boot catamaran varen

Super Yachts | In hall 6

Copyright @ Messe Düsseldorf

Hall 6 always is a real crowd puller at boot Düsseldorf! Luxury yachts and boats as well as tender and chase boats from the high-end range invite you to revel in sheer luxury. Especially the range of yachts between 20 and 25 meters has grown in recent years. Also in demand are large multihulls, sailing as well as power. Of course, the exceptionally big boats on show by Azimut, Sunseeker, Princess and others are always worth a visit, too. So come and enjoy!

Super yachts, new motor yachts.

Copyright @ Messe Düsseldorf | C.Tillmann

New sailing yachts

Copyright @ Messe Düsseldorf | C.Tillmann

Superyacht Show

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Superboats & luxury tender

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Click&Boat Blog

Catamaran – 5 weetjes over deze unieke bootsoort

  • 15 november 2023
  • 4 minute read

catamaran midden op de zee op een zonnige dag

Een catamaran is de ster onder de boten. Deze elegante boot met dubbele romp biedt naast comfort ook evenwicht en een veilige vaartocht, zelfs in uitdagende omstandigheden. Zeilen aan boord van  een catamaran is puur plezier ! Wij hebben vijf interessante weetjes over deze prachtige boten voor je verzameld.

Catamaran: Jachten van weleer

Als je kijkt naar een hedendaagse catamaran, zoals de Lagoon 42, zou je denken dat ze redelijk nieuw zijn. Maar aan monohulls gaat een bijzonder lange geschiedenis vooraf! Bijna 2000 jaar geleden begonnen Polynesische ontdekkingsreizigers met het verbinden van twee drijvende schuilhutten door middel van een dek. Met deze kleine catamaran gingen ze op weg om de Stille Oceaan te trotseren. Dergelijke schepen waren snel, wendbaar en hadden tegelijkertijd genoeg ruimte aan boord voor veel bemanning en grote voorraden.

Eerste versie van een catamaran

In de 17e eeuw maakten de navigatiecapaciteiten van deze catamaranboot grote indruk op de Engelse ontdekkingsreiziger en zeeman William Dampier. Dampier kreeg de gelegenheid ze te observeren op de Stille Oceaan tijdens zijn eerste reis rond de wereld. De naam catamaran is afgeleid van de taal van de Tamils van India. In hun taal betekent kattumaram ‘samengebonden balken’, de perfecte beschrijving van de oorspronkelijke vloot.

In Europa werd de eerste catamaranboot aan het eind van de 17e eeuw in Dublin gebouwd. Het ontwerp van de Amerikaanse ontwerper Nathanael Herreshoff werd echter pas twee eeuwen later gebruikt als prototype voor de eerste moderne versie van dit boottype. 

Alle soorten en maten catamaran

Nieuwere catamarans varen niet enkel onder zeil. Deze schepen verschillen namelijk onderling in grootte, vorm en type van voortstuwing . De grootste ooit gebouwd is de Hemisphere Superyacht met een lengte van wel 44 meter, goed voor een jacuzzi en trampoline aan boord en ruimte voor 10 bemanningsleden en 12 passagiers. Aan de andere kant zijn er ook kleine catamarans en zelfs opblaasbare catamarans op de markt van niet langer dan 10 meter.

boot catamaran varen

Zowel liefhebbers van zeilen als van varen met motor vinden hun perfecte match. Catamarans in Kroatië en andere landen rond de Middellandse Zee zijn meestal rond de 13-15 meter lang. Aan boord zijn er dubbele hutten in elke romp en vaak is er ook nog een stuurmancabine. Motorcatamarans hebben een soortgelijke indeling, maar hebben vaak een stuurhuis op het dak, zoals bij de Leopard 43 PC Erica catamaran.

Snelheid en charisma

Catamarans zijn dankzij hun constructie stabieler dan zeiljachten. Toer catamarans hebben namelijk niet zo’n zijwaartse helling, varen vlak en kunnen ook hogere snelheden behalen. Dit is vooral te danken aan het feit dat de romp van klassieke jachten meer weerstand biedt in het water. Bovendien zien catamarans er door hun ontwerp zeer elegant en charismatisch uit op het water, ongeacht of ze varen onder zeil of met motor.

De echte snelheidsduivels zijn de sportieve modellen, spectaculair om te zien in regatta’s. Hou je wel van wat actie en snelheid? Ook dit soort catamaran ligt op je te wachten bij Click&Boat.  


Plan een aanlegplaats

Vanwege hun omvang hebben deze boten veel meer ruimte in een jachthaven nodig dan zeiljachten. Dit heeft ook invloed op de prijs voor ligplaatsen. Daarom kan het in het zomerseizoen een uitdaging zijn om een ligplaats te vinden voor een catamaran. Als je bijvoorbeeld van plan bent in de zomer een catamaran te huren in Griekenland , loont het zich om je vroeger aan te melden in de haven of gebruik te maken van toepassingen waarmee ligplaatsen kunnen worden gereserveerd (bv., Dockwa, SlipFinder).


Navigeren op een catamaran

Deze boten lijken op het eerste gezicht qua navigatie op zeiljachten. Het is echter belangrijk om je bewust te zijn van de verschillen , vooral als je zeilervaring hebt opgedaan op monohulls. De positie van de stuurman op de catamaran biedt op zich een goed uitzicht. Maar door het ontbreken van slagzij is het niet zo duidelijk wanneer het nodig is de zeilen te strijken of te reven. Meestal is hiervoor een reefkaart aanwezig. Het is belangrijk de eigenaar hiernaar te vragen vooraleer je gaat varen. Het aanmeren van een catamaran vereist ook precisie en aandacht. De schroef bevindt zich vaak achter de roervin, dus moet men oppassen dat de mooring er niet op wordt gewikkeld.


Wil je nu graag een catamaran huren ? Dan hebben wij nog wel wat ideeën voor mooie bestemmingen. Huur een boot in Kroatië en ontdek de prachtige eilanden vanaf je eigen gehuurde catamaran. Lees meer over Kroatië in onze blog en ontdek waar je het mooiste kunt eilandhoppen.

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Motorboot, zeilboot of sloep huren

Motorboot, zeilboot of sloep huren

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  • Geen vaarbewijs nodig
  • Uitsluitend vertrouwde HISWA verhuurders

De vriendelijkste bootverhuurders!

De vriendelijkste bootverhuurders!

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Boot huren en varen zonder vaarbewijs!

Boot huren en varen zonder vaarbewijs!

  • Alle schepen verzekerd
  • Altijd hulp bij pech

Polyvalk of open zeilboot huren

Polyvalk of open zeilboot huren

  • Zeer scherp geprijsd
  • Geen vaarbewijs noodzakelijk

Eenvoudig luxe zeilboot, motorboot of sloep huren - boek hier altijd voordelig direct bij de verhuurder!

Vertrouwde HISWA verhuurvoorwaarden afgestemd met ANWB/Consumentenbond 

Ons aanbod is 99% vaarbewijs vrij en vaarhulp is altijd mogelijk

Boot huren in Nederland altijd direct bij de verhuurder dus de beste prijs!

Motorboot huren, zeilboot huren, platbodem huren, sloep of tender huren, open zeilboot huren, boot huren in friesland, boot huren in overijssel, boot huren in zeeland, zeilcruise op ijsselmeer en waddenzee, houseboot huren, boot huren in gelderland en limburg, boot huren hollandse plassen, boot huren ijsselmeer, boten te huur.

Op is het meest uitgebreide aanbod in huurboten te vinden. Wil je voor een dag een sloep huren om door de historische stadsgrachten te varen? Met een groep vrienden of je gezin een zeilboot huren voor een week? Of wil je liever ontspannen te varen door de prachtige natuurgebieden op een motorboot? Onze HISWA bootverhuurders zitten verspreid over heel Nederland tot zelfs in België. Kies de ideale vaaromgeving en een boot die aan de vaarbehoefte voldoet. Wanneer je een boot huurt zonder overnachtingsmogelijkheden aan boord, zijn er bij sommige bootverhuurders ook accommodaties te huur: van een heuse safaritent tot een comfortabele vakantiewoning. Voor het merendeel van de boten heb je zelfs geen vaarbewijs nodig. Zo is de ideale vaarvakantie is voor iedereen mogelijk.

Varen is zoveel meer .....

Varen in friesland, varen op het ijsselmeer, zorgeloos varen, varen, wandelen en fietsen, alle bootverhuurders, veelgestelde vragen.

Varen is genieten! Zeker wanneer de zon tijdens het varen zorgt voor een aangename warmte en de wind voor wat verkoeling op hete dagen. Van het voorjaar tot aan het late najaar kun je prima een boot huren, zelfs zonder vaarbewijs. Nederland, met al haar diversiteit in vaarroutes laat zich perfect per boot ontdekken. Tijdens de vakantie een motorboot huren in Friesland geeft je de mogelijkheid om de Friese meren te ontdekken. Ga je voor luxe tijdens het varen? Dan kun je ook een jacht huren in Nederland om bijvoorbeeld op het IJsselmeer te varen. Onze bootverhuurders staan voor je klaar om je een onbezorgde vaartocht te bezorgen. Met een korte instructie vooraf als dat nodig is of zelfs met een zeil les of vaarcursus. Op huur je vertrouwd je ideale boot bij een HISWA bootverhuurder in de regio waar jij wilt gaan varen met alle instructies om vertrouwd en onbezorgd van het varen te genieten. 

Motorboot huren

Dicht bij huis ontsnappen aan de drukte. Genieten van een heerlijke vaartocht is voor iedereen binnen handbereik, zelfs zonder vaarbewijs. Ervaar de luxe op een motorjacht of ontdek de bijzondere vaarroutes door de natuur en langs pittoreske dorpen met een motorboot. 

Zeilboot huren

Met de wind in de haren en de bollende zeilen over het rimpelende water laveren. Verken de natuur van de Nederlandse wateren met een ontspannende zeiltocht. Of ga sportief varen op een open zeilboot en laat je meevoeren door de kracht van wind. 

Sloep huren

Sloep huren

Geen brug te laag maar ook niet te ver. Voor het varen met een sloep heb je geen vaarbewijs nodig. Een dag door de historische stadsgrachten varen, heerlijk ontspannen varen in een luxe sloep met je gezin of vrienden óf vissen vanaf het water met een visboot. 

Op een HISWA zeilboot, sloep of motorboot het meeste plezier!

Alle boten goed verzekerd.

Bij HISWA verhuurders zijn alle boten goed verzekerd, daar kun je van op aan! 

Boot huren zonder vaarbewijs!

In 99% van de gevallen heb je geen vaarbewijs nodig!

Realtime beschikbaarheid

Bij ons weet je zeker dat je gereserveerde boot nog echt vrij is!

Alles voor je vaarvakantie via betrouwbare HISWA bootverhuurders

Officiële HISWA portal voor bootverhuur, motorboot verhuur, zeilboot verhuur, huurboot, jachtverhuur en sloepverhuur in Friesland, IJsselmeer, Hollandse Plassen, Zeeland en Overijssel. Boot huren is een actieve vakantie in Friesland of een vakantie in zeeland en andere mooie vaargebieden in Nederland. Kortom alles voor je vaarvakantie en uiteraard alles online beschikbaar zonder vaarbewijs en reserveringskosten. Wil je een sloep huren, een polyvalk huren, een luxe motorjacht huren, een zeiljacht huren, een platbodem huren in Friesland of een punter huren in Giethoorn? Dan ben je bij Vakantievaren aan het juiste adres! Deze dienst van de HISWA ontsluit op een eenvoudige manier het aanbod van betrouwbare bootverhuurders in het hele land.

boot catamaran varen

Zeilen op het IJsselmeer en de Waddenzee

Zeilcruise: boek je bed en zeil mee!

Wil je -zonder ervaring- toch op een unieke vakantie met je gezin, vrienden, kinderen of juist helemaal alleen? Hier vind je zeilreizen voor een weekend, midweek of week! Ontdek tijdens een geheel verzorgde zeilcruise het IJsselmeer & de Waddenzee. Tijdens de zeilreis spendeer je tijd met de groep: gezellig samen zeilen hijsen, droogvallen en Waddeneilanden ontdekken. Uiteraard is er voldoende tijd om ook alleen, met je partner of met je gezin aan dek in de zon of in de hut te ontspannen. Waar wacht je nog op?

  • Geen zeilervaring nodig
  • Alleen of met familie & vrienden
  • Geheel ontzorgd op reis incl. volpension en bemanning

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Boot Trips Curacao

Bluefinn Charter Catamarans

Klein Curacao met de Catamaran

Bluefinn Charter Catamarans

Boot Trip Details

Stel jezelf voor op een onbewoond eiland middenin de Caribische zee, een parelwit strand dat zich kilometers ver uitstrekt, kristalhelder water overal om je heen en in het midden van dat eiland een grote roze vuurtoren…. Klinkt als een paradijs toch?

Wel, jij kunt dat zijn! Stap aan boord van de BlueFinn catamaran en ga mee met de trip naar Klein Curacao . Vertrek is om 08:00 (BlueFinn2) & 08.30 (BlueFinn), u dient 15 minuten eerder aanwezig te zijn. De reis duurt circa een uur en drie kwartier, afhankelijk van het weer. Eenmaal op het eiland, ga zwemmen, snorkelen, duiken, verken het eiland, of ontspan op het strand. Een uitgebreide BBQ-lunch wordt rond het middaguur geserveerd, wanneer de full bar ook opengaat. We vertrekken rond 15.00* uur en zeilen met de wind in de rug terug naar het vaste land. Dit is ook wanneer ons beroemde "Captains Happy Hour" begint. Om circa 17.00 uur meren we weer aan.

*Catamaran BlueFinn2 (Apache) vertrekt om 8:00 uur vanaf Jan Thiel en om 14:30 uur vanaf Klein Curacao

*Catamaran BlueFinn (B&W) vertrekt om 8:30 uur vanaf Jan Thiel en om 15:00 uur vanaf Klein Curacao

Scuba duikers kunnen op deze trip mee voor een 1-tank duik (alleen beschikbaar op Catamaran BlueFinn). Neem contact op met Dive Center Scuba Do .

klein curacao top view

3-in-1 Snorkel Trip


Boot Trip Informatie

Het onderwaterlandschap van Curacao is er één om te ontdekken! Neem je dierbaren mee op een snorkelexpeditie naar de 3 mooiste snorkellocaties aan de oostkust van Curacao

Vrijdag om 10:00 uur vertrekken we naar onze eerste snorkelplek in open zee! Hier zie je het overwoekerde wrak van een zeilboot omringd door kleurrijke vissen. De tweede snorkelplek is de beroemde sleepboot in de Caracas Baai. Dit wrak van 9 meter lang is bedekt met koraal en sponzen en omgeven door scholen kleurrijke vissen. Het is geweldig om te zien! Na het snorkelen hier serveren wij u een heerlijke lunch op de derde snorkelplek, de pier in de Caracas Baai. In ondiep water kun je zwemmen tussen een overvloed aan vissen, koraal en ander zeeleven. Je kunt zelfs onder de pier gaan om verschillende formaties van harde en zachte koralen te zien. Het is echt een spectaculaire snorkelplek!

Scuba duikers kunnen op deze trip mee voor een 1-tank driftduik (van Tugboot naar de pier bij Caracasbaai). Neem contact op met Dive Center Scuba Do.

snorkel wreck curacao

Westkust Stranden Trip

family jumping beach curacao

Op zondag varen we langs de westkust van Curaçao naar het meest ongerepte strand dat het eiland te bieden heeft. Cas Abao Beach wordt beschouwd als een van de top 5 mooiste stranden ter wereld en zodra we aankomen, zult u zeker begrijpen waarom! Een lang parelwit strand, wuivende palmbomen, tropische cabanas en het kristalheldere blauwe water! We ankeren hier zodat u kunt zwemmen, snorkelen, duiken of gewoon ontspannen op de boot of in het water, terwijl de bemanning een fantastische BBQ-lunch voor u klaarmaakt!

