To produce the biggest collection of information on Birkenhead Star Yachts from the very early days, through it's heydays until 1990 with the Marion Street factory closure and to make it available to Star Yacht enthusiasts, owners and the public.

Anyone who would like to contribute to this venture whether it be by photos, catalogues or literature, please get in touch and let me know what you have. If you have photos and descriptions of the pre-war models, please send them in. All will be gratefully received.

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Britannia Pond Yachts create hand-crafted beautifully finished wooden free sailing pond yachts made with passion the old fashioned way. Visit our shop for our latest range of vintage yachts for sale.

Guaranteed to sail every time

At 'Britannia Pond Yachts' we want to help preserve and promote the pastime of sailing pond yachts for future generations to come. By designing our own range of free sailing wooden model boats, we have incorporated the qualities and form of vintage model sailing yachts in every single one of our completed model boats. We first design our model yachts using our own hand drawn plans, the hull shapes are transferred onto timber blanks which are then carefully hand carved using traditional tools, methods, and materials. In this way we can optimise a yachts smooth sleek lines and extract the very best sailing performance from our wooden model yachts. The grace of billowing sails, the style and lines of model sailing boats from an age gone by, is evident from every little detail that has been carefully considered to provide you with the most beautiful model sailing boat that we can build.

Britannia North Star

Britannia Ponds Yachts North Star.​

We are also able to supply a large range of classic, vintage model boats and antique Pond Yachts from manufacturers like the famous Star Yachts of Birkenhead, Bowman, Skipper, Suggs, Ailsa, Gamages, Alexander and many others. Some of these sailing boats we restore to sailing condition, we also offer other vintage model yachts for restoration by yourself. Our stock is constantly changing please visit our shop to see our latest stock of vintage model yachts. If we do not list what you are looking for please ask, as we may be able to find it or you. From time to time to are also able to supply highly collectable Victorian and Edwardian Cutters. So if it is a gaff rigged cutter a topsail clipper bowed schooner, or a toy yacht or a toy boat that is suitable for a child, or a racing yacht or a gaff rigged antique cruiser for you then please enquire.

Britannia Pond Yachts Victorian 25 inch Beam Trawler LT6 Seaspray.jpeg

Late Victorian 25 inch Lowestoft Beam Trawler.​

"No price can be put on those dreams and aspersions of the mind, when she touches the water and with a little shove, those sails fill, and she heels over to track across the pond. From my first Birkenhead Star Yacht  “Southern Star,” the feeling was just the same as when I launched my newly restored classic yacht “Moon Song”. The only difference other than having to run around the pond to catch it, was that I was now fully part of that journey, that first push, that seed planted in my mind that had brought me to this point. So when you see an old pond yacht, don’t see it as a dated toy yacht or an artistic novelty! It is a carriage from which dreams are born!"

Graham Sweeney, Shipwright, 2019.

All Videos

Pond Yacht, sailing a vintage Skipper C13 Catamaran at Riverside Park, St Neots

Super Star Pond Yacht

Super Star Pond Yacht

Pond Yacht, Britannia Pixie.

Pond Yacht, Britannia Pixie.

The story of a 1920's Star SY5a pond yacht

The story of a 1920's Star SY5a pond yacht

Britannia Pond Yachts Cartoon .jpg

Our dreams are hand made in England.

We can ship our dreams all around the world, please enquire.

Britannia Pond Yachts 16 inch Gnome

Here are some of our yacht designs visit our gallery to see more. ​

Vintage Pond Yachts

  • 1935 Catalogue
  • Star Yacht Stands
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The History of Star Yachts of Birkenhead

These colourful little yachts were, as proudly boasted on the later deck emblem, “Guaranteed to Sail” and they could regularly be seen navigating the uncharted waters of the local park pond, delighting children when they reached the other side and frustrating parents when they didn’t…

The history of the Star Yacht company, including the varied products it manufactured over a period of almost 70 years, is a fascinating one and it’d be a shame if it all became lost over time. I have, since childhood, been an admirer of their products and, more recently, I have had the good fortune to have been allowed access to much archive material not only from the Denye family themselves but also from others who managed to salvage records from the factory as the bulldozers, quite literally, began flattening the site in 1991.

See also:  Star Yachts of Birkenhead 1935 Catalogue.

See also:  Star Yacht display stands.

Please note that the majority of images on this website can be viewed in greater detail simply by clicking on them.

How Star Yachts began…

It was at the outbreak of the First World War that Franz Marie Denye, the owner of a successful boatyard on the North Sea coast of Belgium, decided it was time to load his possessions onto a newly built fishing boat and, together with his wife Marie Valerie Vanassche and two little children, escape the imminent arrival of the advancing German army. His family had, for centuries, been building wooden fishing smacks and trawlers, originally at their De Panne yard and then, as demand had grown, at a new yard with two slips in Ostend. One can only begin to imagine their feelings of trepidation as they slipped anchor and, in the dead of night, sailed off with uncertainty as to their future…

When the Armistice finally came it was clear that the family business in Ostend had, together with their property, been destroyed taking with it all hopes of returning home and so the decision was made for them to remain in England. The family took on a small back street shop in Birkenhead from which Marie sold cooked meats whilst Franz, when not employed in the shipyards, would settle himself in a back room and carve the “little model yachts” that were destined to make their fortune.

Alongside this increase in production Franz was able to seek out agents that could promote his models to retailers in major cities and it wasn’t long before the orders came flooding in for thousands of toy yachts.

In an interview of 1927 Franz later reflected – “You see my knowledge of design and construction resulted in producing really sailable boats”. He had discovered an untapped market for his wonderful little yachts and it soon became obvious that a move to new premises would be necessary…

Star Yachts move to Marion Street…

In 1922, encouraged by the huge surge in sales, Franz took the decision to set up a factory in Marion Street, Birkenhead – an address that was destined to become synonymous with Star Yacht production for almost 70 years.

“I acquired a workshop in Marion street, installed lathes and other light machinery, and for a time my wife, myself, and elder children worked very long hours for six days a week. Still the orders increased.

More machinery followed and then we engaged young women and girls from the district, departmentalising the making and fitting of masts and sails under my wife’s supervision, and the hulls under mine.

Now we are turning out hundreds of wooden toy railway engines, model barrows, children’s blackboards and other useful toys which hitherto have chiefly come from Germany”

(Quote taken from an interview with Franz for the Liverpool Echo dated 25th November 1927)

The images below show the “Star Yacht Works” in Marion Street. The first was taken circa 1923 and shows the factory and staff with Franz, wearing his trilby hat, stood to the left of the group whilst to the right is his wife Marie. The second image shows the factory as it was circa 1931 and the two gentlemen stood outside the entrance are Jean-Jacques and Ferdinand-Andre, two of the sons of Franz Denye, who were destined to later take over the running of Star Productions until the 1960’s.

The overwhelming success of the business, together with the necessary expansion required to cope with the demands in manufacturing, meant that in 1937 land adjoining the site was purchased and the factory extended. Further expansion was possible when, in the early 1950’s, the company was able to purchase an old builders yard located behind the factory.

The third image, taken in the early 1970’s, shows the extent of the development along Marion Street and it was to remain like this until the sad closure of the factory for redevelopment in 1990.

The following quote gives a good insight into the workings of the factory itself.

“Inside the mysterious, dark buildings of Star Productions, the traditional skills of its craftsmen are jealously guarded. Few people are allowed through the locked doors except the company’s faithful employees. The air hangs heavy with the pleasant smells of freshly-planed wood, yacht varnish and paint. Along a labyrinth of passages, resembling below decks of a ship, the partly-made hulls of countless small-scale yachts await the craftsman’s touch”.

(Taken from a quote in Cheshire Life dated January 1986)

The photographs below show factory life as it was in around 1923 and, although the images are poor, it’s possible to see how well organised the whole production line had become.

The first image shows what was known as the “construction room” and you can just make out the 12 numbered workstations beginning with No 1 in the foreground on the right hand side. Throughout the early years production was extremely labour-intensive with each individual yacht being carved, by hand, from a solid rectangular block. It was only after this time, with the introduction of semi automatic lathes and then later fully automatic lathes, that production became simpler and more efficient.

The second image gives a good insight into how the Star “painting department” was laid out at the time. There are women standing busily painting the wooden hulls, painted hulls laid out to dry and finished yachts dotted about on shelves around the room. In the centre is a large pot belly solid fuel stove with Ferdinand, as a small boy, stood next to it minding the huge kettle. It’s difficult, in today’s “health and safety” conscious world, to imagine the working conditions of such a bygone age…

The third photograph depicts the “fixing and sail making department” and it seems clear, from the cramped nature of the workstations, that business was indeed booming at this time.

It’s interesting to note that all the work areas depicted above are located on the first floor of the Star Works building so, given the lack of evidence to the contrary, one can only assume that the ground floor was used for the storage of  both raw materials and the finished stocks of yachts ready for dispatch.

The earliest reference that I’ve been able to find, relating to the products of the “Star Yacht Works”, are three post cards that were almost certainly used as commercial advertising material in the 1920″s.

