Luxe Adventure Traveler

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A Nassau to Exuma Day Trip on an Exuma Powerboat Adventure

By Jennifer Dombrowski 9 Comments

Exuma Powerboat Adventure, Ship Channel Cay, Bahamas Pinterest Pin

Over my two week trip island hopping around the Bahamas, I managed to visit 13 islands and cays. Some locals even told me that I’d seen more of the Bahamas than they had. So I feel confident in declaring that the Exuma Cays are my favorite place in the Bahamas. Nassau is easy to reach in as little as an hour from Florida and three hours from NYC, Philadelphia or even Toronto on a number of daily direct flights. Travel to Exuma is a bit more of a challenge. Though daily flights operate on airlines like SkyBahamas , it’s a tad more expensive once you get there with far fewer hotel options than bustling Nassau. I did spend several days staying on Great Exuma, but you can also get a taste of the beauty of the Exumas on the Exuma Powerboat Adventure day tour I went on from Nassau.

Exuma Powerboat Adventure

The Exuma Cays

The Exuma Cays begin southwest of Nassau and stretch in almost a straight line like stepping stones for some 90 miles to the south toward Turks and Caicos. With 365 islands and cays making up the Exuma chain of the Bahamas and a population of just around 4000 distributed among a few populated islands like Great Exuma, Little Exuma and Staniel Cay, it’s no wonder that these islands have long been a haven for celebrities seeking a little anonymity.

Princess Margaret, Jackie Onassis and Jessica Tandy have all been frequent visitors. Other celebrities like Johnny Depp, David Copperfield, Nicholas Cage and Faith Hill and Tim McGraw all own private islands in the Exumas. And even the notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar was once upon a time associated with briefly running a drug smuggling ring from Norman’s Cay in the Exumas, before the Bahamian government cracked down on it.

Exuma Powerboat Adventure

Nassau to Exuma Day Trip with Powerboat Adventures

Exuma Cays adventures truly belong on your Bahamian bucket list. Even if you can’t make the trip to stay a few days, Exuma excursions from Nassau give you a taste of just how gorgeous this part of the Bahamas is.

Powerboat Adventures whisks you from Nassau to Exuma in style. The powerboat offers a shaded inside area for those that want to escape the sun and spray. The more adventurous, or maybe a more accurate description would be the just asking for it, can take a seat up front. I opted for inside since I would be getting plenty of sunshine while on our private island, Ship Channel Cay, for the day.

Exuma Powerboat Adventure

Powerboat Adventures Exuma escaptes include two stops, and the first was at Allan’s Cay. The cay is home to about 30 or so critically endangered Exuma Rock Iguanas. There are estimated to be only around 1300 left and any islands where they live are protected from development for conservation efforts.

I’d already visited with the Exuma Rock Iguanas on Leaf Cay, once owned by Nicholas Cage, while staying in the Exumas a few days earlier. The Exuma Rock Iguanas on Allan’s Cay were a lot more skittish, running up to grab the grapes we’d brought fir them and then scurrying back inside the bush.

Though the Powerboat Adventure wasn’t a big and packed tour by any means, it was a much larger group tour than the one I’d gone on to see the iguanas on Leaf Cay. I fed the iguanas my handful of grapes, then used the rest of the 20 minutes we stopped to enjoy a swim in the crystal clear waters instead of chasing the iguanas around.

From Allan’s Cay, it wasn’t long to reach our destination for the day: Ship Channel Cay. Ship Channel Cay is the northernmost island of the Exuma Cays, but the private island gives you a taste of the white sugar sand beaches and no less than a dozen shades of jade, teal, turquoise and neon blue that seem to swirl in to one another.

Exuma Powerboat Adventure

You can’t help but pause on the dock to take it all in. But the lure of snacks like sandwiches, chips and salsa and veggies with dip gets the better of you before too long. Also included in the tour is the open bar, so Bahama Mamas were calling my name. (Not sure what kind of tropical drink to order? Savored Sips has 10 tropical drink suggestions for you.)

Sufficiently filled up on snacks and with drinks in hand, the stingrays now commanded our group’s attention. Many of these uninhabited islands were once stopping points for fisherman to clean their catch and the stingrays got used to the sound of the boat engines meaning an easy meal. Not long after we arrived, we could see the dark silhouettes of the stingrays coming to see if we’d brought them anything.

Exuma Powerboat Adventure

We did, of course. We all lined up in a single line down the beach and our guides for the day gave us each fish to feed the stingrays.

The stingrays, though wild, aren’t dangerous unless you get anxious and step on them. If they feel threatened, they could use the barb on their tails to defend themselves. But in general, they are gentle giants that like to suck the fish out of your hand and enjoy a good rub. They’re sort of like the dogs of the ocean.

