bio restaurant eyachtal

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Geographische Lage und Geologie

Der Ortsteil liegt im Eyachtal im Nordschwarzwald auf einer Höhe von 480 m ü.NN. an der Mündung des Mannenbach in die Eyach. Er besteht aus acht Wohngebäuden, einem Gasthof und einem Betriebsgebäude der Mannenbach-Wasserversorgung.

Die Siedlungsfläche liegt im Bereich der untersten Facies des Mittleren Buntsandsteins (Eck`sches Konglomerat) auf einer von der Eyach gebildeten fluvialen Aufschüttungsfläche. An der „Eyachmühle“ endet die öffentliche Straße.


Die „Yach“ (Eyach) wird erstmals 1148 urkundlich genannt. Die Ansiedlung entstand um die Mahlmühle („Eyachmühle“), die „Lehensägmühle“ und die ehemalige Dobler Dorfsägmühle herum. Die erste Sägemühle an diesem Standort wird 1423 erwähnt. Nachweise über die Nutzung der Wasserkraft der Eyach gibt es aber bereits schon aus früheren Jahrhunderten.

Die Eyachmühle, nach der der Ortsteil benannt ist, gab den Betrieb 1894 auf, als die Wasserkraft des Mannenbach, der sie antrieb, für die Pumpstation der Dobler Trinkwasserversorgung gebraucht wurde. Sie wurde zur „Wirtschaft“ umgebaut. Seither ist das Gasthaus „Eyachmühle“ ein weithin bekanntes Ausflugslokal.

Die Eyachmühle ist Ausgangspunkt für Wanderungen und Radtouren ins Naturschutzgebiet Eyachtal und in das große, geschlossene Waldgebiet bis hinauf zu den Hochmooren am Kaltenbronn.

Spaziergang rund um die Eyachmühle

bio restaurant eyachtal

Unsere Hausrunde: Sie starten bei uns an der Eyachmühle und laufen auf der Straße durch das Dorf am Wasserwerk vorbei. Direkt am Ortsausgang sind links Pferdeställe, hier biegen Sie scharf nach rechts ab, den Weg bergauf, und laufen oberhalb des Dorfes entlang. Der Weg schlängelt sich am Waldrand entlag. Nach kurzer Gehzeit überqueren Sie den Mannenbach, der die Eyachmühle vor langer Zeit angetrieben hat, und kommen auf die Fahrstraße, die von Dobel herunterführt, hier biegen Sie rechts ab und kommen nach zirka 3 Minuten zurück zur Eyachmühle.

  • Eyachmühle 14, 75335 Dobel
  • Telefon 07081 / 384109
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  • Küchen-Öffnungszeiten
  • April – Oktober:
  • Montag + Dienstag Schöpferpause
  • Mittwoch – Sonntag 11.30 – 20.30 Uhr
  • Feiertage geöffnet
  • November – März:
  • Mittwoch – Donnerstag 11.30 – 18.00 Uhr
  • Freitag – Sonntag 11.30 – 20.30 Uhr
  • Tourensuche
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Gasthaus Eyachmühle

Regionaler Genuss in der Eyachmühle im Nördlichen Schwarzwald

Fisch, Wild und Gemüse aus der Region in Demeter- und Bio-Qualität!

Das Allerbeste aus der Natur

Für Sie, liebe Gäste, kochen und servieren wir das Beste was die Natur für uns bereit hält. Unsere Lebensmittel stellen Ihr Leben & Ihren Genuss in den Mittelpunkt. Wir achten darauf ursprüngliche und nachhaltige Gaben der Natur für Sie zu verarbeiten und einzukaufen.

Die Weine stammen alle von biologischen Weinbauern und unser Rind- & Schweinefleisch hat zu 100% DEMETER-Qualität. Wir arbeiten täglich mit dem Lebensmittel NATUR und möchten unser Wissen auf den Tisch bringen.

Ihre Gesundheit, Ihr Genuss, Ihre Freude an gutem Essen und der Eyachmühle liegt uns am Herzen.


Profilbild von Tourismus GmbH Nördlicher Schwarzwald I Jennifer Neubauer


Internationale küche, koordinaten, empfehlungen in der nähe.

Rundweg von „Eyachmühle, 14, über Grünhütte zurück zur Eyachmühle , 75335 Dobel“

Vom idyllischen Eyachtal geht es hinauf zum Aussichtsturm auf den Dobel mit prächtigem Fernblick. Für alle Wanderfexe, die den Nordschwarzwald ...

Tour ist zwischen 19 - 21,5 km lang; Gut wanderbar auch für Nordic Walker mit Stöcken; Natur pur: Wald - Wilde Wasser - Wildnis; Die ...

Vom wildromantischen, wunderschönen Eyachtal geht es hinauf zum Dobler Wahrzeichen - dem alten Wasserturm (Aussichtsturm) - auf einer Höhe von rund ...

Eine idyllische Rundwanderung mit dem Wasserwegle entlang der plätschernden Eyach als Highlight der Tour.  

Kleine Rundwanderung entlang der Eyach.

Interessante Punkte in der Nähe

  • Wagnerstüble
  • SRH-Gesundheitszentrum Dobel (Kaffee und Kuchen)
  • Dobel's Stüble

Fragen & Antworten

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  • 6 Touren in der Umgebung

Ausflugsziele und Freizeittipps in der Region

bio restaurant eyachtal

Old mill Your home in the northern Black Forest


Experience our beautifully furnished rooms in the Black Forest style.


Black Forest experience

The gateway to nature.

Bad Wildbad

A diverse range ensures that it is guaranteed not to be boring

Nowhere else in the northern Black Forest are so many thermal baths combined in such a small area.

The nature reserve Eyachtal attracts with its park-like floodplain and a charming brook landscape right on our doorstep

Winter sports

Whether alpine or Nordic skiing or tobogganing with the whole family: The northern Black Forest offers many opportunities to practice winter sports


Baden-Baden today meets a great past with a new way of life.

Entzal cycle path

Our hotel is located directly on the romantic Enz Valley Cycle Path from Enzklösterle to Walheim


#to the old Mill


... im reizvollen Eyachtal und in unserer Fischzucht am Eingang zu diesem wunderschönen Naturpark im Nordschwarzwald. Hier finden Sie Wissenswertes und Interessantes über das idyllische Eyachtal mit seiner einzigartigen Landschaft und den darin lebenden seltenen Tier- und Pflanzenarten. Auch über unsere Fischzucht, gespeist mit dem klaren Schwarzwaldwasser der Eyach, erfahren Sie hier Wissenswertes.

Unsere Öffnungszeiten: Wir haben das ganze Jahr über durchgehend geöffnet und zwar von Montag bis Sonntag und an Feiertagen: Von 8:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr. 


#to the old mill.

  • Neuenbürg, Baden-Württemberg /

Zordel Fischzucht Eyachtal


The German menu attracts customers who are in search of positive impressions. Here you will find nicely cooked trout . Most people mention that the staff is patient at this restaurant. Guests say that the service is prompt here. You will definitely like the calm ambiance. 4.6 is what Zordel Fischzucht Eyachtal received from the Google rating system.