Na een paar uren ontspannen op Cas Abao Beach, gaan we naar onze tweede stop van de dag: Kokomo Beach. Ook dit is een prachtige plek om te snorkelen en te genieten van het water. Er is zelfs een bijzondere schommel in het water, met bovenop een bord "Kokomo Beach". We beginnen om 15:00 uur dicht langs de kust van Curaçao terug te varen. Op deze manier kun je Curacao vanaf het water bewonderen. Een rondvaart door de haven maakt de trip compleet. We meren aan om 17:00 uur.

Duikers kunnen op deze trip mee voor een 1-tank duik. Neem contact op met Dive Center Scuba Do .

bluefinn snorkeling

Sunset Sailing Cruise

sunset sailing

Iets speciaals te vieren, op zoek naar een romantisch avondje uit of gewoon eens iets totaal anders doen tijdens Happy Hour met je vriendengroep? Dan is de Sunset Sailing Trip iets voor jou! Op vrijdag vertrekken we om 5:30PM om langs de oostkust van Curaçao, de Caracasbaai, de Fuikbaai te varen en het leven rond de waterkant van het Spaanse Water te ontdekken. Aan boord serveren wij u drankjes, hapjes en goede muziek terwijl u comfortabel de zon ziet ondergaan op alweer een prachtige dag. We meren aan om 8.00 PM.

sunset sailing people

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Catamaran varen

Zeilervaring avontuurlijk top cadeau voor zeil fans.

  • Onze prijs €170 ,00
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Catamaran varen

  • Hoe het werkt

Catamaran varen:  

Uw Experience Iedere zeilkenner weet het: Catamaran zeilen is een sensationele ervaring. Het varen vindt plaats op een volledig uitgeruste Nacra F18. Een ideale catamaran waarop naast de instructeur nog 2 leerlingen kunnen zeilen. De boothandeling op deze boot vereist meer vaardigheden dan op een normale catamaran. Tijdens deze 1 daagse cursus catamaran varen zult u kennis maken met de basisvaardigheden van het varen van deze prachtige boot.

Belangrijke informatie U dient over voldoende zwemvaardigheid te beschikken.

Het weer Deze experience is afhankelijk van het weer. Neem de dag voor uw experience contact op met de locatie.

Duur van de experience Uw experience duurt ongeveer 1 dag. Houdt u er rekening mee dat u minimaal 15 minuten voor aanvang aanwezig dient te zijn, en dat uw experience soms kan uitlopen.

U en hoeveel anderen Een experience beleeft u soms met anderen, wat extra gezelligheid garandeert. Uiteraard zorgen wij ervoor dat de groepen klein blijven zodat u zelf optimaal kunt genieten van uw experience. Aan deze experience nemen tegelijkertijd 2 personen deel + instructeur.

Toeschouwers Nee, helaas is deze experience niet geschikt voor toeschouwers om bij te wonen. U kunt uiteraard wel een tweede voucher bestellen. Vraag onze klantenservice naar de mogelijkheden.

Kleding De kledingvoorschriften zijn slechts een advies. Onze ervaring met de experiences leert ons welke kleding geschikt is. Uiteraard is dit ook weersafhankelijk. Wij adviseren u om voor deze experience surfschoentjes of oude gympen mee te nemen. Wetsuits en zwemvesten zijn op de locatie aanwezig.

Beschikbaarheid Indien u een reservering wilt maken kunt u zowel online als telefonisch een datum kiezen. We adviseren u dat data in het weekend populair zijn, en dat u ruim van tevoren dient te reserveren. Deze experience is beschikbaar in het zomerseizoen in juli en augustus.

Locaties Deze experience is beschikbaar in Cadzand-Bad.

Catamaran varen:

Zie locaties, catamaran varen: beschikbaarheid, catamaran varen: fun facts, catamaran varen: not sure yet, catamaran varen: voowaarden, koop uw ervaring, ontvang uw voucher per e-mail of per post, activeer uw bon, boek een datum, catamaran varen: alternative products.

Dagje zeilen twee personen

Vind unieke cadeaus voor Moederdag en andere speciale gelegenheden bij Golden Moments en schenk de ontvanger een gepersonaliseerde opengedateerde cadeaubon die deze unieke belevenis nog specialer maakt! Het team van Golden Moments staat bekend als de ‘Experience Hunters’ en zoekt sinds 1999 naar de meest bijzondere belevenissen. Met duizenden tevreden klanten zouden we achterover kunnen leunen, maar in plaats daarvan blijven wij doorzoeken naar nieuwe belevenissen om ons assortiment mee aan te vullen!

Soms is het moeilijk om een origineel cadeau voor speciale gelegenheden te vinden. Voortaan hoeft u niet langer eindeloos na te denken over een idee dat iemand echt zal verrassen, aangezien onze Experience Hunters het werk al voor u hebben gedaan. Wij hebben ongewoonlijke en populaire belevenissen die ideaal zijn voor elke speciale gelegenheid, met locaties in heel Nederland en Europa.

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American spirit, French savoir-faire

Gunboat news, nominated for 2024 multihull of the year.

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Gunboat at boot Düsseldorf

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1, 2, 3 gunboats launched in 2023.

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Klein Curacao Catamaran Irie Tours

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  • Departure 7 days a week
  • Hotel transfer available at extra cost
  • Including Open Bar (alcohol from 12:30PM)
  • Departure Caracasbaai at 8 AM
  • Including breakfast and BBQ-Lunch
  • Receive your ticket within 24 hours

Price adult $120,- | Price child (4-12 years) $60,- | Baby free (0-3 years) When booking only a small deposit of 20%. Remainder to be paid no later than 72 hours before departure by means of a payment link. Hotel transfer $10,- per person. Excluding reservation costs a $3.00,- per booking.

This all-inclusive boat trip to the breathtaking Klein Curaçao is one of the most popular activities on Curaçao. Experience that feeling to be on this uninhabited Bounty island with a pearly white beach and azure blue sea. Optimal pampering with BBQ and open-bar during this Catamaran boat trip Klein Curacao.  [ full description ]

Departure times

Every day at 8:00 am

Start and end point

At The Village Marina & Apartments next to the roundabout, end off Caracasbaai .

  • The real bounty Experience
  • Fully catered day including BBQ
  • Snorkeling, swimming and relaxing in the sun
  • Snorkeling with turtles (if you are lucky)

About the ticket

  • You receive an original ticket of the operating tour operator
  • Show the ticket on your smartphone
  • Handling within 24 hours after booking

Our guarantee for availability

For every booking we always double check the availability with our local partners. Although this usually happens quickly, it can take up to 24 hours. Once this process is completed, you will immediately receive your ticket by email. If our local partner can't confirm your reservation, we will offer you the best possible alternative. If this new date and/or time doesn't fit into your itinerary, we will refund your deposit.

What's included

  • A tasty breakfast and afternoon hamburger sandwiches, hot dogs with toppings and sauces
  • Lounge nets for ultimate chilling
  • Open bar with soft drinks, water, fruit punch, beer, rum and rum punch
  • Use of mask and snorkel
  • Pick-up service optional available
  • Swimming fins (flippers)

Executive tour operator

Caribbean Tours is only an intermediary. When you order this tour or activity through you are entering into an agreement with the tour operator who is performing the service. This tour is operated under the responsibility of: Irie Tours Mambo Beach, Bapor Kibra z/n Willemstad, Curacao

Cancel or change your booking

  • Cancellation policies of tour operator apply
  • FREE CANCELLATION up to 24 hours before departure, provided that the tour operator is notified in time.
  • When canceling less than 24 hours before departure or in case of no-show, no refund will be made.

The cost for changing a booking is € 15 and is only possible after approval of the performing tour operator.


Show the voucher on your smartphone upon arrival and step on board. 


This Catamaran boat trip to Klein Curaçao is a complete and well arranged day trip. Around 07:30 you are expected at restaurant La Costa Nostra (formerly Meat the Fish) and on board you will be welcomed with a breakfast with tea or coffee.

The catamaran will take you in about 1.5 hours to Klein Curaçao. You have plenty of time to discover the island: walk on the longest and whitest beach of Curacao, visit the old lighthouse and the shipwrecks, or find a nice spot on the beach or cool off in the azure water. Around noon it is lunch time and there will be hamburgers and hotdogs waiting for you on the boat. If you are a vegetarian, please let us know when you book. 

After lunch you have plenty of time to further enjoy the island. For the return trip, the sails are set if there is enough wind and you sail back to the mainland in peace and quiet while enjoying the view and the relaxed atmosphere from the lounge nets. You will be back in Curaçao around 17:00.

Important information

  • For this tour reservation costs apply - $3.00,- per booking 
  • Departure: at 8.00 at the Caracas Bay (near Jan Thiel)
  • *For a small additional amount you will be picked up and brought back to your hotel (only at fixed pickup locations in downtown Willemstad).
  • You may get wet along the way, especially in the nets!
  • Toilets are available on board
  • Not suitable for people with mobility problems
  • Vegetarian meal is available if requested in advance.
  • Items such as towels and cameras are brought on land by boat so everything stays dry
  • Children up to 3 years free of charge. Children up to 12 years special price.
  • At reservation you make a small deposit. The remaining amount must be paid no later than 72 hours before departure by means of a payment link that you receive from the tour operator. If you do not pay the balance in time, the reservation will be cancelled without the right to a refund of the deposit.

Good to know

  • Don't just stay on the beach but walk to the lighthouse and the shipwreck as well
  • Bring an underwater camera with you to photograph the turtles and other animals.
  • Bring a bath towel and possibly water shoes
  • Bring a hat or cap against the sun
  • Apply sunscreen regularly

Photo & Video Impression

Catamaran boottocht klein curacao

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Een heerlijk, goed verzorgde dag naar klein Curaçao

Samen met irietours hebben we een geweldige dag naar klein Curaçao gehad.

Op de heenweg zijn we goed gewaarschuwd voor de heftige golven en water hoeveelheid die de boot op zou komen. We bleven op het voordek zitten, en dat hebben we geweten. Naar ons idee een gave ervaring, als je daar van houdt. Een ruige tocht naar klein Curaçao waar we dus zeiknat aankwamen. Er is op de boot ook genoeg mogelijkheid om droger te zitten!

Lunch was ruim en goed verzorgd. Als je nog naar het strand wil dan is de crew niet te flauw en varen ze nog eens naar het strand.

Het enige puntje is, is dat er gezegd is dat onze spullen op het strand in de gaten gehouden zouden worden, maar dat was helaas niet waar. Op goed vertrouwen in de medemens hebben we daar onze spullen laten staan om het eiland te gaan verkennen. Dit is ook verder goed verlopen gelukkig!

Heerlijk ontspannen dag gehad om nooit te vergeten. Mooi boot, super leuke medewerkers die vertelen wat je kan verwachte van de dag en ook vertellen over het gebied. Sociaal en behulpzaam.

Leuke, goed georganiseerde dagtrip naar klein curaçao op de Cool Runnings! De trip was inclusief ontbijtje en lunch en een open bar. Gezellige crew met goede uitleg en instructies voor op de catamaran en het eiland! Zeker aan te raden!

Hele goede trip naar klein Curacao gehad. Alles was goed geregeld: de catamaran, de heerlijke bbq lunch en uiteraard de drankjes. Op klein Curacao mooi kunnen snorkelen en zelfs nog met dolfijnen die dicht langs het eiland kwamen zwemmen.

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A reservation fee apply for some tours or activities we offer. These are costs that Caribbean Tours must make to make the reservation on your behalf with the local tour operator. We keep these costs as low as possible, but we have to pass on a small part to you as a customer. Because of this, we can offer this tour, so that you can easily book online your seats for this tour. The reservation costs are a fixed component and amount per booking, regardless of how many people come along.

Tiki Boot BBQ-opties

Bij de huur van een Tiki boot kun je extra’s meebestellen. Hieronder een overzicht van deze extra’s. Indien je een of meerdere wil bestellen laat dit dan weten bij je reservering en wij nemen contact met je op om een en ander af te stemmen.

Cobb BBQ huur | 20,- USD De Cobb BBQ is inclusief:

  • borden en bestek
  • peper en zout

BBQ Package Standaard  Prijs per persoon 14,50 USD

  • burger + broodje
  • aardappelsalade
  • knoflookbrood
  • knoflook- en satesaus

BBQ Package DeLuxe Prijs per persoon 20,- USD

BBQ Package Vegetarisch Prijs per persoon 14,50 USD

  • champion burger

Zak met ijs groot Prijs per persoon 2,85 USD


Caribbean Tours is very committed to all stray animals that often have to live in harsh conditions on the islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. We take their fate very seriously and would like to do something to prevent this animal suffering. If you book a tour with Caribbean Tours, you will be asked during checkout whether you want to make an optional small contribution. Once a year we select an animal foundation to which we donate the collected amounts.

Caribbean Tours is zeer begaan met alle zwerfdieren die vaak in barre omstandigheden moeten leven op de eilanden Aruba, Bonaire en Curacao. We trekken ons hun lot zeer aan en willen graag iets doen ter voorkoming van dit dierenleed. Vanwege deze reden hebben wij op elk eiland waar wij actief zijn, een goed doel uitgekozen. Op elk eiland hebben wij een stichting geselecteerd die zich inzet ter voorkoming van dierenleed onder honden en/of katten. Indien je bij Caribbean Tours een tour boekt wordt je tijdens het afrekenen gevraagd of je optioneel een kleine bijdrage wil doen. Een bijdrage waarmee op Bonaire, Stichting FKK Animal Rescue zich kan blijven inzetten ter voorkoming van het dierenleed onder honden en katten. Klik [ here if you want more information about this foundation.

Caribbean Tours is very committed to all stray animals that often have to live in harsh conditions on the islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. We care deeply about their fate and would like to do something to prevent this animal suffering. For this reason, we have selected a charity on every island where we operate. We have selected a foundation on each island that is committed to preventing animal suffering among dogs and/or cats. If you book a tour with Caribbean Tours, you will be asked during checkout whether you want to make a small contribution. A contribution with which the Kitten Rescue Curacao Foundation on Curacao can continue to work to prevent animal suffering among the kittens and cats. Click [ here if you want more information about this foundation.

Kitten Rescue Curacao


Changing a booking that has already been confirmed and for which you have already received the ticket or voucher is possible under certain conditions. The costs for changing a booking are normally € 15 per change. By choosing a flexible ticket directly with your booking, you pay € 5 extra once and changing a booking is free of charge up to 48 hours before the start, even if you would like to change several times.

Notice: a booking can only be changed if the new desired date is available and an agreement has been received from the executing tour operator.


Caribbean Tours guarantees the lowest price  on tours & tickets that can be booked via our website. When you find the same tour or ticket for a lower price within three days of booking or after arrival at destination, we will  refund  the difference to you.

  • Please send an email with your booking reference and proof of the lower price you found to [email protected].
  • We will review your request and get back to you as soon as possible.
  • When everything is verified, we will refund you the price difference.