Exuma Powerboat Adventure

The other thing all that fish attracts are sharks. And before too long, a dozen or so lemon, nurse and black tip reef sharks also came to see if there was an easy meal for them. And I don’t mean us.

Exuma Powerboat Adventure

To get a good look at the sharks, especially the biggest lemon shark of the bunch, one of our guides put on a shark wrangling show. Shark wrangling is essentially putting a fish on a line and reeling the shark in as close to the beach as you can. And these big boys did not want to let go of the fish. We made sure that all of the sharks had their fill of fish because we were about to get in the water and snorkel with them.

Ship Channel Cay is in a unique location and experiences a strong current that comes in from the open water. The open water creates a strong current right across the coral reef that is in the swimming pool-like bay created by the surrounding islands. The conditions are perfect for drift snorkeling.

Exuma Powerboat Adventure

Typically snorkeling is a great activity that just about anyone can do. You put on your mask and snorkel and mosey about at your own pace.

Drift snorkeling is an entirely different experience though. With the strong current, it’s kind of like getting taken along on a car ride as the current quickly carries you along. You need to be a confident swimmer in order to control yourself and get out out of the water.

The guides come along and provide safety equipment like flotation vests. Everyone enters from a spot down the beach, then the current carries you over the reef. You can exit out on to the beach and go again if you like. I did it several times because the visibility was so good and the reef was teeming with sea life.

We drift snorkeled over the reef a couple of times, and then it was time for lunch. In my hungry state from snorkeling, swimming and frolicking about on the beach, I was a bad blogger and didn’t get any photos of the lunch. So you’ll have to trust me when I tell you that it was an awesome buffet that had something for even the pickiest of eaters. There were grilled steaks, fish, pasta, steamed veggies, salads, fresh fruit, cheese and even hot dogs for the kids.

Though Ship Channel Cay is beautiful enough to be entertaining all on its own, our guides weren’t done with their shows just yet. After lunch was cleaned up, we were treated to a conch salad show. During drift snorkeling, our guides had picked up conch and now we learned how to remove them from their beautiful shells and clean them.

Exuma Powerboat Adventure

Conch are sort of like a sea snail and are popularly eaten raw in conch salad or fried in conch fritters. To crack a conch, you crack it with a little hammer on what is called the third crown. Then you use the knife to loosen it and pull it out by its horn.

I’ve consumed plenty of conch in fritters, salad and chowders but I’ve never actually seen one pulled right out of its’ shell. They were quite a bit larger than I expected and I had no idea that they have a penis.

Honestly, while I was fascinated and still totally dug right in to that conch salad once it was prepared, I’m one that would just rather be naive about how my food goes from ocean to plate. Even so, it was delicious and conch salad doesn’t get much fresher than the one on the Powerboat Adventures Exuma tours from Nassau.

Exuma Powerboat Adventure

With all the activities and entertainment, the day at Ship Channel Cay flew by. All too soon the bell was ringing to signal it was time to pack up beach blankets and be back on board or be left deserted on the island. Though I’d already spent several days staying at Sandals Emerald Bay on Great Exuma, the Powerboat Adventure offered up one of the best Nassau excursions I’d been on and was one of my favorite Bahamas excursions of my entire two week trip.

I sat back and let the sun and salty breeze kiss my skin while speeding along on the powerboat as we made our way back from Exuma to Nassau. Without a doubt, this had been one of my favorite day trips from Nassau.

Know Before You Go

  • The Exuma Powerboat Adventures Bahamas leaves from the Paradise Island Ferry Terminal, just a few minutes from Downtown Nassau and Paradise Island resorts and hotel pick-up and drop-off is included in this tour.
  • Bring a towel and sunscreen.
  • Snorkel gear and life jackets are provided.

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Our Exuma Powerboat Adventure was provided by Viator in order to bring you this story. However, Luxe Adventure Traveler maintains full editorial control of the content published on this site. As always, all thoughts, opinions, and enthusiasm for travel are entirely our own. This article contains affiliate links.

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About Jennifer Dombrowski

Jennifer Dombrowski is an independent travel publisher and an American expat who has lived in Bordeaux, France since 2016. She previously lived in Northern Italy in a small village near Venice for seven years where she fell in love with wine and wine tourism. She is an award-winning travel writer. She is also a travel correspondent on Traveling on the American Forces Radio Network. Luxe Adventure Traveler was named one of the top travel blogs to watch by the Huffington Post and TripAdvisor, and has been featured by top publications such as National Geographic, CNN, Buzzfeed, and Business Insider. Jennifer's photography has also been featured on publications such as USA Today and Travel + Leisure and on the Travel Channel.

