yacht a vela

  • Oceanis 30.1
  • Oceanis 34.1
  • Oceanis 37.1
  • Oceanis 40.1
  • Oceanis 46.1
  • Oceanis 51.1
  • Oceanis Yacht 54
  • Oceanis Yacht 60
  • Vela Heritage
  • Flyer 6 SUNdeck
  • FLYER 6 SPACEdeck
  • Flyer 7 SUNdeck
  • Flyer 7 SPACEdeck
  • Flyer 8 SUNdeck
  • Flyer 8 SPACEdeck
  • Flyer 9 SUNdeck
  • Flyer 9 SPACEdeck
  • Antares 7 Fishing
  • Antares 8 Fishing
  • Gran Turismo 32
  • Gran Turismo 36
  • Gran Turismo 41
  • Gran Turismo 45
  • Swift Trawler 35
  • Swift trawler 41 Sedan
  • Swift trawler 41 Fly
  • Swift Trawler 48
  • Grand Trawler 62
  • Barche a motore heritage
  • I servizi BENETEAU
  • Architetti e Designers
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yacht a vela

Coniugare semplicità e prestazioni, con qualsiasi condizione meteo, su tutte le latitudini, per utilizzi sempre più personali e sogni sempre più accessibili. Un’infinita sensazione d’innovazione.

yacht a vela

Gli Oceanis ti invitano a scivolare sull’acqua, spinti dal vento e dal desiderio di staccare la spina, garantendoti una navigazione accessibile e confortevole in qualsiasi circostanza. Dotate di una carena a tulipano e linee essenziali, queste eleganti barche a vela sono diventate dei veri e propri punti di riferimento per la navigazione da crociera. Equilibrate e spaziose al tempo stesso, sono state progettate per far sentire ogni passeggero a proprio agio e far sì che le uscite in mare siano sempre sinonimo di piacere condiviso e convivialità

yacht a vela

Oceanis Yacht

Le linee slanciate degli Oceanis Yacht sono accattivanti. L’attenzione ai dettagli e il loro carattere straordinario ispirano sogni di lunghi viaggi in mare. Potenti e d’altura, queste barche a vela da grande crociera sono progettate per essere facilmente manovrabili con un equipaggio ridotto e per aprire l’orizzonte a lunghe navigazioni. All’interno e sul ponte, la qualità e il comfort degli allestimenti fanno sì che ogni momento trascorso in mare sia all’insegna dell’eleganza.

yacht a vela

La storica gamma di BENETEAU è all’insegna della velocità e del design, per un piacere di navigazione identico in crociera o in regata. Grazie a tale versatilità di utilizzo che li contraddistingue, i First affermano forte e chiaro la loro vocazione a offrire elevate prestazioni sull’acqua, anche con venti leggeri. Progettate dai più grandi architetti navali, hanno lasciato il segno nel mondo dei racer-cruiser fino a diventare dei veri e propri punti di riferimento.

yacht a vela

Leggeri, plananti, ad alte prestazioni, i First SE raccolgono la sfida di offrire agli appassionati di vela sensazioni che non hanno nulla da invidiare a quelle delle barche da regata, garantendo al contempo una navigazione in totale sicurezza. Facili da trasportare, da attrezzare e da varare, ti seguono con facilità nei percorsi di gara su qualsiasi superficie acquatica, oltre che appagare il tuo desiderio di scoprire nuovi orizzonti durante le escursioni costiere.

yacht a vela

Leggendario. Il Figaro è un inno all’eccellenza della regata d’altura. Monotipo inizialmente progettato per l’eponima regata la Solitaire, ha deliziato i più grandi velisti permettendo loro di competere ad armi pari sull’acqua. A bordo di un Figaro, è il marinaio a fare la differenza. 

yacht a vela

Gli antichi velieri BENETEAU

" La nostra storia è stata più volte raccontata nel corso di questi ultimi cinquant’anni ma per capirla, per cogliere i valori dell’azienda, bisogna risalire alle origini. In quanto tutto è continuità ed evoluzione. " - Annette Roux

yacht a vela

Scopri tutte le nostre gamme di barche a vela e yacht a vela di lusso

Stai cercando un concessionario di barche a vela ? Navigazione da diporto, escursioni in mare, vela sportiva, regata… Qualunque sia il tuo progetto di navigazione, grazie alle ampie gamme di barche a vela e yacht a vela di lusso , da BENETEAU potrai trovare la barca dei tuoi sogni.

Yacht a vela di lusso per tutti i progetti di navigazione

Con oltre un secolo di grande esperienza nel settore della costruzione navale, specializzata in barche da diporto fin dagli anni '60, BENETEAU è oggi in grado di offrire imbarcazioni per soddisfare tutti i velisti.

OCEANIS: il bestseller nella vela

BENETEAU si distingue nel settore della crociera grazie alla sua gamma OCEANIS. Con i suoi yacht a vela dagli scafi sempre più stabili, con piani di coperta sempre più sgombri, manovre semplificate, equipaggiamento e interni personalizzabili, la gamma OCEANIS è diventata il punto di riferimento mondiale per la crociera. È proposta in otto modelli che variano nelle dimensioni da 31 a 60 piedi.

Gamma First: yacht a vela iconici

BENETEAU primeggia anche ormai da più di 40 anni grazie alla sua gamma First. Giunta alla settima generazione, propone barche a vela robuste e maneggevoli, perfette per gli appassionati della vela sportiva. First: imbarcazioni ideali per gite sottocosta, ma anche per la regata ed escursioni avventura.


First SE riunisce una community di armatori che condividono gli stessi valori e vogliono migliorare le proprie abilità nautiche. I proprietari di First SE vivono il mare nel modo più autentico, non importa se per gareggiare su percorsi brevi oppure con uno orizzonte più ampio; grazie all'equipaggiamento come l'albero in carbonio, le vele in laminato e un'attrezzatura di coperta di qualità, possono ottenere facilmente le migliori prestazioni.