The first depicts an early model Fishing Smack and, as can be seen from the images below, although it share similarities to models shown in 1930’s catalogues (and contemporary models produced by Star that were retailed under the Tri-ang banner) there are subtle differences such as the omission of portholes.

The second and third postcards depict early examples of their popular “Solid Yachts” and show the original keel shape before the introduction of the more distinctive curved keel that featured from the early 1930’s right up until the factory finally ceased production in 1991. Another distinctive feature of the early yachts is the much shallower, hand carved hull which preceded the deeper, machine turned forms of the later models.

Early advertising postcards for the “Star” yacht works in Birkenhead, England.

Star Yachts at the 1929 World Scout Jamboree…

This 15 day event, which was attended by some 30,000 Scouts and over 300,000 visitors, featured a “Star Yacht Works” exhibition stand complete with a flagpole flying a huge flag with the, none-too-subtle, wording “BUY STAR YACHTS”. The stand itself proudly boasted “All Star Yachts are Guaranteed to Sail”, a clever tagline that featured from the companies early days right up until the factory closure.

Although the image is fairly poor it is possible to clearly identify, amongst the many yachts offered, two Fishing Smack models in the foreground and what appears to be a large Racing Cutter to the right of the stand.

Franz can be seen proudly standing at the edge of shot in front of a large motor car, his business was clearly doing rather well…

A Star Yacht lost at sea…

It was on a fine August morning in 1932 that the Master of the steam trawler Swan, a Captain C A Evans, spotted a tiny object bobbing up and down on the waves of the Irish Sea. As his vessel drew closer both he and his crew were surprised to discover that it was a toy yacht, its sails set as it majestically charted its course.

On Saturday August 20th 1932 the Daily Mail, under the headline “Toy Yacht At Sea – Found With All Sails Set” , reported –

“A remarkable sea voyage by a child’s toy yacht only 15 inches long, was revealed when the Fleetwood steam-trawler Swan arrived in port yesterday. While in the vicinity of the Calf of Man, Skipper C A Evans observed a small object sailing bravely along and, steaming closer, discovered that it was a toy yacht, with all sails set and in perfect condition.

An address at Bangor, County Down, was found on the sail, and it is presumed that the yacht’s child owner had been paddling at the resort with the yacht when it was carried away to sea.

That so small a yacht could weather a voyage of nearly 100 miles without being swamped or battered to pieces is considered remarkable among the deep-sea fishermen who inspected it at Fleetwood yesterday.

Inquiries for the owner will probably be made, and if possible the child will have the toy returned.”

The yacht was clearly identifiable by the Star logo which was, alongside the name of the retailer in Bangor, emblazoned on the mainsail and Franz, ever the businessman, seized the advertising potential that such a story could bring in order to promote his products. Although attempts were almost certainly made to trace the young owner of the vessel it is unlikely that they were ever reunited with their pride and joy, instead the yacht was returned to the factory where a bespoke glass cabinet was constructed for it and it was to take pride of place on the front of the Star Yacht Works stand at the British Industries Fair, Olympia in 1933.

Star Yacht Works displays at the British Industries Fairs of 1933 and 1934

It is clear, from the photographs taken at the fairs of 1933 and 1934, that the range of yachts on offer around this time was vast and, judging by the catalogues, the period from the mid to late 1930’s represented the heyday for the Star company. Certainly, and as noted in a newspaper cutting dated 27th September 1935 titled “Birkenhead Firm’s Expansion” , the company was thriving and recognized the need to grow in order to cope with the increasing volume of orders –

“A substantial increase in trade during the past twelve months has been responsible for a considerable expansion and development in the output of the “Star” Yacht Works, Marion Street, Birkenhead.

Controlled by Mr F. Denye and family, the business takes the form of the manufacture of wooden toys and, up to the present, has employed eighty people. During the past year business has increased to such an extent as to make it impossible to cope with the output and, in the New Year, the number of employees is to be brought up to over 200 and the premises enlarged.

The firm sends its goods all over the world and is the only one in Birkenhead to be represented at the British Industries Fair”.

The catalogue of 1938 boasted a range of no less than 38 different yacht variants and alongside these were also offered 6 clockwork speedboats, a Star steam launch, 2 Star electric launches and 3 clockwork Star cargo steamers. Although yachts formed the mainstay of the companies business, the changes in seasonal demand for such products was managed by the production of other wooden toys – wheelbarrows, carts, blackboards, easels, bagatelle boards and billiard tables, to ensure the ongoing economic well-being of the factory.

Identifying the Star Yacht variants…

(To be continued).

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Star Yacht Birkenhead Restoration Kit. Mast Pins, Rigging Thread, Bowsies, Hook.

Star Yacht Birkenhead Restoration Kit. Mast Pins, Rigging Thread, Bowsies, Hook.

Star Yacht Birkenhead Restoration Kit.

For yachts SY00, SY0, SY1, SY2 & SY3.

This is a kit of parts to help with the restoration of Star Yachts & other pond yachts. Depending on the size of yacht, there may be some spare parts.

Included are

2 metres of cotton rigging thread…this is as close to original that you will find…enough for yachts upto & including SY3.

2 solid brass mast pins (1.57mm or 1/16”diameter) again as close to original as can be.

1 solid brass front sail hook for SY0, SY1 & SY2 models, again to original spec.

2 handcut plastic bowsies approx 15mm x 5mm with 2mm holes.

4 deck staples.

1 brassed screw eye.

We do a separate kit listing for larger yachts.

We also do just rigging listings.

We also have mast set listings.

We’ve also just added a mast mounts listing.

This kit should be suitable for other yachts though some may have different fittings.

Take a look at our other listings.

  • Condition: New
  • Brand: Unbranded
  • Specific Character: Pond Yacht Parts
  • Type: Vintage/ Classic Toys
  • Vintage: Yes

PicClick Insights - Star Yacht Birkenhead Restoration Kit. Mast Pins, Rigging Thread, Bowsies, Hook. PicClick Exclusive

  •   Popularity - 32 watchers, 0.0 new watchers per day , 710 days for sale on eBay. Super high amount watching. 24 sold, 10 available. More

Popularity - Star Yacht Birkenhead Restoration Kit. Mast Pins, Rigging Thread, Bowsies, Hook.

32 watchers, 0.0 new watchers per day , 710 days for sale on eBay. Super high amount watching. 24 sold, 10 available.

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Price - Star Yacht Birkenhead Restoration Kit. Mast Pins, Rigging Thread, Bowsies, Hook.

  •   Seller - 4,306+ items sold. 0.2% negative feedback. Great seller with very good positive feedback and over 50 ratings. More

Seller - Star Yacht Birkenhead Restoration Kit. Mast Pins, Rigging Thread, Bowsies, Hook.

4,306+ items sold. 0.2% negative feedback. Great seller with very good positive feedback and over 50 ratings.

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Larger Star Yacht Birkenhead Restoration Kit. Mast Pins, Rigging Thread, Bowsies

Larger Star Yacht Birkenhead Restoration Kit. Mast Pins, Rigging Thread, Bowsies


7 Replica Star Yacht Mast/Sail Hoops. Solid Brass. For SY5 To SY7. Machine Made.

5 Mtr Replacement Cotton Rigging Thread. SY4 Upwards. Star Yacht, Pond Yacht

5 Mtr Replacement Cotton Rigging Thread. SY4 Upwards. Star Yacht, Pond Yacht

Star Pond Yacht Mast & Bowsprit Mount

Star Pond Yacht Mast & Bowsprit Mount

Star Yacht Sail Hook Replica Solid Brass. Pond Yacht Restoration. Birkenhead.

Star Yacht Sail Hook Replica Solid Brass. Pond Yacht Restoration. Birkenhead.

Star Yacht SY3 Mast Set With True Replica Brass Joining System

Star Yacht SY3 Mast Set With True Replica Brass Joining System

Star Yacht MK1 Endeavour Mast Set. Replica.

Star Yacht MK1 Endeavour Mast Set. Replica.

2 Star Yacht Mast & Bowsprit Replica Solid Brass Pins. Pond Yacht Restoration.

2 Star Yacht Mast & Bowsprit Replica Solid Brass Pins. Pond Yacht Restoration.

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10 Star Yacht Plastic Bowsies. Replica. Birkenhead. Pond Boat.

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Star Yachts Birkenhead Vintage Star Pond Yacht For Restoration 37cm long

Star Yachts Birkenhead Vintage Star Pond Yacht  For Restoration  37cm long

Star Yacht Bowsies

Star Yachts Birkenhead Vintage Star Pond Yacht  For Restoration  37cm long

Star Yacht SY1 Mast Set. Replica With Brass Fittings.

4 Star Yacht Mast Hoops Solid Brass For MK & Endeavour Yachts. Machine Made.

4 Star Yacht Mast Hoops Solid Brass For MK & Endeavour Yachts. Machine Made.

Star Yacht SY2 Mast Set. Replica With Brass Fittings.

Star Yacht SY2 Mast Set. Replica With Brass Fittings.