Brenda says

November 10, 2015 at 3:05 PM

All that beautiful blue!! And sharks! What a great experience!

Christina says

November 12, 2015 at 8:07 AM

Looks absolutely stunning, Jennifer! This is my kind of island, but not so sure about those sharks! Wow, never heard of shark-wrangling, but it must have been a sight to see up close. Exuma is now on my list! Thanks!

November 15, 2015 at 10:31 PM

I am sitting here in Michigan freezing cold – I have got to plan a warm weather trip this winter! This looks just glorious!!

Jennifer Dombrowski says

November 16, 2015 at 11:02 AM

Oh my goodness, you’ve got to go Liz! The Bahamas is so easy to reach, even for a weekend getaway, from much of the East Coast and Mid West.

Deborah says

November 16, 2015 at 4:46 AM

I have heard amazing things about the Exuma Cays – what an amazing experience you had!! And I’m not so sure I’d be brave enough to snorkel after seeing those sharks!!

November 16, 2015 at 11:09 AM

I think those sharks are very used to people being around and wouldn’t be an issue. They weren’t interested in us at all once we were snorkeling and kept their distance.

Monique says

November 16, 2015 at 10:50 PM

Look at those beautiful sharks!! I’ve never heard of a lemon shark before! Thanks for sharing your experience with us. It looks beautiful!

Jerry Koskinen says

March 5, 2023 at 4:25 PM

One person cannot climb up a ladder out of the water. Did you have to do this at all to get into the boat?

March 11, 2023 at 4:26 PM

No, the boat tied up to a wooden jetty. You can see the jetty in some of the photos in my article. You would have to be able to step down in to the boat from the jetty and then step up on to the jetty. The guides offer a hand to help you. You don’t have to climb a ladder to get in and out of the boat.

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powerboat nassau bahamas

19 Things To Do In Nassau: Complete Guide To Basking In The Sun And More In The Bahamas

A s the bustling capital city of The Bahamas, Nassau offers an idyllic blend of urban excitement, historic and cultural attractions, diverse restaurants and bars, and natural beauty in the form of white-sand beaches with a glistening turquoise ocean. Located on New Providence island, Nassau also boasts many of the best all-inclusive resorts in The Bahamas, as well as fantastic shopping opportunities and epic nightlife in the city’s nightclubs.

What’s more, the place is also well-connected to other Bahamian islands and a wide range of incredible tourist activities and attractions, ranging from island hopping and swimming with those adorable Bahamas pigs to fishing, sailing, snorkeling, and scuba diving on some of the best reefs in the Caribbean. With so much going on in this island paradise, it's an essential destination for any Bahamas travel guide , but holidaymakers may feel baffled by all the attractions and tourist activities in Nassau.

Fortunately, for those unsure how to spend a vacation in Nassau, this in-depth guide to the Bahamian capital city answers all questions travelers may ever need to ask. From the ideal time to visit Nassau and what there is to do and see to the top beaches, hotels, and restaurants — and more — welcome to the ultimate guide to the capital of The Bahamas!

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UPDATE: 2023/09/17 18:16 EST BY DYLAN MYERS

What To Do When Traveling To Nassau, Bahamas

Sandy beaches, blue skies, luxury resorts, and colorful cuisine are just a few of the endless offers when visiting Nassau, Bahamas, making it every vacationer's dream destination. This update refreshed the Nassau travel guide, expanding on fascinating things to do such as scuba diving to underwater sculpture parks, wandering through the 'Versailles of the Bahamas,' discovering historical forts and attractions, and so much more. Wanderlusters should read on to find all the info to bolster their ultimate Nassau, Bahamas travel guide.

Top Things To Do

Aside from the quintessential Bahamas vacation experience of spending the whole day at Nassau's most beautiful beaches , tourists will find a plethora of other activities and attractions with which to fill the rest of their getaway.

From relaxing to adventurous, there’s something amazing in and around Nassau for every type of traveler to experience.

For beach bums seeking further shores, stomach-growling foodies, curious history buffs, and binocular-and-camera-wielding wildlife enthusiasts, these are some of the best attractions in Nassau.

Visit Nassau's Beaches

Granted, there are around 17 picture-perfect paradise beaches in this part of the Bahamas, all of which are unique and beautiful in their own way.

However, with their powdery sands, vibrant blue ocean, and paradisiacal atmosphere, these five shores are notable tourist favorites, consistently ranking high among the top beaches in Nassau for visitors seeking sublime samples of sun, sand, and sea.

Junkanoo Beach

Junkanoo Festival in The Bahamas is one of the nation’s most energized parties, taking place around the new year annually. If visitors miss the event, Junkanoo Beach is the next best thing.