Gli yacht BENETEAU: lussuose barche a vela

BENETEAU è anche a tua disposizione per assisterti nell'acquisto di una barca di fascia alta. Le lussuose barche a vela della gamma OCEANIS Yacht rispondono perfettamente a questa scelta. La gamma propone in effetti due lussuose imbarcazioni da oltre 50 piedi, disegnate da prestigiosi architetti e progettisti. Lo stesso vale per il First Yacht 53 della gamma First.

Figaro BENETEAU: barche a vela simbolo delle regate d'altura

Le barche a vela BENETEAU sono adatte anche per i concorrenti e gli amanti delle regate d'altura. Dagli anni '90, la classe di barche a vela Figaro fa eccellere la comunità della vela francese. Oggi è arrivata alla sua terza generazione con il Figaro 3, uno yacht a vela che offre un'esperienza di navigazione indimenticabile. Vero concentrato di tecnologia e innovazione, è il risultato della collaborazione tra i migliori esperti del gruppo Beneteau e lo studio di architettura Van Peteghem Lauriot-Prévost (VPLP), gli architetti delle ultime due barche vincitrici della Vendée Globe.

Barche a vela che navigano sui cinque oceani

Questa diversità consente al marchio BENETEAU di essere rappresentato su tutti i mari del globo. Ovunque si trovino, le barche BENETEAU sono sempre ben riconoscibili per le loro linee affusolate, il loro design innovativo, la loro robustezza e le loro prestazioni. Certo BENETEAU non ha intenzione di accontentarsi dei traguardi raggiunti, si reinventa infatti costantemente per offrirti una navigazione da diporto sempre più piacevole, efficiente, sicura e accessibile. E per questo BENETEAU può contare sulle sue innovazioni attuali e future: Ship Control, Dock & Go, foil, ecc.

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  • Chinese, Simplified

Equinoxe Yachts International

Yacht a vela in vendita

Da crociera o da regata, classici o innovativi, multiscafi, motorsailer, golette …ogni tipo di yacht e superyacht a vela che possa incrociare le aspettative dei più sofisticati velisti e marinai., cerca uno yacht.

one force yacht a vela

  • LUNGHEZZA: 40 m (131′ 3″)
  • CANTIERE: CNT Castagnola
  • ANNO: 2013/2021
  • PREZZO: 2.750.000 €

Billy Budd II

Billy Budd II yacht royal huisman

  • LUNGHEZZA: 34.2 m (112′ 22”)
  • CANTIERE: Royal Huisman
  • ANNO: 1994/ 2009/2017
  • PREZZO: 2.950.000€

Logica barca a vela vendita

  • LUNGHEZZA: 89’ 96’’ (27,42 mt)
  • CANTIERE: Composite Works/Mondomarine
  • ANNO: 2002/2019-22
  • PREZZO: 1.349.000 €

Wizard yacht a vela vendita Italia

  • LUNGHEZZA: 80’ (24,32 mt)
  • CANTIERE: Yacht 2000 (ICE Yachts)
  • ANNO: 2006/2019
  • PREZZO: 1.950.000 €

Capricorno Reichel Pugh sailing yacht

  • LUNGHEZZA: 24 m (78′ 74″)
  • CANTIERE: McConaghy
  • ANNO: 1995/2005
  • PREZZO: 850.000 €

silandra yacht custom vela

  • LENGTH: 76′ (23.16 mt)
  • BUILDER: Nautor Swan
  • YEAR: 2007, ultimo refit 2022/23
  • PRICE: 1.950.000 €

Fifty Fifty

CNB 76 FIFTY FIFTY Yacht vela in vendita

  • LUNGHEZZA: 23.16 m (76″)
  • CANTIERE: Construction Navale Bordeaux
  • ANNO: 1991/2017-21
  • PREZZO: 550.000 €

Southern Wind 78 Nauta yacht in vendita

  • LUNGHEZZA: 78’ 70” (23,99 m)
  • CANTIERE: Southern Wind
  • ANNO: 2003/2022
  • PREZZO: 1.850.000 €

Nauta-Peterson 75′

Nauta Peterson yacht

  • LUNGHEZZA: 75’ 95” (23,15 m)
  • CANTIERE: Franchini Yachts
  • ANNO: 2001/2018
  • PREZZO: 820.000 €

yacht a vela 71' in vendita

  • LUNGHEZZA: 71′ (21.82 mt)
  • CANTIERE: Arredomar
  • PREZZO: 670.000 €

Solaris 72 Plum

Solaris 72 DH PLUM yacht in vendita

  • LUNGHEZZA: 21.55 m (70′ 70″)
  • CANTIERE: Solaris Yachts
  • PREZZO: 495.000 €

Southern Wind yacht in vendita

  • LUNGHEZZA: 71’ 82” (21,89 m)
  • PREZZO: 775.000 €

One Shot Yacht in vendita

  • LUNGHEZZA: 20.80 m (68′ 24″)
  • PREZZO: 2,200,000 €

Oliria yacht a vela Sangermani

  • LUNGHEZZA: 19.09 m (62′ 63″)
  • CANTIERE: Sangermani
  • ANNO: 1976/2016
  • PREZZO: 950.000 €

Clan 2 cutter in vendita

  • LUNGHEZZA: 19.05 M (62′ 6″)
  • CANTIERE: Carlini
  • ANNO: 2007/2020
  • PREZZO: 480.000 €

Tutti gli yacht in vendita

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Yachts di lujo Dufour

Da oltre 50 anni, Dufour Yachts offre un’ampia gamma di barche a vela , resistenti e spaziose, dal design emblematico. Gli scafi e le linee slanciate delle barche a vela Dufour rimangono unici… Un segno distintivo della comunità Dufour, che naviga in tutto il mondo. Qualunque sia il vostro programma di navigazione, ogni barca a vela Dufour , da 9 a 18 metri, si adatterà al vostro stile e ai vostri desideri, combinando il piacere della navigazione con una grande abitabilità, offrendo diverse scelte di layout del ponte e degli interni #InstinctiveSailing

Barca Dufour 37

  • Felci Yacht Design

Dufour 37, l'unica barca a vela di 10,80 metri che offre così tanto spazio a bordo con prestazioni marine incomparabili.

