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  • MYHC Bi-laws
  • Storage Rules
  • Caloosahatchee River Fun
  • Lake Okeechobee Fun

Moore Haven Yacht Club is a 55+ Residential Manufactured Home Community where you own your lot with City Water and Sewer. Be sure to look at the Homes for Sale or install a new manufactured home on one of the Lots. You become a Member of the Homeowners Association with amenities that include the use of the Clubhouse Facilities, Swimming Pool, planned Activities and lawn mowing service. What makes the Moore Haven Yacht club unique is its' Location !  You'll experience the best Boating and Fishing area in Southern Florida with lock access to the famous Lake Okeechobee ; known for the best Bass Fishing in the World.  The Moore Haven Yacht Club (MHYC) is situated on the Caloosahatchee River , part of the Okeechobee Waterway. The Okeechobee Waterway is 134 Nautical miles connecting the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean. Moore Haven is in the center of Florida. In little over an hour you can drive to Fort Myers on the Gulf Coast or West Palm Beach and Ft. Lauderdale on the Atlantic Coast. Whether you'll be a full time resident or a snowbird, Moore Haven Yacht Club is a great place to live.

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yacht club moore haven fl

1.4 Definitions 1


yacht club moore haven fl

2.3 Notice of Annual Meeting 1

2.4 Notice of Special Meetings,. Generally 2

yacht club moore haven fl

2.6 Notice ofMeeting to Consider Excessive Budget 2

2.7 Notice of Meeting to Consider Recall of Board Member 2

yacht club moore haven fl

2.9 Quorum 2

2.10 Voting 2

2.11 Membership-Designation ofVoting Member 3

2.12 Proxies; Powers ofAttorney 3

2.13 Adjourned Meetings 3

2.14 Waiver ofNotice 4

2.15 Action by Members without a Meeting 4

yacht club moore haven fl

2.18 Actions Specifically Requiring Owner Approval 5


3.1 Number and qualifications 5

yacht club moore haven fl

3.4 Vacancies 6

3.5 Removal 6

3.6 Resignation 6

3.7 Organizational Meeting 6

3.8 Regular Meetings 6

3.9 Special Meetings 6

3.10 Waiver ofNotice 7

3.11 Quorum 7

3.12 Adjourned Meetings 7

3.13 No Proxy 7

3.14 Presumed Assent 7

3.16 Attendance by Conference Telephone 7

3.17   Meetings Open to Members

3.18   Presiding Offcer

3.19   Minutes of Meetings

yacht club moore haven fl

3.20   Executive Committee

3.21   Compensation

3.22   Order of Business

3.23   Election ofDirectors by Owners

yacht club moore haven fl

4.1 Maintenance, Management and Operation   of the Propaty

4.2 Contract Sue, or be Sued

4.3 Make and Collect Assessments

yacht club moore haven fl

4.5 Lien and Foreclosure for Unpaid   Assessments

4.6 Purchase

4.7 Grant or ModiW Easements

4.8 Purchase Land or Recreation Lease

4.9 Acquire Use Interest in Recreational   Facilities

4.10   Acquire Title to Property

4.11   Adopt Rules and Regulations

4.12   Maintain Offcial Records

4.13   Obtain Insurance

4.14   Fumish Annual Financial Reports to Members

4.15 Give   Notice ofLiabiIity Exposure

4.16   Provide Certificate of Unpaid Assessment

yacht club moore haven fl

4.18   Contract for Operation, Maintenance, and Management

4.19   Pay Taxes Of Assessments Against the Common Areas or

Association   Property

4.20   Pay Costs of Utilities Service Rendered to the Association

4.21   Employ Personnel

4.22   Impose Fines

4.23 Suspend Approval for Delinquent Owner

4.24 Authorize   Private Use of the Common Areas

4.25   Repair or Reconstruct Improvements After Casualties


5.1 Executive Officers

5.2 President

5.3 Vice President

5.4 Secretary and Assistant Secretary

5.5 Treasurer

5.6 Compensation



6.1 Board     Adoption ofBudget

yacht club moore haven fl

6.3 Notice ofBudget Meeting

6.4 Member Rejection ofExcessive Budget

yacht club moore haven fl

6.6 Accounting     Records and Reports

6.7 Dqository

yacht club moore haven fl


7.1 Assessments     Generally

7.2 Special Assessments

73 Charges for Other than Common     Expenses

7.4 Liability fir Assessments

7.5 Collection:      Application ofPayment

7.6 Lien for Assessment

7.7 Collection- Suit, Notice


8. I     Fair and Reasonable; Cancellation

8.2 Laundry-Related     Vending Equipment

yacht club moore haven fl


8.3 Requirements for Maintenance and Management Contracts 17



10. I Violations, Notice, Actions 18


yacht club moore haven fl



15. I Board May Adopt 19

15.2 Posting and Furnishing Copies 19

15.3 Reasonableness Test 19



yacht club moore haven fl

15.2   Tests for Validity ofRestrictions


yacht club moore haven fl


19.   Ævm(DMENTS





yacht club moore haven fl

1.3. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Association shall be the calendar year.