Conditions for refund Caribbean Tours' Lowest Price Guarantee is available to every customer who has made a booking on The Lowest Price Guarantee covers retail prices available to the general public. This does not include discounts you may receive (or may be eligible for) from outside organizations, the tour operator itself, or special offers made as part of a membership program, corporate discount, daily offer, groupdiscount or rewards program. If you find a lower retail price for the exact same tour or ticket, offered on the same date and priced in the same currency as the original purchase on any other website AND notify us within 72 hours of your confirmed reservation on Caribbean Tours, we will refund you the difference. If upon arrival at your destination you find a lower retail price offered by Caribbean Tours' contracted tour operator for the exact same tour or activity, offered on the same day and in the same currency as the original purchase, you will receive from Caribbean Tours the difference. Caribbean Tours reserves the right to verify the details of the lower price where possible. All decisions regarding refunds are made at the sole discretion of Caribbean Tours. Exchange rate differences that may occur due to different currencies will not be refunded.


Wij hebben jouw klacht in goede orde ontvangen. Natuurlijk vinden wij het zeer spijtig om te vernemen dat je niet tevreden bent met de dienstverlening van Caribbean Tours. Wij zullen er alles aan doen, uiteraard in alle redelijkheid, om jouw klacht naar volle tevredenheid op te lossen.

Wij zullen je per e-mail op de hoogte houden over de afhandeling van je klacht.

Caribbean Tours Het management

Enter the heart of the national park

The calanques cruise, first-class style, motor boats: a mind-blowing tour.

boot catamaran varen

Catamarans: living the dream

boot catamaran varen

The most exclusive tour in the heart of the calanques national park

Boat cruise excursion into Calanques

Catch you on the flip side!

boot catamaran varen

Select your dream boat

Motor boats.

  • Fuerteventura Catamaran Boat Trips to Lobos
  • Food On Board


Enjoy a special day sailing in our boat. A trip around the Lobos island , considered as a Biosphere Reserve . We will leave from Corralejo and sail on the north side of the Lobos island where you will be able to see some very emblematic places as the Martino lighthouse or the half sunken crater known as La Caldera . It is, as well, a famous area for its amazing waves, as the ‘ Derecha de Lobos ’, ridden by worldwide surfers. Then we will sail to the south side of the island, where you will be able to practise different water sports and activities a few meters from the La Concha beach with its amazing turquoise water…MORE…

Searching Availability...


Enjoy a special day sailing in our boat booked exclusively for you and your friends, family... A trip around the Lobos island , considered as a Biosphere Reserve…MORE…


A boat trip to the south of Lanzarote and the Papagayo beaches . It’s a boat trip during which we will mainly sail with the windpower …MORE…


Free Transfer in the whole North Side of Fuerteventura

Contact Us +34 608 31 04 50


Enjoy a special day sailing with the wind in our boat. A trip around the Lobos island , considered as a Biosphere Reserve . We will leave from Corralejo, Fuerteventura, and sail on the north side of the Lobos island where you will be able to see some very emblematic places as the Martino lighthouse or the half sunken crater known as La Caldera . It is, as well, a famous area for its amazing waves , as the ‘ Derecha de Lobos ’, ridden by worldwide surfers .

Then we will sail to the south side of the island, where you will be able to practise different water sports and activities a few meters from the La Concha beach with its amazing turquoise water. Cristal clear water and the fishes fed with you own hands are waiting for you.

In ‘Lobos in Catamaran ’ we have complete snorkel equipments for 10 people, kayaks for 4 people and 2 paddle surf boards for our guests and the crew to enjoy that unique site.

Nothing better to get your strength back, than a delicious food on board , cooked by our team with fresh and local products.

This is, with no doubt, our best boat trip ever . We organize different boat trips, as private trips , special events’ boat trips, boat trips to Lanzarote or to La Graciosa .

Our trips can last from a few hours to 5 days.

Offer a special day to your family, friends or colleagues on our catamaran. We’ll pick you up at your hotel for free in the whole north side of Fuerteventura .

Copyright 2014 by Lobos In Catamaran - All Rights Reserved

Notice for the catamaran line 9603 Split - Bol - Jelsa.

Search the sailing schedule and buy a ticket online.


Buy your ticket as quickly as possible. The purchase takes only 3 minutes.

To board, you only need to present the ticket stored on your mobile device., on some lines, the purchased ticket guarantees departure at the desired time. check which one on the link., traffic situation.

05.03.2024. 00:00

All Jadrolinija ships are sailing according to schedule

There are no difficulties in maritime traffic, all Jadrolinija ships are sailing according to schedule.

News for passengers

01.03.2024. 13:29

Change in the navigation order on March 16, 2024.

13.03.2023. 14:42

Notice for passengers traveling on lines with reservations

Ticket purchase and boarding on reserved lines


  • Riva 16, HR-51000 Rijeka
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072 30 33 37

Call price from fixed network is 0,03 EUR/min


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Barefeet Retreat - Crewed Catamaran Charter

Barefeet retreat $28,300, barefeet retreat.

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Layout of Barefeet Retreat


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Crew of Barefeet Retreat


Sample dish on board of Barefeet Retreat

  • From $28,300 / week
  • Catamaran + 2 crew
  • Summer Port: Cruising Areas Summer: Caribbean Virgin Islands Summer Port: BVI Winter: Caribbean Virgin Islands Winter Port: BVI Prefered Pickup: BVI Other Pickup: BVI ">BVI
  • Winter Port: Cruising Areas Summer: Caribbean Virgin Islands Summer Port: BVI Winter: Caribbean Virgin Islands Winter Port: BVI Prefered Pickup: BVI Other Pickup: BVI ">BVI
  • Length: 57 ft / 17.4 meters 57 feet 17.4 meters
  • Guests: 10 in 5 cabins
  • Builder: Royal Cape
  • Built: 2020
  • Offers Rendezvous Scuba Diving only

$31,300 $28,300

All Inclusive

  • Reviews (9)

Barefeet Retreat Description

Where Luxury meets adventure! Introducing Barefeet Retreat the latest Royal 57 Catamaran. Indulge in the Crystal clear waters of the Virgin Islands on this ultra-spacious sailing Catamaran. Barefeet Retreat features a flybridge that has 360-degree ocean views. The flybridge sports a fully functioning bar and easy access to several sun pads to soak up the Caribbean sun. Experience the Islands in a different way with your own professional crew. Barefeet Retreat accommodates up to 10 guests in 5 luxury queen cabins each with its own en-suite head and shower. All guest cabins are fully air-conditioned for guest comfort. Barefeet Retreat has a galley-up layout with all the modern amenities needed for the ultimate family and friend vacation.

Cruising Area of Barefeet Retreat

Accommodations, specification, water sports, scuba diving, entertainment, green initiatives, barefeet retreat crew profile, chef/first mate.

Ryan Hayes Ryan was born and raised in the southernmost tip of Africa & was immediately drawn to the ocean. Having grown up catching lobster before school, then surfing each afternoon, it seemed only natural that he would pursue a sea centric career. After completing his Yacht Master Ocean certification in 2015, Ryan began sailing professionally along the East African coast. He’s got a bounty of stories to share from his extensive cruising around Mozambique, Tanzania, Mauritius & the Seychelles. Ryan later moved to the Mediterranean, where he spent 5 years there establishing himself as a reputable captain within the charter industry. His sails & passages have taken him over 4,000m across the Atlantic & Indian Oceans, through the beautiful islands of French Polynesian and over the treacherous water of the Southern Ocean before he started calling the Virgin Islands home in 2021. Paula Milovac Chef from November-March Paula´s upbringing in Gothenburg, Sweden, was steeped in the world of food and culinary arts. Her father´s profession as a skilled chef and her mother´s unwavering passion for baking created the perfect environment for her culinary journey to unfold. This journey commenced at the age of 14 when Paula secured her first job at a local French café in Gothenburg. Through this experience, she embarked on a trajectory that led her to incredible destinations, where she encountered remarkable individuals and gained invaluable insights. It was during these travels that Paula also became acquainted with the captivating yachting industry. In 2017, Paula sought admission to the Quarterdeck Host/Chef Academy. Fast forward seven seasons in the Mediterranean and Caribbean, and she has cultivated an impressive mastery of both cooking and presentation. Herextensive tenure in the service industry is evident in her adeptness at delivering exceptional service with finesse. Paula´s distinctive approach contributes profoundly to the triumph and enjoyment of each charter. Her innate warmth and nurturing demeanor create an atmosphere akin to being welcomed into one´s grandmother´s home - a sentiment that´s difficult to resist. Paula’s allure is hard to overlook, and her track record of accomplishments speaks for itself. Abrye Redecker Chef from April-July Returning for her fourth year aboard, Bree, our Florida gal, has a lifetime of passionate hosting experience and has always been a natural in the kitchen. After 9 years working in advertising strategy, Bree pivoted from her NYC desk job in ’17 & found new bliss working as a chef on the sea. She’s spent the last 4 years hosting charters at sea, programming wellness retreats on land, and sharing her skills as a host instructor for Quarterdeck’s host & skipper academy in Croatia. Entertaining is Bree’s forte and she finds it such a privilege to nourish her guests with mindfully curated meal plans using only the freshest and most wholesome ingredients.

Barefeet Retreat Calendar

Barefeet retreat reservations & port locations, barefeet retreat rates / week, low price: $31,300, high price: $41,800, additional rate details, barefeet retreat guest reviews, amazing vacation.

It was an amazing vacation. Jenn and Bree were great to sail with and took us to so many islands. Loved their suggestions on islands and things to do. The food on the yacht was five star. The snorkeling and paddle boarding and exploring all the beaches where are favorite. Yacht was very clean. Cabins were comfortable. There was enough areas with shade .The food was amazing. Such a variety. The food was 5 star. I felt it was very healthy also beautiful presentation. They did have some great signature drinks. Jenn and Bree were great. Professional but also so pleasant and friendly. Very knowledgeable and had great suggestions. Would love to sail with them again. -Loraine Marous

Special lifelong bond that cannot be forgotten

´Creating lifelong memories is a special treasure that so many of us take for granted until it is too late. However, the week we spent on Barefeet Retreat with Captain Jenn and Breezy Cooking will always hold a special place in our hearts and our entire group is excited to be back on the boat with them again in the future. When a trip ends with genuine hugs and tears, that sums up that not only did everyone very much enjoy themselves, but we all made a special lifelong bond that cannot be forgotten. First, Breezy Cooking’s cuisine and special beverages would rival any fine restaurant, however the hospitality from Jenn and Bree make the trip even more special. Let me tell you, these two ladies worked hard the entire trip to make everything perfect for us, but they always were enjoying themselves, had smiles on their faces and had this contagious positive view on life that continues to resonate with us. These two special ladies are making the world a better place purely from being in it and spreading their infectious positivity to everyone who is around them. The boat’s layout was perfect, the beds were comfortable, everything was immaculate and clean and with scenic background accompanied with our new found family in Jenn and Bree made for a perfect trip that we will never forget and hope to duplicate soon. ´ - Steve E.

The dynamic duo

Bree and Jen are like the dynamic duo. Their personalities and dedication to a great charter, I imagine will be hard to find again. The food was amazing and Bree got it right every meal. Jenn was not only an awesome captain, but a great Scuba instructor as well. From the moment we stepped on the Yacht, the two of them really made us feel at home, comfortable, relaxed and in a mindset to have a great time. We only hope to bring our children back with us next time. p.s They found us front row mat position for ´After Irma Band´......try that StubHub! - Matt F.

Fantastic week

What a Fantastic week we had with Mary Poppins (Bree) and Wonder Woman(Jenn)! They made all our adventures come true! We had a group of 8 with 6 divers and they made us extremely comfortable, paying attention to every detail possible. Food was out of this world and the sailing was very fun. You will be so happy you picked these two. - Troy K.

We are ready to book again

Our stay was beyond comfortable because Captain Jenn and Chef Bree exceeded all our expectations and truly brought our preferences to life! With children on board, we were amazed at the endless activities and constant attention that they provided to help us feel at home. Captain Jenn amazed us with her skill and knowledge, but also was warm and patient with our gang. And, Chef Bree is a ray of sunshine! She prepared five star meals for every seating and amazed us with daily cocktails of the day and delicious desserts! The crew duo serving Barefeet Retreat are so warm and caring that you’ll leave with 2 new family members! And, the boat was kept immaculate and stocked with water toys. We are ready to book again! - Jenni B.

Couldn´t have dreamed of a better crew

Jenn and Bree were outstanding! Both ladies were gracious, welcoming and good humored hosts every day. They were very knowledgeable about all things sailing/St.Thomas and St. John related and maintained the perfect balance of professionalism and friendliness with all of us. Jenn gave us a daily game plan about stops, sails and activities each morning and was always eager for our feedback and open to changes. We had a great mix of activities - hiking one day, hitting a beach at 2 or 3 stops, tubing twice, paddle boarding, a smidge of shopping and lots of off-the boat swimming and snorkeling. Jenn even found live music on another chartered boat and ´dinghyed´ us over to listen. We all agreed our favorite part was sailing and being on the open water! Our 15 yo daughter claimed a spot right next to Jenn for each sail so she could chat, ask questions and have the best view. Bree is a phenomenal chef! Hands down outstanding, 5-star meals every time! She managed to compile all of our different likes/tastes into beautiful mealtime presentations. She also cooked with a healthy note - we always had salads, smoothies and fresh fruits and veggies, which many of us appreciated. In addition, Bree was unbelievably accommodating and adjusted meals for our very picky 12yo eater. Lastly, Bree was a wonderful bartender and mixologist - she always put a fun spin on our favorites and gave us something new to try (Ask for her French 75 with lemongrass simple syrup or the Passion Fruit Margarita). Finally, and most important to us as parents, Jenn and Bree gave our three kids oodles of attention, spoke to and treated them with respect, and patiently answered a million questions. Our 7yo was completely smitten with Bree and said to me when we got home, ´Why do we have to leave when we just made friends with them?´ Lots and lots of love for this crew! We couldn´t have dreamed of a better crew. - Meg S.

Get ready to worry about nothing at all

“You have arrived, do yourself a favor and stop searching now, you will not find a better combination of craft and crew than this. Sailing aboard Barefeet Retreat with Captain Jenn & Chef Abrye is as good as it gets. We truly cannot think of a single thing that we would have changed during the entire week we spent. This newer yacht is very roomy, has all the comforts of home, and plenty of covered space for all to enjoy. Jenn & Abrye are intelligent, skilled, and kind, both with great senses of humor and delightful wit. Whatever your taste buds desire, Chef Abrye can make it happen, every meal was fantastic and full of flavor. I think this lady is the next big thing just waiting to be discovered, so amazingly creative. Captain Jenn is a divemaster, accomplished sailor, knowledgeable hiker, and a confident leader. You just know that you are in good hands with Jenn at the helm. So finish up your To Do List, pack lightly, and get ready to worry about nothing at all, and have one of the most wonderful weeks of your life.” - Dennis C.