Barca Dufour 390

Lo yacht Dufour 390, barche a vela di 12 metri, mantiene le sue promesse, con qualità marine e design ineguagliabili. Scegliete di navigare a bordo di uno yacht spazioso e confortevole.

Barca Dufour 41

Nuova barca a vela in vendita Dufour, questa barca a vela di oltre 12 metri è pensata con un nuovo design che favorisce la vita all'aperto sulla barca.

Barca Dufour 430

Vivete l'avventura a bordo di una barca a vela eccellente. Il Dufour 430, barca a vela di 13 metri, incarna lo stile deciso della gamma di barche a vela Dufour con le sue linee eleganti e armoniose.

Barca Dufour 44

Questo yacht da crociera di 14 metri è una prodigiosa combinazione di puro istinto di navigazione e del lusso e del comfort di uno yacht di classe mondiale

Dufour offre un’ampia gamma di barche a vela di alta gamma, da 14 a 18 metri, specificamente progettate per soddisfare le aspettative della navigazione in acque blu. L’intimità a bordo, gli spazi rilassanti e conviviali, la personalizzazione di layout e materiali, il comfort durante la navigazione con un equipaggio limitato, sono tutti elementi che rendono gli yacht di lusso Dufour 470, Dufour 530, 56 e 61 dei modelli unici. Se siete alla ricerca di uno yacht in vendita , vi invitiamo a contattare un rivenditore locale di barche a vela!

Barca Dufour 470

Nuova per il 2021 nella gamma di yacht di lusso Dufour, questa barca a vela di più di 14 metri si distingue per la sua eleganza, il suo piano di coperta modulare e i suoi spazi interni moderni e luminosi.

Barca Dufour 530

Elogiato dalla stampa internazionale e votato yacht dell'anno, il Dufour 530, barca a vela di 16 metri, è uno yacht da crociera unico che combina design, innovazione, prestazioni e piacere di governare.

Barca Dufour 56

Una barca a vela di lusso progettata per crociere a lunga distanza - Ambiziosa, veloce, adatta al mare e affidabile in tutte le circostanze, incarna l'essenza di una yacht a vela potente, sicura e facile da gestire.

Barca Dufour 61

Nuovo per il 2021, il Dufour 61, yacht di lusso di 19 metri è la barca a vela di lusso per eccellenza, per accompagnarvi nei vostri progetti di navigazione più ambiziosi. Tenuta di mare, materiali di alta gamma, spazio e luminosità.

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yacht a vela

VELA for charter

VELA is a 50m custom-built Phinisi yacht. VELA was launched in July 2022 and combines traditional Indonesian aesthetics with modern style. VELA’s interior design is unlike that of any other Phinisi on the market. It’s fresh, bright, and airy, and much more contemporary than other yachts offered for charter. VELA’s design celebrates Indonesian craftsmanship, making extensive use of local materials, and pairs it with high-end, superyacht finesse. Throughout the interior, contemporary Indonesian artwork is featured, which has been curated in collaboration with leading Indonesian galleries. The owners of VELA have selected fixtures and accessories from some of the most highly regarded names in international luxury. From the most obvious guest-facing accessories to the more discreet fittings, everything aboard is of the highest standard. There are fabrics from Dedar Milano, Rubelli, and Hermès, reading lamps by Contardi Italia, brass door handles made in Italy by Olivari, bathroom fittings by Axor, and silverware produced by Cutipol in Portugal. Solid teak furniture produced by local artisans using teak from sustainably managed sources features throughout the yacht and, in further consideration of the delicate cruising environment, reef-safe bath and body products made with natural ingredients are offered onboard. There’s accommodation for 12 adults guests and 2 children in 6 beautifully appointed cabins. VELA is one fof the very few Phinisi yachts to feature two master cabins above deck – one is located on the bridge deck and benefits from a private terrace, while the other is on the main deck. Each cabin is equipped with a Samsung TV offering a wide range os movies on demand and Bluetooth speakers from Sonance and Dali. VELA has a fantastic selection of water toys, including two Yamaha jet skis, water skis and wakeboards, stand-up paddleboards and surfboards, kayaks, and various towables. VELA is ideal for scuba divers wishing to explore beneath the waves and is equipped with 17 dive kits (including BCDs, regulators, and computers) and cylinders in various sizes. There are two Bauer air compressors onboard and a Nitrox generator. VELA’s crew is extremely experienced, with qualified scuba diving instructors onboard, and the team has unparalleled local knowledge.


  • Yacht Type: Sail Yacht
  • Builder: Custom
  • Length Overall: 50 metres
  • Beam: 9.75 metres
  • Max Draught: 3.8 metres
  • Gross Tonnage: 323


  • Year of Build: 2022

Performance & Capacities

  • Max Speed: 14 kn
  • Cruising Speed: 10 kn
  • Range: 4500 nm


  • Passenger Rooms: 6

Cruising areas

  • All year: Asia , South-East Asia

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yacht a vela

Vela was conceived for modern day adventurers and experiential travelers eager to explore the most remote corners of the Indonesian archipelago.

