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Club Catamaran

About Club Catamaran Bodrum, which hosts thousands of people every year with its sea and magnificent nature, is a place where you can have the most enjoyable holiday. You can experience the best moments of entertainment in Bodrum, both during the day and at night. If you are in Bodrum, you can choose Club Catamaran, the world's first floating bar, to have fun in the evenings.

Founder and Manager DİLEK BİRGEN


Enjoy a hassle-free night where all we have to worry about is having fun with your friends

  • DJ Performance
  • Dance Performances
  • Concept Events
  • Local Foreign Drinks
  • Free Boat Service
  • Dancer Girls
  • Light Shows

VIP Reservation Club Catamaran

If you want to experience Club Catamaran entertainment as a VIP, make a reservation now and start experiencing the magic of Catamaran to the fullest.

Club Catamaran

Çarşi, bodrum, muğla.

Haritadaki konumunu görün

  • 0 (533) 663 27 29
  • 0 (5xx) xxx xx xx

Bu işletme ile ilgili henüz yorum yok

Benzer işletmeler

Club Catamaran adlı işletme Muğla Bodrum Çarşi adresinde bulunmaktadır. Bodrum alkollü mekanlar kategorisinde hizmet veren bu işletme genellikle rezervasyon ile misafir kabul etmektedir. Bilinmesi gereken konulardan bir tanesi ise Bodrum bölgesinde alkollü bir işletme olan Club Catamaran genellikle akşam saatlerinde bölge popülasyonu gereği yoğun olabilmektedir. Bu durumda eğer bu işletmeyi ziyaret etmek istiyorsanız 0 (533) 663 27 29 telefon numarasını arayarak kesin rezervasyon yaptırmanızı öneriyoruz. Rezervasyon yaptıktan sonra dikkat etmeniz gereken en önemli konu yapmış olduğunuz rezervasyon saatine sadık kalmanız olacaktır. Genellikle alkollü Eğlence mekanları rezervasyon saati konusunda maksimum 30 dakika ile 1 saat arasında ki gecikmelere tolerans gösterebilmektedir. Eğer yapmış olduğunuz rezervasyon saatinde bir gecikme yada değişiklik durumu olduğunda Club Catamaran adlı işletmeyi konu hakkında bilgilendirmenizi tavsiye ediyoruz.

Bu mekânda canlı müzik olduğu bilinmektedir. Canlı müzik saatleri özel durum, özel gün ve işletmenin herhangi bir aktivitesine göre değişiklik gösterebileceği için kesin saatleri öğrenebilmek adına; çalışma saatleri bölümüne bakmanızı ve Club Catamaran adlı işletmenin 0 (533) 663 27 29 telefon numarasını arayarak kesin saatleri öğrenebileceğinizi bildirmek isteriz. Bu mekânı ziyaret etme amacınız arkadaşlarınızla eğlenirken sohbet etmekse, canlı müzik bulunan mekanlarda müzik sesinin yükseliğinden dolayı birbirinizi duymakta sıkıntı çekebilirsiniz. Fakat ziyaret etme amacınız bunun dışındaysa bu mekanda eğlenebileceğinizi düşünmekteyiz.

Bu işletme, işletmenin bizzat kendisi tarafından yönetiliyorsa iletişim kartında bulunan mesaj butonu ile direkt olarak Club Catamaran ile iletişime geçebilirsiniz. Burada yer alan mesaj butonu henüz aktif değilse bu işletmenin mesaj alma özelliğini kapattığı yada henüz kendileri tarafından yönetilmediği anlamına gelmektedir. İşletme ile daha hızlı ve sağlıklı bir şekilde iletişim kurabilmeniz adına işletmeye ait sabit yada cep telefon numaraları aracılığıyla iletişime geçmenizi öneriyoruz.

Bu işletmede bulunan bilgilerin hatalı, yanlış yada eksik olduğunu düşünüyorsanız ilanın sağ üst kısmında bulunan (Geri Bildirim) işaretine tıklayarak bize geri bildirim de bulunabilirsiniz.

Club Catamaran Hakkında Sıklıkla Sorulan Sorular

Club catamaran saat kaçta açılıyor.