Hands down best vacation ever

Wanted to let you just how impressed we were with EVERYTHING on Barefeet charterlast week. And when I say everything, I mean everything. Highlights: Meeting Herman the 140 years+ old turtle Watching Capt. Jenn and Bree swim with a mom and Baby Dolphin (see below) Eating, drinking, laughing - repeat every day! A little competition Bar Crawl on the Boat - complete with a Congo Line (my crew is crazy) Food was amazing It was absolutely hands down the BEST VACATION EVER AND BEST BIRTHDAY EVER! We made two new friends and will sail with them again- FOR SURE. I just have to start planning the next trip! Let me know if anyone ever needs a review! I will gladly make a high recommendation Thank you for working with me and making this all come together. Carla

Broker provided survey

Crew Friendliness: Jenn and Bree were fabulous. They exuded warmth and friendliness and made all of us feel most welcome onboard. Mac (7) fell in love with our hosts and they with him. Crew Knowledge: We felt completely at ease with both crew members. It was readily apparent they knew what they were doing. Quality of Service: Considering there were 10 guests and just two crew members, the service was outstanding. Jenn and Bree worked tirelessly to insure we never lacked for anything. They were unfailingly pleasant, polite, friendly and helpful. The Professionalism of Crew: Jenn was an excellent captain and Bree an outstanding chef. Our meals were marvelous and varied. Bree went out of her way, over and above trying to please our Graham (12) who is the pickiest eater I could ever imagine. Graham was a recalcitrant eater throughout the trip but Bree never stopped trying and was always pleasant about it. She even gave Graham a two minute briefing on why he should eat fruits and vegetables. I do not think it sunk in to Graham but I was enthralled. I decided that minute to continue eating fruits and veggies when I returned home. Value of the Cost + Expenses Charter: For this “once in a lifetime” celebration, we accepted the financial expense involved: charter, gratuity, trip insurance, taxis to and from the Marina plus flights for three. It was a significant investment but one which made us both quite happy. On-Board Cuisine: Outstanding!!!! Bree served so many delicious and varied meals (and oh, so much food) that our eyes popped – shortly before our stomachs! Everything was delicious. Destination / Location: We enjoyed the many locations we visited on St. Thomas and St. John though we surely missed revisiting our favorite BVI destinations. Having sailed the USVI the last two times, I would now be reluctant to charter again before the BVI reopens for business. Water-Sports: Barefeet Retreat had a large mat it put out behind the boat which the kids loved. Jenn took them tubing on two occasions and they snorkeled throughout the trip. The noodles were most welcomed by the adults. Shaun and Hayden also used the paddleboard on a couple of occasions. Mary even rode the tube once. Overall Satisfaction: High, high, high. We loved Jenn and Bree. The catamaran was roomy enough for 10 and I can vouch for the ample size of our shower. Everything on board was quite comfortable.

Barefeet Retreat Sample Menu

Sample menu by chef paula.

Voted 2023 Culinary Competition - Overall Winner at VIPCA USVI Yacht Show

Welcome charcuterie board, sandwiches & cocktails

Pan roasted sea bass, seared scallops, pancetta, fried parsnip, parsnip purée & browned butter

Deconstructed lemon cheesecake, lemon curd, lemon drops, caramel crumbles & fresh berries

Avocado toast on sourdough bread, sunny side up egg, feta cheese, chili flakes, red onion, tomato & sriracha mayo

Pecan crusted salmon, quinoa, lemon marinated fennel & red onion, lemon caviar & honey mustard

Bruschetta 3 different ways (classic, pesto/burrata & fig/nuts)

Surf & Turf; beef tenderloin, lobster, mashed potato, caramelized shallots, peas, & champagne sauce

Pistachio creme brûlée, pistachio cream, berries & crushed nuts

Bagel spread, a buffet of various things to build your own bagels

Smoked pulled pork taco, BBQ-sauce, corn, feta, jalapeños & fresh cilantro

Mediterranean mezze platter

Chorizo crusted halibut, pea puré, yogurt & dill sauce, peas, herb oil, fresh dill & carrots

Key lime pie with Italian meringue

Eggs Benedict with Canadian bacon, served with fluffy hollandaise sauce & parmesan crusted potatoes

NY Strip steak sandwich, chimichurri, Swiss cheese, arugula, crispy onion & tomato

Ban Bao with panic fried cod, cucumber, pickled red onion, cucumber, spicy mayo, crushed peanuts & fresh cilantro

Chicken Ballotine, herb cream cheese, roasted potatoes & red bell peppers, shallots, smoked red bell pepper purée & fresh parsley

Panna cotta, lime mousse, chocolate soil, cocoa meringues & orange gel

Brioche French toast with lemon mascarpone creme, fresh berries

Asian noodle salad, seared sesame tuna, hoisin & peanut sauce, crushed peanuts, wasabi mayo & cilantro

Mahi ceviche with avocado, cucumber, red onion, lime & cilantro

Slow cooked short ribs with cauliflower purée, red wine reduction, garlic roasted carrots & parsley

Tiramisu á la Barefoot Retreat with Kahlúa & Amaretto

”American breakfast spread”, pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon & hash browns

Classic Caesar salad, grilled chicken, parmesan, crispy bacon & croutons

Quesadillas with guacamole, salsa & sour cream

Italian red sauce pasta, salsiccia, pancetta, ricotta, pine nuts & fresh basil

Triple chocolate cake; brownie, dark chocolate mousse, whipped white chocolate ganache & poached red currant

Huevos rancheros; chorizo, black beans, avocado, tomato, sour cream, fried egg & cilantro

Crispy crab cakes with russet potatoes, remoulade sauce, kale salad with lemon vinaigrette, red onion, radish & parmesan

Vietnamese spring rolls; shrimp, avocado, cucumber, carrot, cashews, cilantro & Asian inspired peanut sauce

Parmesan crusted pork chops with garlic & parmesan roasted brussels sprouts & potato, red wine sauce

Apple & cardamom dessert with caramel panna cotta, candied apples & oat crumble

Croissant; scrambled eggs, pastrami, cheese, arugula, cherry tomatoes & Dijon aioli

Breakfast served with juice, coffee or tea of your choice, a local fruit platter and fresh baked pastries

This menu serves as a sample and can be tailored to your preferences. Additionally, I accommodate dietary needs such as vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and other allergies and/or tolerances

Sample Menu by Bree

DAY 1 Welcome platter & cocktails Swordfish skewers over garlic mashed potatoes, served with green beans Brownies topped with cream and chopped hazelnuts

DAY 2 Coconut crusted grend toast & Bacon Fruit platter & fresh pastry Overnight oats topped with fruit Seared tuna poke bowl with white rice and colorful chopped vegetables Burrata over greens with grilled peaches & garlic toast crusts Greek Salad & dip platter starter Greek style chicken gyros, homemade tzatziki, lemon potatoes, medley of grilled zucchini, eggplant & peppers

DAY 3 Bagel & lox platter with scrambled eggs Fruit platter & fresh pastry Greek yogurt parfait with granola BBQ pulled pork sandwiches, served with a zesty pineapple slaw, baked beans & corn on the cob Lemon ricotta bread, assorted fruits & coffee service Risotto topped with creamy gorgonzola sauce & roasted butternut squash Fresh fruit, cream and chocolate parfait

DAY 4 Zucchini and goat cheese frittata served with sausage patties Fruit platter & fresh pastry Chia seed pudding topped with fruit Zesty Vietnamese chicken salad over mixed veggies and rice noodles Loaded nachos topped with pulled pork & homemade guacamole Assorted bruchetta platter Dijon crusted salmon served over a salad medley with wild rice, arugula & apple

DAY 5 Sweet potato, veggie and chorizo hash topped with fried eggs Fruit platter & fresh pastry Smoothie bowls Veggie curry served with basmati rice & meat/potato samosas Asian spring rolls & dipping sauce Chicken thigh pad thai with a mix of glass noodles and zucchini noodles Mini apple pie pockets served with fresh cream

DAY 6 English breakfast with baked beans, sausage, bacon, fried eggs & toas Fruit platter & fresh pastry Overnight oats with chia & topped with fruit Mexican burrito bowls served over quinoa with veggies, pickled onions & sauteed purple cabbage Freshly baked banana bread & coffee service Homemade caesar salad Veggie loaded italian sausage lasagna served with garlic bread topped with parmesan crisps

DAY 7 Zucchini & corn fritters topped with avo and crumbled feta & bacon Fruit platter & fresh pastry Peanut butter protein smoothie bowl Steak salad with mixed greens, blue cheese, pears & candied walnuts Assorted pizza flatbreads Lemon, white wine and caper white fish served with homemade mac & cheese & sauteed broccolini Berry topped mini cheesecake


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No Inheritance

Eerste keer op een catamaran: wat u moet weten

  • Eerste keer op een catamaran: wat u moet weten
  • Tijdschrift

Tijdens je kapiteinsopleiding heb je geleerd hoe je een monohull zeilboot moet manoeuvreren. Maar wat als je de kans krijgt om een catamaran te zeilen? Ontdek alles wat je moet weten, inclusief de verschillen met monohulls, belangrijke factoren om rekening mee te houden, voor- en nadelen, en aanbevolen bestemmingen en catamaran modellen. Als u nieuw bent in het catamaranzeilen is dit de perfecte gids voor u.

5 redenen om een catamaran te huren

Wat zijn de belangrijkste redenen waarom iemand besluit op een catamaran te gaan varen? Hier zijn de belangrijkste voordelen van de keuze voor dit type boot.

1. Stabiliteit

De dubbele romp van een catamaran zorgt voor een uitzonderlijke aanvangsstabiliteit, waardoor hij blijft drijven en stabiel blijft in ruw water en wind. Als u op zoek bent naar een soepele en rustige zeilervaring, vooral met kleine kinderen of mensen die gevoelig zijn voor zeeziekte, is een catamaran een geweldige optie. Het is perfect om je oma of een nerveuze vriend die nog nooit op een boot is geweest mee te nemen.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Zeeziek worden is niet alleen een grote zorg voor beginnende zeilers, maar ook voor vakantiegangers op een boottocht. Maar zelfs ervaren zeilers kunnen er af en toe last van hebben. Degenen met donkere humor zeggen dat het twee fasen heeft - in de eerste fase word je zo ziek dat je bang bent dat je doodgaat, en in de tweede fase ben je bang dat je niet doodgaat. Het belangrijkste is echter dat je begrijpt waarom het gebeurt en het probeert te voorkomen. Hoewel je op een catamaran aanzienlijk minder last zult hebben van zeeziekte, wat werkt het beste als het toch gebeurt? Ontdek het in onze gids - Hoe om te gaan met zeeziekte .

Een catamaran biedt meer ruimte dan elke andere boot van vergelijkbare lengte. Met ruime salons , veel zit- en ligplaatsen en voldoende ligplekken (zoals het net dat bekend staat als de trampoline ) zult u zich nooit krap voelen. De hutten zijn ruim en de badkamers zijn net zo groot als die in veel appartementen. Mensen die een hekel hebben aan krappe ruimtes of waarde hechten aan hun privacy zullen een catamaran ideaal vinden. Op grotere modellen (50+ voet) heeft u zoveel ruimte dat u moeite kunt hebben elkaar te vinden. Ondanks de vergelijkbare lengte voelt een catamaran altijd groter aan dan zijn monohull tegenhanger. Als u gewend bent aan een zeilboot van 50 voet, probeer dan eens een catamaran van 45 voet en u zult nog steeds het gevoel hebben dat u meer ruimte hebt.

3. Voorzieningen vergelijkbaar met een hotelkamer

De hutten zijn niet alleen ruim, maar ook comfortabel en gezellig. Ze zijn meestal uitgerust met hoogwaardig beddengoed, kussens, planken, leeslampen en meer, waardoor ze aanvoelen als een echte kamer. Daarom hebben we een artikel geschreven over 9 redenen waarom een zeilvakantie beter is dan een verblijf in een hotel , en dat geldt dubbel voor een catamaran.

4. Toegevoegde extra's

Catamarans zijn vaak uitgerust met de nieuwste technologie en gadgets. Daartoe behoren zonnepanelen, een generator, een zeewaterontzilter, een moderne plotter met GPS en een automatische piloot . Deze maken u meer zelfvoorzienend op zee zonder dat u zo vaak de faciliteiten van een jachthaven nodig heeft.

5. Ondiepe diepgang

De reden waarom catamarans zo populair zijn bij zeilers, vooral in exotische landen , is de zeer geringe diepgang - 0,9 tot 1,5 meter, afhankelijk van de lengte van het schip, waardoor schippers zich minder zorgen hoeven te maken over het raken van de zeebodem. Hoewel voorzichtigheid en het volgen van kaarten nog steeds noodzakelijk zijn, biedt het meer vrijheid bij het kiezen van ankerplaatsen, zodat u bijna tot aan het strand kunt varen en voor anker kunt gaan om van de rust te genieten.

Jachten en boten in de baai. Mooie baai met turquoise water.

Alleen kleine vissersboten kunnen zo dicht bij de kust komen als catamarans.

Bekijk artikelen over andere boten en bootspullen

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Zeilen door de tijd: een geschiedenis van zeilschepen

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Geavanceerde zeiltrimtechnieken

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Grondbeginselen van zeiltrim voor beginnende zeilers

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De populairste catamarans van 2023

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Hoe een zeiljacht te zeilen bij rugwind

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Hoe zeil je met zijwind?

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Götheborg: het grootste zeilschip

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Nieuwe boten te huur in 2024

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Zeiltrim 3: word een pro

Catamaran vs. zeilboot: de belangrijkste verschillen.

Zeilers hebben verschillende voorkeuren, sommigen houden vast aan enkelwandige boten en anderen geven de voorkeur aan catamarans. Wat het beste is, is al sinds het begin van het zeilen een veelbesproken onderwerp. Daarom is inzicht in de voor- en nadelen van elk rompontwerp essentieel, zodat u uw eigen keuze kunt maken.

1. Huurprijs

Een groot nadeel van catamarans is dat ze duurder zijn op de chartermarkt. Enkelwandige zeilboten kunnen worden gehuurd voor 1.000-2.500 euro per week, terwijl een goed onderhouden catamaran doorgaans begint bij 3.000 euro per week. Dit geldt echter niet voor alle modellen.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Als u geld wilt besparen op uw catamaran charter, raden wij u aan vooraf te boeken. Bekijk onze 8 redenen waarom Early Bird deals de beste manier zijn om een boot te huren .

2. Capaciteit

De hogere kosten van catamarancharters worden gecompenseerd door de extra ruimte, comfort en capaciteit - er kunnen vaak tot 12 gasten comfortabel mee. Dit resulteert in een prijs per persoon die vergelijkbaar is met die van zeilboten en goedkoper dan die van hotels aan de kust, waardoor ze populair zijn voor eilandcruises en partyboten. Voor een veilige en verantwoorde feestervaring raden wij u echter aan onze gids te raadplegen - Hoe geniet u van een feest op een boot: 10 tips om uw bemanning en uw boot veilig te houden.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Overschrijd nooit de maximale capaciteit van de boot. En vergeet niet dat zelfs kleine kinderen meetellen als bemanningsleden.

Een groot aantal mensen rustend op catamarans

Een grote bemanning kan comfortabel zeilen op een catamaran

3. Havengelden en jachthavengelden

Houd er rekening mee dat twee rompen een bredere boot betekent, wat leidt tot hogere aanlegkosten . Deze grotere breedte kan meer ruimte in beslag nemen dan twee kleinere zeilboten. De kosten per persoon kunnen echter worden gecompenseerd door het feit dat er meer mensen kunnen worden ondergebracht.

4. Snelheid versus verbruik

Catamarans hebben doorgaans twee krachtige motoren , waardoor ze sneller zijn dan zeilboten van vergelijkbare grootte. Zelfs zonder de kracht van de wind kunt u over de wateren vliegen en met een beter brandstofrendement dan motorboten.

Catamarans hebben meestal twee basiszeilen: het grootzeil en de fok, en de bediening ervan volgt dezelfde principes als bij enkelwandige zeilboten. Zelfkerende fokken kunnen ook worden gebruikt, waardoor het trimmen en manoeuvreren van de zeilen minder werk kost.

Voor degenen die hun zeilervaring willen verbeteren, kan vaak een gennaker bij de catamaran worden gehuurd, wat extra voordelen biedt, vooral bij lichte wind. Bekijk onze 5 redenen om een gennaker te huren .

6. Flybridge

Dit verhoogde dek is een algemeen kenmerk van catamarans. Hier bevindt zich de stuurstand en soms extra zit- of ligruimte. Het is een waardevolle toevoeging die extra leefruimte op de boot biedt.