yacht club moore haven fl

1.5. Definitions. For convenience, these Bylaws shall be referred to as 'the Bylaws" and the Articles of Incorporation of the Association as 'the Articles".


yacht club moore haven fl

2.2. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the members shall be held at such places as provided for annual meetings and may be called by the President or by a majority ofthe Board of Directors of the Association, and must be called by the President or Secretary on receipt of a written request from at least 10% of the voting interests of the Association. Requests for a meeting by the members shall state the purpose for the meeting. Business conducted at any special meeting shall be limited to the matters stated in the notice for the meeting,

yacht club moore haven fl

hand delivered to each Owner at the address last furnished to the Association. Owners may waive notice of the annual meeting.

2.4. Notice of Special Meetings, Generally. Except as modified by the specific requirements for special kinds of members' generally shall be in writing, state the place, day and hour of the-meeting, and state the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called. The notice shall be delivered to each Owner not less than 10 nor more than 60 days before the date of the meeting, either personally or by first class mail, by or at the direction of the President, the Secretary, or the Officer or persons calling the meeting. If mailed, the notice shall be considered delivered when deposited in the United States mail addressed to the Owner at the address that appears in the records of the Association, with postage prepaid. Payment of postage for notice of any special meeting, by whoever called, shall be an obligation of the Association.

2.5. Notice of Budget Meeting. The Board of Directors shall mail or hand deliver to each Owner at the address last furnished to the association a notice and a copy of the proposed annual budget not less than 14 days before the meeting at which the Board will consider the budget.

2.6. Notice of Meeting to Consider Excessive Budget . If a budget adopted by the Board of Directors requires assessment against the Owners for any calendar year exceeding 115% of the assessment for the preceding year, the Board, on written application of of the voting interests to the Board, shall call a special meeting of the Owners within 30 days, on not less than 10 days' written notice to each Owner.

eetin to   Consider Recall of Boar

2. 7.. A special meeting Of the Owners to recall a member or members of the Board of Directors may be called by 10% of the voting interests giving notice of the meeting as required for a meeting of Owners, stating the purpose of the meeting. The notice must be accompanied by a dated copy of a signature list of at least 10% of the Owners. The meeting shall be held not less than 10 days nor more than 60 days from the date the notice of the meeting is given.

yacht club moore haven fl

2.9. Voting.

a. Number of Votes. In any meeting of members, each shall have one voting interest per lot of ownership. The vote is not divisible.

b. Majority Vote. The acts approved by a majority of'the voting interests present in person or by proxy at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be

binding on all Owners for all purposes unless the Act, the Declaration, the Articles, or these Bylaws require a larger percentage, in which case that larger percentage shall control.

2.10. Membership-Designation of Voting Member. Persons or entities shall become members of the Association on the acquisition of fee title. Membership shall be terminated when a person or entity no longer owns a parcel. If a parcel is owned by more than one natural person (other than a husband and wife), or a corporation, partnership, or other artificial entity, the voting interest of that parcel shall be exercised only by the natural person named in a voting certificate signed by all the natural persons who are owners or by the chief executive officer of the artificial entity and filed with the Secretary of the Association in its official records.

yacht club moore haven fl

2.12. Adjourned Meetings. If any meeting of members cannot be organized because a quorum is not present, the members who are present, either in person or by proxy, may adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum is present; except that when meetings have been called to consider the enactment of budget to replace a proposed budget that exceeds 115% of the assessments for the preceding year, the meetings may not be adjourned for lack of a quorum and if a quorum is not present the excessive budget shall go into effect as scheduled. The time and place to which the meeting is adjoumed shall be announced at the meeting at which the adjournment is taken and a notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the Property as soon thereafter as may be practical stating the time and place to which the meeting is adjourned

yacht club moore haven fl

Gladea  P: 1015

2.13. Waiver ofNotice: Owners may waive their right to receive notice of any meeting, whether annual or special, by a writing signed by them to that effect. The waiver shall be filed with the Secretary of the Association before, at, or after the meeting for which the waiver is given.

yacht club moore haven fl

a. Call to order.

b. Election of a chairman of the meeting, unless the President or Vice President

is present in which case he or she shall preside.

c. Calling of the roll, certifying of proxies, determination of a quorum.

yacht club moore haven fl

d. Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice.

e. Reading and disposal of any unapproved minutes.

f. Reports of Officers.

g. Reports of committees.

h. Appointment of inspectors of election.

yacht club moore haven fl

j. Election of Directors.

yacht club moore haven fl

m. Adjournment.