Club Catamaran aşağıdaki saatlerde çalışmaktadır. Pazartesi: 23:30-04:00 Salı: 23:30-04:00 Çarşamba: 23:30-04:00 Perşembe: 23:30-04:00 Cuma: 23:30-04:00 Cumartesi: 23:30-04:00 Pazar: 23:30-04:00

Club Catamaran nerededir?

Muğla Bodrum Çarşi mahallesinde bulunmaktadır.

Club Catamaran alkol servis etmekte midir?

Bu işletmede alkol servisi bulunmaktadır.

Club Catamaran paket servis hizmeti sunmakta mıdır?

Bu işletme paket servis hizmeti vermemektedir. Gel-al paket servis durumunu öğrenmek için işletme ile 0 (533) 663 27 29 telefon numarasından iletişime geçebilirsiniz.

Club Catamaran canlı müzik bulunuyor mu?

Club Catamaran adlı işletmede aşağıdaki saatlerde canlı müzik bulunmaktadır. Pazartesi: - Salı: - Çarşamba: - Perşembe: - Cuma: - Cumartesi: - Pazar: -

Club Catamaran için rezervasyon gerekiyor mu?

Bu işletme rezervasyon ile müşteri kabul etmektedir. 0 (533) 663 27 29 telefon numarasından işletmeyi arayarak rezervasyon yapabilirsiniz.

Club Catamaran telefon numarası nedir?

Club Catamaran adlı işletmeye ait telefon numaraları; 0 (533) 663 27 29

Geri bildirim gönderin

Bu ilanı paylaşın, bu işletme universitev'in yapay zekası tarafından eklenmiş gibi görünüyor.

Universitev'de yer alan bazı işletmeler, Universitev'in yapay zekası tarafından eklenmiş ve henüz işletme sahipleri tarafından sahiplenilmemiştir. Mesajınızı, şu anda baktığınız işletmenin işletmecilerine e-posta olarak adınıza ileteceğiz.

Mesaj gönderin

Bu işletmenin size ait olduğunu doğrulamak için gerekli bilgileri girin.

Kayıt olurken yüklemiş olduğunuz Vergi Levhasındaki Şirket Adı, İmza Sirküsünde açık ve görünür bir şekilde olmalıdır.

Yüklemiş olduğunuz Kimlik bilgileriniz, İmza Sirküsündeki bilgilerinizle eşleşmelidir.

Düzenleme önerin

Çalışma saatleri.


Club Catamaran-Bodrum

Are you ready…to party all night?


Turkey » Mugla » Bodrum

Are you in Bodrum? Are you looking for a place to spend a crazy night in your summer holidays? If your answer is YES, then get on board in CLUB CATAMARAN ! Go offshore and party till dawn with a view of the Aegean at your feet. Here's to the moments we wish we can remember and to the nights we will never forget.

Club Catamaran is a floating nightclub based in Bodrum and is one of the city’s most popular nightlife venues offering weekly dance parties on the decks of a luxury outfitted catamaran. From June through September the ship is a weekend base for media parties, fashion shows and CD releases that recruit some of the biggest names of the DJ world. Most of the dance action takes place on the main deck of the ship, with its laser light system and mighty sound system that must terrify nighttime sea life. Nightly entertainment includes endless go-go boys and girls as well as a drag show with ensemble of Cher, Rhianna and Madonna.

Club Catamaran is specially designed and built as a floating club with a capacity of 1500 guests. Inside Catamaran there are 6 different bars, the huge glass dance floor of Catamaran enables the guests to “dance on water” and see the fish in the sea while dancing. Catamaran is the meeting point of most famous TV, cinema, theatre, magazine, music stars and the people of the high society while they are in Bodrum. When CATAMARAN is partying, out on the sea, for those who are late to join the party or for those who have to go back early there are boats doing shuttles, every 15 minutes, between Catamaran and the land. During the day, CATAMARAN is floating to Bodrum’s best beaches offering you the opportunity to enjoy dancing, swimming and sun burning on a floating beach bar!  

“Someone said that life is a party. You join in after it’s started and leave before it’s finished.” So live your craziest moments and have fun…at CATAMARAN…even if you want to leave before the party is over.... Don’t miss the chance of experiencing a “different, crazy night”!

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Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Terms of the website use.