Melding centuries-old tradition and modern naval design, Vela was conceived by an American engineer and built in South Sulawesi by renowned Konjo boat- builders. Its sleek hull was designed for optimal performance and safety using locally sourced ironwood and teak. Stable and highly maneuverable, Vela is equally well-suited for cruising the Indonesian shores and undertaking crossings, enabling it to reach far-flung islands of Indonesia and beyond.

Combining the best of adventure, refinement and safety, Vela seeks to redefine barefoot luxury by sailing off the beaten path and crafting lasting bespoke memories. From scuba diving with manta rays and hiking among Komodo dragons to sheer relaxation on a pristine beach, no two experiences are ever the sam

Each of Vela’s six suites is tastefully appointed with Italian fabrics and furnished with locally produced custom teak furniture sourced from sustainable forestry. Every en-suite bathroom is equipped with Philippe Starck-designed fittings and features handmade terracotta produced in Ubud, offset with smooth marble. The interiors, created by a Parisian interior designer, are bright and airy, with a generous dash of colour. Chic accents include ceramics from Gaya in Ubud, fabrics hand-dyed with plant-based indigo dye from East Bali and Italian fabrics from Hermès and Dedar Milano.

From relaxing full-body massages on a deserted beach to cleansing facials and body scrubs on Vela’s breezy decks or in the comfort of your cabin, Vela’s spa offering is designed for absolute pampering. Crafted at The Retreat by Nirjhara exclusively for Vela, our menu of complimentary treatments uses all-natural products from the archipelago to satisfy the most demanding guests.

A wide array of wellness activities is available onboard, including yoga and sunrise meditation on Vela’s top deck or on the beach, and a complete range of fitness equipment including adjustable weights, resistance bands and TRX allows even the most active to stay in shape while at anchor.

Explore far-flung locales, revel in breath-taking landscapes and discover one of the world’s richest marine ecosystem. Inspired by the spirit of adventure, Vela’s tailored itineraries are curated to showcase the diversity of the Indonesian archipelago and celebrate its natural heritage.

From coveted highlights such as Komodo National Park and Raja Ampat, to the lesser-known Maluku Islands, diving with whale sharks in Cenderawasih, or exploring the hidden coves of Alor and Wakatobi, each journey onboard Vela is crafted to suit the wanderlust of its guests.

  • Non-alcoholic beverages
  • Service of the crew and cruise director
  • Use of Water sports equipment
  • Activities and diving as outlined in the itinerary
  • Spa treatments (up to 4 hours)
  • Diving for certified divers
  • Excursions and guide fee
  • Park and boat clearance fees
  • Airport transfers to and from port
  • International & domestic airfares
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Travel & medical insurance
  • Unscheduled excursions
  • Crew gratuities

SEASONS General seasons, subject to change, repositioning fees may apply.

PRIVATE CRUISE USD $ 15,000 + 11% tax / night April - September Komodo National Park USD $ 15,000 + 11% tax / night October Banda Neira USD $ 15,000 + 11% tax / night November - March Raja Ampat

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Yacht for Charter | YEAR BUILT: 2022



$ 13,500

Step aboard Vela, a 2022 Phinisi yacht that redefines luxury in Indonesia. With a length of 50 meters, this vessel offers an unrivaled blend of adventure, refinement, and safety. Perfectly designed for families and groups of friends, Vela promises bespoke memories that last a lifetime.

Asia Global Yachting (AGY)  Exteriors General Photos 5 Of 16 Img 8052 Scaled

Sail the Extraordinary

“vela invites you to set sail on a journey that transcends the ordinary. this luxurious yacht combines the best of adventure and comfort, promising an experience that's as unique as indonesia's archipelago.”, watch the video.

Embark on a visual journey aboard, where unparalleled luxury meets breathtaking design.

Step Inside

Interior charm.

With 6 luxury staterooms accommodating up to 12 adults and 2 children, Vela ensures everyone on board enjoys the utmost comfort and privacy. Whether you dine under the stars or explore the archipelago's culinary diversity, every moment is an indulgence.

yacht a vela

Exterior Elegance

Exterior allure.

Vela is more than a yacht; it's a masterpiece of tradition and modern design. Crafted in South Sulawesi by renowned Konjo boat-builders, it stands as a testament to local craftsmanship. From its sleek hull to the use of ironwood and teak, Vela exudes stability and maneuverability.

yacht a vela


  • Description
  • Additional information

Embark on a Phinisi Adventure

Meet Vela, a 2022 Phinisi yacht that redefines luxury on the Indonesian seas. Stretching an impressive 50 meters, it’s a vessel that’s built for adventure, refinement, and safety, offering a perfect haven for families and friends alike.

Every journey on Vela is an invitation to explore the extraordinary. With 6 luxury staterooms accommodating up to 12 adults and 2 children, it promises an unparalleled blend of adventure and comfort. Whether you’re dining under the stars on the spacious decks, savoring culinary delights, or sailing to far-flung Indonesian islands, Vela creates memories that linger.

Features of Vela

Designed by an American engineer and built in South Sulawesi by Konjo boat-builders, Vela combines tradition with modern naval design. Its sleek hull is crafted from locally sourced ironwood and teak, ensuring stability and safety. Whether you’re cruising along the Indonesian shores or embarking on longer crossings, Vela’s design enables you to explore with confidence.


  • 2022 Phinisi yacht
  • 50 meters in length
  • Cruising speed of 10 knots
  • Max speed of 12 knots


  • 6 luxurious staterooms
  • Accommodates up to 12 adults and 2 children

Indulge in Culinary Delights

On Vela, dining is an experience in itself. Whether you prefer the open air of the decks or the elegance of the dining room, our executive chef and his team are dedicated to reinterpreting local and Western favorites. Fresh ingredients sourced from local markets and fishermen ensure every meal is a culinary adventure.