  • This entertaining beach always has something going on, which is excellent for the more eccentric beach bums seeking fun flair during their day by the sea — but not so ideal for folks in search of peace and quiet.

Visitors falling into the former category will have the time of their lives at this sunny spot, with its lively atmosphere and entertainment roster, as well as plenty of nearby places to grab excellent grub.

Cabbage Beach

No, there aren’t cabbages growing on this sunny shore, but there is almost every kind of water sport imaginable.

As one of the most popular beaches in The Bahamas (which enjoys a convenient location near Nassau Harbor), Cabbage promises a boatload of fun, from water-skiing and parasailing to jet-skiing, snorkeling, and so much more.

With all that water fun comes hungry bellies, and fortunately for calorie-starved beach bunnies, this spot boasts a lot of restaurants, bars, and shops.

Related: Big Major Cay In The Bahamas Is Where You Can Swim With Pigs, And Here’s What You Can Expect

Cable Beach

Cable Beach is always cited as one of the best beaches in Nassau. Clean shorelines, impeccable sand, and crystal-clear water make this beach a top-rated spot among residents and visitors alike.

Its tropical beauty isn’t the sole reason for its popularity, though; this beach is effortlessly close to many of the most upmarket resorts in the Bahamas, with the likes of Sandals Royal Bahamian, one of the most affordable Sandals Resorts , only a stone’s throw away.

Unsurprisingly, one of the world’s most romantic destinations features a lovely seaside spot with a name like 'Love Beach’.

Loved-up couples and honeymooners are known to kindle their romance and enjoy quality time together on this beautiful beach, with its pretty and private ambiance resulting from its superb location away from downtown Nassau’s popular beaches.

Jaws Beach earned its name after it appeared in the iconic Hollywood blockbuster movie Jaws . Given its fame, it can see a few more people than other beaches.

However, seeing what this legendary stretch of sand is like in real life, not on the big screen, is always a top activity in Nassau.

While it was a dramatic spot in the film, in reality, it’s another stunning Bahamas beach worthy of Instagram pics.

Related: 10 Best Things To Do In Or Near Freeport, Bahamas

Swim With The Pigs In Nassau

There are many reasons to choose Exuma over Nassau , and swimming with pigs is one of them. Even though this activity is synonymous with Exuma, it still remains one of the best attractions Nassau has to offer its guests, as it’s still within reasonable proximity to the capital.

One of the closest pig-swimming options for those staying in Nassau is the Sandy Toes experience on the famous Rose Island on Exuma.

A true bucket list item, the famous swimming pigs of The Bahamas are absolutely adorable, melting the hearts of visitors with their hilarious personalities and cute piggy antics.

  • These creatures are indeed curious and full of awe for visitors, eagerly swimming up to arriving boats as people come to spend the day with these four-legged pink-and-brown-hued swimming island-dwellers.

Related: From Nassau To Exuma: Travel Options To Pig Beach

Many pigs even hang around humans on the beach and in the water in the hopes they’ll receive food gifts, which many Bahamas pig tour operators will recommend people bring.

The trip to see the Exuma pigs is also convenient; visitors take a powerboat from Nassau to the Exumas — a journey that takes only about an hour and a half each way.

  • Recommended Tour: Morning Pig Encounter - Pigs can’t fly, but they do swim!
  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Cost: From $199 USD per adult

Book this tour

Visit The Atlantis Marine Habitat

The Atlantis Paradise Island is also home to the world’s largest open-air marine habitat. This enormous aquarium houses 14 lagoons, eight million gallons of ocean water, and over 50,000 aquatic creatures in over 250 marine species.

The establishment also showcases daily scheduled marine life feeds, which visitors can watch. Check out the Marine Habitat page on the Atlantis Bahamas website for more information.

Day passes are available for tourists who want to enjoy all the attractions and offers at Atlantis but aren't staying at the on-site resort.

  • Day pass prices: Vary by date and season
  • Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Book A Food Tour Of Nassau

Food tours in Nassau are the ultimate activity for foodies! Many are available, but top-rated favorites include the Bites of Nassau Food & Cultural Walking Tour , which combines food and drink with art, history, and culture.

Don’t forget about the Downtown Nassau guided walking food tour, Sites & Tastes of Downtown Nassau , enabling visitors to eat as the local people do and see plenty of sights along the way.

Book A Rum Tour Of Nassau

To complement a Nassau food tour, a rum-tasting experience makes the perfect pairing. The Rum-Runner’s Passage is a top rum tour in Nassau, taking participants on a journey through a time when The Bahamas’ pirate-plundering and rum-running dominated the islands.

In addition, John Watling’s Distillery offers a popular tasting tour, granting an insight into the Buena Vista Estate and its barrel-aged rum, which guests are welcome to sample.