Inat:oqø014iB36 Date:Ø6/i4/2Ø05

2.17 Actions Specifically Requiring Owner Approval. The following actions require approval by the Owners and may not be taken by the Board of Directors acting alone:

yacht club moore haven fl

a. Amendments to Articles of Incorporation.

b. Purchase of land or recreation-lease.

c. Exercise of option to purchase recreational or other commonly used facilities lease.

yacht club moore haven fl

e. Recall of members of Board of Directors.

yacht club moore haven fl


yacht club moore haven fl

a. The Board of Directors shall be elected by written ballot.

b. Proxies shall not be used to elect the Board of Directors, either in general elections or elections to fill vacancies caused by recall, resignation, or other wise, unless the Owners by affirmative vote approve the use of proxies for that purpose.

yacht club moore haven fl

3.3. Term Each Director's term of service shall extend 2 years and until his or her successor is duly elected and qualified or until he or she is removed in the manner provided in section 3.5. However, at any annual meeting in order to provide a continuity of experience, the members may vote to create classes of directorship having a term of one, two, or three years so that a system of staggered terms will be initiated.

Inet:øeøe14i836 Date:Ø6/14/2Ø05

3.4. Vacancies. Except for vacancies resulting from removal of Directors by members, vacancies in the Board of Directors occurring between annual meetings of members shall be filled by majority vote of the remaining Directors. Any DirectQ! elected to fill a vacancy shall hold offce only until the next election ofbirectors by the members, irrespective of the length of the remaining term of the vacating Director.

3.5. Removal. Any Director may be recalled and removed from offce with or without cause by the affirmative vote or agreement in writing of a majority of all voting interests. A special meeting of the Owners may be called for this purpose by 10% of the voting interests on giving notice of the meeting as required in these Bylaws. The notice shall state the purpose of the special meeting. The members of:the Association at-the same meeting shall fill any vacancy on the Board of Directors thus created. No Director shall continue to serve on the Board if, during the Board memberYs term of office, the Board member's membership in the Association is terminated for any reason.

3.6. Resignation. Any Director may resign at any time by sending or personally delivering a written notice of resignation to the Association, addressed to the Secretary. The resignation shall take effect on receipt of the notice by the Association, unless it states some fixed date in the resignation, and then from the date so fixed. Acceptance of a resignation shall not be required to make it effective.

yacht club moore haven fl

3.8. Regular Meetings. The Board of Directors may establish a schedule of regular meetings to be held at a time and place, as a majority of them shall determine from time to time. Notice of regular meetings, however, shall be given to each Director personally or by mail, telephone, or telegraph at least three days before the day named for the meeting with the notice of each meeting posted conspicuously on the property at least 48 continuous hours before the meeting, except in an emergency.

3 9 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President and, in his or her absence, by the Vice President and must be called by the Secretary at the written request of one third of the Directors.

yacht club moore haven fl

InatteøøØ141ß36 DatæØ6/t4/2Ø05 Tie: L5:Ø3

Flint, Gladea  P: 1018—

yacht club moore haven fl

Notice of the meeting shall be given personally or by mail, telephone, or telegraph. The notice shall state the time, place, and purpose of the meeting and shall be transmitted not less than three days before the meeting. A copy of the notice of any special meeting shall be _posted conspicuously on property at least 48 continuous hours before the meeting, except in an emergency.

3.10. Waiver of Notice. Any Director may waive notice of a meeting before, at, or after the meeting and that waiver shall be considered equivalent to the giving of notice. Attendance by any Director at a meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of the meeting, except when the Director's attendance is for the express purpose of objecting at the beginning of the meeting to the transaction of business because the meeting is not lawfully called.

3.11. A quorum at the meetings of the Directors shall consist of a majority of the entire Board of Directors. The acts approved by a majority of those present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute the acts of.the Board of Directors except when approval by a greater number of Directors is required by the Declaration, the Articles, or these Bylaws.

yacht club moore haven fl

3.15. Joinder in Meeting by Approval of Minutes . A Director may join in the action of a meeting by signing and concurring in the minutes of that meeting. That concurrence, however, shall not constitute the presence of that Director for the purpose of determining a quorum.

3.16. Attendance by Conference Telephone. When telephone conference is used, a telephone speaker shall be attached so that the discussion may be heard by the Board members and by any Owners present in an open meeting Board members utilizing telephone conference calls may be counted toward obtaining a quorum and may vote over the telephone.


Flint,  P: 1019

yacht club moore haven fl

3.18. Presiding Offcer. The presiding Officer at Board meetings shall be the President or, in his or her absence, the Vice President, and in his or her absence, the Directors present shall designate any one of their number to preside.

yacht club moore haven fl

3.21. Compensation. Directors shall serve without pay but shall be entitled to reimbursement for expenses reasonably incurred in the discharge of their duties.

yacht club moore haven fl

a. Calling of roll.

b. Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice.

c. Reading and disposal of any unapproved minutes.

d. Repons of Officers and committees.

e. Unfinished business.

f. New business.

g Adjournment.

3.23. Election of Directors by Owners. Owners are entitled to elect a member or members of the Board of Directors of the Association.