The Vela Experience

Vela is more than a yacht; it’s a story waiting to be told. Crafted with care and precision, it’s a testament to local craftsmanship and modern design. Whether you’re exploring Indonesia’s shores or sailing beyond, Vela promises an experience that transcends the ordinary.

Your Journey Begins with AGY

Asia Global Yachting specializes in crafting journeys that redefine luxury. With Vela, we invite you to explore Indonesia’s beauty like never before. Our commitment to safety and excellence ensures your voyage is as exceptional as the destination.

Ready to Set Sail with Vela?

If the allure of Vela has captured your imagination or if you have questions about your upcoming voyage, our dedicated team is here to assist. Your adventure awaits.

  • How many guests can Vela accommodate? Vela can comfortably accommodate up to 12 adults and 2 children in its 6 luxurious staterooms.
  • What is the cruising and maximum speed of Vela? Vela has a cruising speed of 10 knots and can reach a maximum speed of 12 knots.
  • What makes Vela unique? Its blend of adventure, refinement, and safety sets Vela apart, offering bespoke memories and luxury.
  • How do I book a voyage on Vela? Contact Asia Global Yachting for booking information and availability.
  • Where can Vela take me? Explore the Indonesian archipelago and beyond with Vela, sailing off the beaten path.


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Elan GT6 Explorer

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Elan Yachts E4

Built upon the legacy of the multiple award-winning Elan 350, this is an ideal yacht for sailing connoisseurs and their family.

Elan Yachts E5

Adorned with performance features and comfort amenities, this fast beauty will put a smile on the face of every sailor.

Elan Yachts E6

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Elan Yachts Impression Line


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Elan Yachts Impression 43


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Elan Yachts Impression 50.1


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Elan Yachts GT Line

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Elan Yachts GT5

An amalgam of a semi-deck saloon cruiser yacht and an ambitious hull form, the GT5 birthed a new segment of crossover yachts.

Elan Yachts GT6

Start your grand tour! This multiple-award winning yacht styled by Stuido F. A. Porsche is synonymous with grand touring in sailing.

Elan Yachts GT6 Explorer

The Elan GT6 Explorer is the epitome of luxury and adventure on the open sea. This yacht combines state-of-the-art technology and exquisite design for optimal bluewater cruising.

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A Star Nominee at the British Yachting Awards

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Elan Impression 43 Grabs a Coveted Spot as SAIL Magazine's "Top 10 Best Boats" Nominee

E line crossover.

Elan Yachts - Elan E4


Elan Yachts - Elan i43

IMPRESSION 43 - 43'8"

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IMPRESSION 50.1 - 48'8"

Gt line luxury performance.

Elan Yachts - Elan GT5

GT5 - 40'9"

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photo of Vela Boatworks 318

Just as strong, stable, and seaworthy with Vela’s over-engineered fiberglass composite structure that can “take a beating” in rough seas and get home safely. As with the larger models, the 318 features a simple, uncluttered deck and helm layout, and elegant minimalist style.


  • Length Overall 32' 0
  • Max Draft 1' 4
  • Displacement 8,950 lbs.
  • Fuel Capacity 350 gallons

But Vela doesn’t skimp on anything—only allowing the most premium options for the best electronic suites, amenities, power packages, and standard items such as the audio system, LED lighting, touchscreen controls, wireless charging in dash, huge solar T-top, lithium-ion batteries, and more.

The 318’s compact size is sufficiently robust to take on offshore conditions, yet capable of “slipping into inshore party spots!” A built-in cooler at forward end of coffin box “Cool Pool,” holds ice for 4-5 days; lid flips up for easy access to beverages! Vela’s built-in versatility allows the 318 to transition from serious deep-sea fishing boat to dayboat hanging out at the sandbar with friends. The 16” draft makes the Vela 318 an ideal platform for fishing in skinny waters and exploring shorelines.

United Yacht Sales is proud to be a Vela Boatworks dealer. Our Vela Brand Managers - Matthew Key and Pat Bustle - can assist with pricing and availability.

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photo of Vela Boatworks 318

Vela Boatworks 37TE

photo of Vela Boatworks 318

Vela Boatworks 368

photo of Vela Boatworks 318

Vela Boatworks 32TE

yacht a vela

Il catamarano a vela più grande del mondo sarà un vero e proprio museo itinerante

Art Explorer è il multiscafo di Perini Navi che per due anni porterà in giro per il mondo esperienze artistiche

a boat in the water

Il progetto del catamarano Art Explorer è stato commissionato da Frédéric Jousset; Fraser Yacht si è occupata del Project Management mentre interior ed exterior design sono stati firmati dagli architetti francesi Axel de Beaufort e Guillaume Verdier. “Il design del catamarano si è ispirato molto alle mie esperienze in offshore”, racconta Axel de Beaufort, che prosegue: “Lavorando a stretto contatto con il mio caro amico e rinomato architetto navale Guillaume Verdier, abbiamo realizzato una barca che coniuga perfettamente performance e funzionalità. Il design degli interni dell'Art Explorer trasmette un'eleganza e una raffinatezza senza tempo, riflettendo l'essenza dell'eleganza. Ogni dettaglio è stato curato con massima attenzione per creare uno spazio lussuoso e accogliente che si integra perfettamente con la grandezza dello yacht”. Art Explorer ospita una mostra immersiva progettata con l'eccezionale collaborazione del Musée du Louvre , un'esperienza sonora sviluppata con Ircam e residenze d'artista a bordo.

a boat in the water

Il flybridge del catamarano Art Explorer sarà adibito per le esposizioni virtuali, i workshop e le conferenze, mentre nella parte interna centrale dello yacht troverà spazio la galleria vera e propria che nella fase inaugurale ospiterà ‘Icons’, una mostra digitale sulla rappresentazione delle donne nel Mediterraneo gestita da Noëmi Daucé, curatrice di archeologia al Louvre Abu Dhabi.