  • Recommended Tour: Nassau Food Tasting and Cultural Walking Tour
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Cost: From $87 USD per adult

Go Snorkeling And Scuba Diving In Nassau

Nassau is in no short supply of snorkeling and scuba operators, with whom beginners and seasoned divers can explore some of the best dive sites in The Bahamas.

With its calm, clear, and shallow sites, Nassau (and The Bahamas in its entirety) is one of the world's best places for beginners to learn to scuba dive .

Some snorkel and dive centers in Nassau have been around longer than others and have thus achieved a solid reputation among residents and tourists — one being Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas , which offers scuba diving trips, dive courses, snorkeling tours, snuba, and even epic Nassau shark diving.

Located on the southwest side of New Providence Island, Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas originally opened up shop in 1978. Since then, the operation has become Nassau’s leading full-service dive center and provider of water-based activities.

Related: Can You Dive Dean’s Blue Hole? Not Without Knowing This

As such, if exploring the best dive sites Nassau Bahamas has to offer (not forgetting others nearby, such as the famous Tiger Beach — one of the world's top shark dive sites !), Stuart Cove is the dive and snorkel king to choose.

  • Recommended Tour: Land and Sea Sightseeing Tour from Nassau
  • Cost: From $149.99 USD per adult

Charter A Boat Tour In Nassau

Booking a private boat tour in Nassau is the ultimate experience if funds are no concern. From fishing trips and beach exploration to snorkeling escapades, exploring Nassau by charter boat is one of the island’s finer things.

Among the chartered boat trip operators is First Strike Charters , which offers numerous excursions ranging from adventurous to relaxing.

  • Recommended Tour: 007 Morning Half-Day Boat Charter - Rose Island
  • Cost: From $132 USD per adult

Go Island Hopping In Nassau

Scheduled and private island hopping tours in Nassau are available, many of which cater to all budgets, too. Numerous stunning islands with breathtaking beaches, superb snorkeling, and extraordinary encounters with marine life draw island hoppers into booking such a trip.

Noteworthy spots include:

  • Rose Island: gorgeous sandy beaches and transparent waters, a quiet, more private island deemed among The Bahamas’ Out Islands’.
  • Blue Lagoon Island: jaw-dropping private island accessible from Nassau. Thanks to its eco-friendliness, the island’s beaches are famed for being immaculate and untouched, where dolphins and turtle sightings just off the coast are a common occurrence.

Related 15 Adults-Only All-Inclusive Resorts In The Bahamas Worth Every Penny

Discover The Best Water Parks In Nassau

Waterparks in Nassau are perfect for a family day out chock-full of excitement. In particular, Aquaventure Water Park on Paradise Island is among the most popular, where water slides, pools, and a lazy river await some fun under the sun.

  • Prices: Day pass rates vary by date and season
  • Hours: Daily, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Baha Bay Waterpark Nassau is also worthy of a visit; this beachfront water facility boasts everything kids and young-at-heart grown-ups could dream of from a water adventure, including a lazy river, a wave pool, water slides, a surf simulator, young child and toddler pool zones, and even an elite beach club.

  • Prices: Day passes from $160 per adult, $65 per child
  • Hours: Daily, 10 AM - 6 PM

Visit The Top Historical Attractions In Nassau

With all the best Paradise Island beaches, top Nassau restaurants, water activities, and once-in-a-lifetime experiences out of the way, it’s time to take a trip down memory lane and discover the historic sites in and around the Bahamian capital.

For those looking for unique things to do on Paradise Island, but who are tired of beaches, water parks, and island tours, the Bahamian island boasts a long and eventful history spanning many centuries, making visiting Nassau’s historical landmarks an enriching day itinerary.

From colonial times to pirating stories of the Caribbean, the following historic sites in Nassau are fascinating and will provide visitors with a glimpse into the country’s hefty history.

Find the best historical attractions when visiting Nassau below:

Witness The Queen’s Staircase & Fort Fincastle

The Queen’s Staircase — often referred to as ‘the 66 Steps’ — is held up by an interesting story. The stairs were carved out of solid limestone by slaves between 1793 and 1794, crafted to serve as a direct route to Nassau city from Fort Fincastle.

According to rumors and historical accounts, Queen Victoria of Britain once walked the steps, which were named in her honor.

Today, visitors can see the staircase and take photos of the site, where the encompassing vegetation creates a scenic backdrop.

At the top of the Queen’s Staircase is Fort Fincastle — indeed, one of the most impressive old forts in Nassau out of the main three, which also features replica canons.

  • Built in 1793, the stronghold was erected by a former governor of The Bahamas, Lord Dunmore.
  • Situated on Bennett’s Hill — the highest point in Nassau — the vistas from Fort Fincastle a worth the trip alone.