2.5 Mtr Replacement Cotton Rigging Thread. SY00 To SY3. Star Yacht, Pond Yacht.

2.5 Mtr Replacement Cotton Rigging Thread. SY00 To SY3. Star Yacht, Pond Yacht.

Vintage Star Pound Yacht The Southern Star - Blue  SY 6

Vintage Star Pound Yacht The Southern Star - Blue SY 6

10 Brass Plated Screw Eyes. Star Yacht,  Pond Yacht, Model Boat.

10 Brass Plated Screw Eyes. Star Yacht, Pond Yacht, Model Boat.

Star Yacht SY5 Mast Set. Replica.

Star Yacht SY5 Mast Set. Replica.

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Star Yacht SY4 Mast Set. With True Replica Brass Joining System

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Star Pond Yacht Bowsies

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Star Endeavour I Pond Yacht Original

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Star Yacht MK3 Endeavour Mast Set. Replica.

Star Yacht MK3 Endeavour Mast Set. Replica.

Star Yacht Mast And Bowsprit Mount

Star Yacht Mast And Bowsprit Mount

Vintage Star SY5 Pond Yacht-Northern Star Yacht -18" Long 24" Tall - Boxed

Vintage Star SY5 Pond Yacht-Northern Star Yacht -18" Long 24" Tall - Boxed

Star Yacht Birkenhead Restoration Kit. Brass Mast Pins, Rigging Thread, Bowsies.

Star Yacht Birkenhead Restoration Kit. Brass Mast Pins, Rigging Thread, Bowsies.

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Vintage Bowman & Star Birkenhead Wooden Pond Yacht Models X 3 FOR RESTORATION

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10 Star Yacht Solid Brass Screws. Replica. Pond Yacht Restoration. Birkenhead.

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4 Star Yacht Solid Brass Screws. Replica. Pond Yacht Restoration. Birkenhead.

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Vintage Birkenhead Star Pond Yacht SY3, Repainted, Original Mast, Boom and Sails

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Vintage Boat Star Yacht Birkenhead Made in England Pond Yacht ( Broken Mast )

Vintage 14" Star Yacht Birkenhead Wooden Pond Yacht SY-3 EXCELLENT CONDITION

Vintage 14" Star Yacht Birkenhead Wooden Pond Yacht SY-3 EXCELLENT CONDITION

Star Yacht Birkenhead Restoration Kit. Brass Mast Pins, Rigging Thread, Bowsies.

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Star Yachts - A vintage wooden Star pond yacht for restoration,

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Adman Grandstand - A boxed vintage Grandstand TV Game and 8 x static model locomotives.

Tags: Pond Yacht, Model

Star Yachts - A vintage wooden Star pond yacht for restoration,

Important Registration Information - 2024 Registration

star pond yacht restoration

Pond Yacht Restoration

Restore/complete your own pond yacht and get it ready for sailing or display..

John Stoudt was an industrial arts teacher focusing on woodworking, metalworking, and architectural and engineering drawing. He honed his skills and further developed his expertise here at WoodenBoat School. John took his first class with Alan Suydam, returning many years to build and sail model yachts. He has built and restored over 100 model boats, including many vintage model yachts. His skill set enables him to build a complete boat including hull construction, custom fittings, casting ballasts, making the sails, and tuning the rig for sailing. John is president of the United States Vintage Model Yacht Group (USVMYG) and an associate regional director of the American Model Yacht Association. He collects model yachts and currently has over 60 boats in his collection. John races various pond yachts in Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania and has participated in National events, placing in the top three on multiple occasions in the vintage Marblehead class USVMYG National Championship regatta with his 1934 vintage Marblehead.

This course is appropriate for students with some knowledge and experience. Basic knowledge and use of hand tools is required for most shop courses. Basic knowledge and ability to sail is required for most waterfront courses.

This course involves a low level of activity throughout the week including: occasional standing and working, seating is usually available, working on your own project at your own pace is common.

This is a six-day course ending Saturday

There are various models and pond yachts out in the world in need of repair or restoration. The boat may have been a family heirloom, a model you found in an antique shop or at a flea market, or a project that you began but couldn’t find time to complete. If you happen to have such a boat, this week with John Stoudt will present you with the opportunity to evaluate your model and determine a plan for its restoration and completion. The work might include repairing a damaged hull, building a new rig, making fittings, repairing a vane gear, getting the electronics working, installing new electronics, or re-rigging the boat. An unfinished boat could have a planked deck built and installed, hatch openings framed, hatches built and fitted, spars constructed, electronics installed and set up, or the rig built and installed. A display and travel stand could also be built. And there may even be the chance to establish a waterline and paint the model to your specifications.

Students may bring any type of pond yacht, especially those rigged for remote control. Some older self-steering boats could be reconfigured for remote control sailing or the self-steering mechanism could be repaired. If you have any questions about the boat or model you have, you can contact the instructor through the WoodenBoat School office.

John Stoudt will consult with each student prior to the course to develop an understanding of your boat and plan of work. Together you will determine what materials and supplies you will need to bring along and what John will make available. He will have other materials and parts on hand for the unexpected. A final plan for the restoration and/or completion of your boat will be established on the first day of class. Each morning, the students and John will evaluate where they are, how they have progressed, and how to proceed. Come spend a week at WoodenBoat School and develop a passion for models that is both fun and rewarding!

star pond yacht restoration

This course is appropriate for students with some knowledge and experience.  Basic knowledge and use of hand tools is required for most shop courses.

What Our Students Are Saying

John Stoudt is absolutely one of the best instructors I’ve had here at your school. Very knowledgeable and willing to share his expertise with all his students. POND YACHT RESTORATION was exactly what I wanted and needed. I would definitely take this course again!

T.B., Kenosha, Wisconsin


Register For This Course

Courses fill quickly, so don't delay if this is a course you want to take.

Related Courses

Woodcarving, carving name boards, build your own plank constructed pond yacht, introduction to woodworking.

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New listing Vintage Wooden Pond Yacht , Sail Boat - Star Yacht ? Siefert ?

Star sy0 8 inch red pond yacht. birkenhead , wirral , nr. liverpool., 15.75” vtg star yacht birkenhead sailboat pond yacht sailing wood metal fin toy, vintage boat star yacht birkenhead made in england pond yacht ( broken mast ), star yacht navigable pond sailboat vintage 14", vintage star of birkenhead yacht pond boat england yellow, red sails 14", vintage 14" star yacht birkenhead wooden pond yacht sy-3 excellent condition, vintage pond yacht made in england by star of birkenhead *read*, vintage star yacht birkenhead england wood toy pond sailboat.


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Starcraft Rebuilds and Restorations, they're all here!

