West St. Monmouth Beach, New Jersey 07750

Tel: (732) 874-7196

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/channelclub

MarineMax Hall Marine

142 Sportsman Island Drive Charleston, South Carolina 29492

Tel: (843) 747-1889

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/charleston

1410 King Street Cocoa, Florida 32922

Tel: (321) 636-3142

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/cocoa

7459 Broad River Road Irmo, South Carolina 29063

Tel: (803) 732-1104

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/columbia

750 Montauk Highway Copiague, New York 11726

Tel: (631) 842-5900

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/copiague

141 Minnetonka Blvd Excelsior, Minnesota 55331

Tel: (952) 346-4857

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/excelsior

14 Burty Road Greenville, South Carolina 29605

Tel: (864) 236-9005

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/greenville

3829 Gulf Shores Parkway Gulf Shores, Alabama 36542

Tel: (251) 981-1113

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/gulfshores

155 West Shore Road Huntington, New York 11743

Tel: (631) 424-2710

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/huntington

2079 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250

Tel: (904) 338-9970

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/jacksonville

134 Espanong Rd. Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey 07849

Tel: (973) 663-2045

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/lakehopatcong

9209 Westmoreland Road Cornelius, North Carolina 28031

Tel: (704) 892-9676

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/lakenorman

310 Blucher Circle Lake Wylie, South Carolina 29710

Tel: (803) 831-2101

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/lakewylie

750 South Federal Highway Pompano Beach, Florida 33062

Tel: (954) 618-0440

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/yachtcenter

Chelsea Piers New York City, New York 10011

Tel: (212) 336-7873

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/manhattan

455 S. Lake Destiny Rd Orlando, Florida 32810

Tel: (407) 660-2628

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/orlando

4543 Osage Beach Parkway Osage Beach, Missouri 65065

Tel: (573) 348-1299

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/osagebeach

20300 County Rd 81 Rogers, Minnesota 55374

Tel: (763) 428-4126

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/rogers

3518 Old Tybee Road Thunderbolt, Georgia 31410

Tel: (912) 897-9881

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/savannah

214 West 9th St. Ship Bottom, New Jersey 08008

Tel: (609) 494-2102

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/shipbottom

6810 Gulfport Boulevard St Petersburg, Florida 33707

Tel: (727) 343-6520

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/stpetersburg

1485 S. Tamiami Trail Venice, Florida 34285

Tel: (941) 485-3388

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/venice

627 Boston Post Road Westbrook, Connecticut 06498

Tel: (860) 399-5581

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/westbrook

2602 Shore Road (Route 9) Ocean View, New Jersey 08230

Tel: (609) 624-1117

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/oceanview

1481 E. Hill Park Rd. Lewisville, Texas 75056

Tel: (469) 293-9095

[email protected] www.marinemax.com/dallasyachtcenter

6810 Gulfport Blvd

St. Petersburg FL 33707

Tel: 727-343-6520

1410 King Street Cocoa FL 32922

Tel: 321-636-3142

455 S. Lake Destiny Rd Orlando, FL 32810

Tel: 407-660-2628

2079 Beach Blvd

Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250

Tel: 904-338-9970

14 Miracle Strip Parkway SW

Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548

Tel: 850-760-0300

1481 E. Hill Park Rd. Lewisville, TX 75056

Tel: 469-293-9095

Highpoint Marina 120 Texoma Harbor Dr. Pottosboro, TX 75076

Tel: 972-529-0011

4543 Osage Beach Parkway

Osage Beach, MO 65065

Tel: 573-348-1299

141 Minnetonka Blvd Excelsior MN 55331

Tel: 952-346-4857

20300 County Road 81 P.O. Box 250

Rogers, MN 55374

Tel: 763-428-4126

12849 Gordon Blvd. Woodbridge, VA 22192

Tel: 631-424-2710

155 West Shore Road

Huntington NY 11743

Tel: 631-424-2710

362 Pond St.

Wakefield RI 02879

Tel: 401-783-0783

10 Bowen’s Wharf

Newport RI 02840

Tel: 401-782-9100

64 Washington Court Bay Pointe

Marina Quincy MA 02169

Tel: 617-288-1000

141 Balcones North

San Antonio, TX 78201

Tel: 210-734-8199

1106 Ranch Road 620

North Lakeway, TX 78734

12971 U.S. 183 Austin, TX 78750

Tel: 512-258-0733

3518 Old Tybee Road

Thunderbolt, GA 31410

Tel: 912-897-9881

310 Blucher Circle Lake

Wylie SC 29710

Tel: 803-831-2101

9209 Westmoreland Rd.

Cornelius, NC 28031

Tel: 704-892-9676

214 W. 9th St. Ship Bottom,

Tel: 609-494-2102

627 Boston Post Rd.

Westbrook CT 06498

Tel: 860-399-5581

Silver Seas Yachts

301 Shipyard Way

San Diego, CA 92106



2385 Shelter Island Drive

Newport Beach, CA 92663

300 Harbor Drive

Sausalito, CA 94965

901 Fairview Ave N

Seattle, WA  98109

IES Corporation

1702, 17T2, Trung Hoa, Nhan Chinh Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: +844 62510017 Mob: +84903444864 Fax: +844 62510018