Restaurant menu

Frequently mentioned in reviews, ratings of zordel fischzucht eyachtal, visitors' opinions on zordel fischzucht eyachtal.

Bernd Braun

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Tasty dishes in neuenbürg.


Restaurant features in Neuenbürg


350+ Sizzling Restaurant Bio Examples For Your Inspiration

  • Pinterest 1

Welcome to a curated collection of restaurant bios, each a glimpse into the unique flavors and stories that define diverse dining experiences.

From quaint bistros to bustling eateries, our compilation encapsulates the essence of culinary artistry, inviting you on a journey through tantalizing tastes and inspiring tales.

Discover the vibrant narratives that breathe life into these gastronomic havens, enticing food enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike to savor the varied palates of the world.

Restaurant Bio

  • Attention foodies – welcome you to our world-class restaurant.
  • Our restaurant is a new perspective on food.
  • We serve the food that surprised you. #surprised
  • We have cuisine with class. #cuisine
  • A good place for all foodies.
  • Our restaurant serves you food as well as your dreams. #dreams
  • Our restaurant’s food will give you royalty flavors.
  • We have so many foods that you love. #love
  • We are a new craft of taste. #craft
  • We are adding the joy of the best taste to your favorite food. 
  • When you’re crazy about food – come to our restaurant.
  • Taste something better today – try our restaurant.
  • Here you will get the best cafeteria service. #best
  • We are giving a twist on best taste.
  • You will get the original taste of food at our restaurant. #original
  • We are here to fulfill your expectations.
  • Our restaurant is serving better food for better people. #better
  • Once you come to our cafeteria – you will definitely love it.
  • We are the foodie’s paradise. #paradise
  • Our restaurant is the heaven to the food lovers. #heaven
  • Eat the best food at our restaurant.
  • Food making is a skill to us. #skill
  • We are your favorite foodie place.
  • Get something hot – something yummy at our restaurant. #yummy
  • Eat fresh and healthy at our restaurant. #healthy
  • Our restaurant is serving you better food.
  • We are bringing the joy of recipes through our foods.

Restaurant Bio For Instagram

  • Explore the best taste at our restaurant. #explore
  • At our restaurant, you will get experience of perfect food hangout. #perfect
  • Our restaurant is a new space of taste.
  • We are serving you timely.
  • We are so fast and so hot. #fast
  • Taste something best at our restaurant.
  • Chase the new flavor with our restaurant. #flavor
  • We always cook with passion. #passion
  • Our restaurant is giving you the taste of a new breed.
  • You will get the food full of pleasure. #pleasure
  • Because it tastes the best – you need to come here every time.
  • Here you will get a good taste of a good life. #good
  • Our restaurant is a crazy place for crazy foodie people.
  • You will get some good with magic grill. #magic
  • We are the house of good food.
  • Our food makes memories for you. #memories
  • Spent your quality time at our restaurant.
  • We are adding luxury in food. #luxury
  • Experience the great today here in our restaurant.
  • Our food is delicacies always.
  • Share our food with your love ones. #love
  • Our food speaks for itself.
  • Satisfying your hunger at our restaurant. #satisfy
  • Get your wish done at our restaurant. #wish
  • You will get the pleasure of tasty delight.
  • Life is full of new taste – try new dishes of food here. #new
  • Add new fun to your dinner with our foods. #fun
  • Get fresh – eat them fresh at our restaurant.
  • You will get the smell of best food. #best
  • Eat a lot today at reasonable price.
  • You will feel delighted with every bite. #delight
  • Our foods are more than just better.
  • Quality of food is our first priority. #quality
  • Encourage your taste with our food.
  • You will have great food always. #great
  • Through our restaurant, you may know more about a taste.
  • Eat what you want at our cafeteria.
  • Pay less and eat more here at our restaurant. #more
  • Our restaurant gives you the best flavors in the world. #flavor
  • Our foods are the yummiest.
  • You can’t miss our delicious food of ours. #delicious
  • We have all the varieties of food.
  • You will get the pleasure of all the delicious things here.
  • Kill your craving today – come to our restaurant. #craving
  • You will find the finger-licking delicious taste here.
  • Give yourself the best treat at our restaurant. #treat
  • We are the best restaurant for all the food lovers here.
  • Get the hottest food on your route. #hottest
  • We are here to serve you the best.
  • Always get the tasty thing on your table. #tasty
  • You may fall in love with our crazy chef. #crazy
  • Our foods are so tasty and spicy. #spicy
  • Love at first sight with your food.

Restaurant Bio Examples

  • Have a seat at our cafeteria and enjoy.
  • Come and enjoy our tasty fast food. #enjoy
  • As food is everything to you – we are here for you.
  • Eat different types of dishes and feel different at our restaurant. #feel
  • Feel the extraordinary love for our dishes.
  • Our restaurant is the secret to the best taste. #secret
  • Try our cheesy and spicy dishes. #cheesy
  • There is no shame in being a foodie – we are always with foodies.
  • We never compromise with the quality. #quality
  • We like to give you the best from our hearts.
  • To change your mood you need to come to our restaurant. #mood
  • Our restaurant is here to make you happy. #happy
  • We always serve you better food for a better mood.
  • We like to give you the best quality. #best
  • We never make any harmful dishes.
  • You can’t find anything better than us.
  • We know how to cook for you.
  • We are giving you a fresh taste at a great price. #great
  • We are the master of all the food chains. #master
  • For the healthiest food – you should come to our restaurant. #healthiest
  • Because we don’t have to compromise with good food – we are the best.
  • We have millions of flavors in our restaurant.
  • We have magic in our foods. #magic
  • You will get the most natural taste in our foods. #natural
  • Our restaurant makes the most authentic dishes. #authentic
  • You can expect anything from us.
  • We have a passion for every dish. #passion
  • We are creating an oasis of pleasure. #pleasure
  • Come hungry here and leave happy from our restaurant. #happy
  • Our restaurant makes delicious foods which suit your appetite.
  • We are yours truly restaurant –for AM & PM people.
  • Once you come to our restaurant – you will come again.

Best Bio for Restaurant

Serving up a symphony of flavors at [Restaurant Name]. Join us for a culinary adventure that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more.

Where passion meets the plate. Discover the essence of fine dining at [Restaurant Name], where every dish is a masterpiece.

Elevating dining to an art form. [Restaurant Name] promises a gastronomic experience that will leave you speechless.

Crafting memorable moments, one dish at a time. Welcome to [Restaurant Name], where good food meets great company.

A culinary journey of indulgence awaits you at [Restaurant Name]. Let us redefine your dining experience.

Fusion of flavors, fusion of cultures. Immerse yourself in a world of taste sensations at [Restaurant Name].

Bringing you the finest in food and the best in ambiance. [Restaurant Name] is where extraordinary memories are made.

From farm to table, we bring you the freshest ingredients and the most delightful flavors. Welcome to [Restaurant Name].

At [Restaurant Name], we believe in creating flavors that tell a story. Come, be a part of our culinary narrative.

Experience culinary excellence at its best. Join us at [Restaurant Name] and let your taste buds dance in delight.