  • Thread starter jasoutside
  • Start date Jul 6, 2011


Supreme Mariner

  • Jul 6, 2011

Super Sport Ezmobee's 18' Supersport COMPLETE 18' Starcraft SuperSport restoration - Page 1 - 357767 PaulyV's 79 Supersport Need Some Help On My 1960 or 1970 Something SS Resto!!! - Page 1 - 362569 Huron Angler's 79 16' Supersport '79 Starcraft SS 16 restoration - Page 1 - 365995 Joeyplumley's 79 Supersport COMPLETE bankfisher's 1970 16' Super Sport COMPLETE Starcraft 16' SS restoration SPLASHED !!! - Page 1 - 366064 bunker108's 1973 18' Super Sport COMPLETE 1973 Super Sport...I bought it! - Page 1 - 491389 Bob_VT's Supersport COMPLETE Starcraft Supersport The Project Begins-SPLASHED 7-15-10 - Page 1 - 329927 losdinspace's 73' 16' Super Sport COMPLETE 1973 16' SS build - Page 1 - 446808 jetterbug's '75 18' Super Sport Midwest newbie buys first love! '75 Super Sport - Page 1 - 499778 Stratosman 86's 16' Supersport COMPLETE '71 Starcraft '16 SS Rebuild - Page 1 - 378656 86 Century's 80 Supersport COMPLETE '80 18' Starcraft SS restore - Page 1 - 375337 Karhawk's 79 Supersport COMPLETE 1979 18' Starcraft starting restoration - Page 1 - 375857 dozerII's '79 18' Super Sport COMPLETE 1979 Starcraft 18 SS Here we go again!! - Page 1 - 476671 djpeters' 22' 79 Supersport V5 1979 22' Starcraft SuperSport V5 Restoration - Page 1 - 427003 Bighoss' '78 16' Super Sport Bighoss' 16ft SS Rebuild - Page 1 - 475888 Tagggg's 77 Supersport 18 Another Starcraft Restoration : SuperSport 18' 1977 - Page 1 - 431348 burroak's 18' SS 18' Starcraft SuperSport bowrider restoration - Page 1 - 212191 GT 2010's 72 Supersport starcraft supersport 1971 restoration - Page 1 - 450712 Deadstriper's 77 Supersport '77 Starcraft SS 16 (freshen) - Page 1 - 367899 Motorpsykler's 72 Supersport Another STARCRAFT resto; '72 Starcraft SS 16ft - Page 1 - 360586 boatguy94's 78 16' SS 1978 16' Starcraft SuperSport Resto - Page 1 - 448810 jbing81's 18' SS COMPLETE 1972 SS Inside Out Restoration (New Title) - Page 1 - 468729 veilside180sx's '71 16' SS COMPLETE 1971 16' ss - Page 1 - 451433 TkdSilet's '70 16' Super Sport 1970 StarCraft SuperSport Restoration - Page 1 - 362923 Starman8's 1979 18' Super Sport 79 Starcraft SS18 Project - Page 1 - 450693 sje0123's 1979 18' Super Sport Starcraft SS Specific Transom Replacement Questions: My Rebuild Project - Page 1 - 514944 otte's 16' Super Sport My 16 Foot Super Sport - Page 1 - 526481 dozer's (his buddies) 1987 16' Super Sport COMPLETE 2012 Splash of the Year 1987 16 ss - Page 1 - 528421 RXDOC's 1973 16' Super Sport 1973 Starcraft 16ft SS restore - Page 1 - 530385 Stephenatx's 1971 16' Super Sport My new/old 1971 Starcraft SS - Page 1 - 505737 singledoubt88's 1978 18' Super Sport COMPLETE 78' starcraft ss restoration - Page 1 - 384249 cj8mule's 1972 16' Super Sport 1972 16' SS Build - Page 1 - 544966 dozerII's 1986 20' Super Sport COMPLETE 1986 ss 201 - Page 1 - 543074 bonairII's 1975 16' Super Sport 1975 Super Sport 16' boat requesting admission to the Starmada! (2nd Splash complete) - Page 1 - 547770 DirtyHarry83's 1988 18' Super Sport 180 SS New to the Forums. - Page 1 - 554607 aoward's 1979 16' Super Sport 1979 16' Starcraft Super Sport Full Restoration - Page 1 - 577908 850Merc 1976 16' Super Sport COMPLETE 2014 1976 Starcraft Supersport 16' - Page 1 - 574988 budski's 1979 18' V5 Super Sport 1979 Starcraft 18 v5 Restoration re model - Page 1 - 578352 bash11's 1979 18' V5 Super Sport 1979 Starcraft V5OB transom - Page 1 - 568637 keithwpg's 1980 Super Sport 1980 starcraft SS restoraton - Page 1 - 514593 rainbow hunter's 18' Super Sport Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project - Page 1 - 551485 tigger's 1985 21' V5 Super Sport 1985 21 ft Starcraft Slow Project - Page 1 - 567947 shadetree_fish's 1979 18' Super Sport Finally found my 1st Starcraft! 1979 SS 180 w/ 115 merc O/B - Page 1 - 566011 jacobmeyers' 1972 16' Super Sport COMPLETE blueFin16's 1975 18' Super Sport boatnut74's 1977 18' Super Sport cpdchap's 16' Super Sport showmeguy's 1973 16' Super Sport dozer's 1979 18' Super Sport V5 eckhoffb's 1974 21' Super Sport crankbait cowboy's 1973 18' Super Sport cj8mule's 1978 18' Super Sport COMPLETE SigSaur's 1985 16' Super Sport Holiday HopeSheFloats' 61 Holiday COMPLETE 1961 Starcraft - 'The whole' story - Page 1 - 364883 horiconducker's '78 22' Holiday V5 (turned Islander, turned Side Console) COMPLETE look what my brother and I towed home!!!!! - Page 1 - 466320 22ft v-5 islander to side console DONE - Page 1 - 488772 Dekeblue's 71 Holiday 71 Starcraft Holiday 18ft - Page 1 - 420132 PINIT's 65' 18' Holiday 1965 Starcraft Holiday Restoration - Page 1 - 492950 Daltonxj's 79 Holiday 1979 Starcraft Holiday16 closed bow - Page 1 - 389671 CheapBoatKev's 68 Holiday COMPLETE my 68 Starcraft Holiday project - Page 1 - 304356 Sprintst's 77 Holiday 77 Starcraft Holiday 18 i/o - rebuild with pics galore - Page 1 - 319609 Azlo's 68 Holiday 1968 Holiday Restoration w/pics - Page 1 - 347709 Jcupo6's 73 Holiday COMPLETE My new Starcraft Project - Page 1 - 336166 Starcrafter65's 68 Holiday COMPLETE Starcrafter65's 1968 Holiday Resto Thread with Lot's o PICs! - Page 1 - 387390 Fishmonster13's 64 Holiday 64 18ft starcraft holiday - Page 1 - 381986 CBGale2's 78 18' Holiday 1978 Starcraft Holiday 18 Rebirth - Page 1 - 461749 heyyou325's 74 21' Holiday JET motor New owner 21 ft 74 Starcraft aluminum runabout jet - Page 1 - 459867 Rich 11304's 1968 18' Holiday 1968 Starcraft Holiday 18' - V - O.B.- 1st time project - 97% finished-Starcraft sec - Page 1 - 512522 boatnut74's 1973 18' Holiday 1973 Starcraft Holiday - Page 1 - 514917 zigzag's 1973 18' Holiday Holiday to Open bow conversion.... aka: the unthinkable - Page 1 - 518114 grandad's 1972 21' Holiday COMPLETE 2013 Splash of the Year Starcraft Holiday Reno and Hull Repair - Page 1 - 517895 rrumba's 1975 18' Holiday 1975 Starcraft 140 Evinrude OB -- Restoration IN PROGRESS FINALLY - Page 1 - 491394 barato2's 1967 18' Holiday the 1967 Holiday 18 and Multiple Boat Syndrome - Page 1 - 508758 65starcraft's 1965 18' Holiday 1965 Starcraft Holiday - Page 1 - 526588 redwing4900's 1977 15' Holiday nature1100's 1965 18' Holiday Billy Vista's 14' Holiday V5 dozer's 1976 18' Holiday COMPLETE Chieftain boatnut74's '72 22' Chieftain 1972 Starcraft Chieftain restoration - Page 1 - 477984 ALPHEUS' 69 Chieftain 1969 Starcraft Chieftain Restoration - Page 1 - 450122 MichaelP's 74 18' Chieftain COMPLETE 1974 Starcraft Chieftain 18' OB refit - Page 1 - 472217 Ts's 79 Chieftain 1979 Starcraft Chieftain 18 - rebuild - Page 1 - 387771 Coalminerswife's 1973 19' Chieftain to Open Bow Conversion COMPLETE 1973 Starcraft Restoration 19' - Page 1 - 418927 horsecapades' 1976 25' Chieftain MK IV 1976 Starcraft Chieftain 25 MK IV - Page 1 - 395429 CraigBarnard's 1965 22' Chieftain COMPLETE 1965 Starcraft Cheiftain - Page 1 - 448824 Weep'n Willy's 1970's 24' Chieftain COMPLETE 2014 My Chieftan project - Page 1 - 580639 Stevens520's 1975 25' Chieftian 1975 Starcraft 25' Cheiftain MK IV Rebuild - Page 1 - 579337 Stevesmith812 1972 24' Chieftain jpstude's 18' Chieftain cj8muel's 1974 21' Chieftain watermann's 18' 1970 Chieftain COMPLETE 2014 chemicalwire's 18' 1974 Chieftain COMPLETE 1973 Cheiftain's 24ft Chieftain Express: Starchief Wrfalpacas' 68 Starchief COMPLETE 68 Starcraft Starchief 18' Cuddy Restoration - Page 1 - 316643 brighp2's 73 18' Starchief COMPLETE 1973 18' starcraft starchief V - Page 1 - 465185 rheagler's 1967 18' Starchief COMPLETE Got me a Starchief - Page 1 - 508812 Sunchief North Beach's Liquid Limo 66 Sunchief COMPLETE 2010 Splash of the Year 66 Starcraft Sunchief Re-Build - Page 1 - 286412 Islander North Beach's 75 Islander to CC Conversion 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion - Page 1 - 433064 Jasoutside's '76 22' Islander 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild - Page 1 - 369247 paparoof's '75 22' Islander I'm an owner! 1975 Islander 22 - Page 1 - 400583 TGP's '72 22' Islander 72' Starcraft Islander - Page 1 - 499361 Woods Before Water's 78 Islander Rebuild of a 1978 22' Starcraft Islander - Page 1 - 452453 Rokaholic's 84 Islander COMPLETE 1984 Starcraft Islander Restoration - Page 1 - 412359 Timfives' 91 Islander COMPLETE Start of My Project. 1991 Starcraft Islander - Page 1 - 359551 KellyC's '67 Islander '67 Starcraft Islander with way too many parts taken off it. - Page 1 - 460006 5speedhemi's 1978 22' Islander to CC conversion 78 Starcraft, V5-22, What do I have? - Page 1 - 363530 evildocrsx's 1968 22' Islander 22' 1968 Starcraft Islander - Page 1 - 351083 lakeranger's 1984 26' Islander '84-26' Starcraft Islander tear down and restoration - Page 1 - 472901 seven_magnum's 1976 22' Islander seven_magnum's 76 Starcraft Islander 221 rebuild - Page 1 - 524713 Magnundekes 1976 22' Islander Magnumdekes 1976 22' Starcraft Islander - Page 1 - 551054 lazyboy2011's 1986 22' Islander Sportfisherman jasoutside's 1983 26' Sportfisherman Offshore Bwana Don's 71 Offshore V Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore - Page 1 - 383297 Fishinho's 18' Offshore 18' Starcraft SS Restoration - Page 1 - 417083 Star Trek cutbait76's 1976 18' Star Trek COMPLETE 1968 Star Trek-V 18 ft'er... "Going where no man has gone before" custom rebuild - Page 1 - 550082 Mariner MJames76's 86 Mariner COMPLETE 86 Mariner 210 - Page 1 - 376564 Jspano's 86 Mariner 1986 21 ft starcraft cc restore - Page 1 - 364279 JimbC's 76 Mariner Starcraft 1976-Mrnr 21 0/b restoration/Rebuild - Page 1 - 330762 Isaacm1986's 78 Mariner 210 1978 Starcraft Mariner 210 Restoration - Page 1 - 399818 Matthewp's 85 Mariner 210 aaaand so it begins - starcraft rebuild - Page 1 - 299519 North Beach's 89 Mariner --- Discarded!!!!!! 89 Starcraft Mariner 210 CC Rebuild - Page 1 - 361561 yooperangler's 75 18' Mariner 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18' - Page 1 - 439481 jjacobs007's 71 Mariner restoring my old new 71 starcraft center console - Page 1 - 419923 Dougyb's 1984 22' Mariner 22 ft Mammoth Starcraft MR CC Complete Restore end to end - Page 1 - 542429 greek1952's 1972 21' Mariner 1972 Starcraft 21' Mariner (Split Windshield) Rebuild - Page 1 - 538257 ctriverfish's 1974 18' Mariner Restore and Rebuild 74 Mariner 18?ƒ?ƒ?‚?ƒ?ƒ?‚?‚?ƒ?ƒ?ƒ?‚?‚?ƒ?‚?‚?ƒ?ƒ?ƒ?‚?ƒ?ƒ?‚?‚? ‚ ?ƒ?ƒ?‚?‚?ƒ?‚?‚?ƒ?ƒ?ƒ?‚?ƒ?ƒ?‚?‚?ƒ?ƒ?ƒ?‚?‚?ƒ?‚?‚? ‚ ?ƒ?ƒ?‚?ƒ?ƒ?‚?‚?‚?ƒ?ƒ?‚?‚?ƒ?‚?‚?‚?ƒ?ƒ?‚?ƒ?ƒ?‚?‚? ƒ?ƒ ?ƒ?‚?‚?ƒ?‚?‚?ƒ?ƒ?ƒ?‚?ƒ?ƒ?‚?‚?‚?ƒ?ƒ?‚?‚?ƒ?‚?‚?‚ ?ƒ?ƒ?‚?ƒ?ƒ?‚?‚?ƒ?ƒ?ƒ?‚?‚?ƒ?‚?‚?‚?ƒ?ƒ?‚?ƒ?ƒ?‚?‚? ‚?ƒ ?ƒ?‚?‚?ƒ?‚?‚?’ ( We Have The Technology ) - Page 1 - 547914 gardug's 1978 22' Mariner Restoration of a 1978 Starcraft Mariner 22' - Page 1 - 576467 bagomwal's 1989 18' Mariner 1989 Starcraft Mariner MR18 CC Floor Replacement - Page 1 - 541549 wishin I was fishin's 1979 22' CC Buying a 79 22ft Center console tomorrow! - Page 1 - 575524 1973Chieftain's 1972 18' Mariner Fishmaster cc190cc's 97 Fishmaster COMPLETE 1997 Starcraft Fishmaster 190CC Resto - Page 1 - 370050 River Rat's 83 Fishmaster 16 COMPLETE 1983 Starcraft fm16 upgrades - Page 1 - 384633 SierraMark's 1991 16' Fishmaster Marks 1991 16' Starcraft Fishmaster Restoration - Page 1 - 576111 Ski Champ Wrfalpacas' 57 Ski Champ COMPLETE 1957 Starcraft Ski Champ Restoration - Page 1 - 352569 Kingfisher Howza's 14' Kingfisher COMPLETE 14' Starcraft Kingfisher Restoration - Page 1 - 464044 Trevordog's 1976 16' Kingfisher COMPLETE 76 16' Starcraft Kingfisher project.............I hope! - Page 1 - 512984 sqbtr's 1977 16' Kingfisher '77 Starcraft Kingfisher 16 - Page 1 - 550380 Bizzay's 1967 16' Kingfisher Jupiter Andy In NY's 70 Jupiter V COMPLETE Starcraft project: "STOLEN" PIC UPDATE 7-31-09 COMPLETED!! - Page 1 - 325842 Rickairmedic's 70 Jupiter V 1970 Jupiter V 16' Restoration - Page 1 - 322858 StoneyCreek's 68 Jupiter Yet Another 16' Starcraft :0) - Page 1 - 351709 V8mgbal's 63 Jupiter 1963 16 ft Starcraft Jupiter restoration - Page 1 - 424635 Ezmobee's 66 Jupiter COMPLETE Ezmobee's 1966 Jupiter - Page 1 - 338633 InMotion's 1968 Jupiter COMPLETE 1968 Starcraft Jupiter - Rebuild - Page 1 - 524687 Falcon CBGale2's 14' Falcon COMPLETE 14ft Starcraft Falcon Restore - Page 1 - 381811 InMotion's 1960's 14' Falcon 1960's Falcon Rebuild (New Title) - Page 1 - 541533 Nova Gibbles' 1973 15' Nova 1973 Starcraft Nova 15' rebuild - Page 1 - 529923 MNhunter1's 1972 15' Nova Nassau Tim S's 16' Nassau Starcraft Restoration - Page 1 - 380147 TGP***'s 66 Nassau COMPLETE 2011 Splash of the Year Restoring a Starcraft '66 Nassau - Page 1 - 364174 Jet and Jet Star Bannanaboater's 64 Jet COMPLETE First time old boat owner ?s - Page 1 - 338523 Lakelover's Jet Star COMPLETE 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project - Page 1 - 309879 jasoutside's '68 15' Jet Star COMPLETE 1968 15' Starcraft Jet Star Rebuild - Page 1 - 455193 TruckDrivingFool's '68 15' Jet Star I got a (new)question for you Starcraft guys, Officially a Project - Page 1 - 496870 jbing81's 1968 15' Jet Star The $160 Starcraft Jet Star Restoration! - Page 1 - 503783 Rghammond's 1960's 15' Jet Star Older Star Craft Jet Star rebuild - Page 1 - 507645 Jtrom's 1959 15' Jet Star Jtrom's 1959 starcraft Jet resto......... - Page 1 - 506348 Gibbles 1960's 15' Jet Star Merc 65hp on a Jet Star? (now with pictures!) - Page 1 - 504223 catbons 1967 15' Jet Star 1967 Starcraft Jet Rebuilding - Page 1 - 576003 InMotion's 1964 15' Jet Star odyssey350's 15' Jet Star COMPLETE bigmcgiv's 15' JetStar Super Star Dig9dug's 14' 1970ish Super Star 14' Starcraft Super Star Restoration - Page 1 - 484566 Sea Scamp Zach and Don's 12' 1967 Sea Scamp Lost a fiberglass boat got another tinnie - Page 1 - 505696 Marlin brokenjack's 1965 14' Marlin American Chinewalker's 18' American COMPLETE Starcraft American!! New Pics 5/29/06! - Page 1 - 61515 Chinewalker's 15' American COMPLETE UPDATE: 1974 Starcraft American 15 - Page 1 - 61646 Bluewater Broadcast's 89 Bluewater 221 Offshore 1989 Starcraft Bluewater 221 Offshore - Restoration - Page 1 - 380565 Super Constellation ssdale's 1959 16' Super Constellation COMPLETE/SPLASHED in 2016  