Email : [email protected]


Galeon Sp.z.o.o. Sp.K. Starogardzka 22, 83-010 Straszyn Poland

Contact Galeon +48 58 692 69 00

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HR department Send e-mail

Service department Send e-mail +48 58 692 69 18

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  • FightCenter #
  • UFC 140 UFC 140
  • Jones vs. Machida Jones vs. Machida


Jon Jones vs. Lyoto Machida

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Fighter Comparison

Jones vs. machida fight predictions, fight predictions, tapology community picks: 1,206, bout information, event poster.

UFC 140

Fight Details

  • Event: UFC 140: Jones vs. Machida
  • Date: Saturday 12.10.2011 at 09:00 PM ET
  • Referee: John McCarthy
  • Venue: Air Canada Centre
  • Enclosure: Octagon
  • Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Bout Billing: Main Event (fight 12 of 12)
  • Pro/Am: Professional
  • Weight: 205 lbs (93.0 kg)
  • TV Commentary: Mike Goldberg, Joe Rogan
  • Broadcast: Aired Live on Main Card
  • Post-Fight Interviewer: Joe Rogan
  • Jones Total Disclosed Pay: Jones Disclosed Pay: $75,000
  • Machida Total Disclosed Pay: Machida Disclosed Pay: $75,000
  • Title on Line: UFC Light Heavyweight Championship
  • Belt Status Before Fight: Belt Before Fight: Held by Jones

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Jones vs. Machida

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  • MMA Mania : Sooo ... About Last Night
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  • MMAFighting.com : UFC Vegas 88 post-fight show: Reaction to Marcin Tybura’s quick submission win over Tai Tuivasa
  • Middle Easy : Ryan Garcia Threatens to Sue New York Athletic Commission After Being Asked to Undergo Mental Health Evaluation
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  • UFC.com : Bonus Coverage | UFC Fight Night: Tuivasa vs Tybura
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  • Middle Easy : Video – Tom Aspinall and Jon Jones Go Face-To-Face for the First Time: ‘He’s Nowere Near as Big as I Thought’
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  • MMAFighting.com : ‘Was an odd choice’: Pros react to Marcin Tybura’s quick work of Tai Tuivasa in UFC Vegas 88 main event
  • MMAFighting.com : UFC Vegas 88 post-fight press conference video
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  • By Chris Caswell
  • Updated: July 11, 2016

Galeon, 560 Skydeck, Flybridge, Boat Review

The Galeon 560 Skydeck is a surprise on several fronts. When it comes to functional, yet aesthetically pleasing design, she’s one of the cleverest yachts I’ve seen in years. She’s also one of the better-built craft I’ve recently come across. And, thanks to the current exchange rates, this import is reasonably affordable on this side of the pond.

Galeon, 560 Skydeck, Flybridge, Boat Review

A carbon-fiber cover slides into place electrically to protect the entire bridge when not in use, keeping it dry and clean with nary a snap or zipper needed. Indeed, when the bridge is buttoned up, the 560 Skydeck’s lines are so clean that she looks like a big express cruiser. Equally clever is the helm console, including wheel, throttles and instruments, that rises at the touch of a button to fit each skipper’s ergonomic needs. In addition, the companion seat’s backrest flips to create a chaise for lounging, and the rear settee converts into a full sun pad.

The 560 is all about light: Tall salon side windows stretch from seat-back height to overhead, brightening the interior. An oversize sunroof by the helm and dinette area forward enhances this sensation even more, and the sunroof glides open silently via motors from Mercedes-Benz. The helm and dinette windows lower at the touch of a button to create alfresco dining under the stars.

Underway, the 560 has the open-air feel of a runabout when you want it. When the sunroof is closed, hidden lighting recreates an outdoorsy feel. In the forward stateroom, long skylights bring in light too. A three-panel, stainless-steel-and-glass sliding salon door opens to blend the cockpit, aft galley and salon into a single entertainment space.

Galeon, 560 Skydeck, Flybridge, Boat Review

Tony Castro is an English yacht designer best known for his stylish mega-yachts, up to 410 feet length overall. But he’s no stranger to smaller builds, and he is Galeon’s house designer. Castro’s skill at creating striking, functional vessels has consistently earned him European yacht-design awards.