Food that warms the heart and delights the senses. Come savor the magic at [Restaurant Name].

Your gateway to a world of epicurean delights. Step into [Restaurant Name] and let the feasting begin.

Discover a medley of flavors meticulously curated for discerning palates. Welcome to [Restaurant Name].

At [Restaurant Name], we blend tradition with innovation to create culinary masterpieces. Indulge in the extraordinary.

More than a meal, it’s an experience. Join us at [Restaurant Name] and let’s create memories, one bite at a time.

Dining reimagined. Step into [Restaurant Name] and experience a fusion of flavors that will transport you to gastronomic heaven.

Bold flavors, impeccable service, and a dining ambiance like no other. Welcome to [Restaurant Name].

Dive into a world of delectable delights at [Restaurant Name], where passion for food meets perfection on a plate.

Crafting happiness on plates since [establishment year]. Join us at [Restaurant Name] for a culinary voyage you won’t forget.

Infusing love into every recipe, we welcome you to [Restaurant Name] for a taste of culinary devotion.

A haven for food enthusiasts, [Restaurant Name] offers an exquisite journey through the flavors of the world.

Celebrating the art of gastronomy at [Restaurant Name]. Join us in this culinary expedition.

Your go-to destination for exceptional food and unbeatable ambiance. Experience perfection at [Restaurant Name].

Flavors that tell a tale. Indulge in a gastronomic adventure at [Restaurant Name] and let your taste buds unravel the story.

Welcome to [Restaurant Name], where every bite is a celebration of taste and every dish is a work of culinary art.

Instagram Bio For Restaurant Owner

Passionately curating culinary experiences.

Crafting flavors that leave a lasting impression.

Bringing your food dreams to life.

Elevating dining one dish at a time.

Where every meal tells a delicious story.

Food, friends, and a sprinkle of love.

Creating magic in the kitchen.

Exploring flavors, creating memories.

From our kitchen to your heart.

Savor the moments, indulge in flavors.

Adding spice to your dining experience.

A symphony of flavors in every bite.

Tacos and tequila, life’s essentials.

Fresh, flavorful, and fabulous food.

Farm-to-table goodness, every time.

Grilling up the finest flavors in town.

Wholesome ingredients, delightful dishes.

Crafting burgers with love and precision.

Where sweetness meets sophistication.

Taco ’bout a great place to eat!

Noodles, bowls, and happiness served here.

A little bit of spice, a whole lot of flavor.

Pizza and good times, always.

We make food an experience, not just a meal.

Mix, sip, and savor – cheers to deliciousness!

Creating dishes that taste like home.

Dessert is the answer, no matter the question.

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Rahul Panchal

“Business, marketing, and Branding – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, Branding, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.”

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bio restaurant eyachtal

Attractions and Places To See in Eyach-Und Rotenbachtal - Top 5 | Komoot

Eyach-Und Rotenbachtal

Attractions in Eyach-Und Rotenbachtal

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The Top 5 Attractions in Eyach-Und Rotenbachtal

bio restaurant eyachtal

Eyach Wasserwegle

Hiking Highlight ( Segment )

Beautiful root path along the wild Eyach. Comfortable to walk on hot days. You can always find places where you can get to the water and cool your feet. The most beautiful path in the Eyachtal!

Hiking Highlight

Went hiking with friends and ended up going to the Eyachmühle. We ate and drank excellently. Nice, courteous service (I think it was the boss). 😋

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Herrlicher Wiesenweg

The meadow path runs parallel to the little road and is more pleasant to walk.

Tip by haertera

Forellenzucht Zordel

Bike Touring Highlight

Here you can eat fresh trout. In addition, you can observe various fish in different pools.

Mountain Biking Highlight

Good place for a little break.

Popular around Eyach-Und Rotenbachtal

Bike Touring Collection by komoot

Mountain Biking Collection by komoot

Road Cycling Collection by komoot

Running Collection by komoot

Mountain Climbing Collection by komoot

Explore the most popular Tours in Eyach-Und Rotenbachtal

Still not found the Highlight you’re looking for? See guides of the top attractions in other regions:

  • Bad Wildbad
  • Althengstett
  • Bad Teinach-Zavelstein
  • Bad Liebenzell
  • Simmersfeld
  • Enzklösterle
  • Bad Herrenalb
  • Höfen an der Enz
  • Unterreichenbach
  • Wildseemoor (Bannwald)
  • Würm-Heckengäu
  • Winterhalde
  • Restaurants

Bio Restaurant

Delivery time

Price range

Working hours

Closed Until 4:00 PM

Best Selling

Main Course

Sandwiches And Burgers

bio restaurant eyachtal

French Fries

bio restaurant eyachtal

Bio Grilled Chicken

Chicken, Mashed potato, Vegetables Calories 365 , Protein 41 , Carbs 0

bio restaurant eyachtal

Bio Shrimp Pizza

Shrimp, Vegetables, Sauce Calories 744 , Protein 51 , Carbs 109

bio restaurant eyachtal

Bio Margarita

Cheese, Sauce Calories 668 , Protein 10 , Carbs 109

bio restaurant eyachtal

Chicken Chili Pizza

bio restaurant eyachtal

Bio Chicken Pizza

Chicken, Vegetables, Cheese, Sauce Calories 720 , Protein 35 , Carbs 109

bio restaurant eyachtal

Grilled Vegie Pizza

Beef, Vegetables Calories 668 , Protein 5 , Carbs 109

bio restaurant eyachtal

Pepperoni With Mushroom

Pepperoni, Mushroom, Sauce, Cheese Calories 711 , Protein 40 , Carbs 110

bio restaurant eyachtal

Bio Classic Burger

bio restaurant eyachtal

Beef Burger

Beef, Vegetables, Cheese, Sauce Calories 468 , Protein 30 , Carbs 13

bio restaurant eyachtal

Chicken Burger

Calories 524 , Protein 32 , Carbs 14

bio restaurant eyachtal

Bio Grilled Steak Chicken Burger

A special welcome gift! $25 on us toward your next $50+ visit! Redeemable with InKind. (opens in a new tab)

Brio Italian Grille


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Brio Italian Restaurant burger for happy hour with drinks in the background


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2018 Primetime Emmy & James Beard Award Winner

Reviving classic Russian cuisine

Oct 19 2018.

bio restaurant eyachtal

Roads & Kingdoms talks to Russian chef Vladimir Mukhin of Moscow’s super-restaurant, White Rabbit.

Still in his mid-30’s, Vladimir Mukhin is already one of Russia’s best known chefs and the leading culinary light of the White Rabbit Group, which has 16 restaurants around the country. The most well-known of these, Moscow’s  White Rabbit , was named one of the 50 best restaurants in the world last year. Roads & Kingdoms’ Nathan Thornburgh talked to Mukhin in Moscow about being a fifth-generation chef, reviving classic Russian cuisine, and finding good product in the age of embargoes.

Nathan Thornburgh: Tell me about White Rabbit, what is the food? What are you trying to accomplish there?