Buitenaanzicht van het voordek, de kajuit en de brug van de catamaran op een zonnige dag

Het tweede dek van de catamaran biedt een andere plek om te zitten en te genieten van het uitzicht op de oceaan.

Voor wie is de catamaran geschikt?

Catamarans zijn de favoriete keuze voor een groep vrienden die een ontspannen vakantie op het water willen, maar zijn ook populair voor zakelijke teambuildingevenementen en gespecialiseerde verblijven zoals yoga. Omdat hun ruime dek een veilige speelruimte voor kinderen biedt, zijn ze ook ideaal voor vakanties met meerdere gezinnen.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Als u met kleine kinderen vaart, is veiligheid van het grootste belang. Bekijk daarom onze richtlijnen voor veilig varen met kinderen , ons artikel over hoe te overleven op een boot met kinderen , het Schippersmoeder logboek: varen met een baby en probeer altijd de 4 essentiële tips voor vlot varen met kinderen te volgen. Als je geen kinderen hebt of ze niet mee wilt nemen, waarom dan niet je trouwe viervoeter meenemen? Catamarans bieden voldoende ruimte voor honden om rond te rennen, en als u deze 7 tips volgt, wordt uw huisdier een echte zeehond.

Aan de andere kant zouden we een catamaran niet aanraden aan sportieve zeilers om de wind in te jagen, aangezien de catamarans voor charter niet bedoeld zijn voor wedstrijden of regatta's. Door hun ontwerp hebben ze beperkte upwind mogelijkheden (zeilboten kunnen tot 30° windhoek varen, terwijl chartercatamarans slechts tot 50° tot 60° windhoek aankunnen), waardoor ze ongeschikt zijn voor wedstrijdzeilen.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Als u twijfelt of u de boot veilig kunt besturen, overweeg dan een schipper in te huren. Wij kunnen een schipper voor u regelen die kennis heeft van het gebied en de navigatie voor u kan verzorgen of u zeilvaardigheden kan leren die u misschien mist. Bedenk bij het plannen dat de schipper een hut of kooi in de salon zal bezetten.

Bijzonderheden van het zeilen op een catamaran

De beginselen van het zeilen met een catamaran zijn vergelijkbaar met die van een monohull zeilboot, maar er zijn enkele verschillen om in gedachten te houden. Deze zijn misschien al behandeld in uw kapiteinsopleiding.

Reizen op de motor

Een catamaran heeft twee motoren , die elk afzonderlijk kunnen worden bediend met een eigen gashendel. Wil je ter plekke draaien? Dat is geen enkel probleem met een catamaran - gewoon gas geven met de ene motor en achteruit met de andere. Als je deze truc eenmaal onder de knie hebt, heb je geen boegschroef meer nodig, hoewel catamarans daar soms wel mee zijn uitgerust. Dit maakt het aanmeren van uw catamaran tot een koud kunstje in vergelijking met enkelwandige zeilboten.

Reizen op de zeilen

Het zeilen varieert vooral in welke koersen u kunt varen en hoe sterk de wind is. De meeste chartercatamarans presteren het beste op koersen onder een hoek van 50 tot 60 graden met de wind. Dit is een grotere hoek in vergelijking met zeilboten. Wees er dus op voorbereid dat u uw geplande route moet aanpassen.

Als u een zeilboot te hard zeilt, zal de boot zelf aangeven dat u te hard heeft gestuurd door te hellen. Een catamaran doet dat niet, dus je moet goed opletten wanneer je de zeilen moet reven. Gewoonlijk zet je het eerste rif in bij een windsnelheid van 18 tot 20 knopen en het tweede rif bij 23 tot 25 knopen.

Beste bestemmingen voor catamaran zeilen

Naast de meer traditionele locaties van Kroatië , Griekenland , Italië , Spanje en Turkije verhuren wij catamarans over de hele wereld. In deze bestemmingen waardeert u veel ruimte , comfortabele toegang tot het water via trappen, stabiliteit op de golven en voorzieningen zoals een barbecue en airconditioning .

Catamarans zijn echter perfect geschikt voor meer exotische bestemmingen . Op afgelegen locaties komt de geringe diepgang bijzonder goed van pas omdat de zeebodem vaak slecht in kaart is gebracht en de stranden prachtig zijn. De grote water- en dieseltanks, samen met een elektriciteitsgenerator, een ontziltingsinstallatie om vers water uit zeewater te produceren, en zonnepanelen zijn vooral nuttig op exotische locaties waar de infrastructuur voor jachten minder ontwikkeld is. Deze voorzieningen helpen zeilers om zelfvoorzienend te zijn en te voorkomen dat ze om de paar dagen een dok moeten opzoeken.

Populaire bestemmingen voor catamaranzeilen zijn de prachtige Seychellen , Thailand , Frans Polynesië en het Caribisch gebied (Grenada, St. Lucia, Martinique, Antigua, St. Martin, Cuba , Britse Maagdeneilanden, Bahama's en Belize).

YACHTING.COM TIP: Wees niet bang om naar meer tropische bestemmingen te zeilen! Bekijk onze gids voor exotische zeilvakanties . Als u naar deze warmere klimaten gaat, moet u uitzoeken wanneer het regenseizoen of het orkaanseizoen begint.

Zonnig tropisch Caribisch eiland Barbados met blauw water en catamarans

Het uitzicht in het Caribisch gebied is perfect

De populairste catamarans

Populaire merken chartercatamarans zijn Lagoon , Bali , Fountaine Pajot , Nautitech en Leopard . Dit zijn de modellen die al jaren positieve feedback krijgen van onze klanten en die wij met een gerust hart aanbevelen.

De Lagoon 380 biedt een echte zeilervaring, of de grotere Lagoon 46 , waar u misschien wel de hele ochtend zult loungen in de ruime cabine.

De Bali cat ruimte biedt geweldige zitplaatsen aan het roer.

De Fountaine Pajot Elba 45 waar u op de boeg heerlijk kunt ontspannen op de zithoek of de trampoline.

De Nautitech 46 met zijn enorme salon.

De Leopard 45 met zijn prachtige lichte interieur, of de Leopard 50 die zo luxueus is dat u zich als een koning zult voelen.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Voor de veeleisende zeiler zijn de Lagoon 620 en Dream 60 grote catamarans ook het vermelden waard. Het is echter belangrijk op te merken dat de meeste kapiteinsbewijzen niet geldig zijn voor deze reuzen en dat u een professionele schipper moet inhuren.

Speciale soorten catamarans

Catamarans bestaan al geruime tijd, waardoor scheepswerven voortdurend innoveren en nieuwe modellen creëren met unieke kenmerken en eigenschappen. Dus, wat zijn enkele daarvan?


De populariteit van motorcatamarans is de laatste tijd toegenomen, omdat ze de stabiliteit en ruimte van een catamaran bieden zonder de noodzaak van zeilen.

Gelooft u dat meer altijd beter is? Bent u niet tevreden met slechts twee rompen? Dan hebben wij een unieke kans voor u om een trimaran te huren, een catamaran met drie rompen die een ongeëvenaarde zeilervaring biedt. Trimarans zijn nog steeds zeldzaam, dus u zult zeker de aandacht trekken waar u ook gaat.

Alle catamarans in ons aanbod:

Weet u niet zeker of u een catamaran of een zeilboot wilt geen probleem, wij helpen u graag bij het vinden van het perfecte vaartuig. laat het ons gewoon weten..

Denisa Nguyenová

Denisa Nguyenová

Faq zeilen op een catamaran.

Wat zijn de belangrijkste verschillen tussen een zeilboot en een catamaran?

  • Aantal rompen = stabiliteit
  • Meer ruimte = hogere passagierscapaciteit
  • Hogere charter- en havenkosten
  • Snelheid per motor

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13 Best Catamarans for Cruising (Buyer’s Guide With Prices)

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If you’ve spent many a pleasant weekend chartering or helming a cruising catamaran on the open sea, perhaps, just like me, you’ve started thinking about buying your own cruising catamaran . However, purchasing a cruising catamaran is no small decision; it’s essential to research the range of models to decide which will be best for you. 

Some of the best catamarans for cruising are the Sunreef 60, the Leopard 45, the Saona 46, the Manta 42, and the Antares 44i. A good cruising catamaran offers plenty of space, extended range and is optimized for comfort and safety. A cruiser is slower and less exciting to sail than a performance cat.

If you would like to own a catamaran, but your budget doesn’t stretch to purchasing a new one, look for a used, older model. You should also think about whether you’d prefer a power or sailing catamaran. This article explores the best cruising catamarans on the market and gives you an insight into what model will work best for your circumstances.

Are you looking for a specific price range or size? Check out my other articles, such as Best catamarans under 200k or 20 top performance catamarans!

Sunreef 60 (Power/Sail)

The Sunreef 60 is the epitome of luxury. It offers both powerful sailing performance and, with 60 feet (18.3 meters) in length, has an abundance of amenities for passengers. 

The Sunreef 60 has been commended by several industry experts, including SailWorld and YachtingWorld . Some of the best features of the Sunreef 60 include : 

  • A large semi-open saloon that leads into the aft cockpit, the main deck, and the dining space 
  • An aft hydraulic platform that can be used for water sports and sunbathing 
  • A large flybridge that can house a pool, bar, and dining area 
  • An aft garage that can be used as extra storage space 
  • The ability to host up to 12 guests, with the owner’s cabin offering a spectacular front view 

The Sunreef 60’s sailing specifications are equally impressive. Some of the catamaran’s specs include: 

Power version:

  • An advanced navigation system that allows the Sunreef 60 to operate both with and without a crew 
  • A fuel capacity of 1585.03 gallons (6000 liters) 
  • A water capacity of 211.34 gallons (800 liters) 
  • A draft of 5.90 feet (1.80 meters)

Sail version:

  • A fuel capacity of 463 gallons (1750 liters) 
  • 2*110HP Engines

In 2020, Sunreef launched a variation of the Sunreef 60 – the 60 Sunreef Power Eco . This catamaran is equipped with a state-of-the-art solar power system and wind generators. Eco-responsible finishing materials have been used to construct several parts of the catamaran.  

Both the Sunreef 60 and the eco version are excellent sailing crafts built for luxurious, long-distance cruises. They are still in production, so you can order a new vessel from Sunreef 60 . Used Sunreef 60s can be found on . 

As the Sunreef 60 is such a high-end vessel, be prepared to pay a premium price for one – new or used. 

Sunreef 60 are priced between $1 488 000 and $2 914 000

Nautitech 47 Power or Nautitech 46 Sail

The Nautitech 47 Power is a sleek power catamaran, designed by Nautitech Catamarans and architected by Marc Lombard.

Catamaran enthusiasts applaud the Nautitech 47 for its short extended hardtop, modern navigation station, and excellent bridge deck clearance . This Nautitech 47 Power has similar attractive features, including: 

  • A large saloon with a 360-degree panorama 
  • Optimized hulls and an optimized hardtop 
  • A comfortable navigation station area that can seat two 
  • A spacious gallery with large benches for working on 
  • A generous flybridge and cockpit that provides plenty of room for lounging 
  • The flybridge can also be enclosed, protecting it from bad weather
  • A lifting platform that can be lowered into the water to create a ‘beach’ in the middle of the sea
  • Three cabins which can be converted into four depending on how many guests you are entertaining 

The Nautitech 47 Power was launched in 2018 and is based on the Nautitech 46 Sail. It employs modern cruising and technical features, including:

  • A draft of 3 feet 11 inches (1.20 meters) 
  • A fuel capacity of 2 x 170 gallons (2 x 645 liters) 
  • A water tank capacity of 2 x 79 gallons (2 x 300 liters) 
  • Two Volva Penta engines with a power of 225 HP

Nautitech 46 Sail offers :

  • Two Volva Penta engines with a power of 40 HP
  • A fuel capacity of 2 x 79 gallons (2 x 300 liters) 

The only potential drawback of the Nautitech 47 Power is that it has exposed helms. However, you can fix this with a bimini, which will incur an additional cost. 

If you’re interested in buying a Nautitech 47/46, visit to find your nearest dealer. The dealer may offer you a sea trial where you can take the catamaran out to sea and judge its performance for yourself. You can also buy a Nautitech second-hand; browse to see some options. 

Leopard 45 (Sail)

The Leopard 45 is a luxury catamaran that is popular with both charter companies and private owners. Simonis-Voogd designed the external shell while Robertson and Caine did the internal interiors. As its name suggests, the Leopard 45 is 45 feet (13.72 meters) long. It has been recommended by Gregor Tarjan, author of ‘ The Complete Guide for Cruising Sailors ’ and the president of Aeroyacht Ltd. 

The Leopard 45 was launched in 2017 and carried forward some of the most popular features and design aspects of earlier Leopard models. For instance, the Leopard 45 has a flybridge lounge which includes space for a seating area, a sunbed, and a table. This feature won an award when it was included in the Leopard 50. Other positive attributes of the Leopard 45 include: 

  • An increased aft area with floating stairs lead up to the cockpit
  • The option to have three or four cabins depending on the number of guests you have 
  • An open plan saloon and galley, adding to the catamaran’s overall spaciousness 
  • A protected helm station 
  • Hardtop lounge in the most recent models 

Some of the technical specifications of the Leopard 45 include: 

  • A minimum draft of 4 feet 11 inches (1.5 meters) 
  • A bridge deck clearance of 2 feet 9 inches (0.83 meters) 
  • A freshwater capacity of 206 gallons (780 liters)
  • A fuel capacity of 185 gallons (780 liters) 
  • Two engines with 45 HP each 

A new Leopard 45 will be available for purchase directly from Leopard Catamarans in 2022. However, if you can’t wait or want one at a lower price point, consider buying a used one. A range of used Leopard 45s is available on . 

A Leopard 45 costs between $957 000 – $234 000

Lagoon 440 (Sail)

The Lagoon 440 is a catamaran recognized for its large interior volume, making it a popular catamaran for charter companies. However, the volume also makes it an excellent catamaran for families or owners looking to host large parties. Lagoon also made a power-cat version called the Lagoon 44.

At 44 feet (13.7 meters) long, the Lagoon 440 is relatively heavy. However, it has several functional advantages, including: 

  • Four cabins with four en-suite heads 
  • A bimini top 
  • A cockpit with speakers and a shower that is easily accessible by guests 
  • A large galley with potential for island top benches 
  • Lazy jacks and a canvas catchment system that allows for easier sail handling 
  • Additional storage space in the aft and cockpits 

Meanwhile, some of the technical specifications of the Lagoon 440 include: 

  • A maximum draft of 4.3 feet (1.30 meters) 
  • One engine capacity with a total power of 54 HP 
  • Freshwater tanks with a capacity of 237 gallons (897 liters) 
  • A fuel tank capacity of 172 gallons (651 liters)

While the Lagoon 440 has an excellent collection of features, it does have some drawbacks that users have noted. Some flybridge models of the Lagoon 440 have a high boom position that may make it difficult to access the sail bag. The saloon’s leading edge has a slight squaring, which may be challenging to get aesthetically used to. 

Despite these drawbacks, the Lagoon 440 is still a great option if you are on a strict budget. The Lagoon 440 had a six-year production run, where over 400 of the models were produced. As a result, several Lagoon 440s are always available in the second-hand market. Visit to explore catamarans of this model that are currently for sale. 

A Lagoon 440 can be purchased at $290 000 – $525 000

Saona 47 (Sail)

Made by Fountaine Pajot, the Saona 47 is a luxury catamaran that is 45.7 feet (13.94 meters) long. Designed by Berret-Racoupeau Yacht Design, it has received several industry and maritime awards, including SAIL magazine’s award for the best multihull cruising boat (40-50 feet). 