It appears to me that every nook and cranny has been turned into useful stowage. Hanging lockers have shelves in the back, and berths have drawers underneath on roller glides. Both the master and forward VIP staterooms have hidden lighted vanities with cosmetics stowage, and the flybridge has a glove box for all the gear that usually slides around on top of the dash.

This yacht offers two choices: a tender garage in the stern or a surprisingly comfortable crew cabin with a berth and head. The hydraulic swim platform has chocks for tender stowage; if you cruise without crew, teenagers will love having the cabin to themselves.

Galeon, 560 Skydeck, Flybridge, Boat Review

The galley is at cockpit level. The sliding doors allow the aft counter to serve double duty as a cockpit bar. U-shaped counters keep the chef out of the traffic flow, and a glass shelf on the inboard counter acts as a buffet station.

Galeon makes its own molds to high standards, so the resulting hull and deck are without frequently seen ridges or bumps. Each molded piece of the 560 fits together tightly without needing to rely on gallons of silicone to close the gaps. The in-house woodwork, in my opinion, is on par with mega-yachts from the finest Dutch builders. All the grain is bookmatched across doors and drawers. Our test boat had a high-gloss walnut finish with delicate inlaid panels of lighter pearwood. Solid wood, so rarely seen in the age of veneers, is used for the interior sole, and teak planking covers the cockpit. Even the steps to the bridge are solid teak.

Nearly every piece of metal on the 560 is done in Galeon’s metal shop, from sturdy stainless-steel rails to portholes that gleam like sterling silver. That includes the yacht’s fuel and water tanks, composed of 516 stainless steel. Those tanks, though unseen, are prime examples of the welders’ first-rate craftsmanship. And if you poke around a bit, you’ll find a gorgeous sea chest that combines all the drains — shower, sinks, air conditioning, etc. — into one hull opening.

Galeon, 560 Skydeck, Flybridge, Boat Review

Moving from the cockpit into the salon, the galley is to port; up a step, you’re in the lounge area and helm. A convertible dinette is to port. You can also jump for joy, literally: Headroom is 6 feet 5 inches. There’s a 48-inch pop-up TV too. Down five steps from the dinette/helm is a foyer leading to the staterooms. The amidships master suite spans the full beam, with a bureau of drawers and a hanging locker to starboard that will have you thinking about living aboard.

There’s also a walk-in closet to port. Rather than the usual couch found here, the 560 has a comfy seat with a desk. Forward, the VIP has a centerline berth, stowage in drawers and lockers, and en suite access to a head with electric toilet and a shower with a tower-style faucet like the master. A third stateroom abaft the VIP and to starboard starts with a pair of twin beds, but they can slide together, making the 560 a weekender for three couples.

Galeon, 560 Skydeck, Flybridge, Boat Review

I was particularly impressed with the wide side decks going forward, complemented by solidly welded rails and stanchions from the cockpit to the pulpit and recessed anchor winch. Twin sun pads with tilt backrests are on the foredeck on each side of the skylights for the VIP cabin. Nonslip decks and teak in the cockpit mean safe footing, while high coamings and locking gates to the transom provide kid security.

Our test boat had 800 hp Volvo Penta D13 diesels. These engines pushed the 560 along at a top speed of 30 knots, with a 25-knot cruise speed. At a 2,000 rpm cruise, those motors consume 40 gph. Future boats will have six-cylinder 725 hp Volvo Penta D11 diesels. Because the D11s are lighter, they should provide the same speed. And the D11 is known for being rugged and fuel-efficient. Other goodies you’ll find in the engine room include a 17.5 kW Onan genset, 50-amp shore-power cord on a Cablemaster reel (with remote) and Condaria chilled-water AC.

Volvo Penta’s single-lever controls and joysticks for the bow and stern thrusters are easily within arm’s reach. Rows of rocker switches are labeled and illuminated, and the instrument panel is on two levels. The analog engine gauges are below; the Raymarine electronics package is in the upper line-of-sight panel, with chart plotter, radar, autopilot and fish finder, plus Volvo Penta’s digital engine monitors, right where you can glance to keep an eye on them.

Galeon, 560 Skydeck, Flybridge, Boat Review

The Galeon 560 Skydeck is well-built, well-designed and should be on your short list if you’re looking at 60-footers (or larger). But don’t wait too long: MarineMax has 32 Galeon models on order, and several were sold before the dealer even announced the brand’s arrival in the United States. That’s a very warm welcome indeed.

Galeon, 560 Skydeck, Flybridge, Boat Review

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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