Vladimir Mukhin: The White Rabbit is a big restaurant. We’re trying to revive Russian cuisine. I’m a fifth-generation chef, so I’m passionate about the food we create. During the Soviet Union period, we killed Russian food. Classic Russian recipes became too simplified. For example, usually you drink tea, but if you want to be, just to be creative, want to make the tea with milk, you can’t. It would be like stealing milk from the government. People went to jail.

When I was growing up, I remember my grandfather coming to the kitchen and crying because he couldn’t experiment with his food.

Thornburgh: Wow. I remember this famous photo session with Che Guevara which came up with some of his best pictures, maybe two incredible iconic portraits came from an entire roll of film, and the photographer went to him and showed him this roll of film and Che said, What the hell are you doing? You wasted all of these images. You took 30 pictures to get one? That’s the government’s film. It’s a similar mentality.   So you’re telling the story of a kind of cuisine that was lost on the Soviet history and now you’re playing with this idea of finding it again. What does your process look like? Do you get as many grandmothers as you can round up and just kind of shake recipes out of them? How were you doing this?

Mukhin: I just try to work with as many local farmers and producers as I can, so we can use as many Russian ingredients as we can.

Thornburgh: So this is a close relationship.

Mukhin: Yes. I traveled throughout Russia—not just the big cities, but also the villages to talk with older people.

Thornburgh: You know I think people don’t understand the vastness of Russia, and how big it’s collection of cultures and languages and cuisines is. What parts of the country influences your food?

Mukhin: I’m inspired by the whole country. It’s a big territory, and sometimes it feels like it’s too big. I try and use different techniques and ingredients from all over the country, which I think makes my menus distinct.

We have an a la carte menu with about 50 dishes of classical Russian food. Everything looks modern because I’m a young chef. But if you close your eyes and try these dishes, you’ll taste 100% classic Russian flavors.

I want to highlight all aspects of Russian cuisine. Before the Olympic Games in Sochi, we opened a restaurant there, not just to make money, but to expose people visiting for the Olympics to Russian food. That’s why we opened The Red Fox restaurant. It’s all about Russian ingredients.

Thornburgh: Sochi, at least when I’ve been there, is like a Miami Beach. It’s like a place to get pizza and sushi, and go to the nightclubs.

Mukhin: You been?

Thornburgh: Yeah.

Mukhin: It’s crazy.

Thornburgh: It’s a little crazy, but it’s interesting to bring in Red Fox and sort of say okay, because people are coming out, let’s bring Russia to Sochi.

Mukhin: It was incredible. We had thousands of visitors at the restaurant.  

Thornburgh: So you really looked internally for inspiration. Did working outside of Russia motivate you to focus on Russian cuisine?

Mukhin: Yes. I spent time working in Avignon, France. I worked with Christian Etienne, and he would make a special Russian meal once a year.  It was crazy.

bio restaurant eyachtal

Thornburgh: How was the food?

Mukhin: It was shit. I told him that I would cook real Russian food for him, and I did. I cooked borscht, blinis, and other classics. He liked it and said that once a year we should use my recipes, but with his influence. I agreed, and we went on to make amazing food. Eventually, I wanted to come back to my motherland. So I left and I started working on making White Rabbit a reality.

Thornburgh: When people go to White Rabbit, what are they going to find?

Mukhin: Someone once told me that there is a new Russian cuisine and an old Russian cuisine. I think Russian cuisine is going through an evolution. So I hope people will come and see evolution at White Rabbit.

Thornburgh: Great. Always good to end on an invite. Thank you.

Mukhin: Thank you so much.

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Kitchen Business

How to Create a Restaurant Instagram Bio That Stands Out

Running a successful restaurant requires more than a delicious menu and excellent customer service today.

To help your restaurant stand out, cultivating a lively social media presence is a must part of your overall restaurant marketing strategy .

The right social media presence is not only a way to attract more foot traffic to your restaurant, but it can also help spread the word about your business and all it has to offer throughout your local community.

Social media cards - Instagram bio

Creating a restaurant Instagram bio, or biography is one of the best places to begin if you are considering entering the world of social media to promote your restaurant.

Choosing Social Media Platforms

When you are working to create a social media presence for your restaurant, you will first need to select which social media platforms you will be using to target prospective customers and patrons.

While some social media platforms are skewed toward younger audiences (Snapchat and TikTok), others are suitable for an older audience and a wider range of audiences, such as Facebook.

Using Instagram is one of the best ways to connect with a visually-oriented audience and an audience that prides itself on imagery and high-quality designs.

bio restaurant eyachtal

What is an Instagram Bio?

An Instagram bio, also known as an Instagram biography, is a section of an Instagram profile that is typically used to showcase personal websites, links, and specific information about an individual, business, or brand.

This section can be used to inform new visitors to a page of a product, service, or an online community that is represented by the Instagram account itself.

Taking advantage of your Instagram bio is highly advisable whenever you are cultivating a social media presence for a business, such as a restaurant.

Whether you are creating a traditional restaurant bio or a cafe Instagram bio in a highly-niche industry, there are many different ways to help your Instagram biography stand out from the rest.

How to Create a Restaurant Instagram Bio

First, before you begin crafting a restaurant biography for your location’s Instagram page, there are a few questions to ask and answer, including:

  • What is the goal of building and promoting my restaurant’s Instagram page? Am I trying to increase the foot traffic to my restaurant or simply share high-quality photos of the food and other creations we make for our customers?
  • Are there any other social media platforms I am using to promote my restaurant on social media? If so, which platforms am I using to help cross-promote my restaurant, and why?
  • Is there a specific audience I am trying to reach with my social media presence? What demographics am I targeting with my Instagram bio and the type of posts or updates I intend to share with my Instagram account?
  • What platforms are my patrons most likely to use on a regular basis? Is Instagram the best platform to promote my restaurant and everything it offers?

Once you have the basics down, you can begin crafting your restaurant Instagram bio while feeling confident in your direction.

Implementing Your Brand

One of the most important aspects of building an online social media presence is incorporating your existing restaurant brand elements into the social media pages themselves.

When using Instagram (or any other social media platform), be sure to upload and use a high-quality version of your restaurant’s logo and relevant colors that work well with your restaurant’s current logo or interior theme.

Social media provides the perfect opportunity to merge real-life with technology in real-time, especially when you do so with the use of proper color schemes and professionally designed logos.

When taking and sharing photos of your restaurant online, consider the look, aesthetic, and overall feel you create with the type of pictures you take and any editing tools you use.

Branding goes a long way in developing your social media presence for any restaurant using Instagram.

Compare Restaurant Bios

One way to truly familiarize yourself with the process of creating a bio of your own on your restaurant’s Instagram page is to spend a bit of time comparing restaurant bios in your local area or community.

Research and compare the bios of popular restaurants in the same niche as you to gain valuable insight into the type of bios that works best based on the number of followers each restaurant has near you.

Using the bios of other restaurants can also help you to find a format that works for you based on the branding and image you envision for your restaurant.

Choose a Bio Style

Because the bio for Instagram is fairly limited (currently to 160 characters in total), it is important to say what is most important as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

However, because you are also in the process of promoting your restaurant, it is also imperative to do so in a manner that is most likely to resonate with your local and target audiences.