Re: Starcraft Rebuilds and Restorations, they're all here! Did I not make it on the list? Here is my boat:  


Re: Starcraft Rebuilds and Restorations, they're all here! We love your boat viking but it's not a resto project. These are all the project threads.  

ezmobee said: We love your boat viking but it's not a resto project. These are all the project threads. Click to expand...


Lieutenant Commander

Re: Starcraft Rebuilds and Restorations, they're all here! How about this one?  


  • Jul 7, 2011

Re: Starcraft Rebuilds and Restorations, they're all here! And how about mine?  

boatnut74 said: How about this one? Click to expand...
dozerII said: And how about mine? Click to expand...

North Beach

North Beach

  • Jul 8, 2011

Re: Starcraft Rebuilds and Restorations, they're all here! Glad to see someone picking up the torch for us slackers JAS!  

  • Jul 11, 2011


Senior Chief Petty Officer

  • Jul 12, 2011

Re: Starcraft Rebuilds and Restorations, they're all here! ahem?  

paparoof said: ahem? Click to expand...
  • Jul 17, 2011
jasoutside said: Yur up on the board Click to expand...
jasoutside said: Two more awesome boats added Click to expand...
  • Jul 21, 2011

Re: Starcraft Rebuilds and Restorations, they're all here! TGP's Islander up!  