Inst:øøøø141836 DBte:Ø6/14/20Q5 Tine: i5:øa

yacht club moore haven fl


ALL OF TI--IE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE association existing under the Articles, and these Bylaws shall be exercised e8clusively by the Board of Directors or its duly authorized agents; contragtors, or employees, subject only to the approval by Owners when that approval specifically is required. The powers and duties of the Board shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:

4.1. Maintenance, Management, and Operation of the Property.

Sue, or be Sued. 

4.2.The Association may institute, maintain, settle, or appeal actions or hearings in its name on behalf of all Owners concerning matters of common interest, including but. not limited to the commonly-used facilities.

yacht club moore haven fl


4.6. Purchase. In addition to its right to purchase parcels at a lien foreclosure sale, the Association generally has the power to purchase other parcels and to hold? lease, mortgage and convey them.

4.7. Grantor Modify Easements . The Association, without the joinder of any Owner, may grant, modify, or move any easement if the easement constitutes part of or crosses common elements.

4.8, Purchase Land or Recreation Lease. Any land or recreation lease may be purchased by the Association on the approval of 67% of the voting interests of the Association.

4.9. Acquire Use I n terest in Recreational Facilities. The Association may enter into agreements, acquire leaseholds, memberships, and other possessory or use interest in lands or facilities, such as country clubs, golf courses, marinas, and other recreational facilities, whether contiguous to the Property or not if (1) they are intended to provide enjoyment recreation, or other use or benefit to the

yacht club moore haven fl

Inet:OOOt141836 Date:Ø6/14/2005 Tine: 15:Ø3

Flint,  P:1Ø21

yacht club moore haven fl

Owners and (2) if they exist or are created at the time these bylaws are initially adopted.

yacht club moore haven fl

4.13. Obtain Insurance. The Association shall use its best efforts to obtain and maintain adequate insurance to protect the Association and the Association Property.

4.14. Furnish Annual Financial Reports to Members.

4.15. Give Notice of Liability Exposure. If the Association may be exposed to liability in excess of insurance coverage in any legal action, it shall give notice of the exposure to all Owners, who shall have the right to intervene and defend.

4.16. Provide Certificate of Unpaid Assessment. Any Owner or parcel mortgagee has the right to request from the Association a certificate stating all assessments and other monies owed to the Association with respect to the parcel.

4.17. Approve or Disapprove Parcel Transfer and Impose Fee. The Association may charge a preset fee of up to $100 in connection with the approval or disapproval of any proposed mortgage, lease, sublease, sale, or other transfer of a parcel.

yacht club moore haven fl

4.18. Contract for Operatiom Maintenance, and Management of the Property:

yacht club moore haven fl

4 20. Pay Costs of Utilities Service Rendered to the Association Property and Not Billed Directly to Individual Owners.

4 21 Employ Personnel. The Association may employ and dismiss personnel as necessary for the maintenance and operation of the Property and may retain those professional services that re required for those purposes,

yacht club moore haven fl

Flint, Gladee  P: 1022

yacht club moore haven fl

4.22. Impose Fines. The Board of Directors may impose fines on Owners in reasonable sums as the Board may deem appropriate, not to exceed $50 for violations of the Restrictive Covenants, these Bylaws, or lawfully adopted rules and regulatiqns, by Owners;, their guests, invitees, or tenants.

4.23. Suspend Approval for Delinquent Owner: The Board of Directors may disapprove the prospective tenant of any Owner as long as the Owner is delinquent in the payment of assessments for Common Expenses.

yacht club moore haven fl

4.25. Repair or Reconstruct Improvements After Casualties.

yacht club moore haven fl

Law. The Secretary shall have custody of the seal of the Association and shall affx it to instruments requiring the seal when duly signed. He or she shall keep the records of the Association, except those of the Treasurer, and shall perform all other duties incident to the offce of the Secretary of the Association and as may be required by the Directors or the President. The Assistant Secretary shall support the Secretary and shall perform the Secretary's duties in the Secretary's absence.

yacht club moore haven fl


yacht club moore haven fl

a. Administration of the Association b, Management fees.

yacht club moore haven fl

d. Rent for recreational and other commonly used facilities.

e. Taxes on Association property.

g. Insurance.

yacht club moore haven fl

j. Operating capital.

yacht club moore haven fl

6.3. Notice of Budget Meeting. The Board of Directors shall mail a meeting notice and "copies of the pioposed annual budget to the Owners not less than 14 days before the meeting at which the budget will be considered. The meeting shall be open to all the Owners.

yacht club moore haven fl

6.5 Alternative Budget Adoption by Members. At its option, for any fiscal year, the Board of Directors may propose a budget to the Owners at a meeting of members or in writing. If the proposed budget is approved by the Owners at the meeting or by a majority of all voting interests in writing. The budget shall be adopted.

6.6. Accounting Records and Reports. The Association shall maintain accounting records in the county in which the Property is located, according to good accounting practices. The records shall be open to inspection by an Association member or the authorized representative of the member at all reasonable times. The records shall include, but are not limited to.