Launched in April 2017, the Saona 47 is relatively new on the market. As a result, it features a modern design and modern amenities. Some of the most enticing features of the Saona 47 include: 

  • Several spaces for passengers to lounge and relax, including a large sunbathing area, a lounge deck, and an open plan cockpit
  • A lift that can also be converted into a swimming platform
  • A large galley with an island bench 
  • Three cabins, with the master cabin having an en-suite bathroom. If you’re looking to charter it, there is a four-cabin version with space for a crew.
  • Good visibility from the helm and the opportunity to engage with other passengers 

The Saona 47 also offers an excellent sailing performance. It has a carefully planned weight-to-value ratio, which allows for both speed and stability. Some of the technical features of the Saona 47 are: 

  • A draft of 4.3 feet (1.3 meters) 
  • A sail area of 828.8 feet (77 meters)
  • A fuel capacity of 2 x 124 gallons (2 x 470 litres) 

To buy the Saona 47 new, you can lodge an inquiry on . However, you can also visit to see if you can find a used Saona 47.

A used Saona 47 may cost between $600,000 – $999,000.

Excess 12 (Sail)

The Excess 12 was launched in 2019 by Groupe Beneteau, the same group which designs Lagoon catamarans. The Excess range has been created for performance-oriented sailing vessels. The catamarans in the range have been applauded for their sailing prowess and their space. The Excess 12 was the first of the range and has been named the best cruising multihull under 40 feet by Sail Magazine. 

Designed by VPLP Design, the Excess 12 is considered a ‘sporty’ catamaran. It is 38 feet and 6 inches (11.74 meters). It has an open bimini and a light helm that gives it a feel similar to a monohull. Other attractive features of the Excess 12 include: 

  • A cockpit with a retractable roof that allows for direct access to sunlight 
  • The cockpit also has dining space for up to 8 people 
  • Room for two to three people in the helm
  • The option between three or four cabins 
  • A high aspect rig ratio 
  • An aft double steering station 
  • Most areas of the Excess 12 are constructed with cedar and white blend woodwork and united windows, making for a beautiful, natural aesthetic

Reviewers of the Excess 12 note a minor drawback of the twin aft helm. Its location in the corner of the cabin can create a blind spot. Other than this, many of the sailing features of the Excess 12 are positively received. These include: 

  • A draft of 4 feet and 5 inches (1.35 meters) 
  • An upwind sail area of 82 meters (269 feet)
  • A fuel capacity of 2 x 53 gallons (2 x 200 liters) 
  • The freshwater capacity of 79 gallons (300 liters) 

If you’re interested in buying the Excess 12 new, visit the dealer’s page on, or visit to look for a secondhand model.

Manta 42 (Sail)

The Manta 42 is one of the most popular models from Manta, an older brand known for its high-quality catamarans. 

The Manta 42 was launched in the late 1990s and was in production until the late 2000s. It received the ‘Best Value Overall’ prize in CW’s 2001 Boat of the Year. Even though it is an older model, it remains a beloved model today and is an excellent option if you are on a tighter budget. 

Designed by Eric Lerouge, a French naval architect, the Manta 42 has a variety of attractive features: 

  • Great sail to area displacement ratio, which makes for smoother sailing
  • A spacious aft cockpit area that can be upgraded and customized to suit your own particular design needs 
  • High bows and curved forward crossbeam make for a streamlined appearance
  • Room for three cabins and two heads. The owner’s cabin has its own en-suite bathroom with a large shower. 
  • Glass-enclosed cockpit
  • The interior finish is made with maple and teak wood 

Meanwhile, some of the technical and sailing features of the Manta 42 are as follows: 

  • A draft of 3.8 feet (1.2 meters) 
  • One engine with a total power of 60 HP 
  • Two holding tanks with a fuel capacity of 120 gallons (454 liters)
  • The freshwater capacity of 100 gallons (379 liters)

If you decide to take the plunge and buy a Manta 42, you will become a member of the Manta Owners Association . This association connects you to other manta owners who offer advice and conversations about Manta maintenance and sailing. 

You cannot buy the Manta 42 new. However, there are plenty of used Manta 42 models available on . 

A used Manta 42 will cost you somewhere between $239 000 – $325 000

Antares 44i (Sail)

The Antares 44i is another older model that offers excellent value for money if you’re working with a lower budget. Its production began in Argentina in the late 2000s. This yacht was built with round-the-world sailing in mind, and it has excellent amenities from both a technical and passenger perspective. 

Some of the best passenger facilities the Antares 44i offers are: 

  • An extended galley with plenty of storage space 
  • Three cabins, with two at the hulls and one forward cabin on the port side 
  • Stainless steel arch aft with plenty of space for dinghies 
  • A cockpit with room for a BBQ and room for lounging 

While it is an older model, the Antares 44i still has plenty of modern sailing features and storage room, making it a great long-distance cruiser. Here are some of the attractive technical features: 

  • A maximum draft of 4 feet (1.2 meters) 
  • A bridge clearance of 62 feet (18.9 meters) 
  • Two engines with a total power of 80 HP 
  • Fuel tanks with a capacity of 120 gallons (454 liters) 
  • Freshwater tanks with a capacity of 150 gallons (568 liters)

Today, the Antares Catamarans company has built a newer version of the Antares 44i – the Antares 44 , which you can consider if you want to buy a new catamaran. However, the Antares 44i continues to be a great option. You can buy a used Antares 44i on . 

Price: $495 000 – $860 000

Catana 50 (Sail)

The Catana 50 is another older model that can hold its own against many more modern cruising catamarans. Like the Antares 44i, it is a more pocket-friendly option that doesn’t compromise sailing quality and passenger amenities. 

Catana is one of the world’s best catamaran producers, known for creating stable yet fast boats and for their quality finishes. Besides being produced by Catana, the Catana 50 has been architected by Christophe Barreau, a world class naval architect. Some of the best features that the Catana 50 boasts are: 

  • A length of 50 feet (15 meters)
  • Deep daggerboards allow for excellent windward performance
  • Made with carbon fiber which allows for stability and speed 
  • Hardtop over cockpit 
  • Twin aft helm stations 
  • Three cabins which can sleep 6 
  • Satin oak interior finishes 

Meanwhile, the technical specifications of the Catana 50 include: 

  • A draft of 4 feet (1.2 meters) 
  • A bridge clearance of 23.7 feet (7 meters) 
  • Two engines with a total power of 150 HP 
  • Fuel tanks with a capacity of 227 gallons (860 liters) 
  • Freshwater tanks with a capacity of 211 gallons (800 liters)

Catana does not produce the Catana 50 anymore. However, you can look for a pre-owned Catana 50 on the CatanaServices website or . There are models of the Catana 50 available for secondhand sale across the world.

A Catana 50 will set you back somewhere between $644 000 – $692 000

Atlantic 42 (Sail)

Like the Manta 42, the Atlantic 42 is a smaller-sized catamaran. It is 42 feet (12.8 meters) long but is spacious and fuel-efficient. It was designed by Chris White , who specializes in designing high-performance catamarans.

The Atlantic 42 was in production in 1999 but boasts many classic features found in modern-day catamarans. The Atlantic 42 has been the recipient of Cruising World magazine’s Boat of the Year award. Noteworthy features in the Atlantic 42 include: 

  • A high waist and forward cockpit 
  • Custom aft deck allowing for easy access to the dinghy storage
  • Interior design constructed with teak and holly wood
  • Navigation station with space for two seats
  • A secure, raised pilothouse that allows for excellent visibility in stormy weather 
  • A galley with enough space for long-distance cruises 
  • Two double cabins and two single cabins 

In addition to good passenger amenities, the Atlantic 42 has some excellent sailing specifications, including: 

  • Water capacity of 80 gallons (302.8 liters) 
  • Fuel capacity of 80 gallons (302.8 liters) 
  • A bridge deck clearance of 62 feet (18.9 meters) 
  • Engines with a total power of 58 HO 

The Atlantic 42 is no longer in production but can be custom ordered from Chris White designs . However, they can also be found on resale platforms such as .

Price: $325 000 – $450 000

Seawind 1160 (Sail)

The Seawind 1160 is a long-distance cruiser produced by Seawind Catamarans , a leading catamaran manufacturer designing and building catamarans for over 35 years. 

This catamaran is available in two styles : the lite Seawind 1160 and the deluxe Seawind 1160. The deluxe catamaran operates with diesel sail drives that allow for excellent torque and fuel capacity. Meanwhile, the lite version works with outboard motors that reduce the catamaran’s overall weight. It also has more storage internally on the boat, and lower maintenance and replacement costs.

The Seawind 1160 has won Cruising World’s ‘Most Innovative Boat’ award in 2007. It won this award thanks to its tri-folding door, which opens the saloon and the cockpit to form a living or lounging area. Other significant design aspects and passenger amenities include: 

  • Twin helm stations 
  • 360-degree visibility from the cockpit 
  • Grey wash and timber interior to make for a highly modern interior 
  • Three cabins in the owner’s version of the catamaran with a queen-sized bed in the master cabin
  • Hulls made of fiberglass 

Meanwhile, the sailing and design specifications of the Seawind 1160 are as follows: 

  • A diesel fuel capacity of 95 US gallons (360 liters) 
  • A freshwater capacity of 185 US gallons (700 liters) 
  • A draft of 3 feet and six inches (1.1 meters) 

To buy a Seawind 1160 new, you can lodge an inquiry with . However, you can also look for secondhand Seawind 1160s on websites like .  

Price: $230 000 – $460 000

Bahia 46 (Sail)

Produced by Fountaine Pajot, the Bahia 46 has a sophisticated design that makes it an excellent choice. The Bahia 46 was also designed in conjunction with Joubert-Nivelt and Oliver Flahault.

Some of the stand out features of the Bahia 46 include: 

  • Larger than usual hulls
  • Daggerboards are strategically placed to minimize draft 
  • A six post-bimini that can hold dinghies 
  • Isolated engines that prevent passengers from being disturbed by the house and smell of the engines 
  • Generous cabin area with an enclosed space that provides protection from severe weather
  • A large cockpit with a dining space that can seat 10 

As well as offering excellent passenger and design amenities, the Bahia 46 has some attractive sailing features and specifications. These include: 

  • A draft of 4 feet 3 inches (1.30 meters) 
  • A fuel capacity of 100 gallons (378 liters) 
  • A freshwater capacity of 220 gallons (833 liters) 
  • Two engines with a total power of 80 HP

The Bahia 46 is no longer being produced. However, you can look to buy it secondhand on portals like or . 

Price: $170 000 – $328 000

Aquila 48 (Power)

The Aquila 48 is a state-of-the-art power catamaran. While production of the Aquila 48 was discontinued in 2020, it is still an incredibly popular catamaran in the resale market.

The ambient and design features of the Aquila 48 include: 

  • A hardtop flybridge made with stainless steel and with air conditioning 
  • A forward cockpit with a removable table 
  • The choice between a four or three-cabin version 
  • A helm station with a canvas cover that offers weather protection 
  • An expansive galley with room for a range of facilities, including a microwave, a fridge, and a double sink 
  • Interiors finished with olive wood

The Aquila 48 is a power catamaran that allows for easy, stable, and fast cruising. Other specifications include:

  • A maximum draft of 3 feet (0.91 meters) 
  • Two engines with a maximum of 330 HP 
  • A freshwater capacity of 103 gallons (389.9 liters) 
  • Fuel tank capacity of 178 gallons (673.8 liters) 

You can buy the Aquila 48 second hand on websites like or .

Price: $550 000 – $699 000


Depending on your budget and sailing style, there is a range of cruising catamarans you can choose from. Some of the best power catamarans include the Aquila 48, Sunreef Power, and Nautitech 47 Power. Meanwhile, some of the best luxury catamarans are the Saona 47 and Leopard 45. If you’re after an older catamaran that you can buy secondhand, the Manta 42, Antares 44i, and Lagoon 440 are excellent options . 

The next step in your catamaran journey is to see some of the models in their real-life glory. Contact some of the owners or dealers of these catamarans to see the catamarans up close and take them out for a trial! 

  • AntaresCatamarans: Antares Brand 
  • Catana Services: Pre Owned Boats 
  • CruisersForum: Nautitech 47 
  • Chris White: Atlantic 42 Catamaran 
  • CrusingWorld: 40 Best Cruising Catamarans 
  • Excess Catamarans: Excess 12
  • FlagstaffMarine: International Awards and Nominations for 2020 
  • Flagstaff Marine: Excess 12 
  • Fountaine Pajot: Saona 47
  • Leopard Catamarans: Model Availability
  • MantaOwners: Manta Owners Association 
  • Multihull Solutions: Award Winning Catamarans 
  • Multihull Central: Seawind 1160
  • Nautitech Catamarans: Nautitech 47 
  • Robertson and Caine: Leopard 45
  • SailTahiti: Catana 50 
  • Sail Magazine: 10 Great Cruising Cat
  • Sail Magazine: Boat Review – Fountaine Pajot Saona 47 
  • SailWorld: 60 Sunreef Power
  • Seawind Catamarans: History
  • Staten Island Yacht Sales: Aquila 48 
  • Sunreef Yachts: Eco Sunreef 60 Power
  • Sunreef Yachts: Sunreef 60 
  • YachtingWorld: The Sunreef 60 
  • YachtWorld: Antares Boats for Sale 
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Owner of A minimalist that has lived in a caravan in Sweden, 35ft Monohull in the Bahamas, and right now in his self-built Van. He just started the next adventure, to circumnavigate the world on a Catamaran!

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Sail Away Blog

Mastering Catamaran Sailing: Essential Guide & Tips to Navigate the Waters

Alex Morgan

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Sailing a catamaran can be an exhilarating and enjoyable experience for both experienced sailors and beginners alike. Unlike monohull sailboats, catamarans offer unique advantages in terms of stability and speed. If you’re interested in learning how to sail a catamaran, it’s important to understand the basics and master the necessary skills. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide to sailing a catamaran, from understanding the fundamentals to maneuvering and handling the boat effectively.

To begin with, let’s delve into the introduction of sailing a catamaran, followed by understanding the basics of a catamaran. We’ll explore what exactly a catamaran is and how it differs from a monohull sailboat. we’ll discuss the advantages of sailing a catamaran, highlighting why it has become a preferred choice for many sailors.

Before setting sail, proper preparation is essential. This section covers the importance of safety equipment and checks, along with understanding wind and weather conditions. Planning your route is crucial to ensure a smooth and enjoyable sailing experience.

Once you’re prepared, we’ll move on to the essential sailing techniques for a catamaran. This section will guide you through rigging and hoisting the sails, tacking and jibing, trimming the sails, and controlling speed and direction. Mastering these techniques is key to maneuvering the catamaran effectively on the water.

Handling the catamaran also requires specific techniques. We’ll cover important maneuvers such as docking and undocking, mooring and anchoring, and addressing emergencies like man overboard recovery. These skills are vital to ensure a safe and successful journey.

We’ll provide you with essential safety tips for sailing a catamaran. Understanding right-of-way rules, handling rough seas and heavy winds, and maintaining balance and stability are crucial aspects of staying safe on the water.

By the end of this comprehensive guide, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to sail a catamaran and be well-equipped to embark on your own catamaran adventures while ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.

– Sailing a catamaran offers the advantage of maximizing space with its two hulls, allowing for more comfortable living quarters and a larger deck area. – Catamarans provide a stable and balanced sailing experience, making them a safer option for beginners and those prone to seasickness. – Proper preparation, including checking safety equipment, understanding weather conditions, and planning your route, is crucial for a successful catamaran sailing experience.

Understanding the Basics of a Catamaran

Understanding the basics of a catamaran is essential for safe and enjoyable sailing. A catamaran is a boat with two parallel hulls connected by a deck. It has advantages over monohull boats. Catamarans are stable due to their wide beam, reducing the risk of capsizing . They can access shallow waters because of their shallow drafts . Catamarans also offer more space and comfort with larger cabins, living areas, and deck space.