Petty officer 1st class.

  • Jul 23, 2011

Re: Starcraft Rebuilds and Restorations, they're all here! Before I look through ALL these rebuild threads (I have checked out a bunch), has anyone done an Islander to single side console? I've been trying to sell my Islander without much luck and at this point I'm beginning to think I should sell the Lund and start the conversion. I will continue to dig through them I'm just looking for a shortcut... Although I know there are none with these projects.  

Bwana Don

  • Jul 24, 2011

Re: Starcraft Rebuilds and Restorations, they're all here! Snowman, you may not get too many rsponses up here. If you don't start a new thread and you'll get replies. I don't recall seeing a side console Islander or other for that matter. Good luck, tough decision you have.  


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian

snowman48047 said: Before I look through ALL these rebuild threads (I have checked out a bunch), has anyone done an Islander to single side console? I've been trying to sell my Islander without much luck and at this point I'm beginning to think I should sell the Lund and start the conversion. I will continue to dig through them I'm just looking for a shortcut... Although I know there are none with these projects. Click to expand...
  • Aug 7, 2011

Re: Starcraft Rebuilds and Restorations, they're all here! PINIT's Holiday and losdin's SS are both up  

  • Aug 8, 2011

Re: Starcraft Rebuilds and Restorations, they're all here! jetterbug is up too  

Pond Yacht Antiques

Pond Yacht Antiques

This is a rare Star pond yacht so it is well worth restoring.

Star produced this model in the 1930's and it was called the Arctic Star. It was a model in the Super Bermuda range of yachts.

The hull is in good order but will need a new rudder and rubbing strakes. The paintwork is not original.

The deck is original and in good condition apart from one small area of damage on the bow. There are some stains around the fixings.

It has its original mast and boom.

Please have a good look at the photos as they give a good idea of the restoration required. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. 

Large 1930's Stars are becoming more and more difficult to find so a project such as this is very worthwhile.


Star Productions 1930's Arctic Star to restore -Sold


Length: 54cm (21") Beam: 15cm (6")

If you are interested in purchasing or learning more about this item, please contact us quoting ref rest859

Price: Sold


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Elektrostal Population Density3,179.3 /km² (8,234.4 /sq mi)

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Elektrostal Geographical coordinatesLatitude: , Longitude:
55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East
Elektrostal Area4,951 hectares
49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi)
Elektrostal Altitude164 m (538 ft)
Elektrostal ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

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DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
23 July03:16 - 11:32 - 19:4902:24 - 20:4001:00 - 22:04 01:00 - 01:00
24 July03:17 - 11:32 - 19:4702:26 - 20:3801:04 - 22:00 01:00 - 01:00
25 July03:19 - 11:32 - 19:4502:29 - 20:3601:08 - 21:56 01:00 - 01:00
26 July03:21 - 11:32 - 19:4402:31 - 20:3401:12 - 21:52 01:00 - 01:00
27 July03:23 - 11:32 - 19:4202:33 - 20:3201:16 - 21:49 01:00 - 01:00
28 July03:24 - 11:32 - 19:4002:35 - 20:2901:20 - 21:45 01:00 - 01:00
29 July03:26 - 11:32 - 19:3802:37 - 20:2701:23 - 21:41 01:00 - 01:00

Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Located next to Noginskoye Highway in Electrostal, Apelsin Hotel offers comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi. Free parking is available. The elegant rooms are air conditioned and feature a flat-screen satellite TV and fridge...

Located in the green area Yamskiye Woods, 5 km from Elektrostal city centre, this hotel features a sauna and a restaurant. It offers rooms with a kitchen...

Ekotel Bogorodsk Hotel is located in a picturesque park near Chernogolovsky Pond. It features an indoor swimming pool and a wellness centre. Free Wi-Fi and private parking are provided...

Surrounded by 420,000 m² of parkland and overlooking Kovershi Lake, this hotel outside Moscow offers spa and fitness facilities, and a private beach area with volleyball court and loungers...

Surrounded by green parklands, this hotel in the Moscow region features 2 restaurants, a bowling alley with bar, and several spa and fitness facilities. Moscow Ring Road is 17 km away...

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2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony: Celine Dion delivers powerful performance as Olympic cauldron floats into the night sky

Dion was the final performer during the four-hour opening ceremony..

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The 2024 Olympics opening ceremony concluded in Paris, where more than 10,000 athletes joined a rainy celebration parade along the Seine River.

It marked the first time the parade of nations took place outside of a stadium. NBC Olympics production president and executive producer Molly Solomon said the 2024 Summer Olympics organizers threw out the "tradition playbook” this year.

LeBron James and Coco Gauff were the flag bearers for Team USA. Snoop Dogg, NBC’s special correspondent, carried the Olympic torch on its final leg. During the final moments of the ceremony, Celine Dion gave a stirring performance as the Olympic cauldron took off in a hot-air balloon over the City of Light.

Yahoo Entertainment's coverage of the festivities has ended. Read the highlights from the opening ceremony below.

Dion opened up about stiff-person syndrome in new doc

The singer kept the details of her 2022 diagnosis private until the 2024 release of her documentary I Am: Celine Dion . One scene in the film shows her suffering an episode of stiff-person syndrome, in which her body locks up and she's unable to move or speak.

Experts had previously explained to Yahoo Life that the autoimmune disease affects people differently. Stiffness and muscle spasms can be triggered by stress and last anywhere from minutes to hours.

While there is no cure for stiff-person syndrome, Dion told Vogue France in April that she's chosen to "train like an athlete" to better navigate her symptoms.

"Five days a week I undergo athletic, physical and vocal therapy. I work on my toes, my knees, my calves, my fingers, my singing, my voice," she said, and credited a medical team for helping her to be "the best I can be."

Celine Dion performs

After taking time off because of challenges with her health, Celine Dion has made her triumphant return to performing.

She sang in French at the Eiffel Tower at the conclusion of the opening ceremony, just after the Olympic cauldron was lit.


"It’s just incredible what she’s overcome and to have that moment ... She’s a vocal athlete," Kelly Clarkson said after Dion's performance.

Olympic cauldron is lit

The Olympic cauldron has officially been lit — by Teddy Riner, a three-time Olympic judo champion and Marie-José Pérec , a three-time Olympic champion in track and field.

It'll burn for the remainder of the Games, until the closing ceremony on Aug. 11.

Oldest living French Olympian helps light torch

Charles Coste, a French cyclist and oldest living French Olympian at 100 years old, joined the passing of the torch.

He passed it off to the final two French athletes who lit the cauldron.

Celine Dion fans await singer

After days of speculation about whether Celine Dion would perform at the opening ceremony, the singer has not yet appeared.

She posted on Instagram near the start of the ceremony, saying in the post caption that she was "happy to be here" in Paris.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Céline Dion (@celinedion)

She was rumored to be rehearsing a duet with Lady Gaga, who performed toward the beginning of the ceremony, but those reports have not been not confirmed.

Athletes travel back down the Seine with Olympic torch

Though the parade of nations has been completed and French President Emmanuel Macron declared the Games officially on, the opening ceremony is not over yet.

Tennis player Rafael Nadal is carrying the torch. He is Spanish, but because he won 14 French Open titles, he has been designated an "honorary French" athlete, according to one commentator. He boarded a boat with legendary athletes including Serena Williams, Carl Lewis and Nadia Comăneci that is now headed back down the Seine.

Nadia Comaneci holding the torch. On the boat is Rafael Nadal, Serena Williams, and Carl Lewis — ً (@kar4d4) July 26, 2024

As the torch makes its journey toward the cauldron, a light show dances around the Eiffel Tower.

"They are doing something with the torch that I have never seen. ... I've never seen a torch on the run like this before," Savannah Guthrie said on NBC's broadcast.

Hoda Kotb and Tom Cruise meet in Paris

Hoda Kotb has dreamt of meeting Tom Cruise — now it's happened in the City of Light. Like all good rom-com meet-cutes do, it happened in the rain.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Hoda Kotb (@hodakotb)

The Today show co-anchor, who is in Paris to cover the Olympic Games, ran into the Top Gun: Maverick actor at the opening ceremony and snapped a quick pic for Instagram .

"In your dream were you wearing a poncho?" her Today With Hoda & Jenna co-host Jenna Bush Hager commented.

Savannah Guthrie commented, "Icons only."

Basketball player Embiid: 'I look good in everything,' even Olympics-themed shades

Joel Embiid, representing Team USA in men's basketball, showed off his Olympic rings glasses in an interview during the opening ceremony.

When asked why he chose to wear them, he jokingly said, "I look good in everything."

“I look good in everything.” -Joel Embiid — Lauren Rosen (@LaurenMRosen) July 26, 2024

"I just thought these looked pretty good, so I was gonna try ... I'm just chillin'," he added.