The present regulation sets out the rights and obligations regarding the use of the website (including the other sub-domains) as well as the contractual relationship between and its members. Upon registration, the members accept the General Terms and reconfirm the agreement with these General Terms each time they enter as users on In case of disagreement with any of the terms, they must relatively inform the Company and not proceed to the navigation and / or use of the services. Membership registration, site navigation and / or use of its services are considered as full and unconditional acceptance of the General Terms. At any time, without any penalty and unjustifiably reserves the right to partially or fully modify and / or to temporarily or permanently terminate the provision of its services without having any obligation to inform its members in advance.


1. Member:  Upon registration with, i.e. entering the requested personal data and accepting the Terms of Use, the person concerned becomes a "Member". The registration and membership is free of charge, personal, non-transferable and non assignable. Each member bears sole responsibility and is exclusively and solely based on the member's own statements regarding their personal data as well as their status as a legal or natural person, as an individual, as a supplier / business or as a trader. The requirement for using services, either as a seller or as a buyer, is the membership registration and the unconditional acceptance of these General Terms. 2. Product: the offered thing, service or right by one member to another. 3. Seller: the member who posts a marketing offer for a product on the Redblueguide website. 4. Buyer: the member who acquires (buys) a product offered by a seller. . 5. Offer: the posting created on the seller’s own responsibility on the product's electronic sub-page for the placement of a product on, which is binding for the seller and which the buyer accepts when concluding the electronic contract. In particular, all postings are created made under seller’s the sole responsibility, who is accountable for the content he publishes such as (a) the correct and lawful description of the products; (b) the material and descriptions accompanying the product e.g., photographs, statements about the product properties, promotional messages, any connection to other websites - links etc), c) the specific purchase and sale execution context (eg delivery time, costs, expenses, payment etc ). does not adopt, accept, and is not responsible for the seller’s offers.


1. objective. places at the disposal of its registered members as an online platform for offering and acquiring products, services and rights (hereafter "Products") by the members themselves.

2. Legal status is not a contractual party to the contracts concluded between the members for the products acquisition., its agents, employees, and assistants are in no way responsible for the risks associated with the conclusion, routing and completion of transactions and are not at all liable for any damages resulting from the performs solely the technical, automatic and neutral storage of information and, in general, of the content posted by each member on its online platform. as an intermediary for providing information society services does not have-according to the law for its provided services- a general obligation to check the information posted on its website by users / members or a general obligation to actively search for facts or circumstances that indicate that these are illegal activities. Each user / member is solely responsible for the legitimacy and the correctness of the content that they post. In any case, the users / members accept that is entitled (but not obliged), within the terms of use and the law context, to check the content posted by members either by automated means of control or following complaints or where relevant to investigate data arising from the automated control or the complaint. This also applies to the system used by members, under their own responsibility, for the evaluation of the members they deal with.

Moreover, as an intermediary for providing information society services does not have- according to the lay for its provided services- a general obligation to check the goods and / or services which are being put on sale by the Redblueguide members through the provided procedure. has the right to prohibit the supply of specific products and product groups at any time at its sole discretion and without mentioning the reasons. In any case allows for the posting for sales and specifically the sales of only legitimate products as well as genuine products and products to which the user / member is entitled to dispose. The distribution of fake or counterfeit products, replicas (henceforth non-genuine products) is prohibited, and users accept that is entitled, but not obliged) ired, within the terms of use and the law context to check the content posted by members concerning non-genuine products either by automated means of control or following complaints or where relevant to investigate data arising from the automated control or the complaint.

No claim exists for the registration, membership, use of the we or the services provided by can at any time unjustifiably refuse registration, exclude a member, prohibit the use or discontinue some or all of the provided services.

3. Members Responsibility

Through this platform, members can conclude independent contracts on their own sole responsibility. The relevant contracts concluded between the members (Buyer and Seller) on the basis of the offers submitted by the Sellers bind only these parties. The performance of the contract is the sole responsibility of the seller and the buyer. does not, in any case, participate as a contractual party to these contracts nor does it acquire any rights or obligations arising there from them. The obligations and rights of contract parties are not transferred or assigned. Members' obligations and rights in relation to the contract between them remain valid and binding as it is legally foreseen even in the event of any cause of interruption or termination of activities.


