1. British round-the-world yachtswoman Sam Davies diverts from race to help injured rival

    british round the world yachtswoman

  2. Round-the-world yachtswoman 'bruised' as ship runs aground off Cornwall

    british round the world yachtswoman

  3. Round the world yachtswoman ellen macarthur her 75ft triamaran in lorient hi-res stock

    british round the world yachtswoman

  4. Round the world yachtswoman Ellen MacArthur sailing aboard her 75ft triamaran B&Q in Lorient

    british round the world yachtswoman

  5. US Sailing announces finalists for 2023 Rolex Yachtsman and Yachtswoman of the Year Awards

    british round the world yachtswoman

  6. Ellen Macarthur British yachtswoman sailing in the Solent near Cowes Stock Photo: 2094098

    british round the world yachtswoman