Related: Snorkel From The Beach In The Bahamas At This Beautiful Cove

Explore Fort Charlotte

Sitting on 100 acres of land, Nassau’s Fort Charlotte was built in 1788 and houses all sorts of medieval features people normally only read about in history books and fantasy novels.

Think cannons, tunnels, and dungeons — which visitors get to see in real life — and this place delivers some impressive photo ops.

Hiring a local guide is a great way to visit Fort Charlotte when traveling to Nassau, and a guide can help ensure the grounds are open for exploring.

Montagu Beach & Fort

This is a public beach with a beautiful surrounding area full of things to do and see. The historic Fort Montagu is definitely worth a visit and costs around $2 or so per person for admission.

Once visitors have explored the fort, the nearby fish market is a fantastic (and tasty) experience, where fresh conch salads and droves of live conch are available for purchase.

  • Fort Montagu Entrance: $2 per person
  • Note: Cash only

Enjoy easy and free parking just outside Fort Montagu.

Related: This Bahamas Island Has Been Confirmed The Safest As Of 2022

Waltz Through Parliament Square In Nassau

Parliament Square in The Bahamas is, quite possibly, one of the country’s most famous areas. Dotted with numerous of the island’s recognizable pink and white government buildings, this part of Nassau, with its Georgian architecture dating back to 1815, is indeed beautiful to the eyes.

Facilities of note include:

  • House of Assembly
  • Office of the Leader of the Opposition
  • Bahamas Supreme Court

Nassau’s Parliament Square is also home to a historical (and sizable) statue of Queen Victoria.

Discover The Beauty Of The ‘Versailles Gardens’ In Nassau

As mentioned earlier, The Versailles Gardens is a unique medieval garden and one of the best things to do on Paradise Island , if not the most interesting thing to do in The Bahamas, overflowing with rich flora and fauna and deep-rooted in history.

Also referred to as ‘the Paradise Island Cloisters’, this spectacular place is compared to the Versailles Gardens in Paris. The site’s twelfth-century monastery also sits within the ground, which guests are also welcome to explore.

Most visitors can wander Nassau's Versailles Gardens in anywhere from ten to twenty minutes, and it's an excellent stop for a stroll or snapping some lovely photos.

Visit The Pompey Museum of Slavery and Emancipation

Located in Pompey Square in Downtown Nassau, the Pompey Museum may be small, but it contains a wealth of interesting exhibits and information on the country’s past, making it a great resource for people hoping to learn more about The Bahamas’ history.

  • Hours: Monday - Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM | Thursday, 9:30 AM - 1 PM | Closed Sundays
  • Entrance: $3 per adult
  • Location : Bay Street, in front of George Street

Check Out Clifton Heritage Park

Clifton Heritage Park in the Bahamas is a supreme choice for learning about the history and culture of the country while experiencing first-hand what made the place as it is today.

History, culture, nature, and beauty abound, possibly rendering the park one of the unique attractions in The Bahamas for visitors looking to learn about much of the country in one place.

The terrain comprises rocks, wetlands, and white sandy beaches, as well as the impressive ancient architecture of the Lucayan people, who were the very first inhabitants of The Bahamian Islands.

Even snorkeling is on the cards at this park; in fact, with its giant underwater sculptures (seriously, bring a camera), Clifton Heritage Park may be one of the best places to snorkel in the Bahamas in terms of uniqueness.

  • Snorkeling Tours: $90 per person
  • Duration: 45 minutes to one hour

Explore Bay Street In Downtown Nassau

Bay Street is one of the best places in Nassau for markets, architecture, and people-watching. Many local markets hustle and bustle, while the old buildings invite some beautiful photo opportunities.

Visitors will also find a few good spots to eat and enjoy a drink, too, with the above-mentioned Biggity being one of them.

Bay Street is about 6.5 miles long but is one of the few streets in Nassau with proper sidewalks bordering the street, making for a great stroll to take in all the colorful Bahamian chaos and shopping.

Shiver Ye Timbers At The Pirates of Nassau Museum

The pirate history of The Bahamas is always a topic of interest, even among folks not so history-inclined. Given The Bahamas once had the largest crop of pirates in the Caribbean, one of the most fascinating ways to learn about the islands’ illustrious pirating past is to check out the Pirates of Nassau Museum .

  • Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM | Saturdays & Sundays, 9 AM - 3 PM
  • Price: $14 per adult

Treasure troves of remarkable exhibitions and displays are housed within the establishment, divulging the fascinating stories of the country’s illegal maritime affairs that once posed huge problems for the Caribbean.

Guests can explore the site by themselves or enjoy a guided tour from an animated pirate, and when they’re done, they can check out the gift shop for some pirate-themed booty.