The requirement for offering and purchasing products through, for the use of the associated website features and for the use of the relevant linked web pages as well as and for the use of password-protected web pages (and in particular the personal account) is the membership as a registered user.

No claim exists for membership registration or end of membership (either by the members themselves or by can also refuse any registration of one or more members or terminate membership without justification and without any prior notice. The members / users of the website that are commercial enterprises, natural and legal persons, that have signed a special contract including the financial terms of cooperation are excluded.

The conditions for the membership are the following

a. Legal capacity

The participation as a member is only possible for natural or legal persons with full legal capacity. Minors (under 18) are excluded.

b. Personal data

The data entered upon registration must be complete, true and up-to- date and include necessarily the following: full name and surname (for natural persons), registered name and distinctive title (for legal persons) address, postal code of the current main residence or registered office, fixed and / or mobile phone (no multimedia phone number) and valid email address. In the case of a company registration, the name of the contact person and the company registered full name must be stated. In case of changes, the member is obliged to immediately update their data on so that they are always complete and true. can send the activation code to the member only or and with a letter by post to the postal address declared by the member. is based on the user statements about their personal data and bears no responsibility for them. The registered member gives his explicit consent to the collection and processing of these data in accordance with the present Terms and Protection Policy of the Company Personal Data. The member, at any time, may withdraw their consent for further collection and processing by deletion, under the terms of the following paragraph The user name chosen by the member must not be illegal, for example, vulgar, humiliating or improper in any way, or infringing intellectual or industrial property rights or other rights of third parties. In addition, the username must not contain any indication of email or internet addresses, personal contact information / communication with the user, or harm any third party's rights.

c. Compliance with applicable tax laws

The users / members themselves are responsible for complying with the applicable provisions of Greek tax law and generally legislation and, in the case of transnational transactions they are also responsible for complying with other States laws or with the competent International Law. It is to be noted that the activity of the sale of movable goods and / or services by individuals could be considered by the tax authorities as a commercial activity, provided that this involves a systematic economic operation the exercise of economic activity and there is intention to obtain a profit. Therefore we recommend that our users / members cconsult the competent authorities and / or any tax advisors. In any case, bears no responsibility for its members compliance with tax law. However, it is obliged, in case it is asked by a competent authority, to share any lawfully required and provided information regarding its members' transactions on its electronic platform without prior notice or consent from the data subject as expressly provided for in Article 82 para. 2 of the Code of the Income Tax (Law 2238/1994 Official Gazette A 151 19940916).


1. beginning.

Membership starts with confirmation of password from via email and by entering the code in the system.

2. End of membership

Ending of membership is possible at any time by canceling participation through an email complaint to, provided that all of the following conditions have been met: a. The membership account is balanced, i.e. there is no outstanding balance on (due or unpaid), b. the member currently does not offer any product through confirms by email the cancellation of the participation and closes the corresponding account. Any ratings submitted by a member continue to appear after the members' account closure at The same applies to a third party ratings received by the member (for up to one month after deletion) and to their latest offers (for up to one month after deletion) as well as to any other information or data related to the execution of a transaction, any financial dispute with the Company or another member, any other dispute concerning relations with third parties, etc, Also, the General Terms continue to apply after any dissolution of membership in respect of personal data, membership statements upon registration, their offers, the protection of intellectual and industrial property rights, the pricing and the completion of transactions, the debts of the members towards the Company, the legal nature of the Company and the prohibited products.

3. Exclusion / deletion from

The ending of membership is possible at any time by terminating participation through an email complaint to the email address declared by the member at the time of registration is entitled to temporarily or permanently exclude a member at any time and without giving any reasons, i.e. to cancel / remove / block the access or/ and participation of a member (temporarily and / or permanently) without any claims against the It goes without saying that this member is prohibited, in the event of permanent exclusion and deletion, from joining again with the same or different data, unless expressly consents to this. To this end, the member agrees that retains its personal data on its system in order to be able to identify any subsequent registration attempt has the right under the terms of Chapter 3, to delete at any time individual offers, price offers as well as texts and images from its website without prior notice and without mentioning the reasons. can also delete a member or offer when there are indications that that this member has breached contractual obligations with another member. Indicative evidence includes, among others, specific complaints made to by any of its members. . The member cannot claim the reparation of any above mentioned damage, even if the indications on which was based were incorrect, and acknowledges that is not in a position and is not even required to check the accuracy of the these indications. In particular, the member recognizes and accepts that the automated means used by to identify any illegal activities of members are based on generic standard / automated commands of a software program that may include and / or make errors. The above apply in particular (but not exclusively) in the event of a violation of the terms of use by the member, all of which are recognized and agreed by the member as essential, in case of request by any Authority, Court, in the event of a complaint by a right holder third party against the member , etc. Any member's debts to become immediately due and payable.