Some bio styles to consider when creating your Instagram biography for the first time might include:

  • Emoji-themed bios : Using various emoji icons can be a great way to connect with an audience, especially if you target a younger or hip crowd with your restaurant. Adding various emojis such as 👇, 👉, or 🎉 can help you to draw attention to special links or promotions you are trying to highlight. Using emoji icons can also assist in redirecting users to your restaurant’s official website or online ordering menu.
  • Short and sweet : Using a short and sweet Instagram bio is highly advisable for upper-class restaurants and bistros unless you have a specific branding theme in mind. Short and sweet intros get to the point and quickly redirect users to official websites or live menus.
  • Traditional taglines : For some corporate entities, including restaurants, a traditional corporate slogan or tagline is all that is necessary for your Instagram bio. In addition to the tagline, you can also include an official link to your restaurant’s website to help drive traffic.

bio restaurant eyachtal

Tips to Help Create a Restaurant Instagram Bio

Creating the right restaurant Instagram bio is not always possible immediately, but it can be done with a bit of brainstorming and by implementing a few of the tips below in your creative process.

Use Hashtags

If you are familiar with hashtags, then you already understand the benefits they provide, especially when it comes to using social media and search functions on the web.

Choose hashtags that are unique to your restaurant and current location to help to connect to others who are also in your area.

Research various hashtags that are most relevant to those in your community to help attract new visitors and potential followers with each new update you share.

You can also use specific hashtags in your Instagram bio to help with boosting your overall visibility on the platform.

White Space Matters

I know what you’re thinking. If you are limited to only 160 characters in total, how can white space be incorporated into the bio of an Instagram page?

Well, you can use white space by implementing line breaks and with the use of proper spacing. Avoid pasting all of the text you want to include in your Instagram bio in one small section.

Breaking it apart with spaces and line breaks will go a long way in the overall attractiveness of your Instagram page.

With an Instagram bio, you can display the text you create and share using different fonts. With traditional Instagram accounts, there is no changing of fonts or of text.

However, with third-party tools, such as IGFonts , you can choose between an array of fonts that may better represent your restaurant.

Note : Only use a font that is highly legible with the use of both desktop web browsers as well as mobile smartphones. Any text that is unreadable will cause visitors to seek out a different location to find the food or drinks they are interested in.

Avoid using a font that is too difficult to read or irrelevant to the demographics or audiences you are trying to reach with your social media presence.

Using a CTA, or call-to-action in your Instagram bio is also highly recommended for any restaurant with an official website or live menu. A call-to-action can include lines such as:

  • Are you hungry? Order now:
  • In the mood for a burger? We’re open 24/7. Order online:
  • Tired of drooling over our pics? We get it.

Your restaurant’s Instagram bio is key to your Instagram account. You can use it to take the people who engage with your content and turn them into customers on your website, which will help grow your business.

Next, I recommend you read this post on how to write restaurant Instagram captions and how to use restaurant hashtags to get more followers on social media .

Related Posts:

  • 34 Best Restaurant Marketing Ideas & Promotions
  • SEO for Restaurants: Simple Tips to Get Found on Google
  • 200 Best Restaurant Hashtags to Grow on Instagram

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Blog / January 28, 2020

How to Write a Great Facebook Bio for Your Restaurant

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Lenny DeFranco

Could you imagine opening up a restaurant and not putting its name on the front? How about if it cost you nothing to do so? It would be madness, right?

That’s essentially what restaurant operators are doing when they ignore social media.

If you’re not present on the major social channels, you’re missing a huge opportunity to market your restaurant to a giant audience, drive traffic to your website, and promote direct bookings. And when it comes to restaurant marketing, Facebook is one of the most important platforms in the world.

Facebook is often where potential customers begin looking for restaurant recommendations and information like opening hours and menu details. Research shows that 72% of customers have used Facebook for a retail or restaurant decision. Although Instagram marketing is also important, according to research, guests are more likely to leave higher ratings on Facebook than any other channel.

What is a Facebook bio?

Your restaurant’s Facebook page is where the platform’s users are going to land when they search for your restaurant or click on an ad. This is part of your digital storefront: a place where you can give them information, post updates and convince them to make a booking.

The point of the bio, which sits in the About tab, is to grab the reader’s attention and keep them engaged enough to click through and make a booking, or at least, to find out more info by looking at a menu or more images. The Our Story feature is a great way to make your bio stand out. Added in 2018, it makes your bio more prominent and pairs it with a large image.

When users click See More, the bio appears in a floating window with the image above it. Here’s what it looks like on your Facebook page:

bio restaurant eyachtal

And after you click See More:

bio restaurant eyachtal

How to write a great Facebook bio

Now that we’ve established what a Facebook bio is and why you need one, you’ve got to sit down and write the thing. But what should it say? It should be concise yet packed with information that compels the reader to make a booking. Here are our tips to help you write a great Facebook bio for your restaurant.

Focus on the customer experience

The first thing most people do when they write a bio is talk about themselves, and all their greatest awards and accolades. While it’s good to mention these achievements, a great restaurant bio is also focused on translating your history and accolades to the reader. You want to offer context for the alluring experience your restaurant’s social media presence promises.

For that reason, you can’t go wrong focusing on the experience of the guest. A memorable meal is about having a great conversation with your partner, or an epic night with your best friends. Focus on how your restaurant facilitates the making of these long-lasting memories. Your bio should leave an image in the reader’s head of them having a great time at your restaurant.

Show, don’t tell

People are hardwired to engage with stories, rather than lists of facts. It’s a cliché these days, but you have to tell your story or people will disengage. Relate your restaurant’s story to its core values. Tell them what struggles you had to overcome, what you learned from it, and how it impacted your values. In telling your story, show the reader what makes your restaurant unique without explicitly listing out its best features. A little bit of mystique goes a long way.

Write in your brand’s voice

Your bio should be consistent in tone and personality with everything else your brand puts out. There are many ways to differentiate your brand, and its voice reveals a lot about your core values to the reader, as well as being a way of grabbing their attention and keeping them engaged.

People are more likely to engage with a brand whose voice is unique. Stand out from the noise and reflect your brand in an interesting but authentic way. You could use humor or unexpected language, or be slightly controversial to stand out. But you should always stay true to your brand values and remember who your target customer is.

Draft a version and run it by stakeholders

While it might be tempting to tap out a few choice words straight into Facebook’s text input box, you should be wary of jumping the gun. Type up your bio in a separate document outside of your Facebook page and then get some feedback from colleagues. Then once you have a good first draft, be sure to run it by all the key stakeholders and take their input on board. And don’t forget to use a spellchecker!

5 examples of good Facebook restaurant bios

Now that you know the formula for a good bio, it’s almost time to start writing. Before you do, here’s some inspiration from a few best-in-class Facebook bios. As you’ll see, these restaurants are all very different, but their bios relate to the values of each restaurant and paint a vivid picture of the experience the guest can expect.