Related: What’s At The Bottom Of Dean’s Blue Hole? & More Answers

The Best Time to Visit Nassau, Bahamas

  • Best Time to Go to Nassau: November to April (peak tourist season, but the best weather)
  • Nassau Hurricane Season: June through November

Similar to many tropical islands in this portion of the planet, the summer is warm and humid and can see rainfall — albeit sporadic, mostly. Typically, hurricane season in Nassau runs from July to October, while the high tourist season spans from November to April.

Related: How To Plan The Best Bahamas Cruise, During The Best Month To Do It

Peak season usually sees the best weather in the Bahamas, with the sunniest, clearest skies and less chance of rain. It’s also windier during this time, making the tropical heat a little more bearable, thanks to a cooling breeze.

However, as with most peak tourist seasons, flights and hotel prices soar, and crowds are much denser.

19 Things To Do In Nassau: Complete Guide To Basking In The Sun And More In The Bahamas

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The Original Powerboat Adventures

Your Own Private Island...

  • The Adventure Begins
  • Your Own Island In Paradise
  • Meet Our Piggies
  • Stingray Feeding
  • Here Come the Sharks…
  • Dining in Paradise
  • The Conch Show….

Ship Channel Cay

With the splash of the anchor we arrive at our very own private Island, Ship Channel Cay, where you will disembark the vessels and be greeted with snacks and refreshments to keep you going until lunch time.

The Island is two miles long and half a mile wide and offers some spectacular views in every direction.

Our converted fishing cottage provides shelter from the blazing island sun, while our numerous decks provide a place to sit, chat or just watch the world go by.

For the thirsty, we have a full bar open to keep you refreshed all day. Stocked with liquor, wines, beers, sodas, juice and plain old water we have something for every taste, and, of course… it’s all free.

You’ll have plenty of time to explore the island more or just kick back on the golden beaches, but be careful not to miss out on some of the more exciting events the day is sure to bring…

Ship Channel Cay - Powerboat Exuma Bahamas


  1. Power Boat Adventure

    powerboat nassau bahamas

  2. Exuma Powerboat Adventure 2024

    powerboat nassau bahamas

  3. Exumas Powerboat Adventure

    powerboat nassau bahamas

  4. Bahamas Powerboat Club

    powerboat nassau bahamas

  5. 45ft Don Smith Powerboat Tour in Nassau, Bahamas

    powerboat nassau bahamas

  6. Ready to Go Powerboat Adventures (Nassau)

    powerboat nassau bahamas


  1. The Original Swimming Pigs Tour Trip in Exuma

    For over 20 years, Powerboat Adventures has been delighting guests from across the globe with the most amazing Exuma Excursion in The Bahamas. We were the original pioneers of the Exuma tour, and remain the most popular and well received day trip available. Our blend of excitement, natural beauty and impeccable service is unmatched,

  2. Powerboat Adventures

    The original Exuma Powerboat Adventures is the ultimate Exuma day trip. Take our sophisticated speedboats to our exclusive private island that in only one hour away. Throughout the day you will be able to take in our breathtaking private island, relax and your leisure and experience the best of Exuma wildlife including, iguanas, swimming pigs ...

  3. The Adventure

    First Stop, Allan's Cay. Step on board one of our two custom built offshore powerboats for an exhilarating one-hour high-speed boat ride to the dreamy Exuma cays some 38 nautical miles away from Nassau. Hold on tight and feel the rush of wind in your hair as our boats slice through the crystal clear Bahamian waters at 40mph and above to take ...

  4. Powerboat Adventures

    Reservations: (242) 323-8888. For a unique and exhilarating outing, step aboard the high-speed powerboats of Powerboat Adventures for one of the most exciting rides of your life. Experience the rush of adrenaline as you leave Nassau to snorkel reefs, feed stingrays, sharks and iguanas—all while surrounded by some of the most spectacular views ...

  5. Original Exuma Powerboat Adventures 2024

    Ride on a powerboat to Allen's Cay and the private Ship Channel Cay during this full-day adventure from Nassau. Accompanied by a local guide, leave the bustle of Nassau behind and head out to some of the less-visited Bahamian islands. Feed the native endangered iguanas at Allen's Cay, then zip over to Ship Channel Cay, your own private island. Lunch, open bar, and round-trip transportation ...

  6. Powerboat Adventures

    The original Exuma Powerboat Adventures is the ultimate Exuma day trip. Take our sophisticated speedboats to our exclusive private island that in only one hour away. Throughout the day you will be able to take in our breathtaking private island, relax and your leisure and experience the best of Exuma wildlife including, iguanas, swimming pigs ...