L'ingresso alle mostre proposte sul catamarano Art Explorer sarà gratuito e i visitatori saranno incoraggiati a registrarsi in anticipo tramite Art Explora Academy, una nuova piattaforma digitale dedicata ai corsi di storia dell'arte in francese e inglese, con video didattici sviluppati in stretta collaborazione con l' Università Paris-Sorbonne . Al termine dei due anni di navigazione dedicata all’arte, il catamarano verrà utilizzato come barca per il charter.

a boat on the water

Il catamarano Art Explorer è la barca-museo che ospiterà il Festival Art Explora , un festival culturale itinerante, ad accesso libero, sviluppato in collaborazione con le istituzioni locali del Mediterraneo per offrire esperienze culturali e artistiche uniche. Oltre la barca, il festival si svolgerà sulle banchine e nelle città ospitanti, con un programma che unisce mostre, realtà virtuale, spettacoli, conferenze, proiezioni di film, concerti, workshop, ecc., riunendo artisti, curatori di mostre, organizzazioni culturali, associazioni e istituzioni educative che immagineranno collettivamente una nuova visione del Mediterraneo.

Lo yacht sarà accompagnato da uno spazio espositivo nomade e innovativo, progettato da Wilmotte & Associés Architectes, che sarà allestito sulle banchine dei porti visitati. Per ridurre le emissioni, il catamarano, a bordo, vanta l'installazione di numerosi pannelli solari .

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Charter experts since 2012.

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Vela is a custom built phinisi yacht that launched in August 2022, and is owned by the eco-minded team behind Nirjhara hotel in Bali.

Blending century-old tradition and modern naval design, Vela was conceived by an American engineer and built in South Sulawesi by the renowned Konjo boatbuilders. Her sleek hull was designed for optimal performance and safety, using locally sourced ironwood and teak. ​ Combining the best of adventure, refinement and safety, Vela seeks to redefine barefoot luxury by sailing off the beaten path and crafting lasting bespoke memories. From scuba diving with manta rays and hiking among Komodo dragons to sheer relaxation on a pristine Papuan beach, no two experiences are ever the same.

50M  |  6 CABINS  |  12 GUESTS  |  18 CREW

Onboard experience.

yacht a vela

Distinctive and elegant, Vela’s interior offers a comfortable setting with a generous dose of traditional Indonesian craftsmanship. Vela's interiors, envisioned by a Parisian interior designer, are bright with a dash of colour. Chic accents include ceramics from Gaya in Ubud, fabrics hand-dyed with plant-based indigo dye from East Bali and Italian fabrics from Hermès and Dedar Milano.  ​ Each of Vela’s six suites - two master suites above deck and four spacious staterooms below deck, is tastefully appointed with Italian fabrics and furnished with locally produced custom teak furniture sourced from sustainable forestry. En-suite bathrooms are equipped with Philippe Starck fittings and features handmade terracotta produced in Ubud, offset with smooth marble.


Communal spaces.

yacht a vela

You can sip a cocktail in the spacious lounge complete with a bar and wine cellar surrounded by unobstructed views and dine in one of the dedicated indoor and outdoor dining areas. A host of added wellbeing boosters await: sun salutations take on new magic with sunrise yoga and meditation classes, an outdoor gym can be set up on deck daily, while an expert therapist will be on hand to offer massages and other beauty rituals, including signature treatments from The Retreat (Nirjhara’s spa). Wherever you choose to sail, make the most of crystalline waters with diving, snorkelling, water-skiing and stand-up paddle boarding, or head ashore for island hiking, birdwatching, secret-beach barbecues and more.

What We Love

Vela is an exciting new addition to the Indonesian yachting scene. Her boutique hotel ownership ensures fine attention to detail and the feel of a discreet floating villa at sea.

Cabins: 6 Guest number: 12 Crew number: 18 Length: 50.00 m (164 ft) Beam: 9.75 m (32 ft) Draft: 3.80 m (12 ft) Cruising speed: 8 knots Max speed: 12 knots


yacht a vela

+ Air-conditioning + Wi-Fi (4G data & satellite internet) + 2 Zodiac Pro 7 Mercury 200hp + Towables + Fishing gear + 2 Yamaha WaveRunner EXR jet skis (only for use outside of national park boundaries) + Stand up paddle boards + Waterskis and wakeboard + Sea kayaks + Snorkelling & diving equipment (inc nitrox) + Outdoor gym with TRX suspension training kits, dumbbells and yoga mats

yacht a vela

+ All meals & snacks + Non-alcoholic drinks + Diving for certified divers (inc nitrox) + Use of water sports equipment + All excursions + National park fees + Spa services (up to 4 hours per day) + Local airport transfers + Fuel

+ Alcohol + Scuba diving courses + Personal travel & diving insurance (mandatory) + Gratuity (we recommend 5 - 10% of the charter cost, at your discretion) 


Vela Private Yacht Charter Bali KC-clientFULLRES-DJI_0483-Pano

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65M  |  7 cabinS

51M  |  7 cabinS  

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A Breath of Fresh Air

Combining traditional Indonesian aesthetics with modern design stylings, Vela is unlike any other phinisi on the water. Celebrating Indonesian craftsmanship and local materials, she is the perfect blend of regional traditions with luxury yacht finesse.

Vela is one of the few charter yachts available with two master cabins above deck, offering uninterrupted views of the stunning islands as they pass by.