Embiid was born in Cameroon but became a U.S. citizen in 2022. He posted on X in October that he wanted to win a gold medal in the 2024 Paris Olympics for his son, who was born in the U.S.

A'ja Wilson, who is on the women's basketball team, was also spotted wearing the shades on the Team USA boat.

thx @StephenCurry30 for the shades 🙂 — A'ja Wilson (@_ajawilson22) July 26, 2024

French rapper Rim'K gives Snoop Dogg a shout-out

Performances during the opening ceremony have included nearly every genre of music, including rap with a performance by Rim’K.

The 46-year-old Algerian-French rapper grew up in a suburb of Paris and was a member of French rap group 113.

Rim'K, prince de la ville. ✌️ 👉 #ceremoniedouverture #paris2024 — France tv (@FranceTV) July 26, 2024

FranceTV called him the “prince of the city" as a nod to his decades-long career.

But it was likely Snoop Dogg who enjoyed the performance most. The California rapper and NBC special correspondent was seen dancing to the song in the rain.

🇺🇸 Team USA delegation boat arrives

The 594 athletes representing 46 states made their way down the Seine in the rain during the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Arkansas, North Dakota, West Virginia and Wyoming were the only states to send no athletes, the Tennessean reported .

"Everybody's really killing that wet look tonight, just saying," Kelly Clarkson said.

LeGOAT on LeBOAT 🫡 📺: @NBCOlympics & @peacock #ParisOlympics | #OpeningCeremony — Team USA (@TeamUSA) July 26, 2024

Team USA's Noah Lyles shows off "icon" fingernails

Noah Lyles, a 26-year-old sprinter representing Team USA, showed off his manicure that spelled out the word "icon" in an interview during the opening ceremony.

He also posted a close-up of his nails on his Instagram Story.

Noah Lyles nailed it. 📺 #ParisOlympics Opening Ceremony on NBC and Peacock — NBC Sports (@NBCSports) July 26, 2024

He won the 100-meter race at the 2023 world championships, earning the honorary title of "world's fastest man."

Lyles won a bronze medal in the 200-meter race at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.

This year, his goal is to break the world record set by Jamaican runner Usain Bolt in 2009.

“He was the fastest man ever to do it,” Lyles told CNN . “And soon, it’ll be me.”

First opening ceremony rainfall in more than 70 years

It hasn't rained during an opening ceremony since 1952, when the Summer Olympics were held in Helsinki.

Statues of notable French women emerge from pillars on the Seine

During the opening ceremony, statues of "some of the heroines of French history" emerged from pillars on the Seine.

The new statues include French director, screenwriter and film producer Alice Guy, as well as politician and French magistrate Simone Veil.

💛 A tribute to 10 golden heroines of French history. Olympe de Gouges, Alice Milliat, Gisèle Halimi, Simone de Beauvoir, Paulette Nardal, Jeanne Barret, Louise Michel, Christine de Pizan, Alice Guy and Simone Veil. #Paris2024 #OpeningCeremony — The Olympic Games (@Olympics) July 26, 2024

They "are going to be offered to the city after the ceremony, which is pretty special," Kelly Clarkson said on NBC.

Minions invade opening ceremony

For a brief animated portion of the opening ceremony, the minions from the Despicable Me franchise took over our screens.

They are perhaps the best-known property of Illumination Studios Paris, a French animation company. The studio's latest film, Despicable Me 4, premiered in theaters on July 3. In the 2015 spinoff movie Minions, the little yellow creatures served as henchmen to French military leader Napoleon. — VideosSE (@SEvideos_) July 26, 2024

In the animated short, the minions obtained the Mona Lisa and kept it inside a submarine. While practicing archery, they accidentally sprung leaks in the vessel, which fell apart and ejected them into the water.

Notre Dame bell rings for 1st time since devastating 2019 fire

The Notre Dame Cathedral is covered in scaffolding and still under repair, but its bell rang for the first time since a fire in April 2019.

The fire ripped through the historic landmark, causing the spire to collapse and much of the interior to be destroyed. At the time, French President Macron pledged to rebuild the 12th-century church within five years.

The cathedral is set to open in December after a years-long restoration process.

Read more about the people who are rebuilding Notre Dame from the Guardian .

Get to know opening ceremony performer Aya Nakamura

Sparks went flying when the French-Malian singer made her entrance at the opening ceremony wearing a gold feather frock.

AYA NAKAMURA #ceremoniedouverture #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 — aya base. (@nakamura_base) July 26, 2024

The 29-year-old is the most-listened-to French-speaking singer in the world, known for hit songs " Djadja " — which has been streamed more than a billion times, according to a New York Times report — and " Pookie ." She also recently attended the 2024 Met Gala and has more than 20 million followers on social media.

More from the New York Times :

Announcements of her Olympic appearance drew opposition from France’s far right, objecting to the fact that she sings in Arabic, English and African languages along with French; there were also openly racist comments. “You can be racist but not deaf,” she responded on X.

3 facts about the cancan

The cancan is as French as fries (or maybe the Eiffel Tower) so it comes as no surprise that the opening ceremony featured the dance, with performers clothed in hot pink frilly skirts while kicking and splitting on the side of the Seine.

Here are three facts about the famous dance.

The dance started in the 1830s in the Montmartre section of Paris, getting inspiration from the polka and galop, according to the book Cancan! by David Price .

Cancan translates to malicious gossip, CBS reports

Cabaret performers at the Moulin Rouge helped popularize the cancan.

Masked man, heavy metal band steal the show (and delight Kelly Clarkson)

After a high-energy performance of the cancan, a masked person running across roofs and surfaces through the city carrying a torch briefly stole the show. The individual passed dancers in rags before they broke out in a performance of a song from Les Misérables, a musical that covers the history of France. The identity of the person wearing the mask has not yet been revealed.

if you're not watching the olympic opening ceremony the main torchbearer is a masked vigilante wearing keens and les miserables-style revolutionary rags who entered on a boat to the phantom of the opera theme and is now doing parkour around paris to techno. extremely french — molly taft (@mollytaft) July 26, 2024

Later, metal band Gojira delivered a performance with a heavy dose of pyrotechnics.

"We just went metal after Les Mis , after cancan," NBC opening ceremony host Kelly Clarkson said, enthused.

Kelly Clarkson just screaming “What?!” She is truly America — The Jay Agenda (@JayJurden) July 26, 2024

An opera singer took over, performing as a large ship passed through the Seine. "Sing!" Clarkson shouted.

It's all a part of a portion of the event titled "Liberté," which is one-third of the French Republic's motto, "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité."

Translated to English, it is "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."

Designers go all-in on team uniforms

Designers designated to create their country's Olympic uniforms were ready to show up and out in the world's fashion capital. And while each put their best foot forward, there are a few that stand apart from the rest.

Those that have received high praise thus far include Team Mongolia by Michel & Amazonka , Team Haiti by Stella Jean, Team Jamaica by Puma and Team Czech Republic by Jan Société and Alpine Pro.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Michel&Amazonka (@michelamazonka)

Ralph Lauren is outfitting Team USA for the ninth time, integrating classic tailoring with sporty silhouettes for both the opening and closing ceremonies. Check out more of the standout uniforms here .

Opening ceremony is leaning 'into the clichés about France'

NBC's Mike Tirico said during the broadcast that the artistic director of the opening ceremony, Thomas Jolly, "decided to lean into some of the clichés about France," including the city's reputation for romance and great literature.

So far, viewers have been treated to a performance of the cancan, Marie Antoinette holding her own severed head and references to Les Misérables.

11 easy French words for Americans

If your Duolingo app is taking a break (sorry, Duo the Owl), here are 11 words that may help you while watching the Games.

Bonsoir — Good evening

Bonne nuit – Good night

Bonjour — Good morning, hello

Salut — Hello

Au revoir — Goodbye

Excusez-moi — Excuse me

S’il vous plaît — Please

Merci — Thank you

Merci beaucoup — Thank you very much

Brazil's Olympic uniforms cause controversy

The ceremonial uniforms worn by Team Brazil have received divided responses.

The striped shirt and embroidered jacket, featuring the green, blue and yellow of the Brazilian flag, have been criticized for being too casual, especially when paired with Havaianas flip-flops.

Brazilian singer Anitta reacted to the outfits in a comment on an Instagram account, saying that they portray how "undervalued" athletes are, according to WWD .

Paulo Wanderley, the president of the Brazilian Olympic Committee, has since responded to the criticism.

"It’s not a fashion week in Paris, it’s the Olympics in Paris," he said. “Everyone has a different taste. We approved [the uniform] with a lot of pride. If we had to approve it again, we would do it."

Lady Gaga performs 'Mon Truc en Plume' during opening ceremony

As athletes arrived in boats on the Seine for the parade of nations, Lady Gaga performed "Mon Truc en Plume" in French, flanked by dancers in all black holding bright pink plumes of feathers.

I feel so completely grateful to have been asked to open the Paris @Olympics 2024 this year. I am also humbled to be asked by the Olympics organizing committee to sing such a special French song—a song to honor the French people and their tremendous history of art, music, and… — Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) July 26, 2024

It appeared to be a tribute to French dancer and actress Zizi Jeanmaire.