The member agrees that will process and use their personal data for marketing actions related to its delivered services, such as sending e-mails with general information and / or advertising (newsletters ) and / or news about Redblueguide activities (such as competitions, winners, offers, etc). From the reporting of their contact details on, this counterparty bears responsibility for the lawful use of these data, while has no responsibility for its actions or omissions in relation to these data, nor is it related In any way (either as a data controller or as a data processor) with the members to whom the personal data of other members were announced within the contract for the sale, or within the display of an offer or expression of interest for an offer.

In any case, all members must comply with the currently applicable law for the protection of the personal data of their counterparts they are aware of, and are responsible for any of their illegal actions or omissions; They are also to proceed to any damage reparation to Redblueguide .com because of or on account of their illegal behavior. The member can at any time send a relevant e-mail to or adjust according to the member account the function for stopping the newsletter delivery. The use of the personal details of members (sellers or buyers) from third parties for any purpose other than the transaction within is forbidden.


1. confidentiality regarding access data.

The member is required to keep their personal password secret and not to share it with a third party. In case of loss, theft or disclosure of these data information to third parties, they you must immediately inform by e-mail at [email protected] . Otherwise, they are responsible for any transaction, debt, liability, action or omission under their username for up to three working days from the relevant update to Redblueguide. In any case, the burden of proof is always borne by the member claiming any lack of identification, and not the other party or Redblueguide.

2. Technical interventions

It is forbidden to use mechanisms, software or other actions that impede the normal operation of the website. Members are forbidden to act in a way that may lead to an unacceptable or excessive burden on's infrastructure. Members are prohibited from interfering, replacing or altering content created by or in any way harassing the operation of

3. Third Party Intellectual Property

Texts and pictures published by any member on in any way and format (offers, ratings, query recording etc.) or displayed on for other reasons, must not impinge on the intellectual property of third parties. Members can use and publish pictures and texts on the website which they have created or in case the right holder consents to their use. This also applies to texts and pictures that have been published on other websites. In any case the member bears responsibility for the content of their posts, not Redblueguide.

4. No offence of third party personality rights.

Texts and pictures published by any member on in any way and format (offers, ratings, query recording etc.) or displayed on in another way, must not offend third parties rights, such as their personality, honor, reputation, personal data, etc. nor must they contain vulgar, libelous, offensive content insulting a person's honor, content which is defamatory, degrading, damaging the reputation of the person etc.

Η. SELLER-BUYER RELATIONS cannot guarantee that the members of in their commercial transactions will behave lawfully and / or to act in accordance with good faith and fair dealing. In particular, does not guarantee the correct and proper execution of the parties' transactions obligations.

1. The offer

Since there is no price offer, the seller has the right to delete their offer and withdraw it. If there is an offer, the seller is committed to it.

By entering an offer, the bidder sends a declaration of acceptance of the product purchase to the seller under the terms specified by the seller. In case, after the conclusion of the purchase contract, the parties wish to agree on specific terms and conditions individually (payment, means of transport, delivery costs, etc.), this can be done in the context of communication between them, the terms and conditions of which shall be determined by the parties in common.