Mr. Fogg’s Society Of Exploration

Mr. Fogg’s, a London bar with a 19th-century explorer theme, does a great job of creating a compelling story with its Facebook bio. (You can see it in the example above.) This bio kicks off the guest’s experience by invoking the strong, consistent voice of an old-timey gentleman pulling you into an adventure. It’s a great example of how to convey the restaurant’s character, charm, and drinks offering in just two paragraphs.

Hawksworth Restaurant Group

bio restaurant eyachtal

Chef David Hawksworth’s eponymous Vancouver restaurant displays its values front and center and backs up its claims with a colorful image. The bio references the awards the restaurant has won, but focuses more on its values of cultural diversity and local pride. It finishes by helping guests imagine themselves enjoying a power breakfast or after-work drinks at the restaurant.

“New American” restaurant Pinstripes presents itself as a brand that cares about its food and promises a fun, elevated experience. Its Facebook bio focuses on the restaurant serving as a venue for great times with friends, rather than on the restaurant itself, and uses a strong tagline, rather than the generic Our Story title.

bio restaurant eyachtal

Otium’s bio is a great example of a simple, straightforward presentation of the restaurant’s values and story. Instead of using complex formatting, it highlights the values of the restaurant, leverages the name of its well-known chef, and tells the story of its founding. The main features and guest experience are all weaved into the tale, leaving the diner hungry to make a reservation.

bio restaurant eyachtal

Marcus Wareing Restaurants

British celebrity chef Marcus Wareing has three London restaurants. All are different, but they are united by common values. The Facebook bio for the restaurant group includes all three together, allowing them to present each concept as part of a cohesive whole while still spotlighting what makes each unique.

bio restaurant eyachtal

Get started on your restaurant’s new bio today

There’s no time like the present and, hopefully, we’ve given you enough inspiration and useful tips for you to write a killer Facebook bio for your restaurant. Remember to tie everything to your restaurant’s core values, focus on the customer’s experience and keep it short and sweet, leaving them hungry to find out more.

For more social media tips, check out our guide to creating a social media marketing plan.

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Bio Restaurant Hotel Xcaret - Hotel Xcaret Mexico

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  • Hotel Xcaret Mexico

Bio Restaurant Hotel Xcaret

Thank you for looking after us so well at the Bio restaurant at Hotel Xcaret. To come and find healthy food, gluten free and vegan, new since we came last year was brilliant. Hope it continues to grow. The setting is stunning, nestled in the natural caves - within the hotel. And thank you to our lovely waitress Shamara Nahomy Ponce Rivera for your friendly service each day. More

bio restaurant eyachtal

Dear David N, Thank you for sharing such a magnificent review of your stay with us and for our BIO Restaurant. We are pleased to know that your culinary experience at BIO restaurant could overcome your expectations with a special menu with healthy food, such as vegetarian or vegan. The team will be happy to hear that you have had a wonderful time with us. we will be sure to share your remarkable comments with Shamara Nahomy Ponce Rivera. May the wonderful memories of your stay entice you to return for another splendid holiday. Kind regards, Jorge Ducoing Managing Director Hotel Xcaret México

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We cannot day enough about this resort, the food, room amenities, food, staff and parks. Easily rank all of them a 10 of 10 and some even higher. It was two families traveling with two 14 year old boys. We went non stop, visiting all the included parks. The boys even went back to Fuego one evening alone and we never felt anything but completely safe. The parks are crazy clean, safe, friendly and good food (all included with our hotel stay) it might seem pricey but it didn’t take long to figure out it was really a great deal when you calculate the park costs and getting to and from the parks which again is included. When we go back we will skip the Xcaret Park but keep in mind we enjoyed all of them. Xelha (alcohol included at this one) and Fuego at night were great fun and Senses was easy to experience in 2/3 hours. We did the Xenotes trip with Tulum and that is not to be missed. Tons of zip lining and jumping into fresh water. Interesting to note there is shade everywhere - in all parks and even on the Xenotes tour. The least shade is Xsavage Park-this is definitely geared to older kids as well but they do have a fantastic water park area for the younger ones. The food there needs revising but I’m guessing they will fix that ASAP. Let me say that the staff, is ON IT. The rooms are frankly as nice or nicer than most four seasons I’ve stayed in - seriously and food is crazy good-particularly at El Mercado which is their main restaurant. Don’t be turned off by the line at breakfast - we never waited longer than 5 minutes even when the line was out the door. The spa is stunning and my 80 minute deep tissue and facial was perfection. I must have called the concierge desk 5 times before we left and every time they were fast and knowledgeable. I booked everything (parks and restaurants)before hand. Staff that must be mentioned for exceptional service. Isabel from El Mercado, Alejandro from the dinner show at the hotel, James at the bar, Anayeli in the spa (massage therapist), Ernesto butler and last but could easily run the whole place is Stephanie who was our butler/concierge. Surely she is already promoted and if not will be very soon. Words cannot express our gratitude to her level of service. She is a superstar. In truth, every single employee from the driver at the airport, to the hotel to all the parks - literally every single person who checked our zip line gear at every post was beyond kind, helpful and sincere. I’m not sure how they have created such a beautiful place with such lovely people but we will not forget and will be returning.

Dear Tiffany G, We would like to thank you for sharing your such a detailed and kind review from your experience at Hotel Xcaret Mexico. Guests' satisfaction is our top priority, and our best reward is to have our guests depart with everlasting memories from their stay. We are glad to know we were able to deliver this promise to you! Having the most emblematic parks included in your All Fun Inclusive plan is just another great reason to return to this paradise! We will be delighted to have you back anytime so you can continue to enjoy the best of Mexico. We hope this will be the first of many more visits to come! Please do not hesitate to let us know through this media when you decide to return to this paradise. We will be delighted to assist you! Sincerely yours, Jorge Ducoing Managing Director Hotel Xcaret México

We had planned this trip for over a year. Upon arrival to Cancun my daughter was experiencing severe abdominal pain. On our way to the resort my daughter requested to go to the hospital. I asked our guide if they could just pull over on the side of the road to get a taxi to the nearest hospital. The guide told me he would call the resot to see what kind of arrangements they could do for us. The resort arranged for an ambulance to meet us on the side of the road. Guest services took care of our personal belongings and took them straight to the room while we were in the hospital with my daughter. The resort sent over guest service personnel to check up on us at the hospital. She was the best! She stayed with us until the doctors decided what the treatment plan was going to be. She had a lunch box dropped off to us since we had been in the hospital all day. My daughter had emergency surgery and had to stay in the hospital for 3 days. The guest service lady was wonderful and stayed in touch with us the whole time we were in the hospital. Once we finally arrived to our room, we were surprised to see the room had been decorated with get well balloons which brought tears to my eyes because they made us feel so special. The resort and their whole personnel went above and beyond and exceeded our expectations over and over again. I will be coming back over and over again.

Dear EAguilarRN, It is a real pleasure to hear that your recent stay at Hotel Xcaret Mexico was truly memorable! We thank you for the time invested in sharing such warm comments with future travelers around the world. As you may know, our top priority for us is your safety and well-being, we know stress may add up on a foreign country when situations like this show up and its always a pleasure to go out of our way and assist you in every way possible. We would like to thank you for your preference and we are looking forward to welcoming you and your family back at home to keep creating ever-lasting memories, please do not hesitate to contact us directly when you choose the dates in which you will travel. We will be more than happy to assist you prior to your arrival and design your experience at the resort. Best regards, Jorge Ducoing Managing Director Hotel Xcaret México

This is seriously a paradise. All Fun Inclusive! From the moment they pick you up to the airport to the moment you leave the hotel you are amazed by the experience. Staff is incredibly friendly, always making sure your needs are taken care of, the parks are breathtaking, the gastronomy experience is beyond words. When you thought you had seen it all, then there is Xcaret Hotel. Will definitely come back every single year!

Dear salinasroxy, Satisfying all our guests’ need during their stay is a fundamental part of our service culture, therefore we are truly delighted to know we were able to deliver this promise to you. It is very nice to know as well that you had the opportunity to explore our beautiful surroundings, our gastronomy and our concept All Fun Inclusive. We will be proud to host you again and create more memorable experiences on your next trip to this beautiful paradise. Please let us know through this media should you decide to return and we’ll take care of everything for you. Warm Regards, Jorge Ducoing Managing Director Hotel Xcaret México

The most perfect hotel someone could ask for, but this review is about the water activities staff that is located near the lagoons. This is a review that I should have written a very long time ago, as I was at Hotel Xcaret during August of 2018. I will be coming back this August and I hope the activity guys are not mad at me for taking this long to write this review ;) totally my fault though. To start off they have both kayaks and paddle boards to choose from, at least that is what they had in August of 2018. They are all super, super friendly workers as they greet you kindly and help you onto your way of transportation which ever one you choose. I chose the kayak, and so did my sister and we went on and trekked through the lagoons. It was beautiful as the water is a very turquoise colour and you are surrounded by 30ft natural stone walls on both sides. It was a super relaxing ride, until I dropped my phone in the water. It was my mistake for putting it between my chest and life jacket, it slipped out and fell straight to the bottom of the lagoon. I freaked out at the moment and was stressed out, I tried to dive in for it and try to get it at the bottom, but did not notice that the lagoons were as deep as 40ft, or maybe even deeper. I could not catch my breath and stressed out even more. As I finally caught my breathing with the help of my sister we paddled to an opening where you could sit in the lagoon, I relaxed and turned back to the entrance to where we got our kayaks. As we reached the entrance I told the guys that I dropped my phone after they asked how was my paddle. They all looked shocked and told me that one of the workers is a really good diver, and could try to get it. I doubted them at first and said not to worry because I was very devastated and just wanted to leave, but they insisted so I said, why not. I was skeptical at first because it was very deep water and you could not see the bottom. We went out to the area where I dropped it and Eliser, (to the left of me biting my phone in one of the photos) dove down and tried to retrieve it. At times he was underwater for at least 2 minutes in 30ft water, as an avid swimmer I cannot even do that. after about 10 minutes of diving I was giving up, there was no chance, even though my phone was in a waterproof bag, I doubted that it would work. But it did. Eliser erupted from the water one last time with my phone in his hand, he did this all with a pair of goggles, his strong lungs and a talent for diving. I was overjoyed, he created the best ending to a vacation I could ask for. It truly shocked me as to how strong and good willed he was to dive down and risk his own safety for just a normal customer like me in the hotel. I thought It was an amazing accomplishment for him until he told me that he does this a couple of times a week, and most of the times he is successful in retrieving lost articles. So some tips for paddling in the lagoons, if you're bringing a phone with you, bring a waterproof case or bag, with a strap around your neck or somewhere so you have it secure, don't make my mistake. And also if you do end up losing something, do not stress as much as I did and try to retrieve yourself, you will most likely run out of air and hurt yourself doing so. Swim back to the entrance and ask if one of the workers can grab it, ask for Eliser. But all the guys were great there, Noe, Bryan and Bismarck, big thanks to all of them for saving my vacation on the last day. I hope they aren't mad for me taking this long to write this review, they truly deserve it and I am sorry!! Go and see the lagoons!!!

bio restaurant eyachtal

Dear dominikgorski28, Please receive warm regards from our team at Hotel Xcaret México. Thank you for sharing such an amazing anecdote, we strive to make our guests feel very special and we are thrilled that our colleagues at the kayak and paddleboard area were able to go the extra mile, down the lagoon, for you. We encourage our staff to go beyond our guest's expectations and make everlasting memories for our guests, this happened almost a year ago which means they accomplished our mission. Thank you very much for your preference, Bismark, Noe, Eliser, and Bryan will be very happy to welcome you back home at Hotel Xcaret México. Do not hesitate to contact us directly when you choose the dates of your booking, we will be happy to assist you with any special requests you may have prior to your arrival. Best regards, Jorge Ducoing Managing Director Hotel Xcaret México

I highly recommend the restaurant Las Cuevas and ask for the services of Demetrio was the person who took care of us. But in general all the restaurants were great but for us Las Cuevas was the best in the resort.

bio restaurant eyachtal

Dear gerard0aval0s Thank you so much for your kind comment about your culinary experience in our restaurant Las Cuevas and for the great service of Demetrio, we were grateful to be part of such a memorable stay, also we hope you´ve been rested well after every day´s adventure in our fantastic parks. We want your next stay to be longer so that you can enjoy and relax all over the resort creating brand new memories from this little piece of heaven. Sincerely, Jorge Ducoing Managing Director Hotel Xcaret México

Kings of Russia

The Comprehensive Guide to Moscow Nightlife

  • Posted on April 14, 2018 July 26, 2018
  • by Kings of Russia
  • 8 minute read

bio restaurant eyachtal

Moscow’s nightlife scene is thriving, and arguably one of the best the world has to offer – top-notch Russian women, coupled with a never-ending list of venues, Moscow has a little bit of something for everyone’s taste. Moscow nightlife is not for the faint of heart – and if you’re coming, you better be ready to go Friday and Saturday night into the early morning.

This comprehensive guide to Moscow nightlife will run you through the nuts and bolts of all you need to know about Moscow’s nightclubs and give you a solid blueprint to operate with during your time in Moscow.

What you need to know before hitting Moscow nightclubs

Prices in moscow nightlife.

Before you head out and start gaming all the sexy Moscow girls , we have to talk money first. Bring plenty because in Moscow you can never bring a big enough bankroll. Remember, you’re the man so making a fuzz of not paying a drink here or there will not go down well.

Luckily most Moscow clubs don’t do cover fees. Some electro clubs will charge 15-20$, depending on their lineup. There’s the odd club with a minimum spend of 20-30$, which you’ll drop on drinks easily. By and large, you can scope out the venues for free, which is a big plus.

Bottle service is a great deal in Moscow. At top-tier clubs, it starts at 1,000$. That’ll go a long way with premium vodka at 250$, especially if you have three or four guys chipping in. Not to mention that it’s a massive status boost for getting girls, especially at high-end clubs.

Without bottle service, you should estimate a budget of 100-150$ per night. That is if you drink a lot and hit the top clubs with the hottest girls. Scale down for less alcohol and more basic places.

Dress code & Face control

Door policy in Moscow is called “face control” and it’s always the guy behind the two gorillas that gives the green light if you’re in or out.