🚨 Lady Gaga was seen rehearsing for her performance of “Mon Truc En Plume” on the banks of the River Seine for the opening of 2024 Olympic games! — pop culture gal (@allurequinn) July 26, 2024

Lady Gaga took a seat at a piano to play a few notes before rejoining the dancers to continue the performance. She then rushed up the stairs to strike a pose as the musical number ended.

She was spotted earlier in the day rehearsing for the performance. It has been rumored that she might perform a duet with Celine Dion as well.

E. coli levels too high for swimming in the Seine today

Olympians are floating on the Seine, but they better not swim in the river On Friday, the E. coli bacteria levels were higher than the safety limit, NBC said. The river will be used for outdoor swimming events like the triathlon, and there is no "plan B," according to Paris Olympics officials , but the Marne river may be used instead. The Seine's cleanliness has upset Parisians and athletes, with locals protesting the reported $1 billion spent to make it swimmable and competitors concerned for their stomachs. E. coli can cause severe gastrointestinal issues and is spread when feces contaminate food and water.

French soccer star Zidane kicks off opening ceremony

Former French soccer star Zinedine Zidane kicked off the opening ceremony, carrying the Olympic torch on its final route.

Prologue. Il faut ramener à Paris la Flamme Olympique arrivée par erreur au Stade de France. Elle est attendue par des milliers d'athlètes et spectateurs sur la Seine. Merci Zinedine Zidane - Prologue. We must bring the Olympic Torch back to Paris. It accidentally arrived at… — Paris 2024 (@Paris2024) July 26, 2024

Lady Gaga spotted rehearsing a musical number along the Seine

Lady Gaga's performance at the opening ceremony has not yet been officially confirmed, but all the signs are there.

According to French journalist Thierry Moreau, Lady Gaga and Celine Dion previously rehearsed a duet of "La Vie en Rose" by Édith Piaf.

Photographers caught Gaga along the Seine River rehearsing what appears to be a big musical number with several dancers — and lots of pink feathers.

In what order will the Olympic athletes line up in the parade?

The countries will appear in alphabetical order, according to the spelling in the host country's native language.

CBS News reports:

So for example, Germany, "l'Allemagne" in French, will appear before China, "la Chine."

Per tradition to honor the birthplace of the Olympic Games, Greece will lead the parade. The host country — France — will close out the parade.

Celine Dion and Lady Gaga will reportedly perform together

We know Celine Dion and Lady Gaga are in Paris (oui!) and staying at the same hotel (oui!), but hard details about a joint performance at the opening ceremony are murky.

While not officially confirmed, there are reports that the vocal powerhouses will take the stage together. French journalist Thierry Moreau posted on X that the duo rehearsed "La Vie en Rose" by Édith Piaf as a duet.

Pop queen Gaga previously sang the song in 2018's A Star Is Born, so we've had a preview.

Meanwhile, French newspaper Le Parisien reports that Dion may sing Piaf's "Hymne à l'amour," so a medley sounds possible. Either way, if the Queen of Power Ballads sings, it will mark her first performance in years amid her health struggles with stiff person syndrome. (She publicly shared her diagnosis in 2022.)

Gaga has long given praise to Dion — calling her an "icon" in 2019. Dion famously danced her heart out at a Gaga show in 2018 and said a duet with Gaga was on her bucket list.

Team USA flag bearers en route

Team USA flag bearers LeBron James and Coco Gauff aren't letting a little rain stop them from arriving at the opening ceremony.

The Team USA X account posted a video of the pair walking together in white Ralph Lauren-designed blazers, jeans and clear ponchos.

No stopping Team USA flag bearers @CocoGauff and @KingJames 🇺🇸 📺: @NBCOlympics & @peacock #ParisOlympics — Team USA (@TeamUSA) July 26, 2024

Ralph Lauren is dressing the U.S. team at both opening and closing ceremonies for the ninth time.

Curious as to which designers are outfitting nations competing in this year's Games? See more of the fashion-forward looks.

Celebrities attend Vogue pre-Olympics party

It's not just competing athletes who have touched down in Paris for the Olympic Games.

Some of fashion's finest, including Anna Wintour and Pharrell Williams, arrived ahead of the opening ceremony, as Louis Vuitton and Vogue teamed up for a pre-party at Fondation Louis Vuitton.

The event was co-hosted by Charlize Theron, Serena Williams, Rosalía and Omar Sy, who all appeared in "medal worthy" ensembles to walk the three-lane track — a sporty play on a red carpet. Other stars, like Jeremy Allen White and Zendaya, as well as first lady Jill Biden, were also in attendance.

Guests got a close-up look at the Olympic gold, silver and bronze medals designed by Louis Vuitton for the 2024 Games. They also enjoyed a musical performance by Tyla.

See more of the looks here.

How Snoop Dogg prepared for the Games

Snoop Dogg, who is NBC's special correspondent for the 2024 Paris Olympics, shared how he's been getting ready for the Games.

"My preparation for primetime is being me," he told reporters on a July 24 media call. "I really know the sport, I know the angle, I know the conversation."

The rapper shared that he's been "sliding into the practice facilities with the different teams."

As for his torch-bearing duties, he calls it a "prestigious honor."

"I've been thinking about Muhammad Ali, when Muhammad Ali was holding [the torch at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics]. It was emotional for all of us to see the champ walking it up there. That's what it feels like to me."

He added, "I'm going to show you why they made me the man to do it."

Celine Dion expected to make her music comeback

The Canadian songstress, who's been sidelined by stiff person syndrome and unable to perform, will reportedly make her comeback during the opening ceremony.

Variety was first to report Dion is poised to perform — and it's rumored she'll be singing alongside Lady Gaga . The report followed weeks of rumors Dion had been secretly prepping for the event. Then on July 23 she was photographed outside a hotel in Paris.

French journalist Thierry Moreau said Dion rehearsed “La Vie en Rose,” the famous Édith Piaf song, as a duet — and will be dressed in Dior, a pink and black feather cape, for the main event.

Dion, known for hits including "My Heart Will Go On," publicly revealed her diagnosis with the neurological disorder, which causes painful muscle spasms and affects her ability to walk and sing, in 2022. She halted her tour schedule but vowed to get "back onstage, even if I have to crawl."

It seems Dion, who shared her health struggle in Prime Video's recent I Am: Celine Dion doc, actually teased an Olympic performance in her April Vogue France   interview, saying, "I’ve chosen to work with all my body and soul, from head to toe, with a medical team. I want to be the best I can be. My goal is to see the Eiffel Tower again!”

'Massive' arson attack on Paris public transportation causes travel chaos before Olympics opening

Arsonists carried out an attack on France's high-speed rail network on Friday, just hours before the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony was set to begin.

Service on three different train lines was disrupted because of a "massive" coordinated arson attack, officials said. Around 800,000 travelers are expected to be impacted this weekend — including Olympic athletes.

“Everything indicates that these are criminal fires,” Transport Minister Patrice Vergriete said. French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal described it as “prepared and coordinated ... acts of sabotage."

Friday's opening ceremony is continuing as planned.

Read more on the attack from Yahoo Sports: 'Massive attack' on France's high-speed train line highlights security concerns around Paris Olympics

See the complete schedule of events for the 2024 Olympics

It's going to be a busy couple of weeks as the Olympics kick off in Paris.

Whether you're trying to keep up with high-profile sports like women's gymnastics and men's basketball, or if competitions that are not usually on TV like breakdancing and kayaking are more your speed, our friends at Yahoo Sports have you covered.

Make sure you don't miss your favorite events or athletes.

See the full schedule here.

How to watch the opening ceremony

NBC News is broadcasting the 2024 Summer Olympics — as it has done every four summers since 1988, when it acquired the broadcasting rights to the Summer Games.

The 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony will kick off at 1:30 p.m. ET.

NBC's streaming app, Peacock , is the best place to watch this year's events — the app will have coverage of every sport, plus additional shows and interviews. NBC is expected to air at least nine hours of daily Olympics coverage and an Olympics primetime show nightly.

Select events will also air on USA Network, Golf Channel, E! and CNBC Spanish coverage of the Games will air on Universo and Telemundo. Click here for more ways to watch this year's historic Games.

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Zhukovsky International Airport

Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014–2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016. The declared capacity of the new airport was 4 million passengers per year.

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  2. Restorations

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  3. BSYAS

    Our Aim. To produce the biggest collection of information on Birkenhead Star Yachts from the very early days, through it's heydays until 1990 with the Marion Street factory closure and to make it available to Star Yacht enthusiasts, owners and the public. Anyone who would like to contribute to this venture whether it be by photos, catalogues or ...

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    Britannia Ponds Yachts North Star. We are also able to supply a large range of classic, vintage model boats and antique Pond Yachts from manufacturers like the famous Star Yachts of Birkenhead, Bowman, Skipper, Suggs, Ailsa, Gamages, Alexander and many others. Some of these sailing boats we restore to sailing condition, we also offer other ...

  5. Vintage Pond Yachts

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