To control a catamaran, the skipper uses the helm to control the rudders. Adjusting and trimming the sails allows the skipper to use the wind’s power and steer the boat efficiently. Balancing the sails and maintaining stability while sailing is important.

Knowing the key components, how to control the boat, and handle the sails will help you navigate the waters confidently. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a beginner, familiarizing yourself with the fundamentals of catamarans is crucial.

What Is a Catamaran?

A catamaran, also known as a cat , is a type of boat that features two parallel hulls connected by a platform or bridge deck. This unique design provides it with stability and speed, making it a popular choice for sailing enthusiasts. Unlike traditional monohull sailboats, a catamaran offers a wider beam , which results in more space and greater stability . As a result, the sailing experience on a catamaran is smoother and more comfortable .

There are several advantages to sailing a catamaran. One significant advantage is its shallow draft , which allows it to navigate in shallower waters that are inaccessible to other types of boats. The dual hull design of a catamaran minimizes drag and enhances speed , making it highly efficient for long-distance cruising . The spacious interior layout of a catamaran provides ample room for accommodations , amenities , and storage .

When sailing a catamaran, it is essential to consider the wind and weather conditions for safe navigation. Understanding the right of way rules and knowing how to handle rough seas and heavy winds are crucial skills for catamaran sailors. Maintaining balance and stability is of utmost importance to ensure a smooth sailing experience.

A fun fact about catamarans is that they have been utilized by Polynesian cultures for centuries, proving their effectiveness and versatility in various sailing conditions.

How Is a Catamaran Different from a Monohull Sailboat?

A catamaran is different from a monohull sailboat in several ways. A catamaran has two parallel hulls connected by a deck or bridge, whereas a monohull sailboat only has one hull. This dual hull design provides greater stability and balance on the water.

In addition, the hulls of a catamaran are wider and shallower compared to those of a monohull, allowing for a shallower draft and improved maneuverability . This also results in a higher cruising speed and faster sailing speeds for catamarans.

Catamarans also offer more interior space and are known for their spaciousness and comfort , thanks to their wider beam. When sailing upwind, catamarans experience less heeling , which translates into a smoother and more comfortable ride for passengers.

Catamarans are better suited for cruising in shallow waters and can anchor closer to shore due to their shallow draft . The dual hull design of catamarans also provides greater redundancy and safety in the event of hull damage or collision.

Unlike monohull sailboats, which typically have a keel, catamarans rely on centerboards or daggerboards to prevent sideways sliding. The main differences between a catamaran and a monohull sailboat lie in their stability , speed , comfort , and maneuverability .

Advantages of Sailing a Catamaran

– Stability: Catamarans offer excellent balance with their twin hulls, making them less likely to tilt or capsize compared to monohull sailboats.

– Spaciousness: The wide beam of catamarans provides more interior and deck space, including comfortable living quarters, larger cabins, and ample room for socializing and entertaining.

– Speed: The design of twin hulls reduces drag, allowing catamarans to sail faster and provide exhilarating experiences.

– Shallow Draft: Catamarans have a shallower draft than monohull sailboats, enabling them to sail in shallower waters and access a wider range of cruising grounds.

– Comfort: The wide beam and stable design of catamarans offer a smoother and more comfortable sailing experience, eliminating the heeling common in monohull sailboats and reducing the chances of seasickness.

– Maneuverability: Catamarans are more maneuverable than monohull sailboats, providing better turning ability for navigating tight spaces, docking, and anchoring precision.

– Sailing Performance: Catamarans excel in light wind conditions, thanks to their large sail area and light weight, allowing them to catch even the slightest breeze and maintain good boat speed. This makes them ideal for destinations with calm weather patterns.

Preparing for Sailing a Catamaran

Preparing for a thrilling catamaran sailing adventure requires careful planning and essential knowledge. As we dive into the section on “ Preparing for Sailing a Catamaran ,” we’ll explore vital aspects such as safety equipment and checks , understanding wind and weather conditions , and planning your route . Get ready to uncover expert tips and strategies to ensure a smooth and enjoyable catamaran journey on the open waters.

Safety Equipment and Checks

Prioritize safety when sailing a catamaran. Thoroughly check and prepare your safety equipment before setting off on your adventure. Consider the following important safety equipment and checks :

  • Life jackets: Ensure enough properly fitting life jackets for everyone on board.
  • Flotation devices: Have throwable flotation devices readily available for emergencies.
  • Fire extinguishers: Have the appropriate type and number of fire extinguishers on board.
  • First aid kit: Maintain a well-stocked kit for handling minor injuries or medical emergencies.
  • Navigation lights: Ensure all navigation lights are functioning properly, especially for sailing at night or in low visibility conditions.
  • Communication devices: Carry reliable communication devices such as a marine VHF radio or satellite phone for calling for help if needed.
  • Engine and safety equipment checks: Regularly inspect engines, bilge pumps, anchor systems, and other safety equipment to ensure good working condition.

Remember, safety is crucial. Check your safety equipment before every trip and ensure proper working order. Familiarize yourself with specific safety requirements and regulations of the sailing area. By taking these precautions, you can enjoy your catamaran sailing adventure with peace of mind and be prepared for any unexpected situations.

Understanding Wind and Weather Conditions

Understanding wind and weather conditions is crucial when sailing a catamaran. You must have a comprehensive understanding of the wind direction, speed, and weather changes that may impact your sailing experience. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

1. Wind direction: It is essential to know the direction from which the wind is blowing. This knowledge will assist you in planning your sailing route and selecting the appropriate sails.

2. Wind speed: Pay close attention to the wind speed as it could potentially affect the speed and maneuverability of your boat. Higher wind speeds may necessitate reefing the sails or adjusting your course.

3. Weather changes: Remain mindful of any approaching storms, rain, or fog. These conditions can have a significant impact on visibility and create challenges when sailing.

4. Sea state: Take note of the current sea state, which includes wave height and frequency. Rough seas may require you to adjust your sailing technique and speed to ensure the stability of the catamaran.

5. Weather forecasts: Always remember to check the weather forecasts before embarking on your sailing trip. This will provide you with an overview of the expected weather conditions.

By possessing a thorough understanding of wind and weather conditions, you can make well-informed decisions to ensure a safe and enjoyable sailing experience aboard a catamaran. Keep in mind that conditions at sea can change rapidly, so it is essential to stay vigilant and adapt your plans accordingly.

Planning Your Route

When planning your catamaran sailing route, it is important to consider several factors for a safe and enjoyable journey. One of the first things to do is assess the weather conditions by checking the forecast for potential storms or strong winds. It is crucial to avoid adverse conditions as they can pose risks to both the crew and the catamaran’s safety.

In addition, it is necessary to identify key destinations and conduct research on navigational challenges. This will help in finding suitable anchorages or marinas along the way. Creating a timeline is also essential to plan the duration of the journey, taking into account the distance to be covered and the catamaran’s speed. It is important to remember to account for any time constraints or events that may affect the plan.

Using navigational charts, it is advisable to plot the course, noting any potential obstacles along the way. It is also a good practice to plan alternative routes in case they become necessary. Considering currents and tides is another crucial aspect of route planning. Studying tidal patterns and current directions will allow for incorporating these factors into the planning process for greater efficiency.

Another important consideration is fuel and provisions . It is necessary to determine the locations of fuel stations and provisioning points along the route. Planning fuel stops and stocking up on supplies will ensure that you have everything you need during the journey. Communication and safety should not be overlooked either. Identifying channels to communicate with other sailors and emergency assistance is vital . It is also important to familiarize yourself with emergency procedures and have access to contact information in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

It is recommended to regularly review your route plan and make adjustments based on real-time conditions and feedback. This will help ensure that you are always up to date with any changes that may occur during the journey. By carefully planning your route, you can optimize your sailing experience, safely navigate waters, and fully enjoy your catamaran adventure.

Essential Sailing Techniques for Catamaran

Mastering the essential sailing techniques for a catamaran is the key to harnessing the power of wind and water. From rigging and hoisting the sails to controlling speed and direction, each sub-section in this guide will unlock the secrets that seasoned sailors swear by. So, get ready to tack and jibe , trim those sails just right, and experience the exhilaration of sailing a catamaran like a pro!

Rigging and Hoisting the Sails

To rig and hoist the sails on a catamaran, follow these steps:

1. Assemble the mast, boom, and rigging securely and properly aligned.

2. Attach the main halyard securely and tensioned to the head of the mainsail.

3. Attach the jib halyard properly tensioned and secured to the head of the jib sail.

4. Connect the main sheet to the boom to control the angle and tension of the mainsail.

5. Connect the jib sheets to the clew of the jib sail to control the angle and tension of the jib sail.

6. Attach the reefing lines to the mainsail, if applicable, to reduce sail area in strong winds.

7. Check all rigging and lines for proper tension and adjustments, ensuring everything is secure and aligned.

8. Raise the mainsail by pulling on the main halyard while guiding the sail up the mast, using winches or other mechanical aids if necessary.

9. Raise the jib sail by pulling on the jib halyard while guiding the sail up the forestay, using winches or other mechanical aids if needed.

10. Adjust the main sheet and jib sheets to achieve the desired sail shape and trim for optimal boat performance.

Rigging and hoisting the sails on a catamaran is crucial for a smooth and exhilarating sailing experience. By following these steps, you can confidently prepare your catamaran for sailing adventures.

Now, let’s appreciate the history of rigging and hoisting sails. Sailing has been a vital mode of transportation and exploration for centuries. The technique of rigging and hoisting sails has evolved from simple square sails to more efficient and versatile fore-and-aft sails used on catamarans. Today, catamarans are equipped with advanced rigging systems and modern materials that enhance speed and maneuverability. Rigging and hoisting sails remain a vital skill for sailors, connecting us to our seafaring ancestors and enabling exploration of the world’s oceans with grace and agility.

Tacking and Jibing

Tacking and jibing are essential maneuvers when sailing a catamaran. These techniques allow you to change direction and make the most of the wind. Consider these key points:

  • Tacking: This maneuver is used to sail against the wind. Turn the bow of the boat through the wind to switch the sails to the opposite side. This allows you to zigzag towards your destination.
  • Jibing: Use this maneuver to change direction with the wind at your back. Turn the stern of the catamaran through the wind to move the mainsail to the other side. Control the boom to prevent dangerous swinging.
  • Preparation: Before tacking or jibing, ensure that the crew is aware and in a safe position for stability during the turn.
  • Wind direction: Success with tacking and jibing depends on understanding the wind. Assess the wind and plan your maneuvers accordingly.
  • Practice: Perfecting tacking and jibing requires practice. Start with gentle maneuvers in light wind conditions and gradually progress with experience.

During a sailing race, a crew utilized their knowledge of wind patterns and executed a flawless maneuver by tacking right before the finish line. This tactical advantage secured their victory.

Trimming the Sails

Sailing a catamaran requires mastering the skill of trimming the sails . Properly trimmed sails greatly impact the catamaran’s performance and maneuverability. Here are some important considerations for sail trimming:

1. Adjusting the tension: Properly adjusting the tension on the sails is vital for achieving the desired shape and angle. The main sail should have a slight curvature called camber , which generates lift and power. Trim the jib sail to maintain smooth airflow on both sides.

2. Controlling the angle: The angle of the sails in relation to the wind direction is crucial for maintaining optimal speed. Adjust the sheets to trim the sails closer or further from the wind based on sailing conditions and desired speed.

3. Monitoring the telltales: Telltales , small yarn or ribbon pieces attached to the sails, provide valuable airflow information and indicate proper sail trimming. Continuously observe the telltales to ensure smooth and even flow.

4. Reefing: In strong winds, reducing the size of the sails through reefing is necessary to maintain stability and control. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for reefing and ensure proper securing of the sails.

5. Constant adjustment: Sail trimming requires constant attention. Continuously monitor wind conditions and make necessary adjustments to optimize performance and maintain control.

Mastering the art of sail trimming leads to smoother sailing, improved speed, and enhanced overall performance on a catamaran. Practice and experience are essential for developing this skill, so head out to the water and start honing your sail trimming abilities.

Controlling Speed and Direction

To effectively control the speed and direction of a catamaran, it is important to follow these steps:

1. Sail Adjustment: Optimize the power and speed of the catamaran by trimming the sails. Utilize the mainsail and jib sheets to manipulate the sail angle, taking into account the wind direction.

2. Utilize the Traveler: Fine-tune the speed and stability by adjusting the traveler. This tool, located across the cockpit, allows you to modify the mainsail sheeting point and control the angle of the mainsail.

3. Sail Plan Modification: Alter the sail plan as necessary to either increase or decrease speed. Reef the sails in strong winds to reduce the sail area, and unreef them in light winds to allow for greater sail area.

4. Daggerboard Adjustment: Maintain stability and control the direction of the catamaran by raising or lowering the daggerboards. These adjustments contribute to achieving balance and maneuverability.

5. Rudder Tweaking: Make slight adjustments to the rudder angle using the tiller or wheel, ensuring smooth steering of the boat.

Pro-tip: Enhance your ability to control speed and direction on a catamaran through practice and experience. Continuously monitor wind conditions and make minor adjustments to optimize performance.

Catamaran Maneuvers and Handling

Get ready to conquer the waters as we dive into the art of sailing a catamaran. In this section, we’ll navigate through the thrilling aspects of docking and undocking , the essentials of mooring and anchoring , and the crucial skill of man overboard recovery . Brace yourself for a wave of practical tips and tricks that will enhance your catamaran sailing experience. So, grab your compass, adjust your sails, and let’s set sail on this exciting journey!

Docking and Undocking

Docking and undocking a catamaran can be daunting, but with the right techniques and precautions, it can be done smoothly. Follow these steps:

  • Approach the dock slowly, keeping an eye on the wind and current.
  • Assign crew members to handle lines and fenders for a safe docking process.
  • Shift into reverse as you near the dock to slow down.
  • Turn the helm to steer the catamaran parallel to the dock as you stop.
  • Have crew members ready with fenders to protect the catamaran.
  • Engage reverse to back closer to the dock, using brief forward bursts to maneuver if needed.
  • Once close, crew members should step off the catamaran with lines to secure it to the dock.
  • Secure the catamaran using docking lines , ensuring they are properly fastened and have enough slack.

True story: One summer, while docking our catamaran in a busy marina, a strong gust of wind made our docking process challenging. Thanks to our crew’s quick reflexes and knowledge, we maneuvered the catamaran safely and secured it to the dock without damage. It was a valuable lesson in being prepared for unexpected situations while docking and undocking a catamaran.

Mooring and Anchoring

Mooring and anchoring are integral skills when sailing a catamaran. It is important to consider several key points when engaging in these activities. Make sure to choose the appropriate anchor that matches the type of seabed you will be navigating. Inspect the anchor line thoroughly to ensure it is in good condition and securely attached. Next, carefully select a mooring spot in a protected area that offers solid holding ground. When approaching the mooring, take into account factors such as wind and current, and proceed slowly. To secure the boat, use mooring lines that are connected to cleats or deck fittings. Safeguard your boat from potential damage by utilizing fenders . Prioritizing safety and accounting for your boat’s unique conditions and requirements is crucial. By practicing these techniques, you can enhance your proficiency and guarantee a safe and enjoyable sailing experience.