In Moscow nightlife there’s only one rule when it comes to dress codes:

You can never be underdressed.

People dress A LOT sharper than, say, in the US and that goes for both sexes. For high-end clubs, you definitely want to roll with a sharp blazer and a pocket square, not to mention dress shoes in tip-top condition. Those are the minimum requirements to level the playing field vis a vis with other sharply dressed guys that have a lot more money than you do. Unless you plan to hit explicit electro or underground clubs, which have their own dress code, you are always on the money with that style.

Getting in a Moscow club isn’t as hard as it seems: dress sharp, speak English at the door and look like you’re in the mood to spend all that money that you supposedly have (even if you don’t). That will open almost any door in Moscow’s nightlife for you.

Types of Moscow Nightclubs

In Moscow there are four types of clubs with the accompanying female clientele:

High-end clubs:

These are often crossovers between restaurants and clubs with lots of tables and very little space to dance. Heavy accent on bottle service most of the time but you can work the room from the bar as well. The hottest and most expensive girls in Moscow go there. Bring deep pockets and lots of self-confidence and you have a shot at swooping them.

Regular Mid-level clubs:

They probably resemble more what you’re used to in a nightclub: big dancefloors, stages and more space to roam around. Bottle service will make you stand out more but you can also do well without. You can find all types of girls but most will be in the 6-8 range. Your targets should always be the girls drinking and ideally in pairs. It’s impossible not to swoop if your game is at least half-decent.

Basic clubs/dive bars:

Usually spots with very cheap booze and lax face control. If you’re dressed too sharp and speak no Russian, you might attract the wrong type of attention so be vigilant. If you know the local scene you can swoop 6s and 7s almost at will. Usually students and girls from the suburbs.

Electro/underground clubs:

Home of the hipsters and creatives. Parties there don’t mean meeting girls and getting drunk but doing pills and spacing out to the music. Lots of attractive hipster girls if that is your niche. That is its own scene with a different dress code as well.

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What time to go out in Moscow

Moscow nightlife starts late. Don’t show up at bars and preparty spots before 11pm because you’ll feel fairly alone. Peak time is between 1am and 3am. That is also the time of Moscow nightlife’s biggest nuisance: concerts by artists you won’t know and who only distract your girls from drinking and being gamed. From 4am to 6am the regular clubs are emptying out but plenty of people, women included, still hit up one of the many afterparty clubs. Those last till well past 10am.

As far as days go: Fridays and Saturdays are peak days. Thursday is an OK day, all other days are fairly weak and you have to know the right venues.

The Ultimate Moscow Nightclub List

Short disclaimer: I didn’t add basic and electro clubs since you’re coming for the girls, not for the music. This list will give you more options than you’ll be able to handle on a weekend.

Preparty – start here at 11PM

Classic restaurant club with lots of tables and a smallish bar and dancefloor. Come here between 11pm and 12am when the concert is over and they start with the actual party. Even early in the night tons of sexy women here, who lean slightly older (25 and up).

The second floor of the Ugolek restaurant is an extra bar with dim lights and house music tunes. Very small and cozy with a slight hipster vibe but generally draws plenty of attractive women too. A bit slower vibe than Valenok.

Very cool, spread-out venue that has a modern library theme. Not always full with people but when it is, it’s brimming with top-tier women. Slow vibe here and better for grabbing contacts and moving on.

bio restaurant eyachtal

High-end: err on the side of being too early rather than too late because of face control.

Secret Room

Probably the top venue at the moment in Moscow . Very small but wildly popular club, which is crammed with tables but always packed. They do parties on Thursdays and Sundays as well. This club has a hip-hop/high-end theme, meaning most girls are gold diggers, IG models, and tattooed hip hop chicks. Very unfavorable logistics because there is almost no room no move inside the club but the party vibe makes it worth it. Strict face control.

Close to Secret Room and with a much more favorable and spacious three-part layout. This place attracts very hot women but also lots of ball busters and fakes that will leave you blue-balled. Come early because after 4am it starts getting empty fast. Electronic music.

A slightly kitsch restaurant club that plays Russian pop and is full of gold diggers, semi-pros, and men from the Caucasus republics. Thursday is the strongest night but that dynamic might be changing since Secret Room opened its doors. You can swoop here but it will be a struggle.

bio restaurant eyachtal

Mid-level: your sweet spot in terms of ease and attractiveness of girls for an average budget.

Started going downwards in 2018 due to lax face control and this might get even worse with the World Cup. In terms of layout one of the best Moscow nightclubs because it’s very big and bottle service gives you a good edge here. Still attracts lots of cute girls with loose morals but plenty of provincial girls (and guys) as well. Swooping is fairly easy here.

I haven’t been at this place in over a year, ever since it started becoming ground zero for drunken teenagers. Similar clientele to Icon but less chic, younger and drunker. Decent mainstream music that attracts plenty of tourists. Girls are easy here as well.

Sort of a Coyote Ugly (the real one in Moscow sucks) with party music and lots of drunken people licking each others’ faces. Very entertaining with the right amount of alcohol and very easy to pull in there. Don’t think about staying sober in here, you’ll hate it.

Artel Bessonitsa/Shakti Terrace

Electronic music club that is sort of a high-end place with an underground clientele and located between the teenager clubs Icon and Gipsy. Very good music but a bit all over the place with their vibe and their branding. You can swoop almost any type of girl here from high-heeled beauty to coked-up hipsters, provided they’re not too sober.

bio restaurant eyachtal

Afterparty: if by 5AM  you haven’t pulled, it’s time to move here.

Best afterparty spot in terms of trying to get girls. Pretty much no one is sober in there and savage gorilla game goes a long way. Lots of very hot and slutty-looking girls but it can be hard to tell apart who is looking for dick and who is just on drugs but not interested. If by 9-10am you haven’t pulled, it is probably better to surrender.

The hipster alternative for afterparties, where even more drugs are in play. Plenty of attractive girls there but you have to know how to work this type of club. A nicer atmosphere and better music but if you’re desperate to pull, you’ll probably go to Miks.

Weekday jokers: if you’re on the hunt for some sexy Russian girls during the week, here are two tips to make your life easier.


Ladies night on Wednesdays means this place gets pretty packed with smashed teenagers and 6s and 7s. Don’t pull out the three-piece suit in here because it’s a “simpler” crowd. Definitely your best shot on Wednesdays.

If you haven’t pulled at Chesterfield, you can throw a Hail Mary and hit up Garage’s Black Music Wednesdays. Fills up really late but there are some cute Black Music groupies in here. Very small club. Thursday through Saturday they do afterparties and you have an excellent shot and swooping girls that are probably high.

Shishas Sferum

This is pretty much your only shot on Mondays and Tuesdays because they offer free or almost free drinks for women. A fairly low-class club where you should watch your drinks. As always the case in Moscow, there will be cute girls here on any day of the week but it’s nowhere near as good as on the weekend.

bio restaurant eyachtal

In a nutshell, that is all you need to know about where to meet Moscow girls in nightlife. There are tons of options, and it all depends on what best fits your style, based on the type of girls that you’re looking for.

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