Flint, Gledea  P: 1025

a. Accurate, itemized and detailed records of all receipts and expenditures.

b. A current account and a monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly statement of the account for each parcel designating the name of the Owner, the due date and amount of each assessment the amount paid on the account and the balance due.

c. All audits, reviews, accounting statements, and financial reports of the Association.

d. All contract for work to be performed. Bids for work to be performed shall also be considered offcial records and shall be maintained for a period of one year. Within 60 days after the end of each fiscal year, the Board of Directors shall mail or furnish by personal delivery to each Owner a complete financial report of actual receipts and expenditures for the previous 12 months.

yacht club moore haven fl

6.8. Fidelity Bonding. A fidelity bond in the principal sum of not less than $5,000.00 shall bond each Officer and Director of the Association who controls or disburses its funds. The cost of bonding shall be the expense of the Association.


7.2. Special Assessments. The specific purpose or purposes of any special assessment including emergency assessments, that cannot be paid from the annual assessment for common expenses, as determined by the Board of Directors, shall be set forth in a written notice of the assessment sent or delivered to each Owner. The notice shall be sent or delivered within the time before the payment or initial payment there under shall be due, as may be reasonable or practicable in the circumstances. Special assessments shall be paid at the times and in the manner that the Board may require in the notice of the assessment. The funds collected under a special assessment shall be used only for the specific purpose or purposes set forth in the notice, or returned to the Owners. Excess

yacht club moore haven fl

DC, Joe Flint,  P: 1026

yacht club moore haven fl

7.3. Charges for Other than Common Expenses. Charges by the Association against individual members for other than common expenses shall be payable in advance and the billing and collection thereof may be administered by the Association.

yacht club moore haven fl

Time: 15:03

claim of lien and before the entry of certificate of title, as well as interest and all reasonable costs and attorney's fees incurred by the Association incident to the collection process. The lien is subordinate to any mortgage on the parcel recorded before it.

yacht club moore haven fl

b. A statement of the provisions of the Restrictive Covenants or these Bylaws.

And lawållly adopted rules and regulations that have been violated; and

c. A shon and plain statement of the matters asserted by the Association.

The party against whom the fine may be levied shall have an opportunity to respond, to present evidence, and to provide written and oral argument on all issues involved to the Board of Directors and shall have an opportunity at the hearing to review, challenge, and respond to any material considered by the Association. Each day of violation shall be a separate violation. The affected Owner, whether the offending party or not, shall always be given notice of the hearing. No fine shall become a lien against a parcel. No fines may be levied against unoccupied parcels.


yacht club moore haven fl

——DC,Joe Flint, Glades  P: 102B

8.2. Laundry-Related vending Equipment . The Board may obligate the Association under lease or other contractual arrangements for laundry related vending equipment.

8.3. Requirements for Maintenance and Management Contracts.

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Moore Haven Yacht Club - Moore Haven, FL

Moore Haven Yacht Club

Moore Haven Yacht Club - Overview

Moore Haven Yacht Club is a 55+ Community located on the Intracoastal Waterway at Lake Okeechobee. Looking for a lot or a lot home package contact me today! You own your lot with low maintenance fees. If you are looking to fish in South Florida, THIS IS IT!

Moore Haven Yacht Club Yacht Club Way Moore Haven, FL 33471

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823 BIG BRANCH LN NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 - Image 1

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926 YACHT CLUB WAY NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 - Image 1


1,296 Sq Ft

928 YACHT CLUB WAY NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 - Image 1


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1,828 Sq Ft

867 YACHT CLUB WAY NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 - Image 1


1,510 Sq Ft



1,350 Sq Ft

866 YACHT CLUB WAY NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 - Image 1


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Photo of property at 857 Yacht Club Way NW, Moore Haven, FL 33471

Interested in selling your home?

  • 1,782 sqft 1,782 square feet
  • 0.26 acre lot 0.26 acre lot

857 Yacht Club Way NW, Moore Haven, FL 33471

$265K in 2023

Property details

THE ULTIMATE FISHERMAN'S PARADISE! Whether you're looking for an awesome place to live year-round or a second home for warm weather enjoyment, this gorgeous waterfront home is the one you have been waiting for! This beautiful 2Bed/2Bath manufactured home in Moore Haven Yacht Club (a desirable 55+ co mmunity) has lots of upgrades recently, which include a beautiful new kitchen with gorgeous quartz countertops and elegant cabinetry in 2021 (worth $30K), new driveway pavers in 2021 (worth $16K), new screen porch in 2020 (worth $11K), new water heater (2022), new water softener (2022), newer refrigerator and dishwasher (2021), newer metal roof (2020), refurbished boat-lift and so much more. It also features a beautiful sunroom with wall-in AC and sun-filtering screen which lets you enjoy the magnificent view of the Caloosahatchee River- anytime of the year! The spacious garage has a wall-in AC and can be used as a workshop or a man cave. In today's market, you can't go wrong with this best priced beauty with direct access to Lake Okeechobee and the Gulf of Mexico! The community has a clubhouse, swimming pool, storage area, lawn mowing services and planned activities. Hurry! Call now! Show less

Property features

Other rooms.