Man Overboard Recovery

  • Assess the situation: When facing a man overboard situation, it is important to stay calm and promptly evaluate the circumstances. Take into account the distance between the catamaran and the individual in the water, as well as any nearby hazards or obstacles.
  • Alert the crew: Immediately inform the other crew members about the man overboard incident. This ensures that everyone is informed and prepared to provide assistance.
  • Initiate the man overboard recovery process: Throw a life buoy or any floating object towards the person in the water, offering them something to hold onto. This will help keep them afloat during the recovery process.
  • Turn the catamaran: Skillfully maneuver the catamaran to create a controlled loop or figure eight pattern around the individual in the water. This will slow down the vessel and facilitate their retrieval.
  • Bring the person back on board: Once the catamaran is properly positioned, utilize a ladder, swim platform, or any available means to assist in bringing the person back on board. Assign crew members to provide support and ensure the individual’s safety throughout the recovery process.
  • Monitor and provide medical assistance: After the person is safely back on board, promptly evaluate their condition and administer any necessary medical attention. Check for injuries, monitor vital signs, and administer first aid if needed.

Pro-tip: Conduct regular man overboard drills and practice recovery procedures with your crew to ensure that everyone is familiar with their respective roles and responsibilities. This will help reduce response time and enhance the likelihood of successfully recovering individuals in emergency situations.

Safety Tips for Sailing a Catamaran

Discover essential safety tips when sailing a catamaran in this section. From understanding right of way rules to dealing with rough seas and heavy winds, you’ll learn how to navigate challenging conditions with confidence. We’ll explore techniques for maintaining balance and stability, ensuring a smooth and secure sailing experience. So hop aboard and let’s dive into the world of catamaran sailing safety !

Understanding Right of Way Rules

Understanding Right of Way Rules is crucial for safe sailing. Follow these guidelines:

1. Sailboats have the right of way over powerboats. Be aware of your surroundings and give way to any sailboats in your path.

2. When encountering a vessel on your starboard side, yield and give them the right of way. Alter your course slightly to avoid a potential collision.

3. When overtaking another vessel, keep a safe distance and give them the right of way. Maintain a slow and steady speed to avoid creating a dangerous situation.

4. In narrow channels or crowded areas, vessels going uphill or against the current have the right of way. Yield to any vessels navigating in these challenging conditions.

5. Always be cautious and maintain a safe speed when crossing paths with other vessels. Slow down if necessary to ensure a safe passage.

By understanding and adhering to right of way rules, you can navigate the waters confidently and reduce the risk of accidents. Remember, safety should always be the top priority when sailing a catamaran.

Dealing with Rough Seas and Heavy Winds

Dealing with rough seas and heavy winds is crucial when sailing a catamaran. Here are tips to navigate challenging conditions:

1. Check the weather forecast before setting off. If rough seas and heavy winds are expected, consider delaying your trip or changing your route.

2. Ensure all crew members wear appropriate safety gear, such as life jackets and harnesses. Secure loose items on the deck.

3. Maintain a steady speed when encountering rough seas to keep the boat stable. Avoid sudden changes in direction or speed.

4. Adjust your sails by reefing to maintain control and prevent overpowering by strong winds.

5. Be cautious when navigating large waves. Approach them at a slight angle to minimize the risk of capsizing. Maintain a firm grip on the helm.

6. Be aware of the sea state. Avoid crossing large waves head-on; instead, cross them diagonally or at a slight angle.

7. Communicate effectively with your crew. Assign roles and responsibilities to ensure everyone is working together for safety and control.

In rough seas and heavy winds, safety should be the top priority. Stay alert, remain calm, and rely on your training and experience.

Pro-tip: Consider advanced sailing courses or consulting experienced sailors to enhance your skills and confidence in dealing with rough seas and heavy winds.

Maintaining Balance and Stability

Maintaining balance and stability is absolutely crucial when sailing a catamaran. It is important to ensure that weight is evenly distributed on both sides of the catamaran in order to achieve stability .

One way to accomplish this is by having passengers and crew members move to the opposite side when the wind picks up. Another key aspect of maintaining balance is properly trimming the sails to adjust their angle in response to wind changes. This helps to prevent excessive heeling and ensures stability .

Paying attention to the centerboards can greatly enhance stability . Deploying the centerboards can counterbalance the force of the wind and prevent tipping over.

Steering also plays a significant role in maintaining balance. It is crucial to steer steadily and in a controlled manner in order to keep the catamaran on course and avoid any imbalance.

It is important to be aware of weather conditions and understand how they can impact stability . When faced with heavy winds and rough seas, it is essential to adjust sailing techniques accordingly and make any necessary adjustments to maintain balance and stability .

Some Facts About How To Sail Catamaran:

  • ✅ Sailing a catamaran requires adjusting to the different motion and sail trimming compared to monohull sailboats.
  • ✅ Catamarans provide more space and stability compared to traditional monohull sailboats.
  • ✅ Catamarans do not heel like monohulls, providing a less tiring sailing experience.
  • ✅ Catamarans can sail in shallower places and prevent rolling in anchorage due to their lower drafts.
  • ✅ The American Sailing Association (ASA) offers a specific course, ASA 114: Cruising Catamaran, to provide practical sailing skills and confidence when sailing a catamaran.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how do i sail a catamaran.

Sailing a catamaran involves adjusting to its different motion and sail trimming compared to monohulls. You’ll need to take a sailing course or gather practical sailing skills to ensure confidence and enjoyment while sailing a catamaran. The American Sailing Association (ASA) offers the ASA 114: Cruising Catamaran course designed specifically for individuals with monohull cruising experience transitioning to catamarans.

2. What are the advantages of sailing a catamaran?

Catamarans offer numerous advantages over monohulls. They are more spacious, providing larger living areas above decks and expansive cabins located in the hulls. Catamarans are incredibly stable, making them ideal for longer voyages and providing maximum comfort and relaxation. They also have lower drafts, allowing navigation in shallow reef passages and anchoring closer to shore. Catamarans do not heel like monohulls, providing a more comfortable and less tiring sailing experience.

3. How can I charter a catamaran from The Moorings?

The Moorings offers innovative and top-quality catamarans for sailing vacations. To charter a catamaran from The Moorings, you can visit their website and access their charter resources. They are known for their exclusive access to Robertson & Caine catamarans, distinguished for their quality and comfort. There, you can find information on boat availability, reputation, and customer reviews to choose the right catamaran for your needs and preferences.

4. What is the ASA 114: Cruising Catamaran certification?

The American Sailing Association (ASA) offers the ASA 114: Cruising Catamaran certification. This certification is designed for individuals with monohull cruising experience who want to transition to catamarans. The course covers the advantages and disadvantages of multihull sailing, as well as practical sailing skills specific to catamarans. Obtaining this certification ensures that you have the necessary knowledge and skills to confidently sail a catamaran.

5. Are catamarans safe for offshore sailing?

Yes, catamarans are safe and stable for offshore sailing. They are designed to offer stability and comfort in various conditions. Catamarans have two independent hulls, making them less likely to sink completely. They also have duplicate navigation systems, including two engines and rudders, for onboard safety. Catamarans remain stable even in bad weather and do not capsize easily. Their advanced design and safety features make them a reliable choice for offshore sailing.

6. Can I sail a catamaran without previous sailing experience?

Sailing a catamaran without previous sailing experience is not recommended. It is essential to have some sailing knowledge and skills before attempting to sail a catamaran. Taking a sailing course, such as the ASA 114: Cruising Catamaran course, will provide you with the necessary skills and confidence to safely operate a catamaran. Spending time onboard and obtaining a sailing diploma or certification will ensure a better understanding of catamaran sailing fundamentals.

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    Super Yachts | In hall 6. Hall 6 always is a real crowd puller at boot Düsseldorf! Luxury yachts and boats as well as tender and chase boats from the high-end range invite you to revel in sheer luxury. Especially the range of yachts between 20 and 25 meters has grown in recent years. Also in demand are large multihulls, sailing as well as power.

  2. Vaan Yachts

    We make catamarans for people that love sailing, but are looking for more space and comfort. Vaan combines the sailing sensation of a monohull with the luxury space and comfort of a catamaran. It makes trips fun for everyone on board: sailors, family and friends. Better yet, we build every Vaan of sustainable circular materials. Because enjoying the planet should not waste it. More space, more ...

  3. BlueFinn Charters Curaçao

    Vriendelijke en behulpzame bemanning om me catamaran mee naar Klein Curaçao te varen. In mijn geval super behulpzaam ook tijdens transfers van en af boot, eiland i.v.m een knieblessure. Kapitein regelde zelfs een afspraak bij fysio voor me om mijn knie opnieuw te laten tapen de volgende dag.

  4. Catamaran

    Milian. Een catamaran is de ster onder de boten. Deze elegante boot met dubbele romp biedt naast comfort ook evenwicht en een veilige vaartocht, zelfs in uitdagende omstandigheden. Zeilen aan boord van een catamaran is puur plezier! Wij hebben vijf interessante weetjes over deze prachtige boten voor je verzameld.

  5. There's a new cat in town

    This luxury catamaran is made of circular materials, including recycled aluminium, cork, and plant-based alternatives for leather. Innovative choices in its design make the R4 a premium yacht that optimally combines comfort with a spectacular sailing experience. As of today the Vaan R4 is available for pre-order.

  6. Boot huren bij de nr 1 in bootverhuur

    Zoek en Boek. Zeer scherp geprijsd. Eenvoudig luxe zeilboot, motorboot of sloep huren - boek hier altijd voordelig direct bij de verhuurder! Veilig boeken. Vertrouwde HISWA verhuurvoorwaarden afgestemd met ANWB/Consumentenbond. Geen vaarbewijs noodzakelijk. Ons aanbod is 99% vaarbewijs vrij en vaarhulp is altijd mogelijk.

  7. Boot Tochten Curacao

    Bekijk onze boot trips pagina. Wij hebben verschillende dag trips met de Catamaran Black & White. Tochten naar stranden, Klein Curacao en sunset trips. ... Op zondag varen we langs de westkust van Curaçao naar het meest ongerepte strand dat het eiland te bieden heeft. Cas Abao Beach wordt beschouwd als een van de top 5 mooiste stranden ter ...

  8. Catamaran varen

    Catamaran varen: Uw Experience. Iedere zeilkenner weet het: Catamaran zeilen is een sensationele ervaring. Het varen vindt plaats op een volledig uitgeruste Nacra F18. Een ideale catamaran waarop naast de instructeur nog 2 leerlingen kunnen zeilen. De boothandeling op deze boot vereist meer vaardigheden dan op een normale catamaran.

  9. Varen Magazine review: Vaan R4

    Belgian boat magazine 'Varen' took the R4 out for a review, published in their December '22 issue. Again we are happy the core elements of the Vaan philosophy are clearly recognised and appreciated: Sailing, Style and Sustainability. Click the image below to see the full article in pdf. The PDF is in Dutch, scoll down for the English text.

  10. Home

    1, 2, 3 Gunboats launched in 2023! The Gunboat team, from its shipyard in La Grande Motte (France), build high-performance and elegant yachts made for cruising and regattas.

  11. Catamaran boat trip Klein Curacao

    Klein CuracaoSunset Cruise Catamaran. Available from 06-03-2024. Price per ticket $140. This Klein Curacao Sunset Cruise with all the trimmings guarantees enjoyment. On the way back you sail into the sunset while toasting together with a delicious glass of prosecco. Including XL BBQ Lunch and Premium Open Bar. 0.

  12. Catamaran

    Tussen Harlingen en Terschelling/Vlieland varen in de veerdienst ook catamarans met een snelheid van circa 60 kilometer per uur. Hierdoor duurt de overtocht van 37 km maar 45 minuten in plaats van twee uur. ... daarvoorbij slaat de boot om. Bij een catamaran die omgeslagen is, is het oprichtend vermogen zelfs negatief: als de ene romp eenmaal ...

  13. Boat cruise with swimming into the Calanques National Park

    Colourful hills in the background with a soft sea breeze, your glance meets the Cap Croisette, the perfect prelude to a shimmering, mineral cruise. Morgiou, En-Vau, Port Pin, Port Miou. Let these mythical sites take your breath away, in full immersion, it is not a simple visit, you will feel and breathe the Calanques.

  14. Catamaran boats for sale

    What Catamaran model is the best? Some of the best-known Catamaran models currently listed include: Diamond Yachts P55 Power Catamaran, Tattoo Party Boat, 24, 38 and 9 metros. Specialized yacht brokers, dealers, and brokerages on YachtWorld have a diverse selection of Catamaran models for sale, with listings spanning from 1987 year models to 2025.

  15. Travel boat trips Lobos Island Corralejo

    Enjoy a special day sailing with the wind in our boat. A trip around the Lobos island, considered as a Biosphere Reserve. We will leave from Corralejo, Fuerteventura, and sail on the north side of the Lobos island where you will be able to see some very emblematic places as the Martino lighthouse or the half sunken crater known as La Caldera.

  16. Jadrolinija

    Notice for the catamaran line 9603 Split - Bol - Jelsa. Change in the navigation order on March 16, 2024. 13.03.2023. 14:42. Notice for passengers traveling on lines with reservations. Ticket purchase and boarding on reserved lines. Jadrolinija. Riva 16, HR-51000 Rijeka; Contacts;

  17. Barefeet Retreat

    Charter Barefeet Retreat, a 57 ft catamaran with professional crew at She was built by Royal Cape in 2020. Barefeet Retreat hosts up to 10 guests in 5 cabins. Weekly rates starting from $28,300 All Inclusive.

  18. Catamaranzeilen voor beginners: praktische tips

    Een catamaran biedt meer ruimte dan elke andere boot van vergelijkbare lengte. Met ruime salons, veel zit- en ligplaatsen en voldoende ligplekken (zoals het net dat bekend staat als de trampoline) zult u zich nooit krap voelen.De hutten zijn ruim en de badkamers zijn net zo groot als die in veel appartementen. Mensen die een hekel hebben aan krappe ruimtes of waarde hechten aan hun privacy ...

  19. Ferry tussen drie bovenwindse eilanden vanaf 1 november

    PHILIPSBURG - Er komt een ferry varen tussen de eilanden Saba, Sint Eustatius en Sint Maarten. De boot, een catamaran heeft plaats voor 150 passagiers. Er is een benedendek, een open bovendek en een business class gedeelte. Het benedendek en het bovendek zijn beide volledig voorzien van airconditioning en uitgerust met twee toiletten en een […]

  20. 13 Best Catamarans for Cruising (Buyer's Guide With Prices)

    However, purchasing a cruising catamaran is no small decision; it's essential to research the range of models to decide which will be best for you. Some of the best catamarans for cruising are the Sunreef 60, the Leopard 45, the Saona 46, the Manta 42, and the Antares 44i. A good cruising catamaran offers plenty of space, extended range and ...

  21. Mastering Catamaran Sailing: Essential Guide & Tips to Navigate the Waters

    Understanding the Basics of a Catamaran. Understanding the basics of a catamaran is essential for safe and enjoyable sailing. A catamaran is a boat with two parallel hulls connected by a deck. It has advantages over monohull boats. Catamarans are stable due to their wide beam, reducing the risk of capsizing.They can access shallow waters because of their shallow drafts.

  22. Catamaran boten te koop

    Catamaran H2X Maxi Day Charter Cat. Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, Frankrijk. 2011. €895.000. HUGE PRICE REDUCTION of Euro 100K to 895.000 Euros. Seller is building a new day charter cat. Bring offers. This 82' Maxi catamaran was specifically designed and constructed for day charter. She is certified by VERITAS for 170 passengers (including ...

  23. Ostend to Dover Ferry

    The Omio App Makes Travel Planning Easy. We'll get you where you want to go. From live train updates to mobile tickets, our innovative app is the ideal way to plan and keep track of your travel. Get going by booking ferries from Ostend to Dover on Omio. Compare prices, schedules & ferry companies at a glance to create your perfect trip.