Every detail onboard Vela has been crafted with the goal of creating a refreshing feel. Light colors with neutral accents bring the outside indoors, creating a breath of fresh air throughout. Six elegant suites await with space for up to 12 guests and two children. Two master cabins are uniquely situated above deck, one on the main deck while the other sits atop the bridge, benefitting from a private terrace to allow the morning sun to greet you as you sip your morning coffee and prepare for another fantastic day exploring the islands. The remaining cabins are located below deck, furnished with luxurious Italian fabrics and locally, sustainably sourced teak furniture. Each suite features its own private ensuite, decorated in terracotta produced in Ubud, marble accents and Philippe Starck-designed fittings.

Dining and Relaxing

Vela’s executive chef and his team are ready to welcome you, offering the most delectable local dishes, while also catering to any and all dietary requirements, or Western menu requests. They will curate meals according to your group’s preferences while utilizing fresh and local ingredients. From how you take your morning coffee, to your favorite nightcap and every meal and snack in between, Vela’s crew is ready to wow you with their service and attention to detail. With an abundance of space available throughout, whether you want to enjoy your meals in the formal dining room, barefoot on the beach under the stars, or on the ample foredeck taking in the passing sights, is up to you.

Explore the Undiscovered

No trip to Indonesia is complete without getting up close and personal with its unique marine biodiversity. No two dives are ever the same and adventurous guests may gaze in wonder at the sight of manta rays, sea turtles and sharks while marine photographers will notice seahorses, mantis shrimps and nudibranchs hidden in pristine coral gardens. Vela’s qualified dive instructors are trained to help beginners achieve their PADI certification onboard and a nitrox compressor allows experienced divers to make the most of each dive and shorten surface intervals. For those that prefer to explore above the water, a plethora of water toys await. A crew member will be happy to take you waterskiing or wakeboarding behind the tender to find quiet bays hidden from view. When it’s time to slow down, kayaks and stand-up paddle boards are available for scenic tours or to head onto the beach for a little sunbathing and exploring.

A Personalized Experience

Vela’s fantastic crew prides itself on its unrivaled local knowledge and being able to put together the perfect itinerary for your group. Whether you want to spend your days diving, seeking out the marine life that calls this place home, enjoying land-based excursions like hiking and bird watching, or taking in a massage or other wellness service provided by the crew, Vela and her crew have you covered. Vela’s dedicated activities manager and his team work with knowledgeable local experts to craft bespoke tours suited to our guests’ preferences.

yacht a vela

  • All gourmet meals and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Airport transfers to and from port
  • National park fees
  • Diving for certified divers
  • Trekking, beach excursions, paddle boarding, kayaking, use of jet skis outside of park boundaries
  • Complimentary spa treatments (up to 4h per day)
  • Unlimited satellite internet
  • Personal laundry services
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Diving courses
  • Insurance for diving, medical or cancellation
  • Crew gratuities


General information, water sports.

yacht a vela

Your Private Charter on Vela

Vela was custom-built to offer the optimal floating oasis for people looking to explore the Coral Triangle in style and comfort. Barefoot luxury is given a whole new meaning thanks to her marriage of traditional craftsmanship, with modern luxury furnishings.

To discuss planning the ultimate itinerary on Vela, please get in touch.

Suggested Itineraries

  • Crossing the Wallace Line

Discovering Raja Ampat

Dive ultramarine.

  • Private Surf Safari

The Westward Passage

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Vela Charter Yacht


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VELA yacht NOT for charter*

40m  /  131'3 | broward | 1987 / 2007.

Owner & Guests

Cabin Configuration

  • Previous Yacht

Special Features:

  • ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) classification
  • Sleeps 10 overnight
  • Zodiac Tender
  • Shallow draft and fast speeds for reef exploration

The 40m/131'3" motor yacht 'Vela' (ex. Mayacca) was built by Broward in the United States at their Saugatuck, MI shipyard. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Broward and she was last refitted in 2007.

Guest Accommodation

Vela has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 10 guests in 5 suites. She is also capable of carrying up to 6 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

Her features include deck jacuzzi and air conditioning.

Range & Performance

Built with a aluminium hull and aluminium superstructure, with teak decks, she benefits from a semi-displacement hull to provide exceptional seakeeping and impressive speeds. Vela comfortably cruises at 13 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 15 knots. Her low draft of 1.9m/6'3" makes her primed for accessing shallow areas and cruising close to the shorelines. Her water tanks store around 8,327 Litres of fresh water. She was built to ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) classification society rules.

*Charter Vela Motor Yacht

Motor yacht Vela is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

Vela Yacht Owner, Captain or marketing company

'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

Vela Photos

Vela Yacht Jacuzzi

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


M/Y Vela


Here are a selection of superyachts which are similar to Vela yacht which are believed to be available for charter. To view all similar luxury charter yachts click on the button below.

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38m | Christensen

POA ♦︎

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37m | Azimut

from $45,000 p/week

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Cheetah Moon

39m | Cantieri Navali Nicolini

from $71,000 p/week ♦︎

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43m | Christensen

from $97,000 p/week ♦︎

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37m | Broward

from $60,000 p/week

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43m | Siar & Moschini

from $136,000 p/week ♦︎

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36m | Lloyds Ships

from $38,000 p/week ♦︎

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37m | Ferronavale

from $72,000 p/week ♦︎

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43m | Marine Industrial Technologies

from $82,000 p/week ♦︎

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Illusion II

40m | Lloyds Ships

from $120,000 p/week ♦︎

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37m | Baglietto

from $44,000 p/week ♦︎

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Lady Victoria

37m | Feadship

from $72,000 p/week

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yacht a vela

Strange Glow Over Moscow Skies Triggers Panic as Explosions Reported

B right flashes lit up the night sky in southern Moscow in the early hours of Thursday morning, new footage appears to show, following reports of an explosion at an electrical substation on the outskirts of the city.

Video snippets circulating on Russian-language Telegram channels show a series of flashes on the horizon of a cloudy night sky, momentarily turning the sky a number of different colors. In a clip shared by Russian outlet MSK1.ru, smoke can be seen rising from a building during the flashes lighting up the scene.

Newsweek was unable to independently verify the details of the video clips, including when and where it was filmed. The Russian Ministry of Emergency situations has been contacted via email.

Several Russian Telegram accounts said early on Thursday that residents of southern Moscow reported an explosion and a fire breaking out at an electrical substation in the Leninsky district, southeast of central Moscow.

Local authorities in the Leninsky district told Russian outlet RBC that the explosion had happened in the village of Molokovo. "All vital facilities are operating as normal," Leninsky district officials told the outlet.

The incident at the substation in Molokovo took place just before 2 a.m. local time, MSK1.ru reported.

Messages published by the ASTRA Telegram account, run by independent Russian journalists, appear to show residents close to the substation panicking as they question the bright flashes in the sky. One local resident describes seeing the bright light before losing access to electricity, with another calling the incident a "nightmare."

More than 10 villages and towns in the southeast of Moscow lost access to electricity, the ASTRA Telegram account also reported. The town of Lytkarino to the southeast of Moscow, lost electricity, wrote the eastern European-based independent outlet, Meduza.

Outages were reported in the southern Domodedovo area of the city, according to another Russian outlet, as well as power failures in western Moscow. Electricity was then restored to the areas, the Strana.ua outlet reported.

The cause of the reported explosion is not known. A Telegram account aggregating news for the Lytkarino area described the incident as "an ordinary accident at a substation."

The MSK1.ru outlet quoted a local resident who speculated that a drone may have been responsible for the explosion, but no other Russian source reported this as a possible cause.

Ukraine has repeatedly targeted Moscow with long-range aerial drones in recent months, including a dramatic wave of strikes in late May.

On Sunday, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said the region's air defense systems had intercepted an aerial drone over the city of Elektrostal, to the east of Moscow. No damage or casualties were reported, he said.

The previous day, Russian air defenses detected and shot down another drone flying over the Bogorodsky district, northeast of central Moscow, Sobyanin said.

There is currently no evidence that an aerial drone was responsible for the reported overnight explosion at the electrical substation in southern Moscow.

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Stills from footage circulating on Telegram early on Thursday morning. Bright flashes lit up the night sky in southern Moscow, new footage appears to show, following reports of an explosion at an electrical substation on the outskirts of the city.

World Energy

Rosatom Starts Production of Rare-Earth Magnets for Wind Power Generation

TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom has started gradual localization of rare-earth magnets manufacturing for wind power plants generators. The first sets of magnets have been manufactured and shipped to the customer.

yacht a vela

In total, the contract between Elemash Magnit LLC (an enterprise of TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom in Elektrostal, Moscow region) and Red Wind B.V. (a joint venture of NovaWind JSC and the Dutch company Lagerwey) foresees manufacturing and supply over 200 sets of magnets. One set is designed to produce one power generator.

“The project includes gradual localization of magnets manufacturing in Russia, decreasing dependence on imports. We consider production of magnets as a promising sector for TVEL’s metallurgical business development. In this regard, our company does have the relevant research and technological expertise for creation of Russia’s first large-scale full cycle production of permanent rare-earth magnets,” commented Natalia Nikipelova, President of TVEL JSC.

“NovaWind, as the nuclear industry integrator for wind power projects, not only made-up an efficient supply chain, but also contributed to the development of inter-divisional cooperation and new expertise of Rosatom enterprises. TVEL has mastered a unique technology for the production of magnets for wind turbine generators. These technologies will be undoubtedly in demand in other areas as well,” noted Alexander Korchagin, Director General of NovaWind JSC.

For reference:

TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom incorporates enterprises for the fabrication of nuclear fuel, conversion and enrichment of uranium, production of gas centrifuges, as well as research and design organizations. It is the only supplier of nuclear fuel for Russian nuclear power plants. TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom provides nuclear fuel for 73 power reactors in 13 countries worldwide, research reactors in eight countries, as well as transport reactors of the Russian nuclear fleet. Every sixth power reactor in the world operates on fuel manufactured by TVEL. www.tvel.ru

NovaWind JSC is a division of Rosatom; its primary objective is to consolidate the State Corporation's efforts in advanced segments and technological platforms of the electric power sector. The company was founded in 2017. NovaWind consolidates all of the Rosatom’s wind energy assets – from design and construction to power engineering and operation of wind farms.

Overall, by 2023, enterprises operating under the management of NovaWind JSC, will install 1 GW of wind farms. http://novawind.ru

Elemash Magnit LLC is a subsidiary of Kovrov Mechanical Plant (an enterprise of the TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom) and its main supplier of magnets for production of gas centrifuges. The company also produces magnets for other industries, in particular, for the automotive

industry. The production facilities of Elemash Magnit LLC are located in the city of Elektrostal, Moscow Region, at the site of Elemash Machine-Building Plant (a nuclear fuel fabrication facility of TVEL Fuel Company).

Rosatom is a global actor on the world’s nuclear technology market. Its leading edge stems from a number of competitive strengths, one of which is assets and competences at hand in all nuclear segments. Rosatom incorporates companies from all stages of the technological chain, such as uranium mining and enrichment, nuclear fuel fabrication, equipment manufacture and engineering, operation of nuclear power plants, and management of spent nuclear fuel and nuclear waste. Nowadays, Rosatom brings together about 350 enterprises and organizations with the workforce above 250 K. https://rosatom.ru/en/

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    B right flashes lit up the night sky in southern Moscow in the early hours of Thursday morning, new footage appears to show, following reports of an explosion at an electrical substation on the ...

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