2. The contract

After acceptance of a seller's proposal by a buyer, a binding contract is concluded between the seller and the buyer, which is governed by the applicable legal provisions, as well as the provisions applicable to the conclusion of distance contracts and for e- commerce, according to the case. The contracting parties, buyer and seller, are themselves responsible for adhering to the agreements they have made and for respecting the provisions of the laws. Redblueguide has no responsibility for the above and does not contract or participate in any way in the contract between the members. The content of the contract defines the description of the product as it has been made by the seller and the conditions set by the seller as they appeared at the time of the offer on the website as well as any specific agreements between the contracting parties. The seller has the obligation, on a case by case basis, in return for payment to transfer to the buyer the full freehold rights (ownership and possession) of of the product or to provide the agreed service within their agreement. The selling price must always be clearly defined by the seller and, in particular, whether VAT is included, it is inclusive of VAT, or if there are further charges, such as shipping costs The description of the product is a part of the contract, i.e. the seller ensures that the product has the properties described under the more specific provisions of these Terms of Use and those specified by the Law.

Both contracting parties are required to fulfill their obligations in full, duly and timely according to the contract. The liable parties still bear this obligation, even in case of suspension or termination for any reason of services.

The parties are responsible for the performance of the contract. The completion and execution of the transaction is determined by the terms of the contract. This applies, among others, in case of maturity of the individual contractual benefits, that is to say, at the time when the actual service is required and can be claimed through the competent court. If the offer does not contain more specific rules and the two parties have not agreed otherwise, and given that the rules of law are mandatory, then accordingly applies the current legislation.

I. REDBLUEGUIDE.COM RESPONSIBILITY reserves the right at any time without reason and penalty to suspend or terminate the provision of its services and / or its operation permanently or temporarily without any obligation to inform the members in advance. is responsible only for direct damages that result from fraud or gross negligence. Without prejudice to public policy provisions, liability for direct damages due to slight negligence, irrespective of legal grounds, is expressly excluded. Absolutely and explicitly excluded is liability for indirect or consequential damages, irrespective of reason is not responsible for the temporary unavailability of the site, the discontinuation of individual or all of its functions or its malfunction. In particular, is not responsible for any technical problems due which bids or price offers were posted or processed late or incorrectly. The website may temporarily not be available in whole or in part due to maintenance work or other reasons, without the user or member being able to make any claim against is not obliged to review bids, ratings, and any other information published by members on the market. Indicatively, it is not responsible for the truthful, correct and legitimate offer formulation, the quality, safety, legitimacy or availability of the offered products, the truth and legality of the claims and the product properties, the ability, the right and the will of the Member for the offer, in regard with the purchase, delivery, payment or other appropriate actions for the performance of the contract, as well as for anything else expressly stated in these General Terms.

In addition, the Company solely for technical reasons facilitating the improvement of the presentation of the products by category as well as the finding the products in the particular category posts electronic messages created with the use of keywords from the offers of the sellers themselves which in no case controls or checks and for which it is not responsible bears no responsibility for damages caused to members or third parties due to the behavior of other members or third parties with regard to the use or misuse of its website. It goes without saying that it has no responsibility for any damages or loss to third parties resulting from the products themselves irrespectively of reason and cause. does not guarantee the updating, correctness, legality, completeness or quality of the content of the linked websites, which are accessible from, and expressly disclaims any relevant liability When other members, users or third parties make claims against for breach of their rights due to a published offer by a member or due to its content or to the use of the website by a member or user, the fore mentioned member or user releases from all claims and assumes the costs for legal defense (including court and lawyer fees). This also applies in the event of termination of this contract or the termination of for any reason. reserves the right to transfer any or all of the rights and obligations of these Terms of Use to a third party or to authorize a third party to exercise such rights. In particular, it may assign to a lawyer of its own choice the communication with the sellers in the name and on its behalf for the possible collection of their arrears to the Company. Membership and all rights and obligations of a current or former member towards cannot be transferred or assigned by the member.


All disputes between and a (existing or former) member regarding these Terms of Use are subject to Greek law. The courts of Thessaloniki are competent.


These Terms of Use can be modified unilaterally by Redblueguide. In any case, the Terms of Use that were in force at the time of arising of their application problem are applied. If any individual terms of the present Terms of Use become partially or totally invalid or unenforceable, the force and / or validity of the other terms or part of the other terms is not affected. The invalid and / or unenforceable terms will be replaced with terms as close as possible to the meaning and purpose of invalid or unenforceable terms, where feasible. The same applies to issues not explicitly regulated by the Terms of Use. Any delay in the exercise of any right by Redblueguide is not a waiver from the right, which may be exercised at any time.

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