  • Total Rooms: 4
  • Garage: 24.00 x 23.00
  • Garage Desc: Garage
  • Great Room Dimensions: 26.0 x 13.0
  • Living Room Dimensions: 26.0 x 18.0
  • Great Room Features: Great Room
  • Living Room Features: Living Room
  • ElectricCooktop
  • Refrigerator
  • Bedrooms: 2
  • Primary Bedroom Dimensions: 14.0 x 13.0
  • Primary Bedroom Features: Master Bedroom
  • Total Bathrooms: 2
  • Full Bathrooms: 2

Interior Features

  • LivingDiningRoom
  • SeparateShower
  • Flooring: Laminate

Heating and Cooling

  • Cooling Features: CentralAir, Electric

Pool and Spa

  • Pool Features: Community

Waterfront and Water Access

Garage and parking.

  • Attached Garage: Yes
  • Carport Spaces: 1
  • Covered Spaces: 3
  • Garage Spaces: 2
  • Parking Features: Attached, Garage, AttachedCarport
  • Lot Dimensions Source: Appraiser
  • Lot Size Acres: 0.264
  • Lot Size Dimensions: 1 x 1 x 1 x 1
  • Lot Size Source: Appraiser
  • Lot Size Square Feet: 11500

Home Features

  • View: River

Homeowners Association

  • Association: Yes
  • Association Amenities: Clubhouse, Pool, RVBoatStorage
  • Association Fee 2: 65
  • Association Fee 2 Frequency: Monthly
  • Calculated Total Monthly Association Fees: 65
  • Association Phone: 8639461055
  • Pets Allowed: Call, Conditional

Multi-Unit Info

  • Number of Units In Community: 1

Amenities and Community Features

  • Community Features: BoatFacilities

Other Property Info

  • Annual Tax Amount: 1615.48
  • Tax Block: C
  • Source Listing Status: Closed
  • County: Glades
  • Current Use: ManufacturedHome
  • Tax Year: 2021
  • Ownership: Single Family
  • Source Property Type: Residential
  • Source Neighborhood: MOORE HAVEN
  • Parcel Number: S12-42-32-004-000C-0130
  • Postal City: MOORE HAVEN
  • Public Survey Range: 32
  • Public Survey Section: 12
  • Public Survey Township: 42
  • Subdivision: MOORE HAVEN
  • Property Subtype: ManufacturedHome
  • Source System Name: C2C
  • Irrigation Source: Municipal

Building and Construction

  • Total Square Feet Living: 1782
  • Year Built: 1999
  • Building Area Source: Appraiser
  • Building Area Total: 3174
  • Construction Materials: Manufactured
  • Direction Faces: West
  • Entry Level: 1
  • Living Area Source: Appraiser
  • Property Age: 24
  • Property Condition: Resale
  • Roof: Metal
  • Building Total Stories: 1
  • Structure Type: ManufacturedHouse
  • House Style: ManufacturedHome
  • Architectural Style: ManufacturedHome
  • Sewer: PublicSewer
  • Water Source: Public

Find out more about this property.

Local Home Services


The following table summarizes the chart by comparing the earliest historic estimate, last year's estimate, and a forecasted projection to this month's current estimate for each valuation provider.

ProviderCurrent estimateEstimate for Sep 2023Change Since Sep 2023
Collateral Analytics$203,000$289,000-30%

Our home values come from independent valuation providers, whose solutions are used by many financial institutions, insurance companies, and real estate agents. Each valuation provider applies a unique approach and methodology resulting in a range of values that consumers can use as a starting point for discussions with a real estate agent.

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Comparison of 857 Yacht Club Way NW, Moore Haven, FL 33471 with Nearby Homes:

Photo of property at 920 Yacht Club Way Nw, Moore Haven, FL 33471

  • 1,350 sqft 1,350 square feet
  • 5,489 sqft lot 5,489 square foot lot

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  • 6,534 sqft lot 6,534 square foot lot

Photo of property at 1463 Stoker Rd, Clewiston, FL 33440

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  • 0.56 acre lot 0.56 acre lot

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  • 6,599 sqft lot 6,599 square foot lot

Photo of property at 951 Virginia Ave, Clewiston, FL 33440

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  • 784 sqft 784 square feet
  • 1.25 acre lot 1.25 acre lot

Photo of property at 171 Avenue J Sw, Moore Haven, FL 33471

  • 336 sqft 336 square feet
  • 4,792 sqft lot 4,792 square foot lot

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  • 1,064 sqft 1,064 square feet
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Interested in any of these homes?

Have a local agent show you around.

Property history

Property price.

07/19/2019Sold$150,000$84Public Record
02/15/2002Sold$140,000$79Public Record
05/01/1994Sold$230,000$129Public Record

Tax History

YearTaxesTotal assessmentequalsLandadded toAdditions


Facts about 857 yacht club way nw.

Commute time: Add a commute

is located in neighborhood in the city of Moore Haven, FL.

Check out other home values in Yacht Club Way, Moore Haven, FL.

  • N/A Median listing price
  • N/A Median sales price
  • N/A Median days on market
  • N/A Median price per sqft

Nearby neighborhoods in Moore Haven, FL

  • Eisenhower Median listing: $349,950
  • Joel Median listing: $372,500
  • Richmond Median listing: $360,000
  • Harris Median listing: $350,000

Nearby home values

AddressEstimateBedBathSq FtLot (Sq Ft)
This Home : 857 Yacht Club Way NW$283,90922178211500

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  • 1,510 sqft 1,510 square feet

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  • 1.53 acre lot 1.53 acre lot
  • 1,520 sqft 1,520 square feet
  • 0.55 acre lot 0.55 acre lot
  • 9,496 sqft lot 9,496 square foot lot
  • 1,056 sqft 1,056 square feet
  • 0.97 acre lot 0.97 acre lot
  • 1,872 sqft 1,872 square feet
  • 0.27 acre lot 0.27 acre lot
  • 7,492 sqft lot 7,492 square foot lot
  • 1,246 sqft 1,246 square feet
  • 1,670 sqft lot 1,670 square foot lot

Nearby Homes with Pools around 33471

Photo of property at 1159 Daniels Rd SE Lot 67, Moore Haven, FL 33471

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Photo of property at 1159 Daniels Rd SE # 1, Moore Haven, FL 33471

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Photo of property at 464 Ave S, Moore Haven, FL 33471

  • 1,654 sqft 1,654 square feet
  • 6,882 sqft lot 6,882 square foot lot

Photo of property at 1045 Cypress Ave, Moore Haven, FL 33471

  • 1,803 sqft 1,803 square feet

See 857 Yacht Club Way NW, Moore Haven, FL 33471, a mobile home located in the Moore Haven Yacht Club neighborhood. View property details, similar homes, and the nearby school and neighborhood information. Use our heat map to find crime, amenities, and lifestyle data for 857 Yacht Club Way NW. The property-related information displayed on this page is obtained from public records and other sources.While such information is thought to be reliable, it is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties labeled Not for Sale are classified as such either because we do not have a record of such properties currently being for sale or because we are not permitted, by contract, law, or otherwise, to designate such properties as currently for sale. For the most accurate and up to date status of this or any other property, please contact a REALTOR®.

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  1. Moore Haven Yacht Club

    yacht club moore haven fl

  2. Moore Haven Yacht Club, Moore Haven, FL Real Estate & Homes for Sale

    yacht club moore haven fl

  3. Moore Haven Yacht Club

    yacht club moore haven fl

  4. Moore Haven Yacht Club, Moore Haven, FL Real Estate & Homes for Sale

    yacht club moore haven fl

  5. 809 Yacht Club Way NW, Moore Haven, FL 33471

    yacht club moore haven fl

  6. 864 Yacht Club Way NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471

    yacht club moore haven fl


  1. Newport Beach Yacht Clubs and the best cocktail served at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club

  2. CampgroundViews.com

  3. Aruba RV Resort

  4. FMC Moore Haven FL 8/11/24

  5. Florida Mini Loop Ep2

  6. Storm bass and flats boat 2014


  1. Moore Haven Yacht Club

    Moore Haven Yacht Club is a 55+ Residential Manufactured Home Community where you own your lot with City Water and Sewer. Be sure to look at the Homes for Sale or install a new manufactured home on one of the Lots. You become a Member of the Homeowners Association with amenities that include the use of the Clubhouse Facilities, Swimming Pool, planned Activities and lawn mowing service.

  2. 928 Yacht Club Way NW, Moore Haven, FL 33471

    33471. 928 Yacht Club Way NW. Zillow has 36 photos of this $229,000 3 beds, 2 baths, 1,828 Square Feet manufactured home located at 928 Yacht Club Way NW, Moore Haven, FL 33471 built in 2000. MLS #224042661.

  3. Moore Haven Yacht Club, Moore Haven, FL Real Estate & Homes for Sale

    3 bed. 2 bath. 1,296 sqft. 5,489 sqft lot. 926 Yacht Club Way NW. Moore Haven, FL 33471. Email Agent. Brokered by United Real Estate Infinity. Mobile house for sale.

  4. 867 Yacht Club Way, Moore Haven, FL 33471

    Zillow has 30 photos of this $249,000 2 beds, 2 baths, 1,510 Square Feet manufactured home located at 867 Yacht Club Way, Moore Haven, FL 33471 built in 1995. MLS #RX-10976866.

  5. Moore Haven Yacht Club, Moore Haven, FL

    There are . 18 cities in or around Moore Haven Yacht Club. Fort Denaud has a median listing home price of $430.4K , making it the most expensive city . Pahokee is the most affordable city , with a ...