  7. 2024 (Nassau) Exuma Powerboat Adventure

    See more of the Bahamas on this all-inclusive powerboat adventure from Nassau. Meet and feed the iguanas at Allen's Cay, and snorkel and explore Ship Channel Cay, a private island in the Exuma chain where you can feed stingrays and sharks with your guide. No detail is overlooked: the tour includes a full lunch with freshly made Bahamian conch ...


    1,561 reviews. #13 of 302 Boat Tours & Water Sports in Nassau. Scuba & SnorkellingBoat ToursSpeed Boats ToursDay Trips. Open now. 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Write a review. See all photos. About. The original Exuma Powerboat Adventures is the ultimate Exuma day trip.

  9. Powerboat Adventures

    The original Exuma Powerboat Adventures is the ultimate Exuma day trip. Take our sophisticated speedboats to our exclusive private island that in only one hour away. Throughout the day you will be able to take in our breathtaking private island, relax and your leisure and experience the best of Exuma wildlife including, iguanas, swimming pigs ...

  10. 2024 (Nassau) Original Exuma Powerboat Adventures

    See more of the Bahamas on this all-inclusive powerboat adventure from Nassau. Meet and feed the iguanas at Allen's Cay, and snorkel and explore Ship Channel Cay, a private island in the Exuma chain where you can feed stingrays and sharks with your guide. No detail is overlooked: the tour includes a full lunch with freshly made Bahamian conch ...

  11. Private Charters

    Feel the rush as you set off in our 40' Offshore Performance Powerboat with 3 x 300 HP Outboards towards your destination. ' Swim with the pigs, watch the amazing shark feeding show, grab a cocktail or icy cold beer from the all inclusive, all day premium bar. Enjoy a freshly cooked lunch, snorkel in the stunning exuma waters, or just relax ...

  12. Exuma Powerboat Adventure from Nassau

    The Exuma Powerboat Adventures Bahamas leaves from the Paradise Island Ferry Terminal, just a few minutes from Downtown Nassau and Paradise Island resorts and hotel pick-up and drop-off is included in this tour. Bring a towel and sunscreen. Snorkel gear and life jackets are provided.


    Mar 12, 2024 - The original Exuma Powerboat Adventures is the ultimate Exuma day trip. Take our sophisticated speedboats to our exclusive private island that in only one hour away. Throughout the day you will be ...

  14. Exuma Powerboat Tour from Nassau with Swimming Pigs

    Bluefinn242 Swim with the Turtles in Nassau Bahamas . 143. Swimming. from . $128.21. per adult. Private 4 hours "Surf and Turf" Fishing and Swimming Pigs. 2. Swimming. from . $1,850.00. per group (up to 6) Itinerary. ... Exuma Powerboat Tour from Nassau with Swimming Pigs provided by Aqua Shores - Luxury Powerboat Tours ...

  15. Aqua Shores

    Aqua Shores - Luxury Powerboat Tours Bahamas, Nassau, New Providence. 1,902 likes · 28 talking about this · 162 were here. Aqua Shores is a Luxury Powerboat Tour Company in Nassau Bahamas offering...

  16. Ready to Go Powerboat Adventures

    Ready to Go Powerboat Adventures is in Nassau Bahamas. We offer a variety of tours that will be sure to peek your interest. For those looking for an intimate setting with less crowds and one on one customer service we are perfect for you! Private charters are available. Our services include Sightseeing & Snorkeling which is 2 ½ hours. Sit back and relax while our exceptional captain ...

  17. Overnight Adventure

    Come stay on your own private island for the night. take a stroll on pink sandy beaches, explore the islands nature trails, or the area by guided boat tours, relax on your private beach away from the crowd or join our famous day activities. Enjoy the sunset from your private balcony while we are cooking you a personal dinner.

  18. Bahamas Powerboat Club

    Bahamas Powerboat Club, Nassau, New Providence. 4,348 likes · 220 talking about this. Get ready for the most anticipated boating event of The Bahamas, FT POKER RUN SATURDAY MAY 4TH 2024

  19. 19 Things To Do In Nassau: Complete Guide To Basking In The Sun ...

    For beach bums seeking further shores, stomach-growling foodies, curious history buffs, and binocular-and-camera-wielding wildlife enthusiasts, these are some of the best attractions in Nassau.

  20. Your Island In Paradise

    With the splash of the anchor we arrive at our very own private Island, Ship Channel Cay, where you will disembark the vessels and be greeted with snacks and refreshments to keep you going until lunch time. The Island is two miles long and half a mile wide and offers some spectacular views in every direction. Our converted fishing cottage ...

  21. In pictures: Record-breaking Hurricane Beryl

    Hurricane Beryl became the earliest Category 5 hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic.