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Best Boat Security Systems and Cameras for 2024

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Siren 3 Boat Monitoring System

best yacht alarm

Spot Trace Alert Tracking System

Ian Fortey

As a boat owner, you didn’t invest in your boat just so you could have it stolen, right? Whether it’s a few hundred bucks for an old fishing boat and hundreds of thousands for a yacht , you have every right to protect what’s yours. That means a solid security system to keep it safe when you’re not around. Let’s take a look at some of the best marine security systems.

If you’re looking for a serious and reliable security system for your boat, then the Siren 3 Pro from Siren Marine has to be on your radar. You’re going to pay a few more dollars for this than your knock off system that can be found on Amazon, but it’s worth it.

As long as you have a mobile device, and who doesn’t these days, the Siren 3 system allows you to monitor, track and even control your vessel remotely. You can keep an eye on critical functions such as how your bilge is holding up and what your battery life looks like.

The GPS locator ensures you always know where your vessel is. This allows for tracking if it either gets stolen or maybe your brother takes it out for the day and doesn’t come back on time.

Onboard controls can be wired to the system as well through two outputs. This can allow you to turn the lights on and off as you desire. You can even turn the AC on before you arrive so you have a cooled down boat before heading out for the day.

There are 9 hardwired inputs and you can connect to up to 15 sensors, but you need to buy those separately. You can mix and match with things like motion sensors, pull sensors and so on to ensure maximum security and coverage.

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If you’re looking to meld a great price with great technology, Spot Trace has what you need. Keep in mind, this is not a security system but a tracking system, and we recommend you use both pieces of technology together. A great security system can absolutely prevent theft. However, if something happens and your vessel does get stolen, what next? That’s where Spot Trace comes in.

If your boat moves when it’s not supposed to you’ll instantly receive a notification in the form of an email or a text message. You will then be able to track the progress and position of your boat in real time with Google Maps. No matter where the boat goes, you’ll have updated information on location that can be shared with law enforcement to ensure you get your boat returned as fast as possible.

Tracking is customizable and you can receive updates every 60 minutes or up to every 2.5 minutes if you wish. It works fairly simply upon activation. Spot Trace uses GPS coordinates it receives from the satellite network to determine your boat’s position. It then relays those coordinates to your device.

The system is able to alter you when batteries are low or even when it’s turned off in case someone found it. The units are small and can be discreetly placed on your boat where a thief is unlikely to find them. Mounting brackets or double-sided tape can be used.

Pairing the unit with Spot Trace’s service ensures peace of mind when you have your boat at the dock. The basic services allows for tracking, movement alerts and more. Upgraded tracking ensures that update every 2.5 minutes for the most precise tracking available. This does require entering into a contract with the company, however.

Coverage is available nearly all over the world in offshore areas though inland in places like Asia and Africa may not be available. Battery life while tracking varies depending on functionality but can last anywhere from 3.5 to as much as 156 days.

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Garmin GC 100 Wireless Boat Security Camera

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Finding good quality marine cameras is sometimes harder than you’d think. Amazon is full of knock off indoor/outdoor cameras but they are not made for marine use. You can likely get away with an outdoor camera on your boat for a while. But is it the best choice? Likely not. The issue is, of course, the potential moisture not to mention salt a boat camera may have to endure. They need to be tougher than a backyard camera and that’s where Garmin comes in. Garmin works in the marine field and their cameras are designed for this environment.

The GC 100 is a compact camera designed to monitor both interior and exterior of a boat. It can be connected wirelessly to a chartplotter so you can see what the camera sees right away. Any other one on the same network can also hook up to the camera feed. Up to 4 cameras can be viewed simultaneously.

One of the highlights of the GC 100 is that it’s designed to operate in total darkness. That means you can monitor the deck in the dead of night. But, of potential more use, is that you can monitor places like the engine room, no lights required.

Set up is simple and quick. The cameras work wirelessly. The device is hardwired for power. Once installed, it’s literally good to go at the push of a button. The Wi-fi range is 70 meters or about 230 feet. The night vision ability is good for around 3 meters or about 9 feet.

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TH Marine Two-Way Boat Alarm

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At 128 decibels, no one is going to ignore the alarm of the TH Marine two-way boat alarm when it goes off. You can be alerted up to 3000 yards off when the alarm is activated. It can also transmit up to 1000 yards.

The shock sensor has an adjustable sensitivity setting so you can make tweaks to prevent false alarms, especially if you’re in choppier waters. There are five sensitivity levels and the default is level three.

The alarm system offers three levels of protection and deterrence. The blaring and impossible to ignore sound is one. But the system also offers vibration and light as well to ensure security. Once hooked up to your deck lights they can flash while the alarm sounds. This is very effective at scaring off would be intruders while also allowing others to quickly identify where the problem is when coming to help if need be.

The main engine is waterproof and installation is fairly simple. You can also rest assured that TH Marine offers great customer service if you have any issues. The company has a proven track record of friendly and fast service if any issues pop up.

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Siren Marine Boat Alarm

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When you need something cheap and effective, the Siren Marine alarm may be your best bet. Not a lot of frills and gimmicks here, it’s just a loud alarm. The sound reaches 101 decibels so it’s pretty much impossible to miss when it goes off. The system connects with a single wire in just seconds making installation easy and trouble free.

Because it’s just a simple alarm, it obviously only works when you’re in range. So if your boat is tied up at a home dock or somewhere nearby, this could be ideal. The motion sensor function will trip the alarm if anything moves around in range. The alarm can also be functional when you’re on the boat. It can be set up to detect the presence of water. So if you’re on deck and there’s a problem below, the alarm can notify you before it gets out of hand.

The alarm is easy to use. It can be connected to a Siren Marine app which allows you to switch the alarm on and off. That makes it convenient if it goes off by accident or if you want to set it off for a specific reason. The same app can be used to set it to different modes, like the motion sensor function we already mentioned. It can also be set on a schedule.

Arguably one of the best selling points of the Siren Marine boat alarm is the price. Some of the most complicated security systems can be very expensive as we’ve seen. But if you’re just looking to keep a simple boat safe in a simple boat way, this could be a great option.

The plastic housing is sturdy and also waterproof. The wiring is set for any 12V-80V DC power source. One thing to be aware of is that this needs to be used in conjunction with an MTC or “monitor, track and control” system, like the Siren 3.

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Skippers Wireless Boat Security System

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The wireless boat security system from Skippers offers a decent system for a decent price. We wouldn’t recommend using this to keep your million dollar yacht secure. But if you have a small fishing boat and you want to add a layer of protection, this is a great choice.

The system is very similar to home security ones you may be familiar with. Once armed, the red light flashes to let you know it’s secure. It also offers a good visual deterrent to would-be thieves.

Connect to a 12 V DC power source to ensure proper functioning and longer life. There is a battery backup in the keypad but it is just that, a backup. Comes with a keyfob remote, motion sensors, and two door/hatch sensors as well. You can set up four programmable zones as well.

The motion sensors can be a little sensitive so you may want to adjust their field of view. Because you’re on the water, if things get choppy the sensors can and will pick up the motion. The potential for false alarms is there so keep that in mind. Often, a simple piece of tape obscuring just a part of the sensor can help narrow the field and prevent this. The process can be trial and error. It all depends on how you mount the sensors, of course.

The alarm is remarkably loud. If you want something you’ll hear at a distance, this one has you covered. Also means that any potential thieves are going to get nervous quickly when it goes off.

Make sure you test the batteries when the system arrives. Though it comes with some, they may not be the best quality. We recommend buying new batteries just in case. The batteries in the key fob are pre-installed but they may be old and dead or near dead.

If you want a system that looks professional and will deter would-be thieves as much by the appearance as the actual function, this could be the one for you.

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Things to Remember About Your Security System

How you use a boat security system really depends on what you hope to get out of it. Some systems, as we can see, are much more expensive than others. But that’s true of boats as well. There’s little need to use a $1000 system on an old fishing boat only worth a few hundred dollars. Likewise, you may want to secure an expensive yacht with some top of the line advanced technology and not a knock off brand.

Do You Need Boat Security Cameras?

You’ll notice many of the systems we included do not have cameras. This is really a personal choice as to whether you think they are necessary. A camera can be a great help but it needs to be marine grade. If you’re using a home security camera it may not be up to task. Especially if you use your boat in saltwater. They just can’t handle the harsh conditions.

Cameras can offer more than just security. A camera to monitor your engine room, for instance, isn’t about deterring thieves. This is to ensure the smooth and safe running of your vessel. So it’s worth considering what you can get the most benefit from.

Are Wireless Boat Security Systems Best?

Cheap wireless technology has scared off a lot of people in the past. Bad signal strength and spotty performance may have made you afraid to trust in wireless. Make sure you’re buying quality products and you should see their performance is definitely up to snuff. Wireless is often of great importance on a boat. The fewer wires you have around the better. Most systems will require hardwiring into the power source. But after that, cameras and sensors that work wirelessly are a great feature. Not only do they mean less clutter, they are easier to place. If you need to move things around, doing so without the burden of wires is a consideration to keep in mind.

In terms of power supply, always make sure you know how the system needs to be wired. Basic boat electrical work doesn’t have to be hard but it can be challenging. Most systems should be compatible with the power supply on your vessel but double check. This is especially true if you’re buying a system manufactured in another country. Power needs and connections may not be what you’re expecting.

A security system can potentially offer numerous features. Decide on which ones work bets for you depending on the needs and challenges you’re dealing with. For instance, a loud siren may not be the most helpful feature if no one is anywhere near where your boat is docked. If no one can hear an alarm, it doesn’t do much good.

Likewise, motion detectors can be a great help but they may need to be adjusted. If your boat starts moving in the waves, you don’t want the security system to go off every time this happens. Make sure you’re getting a system that has some flexibility. You want to be able to adjust your motion sensors, not just in terms of installation location but sensitivity.

Systems that don’t just set off sounds but lights are also a good idea. Sometimes an alarm can be disabled fairly quickly if someone sees where it is and tears out a wire or knocks it down. But when a security system is also linked to the lights, it’s harder to deal with. Plus it makes your boat even more noticeable while exposing potential thieves.

App Functions

Gone are the days of just replying on a camera to record the scene to a VCR or an alarm that blares mindlessly. Nowadays, any good security system should be able to connect over a network as long as you have an internet connection. That means you should be able to use an app of some kind to link your system with your phone, tablet or computer. These allow greater peace of mind because you can monitor what’s going on in real time and even make adjustments for some systems.

Most people don’t look at security as a before and after, but you should. An alarm is a great “before” security device, but tracking is good for after. If the alarm is disable or otherwise doesn’t manage to scare off a thief, then your boat can be stolen. Once it’s taken, you need to focus on the “after.” That’s where tracking comes in. Just because a thief got your boat doesn’t mean it can’t be saved.

Tracking devices can be discreet and offer accurate, rapid tracking using GPS. This information can help you track a boat with your cell phone whether it was stolen by a thief or even if it’s just out late. If a friend or relative is out longer than they should be, a tracker can be invaluable in figuring out where they’ve gone. And if a thief has the boat, the tracker data can be given to law enforcement or harbor patrol.

The Bottom Line

Security systems can let you keep track of your boat, its systems, and its location. They can prevent thefts and help retrieve stolen property. In the end they’re about securing your vessel and ensuring you get to keep enjoying it. Do you need a security system? No. But we definitely think you should invest in one all the same.

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My grandfather first took me fishing when I was too young to actually hold up a rod on my own. As an avid camper, hiker, and nature enthusiast I'm always looking for a new adventure.

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Last updated on May 9, 2021

Best Boat Security Systems

A boat is a sizeable investment. And as such must be kept safe at all times. You obviously can’t monitor it 24/7 but a boat security system certainly can. For those times you leave your boat unattended at a dock or at anchor, a boat security system will be “your eyes”.

The endless misfortunes that can befall your boat range from fires to thefts and collisions. By installing a security system, you’ll have first hand evidence of any unusual occurrences on your boat.

But note that these systems aren’t only for monitoring your boat from afar—even use it when onboard.

Does this sound like something you definitely need? Let’s have a look at our top recommendations that you can pick from.

Types of Security Systems

We’ll start by outlining that there are different types of systems. We list them below:

  • Local alarm: This system is designed to alert people onboard or nearby of any disturbances to your boat. 
  • Remote alarm: What happens if you’re not near the boat? This system will alert an owner of any suspicious activities happening on your boat even if you’re far away. Notification is done either via text, email or SMS.
  • Interactive: This type goes beyond merely notifying the owner. It also allows you to immediately respond to a situation.

Top 5 Best Boat Alarm Systems and Tracking Devices

1. skippers wireless boat security system.

Wireless Boat Security System

First off, you’ll be impressed by how easy this unit is to set up. This is largely because it’s a wireless security system so no wiring is necessary to install the gadget.

Not only is it easy to install, but simple to use too. The intuitive keypad controller allows you to easily program the unit to your desired function. And it comes with four programmable modes.

This Skippers device displays a red flashing light which indicates that the system is armed and ready to start surveillance.

The alarm on this boat security system is pretty loud. You’re bound to hear it from a distance. The siren is designed to sound for three minutes before it shuts off.

For this system to function it needs to be connected to 12V DC power. It comes with two Energizer batteries located in the keypad but note that they are largely for back-up only. And these batteries will last you anything between six months to a year.

Generally the device is quite sturdy. But avoid exposing it to water because though it’s moisture proof it’s not waterproof.

  • Very loud siren
  • Easy to install
  • Not waterproof
  • Slightly expensive

2. Spot Trace

Spot Trace

Before exploring the specs, we’ll quickly point out how relatively inexpensive this unit is. The system is designed to monitor the boat’s surroundings and you can view footage online on your mobile phone in real time.

If there are any suspicious movements near or around your boat, you’re immediately sent a notification. Alerts are sent via email or SMS.

The device is battery powered. And you’ll appreciate how the battery is designed to last for at least two months before the next charge. When the battery is low—or if the device has powered off—you’ll also receive a notification.

With this system, you’ll receive a daily status message that assures you of your boat’s safety. Aside from being affordable, this system is also very easy to use.

The system is negatively affected by weather. Rain is interpreted as suspicious movements resulting in a false alarm. Also, note that it’s not waterproof so avoid submerging it in water; you’re not likely to receive a signal if this happens.

  • Daily status message
  • Weather related false alarms

3. Trak-4 GPS Tracker

Trak-4 GPS Tracker for Tracking Assets, Equipment, and Vehicles

Here is yet another boat security system that’s also easy to use. Upon installation, tracking will start in a matter of minutes. If there’s any suspicious activity picked up by the surveillance, you’ll immediately receive a notification via email or text.

This system is one of the cheapest on our list which is a plus. But note that you have to pay monthly subs to access hourly pings. The terms of purchasing this unit are pretty flexible. You don’t need a contract and there are no activation or cancellation fees.

You’ll enjoy unlimited cellular data with this system. And you can access surveillance footage via your mobile phone or tablet.

The device lasts up to 18 months on a single charge which is very impressive. It’s powered by a rechargeable battery which you can recharge using a USB cable or your regular phone charger.

The system is weatherproof; you can use it both indoors and outdoors. Installation is relatively simple. Our only concern is with the mounting holes that are rather small so you can’t use large screws. But nonetheless it’s an excellent product that works well.

  • Long battery life
  • Weather proof
  • Sturdy & compact design
  • Mounting holes small
  • Doesn’t track in real time

4. Siren Marine MTC2 Wireless Boat Monitoring & Security System

Siren Marine MTC2 Wireless Boat Monitoring & Security System

The Siren Marine wireless boat security system is pretty easy to install. Like most systems on our list, this model is designed to track and monitor your boats surroundings. It has not one but two sensors included which will trigger the alarm if any movement is detected in and around your boat.

Features present on this system include GPS tracking as well as geo-fencing. This way you know where your boat is at all times. The unit features a functionality that’s designed to monitor if the system is functioning as it should.

This device allows you to control different systems on the boat from afar. Systems you can control include the air conditioner and lights.

But to enjoy all these impressive features you’ll have to pay a lot more because this boat security system is rather pricy.

  • Control different systems from a distance

5. Reolink Go 1080p 3G/4G GSM Outdoor Mobile Cellular Security Camera

Reolink Go [US Version] 1080p 3G/4G LTE SIM Card GSM Outdoor Mobile Cellular Security Camera No WiFi Solar-Powered Rechargeable Battery-Powered, SD Card Slot Cloud Storage, Weatherproof, Night Vision

This wireless system is powered by a 7800mAh high capacity rechargeable battery. And the long lasting battery life is one of the product’s huge draw cards. If ever you don’t want to run out of power, then you can use it with the solar panel which is sold separately.

The system features a smart sensor that’s designed to detect movements. If any motion is picked up, the siren is sounded and you’re immediately notified via email or text. You have the option of customizing your own voice alert to deter the intruder as opposed to the siren. This is thanks to the integrated microphone and speaker that allow for two way communication.

You can view images and recorded videos clearly—even at night—thanks to the Starlight night vision feature. The camera has an impressive 110ᵒ field of view that allows you to view a wider angle of your boat’s surroundings.

Since the product is from China, technical support is very difficult to access.

  • Expandable storage
  • Excellent night images
  • Voice alerts
  • Reasonably priced
  • Poor technical support
  • Difficult to install

Boat Security System Buying Guide

Powering the systems.

From the above it’s clear that there are several options when it comes to powering boat security systems. Boat security systems are either powered by:

  • Rechargeable batteries which vary with regards to operational time span. Lithium rechargeable batteries are however designed to last long so keep that in mind when shopping.
  • A solar panel is another option although whether your system can use it depends on the brand in question. Needless to say, with solar panels, your chances of running out of power are minimal.
  • DC battery banks , with 12V DC power supplies being among the most common power supplies on the market. Their popularity is largely based on their impressive stability and reliability.

Boat security systems have different kinds of sensors. We’ll discuss the common two types below:

  • Motion sensor: As the name suggests, this type is responsible for detecting any movement that occurs on and near your boat. It can either be armed—or disarmed—using a remote.
  • Door/hatch alarm: This type is designed to monitor if a door or hatch on your boat is opened or closed to deter intruders. If a door is opened, the siren sounds off. Usually no hardwiring is required with this type of sensor.

Regardless of the one you pick make sure it’s only designed to pick up suspicious motion signals and not other harmless activities such as rainfall or moving rodents. This only results in an increasing number of false alarms which can be rather annoying.

Sensors that significantly reduce the risk of false alarms are designed to exclude body mass. This means they’ll only trigger the alarm if the object detected falls above a certain weight.

Also note that a high quality sensor will notify you if the battery is near depletion so that you can take corrective measures.

Sirens and Alarms

After movements or suspicious activities are detected by sensors on the boat security systems, the siren or alarm immediately sounds.

You need to consider how loud the alarm is. You want one that you can hear from a distance if you’re not on board your water craft.

You’ll also need to consider the duration the alarm will sound for. Most sirens and alarms on boat security systems are built into the unit’s keypad & battery powered.

The tracking aspect on your security system which includes GPS helps you keep tabs on your boat when you’re not close by. You’ll always know exactly where your boat is.

Here you insert hidden devices on your watercraft where you can set up geo-fencing around your boat. This way you can track your boat’s location via satellite if it happens to go past its geo fence.

Depending on the boat security system you pick, you can receive mobile notifications regarding your boat’s location. Other manufacturers designed their systems to allow you to view your boat and its surroundings on your phone in real time. 

It’s important to consider the storage capacity on your boat security system. Preferably you must opt for one with a sizeable storage capacity to store all footage recorded.

Does it store captured videos locally or in the cloud? Both have advantages and disadvantages. Buying a system that only allows you to store videos locally is very risky. If any sort of damage occurs to the unit, you risk losing all recorded footage. In addition, the amount of footage that can be stored is limited. You’ll have to delete videos to make space for new ones.

With local storage you can only access footage if your devices are nearby. But your footage will be fully under your control with no third party interference.

Opting for a system that allows you to store in the cloud is ideal. Footage is backed up and can be retrieved at a later day when necessary. However note that you can only access this information when you have an internet connection. And since you’re entrusting a third party to store your videos, there’s also risk of security breach.

Connection and Subscription Plans

As stated above, with certain boat security systems you can only access footage if you have internet access. What happens if you don’t? There are manufacturers who design their security systems to allow you to access recorded information without Wi-Fi. The latter may be more ideal if you’re going to be viewing from a place with no internet access.

Aside from connection, some security systems have subscription plans in place to fully access the device’s full functionality. Only after paying monthly or annual premiums can you receive functions such as hourly pings.

Final Thoughts

Granted a boat security system won’t stop your boat from capsizing or sinking but you can certainly keep track of it. In the event of theft you’ll have footage of the culprit which increases your chances of finding it. In addition, any collisions that happen are captured first hand on camera.

Take care of your investment. This certainly sounds like a system every boat owner must have don’t you agree? 

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About the author   Robert Finn

Robert has over 20 years of experience boating and selling boat equipment. His passion for the latest and greatest gear helps our clients find what they need. His favorite boating place is the Florida Keys.

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Boat Security Systems

  • By Ken Englert
  • Updated: January 13, 2011

So who is watching your boat and its valuables when you are not aboard? And who is going to shout for help should a break-in, fire, rise in bilge water, loss of dock power or other emergency take place?

One practical answer is the electronic equivalent to a combination onboard pit bull and boat baby sitter. A boat-monitoring and alarm system performs just that task.

All About Security Security systems may be comprised of a simple door-hatch sensor or an audible siren alarm, or more sophisticated systems can call you on a cell phone or send you a text message when an onboard issue arises. Still others provide you with complete remote monitoring status of your boat.

The online quotient can’t be overlooked. With your computer, iPad or tablet, it’s possible to respond to an alarm notification by checking, verifying status and even acting upon any sensor on board. You can even turn selected sensors on and off. for example, if you receive an activation alarm detecting movements inside your boat — or an advisement that water is being taken on or smoke or fire is sensed — you can notify the harbor patrol, fire department, dockmaster, a commercial boat service or a designated friend or family member to take appropriate action within minutes.

On the other hand, if the alarm reports a loss of shore power, you know to call the marina or to stop by the boat after work to see what’s up.

Power of the Web Want to take a look in and around your boat at any time of the day to see if all is normal or to check up on junior to be sure he’s not throwing an impromptu party when he’s supposed to be at the library? This can be done with cameras and internet access.

In the event that someone steals your boat, being advised of the theft may not be all that helpful. A fast-moving thief could be halfway to the next county by the time you alert authorities. Not to worry. Many boat-alarm system manufacturers offer a covert GPS-tracking option that will have you viewing a bread-crumb route to exactly where the boat is at all times. This can direct the police to meet the hijackers when they arrive at their destination. This stealthlike GPS-tracking feature also provides a good means for keeping an eye on the whereabouts of your boat when a delivery captain is relocating it to another area.

Keep in mind that boat security systems can be customized and configured in almost any manner to meet your specific needs.

Players in the Game The following manufacturers all offer boaters excellent choices for boat-monitoring and security systems.

Aqualarm The Scoop: The company offers a broad menu of systems and components for a variety of boat sizes and security situations. Contact: aqualarm.net ; 888-298-6206

Columbia Boat Alarms Inc. The Scoop: Smaller craft require special consideration, and the Triton Alarm ($399) offers protection that triggers when one of its canvas-snap sensors is tampered with. Contact: columbiaboatalarms.com ; 866-504-4686

EyeOnBoard LLC The Scoop: It specializes in 24/7 video surveillance both inside and outside your boat. A live demonstration is available on its website, and a starter system goes for $2,220. Contact: eyeonboard.com ; 916-933-3602

Flagship Marine Security Inc. The Scoop: Product includes a gold support plan, providing a custom wiring schematic and a 24/7 hotline for after-hours and weekend technical support. Contact: boatalarm.com ; 516-487-9650

Global Ocean Security Technologies (GOST) The Scoop: Its Magellan basic-value pack ($2,300) uses all-wireless sensors to simplify installation. The GOST Immobilizer ($385) renders an engine dead until reactivated. Contact: gostglobal.com ; 954-565-9898

MarineGuard Network The Scoop: Along with a wide array of components, sensors and tracking equipment, MarineGuard offers boaters four complete packaged alarm systems. Contact: marineguard.net ; 800-648-4301

Spot LLC The Scoop: The new Hug ($449) system is both comprehensive and affordable. Contact: findmespot.com ; 866-651-7768

Steal Armor The Scoop: Its Stryker has a clever sonic-security alarm system that looks like a lunchbox cooler. Hidden inside, however, is a piercing siren that discourages intruders. Contact: stealarmor.com ; 866-424-0575

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Nautic Alert

  • Insight X3 VMS
  • XPulse Plus
  • Geofence / Anchor Alarm
  • Bilge Management
  • Boat and Yacht Security
  • Hostage and SOS Rescue
  • Energy Management
  • Global Text Messaging
  • Tender Watch
  • Buy Nautic Alert Triton

Nautic Alert X2 Boat Security

Advanced Boat Security on a Single MTC-E Platform Using 3-Layers of Security Defense with Radar and Microwave-based Intrusion Detection.

best yacht alarm

Nautic Alert introduces next-gen intrusion technology utilizing microwave and stealth radar technologies.  Microwave technology overcomes the harshest factors that often reduce reliability of standalone PIR motion technology. Swaying lines and haylards, open cabin doors and strong marine air conditioners, vibration, and drastic temperature changes can degrade the operation of traditional PIR sensors, whereas microwave technology enables a sensor to see objects and reject false alerts in this environment.

Radar technology can see through the walls of your boat, and provides a totally invisible barrier inside that never misses motion events.  Used in high-security mission-critical applications such as banks, radar technology is immune to temperature drafts and provides the most advanced intrusion technology available while preserving the high-end aesthetics of your cabin.  Recommended for high-end yachts, radar technology can see through multiple staterooms, or through multiple levels of your yacht.

Unlike PIR-only technology, both microwave and radar technology enable you to easily adjust the detection distance.  This means that someone walking on the dock, nearby pilings, and nearby boat movement will be rejected in an outdoor environment.

Layer-3 Level of Defense , provides the Nautic Alert Geofence, which creates a virtual ring around the vessel and monitors for vessel movement outside of the virtual ring boundaries, which can be set to as little as 50ft.

With the combined layers of defense, you get an advanced boat security system with a highly effective strategy.

best yacht alarm

Nautic Alert Boat Security Layers of Defense

Security Nautic Alert Competitor
Microwave/PIR high-reliable approaching intruder detection
Microwave/PIR high-reliable on-deck detection
Microwave/PIR range and distance detection adjustable
PIR-only based on-deck detection
Radar through-wall interior detection
Radar through-wall interior detection
Microwave/Radar distance detection adjustable
PIR-only interior detection
Remote arming/disarming
Custom marine-based security system
Converted home security system
Wake sleeping occupants and/or notify remote recipients
Single operating mode
Stealth and adjustable on-board siren operation
Wireless onboard alarm network sync
Battery-backed power fault redundancy
Sensor power voltage regulation independent of on-board DC batteries
Wireless commercial long-range sensors
Commercial long-range repeater options
Residential grade wireless range
Hardwired sensor options
Covert installation
External sat antenna

Security Operating Modes

best yacht alarm

Covert Installation

Xpulse and xpulse plus.

best yacht alarm

Nautic Alert Security Sensors

Nautic Alert engineered products are designed for low power consumption. As a result, the certified wireless sensors used by the Nautic Alert X2 Boat Security have been configured and tuned for seamless plug-and-play operation and to ensure the certified wireless sensor consumes the lowest amount of power. Typically, this configuration will ensure up to 4 years of battery life, but results could vary by surrounding conditions.  When using a certified wireless sensor, it must use the Nautic Alert configuration, which is done by the Nautic Alert company and sold through dealers and from the Nautic Alert “Shop” online store.

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  1. Best Boat Security Systems and Cameras for 2024

    Whether it’s a few hundred bucks for an old fishing boat and hundreds of thousands for a yacht, you have every right to protect what’s yours. That means a solid security system to keep it safe when you’re not around. Let’s take a look at some of the best marine security systems.

  2. Best Boat Security Systems - BoatGuide.com

    You don’t need the best boat alarm system in the world, just one that works, since the vast majority of boats don’t have any kind of protection at all. Thieves may not steal the boat itself, but focus on expensive electronics like MFDs, fish finders, radar and more.

  3. Best Boat Security Systems - Reviews and Buying Guide

    Local alarm: This system is designed to alert people onboard or nearby of any disturbances to your boat. Remote alarm: What happens if you’re not near the boat? This system will alert an owner of any suspicious activities happening on your boat even if you’re far away.

  4. Boat Security Systems - Boating Mag

    A boat-monitoring and alarm system performs just that task. All About Security. Security systems may be comprised of a simple door-hatch sensor or an audible siren alarm, or more sophisticated systems can call you on a cell phone or send you a text message when an onboard issue arises.

  5. Affordable Boat Monitoring and Security Systems - boats.com

    • Entry alarms – Door and window sensors, floor pressure mats, and motion sensors can detect intruders. • Cameras – interior or exterior cameras can provide a direct feed to remote devices or local DVR recording. • Location tracking – GPS devices can detect unauthorized boat movement.

  6. Nautic Alert Boat Security System and Boat Security Alarm

    Advanced boat security on a single MTC-E platform using indoor and outdoor wired and wireless security sensors for early detection and notification.