  6. Moore Haven Yacht Club

    Moore Haven Yacht Club - Overview. Moore Haven Yacht Club is a 55+ Community located on the Intracoastal Waterway at Lake Okeechobee. Looking for a lot or a lot home package contact me today! You own your lot with low maintenance fees. If you are looking to fish in South Florida, THIS IS IT!

  7. 867 Yacht Club Way Nw Moore Haven, Fl 33471

    Take a video tour of this $249,000, 2 bed, 2 bath, 1,510 Sq Ft, Single Family for sale, located at 867 YACHT CLUB WAY NW in MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471.

  8. 867 Yacht Club Way NW, Moore Haven, FL 33471

    867 Yacht Club Way NW, Moore Haven, FL 33471 is for sale. View 30 photos of this 2 bed, 2 bath, 1510 sqft. mobile home with a list price of $254900.

  9. Moore Haven, FL Real Estate & Homes For Sale

    867 YACHT CLUB WAY NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 $249,000. Virtual Tour. Updated. 2Beds. 2Baths. 1,510Sq Ft. Listing by RE/MAX Prestige Realty. Use arrows to control slideshow. 920 YACHT CLUB WAY NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 $149,500. 2Beds. 2Baths. 1,350Sq Ft. Listing by Rawls Real Estate - Curtis Thompson.

  10. 920 Yacht Club Way NW, Moore Haven, FL 33471

    The listing broker's offer of compensation is made only to participants of the MLS where the listing is filed. Zillow has 23 photos of this $153,000 2 beds, 2 baths, 1,350 Square Feet manufactured home located at 920 Yacht Club Way NW, Moore Haven, FL 33471 built in 2006. MLS #224026029.

  11. Yacht Club

    Yacht Club - Moore Haven, FL home for sale. PRICE IMPROVEMENT, MOTIVATED SELLER PLUS A FISHERMANS PARADISE!! Must See this beautifully Remodeled Palm Harbor Home in 2022 in Moore Haven Yacht Club, a 55+ community situated on the Caloosahatchee River with Lock access to Lake Okeechobee. Home features full drywall, new vinyl plank flooring, New ...

  12. 867 Yacht Club Way, Moore Haven, FL 33471

    For Sale: 2 beds, 2 baths ∙ 1510 sq. ft. ∙ 867 Yacht Club Way, Moore Haven, FL 33471 ∙ $249,000 ∙ MLS# RX-10976866 ∙ JUST REDUCED and seller is offering $5K credit on this ULTIMATE FISHERMAN'S PARA...

  13. Moore Haven Yacht Club Mobile Home Park in Moore Haven, FL

    Age-Restricted (55+) Community. 845 Yacht Club Way NW, Moore Haven, FL 33471. No Image Found. +1. Click to View Photos. 10 people like this park.

  14. 838 Yacht Club Way NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471

    Moore Haven Property Records. 3 beds, 2 baths, 1800 sq. ft. mobile/manufactured home located at 838 Yacht Club Way NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 sold for $183,000 on May 30, 2023. MLS# 223030916.

  15. 865 Yacht Club Way NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471

    (FORTMLS) 4 beds, 3 baths, 2339 sq. ft. mobile/manufactured home located at 865 Yacht Club Way NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 sold for $129,900 on Apr 9, 2019. MLS# 219016735. Moore Haven Yacht Club. .. "55+...

  16. 857 Yacht Club Way NW, Moore Haven, FL 33471

    View 39 photos for 857 Yacht Club Way NW, Moore Haven, FL 33471, a 2 bed, 2 bath, 1,782 Sq. Ft. mobile home built in 1999 that was last sold on 01/18/2023.

  17. 838 Yacht Club Way, Moore Haven, FL 33471

    838 Yacht Club Way, Moore Haven, FL 33471 is currently not for sale. The 1,800 Square Feet manufactured home is a 3 beds, 2 baths property. This home was built in 2003 and last sold on 2023-06-22 for $183,000. View more property details, sales history, and Zestimate data on Zillow.

  18. 809 Yacht Club Way NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471

    Properties may or may not be listed by the office/agent presenting the information. 3 beds, 2 baths, 1620 sq. ft. mobile/manufactured home located at 809 Yacht Club Way NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 sold for $185,000 on Jun 22, 2023. MLS# 223037692.

  19. 870 Yacht Club Way, Moore Haven, FL 33471

    870 Yacht Club Way, Moore Haven, FL 33471 is currently not for sale. The 1,344 Square Feet manufactured home is a 2 beds, 2 baths property. This home was built in 2006 and last sold on 2024-07-27 for $179,000. View more property details, sales history, and Zestimate data on Zillow.

  20. 870 Yacht Club Way NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471

    2 beds, 2 baths, 1344 sq. ft. mobile/manufactured home located at 870 Yacht Club Way NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 sold for $160,000 on May 24, 2022. MLS# 222014548. Quiet 55+ Community with low HOA fe...